Down and Dirty in the Dales

By Adz Sampson

Published on Dec 7, 2013



Adam knew dodgy when he saw dodgy. And his cousin Ross was dodgy. He didn't trust that soap dodger as far he could throw him, and why his mum had persisted on letting him stay at there house, there farm that they had worked fucking hard to build, baffled Adam and he wanted to get rid of him. His prescence made him uncomfortable. He knew that Ross was up to something, planning something, and it was only a matter of time before his mother got her heart broken again. He knew that she missed his father and Ross being his cousin was one of the closest thing's he had got to being close to him again. But Ross didn't care for that. Adam knew that. He was up to something and he was pretty sure that whatever it was he was planning was going to fuck his mother again. And he wasn't here for that. No fucking way. He was done seeing his mother so fucking upset all the time. She'd even resorted to fucking Cain Dingle. Now if that wasn't a mid life crisis then Adam didn't know what the fuck one was. Yes, Adam was smart. And he knew Ross was planning on something. So he was going to fuck up Ross's plans, if only for today, by cancelling his plans and being around. Because he was fairly certain that would annoy the hell out of Ross. And that he was definitely here for.


Ross was fairly certain that Adam was just hanging the fuck around to piss him off and if that's what he was doing it was working. How the fuck was he meant to get some alone time with that bastard hovering around the place like some fucking police guard or something. So, yes, he was planning on robbing the place blind and leaving mere chaos in his prescence but Adam wasn't to know that. Ross had charmed the knickers of that Moria bird and she'd basically begged him to stay. There was no way she was suspicious of his motives. And he was pretty sure that Adam was too dumb to be suspicious of anything other then his own mirror reflection. But he was hanging around like a bad smell and that was seriously starting to piss Ross the fuck off who was planning on enjoying the day to himself. He had things to attend to and he was fucked if that pesky Adam was going to stop him. Maybe Adam fancied him or something? Adam wasn't bad to look at. He'd be all up for having a one nighter with him if he wasn't his cousin. But incest isn't his cup of tea and he was pretty sure that Adam hadn't the balls to have gay sex.

"I'm going to have a kip" Ross lied as Adam sat on the sofa- can of beer glued to his hand. "You can watch me if you want to make sure I'm not doing anything untoward. Beside it's your room and I doubt you have anything worth stealing. I'm not a fan of dildos to be honest"

"Fuck off" Adam stated with a look of pure annoyance on his face "Why the fuck would I have dildos?"

Ross shrugged. "Your always so grumpy. I assumed you had one stuck up your arse or something". He pondered for a moment "But then anal is meant to make you happy, and your never happy, always fucking miserable. And I suspect that you'd be to scared to put a dildo up you on account that it might fucking hurt".

Adam took a sip of his beer. "You seem to know an awful lot about dildos there Ross, got something to tell me lad?"

Shrugging Ross just smiled. "Now if I wanted to fuck myself with a dildo, I wouldn't be boasting to you know would I?". He grinned at Adam before walking off. "Now I'm going off for that fucking kip. Lack of sleep makes me miserable and I suspect your going to be stalking me for the rest of the fucking day so I better get some sleep if I have to put up with your ugly mug all day. Cheerio". He spoke before walking off into Adam's bedroom and closing the door.

Taking a look around the room, Ross noticied it was just your typical teenagers bedroom. He suspected that if he had a bedroom of his own that it might look a bit like this, only a bit more messy and less fucking clinical. But then Ross suspected that Moria or whatever her name was done cleaned his room like the fucking woman she was. He shut the door behind him, but didn't lock it. That would just make everyone suspcious, right? Plus he had nothing to hide. He listened outside and heard Adam sighing as he flicked the channels over. Good. Be annoyed. Little fucking rat.

He's gotta have some porn or something. Christ, he might be an annoying dungbeetle but he was still a teenager and he still had rocks to get off. He suspected. Although he wouldn't be surprised to that Adam didn't own a penis on account of him being such a fucking pussy. Walking over to the bed, he sat on it and fingered the chest of drawers. Opening the top drawer slowly. DVDS. Fags. So Adam was a secret smoker? Score. He pocketed the fags and took a lighter for good measure. Nothing else of note except a picture of him with a seriously good looking guy. He suspected that this might be Aaron- that gay son of that fit barmaid that he'd heard Moira and Adam talking about. Adam was best friends with a poof? Even the most simple people can surprise you.

He closed the single drawer and opened it. Bingo. Condoms. Magazines. More explicit DVDS. Now this wasn't fucking hiding things. He knew Adam was a thick bastard. At least when he was a teenager he had the imagination to hide these things under his bed or something. Pulling out the DVDS and Magazines, he wasn't surprised to see a picture of a skinny blonde bird with tits that were so blatantly fake you could probably open your own siliclone clinic with the amount she's got shoved in her breasts. His porn collection was so cliché and so boring. A bit like himself. He was almost disappointed in his cousin for having such bland taste in wank material. Magazine after magazine of nothing but girls with fake hair, fake tits, big pussys. Well Ross had gathered that Adam had a type but he thought he'd might like more real girls. The DVDS were the same. Bland, bland, bland. He liked girls but he couldn't get excited over these. He'd probably seen these DVD's several times when he was a horny teenager getting off over anything that breathed. He put them back where he found them, deciding to use his imagination to get off or something.

The something hit Ross. Adam couldn't be that dumb. He knew that Moira cleaned out her precious son's room and she'd probably come across these magazine's and DVDS several times. But there had to be something else. Adam couldn't get off to these magazines knowing that his own mother has probably flicked through them just to see. Standing up from the bed, he pulled the covers back from the bed and lifted the mattress off in a single pull. So he was strong, sue him. And there was a folder. A single folder laying in the middle of the bed. He pulled the folder out and opened it up, A grin forming on Ross's face. Bingo! Maybe Adam Barton wasn't so fucking straight laced afterall. Replacing the mattress on the bed and putting the covers back on the seriously comfy bed- Ross pulled out the magazines from the green folder. Big Dickz 24 and Ride 'Em Cowboy were just some of the delights that Ross had his hands on. And the DVDS were better. The Postman Always Fucks Twice, The Removal Men and Pool Room Scallies. Christ, that one actually looked hot. Who'd have thought it.

Ross was horny now. He could put the DVD in the DVD player and have a quick wank. Maybe wipe the cum all over Adam's bed just to piss him off even more. But then maybe that was too disgusting even for him. Instead, he put the folder on the bed, opened the door and adjusted his jeans so it wasn't to obvious he was excited.

"Cousin. What a delight! Gis a beer would you?" Ross spoke as he sat next to Adam on the couch. He jumped, maybe he'd fallen asleep? Adam just groaned and did as he was told. Of course Adam threw the beer and Ross catched it, opening it up and taking a huge gulp as if it were water. "You look bored Cousin, maybe we should watch a DVD?"

Adam groaned. "What you fancy watching?"

Ross took another huge gulp of the beer and then disappeared back into the bedroom. He picked up the selection of DVDs and hid them behind his back. Adam wasn't really paying attention, looking like he might fall asleep or something.

"Well, I'm not really picky really but I quite fancy Young Offender's". Ross said as he chucked the porn DVD at Adam who caught it, looking at Ross af he had grown an extra head. "I dunno about you, but everytime I'm arrested I fantastise about bending the copper over the desk and pounding him into next week".

"Shit.. Ross.. Why?" Adam choked out. "These aern't mine!" he protested and Ross just laughed.

Ross shrugged. "Ain't no shame in liking dick young Adam".

Adam took a while to process this information. Before he spoke. "Wait.. your gay?"

"No I ain't fucking gay" Ross replied and Adam look confused. Bless. He must have alot of information running through his head. "I think the word you modern people call it these days is bisexual".

Adam sighed. "Me too Ross. But aern't you ashamed?"

"Fuck off" Ross spoke, downing the rest of his beer in four gulps. "I ain't ashamed of nothing. I fucking embrace the biness mate. Why would I be ashamed at the fact that I can deep throat a cock? That ain't nothing to be ashamed off mate. That's something to be proud of".

"So you've.. Sex.. With guys?" Adam choked it. It seemed he'd lost the abilty to talk. Fucking chicken.

"Plenty of times" Ross replied, walking over to the fridge and pulling out another beer. He pulled another one out for Adam and passed it to him before sitting next to Adam on the sofa.

Adam took a huge breath before standing up and taking off his jacket. "Things have suddenly got hot in here" he spoke. Ross just grinned at his cousin. He was actually good looking if you looked properly. Handsome. Rough.

"Last time you had sex.. ?" Adam began to speak but Ross cut him off.

"Was with a girl" Ross replied and Adam nodded. "But the time before that I fucked a mechanic".

"Really?" Adam looked at Ross whilst opening his beer.

"Yeah. Couldn't afford to pay the bill. Embarrasing. So I offered to suck his dick. Thought he'd say no.. Turns out he wanted alot more then just my mouth".

"Fuck" Ross noticed that Adam's grip on the can of beer got tighter sensing arousal. Interesting. "How many.. guys?"

"Sixteen" Ross fired out of the bat and shit Adam nearly choked on his beer. "Eight when I was sober".

"Shit" Adam said again

"But remember I've been to prison aswell. It's easy to get your dick sucked inside if you know the right person". Ross took a sip of his beer and then had an idea. He pulled out the fags from his jacket, placing them on the table. He then took of his own jacket and placed it on the sofa. "Smoking kills, by the way".

Adam shrugged. "I don't smoke alot. When I'm stressed. After.. sex".

Ross laughed. "You ain't gotta be shy around me little cousin. You can mention sex and we're not going to be spontaneously combust".

"Can I ask more questions?" Adam asked as if intrigued.

Ross shrugged, taking another long gulp of his beer. "Why not? Not like I got anything else planned tonight".

"Hottest sexual experience?" Adam asked and he coloured like he was still embarrased.

Ross pondered that for a moment. Taking a huge sip of his beer and placing it on the table. "Last May, I was fucking a married woman. And her husband walked in and caught us at it on his fucking dining table. He wasn't angry though. He joined in. I'll tell you little cousin, you've not experienced great sex until you've got your dick in some woman's tight arse whilst your own arse is being tongue fucked by your local lawyer".

Adam dropped his beer on the floor. "Shit the bed". He leaned over and picked the beer up and Ross groaned. "He licked your arse?"

"Oh yes little cousin" Ross smiled "I'd never thought of doing that before. But having his tongue up there.. Fuck me. I've never came so hard in my life".

"Fuck" Adam groaned "Your a slut".

Ross laughed hard at that. "I don't like that word. It's demeaning. I like to call it experienced. I'm just doing a service for the local men and women". He took a sip of his own beer and looked at his little cousin. "Plus it's hardly my fault I look like this. I have to literally fight them off".

"I'm sure you do" Adam looked at Ross and for the first time he smiled. And he looked good when he smiled.

Ross returned the smile and then decided to ask Adam a question. "What about you little cousin, hottest sexual experience?"

Adam pondered for a moment. "There's not been that many.. But there was that time Aaron sucked me off and then stuck a finger in my arse. Christ. Who knew that would be so hot?"

"Aaron- the poof from the bar?" Ross spoke and Adam flinched. "Sorry, old habits die hard. That leggy brunettes son?"

"Yeah" Adam replied and Ross looked at him. Really looked at him.

"Shit, you loved him didn't you?" It didn't take genius to work it out. Ross knew that look. He'd been heartbroken once or twice before in his life. But he was man enough to get over it. Or at least fuck someone else to forget about it.

"No.. Yeah.. Shit, it's complicated" Adam held onto the beer, taking a modest sip "He was my best friend.. And we sometimes had sex.. But that's all it was. He didn't want me that way and I accepted it. I'm not sure if it was.. love.. or just adoreation?"

"That makes sense.. I guess?" Ross finished off his beer and picked up the cigarettes. "Fancy a smoke?"

Adam shrugged. "Mum will kill me, but fuck it".

"Oh little cousin, I'll take the blame" Ross joked and Adam grinned at him.

Ross placed the cigarette in his mouth and sparked up. He took a deep breath of the cigarette smoke before exhaling and all the time Adam didn't his eyes off him. "Guys smoking is so hot" Adam spoke but then looked like he regretted it when he closed his eyes and took a big sip of his beer.

"Your into guys smoking?" Ross enquired "I believe you have a kink there little cousin".

Adam accepted the cigarette from Ross who had passed it to him. He inhaled the Richmond Superking cigarette. "While we're being all honest and shit, can I be honest about something?" he asked and Ross just nodded at him, watching Adam inhale and exhale the cigarette. He was starting to agree with Adam's kink, he'd never noticed before but a guy smoking is way hot. Or maybe it was just Adam. Maybe he just found Adam hot when he smoked. And boy that was a revelation in itself!

"I don't trust you. I think your up to something and I think your going to break my mum's heart whilst seriously hurts because she trusts you" Adam spoke and Ross felt like a knife had been stabbed straight into his heart. It hurt. "But at the same time, I can't help but.. well.. I dunno how to put this? But let's just say last night was quite the eye opener".

Ross was curious. He took the half burnt cigarette from Adam and inhaled on the cancer stick. He just looked at his little cousin.

"I walked in on you in the shower" Adam spat out. Ross didn't move. "And last night I came harder then I have for months.. Fingering myself".

"Holy shit" Ross groaned as he exhaled the cigarette smoke from his mouth. Now that he wasn't expecting.

But Adam wasn't finished apparently. "Imagining it was your dick.. Fucking me".

Ross inhaled on the cigarette again and pondered something. He looked at his cousin and spoke. "Is that what you want little cousin? Do you want me to fuck you? Now?"

Adam took the cigarette from Ross and inhaled the last bit before dogging it out inside his old beer can. He then picked up his new beer can and took a swig. "I'm not sure if I want that.. yet.. But I do know that if you don't touch me in the next couple of minutes I'm going to take care of myself".

Ross took a huge sip of his beer and placed the beer can on the side. "Okay little cousin.. Be prepared for the experience of your life".

Adam pulled a face which was so erotic that Ross could feel himself stiffening in his own jeans.

Adam stood up and walked over to his cousin. He stank of beer and cigarette but the hint of aftershave and toothpaste. He pulled Ross by the t-shirt closer to him and whispered in his ear. "One more question, how would you feel about me fucking you".

Ross pushed Adam against the wall, unzipping his shirt. "Do I look like I take dick in my arse?"

Adam groaned. "No".

Ross placed his hands inside Adam's shirt, his cold hands making Adam both flinch and aroused and whispered in his eyes. "Appearances can be deceiving little cousin, There's nothing I like more then a solid, hard dick inside me. Think you can make me cum, little cousin, think you can handle me. Because I'm fucking dangerous little cousin and once you've fucked me you will be addicted and you will want more. And I'll give you more". Ross bit down hard on Adam's lip, drawing blood but Adam was so aroused, Ross could feel his hardness against his thigh, he didn't care. "So come little cousin, take me into your room.. Fuck me so hard that neither of us will be able to walk for a week. Fuck me like a man". His hands were roaming around Adam's stiff's upper body, tweaking his nipples as he countined to whisper in his cousins ear. "We're both just horny men. Fuck me like a man. Make me cum so hard. Come little cousin, We're going to make this a night to remember".


"Your wearing too many clothes" Ross spoke as soon as Adam closed his door. "Take them off now".

Adam looked at his cousin and grinned. "I'll take them off if you take yours off".

Ross shrugged. "Fair enough". Pulling off his t-shirt, he revealed a tight, hairy chest that Adam wanted to lick. "Like what ya see?"

Adam didn't answer but his eyes spoke a million words. He slipped his already unbuttoned shirt off and it fell to the floor. Adam's body was tighter and more worked out then Ross's but smooth. Ross could work with that. Ross pulled down his jeans, kicking them somewhere across the room. He didn't even care where. Adam took a look at his cousin's impressive bulge from his calvin briefs.

"Who knew you'd be a briefs man?" Adam flirted as he pulled down his own jeans to reveal a pair of black Abercombie boxer shorts. "I like it". Adam went to pull down his boxers but Ross had another idea.

"Stop" Ross demanded and Adam did so, but looked at Ross anyway. "Let me". He walked over to where Adam was standing and slipped his cold hands inside Adam's boxers. He grabbed Adam's stiff dick, which was leaking pre-cum, and held it with his hands. He then slowly pulled Adam's boxers down- Adam's big prick pointing at him- and pushed Adam onto the bed. Ross then pulled Adam's boxers over his feet and chucked them somewhere in the room. "You look good naked little cousin".

"Thanks" Adam groaned as Ross grabbed hold off his dick and slowly began wanking it off. "I wanna see what your hiding in them. It looks massive".

Ross looked up at Adam and Adam got the sense he was being throughly eye fucked which was a new experience for him. "All in good time little cousin" Ross spoke "Now do you want me to suck this or not?"

"Holy christ, fuck yes" Adam moaned as Ross's tongue teased his prick, making him shiver with pleasure he'd never felt before. "Oh my God" he continued to groan as Ross's tongue continued to tease the slit of his dick.

"This is a good dick. Not good" Ross spoke "Fantastic. Your gonna fuck me with this dick soon aern't you little cousin?" and it was more of a demand then a question and Adam thought he might cum right fucking now because he was pretty sure he'd never been as hard as this before in his life. Ross abananded the dick for a moment as he took Adam's balls in his mouth. Kneeling on the floor, Ross then proceeded to take Adam's impressive sized dick into his mouth. He started slowly, getting used to the new dick in his mouth. And the flavour which tasted of Lime bodywash and sweat. He fucking loved sweat. He was going to make Adam sweat tonight that was for fucking sure. As his cousin moaned above him, his eyes closed savouring Ross's expert dick around his dick, Ross took the dick further into his mouth and Adam literally groaned when his dick hit the back of Ross's throat and he didn't gag. Ross seized the sucking for a moment and looked up at Adam. "Stand up" he demanded and Adam did, his dick so hard it nearly hit Ross in the face as he did so. Ross stood up aswell, pushing his briefs down his thick thighs and kicking them to one side. He pulled Adam close to him and kissed him. Kissing was too passionate for Ross, but some reason he felt like Adam needed it. Adam's tongue clashed with his own and both of there stiff dicks were touching. Ross pulled Adam over to bed and pulled him onto bed, on top of him. Continung to kiss, Ross allowed Adam to touch his massive erection. Adam slowly wanked off Ross's dick as there kiss got more intense and passionate. Ross's tongue and Adam's were clashing for entrance, and it was Ross who gained entry into Adam's mouth first. "Fuck, grip me harder" Ross spoke and Adam did as he was told. Gripping Ross's dick, he continued to slowly jack off his hot cousin. After a while, Ross halted the kiss and switched positions with Adam so he was on top. He sucked on his cousin's neck for a while, marking him. Not for posseissve reasons but just so people knew that Adam got laid because he suspected it'd been a while for the lad. "I wanna fuck your mouth" Ross spoke and Adam groaned as he spoke. He halted his wanking on Ross's fat dick.

"Fuck yes".

They both stood up and Adam knelt on the floor. Ross held Adam's head with both of his hands as Adam opened his mouth, waiting for Ross to make his entrance. He would have gone easy on the lad but then Adam made a groan which wass seriously so sexual that Ross thought that the endgame was fast approaching and for that Ross needed to punish him. So he pushed his dick far into Adam's mouth, making the young lad choke before removing it. He thrusted inside Adam's mouth again, this time the lad didn't choke as Ross's dick hit the back of his throat. "You love me fucking your mouth don't you you fucking slut" Ross spoke as he picked up the pace and fucked Adam's mouth like a pro. He didn't see it coming. He should have seen it coming because fuck, he usually doesn't miss a trick, but as he continued to fuck Adam's willing mouth, Adam done something sneaky. He placed a single digit inside Ross's arse and it was so fucking sensual Ross knew he was going to cum soon. "Fucking sneaky bastard, finger my arse while I fuck your throat" Ross moaned. Adam did as he was told, a single finger sliding inside and out of Ross's tight, soon-to-be-fucked arse as Ross;s thrust's got even more fast and intense. It didn't take too long for Ross to cum and as revenge he didn't let Adam know. Ross endured Adam's finger fuck a little more as he spilled his thick, hot seed into Adam's willing and eager mouth. And the little slut didn't even think but to swallow Ross's big load. Spent, Ross fell back against the bed soon after Adam removed his finger.

Adam disappeared from the bedroom, his tight arse the only thing Ross could see as the younger lad walked into the living room. He returned a moment later with two beers and his cigarettes.

"It's like you could read my mind" Ross spoke but Adam shut him up by kissing him. Ok. Not what he was expecting.

"These are for after" Adam spoke "Now come on old man, I thought you was going to let me fuck that arse".

Ross grinned at his cousin. "Old man? Really?"

"If the cap fits"

Ross shrugged. "I see. I see".

Silence took over but it wasn't uncomfortable.

"What you waiting for then little cousin?" Ross spoke. He laid on the bed and opened his legs, his hairy arse just staring at Adam waiting to be fucked. "Open me up and show me how much of a fucking man you are".

Adam groaned with inward pleasure. Christ. What he was doing with Ross was fucking wrong. He was his cousin. He was sure that was illegal? Maybe not. Morally it was wrong though. But they didn't grow up with each other and fuck he was so hot that he didn't care about the rules. He just wanted to be inside that fucking dickhead. Adam got on his knees on the double bed and pulled out some lube from the last drawer of the bedside table. He'd never needed it before, having only ever been fucked once. And he preferred to fingerlly pleasure himself bareback because it felt more real. But he was big and there was no way he was going to fuck Ross without lubing him a little somewhat. He doubted Ross even cared. He didn't seem like the type to mess around with lube and shit.

"Lube me up and fuck me with that tongue of yours" Ross spoke as he beated his dick slowly. Adam poured a pound size dollap of lube into his hands and rubbed it generously into his cousins tight, hairy arse. Ross groaned at both the cold sensation of the lube and Adam's intruding hand on his bottom. Adam had never rimmed before but he was somewhat excited after hearing Ross talk about it earlier. Ross's legs were wide open and his arse was just there waiting for Adam to explore. This was a sight to behold and he wasn't going to do anything to stop this from happening. He leaned down, his whole body and erect dick pressing firmly into the comfortable mattress as he slowly stuck his middle finger inside Ross's very tight and firm arse. Moments later, he stuck his tongue out and slowly placed it inside Ross's hole, making the older, hairy man groan from the wet sensation. He licked his arse faster, getting used to the weird feeling of having another man's arse in his face. "Little cousin I want fucking more", Ross groaned as he palmed his stiff dick whilst enjoying the amazing sensation of Adam's tongue inside his arse. Adam got used to it, his tongue flicking in and out of Ross's willing arse. The moans from the older man got louder as Adam placed his whole face inside his cousin's arse, his tongue licking Ross's arse as if on a mission, as if this was the last thing he was ever going to do. Ross felt like he was going to cum for a second time that night, feeling somewhat pathetic as Adam had yet to cum. "Enough" Ross sighed loudly "I need you inside me like yesterday".

Adam went to fish out a condom from the 2nd drawer but Ross seized his hand. "No condom. Bareback. I'm clean. I want to feel you as you fuck me". Adam could have cum just from the look on Ross's face. He'd never been wanted like this before and it was a new experience for him. He wasn't sure what would happen after, would Ross just disappear? He hoped not. He wanted him to stick around. But even if he did disappear, at least he got his night of fucking passion. "How are we going to do this?" Adam asked and Ross smiled a sexy, seductive smile at his cousin.

"Little cousin, I'm going to bend over this bed. Just fucking ram it in, fuck me. Have no mercy on me. You hate me. I'm the cousin who's ruining your life. Destroy me. Then I'll ride you. I'll ride your dick and make you cum harder then you have" Ross's dirty talk was having a dizzying affect on both Adam's heart and his cock. He was starting to feel weird but in a very good way.

Ross did as he said he would. His bare arse sticking out as he bent over Adam's bed. Adam did as he was told and holding onto his own erection, he slowly placed his dick into Ross's hole. The older lad groaned with what Adam hoped was intense pleasure, and Adam decided that he was going to have no mercy and rammed his dick hard into Ross's arse. Holding onto his cousin's hips, he thrust in and out of Ross as the older man moaned and wanked himself off. "Fuck me harder, just fuck me" the man spoke as he continued to palm himself off.

Adam thrust harder, sweat dropping off his face and onto the bare back of Ross as he fucked him. His legs were hurting as he continued to pound into Ross's hole fast and hard, in and out. Ross's moaning should be fucking illegal because the moans were driving Adam insane and only fueled him to pound harder into the man. "Yeah that it's. Fuck me. No mercy" Ross groaned.

After a while, Adam pulled out leaving Ross feeling empty. Adam laid on the bed, his hard and arse wet dick pointing skywards leaving Ross wanting to mouth fuck it. "Come sit on me, big cousin" Adam winked, leaving Ross feeling throughly fucked and wandering who the heck was actually in charge here. Leaning over Adam's dick, Ross placed himself firmly in the middle and sat on Adam's cock. It didn't take long for them to find a rhythm, and soon Ross was riding Adam's dick fast whilst the younger lad thrust at the same time. Wanking his dick, It didn't take Ross long before he felt himself close to eruption and his moans got louder and more sustained. Adam continued to thrust hard into Ross's hole whilst Ross wanked and rode like he was riding a marathon. "Gonna blow" Ross stated as he pumped harder on his dick and it didn't like take long for Ross to blow a very generous of amount of spunk all over Adam's toned and sweat wet chest. A second load of spunk hit Adam directly in the face, causing the lad to momenterially lose focus on his mission to ruin Ross's arse. Ross continued to sit on Adam's dick. "Fuck Ross, need to cum". Adam pulled out of Ross and stood up on the bed, leaning over his spent cousin and after a few tugs of his own dick, he spunked all over his hairy cousins chest.

Falling onto the bed, Adam laid next to a panting Ross who was just grinning. "Fuck" they both said at the same time.

Moments later, Ross looked at Adam. "Next time, I'm going to fuck you. Cool?"

Adam replied by pulling Ross into a very deep and perhaps too passionate kiss.

Wow that was longer then I expected! If you have any ideas, characters or storyline suggestions let me know at

Next: Chapter 2

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