Downfall of Nate Ramsey

By Jasper Cooper

Published on Mar 10, 2014



Disclaimer: -----------

This story is a gay authoritarian fantasy; no part of it is based in fact, and none of the characters are intended to resemble real persons, living or dead. This serialized story chronicles the sexual slavery of an 18-year-old high school basketball player. If you are underage, averse to homosexuality, and/or unable to distinguish between fact and fiction, please do not read any further.

In no way do I endorse the unsafe sexual practices featured in this story. Always behave responsibly and use a condom (and common sense). If you believe you have been exposed to any risky sexual behaviour, please consult a sexual health professional.

Dedicated to Jimmy D.

Chapter 14

Double Jeopardy

At first, it appeared that Nate's wish for a less trying day had been granted. It was certainly no walk in the park, but the first half of Wednesday passed without serious incident.

Of course, he had not escaped the taunts and sneers that had become an all-too-common feature when he walked into school wearing yet another ridiculously revealing outfit of Troy's choice. The cut-off denim shorts ("jorts", as Troy called them) were so short that they didn't even cover half of his muscular thighs. What little they did cover, they covered like a second skin - wedged deeply in his butt-crack and emphasizing the pronounced curve of his ass as well as the contours of his package. The jorts did have one advantage: they frustrated any attempts to depants him, which was just as well since all he had on underneath them was the tiny, black mesh thong that concealed absolutely nothing!

In contrast, the sleeveless top he'd been ordered to wear was loose-fitting, with huge armholes that guaranteed a peek at one or both of his nipples at all times. Indeed, some of his fellow students had a bet going to see how many times he would flash his nipple ring. Between his clothes and his bow-legged gait (due to the brutal ass-fucking of the night before), Nate was in no doubt that his peers regarded him as a walking joke - not that he could blame them. Having endured his first double-penetration and fisting in quick succession, Nate had come to regard his public humiliation and ridicule as simple, everyday ordeals.

Even Drew's summons for a lunchtime rendezvous in the supply closet opposite Chemistry Lab 1 felt like part of his daily routine. By now Nate was so intimately familiar with Drew's preferences that the blond geek didn't even need to tell him what to do. He just lay back on a chair, legs widely spread, and snapped his fingers. Nate immediately fell to his knees and shoved his face in Drew's ass. He spent nearly half an hour eating him out (to Drew's very vocal appreciation) and followed that by sucking him off to a seemingly endless ejaculation. Nate must have downed a quart of thick, gooey cum before Drew's cock stopped spurting.

Drew sighed with satisfaction as he popped his sticky cock back into Nate's mouth to be licked clean. "Meet me in the woods after basketball practice. We'll pick up where we left off," he told the slave.

Nate didn't even blink. After all, what was an outdoor fuck to a boy who had already been through so much?

Another of his masters availed himself of Nate's oral talents in the boys' restroom before basketball practice.

"How does it feel being down there, slave-boy?" taunted Ethan as he viciously face-fucked Nate. Having the former alpha-male stud at his mercy fed the teen's ego.

With a mouthful of cock, Nate was in no position to reply, but he didn't have to. His downcast face spoke volumes.

Ethan left him naked and covered in cum, scrambling to clean up before anyone else walked into the restroom.

Basketball practice went about as well as it could have. It was the final practice session before the championship game on Friday so Coach Reilly issued several of his customary instructions (the boys were so used to these that they mimed his words behind his back). One of the coach's suggestions was to abstain from sex before the big game lest it sapped their energy. Nate cynically suspected that abstinence was not on the cards for him if his masters had anything to say about it! The dull ache in his abused asshole was a constant reminder.

He managed to escape the post-practice showers unscathed, perhaps because his teammates were preoccupied by talk of the upcoming game. He drove into the parking lot at the edge of the woods just after Drew. The blond boy led the way into the woods, initially following the jogging trail but then deviating from it. This was of some relief to Nate, because it made it less likely that any joggers would chance upon them.

However, he was in store for a new blow when they arrived at their destination. Nate knew the rocky bend of the river to which Drew had brought him very well. It had been a favorite hang-out of his best friend, T.J. Powell. In fact, it was where they'd said their final goodbyes before T.J. moved away from Mount Pleasant. T.J. had longed for one last swim in the river. More precisely, he had wanted to fulfill his long-held desire of skinny-dipping, something which the inhibited Nate had always resisted. Nate wasn't about to get naked, especially not outdoors. He had kept on his boxers, although T.J. had no qualms about shucking all his clothes and jumping into the water naked as the day he was born.

Nate had wished then that he was more like T.J., and he wished the same now. T.J. would never have gotten into his predicament. He would've just laughed and voluntarily performed the naked forfeit if he'd lost the basketball match which had started this whole nightmare. The team would never have turned against him and made him their sex slave. For one thing, everybody had liked T.J., and even if that hadn't been enough to prevent them from turning hostile, he would have fought back. He wouldn't have let things escalate to the stage where he had no choice but to go along with every single thing they threw at him, no matter how disgusting. And he certainly wouldn't have allowed this place, which was so special to them, be defiled by whatever homosexual depravity Drew had dreamt up.

"Earth to Nate," hollered Drew. "Did you hear what I said?"

Nate shook his head.

"Jeez," griped Drew, "I said strip." He began pulling off his own clothes.

Nate averted his eyes out of force of habit and didn't make any move to disrobe. "Can we, um ... can we do this somewhere else?" he ventured.

"Why, what's wrong with this place?" asked Drew. He was down to his boxers already.

"It's just ... it's too close to the jogging trail," lied Nate. He wasn't about to admit the real reason to Drew. It sounded so gay even in his head.

Drew was puzzled. "Someone would have to stray very far from the trail to stumble across us." His eyes narrowed. "You're not trying to stall, are you? Don't think you can talk me out of this. I've always wanted to do it outside, and this seems as good a spot as any to me. So get those clothes off, slave!" He whipped off his own boxers as he spoke.

It occurred to Nate that Drew was a lot more confident than the scrawny geek whom he had always taunted for lacking sexual experience with girls. Was it because Drew had gained plenty of that in the last couple of weeks, albeit not with any girls? Nate groaned at the irony. Drew was about to add outdoor sex to the litany of sex acts he had enjoyed at Nate's expense - including those which no self-respecting girl would have been willing to perform!

Of course, Nate had to concede that he had little self-respect left by this point. It had started with him taking a banana up his butt and now he was taking a man's fist. His once virginally tight orifice had been converted into an agonizingly stretched cavern. Were there any boundaries left to be broken? Nate didn't want to find out. Last night he had the learned the steep price of defiance - and it was not something he ever wanted to repeat. It was in his best interest to obey his masters unquestioningly.

He pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it aside, followed immediately by his shorts and thong. Within seconds he was as naked as Drew. The nerdy teen gestured towards a large, smooth, flat rock by the riverbank. Nate suppressed a whimper as he recognized it as the very one on which he and T.J. used to sun themselves after a swim. If he didn't already believe that Fate had it in for him, this was proof positive.

He laid back on the rock as instructed, arms folded behind his head and legs wide apart. Drew crouched down to look at Nate's exposed asshole and let out a low whistle.

"Jesus! What did Troy do to you last night?"

Nate winced. His hole looked and felt a lot better than it had immediately after the fisting, but he guessed it was still noticeably swollen and stretched. Drew apparently didn't know the extent of last night's activities which had left it such a wreck - either Troy hadn't uploaded the photos to the website yet, or Drew hadn't logged in to it since he had. Nate thought it prudent to withhold the details from Drew, in case the sexually adventurous teen got it into his head to reenact his fist-fucking!

"He got this new dildo for me ... it's huge," mumbled Nate.

"I bet! It must be as thick as my arm," exclaimed Drew. "I hope he hasn't loosened you up too much, or it won't be much fun for the rest of us. Right, get me ready while I do you."

Nate obediently enveloped Drew's cock in his mouth while Drew lubricated his finger and inserted it into Nate's battered hole. Even the solitary finger seemed to set his poor ass ablaze, but the agony gradually subsided as Drew gently added more fingers to the distended orifice. It was now markedly easier to slip in four, which Drew lost no time in commenting about. Nate thanked his lucky stars that he hadn't decided to experiment by slipping in his thumb as well, like Zack had!

"And you're already hard, too," noted Drew, increasing Nate's shame tenfold.

Drew himself was sporting a boner thanks to Nate's ministrations, and he promptly sheathed it in a condom to plow Nate.

"You'd better keep your squealing to a minimum," Drew warned Nate before skewering him in a single thrust. The prone stud could only grit his teeth and bear it in the hope that Drew would not fuck him to a humiliating orgasm.

The blond teen was pile-driving into Nate, pulling his cock out until only the tip remained inside and then slamming all the way back in. It wasn't very comfy for Nate, perched as he was on a rock, but his stiff dick was leaking pre-cum onto his abs while his nipples were erect from the slight chill in the evening breeze. He had no doubt that the images captured by Drew's hand-held camera would imply the complete opposite of what he was actually feeling at that moment.

For a while, the only sounds which could be heard over the running water were the boys' stifled grunts and the slapping of Drew's balls against Nate's butt. Then suddenly Drew froze, his dick buried deep inside Nate.

"Did you hear that?" he asked Nate.

Nate listened with great trepidation. The sound of two voices came from the nearby woods. Horrified, he locked eyes with Drew.

"Grab your clothes," hissed the other boy, hastily extracting his dick from Nate's ass. They scrambled to gather their garments but there was no time to get dressed. Drew dragged Nate behind the large rock on which they had been fucking just as two young people stepped out of the tree cover and on to the riverbank.

"You weren't kidding about this place. It's beautiful," said the girl.

"I told you, didn't I?" replied her male companion.

"Mmm, it's perfect." There was the sound of kissing.

Nate nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt something prodding his butt. He glanced at Drew, who was teasing Nate's hole with his big toe!

"Stop it!" he whispered urgently, hoping the flowing river would obscure his voice.

Drew just smirked at him and pointed from Nate's mouth to his own dick. Nate stared at him disbelievingly. Surely he didn't expect Nate to give him another blowjob with two oblivious bystanders standing right on the other side of the rock they were hiding behind!

It seemed that was exactly what Drew expected. Growing impatient with Nate's reticence, he grabbed Nate's head and forced it down towards his crotch. "Suck!" he whispered.

Nate knew how bad it would look if he was caught cock-sucking, but Drew was insistent. He decided that the greater risk to him came from the blond teen than from the couple. If Drew reported Nate's refusal to Troy, Troy would probably turn up with that baseball bat to teach Nate the lesson he never got around to the previous night. So he quietly took Drew's dick into his mouth and started to suck.

"Can we swim in the river?" asked the girl.

"In the summer, but not now," said her boyfriend. "The water's still pretty cold."

Nate knew this firsthand because it was lapping at his feet. Drew was holding him by his hair while he tried to slip his toe into Nate's butt. Being toe-fucked was nowhere as strenuous as a fisting, but it managed to be a lot more demeaning. Nate fervently prayed that he would not be discovered in this compromising position.

"What's this?" asked the girl suddenly. "Ew, it's a thong!"

An alarmed Nate realized that he must have dropped the offending underwear in his haste.

The boy poked at the thong with his shoe and chuckled. "It's see-through too! Must have been a real slut who left it behind."

Behind the rock, Nate turned crimson but Drew wouldn't let him stop sucking. He kept ramming his toe into Nate's hole, and it took all of Nate's willpower not to cry out.

"You sure it's not from one of your ex-girlfriends?" the girl asked suspiciously.

"I told you babe, I only discovered this spot last weekend. And I don't think it's a girl who left this behind either ..."


"Look at the label. It's a MAN'S thong!"

The girl squealed in disgust. "What kind of man wears a thong like that?"

"Must be a fag," sneered the boy.

"Ugh! Let's get out of here; this place gives me the creeps."

"A minute ago you said it was beautiful!"

"That was before I learned it's probably a hangout for queers," snapped the girl. "Come on; let's go before we run into any!"

"You're right. I don't want to see sickos spoiling this spot. Why can't they keep their queer stuff to their bedrooms where normal people don't have to see it?"

The couple's voices faded away as they returned to the woods.

"Thank God!" panted Drew. "I thought they were never going to leave!"

Nate spat out Drew's cock. "It didn't seem like you were scared!"

Drew shrugged. "I wasn't. I actually found it kinda horny to have an audience. It's not like I was the one with a cock in my mouth or having my ass toe-fucked!"

Nate couldn't dispute that logic.

"No," Drew went on. "I wanted them to leave so I could get back to drilling your ass. That blowjob you gave me was pitiful," he complained.

Nate had to bite back a retort. How was he expected to suck cock properly when he was close to pissing himself out of fear?

Without further ado, they resumed fucking on top of the rock. Drew hadn't been lying when he'd said their brush with danger had made him horny - it only took a few minutes of thrusting before he bellowed that he was cumming.

Nate felt the cock in his ass pulsate as Drew fired load after load of hot spunk. The blond boy really could cum buckets. The condom which he later emptied onto Nate's face was filled to overflowing. Nate spent a good amount of time mopping up the mess with his fingers and licking them clean. All of this was of course captured on the camera for posterity.

If Nate thought his work was done for the evening, he was sadly mistaken. Drew demanded that Nate give him a full-body tongue-bath, which he claimed was only fair since Nate was responsible for his sweaty state. Needless to say, Nate didn't think it fair at all, but he wasn't asked for his opinion.

He spent the next half-hour licking Drew from top to toe, although most of that time was concentrated on Drew's armpits and ass-crack. Not coincidentally, these were the areas which Nate found most repulsive. If you want to debase a straight boy, there's no better way than to make him suck the sweat from another guy's pit hair and tongue his musky butthole.

His face was buried in Drew's sweaty taint, slurping on his ass juices, when the blond teen blew his third wad of the day. Most of his spunk landed on Nate's hair and dripped down onto his face.

Nate almost jumped out of his skin when a male voice from the wooded fringe said, "Well, isn't that a pretty picture?"

It was Troy, and he was shaking with laughter. "You should have seen your face!"

Nate didn't find it remotely amusing, but Drew joined in the laughter.

"You should've seen him earlier, when a couple almost caught him getting fucked. They found his thong and said it must belong to a real slut."

"Well, they were spot on," agreed Troy. "Just see the state of him!" Nate's handsome face was sticky with sweat, cum and ass juices. "You can't go to see Spencer looking like a two-dollar whore."

This was news to Nate. "I'm supposed to see Spencer tonight?"

"Duh! Remember you told him yesterday how you couldn't last two days without making love to him?"

"I'm sure he's raring to go," remarked Drew. "He's been hard whenever I fuck him, but hasn't cum at all. I guess it's only Spencer's horse-cock that really hits the spot for him!"

That wasn't strictly true, but Nate had no desire to debate the truth in his present circumstances. Confessing that Wes, Troy and Zack had also been able to fuck (or fist!) the cum out of him would be a significant blow to his already-fragile sense of manhood.

"Wash your face in the river," Troy commanded Nate. "Can't do much about how sweaty you are, but maybe your boyfriend will find it sexy."

He turned to Drew. "Thanks for letting me take him off your hands tonight, Drew."

"No prob. I'm fresh out of cum for today anyway. I'll save myself for the weekend, when we should have something to celebrate." Drew winked at Nate. "You know, it's been great having a slut at our disposal. Nate was right when he used to say that I was missing out!"

Nate's masters added to his misery by chortling over his involuntary help in broadening Drew's sexual horizons.

"Well, Zarowsky might as well enjoy the whore while he can; I don't know how much longer Nate's hole can keep up with all the use it gets," added Drew.

"Oh, Z is going to have an amazing time," Troy assured him. "And Nate's loose hole is just going to help fulfill his wildest fantasy tonight."

Nate felt his asshole clench at the mere mention of Spencer's wildest fantasy.

Drew parted company with them at the parking lot, while Troy stayed behind to explain what Nate would be doing for the rest of the evening.

"You're going to have to utilize your time well tonight. Your boyfriend won't be the only stop."

"He won't?"

"Oh no, you still owe me for last night, remember?"

Nate gulped. Troy obviously didn't regard Nate's fisting as an adequate penalty for his violent flare-up the previous night.

"But first things first: What explanation did you give lover-boy for your drama-queen antics last night?"

"I sent him a text, said that I was sorry for over-reacting and that I knew Brody wouldn't out me."

"Hmph, that'll do I guess. Okay, now give him a ring and tell him to meet you at the Collinswood motel on Goode, pronto."

"A motel?" questioned Nate.

"Well, unless you'd rather he fuck you in his dorm room for Brody to walk in on you again?"

"No, no, a motel's good, but I don't know how I'm going to pay for it?"

"With the cash you earned from your strip-shows, you dolt."

"And what if he starts asking questions?"

"Then you shut him up with proving how much you love him.

"By letting him double-stuff me?"

"Well, that's part of it, but you need to go further."

Nate's heart sank and he started to tremble. "You want him to fist-fuck me?"

"No ... although now that you mention it, we might want to try that someday, when you're ready for Spencer's fists, which if memory serves are a lot bigger than Zack's."

A shiver ran down Nate's spine at the thought of Spencer cramming an enormous fist up his poor butt.

Ignoring his shudder, Troy went on. "But today I want you to do something different. I want you to give yourself to him completely."

Nate couldn't fathom how he could `give himself' to Spencer any more than he already had. "How do I do that?"

"How else, stupid? You're going to let him fuck you raw."


"Bareback, baby. Without condoms."

Nate didn't manage to control his outburst in time. "Are you trying to fucking kill me?"

Troy rolled his eyes. "So fucking predictable! Just when I think you can't get any more offensive ... Listen up, fuckwad. AIDS is not a gay disease, no matter what bible-thumpers claim. We didn't get it from fornicating with apes. And frankly, I'd say Spencer's the one at risk. You're the Manwhore of McKinley High. Who knows what sort of STDs you picked up from your endless line of sluts?

"I always use a condom!" Nate defended himself. He wasn't foolish enough to fuck a girl bareback in dread of getting her pregnant. How would he ever explain that to his parents?

"And you think Spencer doesn't? Personally, I think you'll have your work cut out trying to convince him to go bareback. But you WILL convince him, if you know what's good for you."

"Oh God," implored Nate.

"Enough wailing," Troy snapped. "Make the call."

It took Nate almost a minute to compose himself before he dialed Spencer's number.

"Hey, Spence?"

"Nate! I'm so glad to hear from you. I got your text, but I couldn't stop worrying after the way you tore out of there last night."

"I know. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly. It was the shock."

"It's okay, babe. I understand; I truly do. But it did make me think. About you, and this relationship, and our future together. I can't get you out of my head, but at the same time I can't ignore the great big elephant in the room."

"I know," Nate assured him hastily. "Tell you what, why don't you meet me tonight and we can have that discussion."

"Really? Where do you want to meet? I can kick Brody out of our dorm room if you want."

"No, that won't be necessary. I've booked us a room at the motel down in Collinswood."

"You have?" The surprise was evident in Spencer's tone.

"Yup," confirmed Nate. "Do you know where that is?"

"Yeah I think so. On the Goode highway just before you enter the town, right?"

"That's right. Can you come there straight away?"

"Um, yeah, sure. It shouldn't take me more than 20 minutes from campus."

They said their goodbyes and Nate terminated the call.

Troy was counting out some cash from his wallet. "You might as well go ahead and book the motel room for two nights. There should be more than enough cash after tonight's show."

"I've to do a show tonight?"

"Yeah, but not your usual striptease. This show is going to be a private one with some additional, uh, acts. Claude called this morning to ask if you'd be willing to go the extra mile and naturally I replied yes."

Nate didn't like the sound of that, but stayed silent.

"So make sure you leave Spencer and make your way to Claude's by 9pm. You got everything you need? Dildo? Lube? Condoms - oh wait, you don't need those. Ha, ha, ha."

Nate curled his hands into fists but didn't let them fly. He didn't want to add to his `debt' with the vengeful gay teen before he even finished paying for his most recent moment of folly.

Troy had a few more instructions for Nate before he sent him on his way to Collinswood. From the woods, the drive took Nate little over 15 minutes.

The rather seedy motel on the outskirts of Collinswood was clearly accustomed to dodgy guests and the receptionist didn't even ask for any ID (which was fortunate since Nate had given him a fake name). Nate paid cash for the first night and texted Spencer the room number.

He let himself into the room and looked around. It wasn't much but at least it was clean and far from the reception, not that there was much chance of Nate being recognized in Collinswood.

Spencer arrived barely a minute after him. "So this is supposed to be our love nest?" he asked jokingly, glancing over the room.

"You could call it that," replied Nate shortly.

Spencer looked at him in concern. "You sound stressed."

Nate grinned weakly. "Oh no, it's not, well, it's not what you think. We've got our big game on Friday."

"Oh, I know the perfect remedy for that," said Spencer. "Sit down and I'll show you what my magic fingers can do."

For an awful instant, Nate imagined that Spencer meant to fist-fuck him, but he swiftly realized the blond stud was in fact referring to a massage. He grimaced; he really had fisting on the brain now! It was fortunate that Spencer wasn't that depraved, because his fists were definitely a lot bigger than Zack's. (Nate couldn't help checking them out.)

Nate sat down on the edge of the bed, allowing Spencer to place his hands on his shoulders and massage them.

"Jeez, you ARE stressed," observed Spencer. "I can feel the tension in your muscles."

"Should I take my top off?" asked Nate.

"Er, better not. We're not likely to get any talking done if you do that."

That had been precisely Nate's intention. He suppressed his sigh. "Okay, so what do you want to talk about?"

"Our close shave last night." As he spoke, Spencer's fingers found the knot in Nate's back and deftly began teasing it out. Nate had to acknowledge that Spencer wasn't bad as a masseur.

"Seeing you freak out like that because you thought Brody was going to out you ..." Spencer shook his head sadly. "I know coming-out isn't in your immediate future, Nate, and I respect that, but I kinda want more out of our relationship. We can't always be sneaking around, hooking up in closets and living in terror of being caught. It's not fair to you or to me."

"Are you... are you breaking up with me?" Nate's voice quavered. He was so screwed if he had to break that news to Troy. How ridiculous was it that he actually wanted to save his fake gay relationship?

"No," Spencer said quickly, "not if we can help it. I've told you this before, Nate, but I don't want to force you into anything you're not comfortable with. But I've done this whole secret relationship thing with Marty, and that was hard enough. I just want us to have, you know, a normal relationship."

Gay relationships were, by their very definition, far from normal, thought Nate.

"Don't get me wrong, Nate. Making love to you is incredible. Your body is ... insane. I can't believe an 18-year-old has a body like yours. Heck, I can't believe anyone besides Photoshopped models can have a body like yours.

"But our relationship can't be just about sex. I want us to go on romantic dates to restaurants or the movies, hang out with friends, meet each other's parents ..."

Nate had to concede that all sounded very normal. He himself found it a chore to take girls out on dates and only ever did it as a prelude to getting them into his bed. They tended to be a lot more willing to abandon their inhibitions (and occasionally their boyfriends) when he chatted them up over dinner and a movie.

"We could do some of that stuff," he ventured. "Maybe not meet the parents ... but we could come here to Collinswood more often, and maybe catch a movie or dinner?"

"Really? You'd be up for that?" Spencer sounded so cloyingly hopeful, just like one of the stupid girls Nate had fucked and dumped.

"Well, as long we don't hold hands or make out in public," Nate clarified hastily. "No one needs to know that we're anything more than good friends, right?"

"Oh." The disappointment was evident in Spencer's voice.

Nate put on his best puppy-dog eyes before turning to face him. "Please understand, Spence. It's not that I want us to hide our relationship. I want to be able to go public with our relationship. I want everyone to know you're the man I love. I want to shout it in the streets."

Spencer looked into his eyes and must have believed the lies. He sighed, "Oh, Nate", and hugged him tightly.

It took Nate a beat to respond, but he snuggled closer, burying his face in Spencer's broad shoulder and breathing in his aftershave. He was perturbed by how warm and safe he felt in those strong, manly arms. It was neither normal nor right, but he'd be damned if it didn't feel good. In his head he could hear Tripp laughing derisively at him, "Who's the fucking girl now?"

He caught sight of the radio clock over Spencer's shoulder. It was 7:17. He didn't have much time if he wanted to make it back to Mount Pleasant by 9:00 for his private performance at Claude's club.

"I want to prove my love to you," he whispered in Spencer's ear. "I want you to have me in every way."

Spencer reluctantly broke their embrace. "What do you mean?"

In response, Nate produced a dildo from his bag (thankfully, it was the smaller of the two he now owned). "I want to fulfill your deepest fantasy."

Spencer's eyes widened. "You don't mean...?"

Nate nodded. "I want you to double-stuff me." He hoped Spencer couldn't discern his trembling. The idea of being butt-fucked by Spencer's massive cock at the same time as the dildo terrified him.

The effect it had on Spencer, however, could not have been more different. Nate could sense Spencer's dick stirring to life.

"I can tell you like the idea," he said softly. He let his hand wander down to Spencer's bulge and pawed it.

Spencer made a guttural sound but managed to rein in his libido. "No clothes are coming off until we decide what we're doing for our first date," he insisted.

Nate groaned. "How about a movie here in Collinswood on Saturday evening?"

Spencer smiled. "That sounds perfect. Rom-com?" He laughed at the look on Nate's face. "Just kidding. We'll see what action flick is on, eh?"

Nate nodded. At least it wasn't suspicious for two male friends to watch an action movie together, as opposed to a rom-com!

"Now let's put this motel room to good use. How'd you pay for it anyway?"

"From my earnings," answered Nate before he caught himself.

Spencer raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know you had a job."

Nate thought quickly. He could hardly confess that he made the money by stripping at a gay club! "Um, it's not a job per se. My neighbors sometimes pay me to mow their lawn or wash their cars. Stuff like that."

Spencer nuzzled his neck, seemingly untroubled by the stink of dried sweat. "They must pay very well. Do you take your shirt off to mow their lawn and wash their cars?"

"No, that's only for you," replied Nate.

Spencer stuck his tongue through the armhole of Nate's top to lick his nipple, making the younger man shudder with uncontrolled ecstasy. "Mm, that makes me feel greedy. Your crackin' bod should be shown off."

No need to worry about that, thought Nate bitterly, considering how his body had more or less become a public exhibit!

"Spence, there's one more thing."

"Oh? What's that?" Spencer's hand was creeping under Nate's shirt and was feeling up his abs and tweaking his erect nipples.

Nate threw his head back against Spencer's shoulder and breathed, "I don't just want you to double-stuff me; I want you to do it raw."

Spencer's molestation of his body came to an abrupt halt. "Nate, that's not something to be taken lightly."

"I know," Nate replied earnestly, "and I'm not taking it lightly. I want to give myself to you totally."

"Nate, you don't have to prove anything to me. Sex with you is already out of this world, even using condoms. They're there for your safety and mine."

"That's just it. We don't need condoms to be safe. It's just you and me, and I know I'm clean."

"Babe, I don't doubt you since I'm the only man you've ever had sex with." (Nate squirmed uncomfortably.) "And I've only done it with two other guys before you, and bareback only with Marty because we were each other's firsts. I was too young back then to fully understand the risks. I never went bareback with Derek, which was just as well since he wasn't faithful. Even though we'd always used condoms, I was crapping myself waiting for my tests to come back negative. I don't want you to go through the same thing."

"But you're not Marty or Derek," pointed out Nate. "I trust you completely. I know you're not the kind of guy to practice unsafe sex with strangers. I hope you can trust me that I'm not either." Nate couldn't help feeling ashamed at his outrageous lies and attempt to guilt-trip Spencer into bareback sex.

"I do trust you, Nate," Spencer assured him, kissing his nose. "But this is a huge step. I don't want you to rush into something you'll regret later. Maybe down the line ..."

"I'd never regret this," Nate interjected with as much confidence as he could muster. "I've wanted to feel your raw cock inside me since the day you took my virginity. I knew it was too soon to ask you back then, but we're on firmer ground now. I don't want to miss the chance during my first double-penetration."

"Nate ..." Spencer began sternly, but then he took a deep sniff of Nate's hair and moaned. "God, you even exude sex. It's like oozing from your skin and messing with my mind."

Nate suspected that Spencer's sense of smell had picked up on the residual cum and sweat from his and Drew's fuck session in the woods that he'd not managed to wash out completely.

"You don't need to use your mind, Spence," he cooed seductively. He grabbed Spencer's growing bulge for emphasis. "This is what we both want, isn't it? You need to breed my ass with your seed. Pump me full of your cum." His face flushed as he recited the crap he'd been coached to by Troy. He was sure the bastard would have a field day with this audio recording!

"Fuck," swore Spencer. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Because you like it," purred Nate, licking the side of Spencer's face. "You know you like it. You WANT to fuck me raw and cream my insides with your spunk."

Spencer chuckled. "You sound like a porn star. Your body drives me wild but this ... I can't get over what an insatiable bottom you are! A macho, muscly guy like you begging to be double-stuffed - I'm almost ready to bust a nut just thinking about it!"

Nate was cringing inwardly, but managed to infuse his voice with apparent zeal. "So you're gonna do it? You'll fuck me raw?"

Spencer growled, "Hell yeah!"

That was Nate's cue. He tore off his own clothes and helped Spencer out of his. It was a familiar sight by now, but he still gulped a little when Spencer's oversized appendage swung into view, freed from his briefs. Fully erect, it seemed even longer than 10.5 inches. He had to remind himself (shamefully) that he'd taken bigger.

He threw himself on top of Spencer, covering his swimmer's physique with sloppy, noisy kisses (in deference to the recording device in his discarded shorts). The blond hunk moaned as Nate nibbled on his nipples and licked the precum from his mighty schlong. The sex talk had set him leaking copious amounts of the clear, sticky fluid, and Nate used his tongue to spread it across Spencer's furry balls and taint. It was Nate's turn to have his senses assaulted by the aromas and flavors of male sex.

But the main item on the agenda was not forgotten. "Here," said Nate, thrusting the dildo at Spencer. "You wanna get this ready?"

He'd expected Spencer to use the lube but instead the older boy deep-throated the sex toy. Nate watched, mesmerized in spite of himself. There was something strangely provocative about this masculine guy swallowing a large silicone phallus like it was no big deal. Nate shook his head as if to clear cobwebs. Cock-sucking faggots were supposed to be sick, not sexy!

Spencer smirked as he saw Nate watching him. "You like that, huh? You want the real deal?" He reached out and grasped Nate's dick.

Nate resisted the urge to take him up on the offer. It would have been immensely satisfying to face-fuck Spencer, but he knew Troy would not be pleased.

"I'd rather you stick it in here," he said instead, pointing between his legs.

"You cut right to the chase, don't you?" Spencer remarked in amusement.

"I'm so fucking horny," whined Nate. There was a kernel of truth in that, since Drew had already pounded him very close to orgasm - not that he would ever admit it out loud. To Nate, hands-free orgasms as a result of being fucked up the ass signaled something truly perverse about his sexual desires that he was neither willing nor able to acknowledge.

"It's contagious," said Spencer. It took Nate a second to realize he was referring to their mutual state of arousal, not homosexuality.

"Well, if it is, I think I've got your cure," he joked feebly. In fact, the `cure' had already been proposed by Troy, who'd asserted that Spencer's cock be lubed only with Nate's saliva. Thus the hapless jock had to kneel and take the gargantuan tool into his mouth for a very wet blowjob. Spencer shut his eyes and moaned with pleasure as Nate swallowed his cock right up to the base, suppressing his gag reflex to the best of his ability.

He halted the blowjob once he sensed Spencer was getting close to climax. "I want him to unload all his cum in your ass," Troy had stressed. It was ironic that Nate had come to prefer a man cum in his mouth rather than in his ass, but that was just how far he'd fallen!

He gave Spencer's dick one last lick before getting up from the floor and straddling him. He could feel the spit-soaked cock pressing eagerly against his asshole, while his own dick was mashed up against Spencer's abs, matting their dusting of golden fur with his pre-cum. Spencer took the lead by kissing him gently, which soon evolved slowly into a passionate mauling of his lips. Meanwhile his hands drifted down to Nate's buttcheeks resting on his hairy thighs, and he kneaded the firm mounds of muscle forcefully. His fingers crept into the sweaty ass-crack and encountered a surprisingly slick sphincter.

"You're already lubed," muttered Spencer.

"I've been practicing with my dildo," Nate offered by way of explanation.

"You just knew you'd talk me into this, didn't you?"

"Of course," was Nate's rather cocky retort.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, baby?"

"I was born ready," responded Nate. Born ready to be fucked bareback by another man. Those words might as well have been the death knell of Nate's masculinity.

"I was going to eat you out -"

"Just give it to me already!" groaned Nate, aware of the passing time. To Spencer it sounded like rabid enthusiasm, and he gladly obliged. Nate barely had time to switch on the camera he'd set up on the bedside table before he was being fucked.

He gasped as Spencer worked his cock into his hole, an inch at a time, until he had the entire length buried inside him.

"I'm inside you," Spencer stated the obvious. His voice was thick with lust. "My bare cock, inside you. This is heaven."

Nate let out a whimper; it was more like hell to him. Why was it that, every time he descended to a new low, he'd tell himself this was as low as he'd ever go? Because his tormentors always seemed to find new ways to make him sink even lower. Was it due to a sense of self-preservation, because he'd go mad if he acknowledged the depths of depravity he might yet experience? Or was he desperately trying to convince himself that he wasn't secretly the faggot whore whom Troy had accused him of being?

"Wrap your legs around my waist," Spencer commanded, "and hold on to my shoulders."

Nate did as he was told, and Spencer stood up with Nate clinging to him. Nate hadn't fully appreciated how strong Spencer was until then. Nate was no lightweight - all that muscle was heavy - but Spencer carried him without breaking a sweat. His shoulders and thighs were honed from years of competitive swimming, and were more than capable of supporting Nate's weight.

He lifted Nate up by the butt and then let him slide back down, impaled on his cock. Nate cried out.

"Does that hurt?" asked Spencer in concern. "We can stop -"

Nate shook his head frantically. "Just kiss the pain away."

Spencer readily Frenched him, slipping his tongue down his throat. Nate reciprocated in kind. The kiss proved to be a successful distraction. Spencer backed him up against the wall and began hammering his ass.

Nate egged him on, in line with Troy's directions. "Oh yeah, fuck me harder. Oooh! Yeah, bury that fucker in me. Faster! Harder! Aaah! Go deeper! That's it! Pound my pussy! Oh fuck!"

His erection waved wildly in the air, spraying more pre-cum all over his and Spencer's torsos. Nate hoped they were out of range of the camera on the bedside table. He knew how disgraceful his current situation would look on video. There he was, totally naked and erect, being carried like a girl, making out with a muscular gay jock on whose condom-less cock he was impaled at his own wretched urging.

Not that Spencer needed any encouragement. He hadn't been exaggerating when he'd said he was in heaven. Nate's ass had suffered a lot of abuse, but his anal muscles hadn't lost their grip. Spencer reveled in the moist, silky warmth of Nate's ass. The experience of fucking Nate bareback defied description; it was that good. In the throes of such carnal delight, even the best of men succumb to their baser instincts. Spencer forgot all restraint as he plowed Nate's poor ass with wild abandon, grunting each time he rammed his unsheathed cock home.

By this time, Nate's moaning was almost continuous, if a little muffled due to their near-constant liplock. Much to his dismay, he was experiencing that unique mix of pain and pleasure which he'd only ever encountered during sex with men. The two girls whom he'd talked into letting him fuck their asses had both complained afterward that the sex act brought them absolutely no pleasure, only agony. Nate pondered how homosexually warped his mind must now be if he was able to find joy in being butt-fucked.

Particularly with this new sex position, which seemed to drive Spencer's dong even deeper into his abused hole, if that was possible. Consequently, his own dick was straining for release and he had resigned himself to the humiliation of being the first to cum. He was thus mildly relieved when Spencer outpaced him and spared him that indignity.

The blond stud roared, "I can't hold on much longer! I'm gonna cum!"

Woefully cognizant of what to look out for, Nate was able to pinpoint all the signs of an impending orgasm. Without a condom, he felt the shape and movement of Spencer's dick in his ass more acutely. The college boy was on the precipice of blowing his load, and Nate was going all out to get him to.

He squeezed his sphincter tight, clamping down on Spencer's dick, while reeling off the demeaning spiel Troy had taught him.

"Yeah, cum in my butt! Shoot your spunk inside me! Flood my guts with your seed!"

It was all too much for Spencer, who threw back his head and screamed, "FUUUUUUUCKKKK!" as he came deep inside Nate.

Rivers of hot, molten cum gushed down Nate's anal passage. Nate stifled his sob of despair, realizing that he was now permanently marked as a queer cum-dump. Up to that point, no man had ever `bred' his ass the same way a man might breed a woman. And now even that final barricade of his heterosexuality had been obliterated.

The force of his climax was so great that Spencer's knees buckled. He only just managed to stagger over to the bed, with Nate still clinging to him, impaled on his spurting cock, before collapsing in a sweaty heap on the sheets.

It took him a minute to catch his breath. He lifted an arm and ran his hand though the damp golden curls on his head. Nate quietly nuzzled in the exposed armpit, trying to bottle up his emotions at his latest torrid defilement.

"Oh wow," Spencer sighed finally. "That was un-fucking-believable. Was it as incredible for you as it was for me?"

The truthful answer would have been that Nate had never felt so violated and degraded. His ass was full of another man's seed - no, not another man', just a man'. `Another man' implied that Nate was one as well, when his right to call himself a man had definitively expired the moment he'd let himself be bred like a woman.

"It was awesome," he croaked. "Heaven."

Spencer shifted uneasily on the bed, before reaching under his body to reveal the neglected dildo. "Oh crap! We forgot about this."

Nate could have wept with anguished rage. How could he have forgotten that he was supposed to be double-fucked with the dildo? He had just let himself get fucked bareback and had nothing to show for it! Troy wasn't going to accept anything less than a double-penetration.

"It's okay, we can save it for another time," Spencer said reassuringly. "We've already had the most amazing, amazing sex."

"No! We've got to do it tonight." Nate saw Spencer's raised eyebrow and realized he must have come off as overly desperate.

"I've not cum yet," he amended, "and I'd like to with you inside me." He blushed as he spoke the mortifying words; fortunately Spencer took it for adorable bashfulness.

"Oh man, I've been so selfish," he said apologetically. "I didn't even realize you hadn't cum. You normally do when I'm fucking you."

Of course, that remark did nothing to alleviate Nate's humiliation.

"Don't worry; we can make it up easily enough." Nate craned his neck, supposedly to kiss Spencer, but really to check the time on the bedside clock. It was already 7:54. "Let's get down to it?"

Spencer glanced downwards at their intertwined legs. His dick, although now flaccid, was still buried in Nate's juicy ass. "I guess we're already halfway there ..." he mused.

Nate pumped his fist excitedly, making Spencer smile. He was just too cute. Who would have thought a stud like him would be this keen on having his butt stuffed by two cocks?

"Shall I do the honors this time?" asked Nate, taking the dildo from him. He was only offering because of the time crunch. He engulfed the dildo in his mouth, once more grateful that it wasn't the foot-long vibrator which he had so much difficulty getting down his throat. He felt Spencer's dick stiffen as he watched Nate deep-throat the dildo. Spencer absentmindedly let his hands wander over Nate's body, playing with his erect nipples, rubbing his rock-hard abs, and stroking his stiff cock.

"I probably need to prep you for the second one, huh?" He ran a fingernail down Nate's ass-crack and encircled his already-occupied hole.

Nate reflected bitterly that he was plenty prepared for double penetration, but he still let out a gasp when Spencer's finger sunk into his hole alongside his cock.

Spencer gazed at him anxiously, his green eyes full of concern. "Nate, I don't want to hurt you. If you're not comfortable with this, you just have to say the word and we needn't do this at all."

Nate shook his head. "No, no. I'm fine. Just give me a moment to adjust, and then slip in another finger. I WANT this," he emphasized.

"Only if you're absolutely sure ..."

Nate ground his ass down on Spencer's finger and cock, to show that he was in earnest. Bolstered by Nate's ostensible desire, Spencer gently added a second finger to the stretched orifice. By the time the third finger was added, Nate felt like his limits of anal endurance had been thoroughly tested. He'd assumed that being double-penetrated would be easier the second time around, but that was not the case. He still felt like he was being split in two.

In a twisted way he was actually thankful for the dildo in his mouth, for it kept him from crying out at the pain. His cock, however, remained shamefully rigid, which didn't go unnoticed by Spencer.

"Damn, babe, you're really getting off on this. I'd always feared that DPs were hot only for the tops, but clearly not!"

"It's as much my fantasy as it is yours," bluffed Nate. He handed the spit-soaked dildo to Spencer. "I'm ready for the real deal now."

Spencer exhaled deeply. "I can't believe I'm about to double-stuff you. You don't know how exciting this is for me."

Nate had a pretty good idea. Spencer's cock was twitching inside Nate, and felt like it was ready to burst out the other end.

Spencer withdrew his fingers from Nate's hole, but the respite for the beleaguered stud only lasted briefly before Spencer positioned the dildo at his rear. There he wavered, visibly apprehensive whether Nate's little asshole, already straining to accommodate his dick, could really take another at the same time.

"I can take it," assured Nate (from past experience, although he obviously didn't reveal that). "Just slide it in."

Spencer kissed him deeply. "Here it comes, babe."

Nate prepared himself for a punishing fuck as the tip of the dildo breached his stuffed sphincter, stretching it almost unbearably. His eyes rolled back in his head, which made Spencer pause. Nate knew then that he'd have to be more proactive in his own violation. It was times like these that he really wished Spencer wouldn't act so caring. It'd be so much easier to hate Spencer for putting him in this position because of his sick fantasies if he didn't pretend to give a damn about Nate's wellbeing.

Grabbing Spencer's hand, Nate guided him in slipping the dildo further up his own ass. Inch by excruciating inch, the dildo disappeared until it was completely buried alongside Spencer's dick in Nate's delicious bubble butt.

"Oh, babe," moaned Spencer. He was so incredibly turned on by the tight squeeze and steamy heat of Nate's double-stuffed, cum-logged ass. He nearly blew his wad right then and there.

Poor Nate, on the other hand, was sweating profusely and could barely control his whimpering. Even his well-muscled butt couldn't protect him from the intense agony of double penetration. He had to ball his hands into fists to prevent himself from clawing Spencer's back. The cruelty of his catch-22 was that he didn't even have the relief of lamenting his miserable fate. Instead he had to encourage his tormentor to destroy his ass further.

"Give it to me, Spence" he groaned. He yearned for Spencer to make out with him while they fucked. As irretrievably gay as that wish was, it was the one thing that had proven effective to distract him from the pain.

Almost as if he could read his thoughts, Spencer gathered up the sweaty teenager in his arms and gave him a passionate smooch.

"You are such a champ," he told him. He pulled out just a couple of inches, and then shoved it back in. Nate squealed and arched his back.

"Do that again," he panted eagerly, before Spencer could worry.

Spencer obliged, pulling four inches out this time before slamming back in. The wet, squishy sound this made was a crushing reminder to Nate that his insides were drenched in Spencer's seed. He moaned, partly from the pain, partly from the shame, and buried his face in Spencer's shoulder. He didn't trust himself to mask his true emotions.

"Fuck me," he gasped in Spencer's ear. "I want you to fuck the cum right out of me."

And really, what hot-blooded, young American male would turn down a request like that?

Spencer began to long-dick him. If last night had felt like a battering ram was being taken to his ass, this felt like a freaking sledge-hammer. Nate tried not to scream. Although Spencer was more conscious of Nate's comfort than either Zack or Troy had been, Nate's hole was still being brutally overextended and having 10.5 inches of hard cock rammed into it was really taking its toll. The 18-year-old privately wondered how much more of this torture his butt could possibly handle. Surely this was not going to become a daily occurrence?

"Ungh!" he grunted as Spencer thrust unexpectedly hard into him.

"How close are you, babe?" asked Spencer. "Because I've been ready to blow since we started."

Nate's erection had wilted upon the double penetration but revived once his hole adjusted to the painful stretching. Spencer's repeated jabbing of his prostate guaranteed a full-fledged boner.

"I'm really close," admitted Nate. "Just a bit - ahhhhh!"

Spencer had reached out to stroke his slick cock and hit the jackpot. Nate threw his head back as his balls churned with their pent-up load. He hadn't cum yet that day despite having his prostate stimulated on multiple occasions and now, predictably, his cock erupted. A geyser of semen was propelled nearly two feet into the air before raining down on both their bodies. It went everywhere, even into Nate's mouth, which he hadn't even realized was open until he tasted his own spunk.

"Wow," breathed Spencer, amazed by the shower of cum. Double-stuffing Nate raw was a fantasy come to life for him, but his ultimate joy was witnessing Nate's spectacular orgasm at the apex of their lovemaking. His misgivings about bareback sex and double penetration seemed trivial when he gazed upon Nate's gorgeous face, spattered with his own seed. He wanted to make this beautiful boy happy, and he thought it very lucky indeed that the requirements for Nate's happiness coincided with his own.

"Come on ... I need you to cum too," whispered Nate. He was actually more concerned about the time, but he needn't have worried. The visual of Nate's climax had heightened Spencer's arousal to the point of no return. He clutched the sperm-and-sweat-soaked teen as his dick blasted its second load of the day deep into Nate's bowels.

"Christ," muttered Spencer as he came down from his orgasmic high. "You were magnificent," he told Nate affectionately. "Totally, absolutely, perfectly magnificent."

Nate had mixed feelings about the praise.

Afterwards, they lay entwined on the sodden sheets, trying to catch their breath. Spencer had insisted on examining Nate's ass to ensure no damage had been done. Miraculously, Nate was uninjured, although his hole was a yawning chasm and very, very sore. He let out a whimper when Spencer touched the swollen anal ring.

"Poor baby," said Spencer. "You've really strained yourself. Let me kiss it better."

Nate didn't care that the rimming hadn't been sanctioned by Troy. Spencer's wet, sloppy tongue was just what he needed to soothe his burning ass. Surely not even the vindictive Troy could begrudge him this balm after the torturous ordeal he'd been through.

Spencer was really getting into eating Nate's ass. Butterfly-light kisses swiftly gave way to deep tonguing. Nate realized with a start that Spencer was sucking his own cum out of his ass! Nate's face crinkled in disgust. Imagine eating your own sperm out of another man's butt! Spencer, of course, didn't think of it in the same way. He found the blend of his spunk and Nate's ass juices particularly flavorsome when consumed directly from Nate's luscious butt.

Believing (erroneously) that Nate would also appreciate this rare treat, he didn't swallow all of it but instead crawled over to Nate to plant a cum-filled kiss on him. Nate was powerless to resist so he accepted the mouthful of sperm and ass juices, downing it as quickly as he could.

"I've got to go," he informed Spencer. "I promised my mom I'd be home by 9." He felt a tad guilty for using his clueless mother as a false excuse but he couldn't very well admit that he needed to perform at a gay strip club!

"You can't leave looking like that," countered Spencer. "You're a right mess." He flicked out his tongue to lap at the sweat-and-cum mixture pooled in the deep cleft between Nate's beefy pecs. "I like it, but I fear your mom won't. You need a shower."

Nate didn't have to look down to confirm Spencer's observation. He was absolutely filthy; there wasn't an inch of his body that wasn't saturated with bodily fluids. He looked at the clock again. He would be cutting it fine, but he could just about spare ten minutes for a hot shower.

He started to get up, but his knees wobbled and he would have fallen if Spencer hadn't caught him. The double penetration had evidently taken more out of him than he'd realized.

Spencer scooped him up into his arms. "Let's take that shower together."

Nate was too wiped out to protest. Spencer carried him into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The warm, cascading water revitalized him, but Spencer still insisted on helping him clean up. He lovingly lathered up Nate's body and scrubbed him from head to toe. Nate remembered the shower he'd shared with Wes on Monday night; he was beginning to understand the appeal of having someone wash you.

He squirmed when the shower spray was directed into his gaping hole. After a vigorous four-digit fingering, Nate was clean as a whistle, both inside and out. Spencer pressed his body against Nate's back, his half-hard cock nestling in the stud's crack.

"Now that you're clean, I just want to get you dirty all over again," he sighed.

"And you thought I was desperate," whined Nate.

Spencer laughed. "You're just so darn irresistible." He snuggled closer, his hands stroking Nate's nipples, and his cock slipped an inch into Nate. "Maybe you can tell your mom that you're staying over at a friend's ..."

"I can't," replied Nate, faking regret. "I'd like nothing more than to do you in the shower, but I promised Mom."

"Parents before boyfriends," noted Spencer ruefully. "I get it." He spun Nate around so that they faced each other and could make out.

Nate let him explore his mouth with his tongue for a few moments before breaking off the kiss. "I really have to go."

Spencer released him with great reluctance. "I will see you tomorrow though, yeah?"

Nate nodded. He wished Spencer wouldn't look at him like that, all pathetic and longing. It prickled his conscience unreasonably, since Nate was not the villain but rather the victim in all this!

He flung his clothes onto his still-damp body, grabbed the camera and dashed out to his car. He broke the speed limit driving back to Claude's club in Mount Pleasant, but he made it in the nick of time.

Troy was waiting for him outside the club. He held out his hand expectantly, and Nate handed him the recording devices.

"How was your first time bareback?"

Nate glared at him. "I had a man sodomize me without a condom and pump me full of his seed. How do you think it was?"

Troy snorted. "Sodomize? Seriously? Does your mom make you read the Bible at bedtime? I'm guessing from your bad attitude that you came while being double-fucked raw. Still convinced that you're 100% hetero?"

Nate didn't respond, although his guilty expression gave the game away.

"You're hilarious, Nate," remarked Troy. "So desperate to cling on to your alleged straightness, even when the truth's staring you right in the face. One day you're gonna thank me for helping you confront who you really are: a slutty gay bottom."

Without waiting for a response (not that the dumbfounded Nate could think of one), he continued, "You'd better get in there and see what Claude wants. He's expecting a proper show this time, not the tame stuff you do on stage. I've told him that you're willing to use a dildo and jerk yourself off."

Nate was horrified. "You want me to put on a sex show in the club?"

Troy rolled his eyes. "Of course not, you idiot. This will be a private show, in a private venue. Claude's client specifically asked for Robin. I understand there's really good money involved."

Liam's accusation of prostitution rang in Nate's ears.

"You're whoring me out!" he cried in outrage.

"Hey, if the shoe fits ..." Troy smirked. "Relax, bitch. You'll have your Robin mask, and if you put a good show, the client won't remember anything else. I've helped you out by picking out your biggest dildo. I'm sure that, after your double-stuffing, it'll be a piece of cake and you'll get a big, fat tip for fucking yourself with it."

Nate trembled. He was going to have to do this. Fuck himself silly with a foot-long vibrator and then beat his meat in front of an unknown audience with only the flimsiest of protections for his anonymity. For the umpteenth time, he wondered how on earth he'd allowed himself to sink so low.

He headed into the club, like a condemned man to the gallows. His shame was compounded when he found that Liam was performing. Luckily the blond hunk did not see him peeping out from the back. After the accusation he'd leveled at Nate the day before, Nate knew he could never justify doing such a perverted sex show to Liam.

Liam wasn't alone on stage; he was accompanied by the openly gay stripper, Harry, who had coached Nate on his very first night at the club. The duo had presumably come on stage dressed as sailors, although at this point in the show all they had on was the white sailor's cap and a skimpy white thong emblazoned with a blue anchor in sequins.

Nate had never before seen a strip-show from this vantage point, and now he watched open-mouthed as Liam and Harry groped each other under the pretense of smearing baby oil onto the other's body. The scene was so sexually charged, especially with the dripping oil turning the thongs translucent. The appreciative audience was split between chanting "Off! Off! Off!" and "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Finally the strippers satisfied both calls by whipping off their thongs and locking lips. Liam was even more handsy than Harry, grabbing the latter's buttcheeks as they made out. The crowd lapped it up, cheering almost deafeningly.

Liam and Harry cupped their equipment in one hand and held the cap out in the other to collect their tips, which would be bountiful if their punters were as generous with their money as they were with their applause.

"Not a bad act, eh?"

Nate was embarrassed that Claude had caught him watching the performance.

"It was alright," he said defensively.

Claude smiled. "I've got to hand it to you, kid. You really kicked things up a notch here. Liam and Harry have worked for me for a while now, but they've never had such a reception until they ratcheted up the homoeroticism. They learned that from you."

Nate could only grin feebly. This was really not something he had set out to do!

"So, Troy told you what's expected tonight?"

Nate nodded.

"Fabulous. You've brought your dildo?"

Nate revealed the 12-inch vibrator. Claude's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"You can take that monster?"

Nate could have died of shame. "Yeah," he said, trying to be nonchalant.

Claude shook his head in wonder. "What is it with straight boys these days? You guys are getting kinkier than us gays! Okay, so this client is very particular about discretion. You won't see him and you won't speak of this to anyone. Got that?"

That was a total no-brainer for Nate. He didn't want to reveal his part in this depravity any more than the mysterious client did!

"He's also very particular about the show itself. He wants a slow striptease out of your Robin costume. You're to oil yourself up, paying special attention to erogenous zones: your nipples, cock, and ass. He expects to see you bury at least three fingers in your hole. Suck on the dildo to get it wet, and then use it on yourself while jerking off until you cum. You'll finish by eating your own cum."

Perturbed that Nate's silence was indicative of hesitancy, Claude anxiously asked him what he thought of the routine. "Not too much I hope? Troy did say you were up for almost anything ..."

Nate wanted to beat the crap out of that bastard, but he had to be honest with himself. None of the things Claude had mentioned were new to him. In fact, they were all relatively easy when compared to the various torments he'd suffered in the recent past - not that he wanted to disclose that to Claude!

"Well, I suppose it's doable ..." he ventured, putting on a reluctant facade.

"You'll be very well-compensated," persuaded Claude, evidently thinking money was the stopper.

"How much are we talking, exactly?" asked Nate curiously. It was his turn to appear bug-eyed when Claude revealed the amount.

"That much?!"

Claude confirmed it. "He may even leave you a tip on top of that if you do a really good job."

Nate wondered who in Mount Pleasant would be willing to fork out that amount of money for a gay sex show. Were people in this town really that sex-deprived? Nate never had any trouble picking up chicks, and never had to pay for it. Then again, he wasn't into the sort of sex that was frowned upon by the God-fearing townsfolk. He could see why getting that might be a lot more difficult. He almost felt sympathetic, until he remembered what those unnatural desires meant for him.

"Okay," said Claude, "the client will be here any minute now. You'd better run along upstairs and get changed into your Robin costume. I've laid it out in the room where you'll be performing. Close the door; it won't open from the inside but I'll let you out once the client is gone. When you hear the music, start dancing."

Nate had assumed the floor above the club didn't belong to Claude, but apparently at least part of it did. There was a narrow staircase he hadn't noticed before which led to a pair of adjoining rooms on the upper floor. The first room was softly lit, with five plush armchairs arranged in a semicircle facing a wall of glass. This `window' didn't face outside, but into the second, inner room. This was brightly lit and minimally furnished with a slightly elevated platform and a stripper pole. A solitary chair had been placed in front of the pole and it was on this chair that Nate found his Robin outfit. He faced the glass wall and discovered it was actually a one-way mirror. The people in the outer room could see in but he could not see out.

The whole setup unnerved him, but it was not like he could do anything to change it. Following instructions, he shut himself into the inner room and heard a click as the door locked from the outside. He stripped out of his clothes and donned the trademark mask and tights of the Boy Wonder.

The body-hugging spandex fit him like a glove, rendering every contour and curve of his flawless physique as clear as day beneath the shiny fabric. The rear cord of his thong cut deeply into his butt-crack, aggravating his inflamed asshole. He'd given it a quick fingering with lots of lube to ready himself for the massive dildo. He made sure the mask was firmly fastened; he was determined to keep his identity a secret.

His preparations complete, he waited nervously for the client to arrive. He didn't have a long wait.

Suddenly music blared into the room and a disco ball began to rotate. Nate recognized his cue. He jumped up onto the platform and did his best to put on a sexy dance, incorporating some of the moves he had picked up from Liam and Harry downstairs.

Truthfully though, his proficiency in dancing was of little significance. His body put on a fantastic show all on its own. Any spectator would have been hard-pressed to tear his eyes away from Nate's rippling abs and bouncing pecs, so exquisitely outlined by his tight costume. His biceps bulged as he clambered on the pole, and his bubble butt jutted out enticingly. And all this before even a single article of clothing was shed!

The stuffy room was hot, and the situation was made worse by the powerful spotlights and Nate's skintight outfit. The shower Nate had taken at the Collinswood motel was soon undone as he built up a fine sheen of perspiration.

Right on time, the music switched to `Sexy and I Know It'. Nate sexily unzipped his top, exposing his sweaty, shaved torso. Usually this part of the performance would raise a loud cheer but with his audience on the other side of the (presumably soundproof) mirror, Nate didn't have an inkling of the response to his striptease. He could only hope it was one of satisfaction, or he might have to face a very annoyed Claude (and Troy!) later.

Leaning back against the pole, he ran his hands up his chest, tweaking his hard nipples and rubbing his washboard stomach. Twirling around, he flexed his back muscles and slapped his well-toned glutes.

Teasingly he tugged down his tights to expose the top of his bright yellow thong. Removing the prop gun from its holster, he squirted a load of baby oil onto his chest. He tossed the gun aside and slipped out of his leggings, leaving him in only the skimpy underwear. He sensually spread the oil all over his torso, focusing largely on his sensitive nipples as per the client's request.

His constant fingering of them had plumped up his cock and it couldn't have escaped his audience's notice that Nate's pouch was bulging obscenely. The fabric was already soaked through with oil, to the point where it offered absolutely no modesty, but Nate was still keen to put off total nudity for as long as likely. Baring his genitals to his unseen audience would herald the next stage of his degradation.

However, he could not put it off forever; `Sexy and I Know It' was only three minutes long after all. As the final refrain ended, he reluctantly ripped off his thong, giving his audience an eyeful of his semi-erect cock and low-hanging balls.

The next song was `Whistle', which set the tone for Nate's performance since it was essentially an ode to blowjobs. He sprawled back on the chair with his legs widely spread, deceptively casual about his full-frontal nudity. He brandished the enormous dildo before deep-throating it. He gagged a couple of times but got nearly all 12 inches down his throat.

Meanwhile his free hand wandered down to his crotch, stroking his dick and fondling his crack. He winced when his fingers grazed his puffy anal ring, but grimly soldiered on. By the end of the song, he had four fingers buried in his overused hole and his dick was at full mast.

For the subsequent song, Nate lifted up his legs so that his hole would be more visible to his audience. He lined the saliva-slick dildo up with his sphincter and teased just the bulbous head past his ring. Even that shallow penetration hurt. Inserting the textured, foot-long vibrator in its entirety was going to be hell.

Gritting his teeth, he took the plunge. His mouth opened in a howl as he drove 12 inches of hard silicone into his guts. He was immediately awash in sweat, which made his oiled physique glisten even more. Nate might have been getting paid handsomely for his effort, but he had never felt so akin to a cheap whore. He had come this far, so he just kept going. Ignoring the burning sensation in his butt, he thrust the dildo in and out of his hole with increasing speed. He didn't let up stroking his cock either. A steady stream of pre-cum dribbled down to wet his taint.

Since he'd already cum once in the last hour, he went through two tracks on the playlist before he was ready to ejaculate again. It wasn't anywhere as phenomenal as his earlier orgasm, but he was able to crank out enough spunk to coat his abs. He dipped a finger in the puddle of cream and licked it, repeating the process until his taut belly was clean.

The music stopped and the lights dimmed. The show was over. The door didn't open, however, which Nate took as a sign that the client hadn't left yet. He surveyed his sticky, sweaty body morosely; he would need another shower before he could go home. He extricated the dildo from his aching ass, and found himself wishing that Spencer was around to soothe it with his talented tongue.

The door finally opened and Claude came in, beaming broadly.

"Well done, Nate! The client was thoroughly impressed. He'd not been convinced that picture of you on the poster was authentic until he saw you in action. Although I'm not so sure he believes me about you being straight, after watching you take that huge dildo like a pro ... how long is it? 11, 12 inches?"

Nate blushed. "12."

Claude whistled. "You must really like butt-play! Seriously, you were born to do this, Nate. Your show was hotter than most of the gay porn out there. And the client clearly agrees, because he's requested a repeat performance."

Nate wasn't sure if he was more dismayed at the prospect of having to reprise this humiliating show, or at the notion that providing pornographic entertainment to gay men was his calling in life.

"Anyway, you probably want to check out what he's left you. I've already taken my cut, so what's on the table is all yours. Enjoy - you certainly deserve it!"

Claude practically skipped out of the room. Nate despondently followed him, pausing in the outer room to collect his earnings. He did a double-take when he saw the sheaf of crisp $50 notes. This was after deducting Claude's share? Jesus! The client must be loaded. He looked around the room for any traces of the mysterious patron.

The only thing he spotted was the cigar stub in the ashtray. He recognized its distinctive aroma in the air. It reminded him vividly of the expensive Cuban which he and Tripp had snuck into Tripp's father's study to smoke. Tripp had claimed the Senator had them specially imported, but plainly they were more common than he'd let on. Nate supposed that he shouldn't be surprised Tripp had exaggerated, just like he'd overstated what good friends they were before stabbing him in the back.

He cautiously trudged downstairs, hoping he wouldn't run into Liam. Fortunately he didn't, and he was able to quickly rinse off the oil and sweat in the communal shower before departing. Troy hadn't waited for him, which was a blessing, although Nate suspected he would demand his earnings first thing in the morning.

Another day of slavery over, Nate thought to himself as he drove home. Only God knew how many more there were yet to come. Given the cruel turns his enslavement had taken in recent days, he feared there was no end in sight.

In fact, the end was much, much closer than he imagined.

To be continued ...

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All Rights Reserved. Jasper Cooper. 2014.

No part of this story should be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.

Next: Chapter 15

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