Down and Dirty in the Dales

By Adz Sampson

Published on Sep 2, 2014


Ross Barton, Aaron Livsey and Adam Barton

Ross was at all all-time low and he had noone to blame but himself.

Falling in love was something that Ross would swore he would never do. He prided himself on being one of the only morons to never have fallen in love with someone. It was against everything he had taught himself. Love would make things more complicated then it needed to be. Love would ruin him. He knew that from the moment little Callie broke his heart when he was 12 when she snogged his best friend. He told himself from that moment that no girl, no single person, would ever have his heart.

His wallet, his body. They could have that, His cock they could have that. But never his heart. It would be too dangerous. It would end in disaster. It would complicate things that needn't be complicated. Sex was sex. Sex was awesome. He wasn't no fucking Virgin Mary far from it, and he didn't discriminate against gender. Sex with men was blinding, sex with women was ace. He loved sex. Multiple positions., Multiple partners. Multiple orgasms. They could have all that. They could have his brain. They could have his mind. But they could never have his heart.

And then like the fucking dick he was he went and fell in love.

With a fucking copper at that.

He must have seriously pissed off God.

Donna Windsor was against everything he hated in a woman. She had brains. She had a loving and supporting family. She was independent. Too fucking independent. And she didn't let Ross walk all over him. She fucking worked with the pigs for Christ sake! He hated that in her. But he also loved her.

Now ain't that a fucking bitch.

And now she was gone. Dead. Buried. And subconcincely he knew he was too blame. She should never have got involved with him. She had a daughter to support. She was far too innocent and good for him. She deserved a man with a good career, prospects for the future. A man to support that daughter of hers.

He wasn't that man. But she still loved him anywway.

And he loved her.

And now she was gone. And he had no-one to blame but himself.

But that didn't mean he wasn't going to find someone to blame. Becausse Ross Barton is many things. And stubborn fucking prick is bang at the top of that list.

And he knew just the person to blame.

Aaron fucking Livsey.


"You shouldn't be here Aaron" Adam stated as he sat in his living room with his best friend.

"I know" Aaron replied and he looked downcast "I knew you was in trouble.. I had to come".

Adam didn't deserve a friend like Aaron. Aaron was currently on the run from the police after taking the blame for starting the fire. The fire which Adam himself started. Aaron was his best friend and he knew that Aaron would do anything for him.

The same stood for Adam. But in this instance he didn't know what to do. Should he admit the blame for the fire and risk years inside? And even if he did, fucking Aaron would still probably have to do time for perjury.

"You've ruined everything" Adam replied icily. He didn't want to lie to Aaron. Adam knew he would understand "Ross is probably going to kill me. Kill you" he paused for a moment "Kill us".

Aaron shrugged. "That man doesn't scare me".

Adam flinched at the tone that his best mate spoke. It was icy cold. And he knew that he was too blame for that. "You should be".

Aaron simply shrugged.

Adam stood up and walked over to the fridge. He pulled out two of Ross's beers from the fridge and chucked one at Adam. He caught it like a fucking pro.

"If his going to kill us, we might aswell enjoy his beers before he does" Adam joked trying to lighten the mood. Aaron smiled smally. His face was unreadable and that scared Adam.

Adam took a long sip of the icy cold beer. That felt good. "Why did you come back Aaron?"

Aaron sighed as he opened his own can of beer. He fingered it for a moment before taking a small sip of the ice cold drink. "You know why I came Adam.. ".

Adam walked closer to Aaron before speaking. "Even after all this time?" he replied before taking a seat opposite Adam on the two seater sofa.

The man didn't look at Adam. He was pointedly looking everywhere but at Adam. He knew why. "You know it will always be you Adam.. " he spoke. He downed his beer in six swift gulps before standing up and crushing the empty can with his hands. "And it fucking kills me because you are a selfish bastard who could never, ever return what I feel and yet when I knew you was in danger the first thing I did was dash it back to Emmerdale because even if your not in my life anymore Adam i'd rather have you alive then dead..". He went to walk out the door but Adam stopped him.

"I can't believe that you still feel that way about me even after everything" he spoke softly "You shouldn't like me".

Aaron turned back around to face Adam and Adam wished he hadn't because the face on Aaron now was a face he never wanted to see on him. He looked heartbroken. Lost. Broken. And that was all because of him. "I don't like you Adam" he replied and that hurt more then Adam ever thought it would "Your selfish. I've been on the run for fucking two years whilst you've been swanning it around and fucking anything with a fanny. I have to watch my back everyday whilst from what I've heard your just on your back all the time.". The words were cutting Adam like someone had pulled out his heart and was slicing it in half. "No I don't like you Adam". He then walked over to Adam and took the beer out of his hands, he downed that beer in another six gulps before he threw the empty can on the floor and looked directly in Adam's eyes. "But I'm in love with you Adam. I hate that. I hate that even after all these years your the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I go to bed. And I hate the fact that you can never return what I feel. Because what I feel for you is so much love that I would seriously fucking kill someone for you. If Ross was to attack you I would have no hestitation in killing that bastard and it's all because your here" Aaron spoke passiontly as he pointed to his heart "I thought maybe I would get over you. Find a man who would really be able to love me. But I'm not a nice person Adam. I've screwed over alot of men during my time in France. And it's all because no matter how hard I try to feel something for them.. I just can't because there not you. And ain't that the most fucked up thing you have ever heard in your life?".

Adam didn't know what to feel. His heart was pounding like it had never pounded before. He was sweating and he was shaking. Aaron was too good for him. Aaron deserved someone so much better then him. And yet he was walking closer to Aaron, not knowing what he was going to do..

"And I'm tired of being in love with a straight guy".

And that was when Adam kissed Aaron and everything went to fucking shit.


Adam honestly didn't know what he was doing when he kissed Aaron. It was just a simple kiss on the lips. They both stared at each other, breathing heavily. Emotions scattered everywhere. And then Aaron had pushed him against the wall and was devouring his mouth. He shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't be kissing Aaron. Yet.. he couldn't help himself. And when Aaron's tongue touched his tongue, Adam was a goner. The kiss got hotter, tongues clashing against tongues, teeth everywhere. His cock was straining in his jeans. Aaron was kissing him like he'd never kissed anyone.

And then he wasn't. He walked away from Adam and was staring at him like he was a stranger.

"NO!" Aaron shouted "You dont get to do that to me. I won't do it. I'm not being anyones toy. Why the fuck did you have to go and kiss me?"

And Adam didn't have a reply to that. Because, honestly, he didn't know why he was kissing Aaron. He just knew that he was missing Aarons mouth on him. And he was missing the feel of Adams manly body against his.

And then Ross had to barge in.


Ross slammed the door behind him. He was tipsy. But nowhere near drunk enough to forget about how his life as a fucking shambles. Not drunk enough to know that he would never, ever get to see Donna again. He'd never get to kiss her again. He'd never get to make love to her again.

Make love? What the fuck. He hated love. And he hated that Donna was no longer in his life. And he hated Adam fucking Livesey.

So imagine his fucking surprise when he walked into the living room and saw that fucking cocksplash standing there.

He took in the sight before him. Adam leaning against the wall rubbing his lips. Aaron looking like he wanted to kill someone. And then he charged.

"You fucking bastard!" Ross shouted as he pushed Aaron against the wall and threw a solid lefthook at him. Aaron's head fell back and hit the wall, blood gushing down his nose. Adam grabbed Ross but that fuming man was too strong for him and he threw Adam against the wall. He charged at Aaron again and punched him again, hitting the same spot on the nose that he had already hit.

And then Aaron punched him back. Harder. Right on the mouth. He swore a fucking tooth cracked. Aaron punched him again and this time he fell to the floor- more in shock then anything else. Adam went to Aaron and to see if he was okay, but Aaron threw his hand back and threw an impressive punch at Adam, knocking him to the floor aswell. Then he turned around to face Ross who was still on the floor. "Now what the fuck is your problem?"

"Your the fucking problem. Faggot". He hated that word. He loathed it. But he knew that would get a rise out of Aaron. And it sure did. Aaron jumped on top of Ross and punched him in the face again. Blood was everywhere. He could see the blood on Aaron's fist as the man threw another punch at him.

"I don't care for your attitude Ross, now tell me what your fucking problem is but let it be known that I'm already on the fucking run for a crime I didn't commit. Why not go back on the run with a fucking impressive crime on my head? Because I'm in the mood for killing someone".

Ross laughed at that. He threw a punch at Aaron who was still on top of him. Aaron dodged the punch-- just. "Your bluffing" he simply said.

And then Aaron was laughing. Manically. With all the strength he could muster, he grabbed Aaron and lifted him up before throwing him across the room like a fucking ragdoll. He could hear the crunch as Aaron hit something. He stood up and looked as Aaron had fallen on top of Adam.

"Bet your fucking enjoying that" Ross laughed. Aaron stood up. He looked at Ross directly in the face. He took off his jacket and threw it across the room. He launched himself at Ross and hit him directly in the chest with a solid punch that winded him. "Your starting to piss me off Ross and you wouldn't like me when I'm pissed off".

"I have to admit for a faggot you do through a fucking impressive punch".

Aaron wiped his nose with his arm. Blood covered it.

"I get it okay" Aaron stated as he looked directly at Ross "You loved Donna".

Ross charged at him again but Aaron dodged out of the way. "No" he said simply as he walked across the room "You need to hear this".

Ross looked at Adam who was on the floor. He had somehow managed to grab a teatowel and he was wiping his nose with it. Fucking pussy. "Love is fucked up. I know that more then anyone else".

Ross laughed at that. "And who the fuck would you love?".

Aaron looked directly at Adam who had recoiled in shock.

"Him?" Ross stated "Him? Even you can do better then that waste of spunk".

Adam didn't say anything.

"I can do better then him. I have done better then him" he stated "But his in my heart all the fucking time".

"That's fucking lame" Ross stated. He took off his own jacket and then took off his t-shirt. He used to t-shirt to wipe his nose from the blood that was trickling down.

"It is. It's fucking lame. I own that" Aaron replied as he tried to look anywhere but at Ross's hot, hairy body. Fucking cocktease. "But then you know what it's like. Being in love with someone. You'd do anything for that person.." he paused for a moment and looked at Ross. Ross had discaded the t-shirt on the kitchen table but blood was still pouring down his face. He could feel the blood pouring out of his nose aswell but he ignored it. "And don't think for a single moment that I wouldn't kill you Ross because I fucking would. I love that fucking wanker and I would do anything for him. Even if the feeling isn't recipricated".

Ross didn't know what to say to that. But what he did know was that he believed every single word he was saying. "I did love her" Ross admitted before he could stop himself. Was. Not. Meant. To. Say. That!.

"I know" Aaron replied "If i had known what was going down.. I would never have come back. I thought he was in danger.. I needed to be here.. I'm sorry for what it's worth. And also, she loved you two".

Ross stopped breathing for a moment. He could swear it. "What?"

"I saw the way she looked at you. She loved you. What happened.. It's no-one's thought really.. Of course I blame myself like Adam blames himself and I know inside it's killing you because your looking to blame anyone except yourself.."

Ross wanted him to stop talking. He was so close to the truth it was fucking frightening.

But he continued. "And if makes you feel better hitting me, then you can hit me again. Because I know what it's like being in love. I know what it's like falling so deep for someone you feel like your drowning. But know this mate.. That girl loved you, and you loved her, and you will always have them memories no matter what happens. No matter how short it was".

So Ross did, He walked over to Aaron and he threw his arm back and he punched Aaron directly on the nose. But then he walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of vodka.

Aaron accepted the punch. He knew it was coming. He just hoped it helped Ross take his mind off things. If only for a couple of minutes.

"Vodka?" Ross asked.

"Fuck yes" Aaron replied "My nose feels like it's falling off".

Ross laughed at that. And you know what? Aaron could tell it was a genuine laugh.

He poured them a shot of vodka each. And they took a swig of it. Both flinched at the taste of the spirit. Ross pulled out another glass and offered Adam a drink. He was now standing next to them. His nose had stopped bleeding.

"I'm sorry about the punch" Aaron stated. But he wasn't. Ross could tell. He wasn't sorry at all. And he respected that about Aaron.

Ross gave them both there glass. And the three of downed another shot.


"He's such a fucking lightweight" Ross laughed as Adam laid passed out on the sofa.

"He will never change" Aaron smiled and he looked at Adam like he was the best fucking thing on the planet.

"You really love him don't you" Ross stated. It wasn't a question.

"More then he deserves" Aaron replied.

"He's never going to be yours, you know that?" Ross spoke. They had moved on to beers know and Ross was on his third beer. He took a long swig of that beer. "He might, you know, be open to sex with you but he'll never.. love you like you love him".

Aaron smiled at Ross a genuine smile. "I know he won't. And that hurts me. We kissed, before you walked in, but i pulled away".

Ross looked confused. "Why are you telling me this?"

Aaron sighed. "We kissed. We probably would have had sex. I wouldn't have been able to resist him. But then'd he have hated me. Because no matter what he says.. Thats no what he wants. He might think he does, but he will never be able to be with me. Not in the way I want him too".

Ross looked at Aaron. Then he looked at Adam who was now snoring on the sofa.

"We should have sex" Ross spoke

Aaron nearly dropped his beer. "Say what now?"

"Me and you. We should go into my room and we should take our anger out on each other. Sexually".

"That is probably the most fucked up thing I have ever heard" Aaron stated as he took a long sip of his drink "And I've heard some pretty fucked up things".

Ross just looked at him. "Your thinking about it though aern't you?"

Aaron didn't dignify him with a response.

"I'm being serious. We're both angry at the world. I'm angry at everyone. Your angry at everyone but mainly Adam because he will never be able to want you like you want him. But I can. We can just go into my room and fuck the shit out of each other".

"I'm not having sex with a straight man!" Aaron laughed "Believe me, I should have my own award for the amount of straight guys I've tried to pull".

"When the fuck did I say I was straight?" Ross laughed as he placed his beer on the table. "Dude I am a certifable bisexual. I've sucked cock and everything" He didn't really feel the need to tell Aaron that he'd sucked Adam's dick. "Look I'm not saying that things are going to be different in the morning. I'll probably still hate the world and you probably will too. But for one night, for one lousy night why not take out our frustrations on each other? And if I'm being honest.. I really don't want to sleep alone tonight. And having another body there might help me take my mind off things.. if only for a few hours".

Aaron thought that made sense in a twisted kind of way. And let's be honest- Ross was fucking hot.

Ross walked over to Aaron and he was so close to him. So close that Aaron could taste his beery and cigarette laden breath. He whispered to Aaron "Let's live dangerously for a night". And before Aaron could tell him to fuck off, Ross was kissing him.

Kissing him in a way he hadn't been kissed for a very long time. And Aaron didn't feel the urge to push him off. Instead, he opened his mouth and accepted Ross's tongue into his mouth. He crashed against the wall as there kiss got deeper, faster, hotter. Both were breathing heavy and Aaron could feel the Ross's stiff bulge against his thigh. Aaron pulled away from Ross "Is that a gun in your pocket or your just pleased to see me?" he breathed against Ross's neck.

Ross just groaned at the cheesiness before he pushed Aaron into his bedroom. He pushed him up against his bedroom wall and devoured his mouth, before kicking the door shut.


It was fast and frantic. Ross has Aaron against the wall and he was fucking kiss him like the world was ending. There tongues were on a frantic clashing mission as Aaron's hands were roaming all over Ross's sweaty shirtless chest. Ross had never kissed someone so frantically but Aaron wasn't complaining. And the groans he was making as he tongued Aaron's mouth deep went straight to his dick. Ross literally ripped Aaron's t-shirt off him mid-snog, Aaron didn't complain when the material ripped and Ross through it straight on the floor. He stopped kissing to focus on Aarons neck and he bit down hard. Aaron groaned and it definetely wasn't a painful groan as Ross could literally feel the twinging of Aarons cock against his thigh.

So the man liked it rough. Noted.

As he continued to abuse Aarons neck, Aarons hands had found its way inside Ross's jogging bottoms and he was stroking Ross's stiff rod through the material of his Calvin Kliens.

Aaron knew he would be marked on his neck. But he didn't fucking care about that right now. The way was Ross was abusing him was by far the hottest thing he'd ever experienced.

Ross pulled away from Aarons neck and dropped to his knees. He pulled Aaron's jeans down in one swift movement taking his boxers down with him. Ross was not surprised that the cock that sprung free was a big one. He knew Aaron was packing from the moment he met him. He just never imagined that he'd ever see it.. He didn't look up at Aaron as he took the hard dick in his hands and stroked it a couple of times. Aaron groaned and pressed his arse against the wall. It was cold but he didn't fucking care. Ross took the dick in his mouth and swallowed it whole in one movement. He needed this. He sucked on the cock for a while before he pulled away and let the cock spring free. He looked up at Aaron who was starting to sweat himself. He made him sweat. It was all him. That made his own cock twinge. Ross played with Aaron's bollocks for a moment before he swallowed the cock whole again, taking it all the way down until it hit his throat. Aaron literally moaned out loud at that.

"Your fucking killing me" Aaron groaned as Ross removed his mouth from the cock. He stood up and pulled his own jogging bottoms down before he walked over to the bed. He looked at Aaron's rock hard dick as he sat down on the bed. "Your ready"


Ross rolled his eyes "To fuck me you dick".

Aaron wasn't expecting that. And he wasn't expecting what he said next.

"Have no mercy on me. I'm a fucking bastard. Destroy me. I want you to fuck me so hard that I won't be able to sit properly. I want you to do me so hard that I can still feel you inside me five days later".

The dirty talk was too fucking hot for Aaron to handle. He thought for a moment that he was going to cum on the spot and wouldn't that just be the most embarrasing thing ever?

Ross discared his boxers and kicked them somewhere across the room before he spat on his fingers. He laid on the bed and stuck a single finger inside his arse. He groaned as he pushed the finger inside and worked it in. He didn't take long for him to reach the spot and he let Aaron knew when he moaned loudly.

Watching Ross finger himself was too fucking hot for words. Seeing a man of his build, his manliness, reduced to a near wreck a single finger was doing things to Aaron he couldn't describe. He watched as the man pulled out the finger and repeplaced it with two fingers. He walked over to the bed and leaned over. As Ross was fingering himself with two fingers, Aaron took Ross's cock in his hands for the first time and looked at the big, uncut dick for a while before he wrapped a hand around it and started wanking him off slowly.

As Aaron wanked him, Ross had replaced the two fingers with three. He was opening himself up. Aaron wasn't a small boy so he needed to be ready. But he also knew that if Aaron wasn't inside him soon then someone would die a painful death.

"Condom?" Aaron asked as Ross continued to fuck himself with his fingers.

"Fuck that noise I wanna feel you properly" he spoke but he added "Don't worry I'm safe dude". He took his fingers out of his arse and pulled Aaron down on the bed. "Now get yourself inside me before I punch you again".

Aaron wasn't going to argue with that. He grabbed Ross's legs and pulled him closer to him. He grabbed his dick which was leaking a little precum. He spat on his fingers and wiped the spit around his cock as Ross did the same to his arse.

Ross lifted his knees up and opened his legs, giving Aaron unprecedented access to his arse. Aaron grabbed his dick and pushed it straight in. Ross groaned. It'd been a while since a man had been inide him. But that wasn't going to stop him from allowing Aaron to dominate the fuck out of him. Aaron pushed harder inside him, getting used to Ross's arse. It felt fantastic. Ross wrapped his hands around his cock as Aaron continued to slowly fuck him.

"Pick up the pace Grandad" Ross groaned "Just fuck me already".

Aaron lent over and bit down on Ross's nipple. Hard. Ross groaned at that before Aaron pulled back and pushed hard inside him. Holding onto Ross's arse, he picked up the speed as the man lay at his mercy wanking his solid dick. As he fucked him, he leaned down and bit Ross's nipple again hoping to hear that moan of mercy as he did so. He was not let down as Ross groaned at the sensation. He thrusted harder inside as he could feel Ross loosen up.

"Fuck yeah" Ross was groaning as Aaron's pounding got harder "Give it to me fucking good".

"Who knew that Ross Barton was such a bottom boy slut? Your a fucking filthy cunt" Aaron replied as he pounded harder into Ross.

"You fucking love it" Ross counter replied "I'm a fucking man who knows what he wants" he spoke in between groans and thrusts "And what I want right now is your dick, so fucking give it to me harder or fuck off so I can grab a dildo and do some work myself".

The thought of Ross and a Dildo prompted Aaron to grab harder onto Ross's arse. And then he went full pelt. He was fucking Ross like the dirty slut he was.

Aaron pulled out of Ross's arse. He held onto his dick as he watched the man below him. Ross was sweating heavily. The sweat was mixing in with the chest hair on his nipple area and it was honestly such a fucking turn on to see such a manly man truly fucked out.

"I'm gonna lay on the bed and your gonna sit on my dick like the fucking dirty bastard you are" Aaron spoke. He leaned over and shoved his tongue in Ross's mouth for a few moments. The kiss was hot and Ross continued to stroke his cock which was honestly the hardest Ross had ever seen it.

Ross got up off the bed and Aaron laid down where he left. Aaron held onto his rock hard cock and Ross lowered himself down on it. Holding himself up with one hand as he stroked himself off with the other, he went lower until he could feel Aaron's cock enter him again. And he groaned at pleasure at the feeling of being so fucking full yet not being full enough. Aaron had no mercy on him. He lay on the bed and thrust hard into him. Ross continued to wank himself into a frenzy knowing it wasn't going to be long before he reached explosion. As Ross continued to hold himself up as he sat on Aaron's cock, he grabbed Aarons face and pulled him closer to him. Then he bit hard on the side of the neck that he hadn't already marked. Aaron was fucking him full pelt know. The breathing was loud and the groans getting louder. The sound of skin on skin could be heard. The smell of sex could be smelt.

As he fucked Ross, he pulled his head up to suck on Ross's nipple. Ross was pushing himself down further onto Aaron's cock. Ross finally moved his hand and started to ride Aaron. He rode Aarons dick as the younger man fucked him. The bed was fucking making insane noises as the pair of them got louder. Aarons cock felt so good inside him.

Ross came. He was wanking his cock so fast and he gave no warning. Aaron continued to fuck his arse as Ross blew a fucking insane load. The first shot flew over Aarons head and hit the headboard. The second shot of the white, hot spunk landed on Aarons mouth, some dripping into Aaron's open mouth. He continued to cum as Aaron continued to fuck him into a frenzy.

"Fuck" Aaron groaned as Ross continued to cum. It was just flying out of him. Most of it was now landing on Aarons sweaty chest. But still Aaron fucked him, and he was getting faster. And then Aaron gave a small warning by biting down on Ross's nipple as he came inside Ross. He could feel hot, liquid inside his arse as Aaron slowed down the pace. He pulled out completely of Ross's arse but not before he stuck his fingers inside Ross's arse, wiped some of the spunk on his fingers and fed it to Ross.

He was only surprised when he accepted it. A move like that would have earned any less a guy a swift punch on the fucking nose.

Ross collapsed onto the bed. Aaron leaned over and kissed his chest.

"I need a fucking cigarette" Ross groaned as he pulled a packet out from his drawers.

"So do I" a voice spoke and both turned around and came face to face with Adam.


Who's jeans and boxers were around his ankles and his hard cock was covered in warm spunk.


Phew! I need a cigarette myself after writing that. Just a note that this fic HASN'T been proof read as I haven't the time. But mistakes aside I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Next time: Adam joins in the fun, Ross gets more then he bargained for and either Adam or Aaron will be double penetrated- but who will it be? AND by the end of the chapter two other characters will be introduced... ;)

Happy wanking.


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