Down To Earth

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jan 17, 2009



The Xenoxians were thoroughly familiar with Mr. Welles' War Of The Worlds. They had mastered all the major languages spoken on earth and had read every book ever written by human beings pertaining to space travel and especially space invasions. In more than one account, earth's microbes had conquered the invading armies. The Counsel of Ten had viewed several movie versions of Mr. Welles' classic tale which they had pirated from electronic gadgets on earth known as television receptors.

For years they had tried to perfect a space suit which would filter out or destroy the unseen creatures which killed. They had not had any success. The Counsel was getting desperate. Every year, the atmosphere of Planet Xenox grew thinner and thinner. In less than one thousand years, it would not be sufficient to sustain life. Invasion of oxygen rich Earth was a necessity to sustain Xenoxian civilization. Even though Xenoxians were well known throughout the Universe for their war like ways, inter galactic conquest was not the main stimulus to an invasion of Planet Earth. They needed to invade Planet Earth to sustain their existence.

Most of the Xenoxian food source was now extinct. The atmosphere could not support the life of the lower animals. The Xenoxian diet now consisted mostly of synthesized pills and water distilled from ice caps. This situation created a surly lot, and there was little joy or laughter on the planet.

Little creatures called pentapods were once so plentiful on the planet that they were classified as a nuisance. They became the mainstay of the Xenoxian diet. Hundreds of recipes were created turning the small creatures into soups and entrees. But as the atmosphere thinned, the pentapods stopped reproducing and began to disappear. The Counsel rounded up as many as they could find, and preserved them in bubble rooms with simulated atmospheres. However, although they increased in number, they were not used for food anymore, but only for scientific research.

The miracle which occurred was attributed to the pentapods. Scientists successfully discovered a process whereby they could reduce the entire essence of a pentapod into a fine vapor. The vapor was captured in a vacuum tube and infused into another pentapod. The donee had all the attributes of itself, but it now had the donor's DNA. The best news was that when they injected a sample of earth's microbes, which they had simulated in a laboratory, into the vacuum containing the vapor, the microbes could not survive.

Then they took the body of a small, newly deceased child and released the pentapod vapor into the child's lungs. Immediately the body came to life and had the mentality and memory banks of the dead child but the DNA of the pentapod. The mixed species was an abomination and was destroyed. It was obvious that species could not be inter-mixed.

Volunteers were plentiful for the first experiments involving the living inhabitants of Xenox. They were to be paid in tasty food portions. The first Xenoxian volunteer was vaporized, but the vapor dispersed before it could be sealed in the vacuum. The scientists went back to the drawing board and created a device to steer the vapor into the vacuum tube. Their third attempt was successful.

The vapor was forced into the lungs of a corpse of a teen ager and he immediately revived. He had no memory of the volunteer Xenoxian, but he became his old self albeit with the DNA of the volunteer. Every thought and every memory was that of the teen ager who died. The newly resurrected teenager was sent on his way to resume his life. His parents assumed that The Source Of Life had performed a miracle and prayed to Him constantly, thanking Him for the return of their son, who was really someone else.

The next experiment involved infusing the vapor into a living Xenoxian. Two totally different volunteers were chosen. The vaporized subject was a male and the donee was a female. The results were astounding. The appearance of the female was not changed at all. However, her psyche and mental and physical capacities remained that of the original male volunteer and her DNA was also that of the donor. She thought of herself as a male Xenoxian. From this experiment they concluded that male vapor should always be infused into a male recipient and a female donor's vapor into a female recipient. The donee committed suicide shortly after the experiment was completed.

The experiment was repeated over and over again but always male to male and female to female. The results were consistent. The surviving body had the DNA of the vaporized volunteer, but was, for all intent and purposes, the same individual as before. The scientists were ecstatic. This was the results they prayed for. They could invade every human being on earth and they wouldn't even know that they had become Xenoxians. There was only one question to be answered. How would the vapor react in an alien body?

Xenox and Earth, had virtually, the same chemical composition. In addition Earthlings and Xenoxians had evolved very similarly. The Counsel decided to send a test capsule to earth. They would infuse one Earthling and examine the results. They chose the strongest, most macho man's man in the volunteer pool to be vaporized. His entire essence was contained in a capsule the size of a thimble. The capsule was imbedded into a pellet to be launched by a rocket and sent to Planet Earth at hyper-speed. The big day arrived and Ixenta was rewarded with a fine meal of pentapods before being vaporized.

The intergalactic pellet took one earth year to arrive on Planet Earth. It entered earth's atmosphere over the Island of Manhattan on a cool autumn morning. It was the first relief from the summer heat and humidity that New Yorkers had experienced in weeks. All over the city, the inhabitants were enjoying the weather. Their windows were wide open to the glorious sunny day.

The pellet floated into an open bedroom window on the upper east side of Manhattan and rested gently at the foot of the bed. Instruments on Xenox detected the presence of two male specimens in the area. The pellet was released and the vapor was infused quickly into one of the specimens.

John Manning awoke with a start. His body was on fire. He gasped and sat up in bed, but almost immediately the burning sensation left him and he felt normal again. He looked over at his lover who was snoring lightly and still very much asleep. He knew that they had just finished a long session of love making not an hour ago, but he was so horny, he wanted to cry. His cock stood at full staff demanding attention.

He turned his sleeping partner on his stomach and without any lubrication or protection, he proceeded to rape him. It was fortunate that Sean was still greasy and full of semen from their recent encounter, or he surely would have been ripped apart. Sean cried out in great pain at first, but as he got used to John's constant stroking, the pain changed to a feeling of such joy as Sean had never before experienced.

"Fuck me," he yelled, "Don't stop." John was glad to obey orders. He came over and over again. He was amazed at himself and lost count of his numerous orgasms. Finally Sean had to push him off because the pleasure was becoming pain again. John's erection remained for at least another ten minutes. Xenoxian DNA was obviously quite different from human DNA.

"You were awesome," Sean purred. "I'll never be able to match you. The two men fell into each other's arms and began to kiss and fondle.

"I'm ready for more," John announced. Sean fainted.

It's time, I guess, to tell you a little about the inhabitants of Xenox, and I do mean a little. They did not practice recreational sex. When a couple had sex, it was solely for the purpose of procreation, and they didn't particularly enjoy it. However, it was the sacred duty of every Xenox woman to reproduce at least two children if they were capable. Xenoxians coupled only for that purpose, and thanked The Source Of All Life that it was over and done with. In spite of that, homosexuality was non-existent.

Although sexual activity with the opposite sex was not pleasurable, and same sex unions were unheard of, their bodies were sex machines. They could cum, man and women, repeatedly. To that end, every man and woman on the planet spent the best part of every evening masturbating. They could have orgasm after orgasm and still retain the need to have more. The desire for sleep was the only thing that ended each nightly session.

John now had the DNA of a Xenoxian, and the sexual urges of a healthy, young human male homosexual. The combination made him into a human sex machine, albeit, a homosexual machine. Work was impossible for him that day. He went to the bathroom every fifteen minutes and whacked off several times. Finally he said he was sick and left the office. He went to Eighth Avenue in mid-town Manhattan and picked up a male hooker, whom he took home with him. Sean was at work, but that didn't bother Ian at all.

He threw the young prostitute on the bed and ripped his clothing off him. "Hey mister," the lad said, "you better pay for those clothes." Ian ignored the boy and proceeded to rape him repeatedly with no protection and no lubrication. The boy fought him off at first, but finally passed out and after John's fifth orgasm, he expired in a pool of blood. John was unaware that he was fucking a corpse until he came for the ninth time. By then he was only partially satisfied and kindly decided to give the hooker a rest, only to discover that the boy was dead.

Without remorse, he dressed and went out to pick up another male prostitute. When the second prostitute saw the dead boy still lying on John's bed, he tried to run away, but he was not a match for John's new found strength. John pushed the first boy off the bed and threw the second on it. Again he ripped off his clothes and began repeatedly raping the unfortunate young man. After John concluded several ass ripping orgasms, the boy bled to death.

When John was raping his third prostitute, Sean came home. John was unaware of his presence, so lost in lust he was. Sean saw the two corpses on the floor and the one on the bed looked dead to him also. The bed and the room were bloodier than a chain saw movie. He almost vomited, but he ran out of the apartment and called the police to report a triple homicide.

The police arrived in a pretty short span of time. John was still fucking away when they grabbed him and handcuffed him. They made him don a robe and took him to the paddy wagon. He was booked without bond and locked up in a psychiatric hospital.

When any male nurse tried to minister to him, he would rip out his erect cock and try to grab him. If any man was within his reach he would try to pull down the man's trousers and suck his cock. One rash orderly let him do it and lived to regret it. By the time he could tear himself free of Ian, his cock was raw and bleeding.

Finally poor John was bound in a straight jacket and put into a padded cell. He cried repeatedly to be allowed to masturbate, but they would not permit it. When he needed to pee, three burly men held him down and a fourth pointed his hardening cock into a urinal. It was terribly sad. At first Sean came to see him, but his animal like behavior sent Sean home crying. After awhile Sean stopped coming to the asylum, and eventually he took a new lover.

The powers that be at the institution were unaware that they had pronounced a death sentence on John. When he was unable to orgasm, his DNA instructed his cells to rebel. One by one his cells began to explode and die. Rapidly his body was destroying itself and John died. The vapor which had invaded his body tried to re-form itself and seek a new body, but it could not do so. It had already morphed into the cells and sinew of John Manning, and it died with Ian.

The scientists on Xenox had been studying the data for days. They erroneously concluded that the invaded body was incapable of having sex with members of the opposite sex. He could only have sex with a member of his own sex and could not, therefore, procreate. When he did have sex with a member of his own gender, he killed his partner, much like a black widow spider. They decided to abandon Project Earth. At first it had seemed like the miracle they had prayed for, but in the end it was a curse that didn't work, and the experiment had backfired badly.

Eventually, they concluded that maybe the experiment failed because of the human species themselves. They decided to try the experiment at least one more time on a different species. They located a planet in a galaxy far, far away and began to make plans for the invasion of a single pellet.

Before starting the new experiment, they went to the Temple of The Source Of All Life and prayed for the success of their project, and for the survival of all Xenoxians.

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