Doug and Me

By moc.liamtoh@relbaf

Published on Dec 28, 1998


This is a true story involving boy/boy sex. If this offends you-please leave this site!! If you are under the age of 18, or if this is against the laws of your state/country/province etc., leave also.

To all those guys that have already written to me and told me what they think, thanx guys I appreciate the encouragement.. there are a few more chapters to come, and I hope you enjoy them just as much!!

With all that said-- please read and enjoy. Send any comments/constructive criticisms to the above address.

Doug and Me Chapter 3

The plan was to meet that afternoon for a BBQ with his family, I had a good relationship with his whole family, especially his mother. I'm sure she must have realized what was going on, if not between Doug and myself, she must at least have realized that I was gay, but like all mothers, never said a word. Her and I spend hours talking about everything and nothing in particular, often the two of us would be in the kitchen, she'd be washing the dishes and I would dry and pack them away. I always enjoyed my time with his family, I sometimes felt more welcome with them than I did with my own family. Even when Doug and I were alone, the subject of what happened earlier in the morning never came up, I think both of us were avoiding it.

His parents had some or other church function to attend that evening and his brother and sister also had their plans. We were alone again, although I valued every moment I had alone with him, I dreaded what was about to come. He was taking a piss and I was in the kitchen washing a glass, the next thing I felt his arm wrap around my waist. I nearly dropped the glass I was washing. He took it out of my hand and placed it into the drying rack and turned me around. I'm sure he could see the confusion and fear in my eyes, because he put his hands on the sides of my face, as if in a reassuring gesture, the expression on his face was one of concern and tenderness he pulled me forward for a kiss, our lips met and my eyes closed, again I was captivated in his spell and I couldn't stop myself. He took my hand and led me to his bedroom, we would be alone for a few hours and I could tell that he was going to make the best of it.

We walked into the bedroom and he turned to face me, again he pulled me forward and our lips met. Our lips gently touching each other, as his tongue pressed against my lips, I opened my mouth to accept it, our tongues began to play with each other as he moved his hands to unbutton my shirt, he moved his hands up my chest and over my shoulder to drop the shirt to the floor. His hands moved back to my chest and his fingers found my already erect nipples, as he pinched them, I moved my hands to unbutton his shirt and drop it to the floor as well. We caressed each others chests and fondled each others nipples, we both moved our hands down to undo each others belts and remove our trousers, they dropped to the floor around our ankles, our feet did a little dance to kick off our shoes and step out of the trousers. Our cocks were both fully erect and bursting to get out of the confines of our underpants, we broke our kiss and removed our underpants.

Standing naked in front of each other, we stepped back looking each other over; it was the first time we'd actually had enough time to stop and study each other's bodies. I was about 6' taller than him, since our last time together, during my short period of time in the army I had grown nearly a foot, but he had a better build than mine, his muscles were better defined than mine, in fact one could hardly believe that I actually had any, I may have grown in length, but the army hadn't done anything to help me build up and muscles. Our cocks were both pointing north, he stepped forward again and ground his cock into mine placing them together as if to compare sizes. I was a bit bigger in that department though, he was about 6 1/2 inches, and I was about an inch bigger, I was also considerably thicker than him, his cock curved off to the left, whereas mine stood straight. Considering my "late blooming", I was surprised. He put his arms around my neck and pulled me forward for another kiss, he backed up and moved us toward the bed without breaking the kiss and lay back onto the bed. I moved over him and between his legs.

I broke off kissing his lips and moved down to his neck. Kissing and licking I worked my way down to his chest until I found his nipple, I sucked and gently nibbled on each one in turn until they were both standing erect and hard. He had the smallest nipples I had ever seen, they were so sexy. I continued my quest to find his manly treasure, stopping at his navel, he let out a chuckle as I licked it, obviously this was a ticklish area for him, I made a mental note. I kissed a trail down his warpath until I felt his cock pressing against the side of my cheek, he was seeping and I felt his sticky juice against my cheek. I buried my nose into his pubic hair as I breathed in his manly smell, licking around the base of his cock, my tongue found his balls. I opened my mouth and took one into my mouth and rolled it around on my tongue, he moaned as I moved across to the other and did the same. My fingers were still playing with both his nipples, he continued his soft low groans, as I moved my mouth back up the underside of his shaft, stopping to lick the underside where the shaft and the head meet. His mushroom head was glowing with all the sticky precum that was coating it, I licked around the head and savored the taste of his lube juice, lapping it up with my tongue as it seeped out of his piss slit. I wrapped my lips around his head and continued to move my tongue around it, he arched his back and pushed his hips forward in a thrust motion. As I lowered my head down ant took his shaft deeper down my throat, he placed his hands on the back of my head as if to guide me down, his cock pressed against the back of my throat. His groans became louder, and I could sense that he was about to shoot his load. It was too soon, I quickly lifted my head and let his cock slide out of my mouth and slap back onto his stomach.

I needed to see how far he would let me go, I released my grip on his nipples and brought my arms under his legs and lifted them up and slightly further apart opening the road to his chute. I licked my way down his crack and to my surprise, he lifted his knees up to his chest clearing the way for me totally. My tongue found his man hole and I started flicking my tongue around his entrance, his soft groans of pleasure indicated I could go on. I spread his cheeks further apart and briskly flicked my tongue around his hole, as I felt it begin to relax, I began to press my tongue into him and slowly began to fuck him with my tongue. Holding me by the back of my head, he lifted his pelvis a little further of the bed, he groaned his words of encouragement and softly he begged me to fuck him. He was well lubed with my spit by then, so I spat into my hand and rubbed it onto my cock head making it slippery, I repositioned myself between his legs and moved forward as he lifted his pelvis once again, I moved in and pressed my head against his tightly clenched hole.

I looked up at his face, his eyes were closed and there was an expression of pleasure. I increased the pressure but there was lots of resistance to my pending invasion. I kissed him and whispered for him to relax. As I felt him relax his ass, I started my entry and managed to press my head in past the first gate. I looked into his face, his eyes were still closed and screwed up and the expression of pain was clear, I stopped the pressure and waited for the pain he must have been experiencing to subside. He moved his hands onto my hips and slowly started pulling me forward, I whispered words of encouragement into his ear as he pulled me further and further into him. As I slipped through the second portal his pulling me forward and my pushing resulted in me burying myself to the hilt. He let out a guttural groan of pain, I held him close and pleaded "sorry, sorry, do you want me to pull out"? He answered me by holding my hips and pulling me closer. As the pain subsided, I slowly started my retreat until I was almost all the way out, then I changed direction and just as slowly started my descent again. I picked up the pace when I felt his hips move to build up a rhythm with me. I could feel the sensation building up inside my balls, and knew it wouldn't be much longer before I planted my load of seed deep inside his bowels.

My pace picked up and he met me on every stroke as my hips slapped into his butt cheeks. I could hold back no more and plunged as far into him as I could go and my balls began to empty their load. My whole body erupted with the most glorious orgasm I have ever experienced, it felt as if I would never stop cumming. Load after load entered deep inside him as my body quivered with wave after wave of electric pulse. I collapsed on top of him, I could feel the wetness on his chest and realized that he had also cum on his chest and stomach. We kissed with all the passion we could muster, each one trying to ingest the other. We lay together in silence, I was still deep inside not having gone limp.

The silence was broken by the sound of a car door slamming closed and a garage door being opened. Clark Kent would have been impressed with the speed that we took to dress, including the socks and shoes. By the time that his mother popped her head around the door to tell us they were home, we were lying on the floor playing Trivial Pursuit. We looked up at her and feigned surprise, as she left the room we both erupted into laughter.

He spent next few days with his family, and I only saw him again 2 days later when he was bidding me farewell at the station as I was leaving for my base once again. I was still floating on a cloud, I hadn't come back to earth since we made love. I spent the next few hours on the train, recollecting the events of the week. Maybe it was just his way of indicating his fear of coming out, and he did actually love me, heaven knows I was also scared of the prospect. I dreamed of the future we would have together, and realized how intense my love for him had become.

Please e-mail me and let me know what you think, Comments/criticism to

Come back again for chapter 4.

Next: Chapter 4

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