Doug and Me

By moc.liamtoh@relbaf

Published on Mar 10, 1999


This is a story involving boy/boy sex. If this offends you-please leave this site!! If you are under the age of 18, or if this is against the laws of your state/country/province etc., leave also.

with all that out of the way-- please read and enjoy. Send any comments/constructive criticisms to the above address.

DOUG AND ME Chapter 8

I woke up that morning with a deep sense of peace and calm, it was early so it was still dark out. I heard Steven doing his thing in the bathroom, splashing around in the bath whistling to himself. He sounded so sweet, he couldn't keep a tune, but the thought was there and it was obvious that he was happy.

Memories of the previous evening replayed in my mind, I would be starting a new job on Monday, trainee manager at a supermarket store. I chuckled to myself when I thought of the idea that Steven was going to be my boss, I think he is going to have a tough time ahead of him, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and some people can find it a pain in the ass. Then I recalled the passion of our love making, I felt as if I had just been freed, as if a whole new world had been opened up to me, the future looked bright and I was looking forward to taking it on with Steven at my side. Just then the light came on and I was brought back to reality, my eyes shut tight to block out the brightness that had suddenly blinded me.

"GOOD MORNING LOVERBOY!" Steven bellowed across the room, tossing his wet towel over my face.

"Morning stud." I mumbled from under the towel, relieved to have the cover of the towel over my face protecting my eyes from the light, which was short lived when he walked across the room over to the side of the bed and ripped it back off my face. He sat on the bed next to me leaning over to give me a kiss.

"You sleep well? Looks like you've woken up in a pretty good mood." He chuckled as he reached over and squeezed my morning boner.

"Oooooh that feels nice, squeeze it like that a few more times lets see what happens." I smiled back at him removing my hands from across my face.

"Would love to, just not enough time, will have to take care of it when I get home this evening." Realizing what he had just said he smiled, "That sounds good, calling this home don't you think?"

"Yes it does." I replied holding my hand against his cheek.

"What are your plans for the day. I think I'm going to be having a pretty busy day getting everything set up for that new guy that will be starting on Monday. I hear he's a bit of a pain in the butt when it comes to getting things just right. What you say, if I get a gap at lunch time you meet me at the mall and we have some lunch together? Seeing that we didn't get any supper last night I'm sure you must be pretty starved as well."

"Off hand I can't think of anything pressing, more than likely just spend the day pottering around the flat cleaning up. Lunch sounds like fun, give me a ring if you can. Do you want me to go fetch some of your stuff from the hotel?"

"Yes, that would be nice, I'll have to give the hotel a call though and tell them to expect you, the key will be at reception. All organized then, give me a kiss."

"Yuck! No! Don't kiss me, you can kiss me on the cheek." I turned my face pointing to my cheek.

"Why the hell not?"

"Yuck! I hate to kiss first thing in the morning, not before I've brushed my teeth. My mouth tastes like shit, the thought of kissing something, curls my toes." I screwed up my face to exaggerate my disgust at the idea.

He smiled down at me. "Ok, if you say so, who am I to argue." He got up and finished his dressing ritual. I lay there in bed watching him perform his routine, when he was all dressed, he came back over to me leaned over and kissed me. "I better be going, I'll call you a little later about lunch, don't waste your whole day lying around in bed." I said goodbye, and he turned around and left for work.

As I had predicted, my day was pretty boring, I dragged myself out of bed shortly after Steven had left, cleaned myself up, tidied the bedroom and the rest of the flat, the usual domestic shit. I called round at the hotel to fetch his things, made some space in my cupboard for him to put everything when he got home. I'd pretty much finished all the chores I could think of, not that I was trying too hard to think of things to do, I decided a cup of coffee would go down well, I was standing in the kitchen watching and waiting for the kettle to boil, whoever it was that said that a watched kettle never boils wasn't joking.

I must have been daydreaming or something because the next thing there was a knock on the door. I looked around and wondered who the hell it could be, more than likely someone trying to sell something, I ambled across to the door and opened it. My heart stopped dead, my gut went into spasm, I could feel the blood drain from my face, my whole body started shaking, I didn't know what to do, should I close the door and lock it and hope he goes away, or do I let him in. I hadn't heard from, or seen Doug for more than 2 months, and now out of the blue he was standing at my door in all his glory. FUCK, I didn't need this, he had left, he was out of my life, how the hell was I supposed to react to him now, welcome him in with open arms, or tell him to piss off? I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I just stood there shaking.

"Hi, can I come in?" he softly pleaded.

Do I say no, tell him it's over, that I don't want to see him anymore? That is what I wanted after all, it wouldn't be too difficult, all I needed to do was regain my voice and I would tell him exactly that. "Of course, please, come in." I stuttered as I stepped aside directing him to come in. "The kettle's just boiled, you want some coffee?"

"Yes please."

I rushed back into the kitchen, desperately trying to get away from him, I fumbled with the cups and teaspoons, dropping everything, I leaned over to pick up the teaspoon that had dropped onto the floor, looking back, I noticed he had walked into the kitchen and was standing behind me, as I quickly straightened myself up, I banged my head on the handle of the cupboard. "FUCK, OUCH! SHIT!" I shouted as I grabbed my head where I had knocked it, kicking the cupboard door that I'd knocked, only causing it to spring open and whack me on the shins, "OH, FUCK, SHIT, FUCK, FUCK, OUCH!" I was out of control, I was a neurotic wreck knowing he was standing behind me. I got angry with myself for allowing myself to get like that just because he was there, the anger boiled out and I turned around to face him, before I could think about what I was going to say, I abruptly snapped at him, "What are you doing here?"

I could see the startled look on his face, it wasn't what he'd expected me to say, knowing him, he probably expected me to drop to my knees and whip out his cock and suck him off.

"I just wanted to come see how you were doing!"

"Well it's taken you long enough, why didn't you just give me a call?" I was still angry.

"I'm sorry I haven't contacted you, its also been a little awkward for me to get in touch with you."

I interrupted him before he could make up any more excuses, "Listen, I'm sorry, but I don't think this is such a good idea you just pitching up here like this. After what has happened, you are actually the last person I want to see, and you have caught me off guard. I haven't had any time to prepare myself for when I did see you, so anything I might say now might end up being the wrong thing. Maybe it would be better if you left and we can make another time when we can talk."

"Charlie, I'm sorry, I've also been shit scared of coming here today. If I leave now, I don't know if I'm going to have the courage again later. Maybe if we just start talking a bit, get all the tough things out of the way, it will be easier to get together for another chat."

"Well, I don't think I really know what to say to you!"

"Well finish making the coffee, I'm sure things will come to mind."

So I turned around and did exactly that, I carried the cups through to the lounge, waiting for him to sit before I handed him his cup. I walked across to the other side of the lounge and sat in the chair opposite him. I felt safer with the distance between us. "I guess it's up to me to start then, so I firstly want to apologize for anything I might have put you through with my attempted suicide. It was stupid and inconsiderate and I'm sorry."

"Well I'm sorry too, I know it was because of me that you felt it was all there was left to do. I don't know how to make it up to you!"

"You don't have anything to make up to me, it's not your problem that I wasn't able to keep perspective on our relationship, I expected too much from you. I believed that you felt the same about me that I felt for you. It's not your fault that you don't feel the same."

"Charlie, that is where you are so wrong. I do love you, I do want to be with you. I just don't have the courage that you have to come out and be open about it."

"We didn't have to come out and advertise the relationship to anybody, but I did expect that we could at least be true to each other about the relationship. What about Stacey? How does she fit into the picture as far as you are concerned?"

"Well, I love her as well, but it's a different kind of love."

"So you expect me to share you with her? Who would come first, me or her, who gets the second pickings?"

"I don't know how it would work, but maybe we can find a way to make it work."

"I don't think so, I've tried to cope with not being sure if we are on or off for a long time now, and I don't believe I want to keep trying to cope with it. I can't give you what you want on your terms, and I think it's best if we just leave it at that and go our separate ways."

He stood up and walked across the room and knelt in front of me taking my hand in his. "I don't want us to end, I love you and I do want us to be together. Maybe one day I will be able to come out and not give a damn what everyone else thinks or says, but if you just give up on us, how will we ever find out?" he reached up with his hand behind my head pulling me forward and kissed me on the lips.

"Oh, God, here I go, how can I resist this man? He has been everything to me, how can I tell him now to leave me alone now?" I though to myself, but just as I felt myself giving in, I found the strength from somewhere deep inside. I pushed him away and jumped up out of the chair, moving to the opposite end of the room again. "Stop, don't do that. That's the way it's always been, you think that getting it off is all that it's about, and that it will make everything OK. Well it doesn't. I want you to leave, this will be a mistake if you stay."

"Ok, I'll go, but please think about it. Don't give up on me, don't give up on us please."

"Ok, I'll think about it, but please go now."

He walked over to me again, wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me. He held onto me like that for a few moments, and then his head turned towards me and again he kissed me. His lips were so soft and they tasted like honey to me, I had missed kissing them, and I remembered the days that all I had wished for was to be kissing them, but now it was different, as much as I wanted to, I didn't want to. Just then the phone rang, I pushed him away and ran to the phone, relieved to be out of his grip. As I had hoped, it was Steven.

"Hi there lover boy, we still on for lunch?"

"Yes, I'll meet you there in about 15 minutes." I rattled of, desperate to find a reason to be leaving in a hurry. Steven noticed something different in my voice.

"Is there something wrong?"

"I'll talk to you just now, see you in a few minutes then."

"Oh, Ok. See you then."

"Bye." I put down the phone and took a deep breath before turning back to Doug. "I must go."

"Charlie, give me a call when we can get together and chat again, don't give up on us please!"

"Ok, I'll think about it, and I'll give you a call." I walked over to the door, picking up my car keys on the way. "I must go now." I briskly ushered him out, locked the door, and ran over to my car, desperate to get away from there. It wasn't 10 minutes later that I saw Steven sitting in the corner of the coffee shop where we had arranged to meet. He waved across to me, I waved back and walked over to him. I sat down at the table, I couldn't look at him, I kept my head down looking at the menu.

"Was Doug at the house?"

"Yes, how did you guess?"

"You sounded a bit desperate to get out of there, so I assumed it might be because he was there. Do you want to talk about it?"

"He want's to get back together again!"

"And? Do you?"

"NO! I don't think so! FUCK, I don't know anymore! Let's not talk about it now please!"

"Sure, what do you want to eat?"

The rest of the lunch went off with the mood pretty dampened, and without anything interesting being said. We finished and I went back to the flat and he went back to work. When Steven got home that evening, he didn't mention Doug again, we just spoke about what he had done at work. We decided we were both pretty tired and that we'd call it an early evening and go to bed. We curled up together with his arms wrapped around me in the spoon position.

As we lay there in the dark, my mind was racing, I couldn't sleep, if Steven hadn't phoned when he did, I'm sure something would have happened between Doug and myself without a doubt. I thought Steven was asleep, but when his hand moved across my chest and he started to stroke my nipple, I realised that he must also be thinking about what could have happened. As he continued to titillate my nipple with his fingers, thoughts of Doug began to fade, I pressed my body back against his, indicating that I was also awake. I stroked the back of his hand as he moved across to the other nipple, he pressed his head into my neck and kissed me behind the ear, I rolled back, wriggling until I was lying on my back. I looked across at him, lifted my hand to the back of his head and pulled him across for a kiss. Looking into each others eyes, our lips briefly kissed and then separated, we kissed like that a few times before Steven lifted himself up and moved over half onto my side. Our lips met once again, only this time with a little more determination to remain bonded, our tongues searched out the other.

Steven lifted his leg over mine, bringing his knee up and pressing it firmly up under my balls, the pressure his knee was causing stirred my cock back to life, I moved my hand down brushing over his nipples, across his six pack to rest my palm across his already stiff member. I massaged his cock through his briefs for a moment before I slipped my hand under the waistband seeking the touch of his flesh, I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and gave it a squeeze. He moaned as we continued to kiss, I reached in further to take his balls and roll them around in my hand, again he moaned, his passion becoming more urgent as he pressed his pelvis into my hip and increased the pressure of his mouth on mine. Keeping my hand in his briefs, I pushed them down and over his throbbing cock, releasing his manhood from its confines. Taking hold of it once more, I stroked him up and down the full length of the shaft, the precum that was seeping out I spread across the head, flicking my thumb over the ridge between the shaft and the head. Letting out a groan, he broke the kiss and began to kiss my neck and down to my chest, finding my nipples and biting hard on the erect nib, the wave of pleasure coursing through my body being greater than the pain he was inflicting, caused me to buck and groan loudly. He continued his downward passage with his kisses, across my abs, down the treasure trail and onto my confined cock, caught up in my restricting briefs. His mouth sought out the head, which he took into his mouth between his teeth, as he bit into the spongy flesh, I felt my body shudder with pleasure. He released the head from his mouth, impatiently ripping my underwear off, dropping it on the floor next to the bed and without hesitation took my cock back into his mouth. His contorted body becoming too uncomfortable to allow him easy movement, he twisted his legs around under him and brought his pelvis up to my face placing his cock no more than an inch away from my waiting mouth. I sucked the head of his cock into my mouth and he plunged his head down onto mine, taking my cock all the way to the back of his throat in one brisk movement. His throat muscles, caused by his swallow action, were massaging the head, my body convulsed with pleasure, pushing my head forward forcing his cock further down my own throat. The urgency of both our needs to orgasm made us increase the pace at which we were trying to devour each others cocks, our heads frantically bobbing up and down. My balls constricted and I knew the inevitable was about to happen and judging from the frequency and depth of his breathing, I knew the same applied for him. he thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock to the back of my throat again, I held him there, awaiting his offering, his cock seemed to swell to double its size and soon I felt the warmth of his seed splash against the back of my tongue. My own excitement erupted as I released load after load into his mouth. I've never been too impressed with the taste of cum, but that night his tasted like honey. After sucking every drop of our offerings, we fell back to regain composure. He swung his body around until his face was again at mine, he leaned forward and our lips met, I tasted my own cum in his mouth. He rested his head on my shoulder, and soon we both drifted off to sleep.

The next few days passed without incident, the weekend was also pretty uneventful. Monday morning I woke to Steven shaking me telling me it was time to get up and get ready for my first day at work. We dressed and headed for work, I was pretty nervous, not knowing what to expect. It turned out to be a pretty fun day, I made life as difficult for Steven as possible, and he tried to work me to the bone. We really got on very well, and there was a strong professionalism between us, respecting each others positions, and not allowing our personal relationship to interfere.

Steven kept me as busy as he possibly could, there wasn't much time to think about much else, it was the evenings when we got home that I would drift off and think about Doug. Steven knew what was on my mind, he was taking a bit of strain I could tell, but he never pressured me, the subject of Doug was never brought up, but he knew it was on my mind. Doug had found out where I worked, and decided it was a good idea to call me, he wanted to know if we could get together to talk, I told him it wasn't the right time and that I'd call him some time. I never told Steven that he had called.

We had been working together for a little over a month, when Steven and myself were called into the office, one of the directors from the head office had come through to talk to us. Before we walked in, the two of us looked at each other and wondered what the problem could be, surely nobody had worked out our relationship, we were very careful about that, we shrugged our shoulders and walked in.

We hadn't met yet, so Steven introduced us, "Mr. Wilson this is Charles, Charles, Mr. Wilson." "Hi there Charlie, you don't mind if I call you Charlie? "No not at all, I prefer it actually." "Take a seat guys, please. We have a little problem on our hands." Steven and I looked over at each other, not knowing what was coming. Mr. Wilson continued, looking over at me, "We have been put into a very awkward predicament with your appointment Charlie. As a result of the companies commitment to the Affirmative Action Policy, your appointment has been challenged by the Union. They feel that the position should have been filled by a person from the disadvantaged community, and regrettably, we are being forced to withdraw your appointment. You must understand, that it's got nothing to do with your work performance Charlie, I've had nothing but good reports about that, your reference from myself will clearly reflect that fact."

Steven and myself sat there in stunned silence, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Just when I thought he had said it all, he continued. "You will of course be compensated for any inconvenience that has been caused, but you will no longer be required to return to work, if you report to the Human Resources Department this afternoon before you leave, you will be able to collect your final cheque." He stood up and offered me his hand, gesturing for a handshake. "This is a most unfortunate situation, but it's been a pleasure to meet you, and to have had you working for the company. Unfortunately you must excuse me now, I have another meeting to attend." He turned to Steven, shook his hand and walked out the door.

Steven and I looked at each other in shocked disbelief, we were dumbfounded, neither saying a word, we stood up and walked out heading for the shop floor. It was nearly knock off time, so I turned to Steven. "Suppose I should go collect my cheque, I'll meet you at the car." I collected my cheque and walked through the shop floor, saying my last farewells to everyone I passed on my way out. I reached the car and Steven was sitting inside, I climbed in and we drove off heading home, neither of us talking.

I sat there recalling the events of the day and the past few weeks, everything was a mess again. Just when I thought everything was coming together, it all comes crashing down around me, Doug pitching up and confusing me all over again, loosing my job, it was all just getting too much for me, it was time for me to make a change, get as far away from it all as possible and make a new start. Steven and I had no hope in hell of getting a relationship off the ground if Doug was going to be in the wings all the time.

The following day while Steven was at work, I made a few calls. Everything was in place, and my mind had been made up, I had been offered a job on the coast, and my cousin and her lover were going to let me stay with them until I got my feet back on the ground, I would be leaving in a few weeks. There was only one more 'minor' detail to take care of, and that was to tell Steven about my plans for the future. That evening when he got home, I couldn't pluck up the courage to tell him, neither could I the following evening, or even the next. It was a week later before I sat down with Steven to break my news. He'd anticipated my talk, from my behaviour over the preceding days, Steven had realised that something like this was on the cards, he knew there wasn't much that he could say or do that would make me change my mind. We would only have a short time left together, he decided to rather make the best of the time, deep down hoping that he would manage to get me to change my mind, that was not to be, I left as scheduled. I never had the courage to contact Doug and tell him I was leaving.

Regrettably Steven and I lost contact, I have spent so many nights wondering where he was and what he had made of his life, regretting that I didn't stay and try make things work for us. About four years later, Doug just appeared on my doorstep one day, he had looked me up to give me an invitation to his wedding. Of course I did go, it was the final confirmation that I needed to convince me that everything worked out for the best for both of us in the end. It was only after that day that I could tell myself and believe that I was finally over him. We kept in contact for about another two months after that, and then that was the last I saw or heard from him.



I'm afraid that's the best ending to the story that I could come up with. Probably not the happiest ending, but as a good friend (Y-L) points out, true life seldom does have a happy ending. :)

Next: Chapter 9: Off the Rails 1

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