Doug and Me

By moc.liamtoh@relbaf

Published on Jan 5, 1999


This is a true story involving boy/boy sex. If this offends you-please leave this site!! If you are under the age of 18, or if this is against the laws of your state/country/province etc., leave also.

with all that out of the way-- please read and enjoy. Send any comments/constructive criticisms to the above address.

Doug and Me Chapter 4

I was back at base again, another one of the other guys was beaten up one night in his sleep by being whipped with bars of soap that were placed in there socks, because they suspected him of being gay. I was beginning to hate basics more and more, especially the guys that I shared my tent with, I wouldn't have been surprised if the ring leaders in the gay bashers group was a closet himself. There were only 2 more weeks before basic training would be over, we would all be posted out to various bases, I couldn't wait to get out of this hell hole and away from these cunts! I was sure nothing could be worse than where I was.

I had only been back at the base for a week when his letter arrived, the excitement of receiving his letters hadn't faded, memories of the love we had made came flooding back, and I felt a warmth and excitement for my dreams of our future together. Yea, you guessed it. This time there was no preamble leading up to it, my heart sank and I felt the lump in my throat begin to choke me, I could hear his voice in my head.

"I can not do this anymore." It started. "I don't want to be gay, there is no future in it for us, we can't go on. I want to be married and have a wife and children. My parents will never accept this, we have to stop now before it's too late."

It was already too late for me, I loved him more than life itself. He continued....

"I've enclosed some magazine clippings for you to read. They've discovered a new disease, gay people are dying of Aids. I don't want to die and what we are doing can make us both sick and we could both die."

I looked at the clipping he had sent, the heading read. "The Gay Plague" a warning to all gays that their end had come, the gay plague had arrived and we were all going to die.

I was also battling to come to terms with my own feelings, and self discovery, and the one person I needed to draw strength from was rejecting me. I was having a serious problem coping with his "On/Off" attitude. I understood that he was also having a problem coming to terms with his feelings, but what was getting to me was his ability to be gay when it suited him, as soon as he had got his rocks off, he would put on this guilt trip act, as if it was my fault that it had happened. I knew we weren't going anywhere, that I wanted to be and had to made a decision to move on and try to find happiness elsewhere.

Our basic training ended, and we were all posted to the various bases. I had been posted to the Military hospital in my home town, I was very happy about the prospect of being so close to home. Doug had been posted to one of the bases on the border, I wasn't too thrilled about that, not only would he be very far away, but we were at war with our neighboring countries, and being infantry, he would more than likely be caught up in combat some time or other.

I arrived at the hospital, and was directed to the ward that I would be working in, I was excited to be there, I had always been interested in the medical field. Since school days, I had been part of the St. Johns movement, and even done some Civil Defense duty at our local ambulance station. I was 15 when I had the most amazing experience of my life, I had been sent out on one of the ambulances one day, but because of a shortage of staff, I was sent on my own.

I wasn't sure what the call out was, but jumped into the ambulance anyway, ready to meet any challenge that lay ahead. We arrived at the destination, to find out that it was a women that had gone into labor, I wanted to get back into the ambulance and drive off, what the fuck did I know about child birth, I was only 15 and hardly knew anything about making them, let alone delivering them. I instructed the driver to put pedal to the metal and get to the hospital in record time. Unfortunately with him speeding like that, the bumps in the road only speeded up the process, and when I looked again the baby started crowning, before I knew what had hit me, I was sitting at the other end of the stretcher holding this beautiful pink baby in my hands. It is definitely an experience I can recommend to any man.

My first day in the hospital went of smoothly, and I immediately scored favor with the head sister, she realized I was more than capable of filling the role that I had been assigned to and wouldn't need constant supervision. I find it easy to make friends, and it wasn't long before I had made friends with one of the trainee nurses working the same ward, his name was Clive. He was a few years older than me, and not the best looking person I had met, but he was very kind and friendly, I knew that he would be the kind of person I would be able to trust and build a strong relationship with, although I could never imagine us being lovers. It was clear that he was also gay, and I think it was because of that, that we got on well from the beginning, we could identify with each other.

We would spend most of our free time together, we both lived in the hospital residence, with our rooms right next to each other. Clive knew about Doug, and no matter how much advice he would give me to get over him, I wouldn't listen, he would constantly be trying to fix me up with one or other guy. He would often drag me off to the club in an attempt to get me hitched, and try to get my mind off Doug, but I kept to myself, not attempting to develop any form of a relationship or get too close to anyone, I couldn't, I was still holding onto a dream. The timing just wasn't right yet, we were both still trying to work out how we felt, once we could be confident of our true feelings, then we would be able to come out and live our lives together. There were several occasions that I was very tempted and came very close, all the medics that were being posted to the hospital after basic training, some of them were to die for, by this time I had enrolled as permanent staff and was training as a nurse myself, and frequently was assigned an orderly to train in the ward.

The one day I walked into the ward, and there had been a new allocation of medics, the sister called me over to the nurses station and introduced me to Phillip.

"Charlie, this is Phillip, and he will be your responsibility to show him around and teach him what he needs to know."

My mouth began to water, and I could feel a stirring in my trousers. I was in a trance, I was captivated by the bluest eyes you could ever imagine. I felt myself drowning in his gaze, being pulled down into the abyss. I was shocked back into reality as I felt his hand reach across and take mine into a vice grip handshake.

"Hi there, the name is Charlie right?"

His voice sang out like that of a singers, carried across in waves of harmonious sounds, his face and smile was that of an angels, his skin looked like velvet begging to be touched and caressed, his lips cried out to be kissed. Again I was brought back to earth by the sound of a bed crashing into the wall as the orderly that was pushing it lost control.

"Hi, yes, that's right." I stammered.

"How can I do you over?" was the question that came to mind. But sense took hold of me.

"Let me show you around!" I said turning away, trying to break free from his gaze, I walked a few paces before I realized I was still holding onto his hand. He walked next to me, his attention being directed to a nurse that was assisting a patient walking down the corridor pushing a drip, he didn't seem to object to our hand hold as he too kept hold of mine.

"Sorry!" I said reluctantly letting his hand slip out of my hold.

"Oh, that's all right." He said as he flashed me another of his captivating smile.

I gave him a guided tour of the ward, and spent the rest of the shift explaining all the standard procedures. Demonstrating one or two of the sterile procedures cleaning wounds. I couldn't concentrate, I was feeling claustrophobic, my heart was beating like a runaway train, I think my cock was hard for the full six hour shift, because by the time I got back to my room, it ached second to none, and my underpants was glued to my body. It was a relief to be away from him, but I collapsed onto my bed and the images of him flooded back into my mind as I massaged my still hard throbbing cock. I released my cock from it's bounds and furiously jacked myself off with the image of him etched into my mind. It was seconds before I shot load after load of my cum all over the place. I had my cum running down my cheek, it was splashed across my dust coat, on my pillow, even against the wall alongside my bed. The only place on my body that didn't seem to have any cum on it was my hand, not a drop had seeped out, it was a projectile ejaculation second to none.

Clive arrived back at his room as I was in the shower to cleaning myself up. Our rooms shared the shower, and wrapping the towel round my waist I walked into his room rather than go back to mine to dress. I walked into his room and he turned and looked at me.

"Oh, my Fuck, what are you glowing like a roman candle for?" he said with this silly Cheshire cat grin across his face.

I fell back onto his bed into a spread eagle position, the towel slipping apart between my legs, only barely covering my crotch. As I started thinking about him again, I felt my cock begin to stir, so I quickly sat up again to conceal my excitement.

"Tell me about him now!"

I described the events of the day in graphic details to him, making a point not miss a single detail. The towel around my waist pitched across my legs like a six man tent.

"I see he's had a profound effect on you!" he laughed, pointing to my midriff. "It's about fucking time that you met a man that can take you mind of that other prick!" he said in a very matter of fact attitude.

"Come, put your clothes on, I think this calls for a celebration, lets go out for a drink." He suggested.

We both changed and went for drinks at the bar. It had been a long and exhausting day for me, and I wanted to be alone with my thoughts. We arrived back at the rooms and I said good night and went straight to my room. Generally I sleep in my underwear, but that night I stripped totally naked, having every intention of milking my load to memories of Phillip. Images of our bodies entwined like the fibers of a cord, our lips locked together by our tongues savoring on the taste of each other. Our hands exploring every inch of our bodies and stimulating every nerve ending in our skin. Drinking each other in with our eyes, and savoring on the aroma of our own unique manly smells, our ears tuned to the sounds of our breathing and the vocal expressions of our enjoyment. Every sense in perfect tune with each other. We made perfect love throughout the night, until our appetites for each other had been totally gratified. I woke the following morning to the realization that it had only been a dream, and that I had to make it a reality.

I reported for work that morning, when by 7'30, Phillip had not arrived for work, I asked the sister if she had received any notice as to why he wasn't there, perhaps he was ill and lying in his bed dying. Casually and with out much regard, she dropped the bomb.

"Sorry Charles, I should have told you earlier, Phillip was shipped out last night to one of the boarder sick bays, and won't be working here anymore."

I thought to myself, "You stupid Bitch, couldn't you find someone else to send." I turned away and smiled to myself, "Oh, well that was fun while it lasted, just my luck. He was probably straight anyway!"

Doug and I hadn't written or spoken to each for several months, and just when I thought I had got him out of my system and I wasn't wasting so much time thinking about him, I received a call at work, it was Doug.

"Hi there stranger, how you keeping?" came the cheerful voice on the other side of the line, and I knew who it was immediately.

"Hi yourself, you're a fine one to call me stranger, what have you been up to?" I casually replied.

"I've just got home on a pass. What are you doing after work today?"

If I'd had any sense, I would have told him that I had plans, but nothing made sense when it came to him.

"Nothing, why?"

"Great, then I'll see you after work, come round here, my mother's out for the afternoon, and my father's at work."

"Sounds great, see you 'round two then."

"Ok great, later then." And he hung up.

I knocked off my shift and drove over to his house, knowing that I should rather be staying away, nothing made sense to me anymore. I arrived at his house, and as I climbed out of my car I was jumped on from behind, I was spun around and before I knew what had hit me, he planted a kiss full on my lips. I was taken by surprise, and all I could do was welcome the invasion of his tongue, we stood in the open wrapped in each others arms clenched in a kiss like two long lost lovers not having seen each other in years. He broke away and pulled me running into the house. We had barely closed the door when he was practically ripping the clothes off me, I was determined not to let myself be taken to the heights of heaven and then be cast off to hell the following day when he changed his mind again.

I pushed him away, and he could sense my frustration, it didn't however deter him. He started to undo the buttons on my tunic, and found my nipples as he stroked my chest. He leaned forward and licked on one, taking the nipple between his teeth gently biting on it until it stood erect. All the while he was pinching my other nipple with his other hand until it too was standing erect. I was frozen and couldn't move, he pressed me up against the wall, reaching in with his other hand he undid my trousers and dropped them to the floor.

I was powerless, I closed my eyes and drifted off into this other world where everything was perfect, we were two lovers that had nothing to hide from anyone, we were happy and we didn't care what others thought of our relationship. As he eased my cock out of my underpants with his hand, he kissed a trail down my stomach until I could feel his lips envelop my cock. He massaged my balls with his hand as his tongue explored my piss slit, licking around my cock head. Closing his lips around the head he sucked me into his mouth and I could feel my cock begin to slide down his tongue until it reached the back of his throat. He kept up the massaging of my balls as his nose buried itself into my pubic brush. He moved his head back and forth, sliding my cock over his tongue. I felt my balls begin to tingle, and waves of pleasure began to flow throughout my whole body, from my toes to the crown of my head.

I couldn't hold back any longer, my voice was gone and I couldn't warn him of what was coming his way, I shot my load into the back of his throat. Rally after rally of cum pored out of me into his mouth, neither of us had ever tasted the other, for some reason we would always pull the other off before we would cum in his mouth. I thought he was bound to gag and spit it out, or even throw up all over me, instead he swallowed every drop I was feeding him.

My balls were drained and my cock began to go limp in his mouth, the feeling came back into my body and I held onto his head and pulled him up, wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him in for a kiss. Our lips met and our tongues began to explore each other, I could taste my own cum in his mouth, my eyes were still closed and I was still not in this world, I was still lost in my own imaginary garden of Eden. I didn't want to leave, we held each other close and I felt safe and at peace like never before.

"Come, let's go to the bedroom, I want to taste you as well." I whispered in his ear.

We released our hold and he led me into the bedroom, as he walked in front of me, I wrapped my arms around his waist, and from behind I started to undo his trousers. I slipped my hand into his underpants and felt his throbbing cock in my hand, his underpants was sticky inside with his precum that had been seeping out. We entered the bedroom and I turned him around to face me, his pants dropped to the floor and I pulled his underpants down to his ankles as well. As I stood up again to undo the buttons on his shirt, I stopped and kissed him lightly on his cock head. As I undid the buttons to his shirt, he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants and underpants. I pushed his shirt off his shoulders, and they joined the pile of clothes on the floor.

He stood in front of me in all his glory and splendor, I drank him in with my eyes as I mentally worshiped his body. I pushed him back onto the bed, and rubbed my hands all the way down his body from his shoulders, lightly brushing my hands against his cock as I passed, continuing down to his ankles. I knelt down in front of him and began massaging his calves, slowly working my way up the inside of his thighs, studying every inch of his body with my fingers and my eyes. I reached his cock, and lay the palms of my hand onto his pelvis, only lightly brushing his cock with my thumbs, he moved his pelvis in an attempt to push his cock into my hand, but I continued my upward journey, rubbing his stomach and chest. I lowered my head and stuck my tongue into his navel, remembering that this was a ticklish area for him, as I expected he flinched slightly and started to giggle.

"That's ticklish." He said.

"I know, just close your eyes and keep quiet and enjoy." I answered.

I kissed him all over his stomach, down the sides of his abdomen, and then up to his chest. He was getting goose flesh, and his nipples were standing erect by the time that my tongue located them. I sucked each one into my mouth in turn and gently nibbled on each nipple. He arched his back and pushed his pelvis forward, and I could feel his cock press into my stomach. I continued to kiss him upward, up the side of his neck and behind his ear, I worked my way back around again kissing him along his chin. Our lips met and he opened his mouth to accept my tongue. Our tongues wrestled as his impatience grew. I began my downward tour of his body, stopping again at his nipples, and then again at his navel. I kissed the trail down his war path, but only kissed him around the base of his cock. My kisses found his balls, and I licked them and sucked each one into my mouth in turn, his hands grabbed me behind the head, and he pushed my face deeper into his pelvis. He lifted his knees up above my head and eased me further down to his crack, directing me to his love tunnel. My tongue found his portal, and began to explore, I pushed my tongue into him and he wriggled to expose himself even more. He was groaning deep guttural sounds of pleasure.

I coated his ass with plenty of saliva, and replaced my tongue with my finger, as my finger began to explore his ass, I began to kiss the trail back up to his balls and onto the base of his cock. I licked the underside of his cock shaft and reached where the shaft joins with the head. As my tongue licked at his piss slit, tasting his juices, my finger entered his ass. Again he let out a grunt and pushed his pelvis forward, his cock entered my mouth and I closed my lips around the head. I sucked on the head as my mouth was filled with some more of his precum juices. As my finger began to move in and out of his ass, he moved his pelvis back and forth, pushing his cock into and out of my mouth.

As his groans grew louder, I heard his warning.

"I'm going to cum."

I buried my nose into his pubic mat and felt the head of his cock push against the back of my throat. My tongue was pressing against the bottom of the shaft, and I could feel the shaft begin to swell as his love juice made it's way up. He pushed his hips forward one more time, and buried his cock deeper down my throat and I felt his first volley erupt against the back of my throat, I began to swallow, but before that one went down, the next load would follow, I swallowed as fast as I could, but he was shooting faster than I could swallow. I could feel the cum begin to trickle out the side of my mouth. His body stopped convulsing and he returned to a calm, his breathing was rapid and shallow. His cock began to soften in my mouth, I sucked the last few drops out of it as I let it slip out of my mouth. The cum that had leaked out of my mouth had collected in a pool on the side of his cock. I licked it up and swallowed it down.

He placed his hands on the side of my face and pulled me up towards his face, and we kissed. He wrapped his arms around me, and squeezed me close, he broke the kiss and moved his head to the side. He whispered into my ear.

"I love you, and I need you. I wish we could be together like this forever."

Please e-mail me and let me know what you think, Comments/criticism to

Come back again for chapter 5.

Next: Chapter 5

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