Dougs Voluntary Kidnapping

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 1, 2022


For as long as he could remember, Doug Knuth had fantasies of being kidnapped. When he was just a boy he sat in front of the television set watching Westerns or adventure shows, or anything that involved men being captured, tied up, and taken off to a hideaway or being held for ransom that he could find. If the men were gagged when they were captured, it was even better. He liked the shows where the captured and kidnapped victims were grown, muscular men, but he liked the ones where teenage boys were kidnapped too. They seemed to be more common. He always regretted it at the end when the victim was rescued, untied, and "everyone lived happily ever after." Everyone but Doug that is. He wanted to be in their place SO badly. Even as a young boy, Doug was exceptionally good looking: wavy, dark blond hair, medium blue eyes, a solid body that he began working on when he was 13, with a wardrobe funded by his summer and after school jobs and his parents' good income. That was all helpful to him in setting up games where he could play the "good guy" who got captured and tied up, but even the most resourceful of 13-year-olds would be hard pressed to engineer a game involving his own kidnapping. The closest he ever came to anything approaching his fantasies came when he was in college. Three, he met another guy, Stewart Mannes, who was as tall as Doug was (they were both 6'2"), also blond, but with brown eyes and a body as good as Doug's. They had met at a gay dance and hit it off. When they got all the small talk out of the way, they established that Steward was a Top , Doug was a bottom, and they had the hots for each other. They didn't become a couple -- neither of them was ready for that -- but they developed a routine, and it involved bondage fantasies. Sexually, it was very simple: randomly, Steward ("Stu") would call Doug, and he'd say two words: "Ya busy?" Stu actually didn't care if Doug were busy. That phrase meant that he was horny, and he wanted sex, usually with bondage. Since Doug lived alone and Stu had a roommate, Stu would head over to Doug's place, take out the ropes and cuffs that they kept under Doug's bed, and then they'd act out a scenario. The one Doug liked the best was one where he would leave his door unlocked, go out, and Stu would come over and hide himself in the apartment, or sit in a chair, waiting for Doug. Either he'd surprise Doug by grabbing him from behind in a bear hug (Doug's favorite), or he'd pull out a fake gun, tell Doug to get his hands in the air, and then motion him to a chair. In either scene, Stu would tie Doug up, gag him, and then he'd leave for a short period of time. He'd come back, have his way with Doug, and then retie him, only this time, he'd retie him in a way that would allow Doug to get himself loose after an effort. Doug had lost touch with Stu after college, but the memories of those encounters stayed with him. He never found anyone who was as interested in playing out kidnap scenes the way Stu was. He would find guys who WERE interested, but with Doug's good looks and good body, the other guys were always interested in Doug taking control of THEM, rather than taking control of Doug. Bondage partners were readily available, and that was fun, as was bottoming for the guys he did give his ass up to, but he never found a way to re-create the pleasure he got when he was with Stu. They reconnected about ten years out of college. It was by chance. Another weekend, and Stu was hanging out at one of the gay bars in the town where he lived, leaning up against the bar, having a beer. He and a friend were chatting and laughing. The friend was facing the door, and suddenly said to Stu. "Some REALLY pretty new meat just walked in the door. Have a look." Stu turned and was stunned. "I know that guy. We went to college together." It was Doug. Doug lived about 50 miles away. When he was interested in nothing more than getting his rocks off, Doug stayed close to home; however, when the craving to act out his fantasies became stronger and stronger, he'd travel further from home and the people who knew him, looking for a way to act them out. He would think to himself that he'd better never get pulled over by a highway patrol guy because if he opened his trunk, the patrolman would see all of the bondage gear and, well, he didn't have the guts to try to convince an officer on duty to tie him up and throw him into the bag of his patrol car, but he thought about it. Stu was walking up to Doug when Doug saw him. Stu had a big smile on his face. "Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. Doug Knuth. What brings you here?" Now Doug was smiling as they shook hands and then embraced. "Stu the MAN! I had no idea this was where you lived. GOD, you're so close. How long has it been? Over ten years? "Yeah, I think so. Can I get you a celebratory drink, bud?" Stu asked. "Only if I pick up the second one." "You have a deal handsome. Stay right there." Stu snickered and so did Doug. It was a line that Stu would use with some regularity after he had tied Doug up during their college games. "I thought I'd never see you again, Stu." Doug took a slug of his beer. "I think of our time in college a lot. I miss it." Stu gave him a look. "You're still into bondage and roleplay? You haven't found your top man soul mate?" "Ha ha. Never did. By the way, I don't see a ring on your finger, Stu." "NAH, I was never the settling down type. But Doug, I truly thought that someone would realize what a good catch you were, and just put you in some cell somewhere and pretend he was waiting for ransom. ">From your mouth to god's ear," Doug sighed. "Your beer is empty so is mine. I'll be back in a minute." As Doug went off to get refills, Stu checked him out and thought "Yup. He STILL has one helluva fine ass." When Doug came back, Stu smiled. "So, Doug. Ya busy?" Doug almost spat out his beer. "You remembered!" "How could I forget the best goddamn bottom at that school? GEEZ, if I told you how many orgo lectures I sat through just thinking about what I was going to do to you next. DAMN, I'm getting hard thinking about it." "So am I Stu. Did you mean it?" "Yup. My place? You hosted enough and you're awfully far from home." "My car is parked in front. I've got gear in the trunk." "Keep your trunk locked, stud. Stu keeps his own toy chest. Might be too late to do a full scene, but I got ropes, I got toys, I got anything two healthy blond studs could want." Doug looked at him. "I'm liking the sounds of this." "I'm gonna be liking the sounds of you gagged in a little bit. So, listen up, stud. Get your hands behind your back until we get to your car, and then I'll direct you to where you'll be spending the next few hours in ropes I WON'T leave loose and escapable this time." In about 45 minutes, Stu had Doug back at his apartment, spread eagled and gagged on his bed. Doug's shirt was opened, and Stu had just applied some serious nipple clamps to Doug's tits. "They've been played with a lot, huh you slut?" Stu asked as he ran a finger around Doug's navel. Gagged with a very tight round of duct tape, Doug could only nod yes. "I bet it's been a REAL long time since that man pussy has gotten some really good attention from someone who knows what he's doing, huh Doug? And while we wait for the ransom, no time like the present for me to show you: I still know what I'm doing." One of the things Stu had done that ALWAYS brought Doug to the edge, was tongue his hole. He didn't actually eat his ass, but just the physical sensation of Stu's tongue, which had a very sharp point at the end, would drive Doug wild. It still did. The" mmmmmmmmmmmmphs" that came out of Doug's gagged mouth were moans of pleasure. No one had ever come close to doing this as well as Stu did. "That man pussy needs a real man's COCK in it, doesn't it, Doug?" Doug shook his head yes, and Stu pretended that Doug's legs were so muscular he could barely lift them. "Good to see you're still working out buddy. Love fucking a hot bottom with a good build." Doug hadn't forgotten how Stu's cock felt. He was trying not to get emotional because while he had never felt like he LOVED Stu, he DID love what Stu did to him. "Stu the Stud" he used to call him, and he was remembering those days now, as Stu filled him with his cock. "You were always my boy, and you're STILL my boy dougie," Stu teased, using a name Doug hated, but he used to show who was in charge. He bent over Doug and took his ear in his teeth and nibbled right before he whispered "mancunt." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Doug tried to scream as one of his trigger words got spoken and he came all over himself. "Gonna pull out to join your jizz, bud." Stu grabbed the clamps and pulled them and then shot his load all over Doug. "PHEW. That felt good buddy. Of all the gay bars in the world, he walks into mine." "Shit Stu, that was GREAT. I wish we could do the stuff we used to do in college. I MISS you kidnapping me, making me struggle, making me do whatever you wanted." "Do you now? Well, I'm wondering, Doug. I'm just wondering. You ever hear of something called planned kidnappings?" Doug looked confused. "No, but I'm getting interested. " "Well, here's how it works. Of course, it's not a REAL kidnapping but what happens is, the kidnapper and kidnappee work out a length of time, what the scenario will be what's included and what's not, and then they figure out a bunch of different days when they're both available, but they don't pick one. The kidnappee will get picked up on ONE of those, and from there, they play out the scenario. "Stu stopped. "You know, there are outfits that do this professionally. You sign a disclaimer, you pay your money and before you know it, you're a hostage for a day, three days, a weekend, however long you want." Doug looked at Stu. "Are you pulling my leg?" "Nope. I used to work for one of the companies. Ya see, I took my undergraduate experience and turned it into something profitable. " Doug was still tied up on the bed. Stu went to untie him, and he begged Stu not to do that. "I think better when I'm restrained. I can't believe I never heard of this." "Well, it's very easy to get out of control, so people don't talk about it a lot. I haven't worked for them for a long, LONG time, but I think if I offered them a client on the condition that I was going to be his primary kidnapper, I think I could be brought out of retirement." "Is it expensive?" Doug asked even though money wasn't an issue for him. He was an only child, and his parents had left considerable assets. He DID work, but he worked for himself, and didn't really worry about where money was coming from. "Depends on what you want. Tell you what? I'm going to give you the phone number of the company president. If you feel like you want to give him a call, tell him that I told you about the outfit, and specifically request me to do the kidnapping. And then the ball will start rolling." "GOD, THANKS. I was thinking that if I were lucky, I'd meet some stranger, get handcuffed and fucked and be on my way." He smiled. "Before I do get on my way, you think you could, maybe..." Stu smiled. "You're not getting up until you suck me off, bitch." It took a while for him to get his ten years out of college cock hard again, but Doug was soon sucking away on it like a happy baby. And he WAS a happy baby.

He called Stu's contact the next day. He wasn't available but his assistant, Louisa, could not have been more helpful and professional. By the end of the day, Doug's emails contained a contract describing everything they had agreed to. Doug had opted for the longest fantasy: kidnapping, followed by a week of scenarios, including impromptu ones which Doug would have to initiate, where he'd try to escape if he wanted to. Stu would be the one kidnapping him. Beyond that, the details were kept deliberately sketchy. Doug signed the contract, scanned it and sent it back. He received another email from Louisa. "Dear Mr Knuth: This is just to thank you for your contract and your paypal deposit. All seems to be in order. The dates you have selected are over the next three weeks. Please note that we take no responsibility for anything that happens in your absence. We look forward to working with you." Doug read that contract every day. This was something he had dreamed of happening, in very general terms. For it to happen with his college sweetheart in control was beyond fabulous. Doug was on "alert" for a few days after the kidnapping period opened up. When nothing happened, he became complacent, and that's when it happened. He was sitting at his kitchen table, working on his laptop, when he felt the familiar, big strong hand of Stu cover his mouth. Doug grabbed at it, and Stu laughed. "You can fight it if you want, Knuth, but it won't do you any good. You're coming with me. "MMMMMMMMMMMPH" Doug shook his head no and fought to get out of Stu's grip, which had gotten tighter. He smelled something unusual. Something sweet. "Gonna put you under, dougie. Can't risk you seeing where we're going." Doug felt a cloth pressed against his nose. AWESOME! It was chloroform. He didn't know where they had gotten it, and he didn't care. He was being knocked out. When he woke up, he looked around. He wasn't blindfolded, but he was gagged, and his wrists and ankles were tied. He was lying on the floor of a van with the windows blacked out. He knew that it had been Stu who had bound him, even though he could hear three, maybe four people talking in the front. Part of what the contract did not reveal was where he would be kept for the term of his kidnapping. All he could do was wait until they got there. Up in front, Stu was talking to the guy in the front seat with him. "I've always wanted a full week with that fucking stud. Now I have it. OH, this is gonna be fun. And MAN do we have surprises in store for him."

Next: Chapter 2

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