Doug and Me

By moc.liamtoh@relbaf

Published on Jan 3, 2000


OFF THE RAILS 5 By the Fabler -

So here is chapter 5, I hope you enjoyed reading chapter 4 as much as I enjoyed experiencing it. As exciting as having anonymous sex in dark places is, there is such a big risk involved in having sex with a stranger, so if you are going to do it, please do it safely and never without the proper precautions. I just want to thank a buddy of mine in Cambridge for getting me back into the writing mode, I hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Without further ado, the usual disclaimers apply, so read on...

It felt so good to relieve a little of the pressure that had been building up in my balls, but the flip side to the pleasure was the guild that I felt for having cheated on Cindy. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that it was just a quick encounter, that I needed to relieve some stress. That I was definitely straight and happy to be married, that damn little demon in the back of my head kept telling me to stop fooling myself.

"You're gay Charlie. Accept it and get out of this mess you're in with Cindy and start living your life like you are meant to!" "No! No! No! I'm not gay. I've never wanted to be gay, I want to be straight and have a family. I love Cindy, so what if the sex isn't that great? We have so much more than sex that is good." I rationalized. "Grow up Charlie! You're as gay as they come. Cindy will never be able to satisfy that side of you and you will never be able to satisfy her either. You love her as a friend. You are only going to be happy in a relationship with another man!" "Bullshit. Gay relationships never last, look at what happened with Doug and me. It's all about sex, get your rocks off and move on. Nobody will accept two guys being together, I don't want to live my life hiding. At least with Cindy I can show the world that I love her." This kind of logic kept going through my head over and over and over again. I had to make a break away from the gay environment; I wouldn't go to the gay clubs anymore and get myself into situations where I would be tempted. When Tony and I go out together, we will only go to the straight clubs and bars.

Cindy seemed to sense that I was having a tough time with my feelings, and she was trying very hard to limit my visits with Tony. She kept trying to arrange for me to go out on the town with some of our straight friends. The one evening she arranged that a few of us 'straight' guys would get together at a straight bar to have an afternoon of pool. Never turning down the opportunity for a game of pool and a few drinks, I agreed to meet them after work on the following Saturday. I had been to the bar a couple of times, and knew some of the regulars. We played pool and had a few drinks, really having a good time. I'm not a bad pool player, so when I kept beating Mark and Michael whenever they challenged, they started getting a little bored. We decided to make a change, and play pairs, because there were only 3 of us, it left me without a partner. There was a guy that was sitting at the bar that had been watching us play for a while, I went over to him, "hi there, these guys have challenged me to a doubles game. I need a partner, you interested in joining us?" "Sure that would be great." He said. "By the way, the name is Charlie, and that is Mark and this is Michael." I introduced. "Hi guys, my name is Billy, nice to meet you."

WOW this guy could play pool, we kicked ass every game. Eventually Mark and Michael became visibly pissed of, and decided to call it quits. Making excuses that they had to be somewhere else, they made their departure. I was on a high, and wasn't ready to go home yet. To keep the game going, I challenged Billy. We were playing for drinks, looser buys the winner the next drink. We were pretty well matched, so at least I didn't end up broke paying for all the drinks. Now that we were alone, I started taking a little more notice of Billy. He was a couple of years younger than me, maybe 20 or 21, but no older. Quite a bit shorter than me, probably about 51/2 ft, stocky build, about 75/80kg. Pretty good-looking, I'm sure if I was gay, I could definitely go for him. He had so many character traits that reminded me of Doug, the same features, same colour eyes, hair, mannerisms. I couldn't help but like him, we played quite a lot of pool and he showed me a few tricks, we had both drunk quite a bit, and neither of us had eaten. We decided to take a break and get something to chow. We went around the corner and bought a tub of curry to share, he lived a block away and invited me to come up to the flat so we could eat.

We walked into the flat and he grabbed two plates and eating utensils for us. We ate and he offered me coffee, we were drinking coffee when I noticed a couple of wetsuits and spear guns hanging from the wall, I asked who's, and he told me that his flat mate was a fishermen and it was his. I got up to take a look, I had never seen a real spear gun before, and was quite fascinated. There were two of them hanging on the wall, one shorter than the other, I took the shorter one off the hook and studied it closer. Billy came up next to me and took it away from me and started stretching the band back loading it. I said it didn't seem like a good idea to arm it in the flat and suggested he hang it back on the wall.

He looked me in the eyes and grinned. He nudged me against the wall and moved up close to me. He pointed the spear under my chin, and moved in closer. I froze against the wall not wanting to provoke him fearing that he may shoot. He moved his face in so close to me he was almost kissing me. "How broad minded are you Charlie?" he asked. "What you mean? Please put that thing back on the wall, just now it goes off!" I pleaded. "How broad minded are you?" he repeated. "I'm not sure what you mean, but I think I'm pretty broad minded. Please put that fucking thing away!" I wasn't sure what he was getting at, but thought he was probably trying to establish if I smoked a little dope or something along those lines. I was dumbstruck by what he said next. "Fuck me!" "Holy shit!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Come now Charlie, I'm sure you'd love to fuck this tight ass of mine!" He teased, prodding my chin with the loaded spear-gun, moving in closer to brush his lips against mine. Scared shitless that if I said no I would have a spear shot through my head I replied "Sure, where, here or in the bedroom?" Taking a little control, I pushed the spear away from under my chin and pushed him back towards the room. He dropped the spear gun and started walking back, holding me around the neck and reaching forward to kiss me. "That's it Charlie, give it to me!" We kissed as he walked back until he fell back onto the bed.

Animal lust replaced the fear I felt a few minutes earlier, the adrenaline was pumping and I started ripping the clothes off his body. His chest was covered in a mat of blond hairs. I could tell he worked out or engaged in a lot of physical activity. It only took a few seconds and he was naked lying on his back, I stopped kissing his body to remove my own clothes. I couldn't believe that I was as hard as a rock, my cock was throbbing, it felt like it would split. "That's it Charlie, you want it to. Fuck me deep and hard!" He pulled his knees up to his chest opening up his crack, I could see his rosebud winking at me begging to be fucked.

I dropped down onto my knees and separated his cheeks further, I pressed my face into his cracked and sniffed his sweaty musky odor. I was so worked up I was running on autopilot, I reached out with my tongue and licked up the full length of his crack. The smell and taste of his ass was driving me wild. My tongue found his entrance and I prodded it with my tongue, trying to force it through the opening. He was groaning with pleasure and started to speak dirty. "Oh yea fuck that ass with your tongue, lick it well and lube it so that you can fuck me. Stretch that hole with your fingers Charlie." I followed his instructions and replaced my tongue with my finger moving it around inside him pushing it in as far as it would go rubbing against his love button. Soon I had a second and third finger up his ass stretching his hole ready for my cock to take their place. "Fuck me now Charlie. Ram that cock of yours hard and fast up my fuck chute." He continued his pleas. "Where are the condoms?" I asked. "There's condoms in the draw. Don't stop what you're doing!" he reached across the bed and pulled out one from his drawer. "Stand up, but don't stop fucking me with your fingers!" I stood up and he reached back under him between his legs and grabbed my cock pulling me forward. Like a master he rolled the condom onto my cock and said in an agitated tone of voice "Will you fuck me now already!"

I positioned my cock at his entrance, as I pulled my fingers out I replaced them with my cock, I slipped in all the way without any resistance. He pushed his head back into the pillow and smothered a loud groan. "Fuck me now, oh yea, fuck me hard and deep, ram that cock of yours all the way inside me, give it all to me." I started pounding into him with all the force I could muster, his ass slapping against my pelvis each time I laid into him. He pulled the pillow from under his head and covered his face which was a good thing, he would have woken the living dead with his grunts and groans and his persistent yells of "Fuck me".

With my one arm I reached across and held onto his shoulder as I gripped his cock with my other hand. Pulling on his cock, matching my pounding of his ass stroke for stroke. I couldn't hold back any longer, I took one final plunge and offloaded shot after shot of spunk into the condom. I continued to jerk on his cock as I began to go limp in his ass. He must have come the same time as me without me noticing because his chest was covered with his spunk. I collapsed forward onto his chest trying to get my breathing back to normal. We lay like that for a few minutes until my cock slipped out of his ass. I rolled off him onto my back lying next to him.

"I must go." I said as I sat up on the bed with my legs hanging over the edge, I reached across for my clothes lying in a heap on the floor. He didn't move, his face still covered with the pillow. I stood up and got dressed, I leaned over and kissed him on his chest. "Thanks Billy, that was amazing." He still hadn't moved and his head was still buried under the pillow, I assumed he had fallen asleep, so I crept out of the room heading for the door.

I was reaching out for the handle when he grabbed my wrist from behind and pulled my arm back, spinning me around to face him. He had the spear gun in his hands again; I could feel the blood drain from my face. "Where the fuck do you think you're going? We ain't finished yet, take those clothes off." He whispered with an evil grin on is face. I was not about to argue I stripped at the door, leaving my clothes in a pile where they lay. He led me back into a different bedroom.

He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me forward by the hips my cock was hanging limp in front of his face, he was studying it closely. "We need to get this back to life again." He chuckled as he moved his face forward into my crotch and sucked my limp dick into his mouth. He sucked and played around with it with his tongue for a few moments and pretty soon I could feel the life coming back into my cock. As it grew he never pulled back on it as it pushed its way to the back of his mouth until it was buried in his throat. It was only when he started running out of breath that he started pulling his head back on my shaft releasing it from his throat. He let it slip out of his mouth with a slurping sound. Again he reached across to another table at the side of the bed and whipped out another condom, he had my cock covered in a second. He reached back into the drawer and pulled out a tube of KY Jelly. "I don't think we're really going to need this, but what the hell." He said as he squeezed a liberal glob into his hand and smearing it over my cock head and down the shaft. He squeezed out another glob and fell back onto the bed, lifting his legs up and placing them on my shoulders he smeared it into his exposed fuck chute. He pulled me forward with his legs and locked his ankles together around the back of my neck. He took my cock in his hand and pulled me forward, bringing my cock to his porthole. He positioned me at his entrance and grabbed me by my hips and thrust pulling me into his hungry hole pushing his hips back to meet me.

I hadn't said a word, I just followed as he led the way, I was too scared to argue. He moved his legs off my shoulders and put his heals onto my butt cheeks. His grip on me with his legs was firm and I wouldn't have been able to slip out of it easily. He pulled me deeper into him with his legs. I took up the action and started pulling out of him, just before I withdrew completely, he pushed me back into him with his legs. I picked up on the rhythm and increased the pace. I had just cum a few minutes earlier, and knew my balls needed a little time to recover before they would be able to release their next load. I just wanted it to be over, as much as I was enjoying the feeling, I was terrified of the situation. I must have been punishing his ass for about 20 minutes before I could feel the tingle in my balls indicating the forthcoming release. In those 20 minutes, he had released his load another 3 more times, and I hadn't even laid a finger on his cock. I couldn't believe that anyone could have so much cum. At last I released my load, this time not as much, but it didn't diminish the strength of my orgasm.

I went limp again and slipped out of him. He was breathing deeply and let out several deep sighs. Suddenly he jumped up, giving me a fright, and left the room. I walked out of the room heading for the door to collect my clothes, it was creepy, and I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I contemplated picking up my clothes and running out naked, thinking I could just get dressed in the corridor. The kitchen was at the door and as I was leaning over to pick up my clothes, he came walking out with a kitchen knife in hand. He scraped it across my back and said "Take a seat, you need to rest a little. Don't go away now, I'll be right back!" The tone in his voice made it perfectly clear that I was to go nowhere. He went into the toilet, and I thought that is was maybe my chance to make a break, but I knew that if he took pursuit and caught me, I would be no match for him. I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry, I was terrified, not knowing what came next. There was no way I was going to be able to get an erection again, what would he do if I didn't.

He came back into the kitchen and turned on the kettle. "How about a nice cup of coffee?" He wasn't really asking me, but I nodded just in case. He pulled me into the kitchen by my arm and pushed me up against the wall, he moved up to me to kiss me. His lips were against mine and he started pushing his tongue out trying to enter my mouth, I thought it best not to resist, so I kissed him back. I must admit he knew how to kiss, his lips were so soft and his kiss was so gentle yet passionate. The kettle clicked off as it came to the boil, he broke away and made us a cup of coffee. We moved back into the bedroom and sat back on the bed propped up against the wall. He rested his hand on my cock as if he was trying to keep it warm, getting it ready for the next round. I was silent and didn't resist, the knife was on the bed side table.

We sat there in silence drinking our coffee for about 1/2 an hour, we both finished and he took the cups and placed them on the floor next to the bed. He began to move his hand around on my cock pulling it and squeezing it in a desperate attempt to bring it back to life. I closed my eyes and prayed that it would, I didn't want to even imagine what he would do if it didn't. Nothing was working, I felt him moving next to me as he straddled my legs sitting in front of me. I pressed my eyes tightly closed expecting the worst. He leaned forward to me bringing his lips next to my ears. "Relax now baby, give it a few minutes and we'll have you back to life in no time." He softly whispered. "Relax! Relax! Oh my fuck, how do you expect me to relax?" I yelled to myself. He moved his hand up to my face and gently stroked my cheek, lightly kissing my ear and cheek on the other side. Moving his way around till his lips were gently pressed against mine. His other hand continued to stroke and massage my limp lifeless cock. He began to stroke my chest and tweak on my nipples. His mouth opened and his tongue sought entry to mine, I didn't resist. Fuck! He knew how to kiss, the passion of our kiss grew and incredibly enough slowly but surely so did my cock. I don't know if it was the fear of what would happen if I didn't, or if I was really turned on by what was going on. All I know was that my cock was growing and that familiar tingling sensation returned in full force. My cock was aching and begging for release once again. "There we go, didn't I tell you it would work?" I hadn't even noticed him move, but without much effort, he had me covered with another condom. Still sitting up leaning against the wall, he adjusted himself and lowered himself onto my cock once again.

I have no idea where I got the strength from, I was scared shitless. I'd had enough now and just wanted to get out of there, suddenly the fear was replaced with anger and the adrenaline was pumping. I grabbed him by the shoulders holding him firmly against me and stood up. Without slipping out of him, I swung around and lowered him onto the bed. Pushing his legs up till his knees were either side of his head, standing on the bed squatted over him the devil himself possessed me.

"You want to be fucked you mother fucker? Is this hard enough for you, you dumb fuck?" I had my face pressed up against his as I grunted my obscenities. I pounded my cock right to the hilt as my pelvis slapped against his ass with a loud smack. I pulled right out and plunged straight back in with all the strength I could muster. I could hear his back crack as the joints of his spine were displaced. After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only 10 minutes, I emptied another load, the final result of a mind-bending orgasm. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!! FUUUUUUCK!! That good enough for you you fuck?" I hissed into his face. I didn't give a shit if he had cum or not, I just wanted out of there. I couldn't anymore, I wasn't going to hang around for another minute. I pulled out of him, tossing him to the side, pulled the condom of and tossed it at him. He didn't say a word, he straightened his legs and rolled onto his back. He had this sickly contented grin on his face, his eyes were closed as I jumped off the bed, walked over to my clothes, pulled on my boxers and trousers. Without turning to look behind me I opened the door and ran down the corridor, when I got into the lift I finished getting dressed. I was sobbing, the relief was too much to contain. I looked at my watch, I had been trapped with him for 5 hours, it was well after midnight. I knew I was in shit when I got home, I could smell the sex on myself, I reeked, I was dead. There was no way I would be able to escape this one, I can just hear it "Hi honey I'm home, sorry I'm late, I was trapped by a sex maniac for the past 5 hours that wanted me to fuck him over and over again. Sorry about that, but it will never happen again." Oh yeah that would definitely work.

********************************************************************** That's it folks, sorry about the cliffhanger. Believe it or not, but every detail of this chapter is fact. It had to have been the scariest day of my life, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I've often wondered how I could have avoided the situation, but there was no way I could have known that he was capable of something like that. I bumped into him again a few weeks later at the same pub when I was there with Tony.

He came up to me and greeted me as if we were the best of friends, as if nothing had ever happened. I confronted him about what had happened, but he didn't have a clue what I was talking about. He had taken some or other drug and couldn't remember anything beyond us playing a few games of pool. He didn't even remember leaving the bar. I didn't even bother telling him what he had done. Needless to say I never went to visit him again.

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