Dougs Voluntary Kidnapping

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 3, 2022


The "camp" was abuzz when Vick brought drew back to the main house five minutes before the 9 a.m. curfew. The subs in training were watching from wherever they were doing their assigned tasks, and the Masters were curious themselves. Vick had a hand on drew's left shoulder, and drew's hands were clasped behind his back. His shirt was more than a bit disheveled, and he looked a little sleepy. Before he led drew back into the house, Vick stopped and looked into drew's eyes. He was about 3-4 inches taller than drew.

"It would be difficult, but I hope you had as much fun last night as I did, drew. I'll be back tonight, and I hope I'll get a chance to see you as well."

"Thank you, Sir. I really enjoyed myself with you." Drew blushed as he dropped his voice. "What did you call it? A prostrate orgasm?" Vick laughed. "Prostate, stud." "Well, whatever it's called, it was totally awesome."

"Ha ha. I guess Master Jameson has never given you one." Drew was about to answer that Master Jameson never really gave too much thought to how his bed partner felt, but there were Masters gathering and he thought better of it.

"I'll see you later tonight, handsome." Vick leaned down and shoved his tongue into drew's mouth and drew accepted it, the way he had been thought. His cock was stirring, and he thought "a year ago, I never thought a man kissing me would get me hot." Vick gave the Masters who had come to bring drew back in a smile. "It was a wonderful date. I'll be back tonight, however, you can pass on that I'm almost certain that drew is a keeper."

"It's a good thing Master Jameson isn't here," was a thought that passed through at least one of the other Masters' minds. However much Jameson was obsessed with drew, the fact was, the organization needed a sale, badly. All of the Masters had invested equity into the camp, and it was expensive to run it to a high-quality standard. Even if Mister Vick only took drew, and not drew and doug, the price he'd pay would keep things running for another three months, minimum. They all had to hope that Jameson didn't veto the sale or try anything that would send Vick on his way without purchasing any sub at all.

Their thoughts were not unfounded. Master Jameson was in his rooms, smoldering. "HE'D BETTER NOT TAKE MY BOY FROM ME. NOT AFTER ALL I'VE INVESTED IN HIM." He, too, was considering that ultimately, he had veto power over any sale. To be sure, there was an agreement on the table: Vick had been more than willing to pay top dollar and then some. When Master Jameson had told the other Masters about the offer, they thought he was joking. He wasn't. And as he drove away until his date with doug that night, Vick was wondering if he should up his offer to make sure that he got drew.

Stu was considering his options. He had heard how successful the first meeting between Vick and doug had gone, and now he was hearing reports that Vick was absolutely smitten with drew. This didn't surprise him much. The intelligence on Vick was that he preferred darker hairier men who were shorter than he was. He also liked "All-American" types, and his favorite sport was baseball. Stu thought that doug had an "All-American" look about him, but he was blond and pale complexioned. He was taller than Vick by about two inches. His body type was more runner than baseball player, so while he had been concerned, he thought that doug would never be under consideration. And now, this very night, Justin Vick would be taking out his prize and considering whether or not he was going to take him. The night that Vick took out drew was the first night Stu couldn't get it up for doug's ass since they had reconnected. He was too nervous about all of this. doug knew it, too. Things had not gone the way he had expected at this camp: he thought that it would be just he and Master Stewart, with lots of training to wind up as Stewart's sub. Now, not only had he been drawn into this strange system, but he had also found Justin Vick very appealing. Charming, handsome, a true gentleman. Word among the subs was that drew had said that "the best sex I ever had was the no sex I had with Mr. Vick." On the one hand, doug didn't know what he was going to do and on the other hand, he DID know that he really didn't have much choice: the Masters and Mister Vick would be determining his fate.

"You excited about tonight, Brother doug?" brad asked doug as they went about their routine tasks. In another hour and a half, doug would be taken off to be prepared for his date.

"I think so," doug smiled. "I'm surprised this is happening." That elicited a laugh from brad.

"It's weird, isn't it? I mean, every single one of us wanted to be chosen by Mister Vick: he's loaded, he's handsome, and the word is that he's incredible in bed. But we also knew his type and, well, you're about as far from it as anyone could be."

"I heard that. Why do you think?" doug asked. "I mean, why do you think he chose me?"

"Wellll...." Brad elongated his answer. "You're older than all of the rest of us, so that may intrigue him. You've got the killer smile. Oh, of course, we don't know what Master Jameson said, but we know he HATES Master Stewart."

"Really? Why's that?"

"Master Stewart is a better administrator. Everyone knows that. There was a period of maybe six months when Master Jameson was hunting. He came back empty handed, of course -- he always does -- and in the time he was away, Master Stewart ran the place. He sold four subs, brought six more in, and the camp had money. All of the Masters were hoping that Master Jameson would see that his time was over and let Master Stewart run the place but... he insisted on taking his place back. The camp's been going downhill since then."

"And now, with Mister Vick ogling his boy..." brad laughed. "You know, drew would rather cut off a finger than sleep with Master Jameson. If you heard him talk about what a flop he is in bed, and..." brad lowered his voice. "He says that Master Jameson can't get it up anymore, even with pills. He has to use toys to fuck drew. Drew is the horniest boy in this camp. No question about it."

"So he WANTS out?" "He does. And Master Jameson DOES know that. That's why he keeps on raising the price when someone comes around interested in drew. He'd rather see the place run into the ground than give up his boy."

"But then...Mister Vick made an offer that was above what Master Jameson would ask. Now, he's trapped." Brad smiled. "I'm not sure if it would be better to get chosen or not, Brother doug. There's no question, we all saw it in Mister Vick's eyes: he's taking drew. Master Jameson is going to go beserk. It might be better to get picked by him then stay here."

"Or" doug thought to himself. "Or..." he couldn't finish the thought.

The wardrobe Master dressed doug in a long-sleeved pink shirt that was very snug, and a pair of snug dress jeans, as well as short black cowboy boots. It was very similar to the outfit doug had worn the first time he had felt Stewart grab him from behind, back in college. He wondered if Stewart would like it, but he hadn't seen Stu all day. He had asked, and no one knew where he was.

"doug, Mister Vick is waiting for you," Master Phillip came to get doug. He walked into the room where Vick was having a drink.

"Good evening, Sir. It's good to see you again," doug smiled and thought "he is SO FUCKING HANDSOME." Vick stood and smiled as well. He came over and kissed doug on his neck. "I've been looking forward to this doug. Let me take a look at you." He stepped back and said in a low voice. "Turn around." When doug did, he heard Vick mutter "water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink." Then he felt Vic's hand on his ass, and his mouth at his ear, whispering "Not now, but someday...I'm gonna have that ass." Doug felt himself getting weak in the knees.

"Yes sir," he stammered. There were enough buttons opened on his shirt for Vick to get his hand inside and play with doug's nipple.

"You're smooth. I didn't expect that."

"Yes, Sir. Master Stewart keeps me smooth. It's how he likes me." He felt Vick's other arm pulling his arms behind his back.

"Does he like you tied up too? Because I bet you look a fine sight tied up." Doug was stiffening in his cage. "Master Stewart ties me up at least once a day, Sir. He didn't today, though."

"He left you all for me. I have to thank him for that." He whispered into doug's ear. "And I DO intend to tie you up, but we'll wait on that. For now..." He picked something up from the sofa. It was a pair of heavy weight handcuffs. "They fell out of my jacket. There's something about you, doug that just makes me want to tie you up and... grrrrrrrr"

Doug knew he was misspeaking, but he said, very softly, "Sir, if you keep talking like this, I'm going to be hurting very badly. My cock is in a cage and, well, it's screaming to get out." Vick smiled and gave a little laugh.

"Let's go get some dinner, I'm starving." He put the cuffs into the pocket of his black leather jacket.

If Vick had been turned on by drew, it was nothing compared to what sitting next to doug was doing to him. He had been thinking about what a turn-on it would be to have someone taller than he was underneath him, controlled, begging to serve him. "When did you know you were submissive, dougie?" Vick asked, as he squeezed doug's knee.

"I think it was before this, Sir, but the first time I remember was high school. We had this big, hairy, Italian gym teacher and the night after every class, I would dream about kneeling in front of him and sucking his dick. I still remember how I exploded during those masturbation sessions."

"Did you ever suck him?" Doug shook his head. "No, that was the thing. He was about as straight a guy as I ever met. No interest whatsoever. Beautiful wife, though, and beautiful kids."

"I bet he fucked like a machine, dougie?" Vick stared into doug's eyes. He smiled. "Sort of like me."

"I like machines, Sir."

"How about kissing this one? And then going back to try out the handcuffs?"

"If we're going back in the car, Sir, why wait? You can cuff me now?" Vick laughed. "You're a horny beast. No. I want you to be even hornier. Just think about what I'm gonna do to you without doing what we both want me to do to you."

When they got back to the guest cabin, doug was trying to smile underneath the gag that Mr. Vick had put on him. He felt Vick's hand on his arm as he led him into the cabin. Doug's hands were cuffed behind him, and almost all of his shirt buttons were opened. Vick had made the driver take an extra circuitous route around the area so that he could have plenty of time playing with doug.

"I bet I have you SCREAMING for release, dougie," Vick smiled, as doug shook his head yes, and moaned through the gag.

"I'm uncuffing you, but you won't stay untied for long. You have exactly two minutes to get out of your clothes and onto the bed. Spread eagle: the way you were trained.

"MMMMPH" doug tried to respond. He was beginning to get nervous. Mr. Vick wasn't supposed to use his dick on doug at all. That was the contract. If he had doug tied up on the bed, naked, and restrained, he could do anything. "I wish I had spoken to drew this morning," doug thought, as he did what the Top had told him.

"DAMN YOU'RE PRETTY, DOUGIE. No wonder everyone wants you." Vick made short work of locking doug's wrists. He gave a big, wicked smile.

"No reason to cuff your ankles. Then you can't raise your legs." He began snickering and doug tried to scream.

"I wonder, dougie. Are you harder now than you were before you got on the bed? I bet you are.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" doug hadn't been in the "guest cabin" before, and the restraints seemed to be even sturdier than the ones Master Stewart used. He saw the smile on Vick's face, and he realized that the man could do anything he wanted to him.

"Is it true that Master Stewart considers you his property, dougie?" Doug lay there wondering how he should respond: he could shake his head yes or no, but if Mr. Vick was asking the question, he must have known the answer. Vick shucked his clothes and lay down next to doug. He began stroking his torso.

So, if you weren't gagged, could you explain this weird camp to me, dougie? I mean, one Master considers you his property, and then, according to all the other Masters, your head guy considers drew his property. Yet..." He pinched doug's nipple and a big howl struggled to get out of doug's gag "You're both up for sale. Or are you? Again, what I'm told is that your head guy, what's his name, Master Jameson? He'll never give up drew. That true?" doug hesitated, and then shook his head yes.

"I thought so. And I suppose that at some point, your Man is going to give me all kinds of trouble if I take you."

"mmmmmmmmmmmmph" doug was pleading. He really didn't know what Stewart would do. They hadn't talked about it.

"Well, let me give you the skinny blond boy. I think the two of you would make a FINE set of subs, but to be honest... if I can only take one, it's going to be drew." He smiled and cupped doug's locked balls in his hand. "So tell me, stud, how am I going to make this work? You have any ideas?" Doug shook his head no. He was whimpering. "I think that I may have to have a chat with Stewart to see what we can do about all of this because, well, he's been pretty nice to me, and all things being considered, I think the two of you make a very handsome couple: might be fun watching the two of you go at it."

"mmmmmmmmmmmmph," doug was getting harder and harder. He had never thought about public sex, but the thought was in his head now, and he couldn't get it out of his mind.

"I'm gonna bring you back and talk to your man but first, you need a memorial of spending time with Mr. Vick. Your neck please."

Doug acted how he had been trained to act and offered Vick his neck. As soon as he felt the scruff, and the teeth, he regretted it. He knew he was going to have a huge, huge mark. Master Stewart was not going to be pleased. IF he ever spent time with him again. He had avoided doug all day. Were they done? And if Mr. Vick only took drew, did that mean doug was trapped at this camp?

Stu was "terse" when Vick showed up at his cabin: "Shouldn't you be returning your date to the main house, MISTER Vick?"

"I should but, I wonder if I could just have a word with you, privately please?" doug could tell that Master Stewart was NOT happy. He had his arms folded in front of him, and when he was angry, Stu actually smirked. He had come to the door with his shirt opened, and all doug could think about was how he wanted to get pulled into that chest and then get fucked. Yes, he wanted out of the cage, but he had learned early on that Master Stewart considered that a privilege, not a right.

"You want to talk with sub doug here?"

"Uh, no, that wouldn't be good."

"Then bring him back to the house and come back. Doug, hang out with some of the other subs. Give us a while."

"Yes sir," doug responded, not knowing what was going on. And he didn't when Master Stewart came to the main house, his shirt still opened, and called for doug to come with him. doug knew that Master Stewart liked him to walk with his hands behind his back, and he did that, as his DOM put his hand on his ass. "Did he do anything to that ass? Or those pretty lips?"

"He kissed me, Sir, but no, nothing more than that."

"You dripping?" doug blushed. "Yes Sir, I am." Stewart laughed. "I knew that. If you liked to me, you wouldn't get unlocked tonight but since you told me the truth, you can shoot after I do."

"YES SIR. THANK YOU, SIR." When they got back to the cabin, it took Master Stewart less than five minutes to get doug on the bed and his jeans off him. He opened doug's shirt and started mauling doug's nipples, as he pushed the man's knees back. He whispered, as he took doug's cheeks into his hands.

"This is MINE. No one else. Not Vick, not Master Jameson, NO ONE." Doug was breathing hard. "Yes sir. I understand Sir. I belong to you. Only you." Then he whined. "Please Master Stewart. Please take what's yours. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" he felt Stewart's cock penetrating him. Stewart was taking him hard, and fast. He hadn't even tied doug's wrists.

"I am going to BREED MY BITCH" Stewart yelled, before he shot wave after wave of cum into doug. When he finished, he reached down and played with the cage on doug's cock.

"I told you that you could cum after I was finished, didn't I?"

"Yes sir," doug was pleading.

"Well, I think I've changed my mind, ha ha."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SIR. PLEASE." Stewart straddled doug and smiled. "Just teasing ya, but... I just wanna tickle you a bit. You've had a rough night and... this'll relax you."

It was true. The two things that helped doug sleep better than anything else were being tickled and jerking off. Now, with Master Stewart digging his fingers into doug's ribs, and doug gasping for breath, he was also getting hornier and hornier. When Stewart stopped and unlocked doug's cage, he began edging doug.

"Who's my sub?"

"I am, Sir."

"You sub for anyone else?"

"Not without your permission, Sir."

"What about dominating?"

"NEVER SIR. OH SHIT SIR. I'm over the ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGH" Stewart smiled as doug shot his load. His hips bucked and he almost cried.

"Sir, I couldn't stop thinking about you tonight." Stewart stretched out and kissed doug's forehead. "And I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wondered how he could resist you." He kissed doug again. "Let me go and get a rag. I want you cleaned up before we spoon."

By the time he came back from the bathroom, doug was asleep. Stewart smiled. "Good," he thought. "More time to do what I've got to do."

He went back to the main house. He asked where drew was, and then found him in his room.

"Sub drew, it's a done deal. Mister Vick is waiting for you. Pack some stuff and get ready."

Drew looked at him skeptically. He knew he was supposed to do what a Master said, but this seemed, strange.

"No one told me that, Master Stewart."

"I did. Didn't you wonder why Master Jameson hasn't called for you?" drew thought about that for a minute. He fingered the baseball pendant Mr. Vick had given him.

"Is he taking doug too, Sir?"

"Don't worry about that. Now get packed. Put on a shirt and let's go."

"Yes Sir." Drew begin putting things in a small suitcase. He was still skeptical.

"Can I just say goodbye to my brothers, Sir?"

"You'll say goodbye on the way out." That made drew very skeptical. He thought that as a former athlete, he could overpower Stewart and charged for him. Stewart was ready. His height gave him and advantage and he had drew in a choke hold. Before drew could scream for help, he felt the chloroform cloth over his face.

"Ok. Just got to get him out of here." Stewart had a pair of zip ties in his pants pocket, and he bound drew's ankles and wrists. Then he gagged him. He took the suitcase in one hand, threw the man over his shoulder, and carefully made his way back to his cabin. Vick's car was parked in front.

"EXCELLENT. Dump him in." After he did, Stewart went into the cabin. He smiled. Vick had done exactly what they had agreed: a bound and naked doug was lying on the bed, also gagged, and screaming. Stewart pulled him back by his hair.

"No questions. You get some clothes on and then you let me tie you again. This is your last night here, dougie. Both of us." Doug had kept squirming until he heard that last sentence. Fifteen minutes later, he got tossed into the back of the car with drew. Stewart got in the front where Vick was driving.

"Bastard tried to double the price. Hell with that." Vick said as they started heading away.

"He does it every time. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Drew belongs to him." Vick laughed. "Not anymore. That beauty is mine."

Stewart smiled. "And doug is OURS." They headed off. Vick's private plane was waiting. An hour later, two groggy subs woke up in the airplane seats, next to their new Masters. Neither one could have been happier.

Next: Chapter 6

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