Dougs Voluntary Kidnapping

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 11, 2022


"I must have dozed off a bit" Doug thought as he shifted in the back of the van. His arms were sore, as if he had laid on his side or back, with his hands tied behind his back. He was thirsty, sore and totally disoriented. The windows WERE covered with black paper, but the light had changed, and things had gotten even darker in the van. "You asked for this. You PAID for this," he told himself. He thought of Stewart up in the front of the van. He didn't hear his voice anymore. In fact, he didn't hear anyone talking. The van kept on moving, though, that he knew. He had no idea how long they had been driving, other than it had been a while. He tried to settle down. It must have been another half hour or so when he felt the car starting to slow down, and then come to a full stop. He heard doors opening and slamming in the front of the van and heard people talking again. He heard someone working on the latch lock on the back of the van, and then some light came in: not a lot, but after hours in the dark, it hurt his eyes. Steward was standing there, smiling. "mmmmmmph," came out of Doug's gagged mouth. He squirmed in the ropes. Stewart's shirt was opened, and he could see a body not as well developed as his own, but one that was still strong enough to handle him without too much trouble. "Welcome to your new home, Dougie." Stewart began smiling more broadly: that crooked smile Doug always saw just before he felt Stewart plow into him. "I know, it's been a long drive. You're probably exhausted, and thirsty. I couldn't give you water because the drive was so long, and we weren't stopping. I didn't want you to pee yourself. Yet." He jumped into the van. "So, let's just get things moving. I don't know why they prefer to have your ankles tied if they lock you back here, but they do. I'm not in the mood to cart you in, so." Stewart pulled out a short knife and cut the ropes skillfully. He looked at Doug. "The gag is going to stay on, just for a bit longer. Bear with me, stud. On the other hand..." He moved the knife to Doug's shirt and cut the buttons, one by one. The shirt flapped open and two callused thumbs began running over each of Doug's nipples. He moaned louder. "You always liked that, Dougie. Glad you still do. But this, this is something I like." Doug saw a pair of nipple clamps in Stewart's hand. "You're coming in as a captive, and this is going to make me even more eager to get your training going." Doug's eyes widened. He was a little confused. No, he was VERY confused. Stewart had talked about "they." Who were "they?" He remembered hearing more than one voice in the front of the van, but he didn't know why. And now Stewart was talking about "training." What did that mean. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Stewart had just attached the clamps to Doug's nipples and took a firm grip of his left arm. "Let's get going Dougie. Main house first for introductions." Stewart pulled on the clamps to drag Doug forward. At one point he turned around and looked at Doug. "Trust me handsome, at some point, you're going to look back at this little walk and wish everything were as easy as this. HA HA HA." Doug saw that they were on "grounds" of some kind. There was a big building in front of them -- had it been a mansion at some point? He also saw a series of smaller buildings fanned out around the larger one. "We'll be in the red cabin, Dougie. When you're having private training. For now, though, we're going into the main house. WELCOME TO SERVICE CAMP DOUGIE!" Doug hadn't seen anyone other than Stewart as they walked to the building, but when he got inside, he heard voices that sounded like the voices in the van. He looked around: there were men with very strong looking arms and somewhat severe expressions -- maybe 10 of them? -- and then he saw another group: handsome guys, all wearing tight jeans and skintight dark blue t shirts. The words "Service Camp" were embroidered on the left pec of each t shirt, and then there was a name, in a different color, underneath it. The names he saw that night were "Kelly," "Steve" and "Vern." The t-shirt wearing men smiled at him quickly, and muttered "welcome," before they went about doing various things. One was polishing the heavy wooden furniture, and another seemed to be getting ready to polish silverware. The one guy who intrigued him the most was sitting in a corner on the floor, with shoes and boots piled up around him. He had one large tin of black polish and one of brown, plus multiple soft cloths that looked like scraps of worn-out t-shirts. "Let me get these off, Dougie, and let me take off your gag. Our `headmaster' will be out in a minute." Stewart dropped his voice. "I know you have a mouth. Don't use it tonight. You don't want to get in trouble already." Doug whispered "Stewart, what the fuck is this?" Stewart smiled. "You're about to find out." A man who was just about as tall as Doug, but with a thicker, more muscular body, salt and pepper hair, and a beard, was walking toward him. He put a hand on Doug's shoulder. "Welcome to Service Camp, Douglas. My name is Master Jameson, and I'm the director and president. You're probably wondering what this is." He smiled almost lasciviously. "Service camp is a place where men learn how to become submissive, or to become better submissives. Everyone here has a private trainer/Master assigned to him. Sometimes the Master brings the sub, other times" he paused. "There's a need to assign one. Master Stewart brought you, so he will be your Master during your stay. The program has been developed over 15 years, and it works. No variation in the PUBLIC training is permitted. Private training is up to the Master -- assuming the sub was brought by one. If, on the other hand, the sub is unattached, there is also a prescribed, private training program. Master Stewart will explain more details to you." He smiled. "Do you have any questions, sub douglas?" Doug looked to find Stewart. He saw him there, arms folded, legs spread. Doug's hands were still tied behind him. He found himself tongue tied as well. When he didn't speak, Master Jameson spoke. "There's always a bit of shock. Master Stewart, would you bring sub douglas to your cabin, and prepare him for supper? It will be served in about an hour so, if you had something planned, Master Stewart, please have it done before supper." "So it will be Master Jameson." He stepped forward. He put a hand on Douglas' neck. Doug instinctively scrunched his shoulders and head together. "Let's go, dougie. I'm sure you have questions."

"STEWART, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" Doug screamed before Steward shoved him quite decisively into a chair in their cabin. His wrists were still tied. "You'll call me Master Stewart here, dougie. You wanted a kidnapping, and you got it." "Yeah, but I didn't want to go to fucking SLAVE CAMP." He saw Stewart smile. "You sure about that dougie?" "YEAH, I'M SURE," was Doug's reply, even as he was thinking that maybe he wasn't. "Well, here you are. Sub camp, service camp, slave camp, whatever. It's all the same to me. Now, let me make something clear to you dougie: you're not leaving. Not for at least a week. "FUCK!" answered Doug. "BUT you have a choice. During your week here, the intention was that I'd be the Master training you. If you would rather not have me do it, then you'll become an unattached candidate, and then Master Jameson will assign a Master to you." He paused. "You have to understand that then any of the Masters will have access to you at any time they want. " Doug pulled at the ropes, again. Again, he couldn't loosen them. "So, I'm sort of trapped here. The only question is: does ONE man fuck me or does the whole crew?" "That's an oversimplification but, yeah, ok, pretty much. "Stewart looked over Doug. He smiled. Two things dougie. First, I've wanted you in this position for years. Second, you've got a wet spot at your crotch." That comment made Doug blush. Part of the contract required him to abstain from any "self-abuse" for the week when the kidnapping would happen. Doug hadn't jerked off for three days before he was taken. Then, the binding, the nipple play, the gagging. And, of course, Stewart standing there, shirtless, grinning at him. "I'm gonna take you from behind. I shouldn't untie you, but I will. You won't give me any trouble." "How could I? I have no idea where I am, you took my wallet, my phone, everything. I'm your fucking prisoner." "Again, pretty much true dougie." Doug felt the ropes unloosened on his wrists. "You want some foreplay, or you want it deep and fast, dougie? Keep in mind, most Masters don't give their subs an option." "I'M NOT A SUB" "Yet. Foreplay or not?" Doug sighed. "Foreplay, please." "Get undressed." Doug's cock jumped out in front of him. "Well, we're gonna have to take care of that. I'm gonna break the rules and let you cum at the end, but after that, you don't touch yourself or ejaculate without my permission. And I'm warning you, I will know, the Masters will know and the punishment is severe." He picked up a wand on the bed table. "Touch this." Doug did. It was freezing cold. "Imagine having this taped to your balls and cock for, oh, thirty minutes, an hour, two hours. Think that'll shrink a horny guy like you.?" Doug didn't answer. "Just do what you want to do, MASTER Stewart," he added sarcastically. "Ho ho. You're gonna have to align your attitude dougie. You're about to learn your first lesson." He climbed on top of Doug. As soon as Stewart's body touched his, Doug began to writhe. Just the feeling of his old boyfriend and top turned him on. He knew Stewart liked it when he squirmed, and when he resisted when Stewart went for his neck and ear. He did that now, and Stewart just became more aroused. "Gimme that neck, sub boy." "MAKE ME." Stewart reached down and squeezed Doug's balls fairly hard. "OWWWWWWWWWW. OK OK. TAKE IT." Doug rolled his head to his side and Stewart moved in. The gentle rubbing of Stewart's scruff was always a turn-on, and today was no exception. Doug began moaning louder, begging. Then he began to feel Stewart pressing harder. "Gonna MARK you dougie. Everyone's gonna know what I did to you before dinner." Stewart ground his beard scruff into Doug's neck: "I'm gonna MARK you dougie. EVERYONE'S gonna know what I did to you." The heavy duty scruffing was driving Doug nuts. He was kicking, squirming, trying desperately to get out from under Stewart, who could feel Doug's cock getting harder and drippier. "Say it, bitch. Say what you want or you're not getting it." "FUCK ME. FUCK ME PLEASE. TAKE MY ASS." "You want it? Then roll over, BOTTOM." Now, however much Doug was resisting becoming a sub, he knew he was a bottom, and more than accepting it, he embraced it. When Steward let him up, he rolled over and he whispered: "On all fours, Sir?" "YEAH. That sounds good. Let me get your leash." "Leash?" thought Doug. "That sounds hot." He felt the collar lock around his neck. The leather touched the raw spot that Stewart had just left, and it stung. He heard the "click" as the leash lead went into the ring on the collar and he felt his head get pulled back as Stewart's cock touched the ring of his ass. "I LOVE YOUR COCK, SIR. I LOVE IT." "Really, bottom? Then SHOW IT. BACK INTO IT LIKE THE DOG YOU ARE." Doug had done the "backward crawl" for Stewart many times. Now, when he backed up, there was no dick. Stewart was laughing. "You sure you want it dougie?" "GOD YES SIR. YES SIR." "Are you going to behave this week?" "YES SIR. AS BEST I CAN." He screamed so loud as Stewart rammed into him that Master Franklin, next door in the purple cabin with the unattached sub ben, laughed. "Someone is getting it well besides you, boy." Now, Doug was whining as Stewart drove into him, over and over again. He heard the slap of Stewart's balls against his ass and felt Stewart's hand encircle his cock. "MMMMMM. Thank you, SIR. THANK YOU." Stewart slid his hand back and forth, faster and faster, in rhythm with his strokes in and out of Doug's ass. His palm was very lubed from Doug's pre-cum and moved easily. His own pre-cum made his thrusts into Doug go smoothly. His thoughts about what he was going to do to Doug for the rest of the week was keeping him more than adequately erect. He tried not to think about that though, because he wanted to fuck Doug VERY thoroughly. It didn't work. He exploded, with another scream, and Doug whimpered as his own jizz came out. And came out. And came out. He collapsed and Stewart fell on top of him. He whispered "bitch" into Doug's ear, and Doug responded "Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir." A half hour later, Stewart walked Doug to the main house for the community meal. Doug felt humiliated: the jeans were tight -- almost too tight -- and his t shirt was as skintight as any of the ones the other subs were wearing. "dougie" was embroidered under the words "Service Camp." He had reached for the collar, thinking Stewart would find it hot, and no one would see his love burn. Stewart took it from his hand. "Nope. Everyone's gotta see, boy. Early lessons in submission. Get used to it. "

"Hmmm. Master Stewart left you a present." Doug was sitting at the sub table with the other guys who were there with Masters. The comment came from a guy named brad: on the young side, freckled, green eyes, thin.

Doug blushed. "Yeah, he kinda knows how to get to me." "Are you his sub?" a man named kevin asked. "I bottom for him. I have since college, but I'm not his sub. He wants me to become one." The dinner was being served by the three unattached subs: ben, drew and leo. It was drew who was bringing around the plates. He looked like a living GI Joe doll. "Know how many guys submitted because of Master Stewart? I think it's 16. Masters who haven't been able to get their boys to the place they want, bring them here. Master Stewart breaks every single one." Ben walked by and nodded in agreement. He was a short, humpy guy with a British accent, and very curly hair. "I was scheduled to be assigned to him until he announced that he had someone he wanted to break for himself. That's why I'm with Master Franklin. He and Master Stewart have the highest success rate." "EAT UP SUBS. The entertainment starts soon." Both ben and drew looked concerned. "We're the entertainment tonight. We'd best get moving. He looked at drew and laughed. "Don't expect to win tonight." Drew retorted: "I'm unbeaten against you. That won't change tonight." "Entertainment?" Doug asked the other men at the table. "Yeah, every night the subs have to perform something. Something to excite the Masters. Tonight, it's a wrestling match. Tomorrow it's supposed to be a strip show. I think the Masters discuss who and what they want to be done. We find out about it after they've decided. They have ben and drew wrestle a lot because they're the shortest guys and they're about the same size." George looked at Doug. "Don't be surprised if you're up in the next few days. Master Stewart hasn't stopped talking about you for the last week." That excited Doug: not the thought of "entertaining" other Masters, but the thought that Stewart had been talking about him. "He said he was going to break you, and that then he'd retire because he'd have the sub of his dreams." "He hasn't broken me since college," Doug said. "I don't think it's going to happen." The rest of the table laughed. "Just you wait blond boy. Just you wait."

After the dinner was cleared, some of the subs moved tables away to make space on the floor. They set up chairs in a ring around an open area, and then ben and drew came out. Drew was, not surprisingly, covered with dark black hair. He had a well-trimmed goatee and very short hair. "He used to be a major league prospect," one man said. "He was going to play shortstop, then he injured a hamstring. Wound up working as a personal trainer until his Master met him. More than that I don't know. Ben was the classic "cute" European guy. He wore glasses, but he took them off for the match. He didn't have the musculature that drew had, but he had a great looking ass. "He worked in a museum. Did a lot of curatorship stuff. He's looking desperately for a DOM, but his training makes him think he's in charge. That's why he's here. He paid for it himself." Doug joked "Don't tell me: they have a placement office too, just like at college." "YES. THEY DO" the other subs chimed in. "They take requests from DOMS and when they have someone they think is appropriate, they contact him. "One of the guys dropped his voice and spoke. "That's how Master Stewart brought YOU here, Doug. There was a request for a built blond guy on the big side, curly hair, blue eyes. Master Stewart thought you might be interested but... what they say in the office is that when he found you again, he realized that he wanted you more than that film maker." "I didn't know any of that," Doug said. "So, the original plan was to kidnap me, and then train me for this guy?" He laughed. "How can they get away with this?" "No one complains. Everyone is happy. DOMS are happy, subs are happy, clients are happy, and the money rolls in. " Master Jameson stood in the middle of the room and called everyone to order. Stewart had Doug sitting with him, on the floor. "Remember when we used to wrestle, dougie? I always thought you threw the matches because you wanted me on top of you. Now I know that I was right." He laughed. "I should've kept grinding into you instead of going home and jerking off." Doug said nothing. He couldn't because Stewart was arousing him with nipple play again. The t-shirts were so tight that it was as if they weren't on. Doug could tell right away that ben was overmatched. It was a scholar against an athlete. He had a sense when he was watching it: "drew has the hots for ben, but he wants him to top. He wishes. He just WISHES that ben would do something: give him some excuse to lose and then..." He went into a fantasy, not knowing how spot on he really was. It took about 15 minutes for drew to completely overpower ben and get him in a hold where ben was yelling "NO MORE. I SUBMIT I SUBMIT." As the Masters applauded, one of them, Master Franklin, came out and picked up ben like a kitten. "I'm making sure you get extra training this week, boy. You need to put up a better fight. Embarrass me like that. GEEZ." "Sorry Sir, I'll try to do better." "NO. You WILL do better, or you can find another Master to train you." "Yes sir. I understand." "Your boy's a fighter." Stewart was talking to a tall man with a big head of gray hair. The guy laughed. "In bed too. I can subdue him, but it takes work. I tease him: `drew the subdued' I'm Joe." Stewart introduced himself and Joe smiled. "Ah. YOU'RE the one they told me to bring drew to if he didn't start behaving. "He looked at Doug. "He gonna break you?" Doug looked at him. "No." "Ha ha. We'll see. Looks to me like you don't stand much of a chance." "He doesn't. I'm taking him home right now. I would bet money this big fucker is horny as shit. Just like his Master." Doug WAS horny. He had started horny when he saw all the guys in their uniforms, and then his Master sitting at the table with the other DOMS, spreading his legs, laughing, flexing his muscles. And now, knowing that there was a film director who had wanted to meet someone like him. It was an aphrodisiac. As they walked back to the cabin, Stewart began talking. "Got some news for you dougie. I talked to Master Jameson. Not tomorrow but the night after, it's me and you on the wrestling floor. I hope we don't bore them to death because of your submissiveness." Doug puffed out his chest. "I'm not a pushover anymore." Stewart laughed. "OH PLEASE. All I have to do is push my cock in your face and you're done. In fact, I got that in mind for tonight." He opened the cabin door. "I'm going to go sit on the edge of the bed. Get set to be on your knees." Doug was about to ask, "what if I say no," except he realized: he WANTED to suck Stewart. Desperately. He was so eager that Stewart had to grab the long hair at the back of Doug's head and control his sucking. "GEEZ. I want this to last dougie. When I want a quickie, I'll tell you." Doug made some gurgling noises and tried to slow down. It was difficult. He loved it when Stewart fucked his face, and he was sore from the fucking he had received earlier in the day. "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Nothing better than a pretty blond stud sucking you off," Stewart sighed as small bursts of cum shot out of his dick and down Doug's throat. "Think about this, dougie. You become my sub, you get cock every single day. Usually more." The thought was appealing. When Stewart had discussed Doug with Master Jameson, he had said that he thought Doug was 100% bottom, and about 70% submissive. Those numbers were right. Now, though, the core of defiance Doug had was dissolving. He was probably at about 85%. That last 15% was pretty solid. At least, for now.

Next: Chapter 3

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