Dougie and Alex

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Dec 9, 2005



This is a work of fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexualities of the celebrities mentioned in this work.

Any mention of concerts is entirely made up. Anything else mentioned in the story is entirly for the purposes of the story only!

Dougie & Alex 007 - Concert Time

The day that Alex has been waiting for since that faitful evening in Plymouth has arrived; The day of the concert, and like a lovesick teenager he hasn't slept a wink. It's now 4.30am and Alex is wide awake, fully dressed and ready to go! He doesn't need to be picking Zoe up until quarter past six, so he's now just sat, waiting, twidling his thumbs.

In London, Dougie is sat by the window in his hotel room, staring out at the rain, it wasn't heavy, just very fine; the sort of rain in which you get just as wet, if not more so, than a heavy downpour. Standing up DOugie stretched and the fact he's been a regular ot the Gym in recent weeks is starting to show already. Improved tone in general, sexy abs, and his ass is as cracking as ever, even if it was covered up by a pair of cheep Tesco boxers. He walked to the table beside his bed and dialled a short number.

"What...?" The voice at the other end was clearly asleep still.

"I need to speak to you Danny, you and the others."

"Doug it's the middle of the night"

"It's half past four"


"Ok, but i really need to speak with you, it's important."

"What could be so important that you wake me at half four in the morning?"

"The future of the band important enough for you?"

"Oh fuck i'll be right in."

Dougie placed the phone back in it's cradle and stood contemplating what he'd just said to Danny. A smile crept slowly across his face as he thought about later on. Was it really that Alex was the only thing that made him happy anymore, or is there more to it?

A knock at the door.

"Come in, it's unlocked"

"Doug, what's all this about?"

Danny's concerned face greeted Dougie as he turned and sat back by the window.


"Yeah sure. so?"

"This is not something i've been thinking about lightly. Danny i don't know what to do."

"This must be pretty bad Dougie, because you're not usually so serious. Might help if you tell me what's up"

"Danny i think i've fallen in love with Alex"

"You think?"

"I have"

Dougie is staring out of the window again, and trying to hold back the tears which for some unexplained reason are starting to form in the corners of his eyes.

"God this is so difficult, how do i explain it, i think that i want to spend the rest of my life with him."

"I think i see where this is heading but carry on."

"The way i see it, i have three options."

Danny pulled a chair around next to Dougie and gently laid an arm around his shoulder.

"Come on, let's hear it."

"Ok; One, I publicly come out, make a statement that i'm with Alex and carry on with the band as i have been. Two, finish things with Alex and carry on with the band and try to forget about him. Three, leave the band so i can go and live with Alex."

"Leave the band?"

"I just don't know what to do."

"Dougie, i think we ought to discuss this with the others, but ultimately it's you decision. You should talk with Alex too."

"Yeah, look at me, who'd have thought that some guy from Devon would make me like this?"

"He's not just some guy though is he? I can tell what he measn to you."

Back in Exeter it's now five past six and Alex is just leaving his place, he gets into his car, his chesire cat grin never fading and sets off for Zoe's. Zoe is stood outside of her house waiting when Alex arrives as there is nowhere to park.

"Just remind me why we're getting up so early"

"Because we're so excited."

"Because you're so excited."

"Yeah, that'll do!"

They drive off towards St David's station. Alex park's the car. Inside the station concourse Karen is waiting for them.

"Oh god this is way too early!"

"Cheer up Karen, we're going to see McFly, and Alex is going to see Dougie."

"Oh yes!"

"He is a part of the band too you know"

"Karen babe i know, he has A BIG PART of his own too!" Alex's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

All three of them stood craning their necks up to the monitor which displays the arrivals & Departures.

"On time, fantastic"

They walk through the doors and onto the adjoining platform one, there's a silent and eerie beauty about the place so early in the morning. Just standing and looking around briefly you could almost feel as though the powerful steam trains were running through, with whistles blowing and smoke billowing!

The walk over to Platform 5 is slow as Zoe's get up and go, has got up and gone this morning.

"Come on you old tart! keep up!"

"Hey less of the old you cheeky bastard"

They find an empty seat on platform five and huddle together to keep warm. It's nearly 06:50 their train is due at 06:54, a small two carriage train rolls into platofrm five, it's marked Taunton on it's destination blind. No announcement is made regarding this train, however the PA system booms into life.

"This is a platform alteration, the 0656 First Great Western Adlante service to London Paiddington will now depart from Platform 6 and not Platform 5 as advertised, passengers are advised that platform 6 is back to back with platform 5 and therefore no lifts or stairs are required."

"I hope this isn't a bad omen Alex."

"Relax Zoe, today is going to be the best thing ever!"

The train rumbled into the platform, Zoe, Alex and Karen boarded and found there seats.

In London in Dougie's hotel room, the four McFly guys are sat on Dougie's bed.

"Doug, do you want some time on your own to think?" asks Danny concerned about his friend.

"I don't know what i'm thinking about, the one thing i'm certain of is that i'm head over heels for Alex, and that's never going to change. I just want to be able to show my love for him guys. They say love conquers all. It's fucks, all, up if you ask me."

The room falls silent, as Tom, Harry and Danny are obviously working their brains in overtime to come up with a solution. Tom's eyes light up as an idea forms.

"Maybe we could do with a PA, sort things out for us."

"We already have a PA." butts in Harry.

"Maybe" says Tom "We need a new one."

Dougie's eyes light up as he begins to reasise what Tom was hinting at. He turns on the bed to look at Tom.

"Are you saying we should ask Alex to be our PA?"

"Tom mate that is a class idea!" Danny's broad Bolton accent shining through.

"You're only saying that cos he's agood shag!" jokes Harry.

"At least I got a shag off him" teases Danny whilst sticking his tongue out at Harry.

"Well at least i got it on with my good mate Tom here!" Harry puts an arm around Tom, who glances down and notices Harry's robe is open showing off his crown jewels.

"Uh Harry, morning wood is it?" Asks Tom innocently.

Harry blushed very slightly, and without saying a word, leant across and kissed Tom, the pair very quickly got into the spirit of things, Dougie and Danny laid back and watched the show with their robes open their cocks are at full mast. Harry and Tom are giving quite an impromptu steamy show, which Danny and Dougie are wanking along to! As Harry and Tom are going at it full throttle, Dougie's glanc happens to shift to the alarm clock on his sideboard.


Everything stops, the wanking the shagging, everything!

"Doug what is it?"

"Half past fucking eight is what it is, I wanted to go and meet Alex off the train."

"Well go then, quickly get ready, and jump in a cab."

"Thanks guys."

Dougie leaps off the bed, running around the room naked with his cock and heavy balls being thrown around everywhere!

"Oh and guys, i've decided, the band stays, and i wanna come out, publicly, but not in the papers like some i could mention, a proper news conference, or statement, whatever!"

Danny smiled. "nice one lad!"

Paddington station it's 09:00 exactly, a black cab pulls up, Dougie pays the driver and flies out down the platform grinding to a halt infront of the arrivals and departures screens. Dougie furiously scans the arrivals screen and sees that the 0600 from Plymouth is on time and arriving on platform 2. He turns his head to see the impressive yellow front of the trains slowly gliding down the track at platform 2.

On the train.

"Girls, i just wanna say that, i'm so grateful to the two of you for everything, you've been so supportive, and the fact that you haven't gone to the papers about Dougie is great, i couldn't ask for two better friends."

"Don't start me off, i can't ruin the make-up!" Zoe says trying to control any tearful urges.

"Thanks Alex, that's nice of you." Karen is glad to be able to help a mate.

The three of them step off the train, and stand away as the rest of the passengers make their down the platform. They start walking and Karen clocks Dougie stood at the end by the ticket barrier.

"Looks like you've a welcoming party Alex. Dougie's here!"

"Oh god he looks so good." Alex briefly shuts his eyes imagining Dougie's naked ass!

Douge ran forward and embrace Alex, they didn't kiss but hugged and slapped each other on the back.

"Hey Alex i've missed you!"

"Likewise sexy!"

"How are you girls doing?"

"Fine thanks Dougie, we're cool" Zoe's eager to hit the shops.

"Girls do you mind if i take my man away from you for now! There's things i need to speak with him about."

"You take him Dougie, do whatever you want with him, Zoe and I are desperate to hit the shops. Come on girl, Zara, Top Shop, Monsoon!"

"Any many many more, catch you later on guys!"

Alex and Dougie chuckle to themselves as Zoe and Karen march off across the concourse and onto the escalator which takes them down to Paddington underground station.

"So what do you need to talk to me about?"

"Let's go back to the hotel first. Have you had Breakfast?"

"I've only had a hot chocolate on the train."

"I've a surprise for you then."

"I like the shound of that."

Harry, Tom and Danny were sat in dougie's hotel room, now dressed in t-shirts and bagy jeans each. They were setting up a champagne breakfast for Dougie and Alex. They were also there to collectively ask Alex about the PA's job.

Dougie and Alex jump in the lift, and are immediately all over each other. Dougie and Alex don't breath for air for the few seconds the lift takes to climb to floor 20. They exit the lift and make their way down the corridor to Dougie's room. Dougie swipes his keycard and let's himself and Alex in.

"Surprise!" came the collective shout from Danny, Tom and Harry.

"Jesus Christ, whats all this?" Alex was quite surprised to see the guys again. He and Danny made eye-contact, Danny once again remembering what had happened between them and the rest of the guys in Pymouth.

"There's a champagne breakfast for you and me in a minute, but first we've got something quite important to discuss with you, well a few important things actually."

"Sounds serious but go on." Alex perched on the end of the double bed. Dougie crouched down in front of him and took his hands in his.

Tom and Harry sat on chairs by the window, and Danny stood.

"Go on Tom it was your idea first." Says Dougie graciously giving the floor to Tom.

"Actually i think you should tell Alex what you want to do first ad then it'll help to better understand why we're offering what we are."

"Ok mate, well here goes."

Mentally Dougie switched himself off from the other three guys. Alex looked up at Alex straight in the eye.

"You know how i feel about you, i know it's been such a short space of time, but we both feel the same, i'm certain of that. Alex i hope this wont change a thing but i've been discussing it with the lads this morning, and i've decided that i want to publicly come out. And as long as your happy with it, i want the world to know that it's you who's made me the happiest guy on the planet"

Alex has tears in his eyes, as he looks down at Doungie. He's overwhelmed with it all. He takes a deep breath, and as the lads wait for his repsonse you could have heard a pin drop.

"Dougie I love you, and i think you should do it, i'm with you all the way!"

They all breath a sigh of relief.

"Oh my god, i'm going to do it"

"So what were you going to ask me just before Tom?" Alex is curious now.

"We want you to be able to spend as much time with Dougie as you can, so we wanted to offer you a job with us."

"A job? me, working with you guys, doing what?"

Tom carried on "Our PA, we need a new one, and who better than you; you already know us to an extent and we'd be keeping the band together."

Alex stood. "I don't how to say this but, of course i'll take it!"

Without a lot of warning Alex leapt at Tom and snogged the face off of him, he pulled back.

"Well Dougie my man, just like you said he sure is good!"

Harry got a taste of Alex next as he sat on Harry's lap facing him, Alex's legs dangling off the chair at the back. Alex stuck out his tongue and licked Harry's lips, and he quickly grabbed a feel of Harry's ever increasing package. Harry was speechless. Alex manouevered himself from Harry's lap and stood face to face with Danny. He put his left hand on Danny's shoulder whilst his right hand dropped to Danny's crotch and gave his bulge a good squeeze. Danny gasped for breath.

"Doug, i understand why you want him all to yourself!"

"Well there you go."

Alex turned to Dougie.

"And now, breakfast i believe?"


"Guys if you wouldn't mind, i think i'd like to eat with Dougie in Private"

"Don't you mean eat Dougie in private!" Harry's eyes twinkled as he said it!

Alex and Dougie burts out laughing, as the others left the room in single file. When Tom had closed the door, Dougie brought Alex into a loving embrace.



"Fuck breakfast, i want you!"

A smile broke across Dougie's face, Dougie sat on the edge of the bed, Alex crouched down so his face was at the same height, and they kissed. Undoing Dougie's flies brough a smile to Alex's face (doesn't it always) as Dougie was wearing Alex's tight white calvin's. Alex massaged Dougies already growing fabirc covered cloth member.

"Undress for me Doug and lay up on the bed properly! I tell ya what leave them trainers on" Dougie came close to shooting everytime Alex smouldered like that at him. He thought Alex smouldered anyway. And the thought of him and Alex fucking whilst he wore his new converse allstars was heaven!

"This is gonna be good!"

As Dougie was undressing himself he followed Alex as he moved across to the table by the window. Alex picked up a bottle of Champagne out of the ice bucket. He set it down on the table, then pulled the blinds and stripped all of his clothes off. This is another point where Dougie nearly came just by looking at Alex stood with his cock at full attention. Alex took the bottle and knelt with a knee each side of Dougie, he leant in for a breath-taking kiss, whilst lip locked with Dougie Alex effortlessly popped the champagne cork! The champagne rushed up and bubbled out of the bottle, Alex held the bottle over Dougie so the champers splashed all over his naked body, and Alex was there to lick it up. Starting from the belly button Alex licked up one side of Dougie's torso including his left nipple, gently biting it as he went, he followed back down the other side also biting and sucking on the right nipple. He arrived at Dougie's belly button once again and stuck his tongue in as more champagne had gathered.

"Oh god that feels so GOOD! You're so good!"

"And you're so bad" Alex smiled seductively at Dougie.

Without a warning Dougie moved like lighting flipping Alex over onto his back, so now he was in control and had the champagne bottle.

"I think i should have a taste now!"

With that he gently poured the champgne all over Alex, starting over his face, down to his chest, abs, his groin, legs and feet!

"I think i'm going to enjoy this!"

Dougie set the bottle down on the floor, and began my licking the champagne from Alex's feet, a bit weird you might think, but it was so sexy! Then Dougie licked up the inside of Alex's right leg and then the left, he got to Alex's cock and ballz and without any warning, his tongue went straight for Alex's hole. And Alex nearly had heart failure! The feeling of Dougie tongue pressing against his hole was too amazing for words! Dougie casuallly carried on by slurping away at Alex's balls and licking up the shaft of Alex's rock hrad cock! Not being able to resist the urge Dougie engulfed Alex's cock in one swoop, no gagging, he was so porud of himself! he could tell alex was close though, so he just let the hard member rest in his mouth as he tweaked at his nipples, then massasging Alex's, more impressive every time he sees them, abs! Then Alex's breathing changed, more hurried, more raggedand then tha was it he came! He shot loads of juice straight down Dougie's throat!! Whilst in the throws of his Orgasm he was grabbing out for Dougie's cock, and as Dougie leant in for a kiss he grabbed it, slick with precum, and ripe for taking! Dougie was now sat on Alex's chest, Alex had to lift his head up to take Dougie's Adonis like cock in his mouth, but swallow it all he did, he also grabbed Dougies perfectly formed peachy ass, sticking a finger in and funger fucking him!

"Oh my god! Please give it to me Alex! I need it! more and more! Harder! Harder!"

Alex was sucking on Dougie's cock as though his life depended on it. Pumping two fingers in and out of Dougie's hot teen ass!! With hsi free hand he was rubbing all over Dougie upper body, his abs and pecs were given special attention, this was driving Dougie absolutely wild!!!


Alex clamped his mouth around Dougie's cock as it exploded down his throat - he got to taste once again that sweet sweet teen cum that he loved so much! Dougie was delirious! When his orgasm subsided he lay out next to Alex!!

"I'm glad you're going to be part of the band and part of my life! I can't remember what it was like when you weren't in my thoughts at some point!"


Dougie, Alex, Danny, Tom, Harry, Karen and Zoe are all sat around a large round table eating a fabulous meal in a private dining room in the Savoy Hotel. Dougie sttod.

"Guys, everyone, earlier on at lunchtime i spoke with our management company about my decision, and although they were unsure at first they have decided to back my decision to come out publicly, and as a result have arranged a press conference in this very room tomorrow morning at 09:15. Alex i want you to be here with us for that!"

"I'll be honoured!"

"Now lets eat and make for the Albert Hall for tonight!"

Later on at the Royal Albert Hall, Alex, Karen and Zoe are sat in the front row of this magnificent auditorium for this amazing show! The boys throw in some surprisesfor the gig. And in a song you'd never associate with McFly Dougie introduced is as being for Alex! They launched into a rocky and yet still magically romantic version of Kylie's 'On A Night Like This.' As Dougie was singing away with the others, he looked directly at Alex and winked!

The show lasted almost two hours and the lads were dripping with sweat when they finally came off stage and were met by Alex, Zoe and Karen. They spent the next few hours drinking the night away in the bar, all sevenb of them were high on adrenaline and alcohol, by the time the bar closed Alex and Dougie were paraletic almost, they helped eachother to lift and managed to share a quick snog and grope before it reached it's destination. They enterd Dougie's suite, drunkenly relieved themselves of their clothes and collpased together on the bed! They folded themselves in each others arms and immediately were asleep.

The next morning, the press are gathered downstairs it's 09:00. Dougie flickd on the TV, and happened upon BBC News 24.

"Good Morning, in a moment our main stories this morning but just to let you know at 09:15 we'll be crossing to the Savoy Hotel hotel in London for a press conference from top teen band McFly, and as i say that's at 09:15, our main stories and..."

Dougie and Alex share a short but passionate kiss. The other guys knock and they all make their way down to the press room. They sit along the table with Dougie in the centre, Alex and Tom to his right and Danny and Harry to his left. Danny spoke first.

"Good morning to you all and thank you for coming, firstly we want to start by saying we are not splitting up as some media sources have suggested this morning! This press conference is all about Dougie. Dougie will read a statement, but won't be taking questions at this stage. Any requests for interviews can be made through our new Personnal Assistant Alex who is sat the other side of Dougie. Doug"

"Danny thanks. Thanks for coming, the idea of this press conference was for me to be able to make this statement in my words before the tabloids got their mits on it! Ok. After discussions with the band, our PA, and our management company i've decided that now is the right to be able to come out as gay!"

Cue an enormous flurry of camera flashes!

"And i can confirm that i am in a relationship with a great guy, who i've known for several months. And he;s sat here with us now, Alex. Everybody this is my partner Alex, and we're in love! Thanks that's all"

Dougie finishes speaking, all the lads look at him. As the room erupts into a round of applause. Dougie is quite surprised at the support from the press guys. As they file out of the room. Dougie turns to Alex.

"Lets go away for a few days, keep out of the public eye for a little bit!"

"We could hire a car, i'll drive!"



as ever drop me a line to let me know what you think of part 7, it's always great to hear form you all. Just so you know and can prepare yourselves Part 8 is definitely going to be the final installment.

Next: Chapter 8

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