Doug and Me

By moc.liamtoh@relbaf

Published on Mar 24, 1999



For all of you that have read my previous story, this is more or less a sequel. Although most of the characters will be real as well as some of the events, I am going to add a little fantasy to the story as well.. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which is real and which is not... :) Don't for one minute believe that the far fetched chapters are the fantasies :)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as the other stories I've posted..

Any comments and crits are appreciated.. you can e-mail me on , looking forward to hearing from you!!

The usual disclaimers apply, so read on...

Chapter 1.

I was pretty cut up about what had happened to me over the preceding months, my mind was a total mess, pulling one of the most insane senseless stunts that any person could. How I thought that committing suicide was the solution to the problem was stupid and irresponsible. I had been so blinded by my own senseless obsession with Doug, that I didn't care to look around at all the other good things that were happening in my life, and all the other people that did love me in a way that Doug couldn't. How could I blow something so unbelievably beautiful, like the relationship that was developing between Steven and myself, aside all because I couldn't get the obsession with Doug out of my system.

Things were just beginning to get a direction with me and Steven, it was like he had been sent from above to sort my life out and show me what true love could be like. He was gentle, caring and Oh so loving, Doug didn't have a patch on him. I started to feel good about myself again being with him, everything about him was so romantic, how could I fuck everything up so badly. What was I doing with my life, where was I going if I couldn't go with Steven and maybe live a truly happy life. Nothing I was doing made sense anymore, logic didn't ring true in my head.

I know Steven was prepared to forgive me for what I had done, he had been expecting it for a while, and was prepared for the day it would happen. It was me that couldn't live with myself for what I had done, only this time I wasn't going to repeat a previous mistake, so what was I going to do? What else, run away from your problems, it's easier than facing up to them and finding a solution and getting on with life and love. Things weren't working out for me anymore, maybe it was time for me to leave and find a new beginning in a new town, where nobody knew me, and nobody would know my problems, maybe then they would go away.

Sometimes when I think about it now, I get angry with Clive, I know it may sound a little strange, but why the fuck didn't he take me by the scruff of the neck and beat the shit out of me and knock some sense into me? He knew what I was doing wasn't the solution, but he left me to do it in any case, the evening that I went over to his place to tell him that I had decided to move to the coast, he just looked at me and gave me one of his blank stares, casting his eyes to the heavens.

"When are you leaving?"

"I've booked my flight for the 28th, I'll be spending Christmas with my family, then I'll spend New Year with my cousin."

"What are you going to do about work?"

"I've been able to get a job at a dance studio, my teacher here put in a good word for me, I start on the 4th."

"Where will you be staying?"

"My cousin has offered to let me stay with her and her lover until I can find a place of my own."

"What has Steven said about the plan?"

"Will you stop now, you're beginning to sound like my mother. There's nothing left here for me anymore, I need to make a change."

"What about Steven?" he started raising his voice.

"It's not going to work with Steven and me, I can't get Doug out of my mind, and he's always going to be coming between us. I need to get out of this town and away from Doug. Somewhere where he won't be able to just pop in and out of my life when it suits him, I can't defend myself from him anymore." The tears began to well up in my eyes and my lip began to quiver, "I've grown to love Steven, but I can not break the ties with Doug, Steven doesn't deserve that. Doug will always come between us, he haunts me every day."

"What has Steven said about the plan?"

I dropped my head and looked at my feet stretched out in front of me, the tears running down my cheeks. "I haven't told him yet."

"When do you plan to tell him, or are you just going to ask him to drop you off at the airport?"

I could hear the anger begin to build inside him through the tone in his voice. "I'll tell him tonight when I get home. OH GOD Clive, what the fuck am I doing with my life?" my tears began to flow, my nose began to run, my gut pulled into a knot and my throat began to constrict. Clive moved off his seat and came over to me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling my head to rest on his shoulder. As he spoke, I could hear he was crying as well.

"Charlie, I can't tell you what to do, it may be the right thing for me, but it may be the wrong for you. I don't think I will ever be able to understand what it is about Doug that causes you to self-destruct, but I hate what he does to you. If getting out of town is going to help break the cycle, then that is what you must do, my reasons for wanting you to stay are selfish, because I don't want to lose you myself." He turned my head to look up at him, "Would it help if I send out a hit-man to take care of Doug?" sniffing back the tears, we both broke out laughing as a change, releasing the tension slightly.

Clive realised the issue was a bit too emotional to discuss further, there would still be plenty of time for that later, and in his own subtle way, managed to change the subject. We spent the rest of the evening shooting the shit, and reminiscing about the good old days when I was still working at the hospital, catching up on all the latest gossip.

I was trying to delay as long as possible, but eventually by 2am Clive thought it would be a good idea for me to go home. Steven knew where I was, so that wasn't the problem, Clive knew I was trying to delay telling Steven as long as possible. I drove the longest route home I could think of, eventually I pulled up alongside the block of flats. I couldn't go in, how was I going to tell Steven. I must have been sitting in the car for about a half hour caught up in my thoughts, when there was a banging on the window, I nearly shat in my pants from the fright of being brought back to the real world. It was Steven, banging on the window, he opened the door.

"Are you planning on coming in? I heard the car pull up ages ago, why are you still sitting here?"

"OH GOD, Please help me! How am I going to tell him?" I prayed to myself. "No reason really, just caught up in my own thoughts, wasn't really taking note of the time."

"Well come inside, it's getting cold out."

He took my hand and helped me out the car, leaning over as I stepped out and giving me a kiss, he turned and led me up the steps to the flat.

"Can I make you some coffee, you must be frozen sitting outside all this time?"

"That would be great thank you."

He made us both a cup of coffee and came walking back into the lounge handing me mine and sitting down next to me on the couch. We both took a sip of the coffee neither saying a word. Eventually he broke the silence.

"Charlie, what is it you need to tell me that is so difficult? I know there is something going on that you are too scared to tell me. Are you trying to tell me that you are leaving?"

I stared into his face, our eyes made contact and all I could see was love, he knew what I was thinking and feeling. There was no hate or resentment or pain in his expression, all that I could see was love and concern and sadness. He knew this day was coming, and realised there was nothing he would be able to do about it to prevent it. I never answered him.

"Where are you going too?"

I couldn't hold back the tears, there is nothing worse than trying to talk when you are caught up in fits of tears. "How did you know I was leaving?"

"I've been expecting it for a while now, and you've been very distant these past few weeks. Charlie, I don't know what I can do for you, but I want you to know that if you change your mind, I will still be here for you. Are you going to be living with your folks?"

"OH FUCK, he doesn't realise I'm leaving town, he thinks I'm just moving out." I thought to myself, the horror struck me that he only understood half of the problem.

"I'm not moving in with my parents." I answered, "I'm leaving town, I'm moving down to the coast." I put my cup onto the coffee table and took his hand in mine. Not sure of what to do next, I just looked up at him, waiting for a reaction, anticipating a fit of rage, anything, but just not wanting to look at the expression of pain in his eyes at that moment. His lip began to quiver and the tears began to weld in his eyes.

"How am I going to help you get through this if you are leaving town? I knew Doug would be a problem, and I was prepared for that, but I never thought you would go this far to get away from him. I thought I would at least stand a chance while you were still around. When are you leaving?"

"My flight leaves on the 28th."

"Will you still be staying with me until then?"

"If you want me to, at least I hope you want me to. Steven, I don't know how to explain this all to you, I'm ...." He pressed his finger across my lips, not wanting to hear me say anymore.

He removed his finger from my lips, brushed his fingers through my hair until his hand was at the back of my head. He pulled me forward, his eyes closed before our lips met, the tears began to drop from his eyes as they marked their route down his face and cheeks. My eyes closed as our lips met, my tears finding the same route they had followed earlier.

("So the word is goodbye, makes no difference how the tears are cried, it's over.

And my heart lives alone, I can't make believe you need me, when it's over.

And we can't take it home, the fire that was burning, when all around was turning, and we were cruising for the ride.

Got to give a little of the love inside, not to take it all and watch me fall. I got me loving you, I had you loving me.

And we both played along, love is easy on the young, life was together.

As the world fades away into yesterday, I'm loosing you forever, I'm just an empty shell, with nothing for tomorrow, I'm here to face the sorrow, the dream we sailed was far and wide.

Got to give a little of the love inside, not to take apart this breaking heart, I got me loving you, I had you loving me.

So the word is goodbye, makes no difference how the tears are cried, it's over.

And my heart lives alone, I can make believe you need me, when it's over,

And we can't take it home, the fire that was burning, when all around was turning, the dream we sailed was far and wide.

"Got to give a little of the love inside.. the love inside.. the love inside.. ")

We moved into the bedroom without saying a word. I wanted him to hold me close, to hold me until all the pain went away, to make everything all right again, to wipe away the past. We lay down on the bed together, lying facing each other. He brushed my hair out of my face, and wiped the tears off my cheek with the back of his hand. We lay there together, my arm resting across his waist, my hand rubbing up and down his back. Not a word had been spoken, he pulled me forward pressing my face against his chest, I hugged him closer and turned my head to once again look into his face. His eyes closed again as he moved forward, our lips met, softly caressing each other. He rolled onto his back pulling me forward onto his chest. As I lay half across his chest, our kiss became more passionate, out tongues began their desperate dance of love, as if on a quest to find a way to keep us together. We must have lay there kissing for an hour before we both fell asleep in each others arms, when I woke again in the morning, my head was lying on his chest and he still had his hand holding the back of my head.

I sat up as gently as I could placing his hand on his chest, trying not to wake the sleeping angel that lay before me. I looked at his face and drank in his beauty, studying all his gracious features, pasting them into memory. I needed to touch his face and gently brushed his cheek with the back of my fingers, my touch against his soft skin caused him to stir and wake. He stretched and wiped the sleep from his eyes then reached up placing his hand on my shoulder, I leaned forward and kissed his gentle lips. Now I am not a morning person, and the last thing I want to do first thing when I wake up is to kiss someone, anything else goes, but don't kiss me. Steven lifted my head away from his and looked into my eyes.

"Good morning lover. You sleep well?" he said holding back a yawn.

"In your arms, I always sleep well." Was my truthful reply.

"Not enough reason to make you change your mind?"

"Steven, please, let's not talk about it now."

"Sorry, when you are ready, I'll be there to listen."

We were both still fully clothed, and all the lights were still on as we had left them before we moved into the bedroom.

I slapped him softly on the belly, "Come, you go make the coffee, I'll run the bath and we can have a bath together."

"Deal." He said as he quickly jumped up, sitting next to me on the edge of the bed, leaning across to me kissing me softly on the lips, "go run the bath, I'll bring the coffee through."

As he leapt up going for the kitchen, I walked into the bathroom. It was a pretty old block of flats, built in the old English style, the high pressed ceilings, but my favorite, was the bath, one of those old tubs with the legs. It was huge, could fit two with ease, and if you really wanted to, there was still space for a third. It was also deep, so it took quite a while before it was filled, luckily our water pressure was pretty descent. He was just walking into the bathroom carrying the two cups of coffee as I was turning off the taps. There was a shelf at the one end of the bath where he put the cups down, I was leaning over the edge of the bath stirring the water with my hands, checking that the temperature was just right. He moved in behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his groin into my ass.

"OOOOHHH Yes, stay like that, perfect position." He chuckled,

"he he he.. Little difficult through the fabric of my pants wouldn't you say? Help me get these clothes and then we can talk again." I chuckled, teasing him by pushing my ass back against his growing cock. "OOOH! You are excited aren't you?"

I stood up and turned around to face him, still with his arms around my waist. I lifter my arms and extended them over his shoulders, leaning forward and giving him a kiss on the lips.

"If you want me to kiss you again, you best leave me to brush my teeth." I hinted. I turned around again moving toward the basin, taking my toothbrush and squeezing a dab of toothpaste across the bristles. He was still clutching onto me with his pelvis once again pressed up into my ass. His cock more prominent than it was a few moments ago. As I went through the ritual of brushing my teeth, he began to unbutton my shirt, pulling it up out of my trousers. He rubbed his hands across my chest, and tweaked both my nipples between his thumb and finger, I felt the pressure begin to build in my own pants as my cock began to grow with the stimulation. He slid his hands down my stomach and pressed them into my trousers under the belt, working his fingers into my briefs until he had his hands completely in my briefs and cupped my balls and squeezed the shaft.

"OOOOOH, feels like you are a little excited yourself." Removing one of his hands, he fumbled around to unbuckle the belt and pull down the zip, the trousers dropped down over my hips and fell to my ankles. Still cupping my balls in his hands, he eased my briefs over my swollen cock and pushed them down to my ankles as well. He took hold of my shaft again with his hand and sliding his hand up and down the full length, pulling my foreskin back and then over the head.

Talking with my mouth full of frothed up tooth paste and the toothbrush hanging out the side of my mouth, I mumbled something that was intended to mean, "that feels sooooooo good, but please give me a gap to concentrate on one thing at a time, you'll have my full attention in a minute." He giggled in my ear, not really making out a word of what I was saying. Eventually I gave up on the idea and spat the paste into the basin and rinsed my mouth of the residue.

"Let's see if you can concentrate on what you are doing while I'm doing it to you!" I said, slipping the shirt off over and stepping out of my trousers and briefs, switching positions and moving in behind him. Before he had finished spreading the toothpaste across the brush, I had his trousers and briefs removed and lying on the floor around his ankles. Moving in closer behind him I pressed my cock up into his crack reaching around and cupping his balls in the one hand and stroking his cock with the other. As he frantically tried to brush his teeth, I pressed up harder into his crack, the tip of my cock pressing against his opening. He released the toothbrush leaving it hanging out of his mouth as well, gripping onto the basin to steady himself.

"AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHH! I see what you mean. Stop or I'm going to shoot my load."

I laughed and released him, leaving him to finish off his task, I stepped into the bath. As I sat down, the warmth of the water around my body made me sigh with pleasure, as I felt the tension in my body begin to dissolve. Steven finished brushing, rinsed his mouth and stepped into the bath behind me, wrapping his legs around me and pulling me up against his body, as he lay back against the back of the bath, I lay back against his body, my head resting on his chest. His still hard cock pressing against the hollow of my back, the head of my cock just pointing out of the water.

He leaned forward, contorting his neck till he was facing me, "can I get a kiss now then?"

I turned my head, our lips met and we kissed, our tongues hungrily search out for each other. As he continued to kiss, he stretched across my body, and took hold of my cock squeezing the shaft and brushing his thumb over the tip and the piss slit. I groaned as our mouths were still connected, thrusting my hips forward to press my cock further into his hand and my back pressing harder against his cock. I sat up quickly, causing a tidal wave in the bath spilling over onto the floor, turned around and kneeled facing Steven. He reached across again taking hold of my aching cock once more. I reached into the water and gripped the shaft of his cock as well. I stretched upward and forward lifting my midriff out of the water exposing my cock to the cool air. I leaned forward resuming our kiss. Steven pushed me back leaning forward and doubling over reaching for my cock with his mouth, reaching his arm around my butt, he pulled me forward and up, bringing my cock right up into his face and ultimately within range to suck the head into his mouth. His lips closed around the head and his tongue stroked the sensitive head, flicking across the slit and tickling the underside where the shaft and glans meet. My body quivered from the electric pulses that shot through me in reaction to his tongues motion. My hips bucked forward lunging my shaft further down his throat. He moved his head up and down the shaft a few times, before he let my cock slip from between his lips.

He struggled to raise himself up in the confines of the bath, but he lifted himself onto his knees as well. "Wait, I don't want you to cum in my mouth." He reached across to the shelf and retrieved the tube of body lotion, he twisted the cap and squeezed a generous glob onto his fingers, taking hold of my cock, he spread it up and down the full length of the shaft. Taking the tube again and squeezing more onto his fingers, he reached behind him to smear some into and around his love channel. He turned and leaned onto the edge of the bath, I moved forward between his legs, taking hold of my cock, directing it to his chute. The tip pressed against the tight opening, as my forward pressure increased, the resistance gave way and I entered him.

"OOOOOOOOHH YES, Feed it all to me. I need to feel the fullness of having you inside me." I pressed forward as he pushed his hips back against me, my cock slipped in evenly until there was nothing visible on the outside, and my balls were pressed up against his. "Take me slowly, long slow deep thrusts into me, make it last forever." I reached around under him and took hold of his cock in my hand, as he had requested, I slowly began to withdraw until it felt as if I would totally slip out, then I changed direction and began the long slow entry into his bowels. My hand performed the same action around his cock at the same pace. "OOOOH Yes, that's it, take it slow. Stroke my cock as you plunge deep into me. It feels so good having you inside me." He constricted his sphincter around the base of my cock, I felt as if I would blow my load at any second.

"OH GOD, Steven, I'm going to cum, wait let me rest a while." I held my position for a moment, letting the urge to shoot subside, I continued to slowly stroke his cock. The urge passed, and I resumed my slow action. His breathing became more rapid and deeper, his ass muscles tightened around my shaft. I could feel his cock begin to swell in my hand, I knew he was close. I began to increase the pace of my hand action on his cock and at the same time increased the pace of my cock sliding in and out of his channel.

A deep guttural groan passed his tightly clenched jaw. "OH MY GOD, I'm going to cum, fuck me faster, fuck me deeper. I'M CUMMING, OH YEAH, HERE IT CUMS, MMMMMMGHHH, I'M CUMMMMMMING, OH YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!" He shot load after load against the side of the bath, 2, 3, 4 splashes against the white enamel, sliding down into the water. The pressure in my balls began to build, I increased the pace of my thrusts, the slapping sound of my hips hitting against his wet butt cheeks seemed to blend into one, I couldn't hold out any longer, I felt the pressure in my urethra as the cum forced its way through and out. "STEVEN I"M CUMMING, HERE IT IS, AAAAAAAAAAAAGH, OOOOOOWW, I'M CUMMMMMMMMING." Blast after atomic blast shot out of my cock, splashing against the soft velvet walls of his bowels. We both trembled with the intensity of our respective orgasm, I fell forward across his back. We held the position for several moments, both trying to recover our composure. Holding his hips firmly onto mine, I pulled him forward as I sat back onto my legs, my cock still buried inside. As my cock began to go limp, he tensed the muscles in his ass squeezing it, teasing it in an attempt to revive it. My legs couldn't hold the weight of both of us, I lifted him up off me, we both turned and pressed our backs up against the side of the bath, our knees drawn up under our chins. Staring at the wall in front of us, both caught up in our own thoughts. The silence could be heard for miles, eventually I dared to speak.

"I'm doing the wrong thing again aren't I? Leaving I mean!"

"I know what you mean. I can't tell you that. I know we are good together, and if you will just give it a chance, I'm sure we could make it work. Even with Doug in the background. I love you and I don't want to see you leave."

*************************** X X X X *******************************

Guess that's as good a place as any to end this chapter.....

To find out what Charlie's decision is on the matter, you'll have to come back for chapter 2 I guess...

P.S. thanks to Barbara Streisand for the words to her music!! :)

Next: Chapter 10: Off the Rails 2

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