Downfall of Nate Ramsey

By Jasper Cooper

Published on Jan 23, 2016



Disclaimers: ------------

This story is a gay authoritarian fantasy; no part of it is based in fact, and none of the characters are intended to resemble real persons, living or dead. This serialized story chronicles the sexual slavery of an 18-year-old high school basketball player. If you are underage, averse to homosexuality, and/or unable to distinguish between fact and fiction, please do not read any further.

In no way do I endorse the unsafe sexual practices featured in this story. Always behave responsibly and use a condom (and common sense). Please do not take the methods described herein as prescriptive as they could expose you to serious harm. When in doubt, consult a sexual health professional.

No part of this story may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.

Chapter 15

Insanity is the Mother of Invention

In all the time that they had known each other, Nate and Owen had never gotten along. Their enmity was established well before the whole Melanie affair unfolded. Owen made an easy target for Nate's bullying. He was disparaged for his lackluster social life, his unremarkable basketball talent, his family's lower economic status, their farming livelihood, the size of his endowment ... even the color of his hair.

While he still lived in Mount Pleasant, T.J. had tried to rein in the worst of Nate's bullying, and met with limited success. Nate did try to be a better person around T.J. even if he didn't fully accept that he shouldn't make fun of trash like Owen.

However, once T.J. moved away, Nate was in greater need than ever of putting someone else down to validate his own self, and Owen was the one to bear the brunt of his mean streak.

Wes's best efforts to keep the peace between the two boys were not as effective as T.J.'s had been, and things came to a head when Owen started dating Melanie Reeves-Wong. It was the first (and only) time Owen had beaten Nate to something, and it rankled.

It was an unstated convention that the hottest girl in school would date her male counterpart, yet here she was on the arm of the school loser instead. Who the hell would have thought she'd have a soft spot for the underdog and freaking farm animals?

Nate would have dearly loved to break up the couple and claim Melanie for himself but, as it turned out, they didn't need his intervention. Their relationship fell apart of its own accord and Nate, ever on the prowl, was in the right place at the right time to swoop in and comfort Melanie.

Of course, he never let on that Melanie's break-up with Owen had nothing to do with him. It gave him a sense of fulfillment to have people believe that he had `stolen' Owen's hot girlfriend away from him. What was even more satisfying was rubbing his new relationship in Owen's face and seeing the pathetic dolt glower with impotent rage.

Or at least it had been until Owen became one of his slave-masters. It was a turn of events Nate could never have foreseen. Owen having any sort of power over Nate, let alone such absolute power, had been unfathomable.

Now the guy he had mocked and slighted for years had so much dirt on him that he all but owned Nate. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this was really bad news for the beleaguered stud. Owen wouldn't be sated until he completely destroyed Nate. How Nate wished he hadn't ignored T.J. and Wes's warnings and entreaties not to pick on Owen - but now it was far too late for regrets.

It was little wonder, then, that Owen's summons in the early hours of Thursday morning filled Nate with dread. He was expected to present himself at the Montrose farm on the outskirts of town at the crack of dawn, which promised an especially long day ahead at the mercy of his most sadistic tormentor.

Rising well before his parents, Nate showered and dressed carefully, aware of the intense ache in his poor ass. He had started out his enslavement praying that his sphincter would not lose its elasticity due to repeated violations, but now he found himself wishing that it would, if only to spare him pain when it was stretched so widely and regularly. He could not understand how any gay man could bear to be double-dicked or fist-fucked. It was insane! He was a teenager in superb physical condition with glutes of steel and, in spite of that, the level of anal abuse he'd experienced left him in agony.

Worst of all was the knowledge that he was just setting himself up for more of the same and couldn't do a damned thing about it, not without facing the public exposure of his sordid activities. Nate couldn't even bear the thought of such humiliation; the ordeal of having his ass ripped apart was bizarrely more amenable. He just hoped it wouldn't really come to that.

Unlike his previous visit to the barn on the Montrose farmstead, this time he was directed to the dilapidated farmhouse. Owen greeted him at the door. From his muddy appearance, he must have woken even earlier and already completed some chores on the farm.

"Nice getup," smirked Owen. Troy's latest selection for the dominated hunk was a threadbare white t-shirt that would have fit a scrawny kid of 12. On Nate's muscle-bound frame, it was virtually bursting at the seams and the bottom hem didn't quite reach the waistband of his salmon-pink shorts. The latter were similarly intended for a much younger and less built boy. They were slung very low on Nate's hips and exposed both the stubble on his groin and almost an inch of ass-crack because he was not wearing any underwear. Nate knew he'd be in for some serious ribbing when he got to school.

Owen led him through the family residence to his cramped bedroom.

"Lose the clothes," he barked. Nate immediately stripped naked.

"On your knees," added Owen. Nate meekly dropped to his knees.

A smile tugged at the corners of Owen's mouth. Nate's blind obedience was a highly amusing turn of events from the formerly arrogant stud. He wanted to see how far he could push Nate without encountering resistance - and then push him past that limit. He wanted to break him.

"Open your mouth. I've been saving this for you. I know it's not the protein shakes you're probably used to, but it'll quench your thirst."

Nate trembled. He had a good idea what was coming. A week ago he had reacted in shock and anger when Owen had, without warning, tried to piss on him. The intervening days, however, had effectively stamped out any remnants of defiance. In that interval, he'd been subjected to fisting, double penetration and bareback gay sex. He'd had to put on a sex show for a stranger, modeled with a hard-on for a classroom full of college freshmen, and had his nude pictures plastered all over school. Most devastating of all, he'd lost faith in his own sexuality and masculinity.

No longer in a position to defend the tattered shreds of his dignity, he opened his mouth and swallowed Owen's short but thick cock.

"Don't spill a drop," warned Owen. "I'll take it out on your ass if you stain the floor."

Then he let loose a torrent of warm, acrid urine down Nate's throat. The kneeling hunk's eyes filled with tears at this latest blow to his pride, but he dutifully tried to swallow all of Owen's piss.

There was just too much of it though. Despite his best efforts, a few drops dribbled down his chin and onto the floorboards.

Owen enjoyed the fearful look on Nate's face. The little faggot bitch was terrified of his wrath, and rightfully so.

"Lick that up, bitch!" shouted Owen. Nate scrambled to obey, his crinkled nose the only outward sign of his dismay at having to lick piss off the stained floorboards.

When he looked up, he found that Owen had shucked his sweatpants and was presenting his bare butt to Nate. The slave recognized what was expected of him and buried his face, tongue first, in Owen's ass-crack. The redhead had not showered since the previous night and his farm work had only added to the funk, making poor Nate gag.

Yet he proceeded with the rim-job demanded, vigorously licking, sucking, and tongue-fucking Owen's hole. At this stage of his enslavement, the optimal technique for eating out another guy's hole was thoroughly ingrained in Nate's memory bank, as were the smell and taste of sweaty male ass. He knew he could never forget those, no matter how hard he tried.

It just reminded him that his identity as a real man was very much a relic of the past.

"I can tell you're really getting into sucking on my asshole," sneered Owen, "but let's change it up a bit. Keep your tongue out." He laid his ballsack on Nate's extended tongue. In stark contrast to his endowment, he had big balls. "Now suck on those for a bit."

Nate nearly choked on Owen's testicles but he gave them the spit-shining his master demanded.

"So I've been watching your videos," remarked Owen, almost casually. "You're fucking sick, you know that? I can't believe you faggots would do all that to each other."

Nate was in no position to dispute Owen's allegations when the latter's balls were dangling halfway down his throat (or so it felt like).

Owen continued, "I couldn't even think of anything new to do to you today until I went on the net. That's when I realized how much sicker you lot can get."

Nate did not like the sound of that, not one bit. His quivering increased in intensity.

Owen sneered, "Yeah, I can see you're creaming yourself just thinking about it. But that's for later. For now I thought I'd indulge your dick craving. No wonder you were always dissing me for not being as large as the rest of you guys. It was those big dongs that you wanted reaming the hell out of your hole. Mine was never going to satisfy your cock-hungry ass.

"Well, if you want it so bad, let's see how you make it through the day with a REALLY big one up your ass. Where's that dildo you were supposed to bring?"

Although his heart sank at Owen's threat, Nate reached into the bag he'd carried with him and passed Owen the foot-long vibrator. He also held out the lube he'd brought along unbidden, but Owen batted away his hand.

"Oh, you won't be needing that," he smirked, merely adding to Nate's concern. His ass accepted intrusions a lot more easily now, but it was still going to be rough taking that monster dildo dry.

Luckily for Nate, Owen didn't intend to penetrate him dry. Unluckily for him, the redhead didn't intend to use regular lube either.

Nate heard a tube being snapped open behind him and then felt Owen's cold, slimy fingers burrowing into his raised ass. No, it wasn't Owen's fingers that were cold; it was the gel itself, he realized.

Nate flashed back to the first night of his enslavement – a night that now seemed like it had been a lifetime ago, even though it had actually been less than a fortnight – when his masters had coated a cucumber with BenGay and shoved it deep into his virginal ass.

It prepared him for what to expect next, as the icy chill soon gave way to a fiery heat that made his eyes tear up.

"Oh Jesus," he groaned, as it became clear that Owen intended to pack him off to school with a BenGay-coated giant dildo simultaneously burning and churning his guts.

Owen laughed evilly. "Yeah, you know how this is going to go, huh." He roughly frigged Nate's hole, stretching him out with four thick fingers and watching the jerk squirm.

But it was nothing compared to the 12-inch vibrator that he was about to shove in there. Intent on prolonging Nate's suffering, Owen slathered a lot more BenGay on the device before ramming it fully into Nate in a single, brutal thrust.

The jock let out a shriek as the dildo sank inside him, scrapping the sides of his chute with the tiny protrusions designed, under normal circumstances, to bring pleasure to its user. Of course, pleasure was the furthest thing from Nate's mind at that moment.

And yet, he felt a stirring in his loins. The enormous dildo crammed into his guts was inevitably rubbing up against his prostate, and his treacherous cock responded to the stimulation in the most shameful manner.

It dawned on Nate that, without underwear, an erection would be horribly obvious in his pink shorts. Moreover, the excess gel in his ass was in danger of leaking out and forming a very visible stain on the seat of his pants.

"Please, Owen, I can't go into school like this. Please, Master," he blubbered.

"Sucks to be you," retorted Owen unsympathetically as he fucked the dildo in and out of Nate's ass, determined to get it - and the BenGay - as deep inside him as he could.

To Nate, it felt like his insides were on fire. Compounding his predicament was the viciousness with which Owen was grinding the dildo into his ass, jiggling it around to ensure he was really stretching out Nate's battered hole.

It was this sadism which set Owen apart from Nate's other tormentors. While the others enjoyed using their slave's buff body and humiliating him publicly, Owen wanted him to hurt. And he was succeeding. The raven-haired stud whimpered and perspired profusely, his muscular form wracked with pain.

"Don't even think of removing that dildo," warned Owen as he secured the device inside Nate's ass with duct-tape. "You're going to keep it inside you for the entire day. If I check anytime at school and find your ass empty, you won't even have the chance to beg before your pervy photos go public.

"And don't think I've forgotten that I owe you a punishment for spilling my piss earlier. I bet your parents never spanked you. No, our sweet little Nathaniel's too precious for that. Well, it's time you learned how the rest of us live. Lie across my lap."

Nate reluctantly draped his naked body over Owen's bare thighs.

Owen snorted as he felt Nate's leaking boner pressing into him. "Please, Master," he mimicked in a girly voice, "you can't send me to school like this. Yeah right! You're loving this, you filthy faggot."

Nate's face burned almost as much as his ass.

"Heck," Owen declared in disgust, "it almost makes me not want to spank you. I bet you'll love that, too. It's probably another one of your twisted homo fantasies. But we've come this far ... I'll just have to make sure you don't enjoy it."

He brought his hand down on Nate's butt, hard. The exceptionally toned glutes reverberated with the force of the smack and pushed the dildo even deeper into him. Nate exhaled sharply.

Owen didn't give him the chance to recover. He brought his hand down again ... and again ... and again - twenty times in total.

Halfway through the spanking, Nate had been reduced to tears, and by the count of twenty, he was a sobbing wreck. He hadn't known a simple spanking could hurt so much. He'd erroneously expected it to be less painful than the paddling he'd received once before. The burning in his ass was no longer restricted to his insides; his cheeks glowed bright red, too.

Owen's hand must have ached from hitting solid muscle with such force and without respite, but if he felt anything, he didn't acknowledge it. This observation might have triggered unease in a more perceptive person, but Nate couldn't concentrate on much else beyond his flaming ass and how he was going to survive a school day like this.

As he lay there trying to catch his breath, Owen suddenly stood up, sending Nate tumbling unceremoniously to the ground.

"Get out of here, bitch," he snarled. "I need to grab a shower before school."

A shower was a luxury Nate knew he wasn't going to get. He leapt to his feet and pulled on his clothes over his sweaty form. The thin t-shirt was instantly soaked through and turned translucent, clinging to his chiseled torso.

However, that was the least of the slave's concerns. He had barely taken a few steps out of Owen's room before the extent of his latest round of anal abuse hit him. He couldn't walk straight with the massive dildo digging into his guts. The heat of the BenGay hadn't died down but seemed to flare up at regular intervals. Nate's own ass juices were responsible for this phenomenon; in trying to repel the fiery ointment they were instead rejuvenating it. Sitting through class in this state was going to be pure hell.

It wasn't just his rear that Nate had to worry about, though. He glanced down at his crotch and blanched again. Thanks to the relentless pressure on his prostate, his cock had embarrassingly grown into a full-blown erection. He had to figure out a way to conceal the damp patch on his shorts where his dick was leaking precum. He grabbed a wad of tissue paper from his bag (he never left home without it these days) to create a bandage of sorts for his boner. The mummified tube of hard flesh looked utterly ridiculous but now was not the time for vanity.

He stuffed more tissues down the back of his shorts. He just had to pray that the tissues would not get soaked through or - worse - earn Owen's ire for lacking his permission.

The agony in his ass was in no way diminished by the time he parked his car in the school parking lot, and he suspected it never would. It was still early so he was at least able to sneak into the empty classroom with hardly anyone around to observe his bow-legged walk of shame.

He settled into a chair awkwardly, wincing as the dildo dug into him. It was supremely uncomfortable, just as he'd feared, but he thought he might just be able to get through it alright.

Owen's arrival 20 minutes later set him straight. The redhead made his entrance known to the despondent slave by flipping the switch on a little remote in his hand.

Nate had forgotten that the dildo in his ass was a remote-controlled vibrator. Now he received a cruel reminder as it began to vibrate deep inside him. His cock, which had finally started to lose some stiffness, leapt in his shorts. Nate let out a strangled cry, earning himself odd looks from his nearest classmates (who were already staring at him for being soaked in sweat).

"Aren't you going to answer your phone?" asked one girl. "The buzzing's starting to get annoying."

"Yeah, either answer it or switch it off, dumb-ass," admonished another classmate.

Nate turned beet red. Thinking quickly, he pretended to fumble with his phone while covertly sliding his jacket down under him to muffle the buzzing. It worked, much to his relief.

Of course, it was only the sound of the vibrator that had been dulled, not the vibrations themselves. Nate had an absolutely miserable time sitting through class as his guts were churned by the pulsating dildo. He had to grit his teeth and act like nothing was wrong. Well, there was nothing wrong according to his cock. The damned thing was hard as steel and leaking a steady stream of jizz into the wad of tissues in his pants.

Nate's sanity was taking a hit from the knowledge that his dick was responding positively to his electronically-controlled sodomy in the middle of a packed classroom.

He felt his phone beep (for real this time) and took it out of his pocket to read the text message from Owen:

"Enjoying yourself yet? Wait till lunchtime - I've got a real treat for u then. Supply closet opp Chem lab 1." He'd signed off with a red devil-face emoticon, which Nate gloomily thought was either remarkably self-aware or heavily ironic.

Somehow Nate survived until lunch break. He managed to navigate the two changes of classroom safely using his bag and books to hide any potential leakages, front and back. He was doubly lucky in that no one tried to pull down his pants, particularly on a day when he was going commando and had a huge dildo duct-taped inside his ass. There was no explanation on earth which could have rationalized such depravity to his peers.

Owen had tried to catch him out by triggering the vibrator randomly and ratcheting up its velocity. Several times it had felt like someone was taking a hand-drill to his butt. Nate grimaced and shifted in his seat on these occasions, but otherwise bore the torture stoically, much to Owen's disappointment.

Unfortunately for Nate, this failure only fueled the redhead's determination to make Nate's lunchtime treat extra special. Shortly after the bell rang, he let himself into the supply closet where Nate was waiting for him. Familiar with his masters' preferences, the slave had preemptively stripped naked. (He'd also clandestinely disposed of the tissues he'd secreted down his shorts.)

"Jeez, just look at you, panting for a butt-fucking," Owen derided him as soon as he walked in.

The rapid drilling of his ass was the real reason for Nate's breathlessness, but he knew the distinction would be wasted on Owen.

"It's time for a top-up, don't you think?" Owen produced the tube of BenGay from his pocket and leered at the powerless jock.

Nate groaned. The burning sensation from his first dose of BenGay had finally subsided not even an hour ago. But he knew there was no reasoning with Owen, nor any possibility of clemency. He silently turned around and bent over, spreading his ass cheeks apart.

"That's what I like, an obedient little slave boy." Owen none-too-gently ripped off the duct tape and yanked out the vibrator. Nate yelped as the widest part of the dildo plopped out of his sphincter.

"Hold your cunt open," ordered Owen. "Fingers right inside. Two of each hand. Now pull it apart. I don't give a damn if it hurts. Pull it wider apart! I said wider, did you hear me?"

Nate teared up as he stretched his hole unbearably, obscenely wide for Owen to squirt in some of the BenGay.

Owen regarded the gaping, pink hole and the anguished slave boy in front of him for a moment before deciding out loud, "What the hell, might as well go for broke." He emptied the rest of the tube's contents into Nate's aching orifice, and then jammed the dildo back in roughly.

The renewed flurry of ointment seared Nate's insides, and he broke into a fresh sweat.

Owen pulled Nate up by his hair and turned him around to face the door. For one terrifying moment, Nate thought he was going to open the door and hurl him out into the corridor.

What Owen had in mind, however, was actually worse.

He slammed Nate right up against the closed door. Nate's ear was pressed to the door and he could hear the students milling about in the corridor outside.

"I saw you taking two cocks," Owen whispered in Nate's other ear. "Two cocks in one asshole like it was nothing. You were begging for it, and it made you cum. You fucking homo slut."

Nate's eyes rounded in fright as he realized what Owen was about to do. "No, please," he begged futilely.

"My cock still not good enough for you?" snarled Owen.

"No, Master, your cock is beautiful. There's nothing wrong with its size. It's perfect. Beyond perfect," babbled Nate. "I'm sorry I didn't appreciate it before. I do now, I swear. But please don't do this. Not now. Not here. If we go back to your place -"

"Shut up, bitch. I decided when and where you get fucked. And I've decided it's gonna be now and here. There's nothing you can do about it but take it."

"Oh God," wept Nate.

"Find something to bite down on, bitch," was Owen's advice before he began to force his cock into Nate's already occupied hole.

There wasn't anything at hand. Nate was scared witless that someone in the corridor would notice the shaking door or his squeals and investigate what was happening in the closet. Didn't Owen worry that he, too, would be discovered in the act of double-dicking Nate? Or maybe the sadist didn't care one way or the other. Maybe his all-consuming hatred of Nate had overwhelmed all logic and reason.

There was nothing for it, realized Nate, but to press his own forearm to his mouth - and just in the nick of time. He'd hoped that their awkward standing position would buy him some time, but Owen's persistence succeeded in battering his way past Nate's weakened sphincter.

If he hadn't had his forearm to bite down on, Nate's scream would probably have been heard far down the corridor. As it was, a couple of students closest to the door thought they'd heard something but, to Nate's good fortune, neither bothered to investigate.

"I can't believe you're taking this," crowed Owen. "You are such a FREAK." There was no mistaking the relish with which Owen turned Nate's name-calling back on him. He pulled out until only the tip remained inside and then slammed it all the way back in.

Nate saw stars in his vision and his knees buckled. If he hadn't been propped up against the door, he would have collapsed.

"Stub dick, huh?" Owen recalled another of the insults Nate had routinely thrown at him. "Too bad it's not as small as you wish it was!"

He proceeded to ream out Nate's sore hole in a frenzy which made that time Zack had fist-fucked him seem like a picnic. Nate could scarcely comprehend that an undersized cock like Owen's could be responsible for the brutal hammering. It was the ferocity with which Owen wielded it that made all the difference. It felt to Nate like his insides were being violently rearranged.

The ass-pounding wasn't the only torment Nate had to contend with. Owen's hands had snuck up Nate's torso and grabbed his nipples in a crushing grip. The wretched slave thought his tender nubs would be mashed into a pulp by the redhead's rough, stubby fingers.

He hear his schoolmates through the door, going about their day, unaware that only a layer of wood separated them from the school's former Adonis being so thoroughly violated. What he would have given to be on the other side of that door, to be one of them, without a care in the world beyond exams and dating. The disparity between his circumstances and theirs was too much to bear. His tears overflowed and rolled down his cheeks.

Meanwhile, Owen's cock was uncomfortably squeezed alongside the giant dildo within the extremely tight confines of Nate's ass, but he was too focused on the slave's distress to notice. The sight of Nate's tear-stained face thrilled him to no end. He had broken the boy who'd believed himself vastly superior to Owen.

"Who's the loser now?" he jeered. "Huh? Who's the fucking LOSER?" It had been Nate's go-to slur for him.

Nate sobbed, "I am. Alright? I'm the loser!"

"And don't you forget it!" Owen rammed one last time into Nate and bit down on Nate's bare shoulder to muffle his roar as he came.

He let go of Nate and watched with satisfaction as the distraught teen slid to the floor, weeping. He tugged off his condom and emptied it onto Nate's head callously.

"You're not done yet, bitch," he sneered. "Look at what your cock has dribbled."

Nate followed his gaze and saw the puddle - yes, an actual puddle - of precum on the floor. There was so much of it that for a moment he wondered if he'd cum without noticing, but the liquid was thin and clear - not that it detracted much from his sexual deviancy. His cock had obviously been hard most of the time while he'd been feeling like he was being double-dicked to death. He suspected that it was only the pain that had prevented his orgasm, and he was perversely glad for the agony Owen had put him through.

Knowing what was expected of him, Nate crawled over to the puddle and licked up his own mess from the floor while Owen watched in absolute derision.

"Yeah, lap it up. You know you want to. Fuck, you're a complete and utter faggot." Owen aimed a kick at Nate's prone ass, making him lose his balance and fall face forwards into the sticky mess on the floor. But Owen still had one last indignity to inflict on his hapless slave; he used his foot to grind the dildo sticking out of Nate's hole so deep inside him that Nate feared he might not be able to extricate it later.

"See you back in my place after school, the barn. And that dildo better stay in." With that Owen departed, leaving behind an utterly devastated, cum-spattered slave.

Nate would have lain there, curled in the fetal position, sobbing his heart out, but he was conscious of the closet door, left unlocked for anyone to barge in and discover him. He forced himself to his feet and did his best to clean himself up with provisions from his well-stocked bag.

Lacking a mirror, he could only pray he'd managed to rinse all of Owen's sperm out of his hair with water from his bottle. He glanced down at his forearm where his tooth-marks were clearly visible and was relieved that he hadn't broken the skin. Nor had Owen when he'd bitten down on Nate's shoulder.

The bell signaling the end of lunch went off just then and he sped up, knowing that he had to get to class early so there'd be fewer people to notice his gait. As he raced into the classroom he ran headlong into Troy.

"Hey, watch it!" exclaimed Troy.

"S-sorry, Mas - I mean Troy," stammered Nate, blushing as he realized he'd almost addressed Troy as Master in front of their classmates.

"What's up with you?" demanded Troy, picking up on Nate's agitation.

"N-nothing." He didn't meet Troy's eyes and limped away to a seat furthest from him. The last thing he needed was to get another avowed enemy on his case.

Troy watched him and furrowed his brow. Nate was a mess - soaked in sweat, trembling violently and suspiciously red-eyed. He wondered what Owen had done to completely turn out the once-cocky teen. Judging from the tension in Nate's body and his gait, it must have been pretty intense, not just emotionally, but physically, too.

Troy frowned. Owen had plenty of reason to dislike Nate, just as Troy himself did, but he questioned whether Owen was taking it too far. Troy's personal preference was manipulating Nate psychologically rather than harming him bodily.

After all, Nate relied on scathing words instead of punches to bully his victims, and Troy happened to be a great believer in the principle of an eye for an eye. That was one biblical interpretation he could get behind.

The sexual torments he'd heaped on Nate were purely to further his main goal: fucking with Nate's mind, filling it with self-doubt and self-loathing. He was convinced it was the perfect revenge. Had he himself not suffered for years from Nate's snide, calculated remarks about gays being freaks of nature and not `real' men?

Just thinking about it made him angry and he wondered why he was worrying about Nate's wellbeing. Screw the bastard; let him suffer. It was no concern of his anyway. Nate should have thought about the repercussions before he started in on Owen. Troy was no fan of the redhead, whom he suspected of being another homophobe (albeit one who'd never enjoyed Nate's platform for voicing his bigotry), but he had arguably suffered far worse due to Nate. Maybe the slave did deserve whatever hell Owen was subjecting him to.

Troy banished Nate from his mind and didn't think about him again until later that afternoon, when he recognized Nate's car ahead of his on the highway. The flashy convertible took the exit to the Montrose farm, while Troy drove on towards the MPSU campus.

He found himself assailed by the same unease he'd experienced previously. The thought of Nate alone on a desolate farm at Owen's mercy was strangely unsettling. But he shook it off, repeating to himself many of his earlier arguments. So what if Nate was in for a rough afternoon? It couldn't compare to the years of misery he'd inflicted. Owen would make Nate pay in spades, but he wouldn't be stupid enough to seriously injure him ... surely?

Finn's tapping on his car window broke into his thoughts. Troy was startled to discover that he'd cruised along to the Macpherson dorms while his mind was preoccupied with Nate's quandary.

He killed the engine and stepped out of the car. His fuck buddy eyed him curiously. "What had you so deep in thought? I saw you drive in minutes ago but you just sat in your car."

"It's nothing important," replied Troy. As fond as he was of Finn, he couldn't confide in him about his present dilemma. Finn shared his dislike of Nate, being well aware of how the bigoted jerk had needled Troy over the years, but he'd never have approved of Troy's method of revenge. Finn might have been a Reilly only by adoption, but he'd managed to take after his big brother, Coach Paul, in his soft-heartedness.

Troy would normally have reviled placid tolerance of homophobia in anyone else, but Finn and he went back a long way; he was willing to give him a pass. At least Finn understood and sympathized with his abhorrence for homophobes, unlike Spencer who looked at him as if he was a monster for harboring such resentment.

In contrast, whenever Finn looked at him, his green eyes seemed to sparkle – like they did now. Even when he was annoyed (and Troy had to admit, he'd given Finn plenty of reasons to be annoyed), his gaze inevitably softened when it fell upon Troy.

It evoked in Troy a fervent desire to make passionate love to Finn. "So ... you said your roommate's out again?"

Finn grinned. "Yeah. The place is all ours, baby."

Troy arched an eyebrow. "Finnegan Drake Reilly, just what are you suggesting?"

Finn pulled Troy towards him, mashing their groins together and grabbing his butt. "I'm going to have this ass," he growled. Troy could feel the boner pressed against his leg and his own dick responded in kind.

"Again?" he whined. "You did me last time. Surely it's my turn to top?"

"My room, my rules."

Troy pretended to mull it over, although he really didn't need to. He was versatile in the bedroom and enjoyed a good ass-pounding regardless of whether he was the one giving or taking. And it was something of a turn-on to see the normally passive Finn take charge.

"Fair enough," he said. "Anyway, next time it's going to be my place, and it'll be my rules."

"Deal," agreed Finn.

Troy beamed as he followed Finn up to his dorm room, his mind focused singly on the handsome man ahead of him.

Nate would have to fend for himself.

& & & & & & & &

In the drafty old barn on the Montrose farm, Nate shivered, alone and naked. He'd hurried over immediately after school, not wanting to show up after Owen. It turned out that his fears were unfounded. His brand-new convertible got him to the farm a lot quicker than Owen's ageing pickup.

He waited for almost 15 minutes before Owen strolled into the barn. He glanced up and down Nate's bare body with open contempt. Not for him were envy or lust for the stud's perfectly sculpted physique. He just saw a pathetic, deceitful faggot.

He started barking out instructions immediately. "Get up on that table. On your back. Stretch your arms out above your head. Hold your legs up and towards your face."

Nate hastened to obey. Once he had assumed the position demanded by Owen, the redhead wordlessly produced a length of rope and began binding Nate's hands and legs together.

Owen had stamped out just about all defiance in the slave, but his growing sense of alarm at how tightly he was being trussed up gave him the temerity to voice a question.

"Master Owen," he ventured, "w-what are you planning to do?"

Owen sneered at him as he tightened his bonds. "A little patience, Nathaniel. I got you a present, but you're going to have to wait for it like a good little boy."

Nate shuddered. He didn't have to wait long to find out what `present' Owen had bought for him. Satisfied that the hunky jock was bound securely, Owen flourished a slim black case which he opened to reveal four very thin, shiny metal rods of ever-so-slightly varying thickness.

"Do you know what these are?" asked Owen.

Nate was stumped. None of those rods, slender as they were, would make any kind of impression on his ravaged ass.

"I've no idea, Master," replied Nate honestly. "Are you going to fuck my ass with them?"

"Well, you're going to get fucked with them; that's for sure. But you've got the wrong hole in mind. You'd feel fuck-all if I shoved one of these up your sloppy ass. No, Nathaniel, these little beauties are going to make you wish you had a stub-dick like mine."

Comprehension was succeeded by rising panic. "Oh God! Owen, you can't possibly mean to shove one of those things up my dick! That's dangerous! You'll hurt me!"

"Nah," said Owen dismissively. Then he grinned wickedly. "Hurting you comes later."

Nate wailed and struggled to free himself, but it was hopeless. Owen had bound him very tightly indeed, anticipating this very reaction.

"I hope you don't plan to keep that up," noted Owen casually. "I bet that's a surefire way to injure yourself."

The implicit warning compelled Nate to cease his struggles, although it did nothing to assuage his all-encompassing terror. He watched fearfully as Owen pored over the case, selecting which of the sounds he was going to use on Nate's dick.

"Which of these do you think we should use first?" asked Owen.

Nate's voice was strained from crying but he managed to squeak out, "The first one, Master. Please."

"This one?" Owen intentionally counted backwards and picked up the thickest sound.

The ashen expression on Nate's face made him guffaw. "I haven't even started, and you already look like you're gonna piss yourself. You'd better not when I shove this up your pee-hole."

"Please, Master," groveled Nate. "Please don't do this. I'm begging you. Please have mercy. I know I was a complete jerk to you and I'm really, really sorry about that. But you're better than this. You're better than me. I'm pathetic. I know that now. You don't need to do this to make me learn that."

Owen didn't pay any heed to this tearful soliloquy. He continued in a conversational tone that only served to unnerve Nate all the more.

"You won't believe what I had to trawl through on the net to get these. You fags really get up to some sick shit. But you're lucky they came with instructions. I was gonna just shove it in like that, but apparently they need to be sterilized first. This alcohol swab should do the trick."

"Master, please ..."

Owen spoke over him. "You're lucky I ran out of BenGay after your hungry whore ass swallowed up the last of it. So now I'm going to have to make do with your garden-variety lube. No matter, I've got something coming that's even better."

He looked down at Nate's dick, shriveled from fear, and smirked. "Damn, your cock actually looks smaller than mine now. I'm tempted to leave it that way, take a few shots to post to the school website, but the manual said you needed to be hard for this.

"Lucky for you, I have just the thing."

He brandished the remote control for the vibrator that was still deep in Nate's ass and switched it on at the highest setting.

Within seconds, the slave was erect. As usual, it didn't matter how scared or humiliated he was; the forceful stimulation of his overly sensitive prostate gland worked its magic.

Owen smeared a dollop of lube onto Nate's cock. "Play time," announced Owen.

As Nate held his breath and stayed perfectly still, Owen dipped the tip of the sound into Nate's pee-slit. Ever so carefully, he worked it deep into the urethra, little by little. It was excruciatingly slow but eventually, only about an inch stuck out from the fleshy head.

To his astonishment, Nate discovered that he'd released the lungful of air he was holding and was now breathing normally. The sounding had been uncomfortable but not painful as he'd feared. He couldn't believe that his dick had swallowed up so much of the metal rod.

But the bigger surprise had been Owen's caution. Nate hadn't expected that from the guy who'd reveled in viciously torturing him. He had been almost gentle. The sudden turn in character was almost as much as a mind-fuck as penal penetration.

Alas, Owen had only been careful because the sounding was merely a means to an end. He had promised Nate something `better', and he intended to deliver on that promise.

While Nate watched, Owen brought out more paraphernalia to complete his setup for Nate's latest torment. The vibrator in Nate's ass was swapped out for a 4-inch thick metal cylinder of unknown provenance (at least it looked shiny and clean). Alligator clips were attached to his nipples and scrotum, and another to the tip of the sound sticking out of his dick.

"No," whispered Nate. "Oh no. Please no." He had finally grasped the full implications of Owen's preparations.

On Melanie's desk in her bedroom, there had been a beautifully carved Christmas house with colored lights, which Owen had presented her the year before they broke up. Owen may not have excelled in exams or on the basketball court, but in shop class he held his own.

Nate, unable to stomach the sight of Owen's gift every time he visited Melanie's bedroom, had demanded that she relegate it to her attic. He may have succeeded in exiling Owen's rare talent from Melanie's bedroom, but he wasn't going to escape the far more sinister creation born of that same talent.

His desperate pleas fell on deaf ears as Owen went about connecting the sound, the clips and the cylinder in his ass to an electrical circuit.

Owen explained how it was going to work. "It's simple really. We're going to play a game: a pop quiz. I ask you a question and you give me the answer. If you get it right, we move on to the next question. If you get it wrong, you get to roll a die. If you roll a 1 or a 2, one of your tits gets fried. A 3, and your cock gets it; 4 or 5 - balls; 6 - ass. I'll increase the current each time you get an answer wrong. And if you roll the same number twice in a row, all six connections go live. Sounds fair?"

"No!" sobbed Nate. "How is any of this fair?"

Owen ignored him and pressed the die into Nate's hand. "Let's try an easy one. When's Melanie's birthday?"

This gave Nate an inkling of what the quiz would be about, much to his consternation. But at least this first question was one he could answer. "March 31," he supplied.

"Hrmph," said Owen, looking disappointed. "What's her middle name?"

Nate almost laughed in relief. This was a simple one, too. "Adrienne," he responded.

A grin spread across Owen's face and Nate became flustered. "It is! It's Adrienne. I'm sure it is!"

"No, genius, it's Arianne. Arianne without a D. Guess what happens now?"

Nate wanted to argue that the distinction was minor, but he knew that wasn't going to fly with Owen. The sadist was merely looking for excuse to torture him, and he'd given it to him.

"Roll the die," ordered Owen.

Nate couldn't exactly roll it, given how tightly his hands were bound, so he just turned it around in his hand and let it drop, praying for the best.

"6," announced Owen brightly, picking it up from the ground and showing him the half-dozen dots on its top surface. He tinkered with his contraption and Nate felt a jolt of electricity course through his ass. He let out a yelp.

"That's just a taster," Owen informed him, switching off the machine. "Next question: what's Melanie's favorite color?"

"Lavender," replied Nate correctly.

"Favorite author?"

"Um, J.K. Rowling?"

"Cassandra Clare. Now roll the die."

The 1 Nate rolled meant that his right nipple took the hit.

And so on it went, with the slave getting only half the questions right. Each punishing burst of electricity was a little stronger and a little longer. The aftermath of rolling a 4 almost made him throw up. He'd expected a 3 would be bad (and it was), but getting a jolt to the balls was pretty dire. But at least he hadn't yet had the misfortune of rolling the same number twice. He couldn't imagine what it would be like if all six connections were turned on.

That was about to change.

And not because of anything he rolled.

"What's her favorite place?" was the question.

Nate replied automatically, "The observation platform on Manor Hill." Melanie was vocal in her praise for the view from there since he'd taken her up on their first date.

"Wrong," exulted Owen. "It's the rose garden by Furnace Creek. Now roll."

Nate realized his mistake. Owen wouldn't know about Manor Hill because that had happened after Melanie broke up with him.

He should left it there, but he couldn't. He didn't want to get shocked another time if he could help it.

"No, it's definitely Manor Hill. She's told me dozens of times. She loves it up there, whether it's seeing the city lights at night or the Blue Ridge Mountains off in the distance during the day."

Owen's face darkened. "You're lying. She loves it by the creek, with the roses in bloom."

"I'm not lying," insisted Nate. "Maybe the rose garden was her favorite before, but now it's Manor Hill. She can change, can't she?"

Nate had only meant changing her favorite place, but Owen misinterpreted it. "My Melanie wouldn't change," he spat. "You were the one who changed her! You poisoned her and turned her against me so you could have her for your own."

Nate winced, but unwisely thought that this might be his chance to set the record straight and clear up the biggest bone of contention between the two of them.

"Owen ... Master, you do know that's not true? I never stole Melanie from you. She'd left you. She'd felt you two needed a break, that it was getting too much for her. She told you as much when you broke up."

"That's not true. You've never missed an opportunity to rub it in my face how you took her from me -"

"I lied," interrupted Nate. "Okay? I lied because I wanted to make fun of you and it was stupid, I know. But I thought you knew the truth. Deep down, you have to know the truth. Mel and I didn't get together until after she broke up with you. I had nothing to do with it. You had your own problems."

Owen stared at him, and Nate fleetingly thought that he was getting through to him, that he was remembering the real reason Melanie had broken up with him. Not the lies which Nate had circulated to establish himself as a lothario who could ensnare any girl in school, regardless of whether she was dating a small-dicked loser like Owen.

"You're right about one thing," said Owen finally. "You're a liar. And you're lying now."

"Wait, what? No, Owen, NO!"

Owen flipped all six switches on. Nate howled and thrashed helplessly as his nipples, cock, balls and ass were simultaneously electroshocked.

"Argh! Okay, I'm a liar! Now turn it off! AHHH! PLEASE! TURN IT OFF! PLEASE, GOD!"

Owen glared pitilessly at him and turned the dial up. The electricity surged and Nate bucked and twisted in his bonds, his mouth open in an endless scream. He couldn't even form the words to plead for clemency. The most sensitive parts of his body were ablaze, intolerably, all at once. It was agony like he'd never experienced.

He lost his mind to the pain. He didn't notice when the electricity was switched off, or when the clips were removed, or when the sound extracted from his cock. He just continued screaming until someone slapped him.

"Nate, stop it. Stop it! You're okay now. You're not being tortured. I've stopped the electricity. Look! No more alligator clips. Nothing in your dick. Okay? Will you stop screaming now? Come on, Nate, stop screaming already."

Nate finally quieted down and stared at his savior uncomprehendingly.

To be continued ...

POSTCRIPT: ----------

I know this has been a very dark episode so some of you may be losing faith, but let me assure you: there is light at the end of the tunnel. The sexual brutality seen in this chapter was necessary to convey the psychology of both Nate and Owen. I hope that I've succeeded in that respect and that none of you found the experience too harrowing! Fortunately, this is fantasy and Nate is uninjured, but I can't emphasize enough that the sex acts described above could result in serious harm if undertaken by amateurs.

My apologies for the long wait for this chapter; I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me. You may have noticed that this part was shorter than recent instalments. I had intended for this to be the penultimate chapter, but ultimately I decided to split it into two parts. This was for a number of reasons, but primarily because the cliff-hanger was too good to pass up. I'll try not to keep you guys waiting too long to find out the identity of Nate's rescuer.

If you'd like to get in touch with me, my email address can be found at the top of this page. I'd love to hear your thoughts and theories.

All Rights Reserved. Jasper Cooper. 2016.

Next: Chapter 16

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