Dougs Voluntary Kidnapping

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 29, 2022


The firm WHACK to his left cheek woke up Doug. "C'MON LARD ASS. GET A MOVE ON," he heard Stu's reedy voice just before he got a second whack to the other cheek.

"OW. FUCK. That hurts."

"GOOD. For all ya know, you may be getting more of those, ha ha."

"Shit, Stewart. What time is it?"

"Seven. And it's MASTER Stewart around here, dougie.

Hmmm. You know, I'm sure I told you before, but DAMN, you've got a great ass. And know what? I'm hard, and you don't have to be at the gym for another half hour.

"UNNNNNNNH" Doug felt Stu drop his body onto his back. "C'mon Stu. I'm SORE. You fucked me REAL hard yesterday."

"And I'm gonna fuck you real hard again. Right now." Doug felt Stu's cock at his hole.

"I never realized how much I enjoyed taking you from behind dougie. Dougie doggy style. DAMN. Better get used to this kinda thing too, kiddo. Subs don't pick when they get screwed. They just say, `How do you want it, Sir,' and take it."

Doug was about to answer, "I'm not a sub," but he didn't want to get another crack across his ass. The thought of feeling Stu in him again, however, was appealing. In college, Stu had a class at 8 in the morning three days a week, and he never left without leaving a deposit in Doug's ass. Now, he felt Stu's hands underneath him, reaching for his cock, as Stu's slicked dick made its way into him.

"Just like old times, huh dougie baby? What'd you used to call me?" He pushed, and Doug yelped.

"Stu the Stud, right." Then he remembered. "MASTER." He winced some more as he tried not to moan. He didn't remember Stu ever fucking him so slowly. His pace was glacial. Stu said he had to be at the gym in half an hour but, he began to wonder if... Then Stu drove his whole dick in.

"HOLY SHIT. OH FUCK. OH, MY FUCKING GOD." Doug could help but moan now. Stu's cock seemed to be thicker than usual, and he was getting deeper than he ever did. When Stu began to lick at Doug's ears, he began to moan with pleasure.

"How about I get my hands on those tits of yours, dougie boy? You want me to work them before the trainer does?"

Doug was breathing hard. "Yes sir. PLEASE SIR. Work my nips, please. Make me beg. Make me beg for more cock. OH YES, OH YES." As Stu grabbed Doug's nipples, he began to slide back and forth, faster, and faster. He was thrusting his whole cock each time. Doug could feel his ass opening up, and he could feel Stu pummeling it, faster and faster.

"DAMN YOU'RE A HOT MOTHERFUCKING MANBITCH DOUGIE. TAKE MY LOAD. TAKE IT NOW!!!!!" Doug felt the jizz pouring into him. Stu had been at it for over fifteen minutes. He felt Stu's teeth nibble his ear.

"I'm gonna be ready again this afternoon. You're gonna be, too, dougie. Cause that's how things work, with DOMS and subs. Understand that?"

Doug began to say, "I'm not..." and stopped. He just answered, "Yes sir."

"Master Franklin: apologies for getting here late. I had a hankering for dougie that couldn't wait. You can punish him though: that's what happens when a pretty guy has a great ass." Doug saw Master Franklin give Stu a quick smile which then disappeared.

"So, the usual, Stu? Gay muscles?"

"Yes, indeed. Tits, ass, arms. "

"Not a problem." He looked at Doug, who was already beginning to sweat. His t shirt for the gym was worn out, tight, and didn't completely cover his abs, and his shorts were a size too small.

"We're gonna start with squats." He saw the look on Doug's face. "Hey, if they split, they split. I've seen asses before, dougie. Stu may think yours is fine candy, but that's a matter of opinion. "

"Yes sir. How many?"

"UNTIL I TELL YOU TO STOP BOY." Franklin shook his head. "DAMN. Some of you subs in training just don't get it. "He looked at Doug. "Eventually your Master or the trainer your Master chooses will decide shit like that. For now, we just get you ready for presentation. Got to start the good habits for keeping a sub's body nice and hot."

Master Franklin had Doug do 100 squats, and three sets of them throughout the workout. They were interspersed with other exercises to build up his biceps, and to give him a bigger chest. Franklin laughed at one point.

"You know, stud, one of Master Stewart's favorite exercise for subs, is to make them where weighted tit clamps when they work out. Maybe you'll get that tomorrow. "He looked at a clip board. "Oh, no, not tomorrow. Tomorrow, you get prepped for your wrestling match."

"My wrestling match, Sir?"

"Hell, yeah. Master Stu's gonna kick your ass in front of everyone. The only issue is how long is it gonna take. My job is to make it so you hold out as long as possible. "He cracked a big smile. "But EVERY one of the Masters is looking forward to this. Tonight's entertainment?" He snorted. "It'll be good to see Vern on his way, but pup play just isn't my thing."

Pup play. Doug had heard about it, he knew guys who were into it, but it didn't do anything for him. He laughed to himself. There were very few things he wouldn't do. He had even let Stu piss on him once, but he didn't like it and, it turned out, neither did Stu. He thought Dough liked it.

"Hope that hasn't changed," he thought.

Doug's shorts held up through the workout, and then Master Franklin brought him back to the cabin where he was staying. Stu wasn't there.

"He's probably getting ready for the visitors this morning. You get yourself ready, get over there, report for breakfast and kitchen duty, and then Master Stu will take over. And DON'T make any stupid moves like trying to get away. You're smart, dougie. You probably figured out that the whole place is under surveillance, and no one does anything without the Masters knowing about it. If you want to know what happens when someone tries to escape, I'm sure that Master Stu or one of the others will be glad to show you pictures and films."

Breakfast was the first time Doug had a chance to meet the other "trainees" as he thought of them. They all wore tight t-shirts and jeans, just like him, but he could see the outline of a thick ring under a few of them. "That means they've passed the program and they're waiting to be claimed," Ben explained to him. "If a new Master doesn't want that ring -- and most don't -- it comes out very easily. It just lets the customers know the status of each of us."

"Customers?" Doug asked. I keep on hearing things like that but, customers for what?" Ben laughed. "For US, silly. We're being trained, or at least most of us are, to become subs to wealthy DOMS. Vern's already been chosen -- tonight's his last night, that's why we're having the dog show. His new Master is staying to watch him perform. The DOMS coming by this afternoon are checking out the rest of us. Maybe they'll put in a bid, maybe they won't, who knows?"

"I thought there were only 3 unattached subs."

"Well, with you that makes four." Doug felt his stomach sink. THIS was something Stu hadn't mentioned. "I mean, Stu clearly has a thing for you. By the way, how's your hickey doing? I have some crème for it if you like." Doug cringed. "So, I could be sold? Like property?"

"That's exactly it, Doug. I guess you weren't clear on this: we ARE property. And even the subs who already have a DOM: if a new DOM makes an offer and the old DOM accepts it, well, it's like buying a used car."

"SHIT. How long has this been going on?"

Ben shrugged his shoulders. "That I don't know. But I know it's at least ten years. That's what Master Franklin told me. He and Stu and of course, Lord Master Jameson have been at this the longest." He smiled. "I think Stu was REALLY pissed when someone bid so much for the last sub he trained, he almost quit."

"Then he saw me," Doug thought to himself. Ben snapped his fingers in front of Doug's face.

"Ok, brother dougie. You're on KP duty with me today. So, let's start clearing the places and get the dining area cleaned up. The subs in charge of the meal for the buyers need to get in the kitchen and get started. And after this, you probably need to go and check with Master Stu to see what you need to do next. Technically, we have two hours of "free-time" before we get lunch, but that free time IS very limited."

Doug was back in the cabin with Stu. Stu had just had Doug take off his t-shirt, and then had tied his hands behind his back. He also told him to spread his legs as far as he could. Doug knew clamps were coming.

"Point out those titties, dougie. I wanna see just how much you can take." Stu hadn't let Doug cum that morning, and he was hard: VERY hard. The feel of ropes in Stu's hands, and those callused thumbs rubbing up against his pecs before the clamps went on, had aroused him even more.

"Master Stu," Doug still had trouble saying it. "Would it be alright for me to ask one question before you begin?"

"Not really but... you can answer it in return for ten extra paddle whacks on your crotch." Doug saw the look in Stu's eye, and he knew he didn't have a choice.

"OK, Sir. I agree."

"GOOD BOY. You didn't ask an improper question like how many are you getting. Ask your question."

"Sir, Ben told me in breakfast clean up that some guys are coming over today to, well, look us over and decide if they want to buy us. Is that true?" He saw Stu's face change to a scowl.

"Yeah, that's right. Running this place takes a whole shitload of money. Where do you think it comes from. "He attached one clamp to Doug's left nipple and then adjusted the tension. "Hurt, bitch boy?"

"Yes Sir. It does. OWWWWWWWWWWW." Stu attached the second clamp to Doug's right nip.

"Now, you're not gagged, so we can play one of my favorite games." He lifted up the chain and held it to Doug's lips. "Take the chain in your mouth. PULL." Doug didn't have a choice and he did. "HARDER. PULL HARDER. I WANT YOU TO FEEL IT." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG" came out of Doug's mouth. "Now, you keep those tits pointed out, because if I have to tell you to POINT EM, I'm adding another five paddle hits for each time I do." Stu had a spatula not unlike the ones in the kitchen, and he began wailing on Doug's crotch.

"I may do thirty, I may do fifty. I dunno yet. Just keep them pointed. "As he smacked Doug's crotch, he spoke some more about the showing that afternoon. "Yeah, my original plan was to train you for myself. But Master Jameson put together a face book of who was here and who was coming, and damn it to hell, some rich ass Hollywood guy took a shine to you. He hasn't put a bid in yet, but he probably will. I get a credit for bringing you in, but if I don't match the bid, with my credit, you go to him." He cursed as he hit Doug especially hard. "I FUCKING DIDN'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN." He continued to smack Doug's crotch. When he counted to fifty, he sneered. "You let your tits drop four times. That's another twenty. "When he was finished, he let Doug drop the chain. He took off the clamps and before Doug could recover, he began twisting them, hard.

"I just realized something dougie boy. You got more money than God. It's really gonna be up to you. You paid for your own kidnapping, now... let's see if you wanna pay for your own submission. HA HA. I'm not into fin dom, but you never know. I wasn't into pissing on guys either until I thought you liked it."

The "showing" was scheduled for six o'clock. The Masters and the potential clients would be sitting to supper, and all of the trainees were to be involved, including Doug. Before that, though, he had to move off to laundry duty. There, he worked with Drew -- the "GI JOE clone," as some folks called him. He spoke with a drawl.

"Hey, dougie. Your MAN decide to keep ya yet?"

Doug was looking down. The hot water from the laundry was making him sweat. He wanted to take his shirt off, like Drew had, but if he did, Drew would see how irritated his nipples were. He could already see the hickey.

"I think he wants to, but he told me that someone's interested in me." Drew laughed.

"Oh, he must mean Justin. Two academy awards, two houses in California, three in Europe, and he can't find a man that interests him enough. He likes a `type.' You fit into that type. He told the council that we never have anyone old enough for him. He doesn't want kids, and he wants a challenge." Drew looked at him. "If you're not committed to being with Stu, this could be a REAL good thing for you."

"You think someone's gonna bid on you?" Doug asked. Drew sighed.

"Probably. There've been bids before but, Master Jameson hasn't approved them. He said they weren't high enough." He dropped his voice. "I think he has a thing for me, to be honest, and he wants to keep me for himself, but the President doesn't have the right to put in bids. So if he wants me, he has to find reasons to keep me here."

"I see. Do you WANT to be with him?" Drew looked at Doug and shook his head.

"dougie, you don't get it. We're SUBS. What we want doesn't matter. You better learn that, whether Justin bids on you or not. Whatever idea you had about you having a choice, get over them. You don't. Someone else must have told you."

"We're property," Doug quoted Ben from that morning.

"That's right. You've got to understand that, or your life is going to be really, REALLY hard."

"Can't be harder than my cock," Doug laughed. "Master Stu hasn't let me cum since I got here." Drew laughed. "Better keep your hands off it. "He motioned for Doug to come to a part of the laundry room where the camera couldn't really see. He dropped his jeans, and Doug saw the evil looking cage on Drew's cock and balls.

"That's what you get if you try to take care of yourself without permission. I'm in it for a week. I'm on my fourth day and I'm miserable."

Doug had never waited on tables before, so Drew and Ben gave him a quick course on it, and had him take care of easier tasks, like pouring wine. Vern wasn't helping tonight because he was with his new Master, getting ready for the evening entertainment. When Doug came to the table where Justin was sitting, he asked "Wine, Sir?" the way he had been taught, and when Justin nodded, he put one hand behind his back, smiled and poured. Justin smiled back. Stu was at his table.

"So, you've been training him? You did a good job. I LIKE the way he looks with one hand behind his back. Makes me wanna tie him up right now." Master Jameson spoke. "Sub dougie, put down the wine bottle. Show our client how you'd look with your hands behind your back."

"Yes Master," Doug put down the bottle. He didn't want to get into trouble, but even moreso, he didn't want to make Stu look like he wasn't a good trainer.

"NICE. He pushed out his nips without being asked. GOOD JOB." Justin turned from Doug and laughed at the table. "I'm getting hard already, but what's the story with the neck wound?"

Master Jameson smiled. He looked at Stewart someone critically. "Let's just call it overzealous training." Justin laughed.

"You're into him, Stu. I don't blame you. "

"You gentlemen will have to excuse me. I have to get ready to announce our entertainment for this evening." He turned to Justin. "You might want to join us tonight, Justin. And tomorrow. Tomorrow your boy is wrestling with Master Stu." He gave Stu a dirty look and grinned when he saw Stu's face.

"That sounds like fun. I don't think I'll stay tonight. Pup play doesn't really appeal to me." Then he gave Doug a look. "Although I have to say, having THIS one on a leash is making me rethink that." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx The Masters and the subs gathered around the same place where they had seen Drew and Ben wrestle the night before. Then a heavy-set man with a thick beard, a leather vest and chaps came out. "GET MOVING, CUR" he yelled, and then he pulled Vern on the leash. He had on a pup mask, and he had a fake tail hanging out of his ass. There was applause by some of the Masters but not Stu, who dug his fingers deeply into Doug's shoulder. He whispered, "you'll pay for flirting with that bastard Justin. Maybe I SHOULD just let him take you." Doug gulped and whispered "Please Sir, no. I'd rather be with you."

"SILENCE sub dougie. There's a performance going on. MASTER STU, if you can't train your sub to behave correctly, perhaps another Master would be appropriate."

"I understand, Master Jameson. Don't worry. I'll make sure he's disciplined appropriately."

"Perhaps it should be done in public, so we can be the judge of whether you're an adequate disciplinarian."

"As you wish, President Jameson."

The new owner of vern -- who's name was Master Philip -- was putting vern through the tricks that you'd expect a Master to put his dog through: vern had to sit, get on his haunches, and beg, bark, roll over, and at the end, when Master Philip said, "GOOD DOG," he rolled on his back and Master Philip scratched his belly. vern made the sort of whimper you expect a dog to make. One of the Masters yelled "LOOK. He's even got WOOD. The way you'd expect a pup to get when his belly was scratched." Master Philip brought vern to all fours and there was applause from the Masters. "I really appreciate the training you've given to this boy. I'm sure he's going to make a fine member of my pack. You wanna go and meet your new brothers, boy?" He scratched vern behind his ear and vern gave a short bark and stuck out his tongue.

"Stupidest thing I ever saw," Stu thought to himself. He liked the idea of Doug on all fours, but not for something like this.

vern sniffed at his fellow subs and gave them each a lick before Master Philip led him out. After he did, Master Jameson rose.

"I'm very pleased to announce that we received two bids tonight. One on each of Drew and Ben. Unfortunately, the bid for Drew was insufficient. Ben, however, will be leaving us tomorrow. A very fine man -- a Professor of Anatomy at the Medical school will be your new Master sub ben."

"Yes sir. I am honored. Thank you, Master Jameson."

"And I am quite certain we will have a bid on sub dougie tomorrow. Justin is considering it. That being the case, the only available sub will be sub drew. Hence, we will have to fan out again and bring in more merchandise. But for now: he turned to Stu: "Surely you did not forget that sub dougie needs public discipline?"

I did not, President Jameson," Stu answered. "Is there a method of discipline you would prefer?

"Well, clearly since he cannot keep his mouth shut, it will have to involve that. I think" and he smiled. "The only appropriate discipline is to make sure that sub dougie learns what happens to the mouths of subs who speak out of turn. It needs to be plugged. By each of us. Including you, sub drew. In fact, you will go first. Approach. Let me unlock your privates. Fill him."

"Yes sir," drew flashed a smile. Reluctantly, Stu brought Doug to the center of the room. "Hands behind your back sub Doug." Doug kneeled as proudly as he could. "Bring it on," he told himself, and then they did. EACH of them. Drew first, then Ben. Then the Masters. All but Stu, who was being disciplined in the same way that Doug was. Master Jameson went last. His dick was uncut, and thick. Doug's mouth was exhausted. While some of the other Masters had been gentle, Master Jameson was not. "IF I FEEL TEETH YOU'LL LOSE THEM, SLAVE," he yelled, just before he shoved his whole 8 inches into Doug's mouth. Dough had to fight NOT to brush the cock with his teeth. He sucked as best as he could and finally, he saw the smile on Master Jameson's face as thick, sour cum started pouring down his throat. "I proclaim the evening's entertainment over," Master Jameson announced, and all started getting ready to retire.

Back at the cabin, Stu gave Doug a bottle of a green liquid. "Drink this. It's going to be a little painful, but you've got to get that jizz out of you. You'll be sick otherwise. "Indeed, Doug was already very nauseous from the group sex he had just undergone. The liquid brought the stuff up, and Doug lost all of it, and his supper. He felt Stu's hand on the back of his neck.

"Are you alright, dougie? Is your stomach ok?"

"I think so, Sir. I've never swallowed more than three loads before." Stu laughed. "It looked like you could've handled at least four more. But that's neither here nor there. Watching my future sub take it from the other Masters has made me outrageously horny. Strip. Get on your back. You'll find restraints in the corners. Slip your wrists into them."

"YES SIR," Doug couldn't help but smile. He preferred getting fucked when he could see Stu's face. He loved the look of triumph that Stu had when he fucked him. Tonight, was no exception. Stu didn't lubricate before he took Doug's ass that night and even though he was sore, Doug didn't complain. He had a feeling that this could be the last time Stu would ever top him.

Stu went after doug's ass with a passion, but his mind was elsewhere. He knew that he could get sufficient funds from Doug to outbid Justin, but... he had another idea. It was time to make a break from the training academy. He just had to figure out how to do it.

Next: Chapter 4

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