Down and Out

By valor augustus

Published on Jan 12, 2009



I, the author, retain all rights to this story. Rights are granted to only to publish this written material on their website and all mirror sites. This short story is not to be published anywhere else online.

Down and Out Chapter Two

Its 4:12pm, I decided I was going to walk home today instead of riding the bus. Needless to say I need to think, not only about Jakob but life in general. How has everything flipped on me in just one short day? Yesterday I was merely the loner, the one nobody ever cared about. They would just as soon ignore me than actually try to say hello.

But somehow all that changed, and for the life of me I don't understand it. Has fate finally decided to give me a chance at love? And if so, do I love him? This feeling is rather overwhelming. For God's sake its only been one day! Whatever it is that's happening to me, it's scaring the hell out of me... but I think I like it.

I turn to walk up my driveway and notice my mother's car sitting there, she has already come home for the day which is a nice change. The poor woman is always working, I think its a way for her to forget the fact that Dad isn't here whenever she does come home. I can empythise with that decision, Its a painful slap in the face when the house isn't as full as it once was... when its not as noisy as it once was.

I step into the back door, being careful to remove my shoes as not to track in anything, and my mother is sitting at the kitchen table reading the news paper. "Hello, Honey! How was school today? Do anything interesting?" How does she always know? "Hey there, Mom!" I throw my book bag onto the kitchen table chair and sit down next to her.

"I was placed in charge of a new student for a week, his name is Jakob, and he's a really nice guy!" I told my mother, trying not to sound over-excited!

"Thats great Honey, but why did they place you in charge of this new student? Don't they have someone already who is supposed to chapperone new kids?" She somehow always has a way of figuring everything out without all the information. There's no such thing as taking her to a movie theater because she always has to blurt out something that gives away the end of the movie, and the movie wont even be halfway through!

"They do, but the Pricipal decided it would be best for me to show him around and hang around him for a while because his mother passed away last month. The poor kid is torn in two" I couldn't help but begin to grow a little sad at my own words. My Mom just looked at me and assumed I was sad because of Dad, but in reality I was sad because of the pain I saw in Jakob's eyes earlier.

"Well, Jeremy, how do you feel about taking care of this boy who just lost his mother. Especially so soon after your Father's passing?" Oh God, that look, I hate that look. She always gets this look on her face when she's trying to protect me from her own pain. She puts on this show, her face will appear really concerned in your favor, but what she's really doing is hiding what she is truely feeling behind a strong exterior expression.

"I like it alot, Mom. I'm getting a chance to help him recover, and in one day I watched his total attitude change from completely lost to hopeful. He's from Germany, so it's important for him to have a friend."

My mother got this quirky little smile on her face and asked me the most dorky question... "Does you're little German friend know you're Jewish?"

"MOM!" She laughed harder than I had seen in a long time, since even before Dad died. It did my heart good to see it.

"I'm just kidding around with you, Honey! Relax! Here, I made this glass of warm tea for you, I want you to go upstairs to your room and do your homework." She got up from the table chuckling to herself as she walked out of the room. "Yes, Ma'am." I gathered my books and made my way to the stairs.

On my way up I heard my mother shouting to me..."Oh, Jeremy! I recieved a bonus from work today, I pitched in $1,000 to your bank account for your car you've been saving up for!" That just tickled me pink! I raced up to my room and sat at my computer, booted it up and got onto the website for my bank. I was sure I would have enough to by me a decent car now!

"Bank ending balance, $00.00... Huh?!?!" I refresh the page to make certain that my computer isn't messing up or something. It soon replaced the former screen with the new, and I'm sitting here ready to go into a serious hissy fit, so what do I do now? I even call the bank and ask the operator to verify what I am seeing on the screen. There was no mistake, she tells me, so I hang up on her.

"What the HELL!!!!" I could not believe my ears, there was...nothing! NOTHING!!! My bank account was sitting at $00.00! At the top of my lungs I let out a blood-curdling scream "MOM!!!!!" I ran as fast as I could down the stairs, almost tripping on the clothes basket that was on the third stair from the bottom. "MOM!!!!!!!!!!"

"What, what?!?!? Whats the matter!?!?!?!?" She looked at me in horror like something was terribly wrong. "My account is EMPTY! We got to go down to the bank and find out what the hell happened!" Her face went from worried to pissed real fast! "Young man! If you curse at me again I will make certain you never speak again!" I growled, grabbed her purse, fished out the car keys, bolted out the door, and was in the passanger side of Mom's car in no time!

"Come on, come on, come on! Mom! Why are you going so slow!?!?!" She walked in front of me, between the garage door and the nose of the Camry and just stared at me with this great big smile on her face. I was actually beginning to get mad at her, I wanted to find out what happened to my $6,000 bucks that should have been in my account! Then she started to walk away, towards the garage door.

"Mom! Please! Can we please go to the bank now?" She pressed the code into the keypad on the garage door and it began to open. I jumped out of the car to go up to her to find out why she was so calm when clearly I was in a state of panic. Thats when something caught my eye. There it was, an absolutely gorgeous cherry red camaro. Having an obsession with camaros I could instantly tell it was a 2002 model, but it looked like brand new!


"Yes, Honey! It's yours! I have a friend who was selling his car and he agreed to sell it to me because I knew this is what you wanted!" She was beaming with pride! She saw the look on my face and was over-joyed that she could help me get this perfect car! I now knew what happened to my bank account, she went and withdrew it all to pay for this car. Easily done on her part due to the fact that she and I have joint custody over the account because I'm under 18.

"Is... is this really MY car, Mom?" I was about to jump out of my skin with excitement, but I had to contain myself just in case I was wrong!

"Yes, it is, Baby! Go on, you can do your homework later tonight, go have fun!" She was smiling from ear to ear, then she got sturn "But if you get a ticket I will make damn certain that you do community service to pay it off! I may have recieved a bonus at work, but I'm not rich enough to pay your fines! Am I clear?" I read her loud and clear! My mother was never one to give idle threats, so she meant everything she said!

"Yes, Ma'am! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I ran up to her and hugged her so tight she actually yelped out that I was hurting her! I gave her a kiss on the cheek and snatched the keys from her hand. I opened the driver side door and took notice that it still had that new car smell! I was in automotive heaven!!!

The seat was so comfortable, it felt like it was rarely used. With the key inserted I started it up... It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard! Just then... "Holy shit!" I saw how many miles were on it and rolled down the window. "Mom, it only has 16,000 miles on it! Did your friend ever drive this thing?" She heard what I said and her jaw fell to the floor. She took a glance at the dash board and simply said "Not only is Eric nice, but he's also stupid! You practicly have a brand new car!"

"Thanks again, Mom! I'm gone! Hahahahaaaa!" I rolled down the driveway, and headed out. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew where I wanted to be... Jakob's house. I remember that during our last period of school today he said he lived over on the corner of 8th Street and Park Junction Drive, so thats where I headed. "I love my new car!" I thought to myself.

Ten minutes pass and it only feels like I just left my driveway, I found my way to Park Junction and I'm now driving around until I find 8th, which really isn't going to take long... there's hardly anything out here! I'm shocked because I wasn't aware that we had farm land like this out here in this city. Still looking around I see a sight that catches my full attention so I decide to pull over and get out. A full sized red colored barn with the white cross-beams, like you would see in old western movies! I couldn't resist myself, I just have to take some pictures, so I pull out my cell phone and activate the camera.

After I'm satisfied that I have enough pictures, I close my phone and just happen to glance at the street sign... this is the corner of 8th Street and Park Junction. There's nothing else here on this corner! Jakob lived in the little farm house next to that massive barn! Wow! I hope nobody saw my out here snapping pictures of their house! That would be a little akward to explain!

I get back in my car and pull it closer to the house, I didn't want to walk... that would mean less time I got to drive my car! Step out, lock it all up, and head up the steps to ring the doorbell. Some lady answers, and she has a thick German accent. "Yeap, right place" is all that went through my mind. "Hello Ma'am, is Jakob home? I'm a friend from school, my name is Jeremy"

"Yes, Jeremy, he told me about you when he got home from school. He is upstairs if you would like to go see him." She backed up and stepped aside to allow me room to enter the house, it was very tastefully decorated. "Thank you, ......Mrs?" I stopped, giving her room to tell me her name. "You can call me Mrs. Weller. Would you like something to drink?"

"No, thanks though!"

"Your'e welcome, Jeremy. Jakobs room is up the stairs and second on the right." I looked over at the staircase, it had a really nice pollished cherry-wood finish. "Thank you, Mrs Weller!" Once I reach the top I look to my right and see that the second door is slightly jarred open, being nosey I slowly walked over and peeked in. He was changing his clothes! I get to see him change, wow! First went the shirt, then the shoes and socks. Next came the pants, I was thuroughly enjoying this show!

Just then... the underwear fell to the floor, Jakob was standing there naked before me! I instantly got turned on by this, who wouldn't? I got to see everything, stepping out of his briefs he did this adorable little shuffle-type dance to get them off his feet. I had to step back and walk away from the door or else he would hear my muffled snickers of laughter!

I waited a minute to allow him time to get dressed, but mainly to allow myself time to cool down! No way in Hell did I want Jakob to know I was laughing at him! I think I have given him long enough now... time to knock on the door. I knock, wait, wait some more, then finally he says "You can come in now, Leonie." He thinks I'm Mrs Weller... I carefully slide open the door and see him laying on the bed facing the opposite wall in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. He looked so sad laying there cradling himself.

"I'm not hungry, thanks anyways, Leonie. I'm just gonna go to sleep if thats ok." I quietly took off my shirt and set it on the desk chair. I stood there for a moment just contemplating what to do next, he didn't have any clue it was me in his room. So I look back to make sure I had closed the door, I did. Turn back and crawl into bed with him, right behind him. "Leonie please, I just want to sleep."

I whispered in his ear the same way I had done in school earlier, "Then let me help you get comfortable." His head shot up and turned back putting his nose to mine. "Jeremy! What... how did you... uh... huh?!?! I don't understand." He had this look of excitement yet total confusion on his face, it was cute! Kind of like a little boy on Christmas morning, ready to take a swan dive into a mountain of presents!

"I drove over and found your house, you told me the cross streets earlier in school, remember? Anyways, I wanted to see you again. If you want to be alone for a little while I can go...." I couldn't finish my words before he cut me off. "NO! Stay here with me, don't go." I leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss to his beautiful lips, they slightly twitched because he was still attempting to calm down after crying just a few short seconds ago.

"Dont worry, babe, I'm not going anywhere. Now, Jakob, your'e tired. I can see it in your eyes, go ahead and turn back over... I'll be here long enough to see you go to sleep then I will see you in the morning for school." I tucked myself in right behind him, my bare chest to his bare back, he's so warm and soft. I could lay like this until the end of days, or at least as long as I knew he wanted me there.

"Thank you, Jeremy." His voice was dimming, I could tell he was close to being asleep, the poor kid was exhausted. "Your'e welcome, Jakob." I wrapped my arms around his warm abdomen to make him feel safe and secure, and tucked my legs right up into the back of his for support. My face was nestled up against the back of his head, I could smell him. That fragrance made me feel special, special to be the one that his beautiful boy wanted around to help him fall asleep.

I've never felt like this, it's a lighter than air feeling, and I don't ever want it to end. I have never done anything to make me worthy of deserving such a perfect moment. These are the kinds of things that only happen in fairy tales and movies, not to a loser like me. I lay here holding this perfect boy, counting my stars that I have been given this opportunity, and look to the ceiling and give God a smile and a thank you.

I turn back to Jakob and just look at the back of his head, still not fully comprehending how fate had given me this chance. A light kiss to the back of his head, his hair tickled my lips as they departed. Upon release of my show of effection to Jakob, I heard him sigh in contention. He was out like a light, and my kiss made him feel better. Better enough to fall asleep in my arms. I decided not to get up just yet, I'll wait a little more...

As for now, I'm enjoying holding my boy.

***There will be another follow-up chapter to this, not sure exactly how many installments there will be just yet. Please write to me at and let me know if my story was any good. If you hated it, at least be nice about it, this is only the first story i've ever written after all!

There are absolutely NO truths to this work of fiction. I never lost my dad, in fact he is alive and well and happily annoying the hell out of my mother and vice versa. Any similarities to any place or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Next: Chapter 3

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