Doug and Me

By moc.liamtoh@relbaf

Published on Apr 6, 1999


OFF THE RAILS By The Fabler -

For all of you that have read my previous story, this is more or less a sequel. Although most of the characters will be real as well as some of the events, I am going to add a little fantasy to the story as well.. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which is real and which is not... :-) Don't for one minute believe that the far fetched chapters are the fantasies :-)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as the other stories I've posted..

The usual disclaimers apply, so read on...

Chapter 2. (New Encounters)

Standing at the airport terminal wishing everyone goodbye, was a miserable experience, the mixed emotions of sadness for everything I was leaving behind, and the excitement of the adventure that lay ahead. As I walked through the boarding gate, I turned and took one last look, by the way everyone was carrying on, you would have sworn I was leaving for the moon, after all I was only going to be an hours flight away, or a 6 hour drive, it was just around the corner, we could visit any time we wanted to.

I sat in my seat and as the plane took off, I convinced myself that I was doing the right thing, a fresh start is what was called for, my attitude was positive and I would make it work this time. About an hour later the plane landed, we taxied up to the terminal and we all departed from the plane, walking the short distance to the arrivals lounge. As I walked through the glass doors, I immediately began to skirt the crowds standing around looking for friends and family that had just arrived. My cousin is very short, about 4 1/2 ft (not joking!! :) ), so unless she was standing right up against the rail, there would be little chance of me seeing her, I glanced around and found her standing at the exit waving frantically to get my attention, I smiled and waved back.

Kelly and I had a special closeness, she was the only member of the family that knew I was gay, and herself being gay, brought us together. Her lover, Linda, was a very lovely person, we got on well together. The usual greetings took place and eventually we collected my luggage from the roundabout and headed home. The conversation in the car revolved mostly about how the family was doing, who was doing who and what etc. etc.... We arrived at the house and I was directed to my room and left alone to unpack, I excused myself and jumped into a bath to freshen up, when I walked back into the lounge, some tea and sandwiches had been prepared for me, so we snacked and continued chatting. It started getting late, so we all decided to hit the sac, we would regroup in the morning and make plans for the day, both girls had taken some leave and would be around to get me settled in, the upcoming New Years celebrations also needed to be planned.

I got a lazy start to the morning, only surfacing from bed around 9am, when I appeared into the lounge, I was told to get ready, we were all going to the beach for a picnic. Sounded like a good idea, my body had become very pale, and was in need of a little exposure to the sun, luckily when I burned in the sun, my skin turned a golden brown, unlike most that burned a bright tomatoe red. Even if I say so myself, the colour did my appearance the world of good, even with my skinny stature, even I could look like a stud with a bit of colour. :-) We packed the car and headed of to the beach, this time of the year the beach was guaranteed to be crowded with all the holiday makers, we managed to find a spot a few meters from the waters edge, as I sat down, I glanced around and sussed out the talent. I noticed that the majority of the people on the beach were guys, either sitting on their own or in couples and a few larger groups, I was quickly aroused by all the nearly naked men lying around, 99% of then wearing Speedo's and not trunks.

"Earth to Charlie, sit down, you're beginning to drool!" Kelly chirped, tugging me on my shorts to get my attention.

"OH GOD, I've died and gone to heaven, look at all these men, I'm going to have nightmares about all of them tonight." I chuckled as I sat down.

"I think you better keep your shorts on until you've calmed down a bit, you don't want to show everyone how happy you are to be here." Linda teased, adding her 2 cents to the conversation.

"How come there are so many men on the beach, there's hardly any women around?" I asked.

"Well, maybe it's because it's a gay beach." Kelly said.

"Holy Mackerel!!!, you mean that all these guys are available for the picking?" My eyes lit up and again I skirted the bodies scattered around, looking for a potential prey.

"Probably, but just relax now, you can do your trolling later, rub some oil on my back please." Linda said smacking me on the arm with the tube of sun block.

I directed my attention back to Kelly and Linda, rubbing oil on both of their backs, Linda returning the favor and rubbing mine. I love to get an all over sun tan, but being in public, I'm a little shy to tan in the nick, I would more than likely been arrested even if I did, so my next alternative was to wear the skimpiest costume I could fit into. I noticed that most of the guys around me felt the same, I felt safer lying on my stomach, concealing my growing excitement every time I noticed some gorgeous stud lying close by. We had a few drinks and some of the snacks that had been packed, the conversation being limited, our aim after all was to catch a tan. After about the third beer, I felt I needed to relieve myself, I noticed the gents change rooms about 100m away from where we were lying, I felt a piss hard on begin to develop, and thought it would be best to relieve it before it became too prominent.

I excused myself and headed for the toilets. Kelly shouting across at me as I walked away, "don't get lost now, and don't take too long, we're timing you!" I felt my face turn bright red as I blushed from the embarrassment. I walked into the change room which was divided into two sections, one with showers and cubicles for changing, and lockers available to lock up any valuables, the other with toilets and urinals, there was no divisions between the urinals for privacy, but the toilets were closed from floor to ceiling. I was surprised at how clean the place was, usually these public toilets are dirty as hell and smell of piss and sweat, this was quite impressive. I walked over to the urinal in the corner, there was two or three guys in the changing section, someone was taking a shower probably to rinse off the salt from the water. I started to relieve myself and turned slightly to look behind me as I heard someone walking in from the change area.

It must have been the guy that was taking the shower, because he was still wet, and hadn't bothered to wrap a towel around his naked body. I got a fright and jumped slightly turning back to look at the wall in front of me, not before noticing his uncut cock dangling over his balls and swinging from side to side as he walked, the first thing I noticed, other than his cock that is, was that he was completely shaved. I desperately wanted to turn around again and take a closer look, by now I had stopped pissing from the fright that I got, I wasn't sure if I should just leave and come back later, or if I should just stand there hoping that I would start pissing again. He came walking right over to me and stopped at the urinal next to me, without holding onto his prick, he started to piss against the porcelain bowl. His hands draped down his sides exposing his cock for anyone to look at, I was doing everything in my power to stop myself from looking over and copping another look, my will power was not the strongest and I couldn't resist peaking out the side of my eye without turning my head. He must have been about 4' while soft, I thought to myself that I would love to see it in it's full glory, I still hadn't been able to re-start pissing, and I was feeling like a bit of a twit standing there not doing anything.

"Got a bit of stage fright have you?" he said smiling looking across at me.

"Ahh, wha whaaat, oh, Uh, yes, a little." I fumbled my reply, briefly looking over at him again and then back at the wall.

He started laughing, "just relax, it should start up soon enough again." and with that he finished off his piss, took his cock in his hand, shook it a few times, turned and walked away.

"Shit!" I thought, smiling at myself, "trust you!" eventually I managed to finish off my piss, I shook off, washed my hands and hurried back to the girls.

"What the fuck took you so long? Or shouldn't I ask?" Kelly asked as loud as she possibly could, giggling like a school girl.

"Fuck off, must you talk so loud?" I shot back at her. I told them what had just happened to me in the toilets, and the two of them broke out into fits of laughter. We lay there for about another hour before deciding that we had all had enough sun for one day, we decided we'd stop off at one of the hotels and have a drink on the deck and watch all the people walking by. We decided that we'd also grab something to eat at the same time, saved us having to cook when we got home, the girls discussed where they were taking me that evening, and who they were going to introduce me to as if I was a lost cause and would need someone to escort me around, how right they were.

We sat on the deck for a few hours, watching all the people, me feasting my eyes an all the amazing god like men walking around bare chested in their skimpy Speedo's. By the end of the evening, my hormones were on a route march, and all I wanted to do was jump on the next one that walked by and rape him in the street. Eventually we packed up our things and headed home, there was still ample time to get ready for our night on the town. It was just as well there was time, can you imagine two women getting themselves ready to go out, not that I was any better, putting that extra bit of effort into making myself look irresistible.

A few hours later we were on our way back into town to hit the clubs, the first club we walked into was called Images. It was divided into two sections, the bar and pool room on one side and a disco on the other, we walked into the bar and pool area heading for the bar. I ordered us our drinks and walked over to the girls that had drifted off to the other side of the room to join some of their friends that were playing pool. I approached, concentrating not to spill any of the drinks I was carrying, I nearly dropped the glasses when he turned as I walked into the group. "Oh Fuck!" it was the guy from the change rooms that afternoon.

Kelly started introducing me, "Charlie this is Glenda, this is........" I'd stopped listening to her, I was mesmerized by this godly creature standing in front of me, giving me the broadest grin, showing of his pearly white teeth. It was only when he stretched out his hand to shake mine, that I realised I was still clutching onto the drinks, I quickly put them down on the table wiped my hands across my butt and reached over to shake his hand.

"Hi there, the name is Westley, you get over your stage fright all right?" he roared.

I must have turned crimson, it felt as if my face was on fire, I wanted to crawl under the table. "Hi......, Charlie....., yes I did eventually thank you!"

At least now I could take a better look at him, he was about my height, brown hair, brown eyes, about 85kg, athletic build. His face was already well tanned, which only accentuated his stunning good looks, his skin looked soft and smooth, begging to be touched, his lips looked like they were just made for kissing, which is exactly what I wanted to do to them. I had already seen the smoothness of his shaved body and cock, which only made my yearning to touch him more intense.

"Are you listening to me!" Kelly yelled in my ear as she tugged on my shirt sleeve trying to attract my attention again. "OH, I guess you've already met Westley!"

Westley held my arm to get my attention back, "Do you want to dance, or have a game of pool first?" he asked indicating toward an open table on the other side of the room.

"A game sounds good. Only problem is I haven't got a clue how to play, I've never played before." I smiled across at him, raising my eyebrow in doubt.

"I'm sure you will be quick to learn what to do with the balls once you get into it!" he smirked, clear in his hint.

We walked over to the table, ignoring the girls as we walked away. He set up the balls, and gave me a quick run down on the object and rules of the game. "You break!" he said handing me one of the cues.

"Oh well, here goes." I sighed, lining up to take my shot. The balls splattered across the table, pure fluke as three of them dropped into separate pockets.

"OH YES!! Here we go, one times hustler coming up!" he bellowed out.

"FLUKE! I promise!" embarrassed that I had done that. Typical beginners luck, I kicked his ass big time the first time, but the victory was short lived as he proceeded to kick my ass the rest of the games we played. We eventually took a break and danced a while, I hadn't noticed the time, but it was already 3am in the morning, I looked around, and noticed that Kelly and Linda had left. "Those shits, they've left me behind, how the fuck am I supposed to get home, I'm not even sure how to get there?" I asked myself out loud.

I hadn't realised that Westley was standing behind me, "I'll give you a lift if you want, I know how to get there, I've been there before." He offered.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver." On the drive home, we started enquiring more about each other.

"Are you here for the holidays?" he asked first.

"No, I've just moved here as from yesterday. Where about do you live?" thinking that he stayed in the area.

"Well I'm staying with my cousin Glenda in Morningside while I'm on holiday, but I live in Cape Town."

"Oh, you from out of town then, I thought you lived here!" the disappointment in my voice obvious. "How much longer you going to be in town then?"

"I've still got another 2 weeks before I go back. I hope we can see each other again before I leave, I've really enjoyed the evening."

"You must be joking right?" I smiled, "I'll attach myself to your hip if you want!" being very forward with my answer, not expecting anything more than a laugh from him.

"Well actually, I can think of a few better body parts to be attached to, if you are interested in finding out!!"

"Oooh!, Just tell me when, I'll be there!"

"How about right now then? I know a little spot we can go to!"

"Well, you are driving, lead the way!"

He flipped on the indicators and made a right turn, after a few more turns, we were on what seemed like a highway, he took an off ramp and made a few more turns, by this time I was totally lost. If he had decided to dump me out of the car, I wouldn't have a clue as to how to get back home. We drove into a small alley leading into a clearing amongst the trees. "Here we go, nice and quiet." He said, pulling over and turning off the ignition. The car was barely off when I felt his hand reach across and rest on my cock.

"What have we got here then?" he said as he continued to massage my cock through my denim. It wasn't long before my cock had swollen, and being slightly bent against my leg, was very uncomfortable. "Feels like it needs to get out a little, slightly cramped in there wouldn't you say."

"And how!"

We both fumbled with my pants, trying to unbuckle the belt and pull down the zipper, while I lifted my butt up off the car seat pushing down my trousers and underpants, he eased my cock out of it's confines and guided it into his warm, wet mouth. The shock of pleasure having his lips enclosing the throbbing head and his tongue dancing across the tip, licking off the precum that was oozing forth, was almost enough to send me over the edge.

I placed my hands on the back of his head, holding onto it preventing him from bobbing up and down, "Hold on a sec, you're going to make me cum."

He lifted up off me. "Get out of the car, come with me." without waiting for me to ask him why, his door was open and he was outside, closing the door behind him. Pulling my pants back up, I opened my door and climbed out. He took my hand and ran off toward the beach. He ran along a path carved between the overhanging shrubbery which covered the dunes, the path opened into a clearing where he stopped and turned around catching me in his arms as I ran into him, not expecting his abrupt stop. He warped his arms around my waist and leaned forward kissing my lips. My arms draped over his shoulders and my fingers brushed through his hair as we passionately kissed each other, our tongues frantically exploring each others mouths. His hands moved around my waist and once again undid the button on my denims, which was all I had done up to secure them on my hips. As he stroked my cock through my underpants, I began to feel the blood course through it once again as it filled within my underpants. We continued to kiss as I undid the buttons of his shirt, my hands rubbing over the smooth skin, my thumbs identified his nipples and between thumb and forefinger, I pinched and rolled them between the two fingers, his groans indicated his pleasure at the attention they received. He continued to massage my cock through my underpants, cupping my balls in the palm and gently squeezing them and rolling them against each other.

I unbuckled his belt, and loosened his trousers, my fingers crept in under the elastic waistband of his underpants, brushing across the tip of his cock and through the wet stickiness of his oozing precum. I eased the band over and down to midway on his thighs. I broke the kiss and kissed a trail down his chest. My fingers wrapped around the shaft of his dripping cock and jerked him off slowly rubbing my thumb across the tip, spreading the sticky juice over the head. In the dark it was a question of feel your way around, my mouth and his cock homed in on each other. Directing his cock into my mouth I wrapped my lips around the head and gently sucked on it, lapping up the taste of the precum that was spread across the head with my tongue. "Uuuungh." He groaned as I increased the suction and took him further into my mouth.

He pushed down on my shoulders, pushing me down and back till I was lying on my back. He removed his trousers and underpants completely and re-aligned himself, moving into a 69 position with his knees straddled over my head, I sucked his cock back into my mouth as he took mine into his. I moved my head up and down the shaft several times before I released him, licking the underside of the shaft, I reached his balls and sucked each one in turn into my mouth, rolling them around over my tongue. I released them and continued to lick a trail behind his balls and into the crack of his ass, pushing his butt forward and down I licked a trail until my tongue found his rosy portal. I breathed in his manly, musky smell through my nostrils, my tongue explored his love hole pressing against it to gain it's entry. The saliva drooling from my mouth made it's entry easy, I pressed harder until it could go no further, licking his channel and depositing my spit around his hole I could feel the muscles of his butt and hole begin to relax.

"Have you got any condoms?" he asked, turning around back towards me.

"Yes, there are some in my jeans pocket." I replied.

My pants hadn't been pulled off completely, and were still bunched around my ankles. He fumbled for my pocket until he found what he was looking for, I hear the packaging rip and rustle in the quiet of the dark. He took hold of my cock and rolled it over the head and down the shaft. He leaned down and took me into his mouth again depositing as much spit along the shaft as he could. He straddled me and sat down, directing my cock towards it's destination. I felt it pressing against his entrance, as he sat the pressure increased slightly before it finally popped through. "UUUUUNNGH!!!!!" we both moaned as I pressed through his sphincter. He lowered himself further until I was completely buried into him. he rested for a while, grinding his butt in circular motions on my pelvis.

Placing his hands either side of my head for support, he leaned forward and kissed me as he started his up and down motions along the length of my shaft. Reaching the top to the point when I almost slipped out, before he would begin his downward descent, tightening the muscles of his ass around the shaft. His ass was so tight, I could feel my balls begin to boil with their urgency to release their load, reactively, I began to lift my pelvis and pump into him as he lowered. We fell into a rhythm, and it wasn't long before I felt my cum begin it's exit through the tubes of my balls and cock. The pace picked up to a frantic slamming of pelvis on butt, Etna couldn't hold a torch to the eruption of my orgasm into the condom that protected us from each other. Wave after wave of hot juices emptied from my cock as I rammed as deep into him as it could possibly go.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" our yells of ecstasy filled the night air, he collapsed onto my chest and I could feel the wetness on my stomach and chest as it squished between us, and I realised that he too had cum. We lay there for several minutes until our heavy breathing regained it's normal flow. He turned his head and buried it into my neck, frantically kissing me.

"OH Fuck that was incredible!" he grunted into my ear. My cock began to go limp still buried into him. It was only after the ecstasy of the moment subsided that I felt the lump pressing into my back, the weight of his body on mine making me decidedly uncomfortable.

"Ouch! Wait, you're heavy, and there's something pressing into my back, I need to move."

"Pitty, I was comfortable in this position." He chuckled as he squeezed my cock with his ass muscles, causing it to slip out.

"Except for the lump, so was I." I chuckled back.

We dressed, and left, heading for home.

"When can I see you again?" he asked as I exited the car.

"You've got my number, give me a call in the morning and we can see what we can arrange!" I answered, leaving the decision in his hands, I climbed back into the car and took one final kiss before I shut the door and headed into the flat.

******************************** X X **********************************

That's it for now again, Chapter 3 should be ready soon, till then, be safe!

Love fabler

Next: Chapter 11: Off the Rails 3

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