Dougs Voluntary Kidnapping

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 12, 2023


Vick pulled drew's wrists closer together and tightened a strap around them. "Tight enough for ya, drewski?" Vick laughed as he squeezed drew's shoulder.

"Yeah, it's tight enough, Sir. I dunno why you're doing this: I sure can't go anywhere." Vick laughed softly. "I told you, sweetpea." He leaned in and whispered into drew's ear. "When you're tied up, your nips stick out just like they are now, and even if I don't play with them, I think about what I'll do to them later. And of course -- maybe you haven't figured it out yet, jock boy, but you're MUCH more fun to fuck when you're pissed off than when you're not." Drew breathed a big sigh at that. Vick had a lot of talents, both in and out of the sack, and pissing drew off was one of them. "You're such a pretty boy," he whispered, and drew felt his blood pressure go up. Vick laughed, harder now. "SEE? I suspect that if I fucked you right now, it would be memorable."

"For YOU," drew answered and Vick responded "No, for you too, stud. I KNOW I'm better in bed than any of those old farts were. The only one who's close to having my talent is Stu -- you'll see him soon, too."


"Don't make assumptions, big guy. You'll SEE him, you won't SLEEP with him, nah. I don't share my toys. Now get in the car."

Vick had said they had a few errands to run, and the car began to fill up. The routine was that Vick would untie drew before they went into wherever they were going. If Vick bought anything, or picked anything up, drew carried it, dropped it in the car, and then put his hands behind his back so he could be retied. Their last stop was at the school where drew would be coaching. Vick and Coach Jackson seemed to have a past, but not a sexual one. Drew liked Jackson immediately: he asked a lot of questions about drew's background and then he asked Vick if he wouldn't mind if drew played a little "pepper" with some of the young men he'd be coaching. "I know you're out of uniform, Drew, but I think we have one that'll fit you, at least for about half an hour."

"Go for it, drewski," Vick laughed, getting hard at the thought of seeing drew in a baseball uniform. He whispered "just make sure you put the cap on backwards." "Yes Sir," drew sighed. When the try-out was over, everyone shook hands and drew got changed again, he got to the car, and put his hands behind his back. Vick surprised him "Not necessary drew boy. We're heading home, lots of rope there and besides." He patted drew on the thigh. "You did me proud today, especially with Coach Jackson."

"I did? What did I do?" Vick kept his eyes on the road but answered. "Well, when you were in with Coach, you stood with your hands behind your back, and you only spoke when he spoke to you. Now, those are signs of a good sub. But beyond that, you know, maybe you didn't notice it, boy, but I was watching you like a hawk, just to see if you showed any signs that you were going to try to escape. I didn't see one. "

"Well, thank you Sir, I guess. They were big on protocol at the camp, and there WERE punishments if you didn't show sufficient respect. On not looking for an escape... where am I gonna go?" "Glad you're understanding the situation, drew. You'll be better off for it." Vick didn't mention that he had a tracker in the center of drew's baseball chain. He had been able to track him since he put it on. And it seemed whatever else was making him uncomfortable, drew loved that chain.

So, here's the plan, handsome. Hannah's making dinner, so we'll eat after we get home. Then, we're going to continue to get better acquainted. "They were at a red light, and he reached up and tousled drew's hair. "You're so fucking hot. One thing I should tell you: I expect you to go business casual for dinner. And around the house, you'll have to step up your dressing game. That's why we stopped for you to get measured today. Lots of folks come through that house, and my boy's got to look sharp. You understand that don't you drew?" He thought about it for a minute. "I guess so, Sir."

"Know what? Not tonight, because I don't want to know tonight, but tomorrow, I want a list of what things you like sexually and what you don't. No guarantee you'll get everything you want, but if we coincide, we'll do more."

"I hate being tickled, Sir. I should tell you that right off the bat. I kinda get out of control when I'm tickled."

Vick grinned. "Especially your feet?" He saw drew redden. "All of me, Sir. I hate it. Makes me weak."

"Hmmm. Well, let's see. So far, I know your ears are sensitive, you hate being tickled, let me ask you one more thing: kissing. What's your position on that, besides bottom?" Drew had to stop and think.

"Sir, I really don't know. The Masters weren't really big on kissing. They felt that showing affection to the slaves gave us a false sense that we were important."

"Interesting. Stupid, but interesting. I guess if they're treating you as a group, well... We'll find out how you feel about kissing, stud. I have a feeling you're gonna be VERY good at it. And if you're not, well, there are OTHER ways to use your mouth."

They arrived at Vick's home soon after that. Drew felt Vick's had grab his left ass cheek as they walked in. He winced and Vick spoke: "It's mine, drew. If I wanna squeeze it, I will. "They walked into the house, and Vick called out a greeting to Hannah. She came out of the kitchen. "THERE you boys are. Fine. When'll you be wanting dinner Mr. Vick?"

"Can we say an hour?" "You can say whatever ya like, lad. Hour and a quarter. Make sure you wash your hands." She turned back to the kitchen. Vick looked at drew: you get in the bedroom. Wait for me. "

Sitting on the edge of the bed, drew moved his foot underneath it and bumped up against a heavy weight chain. He knew what it was: they used the ankle chains at the camp from time to time, but not in the bedroom. He already knew that there were wrist and ankle cuffs at the corners, and the headboard also had a place where you could attach restraints.

"Get on your back. Keep your legs, spread, jock boy," Vick came into the room. He was shirtless, but he had his pants on. "We're gonna have a little bit of a tutorial on kissing. " He was quiet as he got on top of drew. His legs straddled drew's body and he stared down at him, smiling. "Because I want to taste my sweet stud's hot mouth." He lowered his body on drew and his lips brushed up against drew's. Drew responded immediately. He gave out a big sigh, and then a moan. As Vick's tongue began to work on drew's lips, drew began to squirm. He moved his arms to embrace Vick. Vick was in the middle of teasing drew's mouth with the tip of his tongue, and he stopped.

"This is gonna be MUCH more fun with restraints." He took drew's wrists and then quickly had them bound to the corners of the bed. "THAT'S more like it," he smiled, and then began pushing drew's lips apart. Drew tried to tongue wrestle, but Vick was much more experienced, and too control. Drew could hear the "smacking" noises as they kissed, and he could feel the warm, wet mass of Vick's tongue as it traveled all around the interior of drew's mouth. "This is fucking hot," drew thought to himself. He knew his dick was getting harder. So did Vick. He could feel it against his own crotch.

"Kind of a good reaction from a bisexual guy," Vick smiled. Drew looked at him. "Who told you I was bisexual, Sir?" He heard Vick's laugh as he slipped his hand under drew's shirt. "Not by choice, but by circumstances, drewski. At the camp they told me you were `straight but couldn't help looking.'" His hand traveled up drew's torso until he found a nipple. He began slowly twisting it. "And today, you were such a good boy, except for the three different women you checked out."

"THEY WERE CHECKING ME OUT SIR! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" drew moaned when Vick squeezed his nipple harder.

"You only knew that because you were looking. Got to understand something drewski: I don't think I'm gonna be letting you do anything with anyone else, but if I do, it won't be a SHE. And you better get used to how to act when you get checked out -- because you're gonna be checked out a lot. How you respond...." He began opening drew's jeans "determines if you get punished, and what the punishment is. Today, I'm letting it slide. Well, maybe not." He had just pulled drew's sneakers off and when he saw drew's feet.

"NO. PLEASE SIR. NOT THAT," drew knew what was coming when Vick pulled his feet between his body and his arm. "No more than 5 minutes drewski. Get you all warmed up for a good old fashioned ass reaming." His fingers ran up and down drew's soles and drew started screaming. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAHA. I'LL TRY MY BEST NOT TO DO IT, SIR. I PROMISE. I PROMISE. PLEASE..." Vick said nothing. Drew had enough experience to know from Vick's face that he was ready. Drew's jeans came off. Vick hooked his finger into the jock and toyed with it as he found drew's balls. "Nice and full, huh?

"MMMMM. Yes sir. "

"You gonna shoot for me, shortie?"

"If you want me to, Sir."

"I do. But right now..." he pulled off the jock. "I want to pump you full of my juice." Drew wasn't the most flexible of men, but Vick got his legs spread more than enough for him to ram his cock into drew. As drew moaned, Vick took a deep breath. "You have an air about you, drew. Just something, I can't define what it is, but it seems to be begging to get overpowered, taken...DOMINATED."

"OH SHIT SIR!" At "DOMINATED," Vick had driven his cock into drew, all the way up to his balls.

"Like how that feels, boy? No chick is gonna make you feel that way." Vick pulled back maybe two inches and rammed back again.

"DAMN you look fucking sexy tied up. SO FUCKING SEXY. "Now he pulled back more, and slammed home again. He moved a finger to the tip of drew's cock and when he touched it, drew moaned almost in desperation. "Got to hold those little bottom seeds in ya until the top man's done, drew." The throttling his ass was getting was wonderful, and painful. "I know, Sir. I know how that works." He did and drew was trying. Vick wasn't making it any easier. He'd occasionally run a finger down the back of drew's cock, or he'd gently squeeze his balls. "I think next time, I need to get you wet before I fill your ass. My tongue is good for things other than French kissing." None of the Masters at the camp had ever eaten drew's ass, but one of the other slaves had. Drew remembered how stimulated he had gotten, and how much his dick had hurt, since it had been caged at the time. Now, uncaged, his cock quivered, and Vick laughed again.

"Looks like I just learned something that turns my boy on. Well..." He began pumping faster and harder. "Now, something that turns ME on. "TAKE YOUR MASTER'S JIZZ, SUB BOY." He began releasing his cum deeply into drew's ass. "SUB BOY." Drew heard it, and it did something to him. He lost control and his own dick exploded. He forgot about everything but this man, and the way he was totally in charge. "I fucking love it," he thought, as he shot out his fifth of ten gushes.


"Slow down, drew. There's plenty." Vick was grinning as drew tore into the lamb chops Hannah had made. "They're too delicious, Sir. And we didn't get food like this with the Masters." "Well, if you don't finish up, Hannah will be insulted." "OH, I'll finish Sir, no question about it." Vick thought to himself "lots of protein to keep those muscles toned. "He looked over his new boy. He had been right to tell the tailor to bring everything down in size: drew had changed, with Vick's assistance, and had on a peach-colored button down and khakis. Vick had let him leave the shirt untucked since it was only the two of them. That would change when company came over.

"I know you prefer casual, drew, and there's a place for that. Here, though, it's my rules. I like things a little classier." He reached over and pinched drew's cheek. "And you're a real classy guy, handsome." Drew blushed. He didn't know whether he should thank Vick or just smile. For now, he just smiled.

"If you're finished, then we can move to the living room. "

"I will, Sir, after I help Hannah."

"Nay, you'll do no such thing, Mr. Andrew. It's true, you'll be assisting in the kitchen soon, but not yet. "She looked at Vick. "Master Vick needs to let you have a little honeymoon time while he teaches you what HE wants. The rest comes later." She smiled and Vick smiled back at her. "Thank you, Hannah."

"You got a good one this time, Master Vick. When was the last time one of your boys treated me as more than part of their sugar package?" drew felt Vick's hand on his thigh. "Yes, I'm fortunate. "He tapped drew "to the living room, studmuffin. Some hanging out, some talking, before we head to the bedroom." He stared into drew's eyes. "I'm not done yet."

When they got to the living room, drew stood at the side of the sofa with his hands behind him, waiting for Vick to sit and to tell him where he wanted him. "GOOD BOY! That means we can skip the first lesson. For tonight, you sit next to me. After tonight, though." Vick's eyes moved toward the floor. "You sit there. Next to my right leg."

"Understood, Sir" drew answered. He sat down next to Vick, and he felt Vick's arm encircle his shoulder and his fingers find his earlobe. Vick began to massage it. Drew's eyes rolled in his head: a full belly, a fairly sexy man, and an ear massage. "Sir, you ever hear the expression boy puddle." Vick began to laugh. "Once or twice." He rubbed drew's ear just a bit harder. "Well, you're turning me into one."

"Heh heh. Good. Then I can just pour you into bed." Vick pulled drew closer to him. "I think that if you keep one thing in mind, it'll be easy: "when I'm around, I'm in charge. You do what I tell you to do. Not just the bedroom, everywhere. Remember, drewski. In just a little while, people are going to know that you're my boy, and that comes with expectations."

"I'll do my best, Sir, but I'm not sure what they are." Vick moved his hand down to drew's shirt and opened a button. His hand slipped inside, and he began toying with drew's nipple. "You looked at some women today, drewski."

"I know Sir. I guess, well, I guess I've always been bisexual. Bisexual and submissive."

"I like the submissive part, boy, and we're gonna make you even better at that. But the bisexual part? You're not having sex with any women anymore. Mostly, you'll be having sex with one man. Me."

Drew tensed up. "Mostly, Sir?" Vick laughed. "I'm mind fucking you, stud. Fact is, I may ask you to blow someone every now and then, or I may wanna watch you get blown by someone like doug. But the really hard-core stuff: that's you and me." He stopped for a minute. "You're sweating. And you're radiating heat." Now, Drew laughed. "It happens when I get nervous, Sir. "He took a deep breath and sighed. "What are you doing to my nips? They've never felt so sensitive. OOOOOOOOOOOOO"

"I like it, drewski. And as far as what I'm doing to your nips, that'll just be my little secret. Anything that I know can keep you in line, heh heh." He looked drew in the eyes and then leaned in and kissed him the way he had before. He kissed him for a long time. When he was done, he spoke softly. "To the bedroom. Time to start working on your blowjob skills." Then, drew tried something that he knew was risky, but he tried it anyway.

"Yes, Daddy." He was sweating more, but then he saw the glint in Vick's eye, and the smile, and he heard the guttural growl before he felt Vick's hand on his neck "MOVE. When I come in, I expect you on your knees, in front of the bed. You'll pleasure me, but don't worry, boy, I have something in mind for you too." Drew knew, of course, that the command to get on his knees meant he'd be sucking cock -- not one of his favorite things -- but the experience of Vick's cock was so different from what he had known with Master Jameson and the others that, well, maybe this would be different.

Vick hadn't told drew to get undressed, so he didn't. He just took a position in front of the bed. When Vick came in, he put his hands behind his back, and Vick smiled. "You want to make your Daddy happy?" He watched drew's face and it changed, from anxious, to anticipating. "Hmm. He called me Daddy; he likes me using it. Time to start unpeeling that onion," Vick thought, before he opened his zipper and let his cock out. There was pre-cum all over the head. The first time he had sucked Vick, drew had noted that his dick wasn't as long as that of some of the Masters, but Vick used it so much better. He tried to remember what made Vick moan the most that first time, and he curled his tongue around the head. When Vick moaned, long and slow, drew knew he had done the right thing.

"FUCK YEAH. Take that bat, jock boy. Treat it like it owns you. Because it does." Drew looked up and his eyes were big. He felt Vick's hand on the back of his head, guiding his mouth down his hard shaft. If he went too fast, Vick grabbed drew's neck and purred "do it right, boy. Do it right."

"MMMMMPH" drew shook his head slightly, and the next moan that came out of Vick told him that his new Master -- no -- his new Daddy -- enjoyed the motion. He started to move his mouth a little bit as he slid down Vick's cock.

"Now pull back boy. Nice, and slow, little by little. Like slow motion." "FUCK YEAH. You're gonna milk me twice in a day, boy! No one's managed to do that in years." (It wasn't true, but Vick enjoyed seeing the slight smile creep into drew's face. He had no intention of jazzing down his throat. Not tonight anyway).

When drew had gotten back up to the tip of Vick's cock, Vick's voice, low and dark said "Do it again, boy. And keep doing it till I tell you to stop." That gave drew a chance to shake his head again, which he took. Vick half laughed as he groaned. "You're gonna be SO MUCH FUN to train, boy. And you may not LIKE sucking cock, but you're damn good at it." Abruptly, he pulled back, and drew almost fell over. "No, now it's time for YOUR pleasure, boy. I pay attention, just like you do. Get your clothes off otherwise I can't `work my magic'."

"Yes, Daddy, "drew answered, getting to his feet, and stripping as quickly as he could. He had no idea what Vick was talking about, and during his time at the camp, none of the Masters had ever suggested anything about his pleasure. His clothes were in a pile on the floor, as drew stood there, again hands behind his back. He saw the cuffs that Vick had taken out of a side table.

"I think you're gonna like this even more if you can't move your arms, drewski. I sure am." When the metal clinked on his wrists, drew's cock gave a little thrust forward, and he squealed out a little moan. "Hmmm. Now I know why you don't like getting tied up, shorty. Makes you too excited. On the bed, face down. Spread your legs." Drew thought he was getting fucked again, and he tried to prep himself for it. Instead, he felt Vick's finger circling his hole very slowly.

"How's my boy like that?"

"MMMMMMMMM, Daddy," came the answer. Then drew felt a finger poke into his hole, and he almost screamed. He felt Vick moving around inside of him. "Turnabout is fair play, sexy boy." He slid in a second finger and drew almost shot a load on the bed. Vick pulled his fingers out before he could.

"Daddy Vick's Rule number 1, boy drew. The sub doesn't cum without permission. Penalties apply."

"Yes, Daddy. I understand. But... I'm so... OH SHIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Vick had just slipped his tongue into drew's ass crease and now, he was circling his hole. "OH, FUCK DADDY. THAT'S MY JOB. " "Not anymore, muffin. I HATE the feeling of a tongue in my ass. BUT... I LOVE hearing my boy moan when I do it to him. Gets him nice and juicy for when I fuck him."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Yes, Daddy. Will you fuck me again tonight?"

"Yes, but not with MY dick." He laughed. "Too much for me, you young studs. I have a nice toy to keep you going. "Drew heard the slurping noises as Vick dug deeper and deeper inside of him. He had been right. Sometimes, when he won a wrestling match at camp, drew would claim an ass eating as his reward. It had to be done in front of the Masters, which was awful, but it had felt SO good. Cuffed, the way he was, it felt even better.

He heard a buzz. He knew it was a vibrator. Master Jameson used them a lot because he had problems with maintaining orgasms. Drew was forbidden to say anything about it to the other slaves. Now, as he felt the buzzing around his ass, he couldn't help thinking about the camp. The bad memories caused him to struggle, and to almost cry. Vick noticed, turned off the vibrator, and rolled drew over.

"Hey. That's not proper sub behavior, boy."

"I know, Sir, I know. It's just... that's what Master Jameson used to do to me. Nearly every night. I forgot, Daddy. I HATE that. I hate it more than anything." Vick thought about this for a minute. Drew really had no say in what they did in bed: none. But his whole reason for doing this was to drive drew to the point of climax -- to make him beg for permission.

"Did he ever use it on your balls? Or your cock?"

"No, Daddy. Never. I was usually caged."

"Well, I don't disagree with that, but let's roll you over." Once he had repositioned drew, Vick ran a hand over his torso.

"Let's see what this does to you. Remember, studmuffin, I don't want to see a drop of cum without you getting my permission." He worked the vibrator on drew's balls and ran his free hand over his chest and torso. Occasionally, he'd say something like "my beautiful boy. My beautiful baseball boy. My jock boy." Drew's balls were churning. He wanted to cum badly, but again, he could tell that Vick would be happier if he tried to resist. And he did. He moaned and squirmed, he tried to push the pleasure out of his mind, but after about six minutes, he begged "Please Daddy Vick. May I have permission to cum?"

"Hmmmm. Let me think about that." Then Vick turned the vibrator up and drew yelled "OH YOU FUCK!" and Vick laughed. "So they say." He saw the look of horror on drew's face and saw his orgasm beginning to go down. "Relax, stud. Free pass for that one. I'm having so much fun. You wanna shoot? When you're ready, let's see the champagne bottle pop open." He increased the power in the vibrator, and it didn't take long. Drew let out a yowl that let anyone know he was from the South, and he shot a wad bigger than any he had shot in the last 3-4 years: even more than when he was dating his long-term girlfriend.

"When his hips stopped bucking, and he got his breath back, drew looked into Vick's eyes. "Got anything to say to your Daddy?"

"Yes Sir. It's not much. But thank you. Thank you, Daddy. "He paused. "Can your boy have a kiss?" Vick covered drew's mouth with his lips and pushed in his tongue. He moved carefully because drew was still cuffed. When he finished the kiss, he rolled drew over so he could unlock the cuffs. "You're getting cleaned up now, boy. Then straight to bed. I'll be waiting for you."

"Yes, Sir. I'll hurry." He did, even though it was difficult. They rationed hot water at the camp, and now he could have all he wanted. All the bathroom products were luxurious, and he could tell that Hannah had washed the plump, soft towel recently.

"DON'T MAKE ME WAIT, DREW". Vick smiled. He knew what was happening in there, but then, his hairy prince came out. "You want me to suck you off, Daddy?" drew asked.

"Tomorrow. I'll wake you up when I'm ready for your lips, baby cakes. Right now, get in bed."

"Yes Sir." Drew got under the covers, and hesitated. He didn't know what to do next. Vick took care of that for him. He wrapped an arm around drew and pulled him onto his chest. "You sleep well, drewski."

"Thank you, Daddy. You too." After drew closed his eyes, Vick saw the smile on his boy's face. He played with drew's hair until he heard the rhythmic noises that let him know drew was sleeping. He thought "this is going to be a MUCH more complex project than I thought it would be. He's gorgeous. But he's complex too. " He tightened his arm around drew, and fell asleep himself.

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