Double Trouble

By Rodney Hartfield

Published on Jun 14, 2020


Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction and contains explicit sexual acts between men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, if you are under age, or if such topics offend you, please leave this site. As with all fiction, there are elements of truth. However, any resemblance to actual people or places are unintentional. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Copyright 2020, J Rodney Hartfield, all rights reserved. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading it. Maybe ever wank off while reading it. Just, please do not copy without permission of the author.

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Double Trouble. Chapter 5

Kidnapped. Drugged. Stripped. Sexually molested. Was I really ready to do this to my best friend? Yeah, he had asked for it. Yeah, it was his fantasy. Yeah, it was consensual. But...?

We were parked in the driveway of an unfinished house up the hill from the one Zack and Tameel were working on. Kyle had borrowed the pickup from a friend. We didn't want Zack to suspect we had anything to do with the coming events.

Tameel drove by and nodded, a big smile on his face. Everything was set in motion.

My stomach churned. I was as nervous as if all this was about to happen to me. I looked over at Kyle. He was smiling and fidgeting like a kid waiting for his first pony ride. After all, he had planned this night down to the finest detail.

I shook my head. "You really are one perverted little mother fucker, aren't you," I said.

His eyes lit up. "You know it. Exciting, isn't it."

I just shook my head again. But, my hard dick in my tight jeans told the real story. The bulge didn't go unnoticed. He reached over and gave it a hard squeeze.

Two large men dressed in black got out of the car parked behind Zack's 150. One slipped into the shadows while the other sauntered up to the front door of the construction site as Zack locked the door behind him.

"Who are these guys, again?" I asked.

"Brothers. Damen and Daryl. Redneck friends of Tameel. According to him, always ready for a good time."

"Shit. I don't know about this. The last thing I want is for Zack to get hurt."

He squeezed my cock again. "Don't worry. Tameel will take care of him."

"Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of," I said sarcastically.

"No. He'll take care of him. No way he'll let anything happen that Zack wouldn't agree to." His fingers drummed on the steering wheel. "I'm not sure what happened between the two of you the weekend of the fishing trip. He's different, somehow."

"Oh?" I asked, eyes open wide in question.

Kyle grabbed his crotch and humped his palm. "Oh. Don't get me wrong. He still fucks rough and hard like a stallion, or maybe a bull. But, somehow it's he almost cares." He shrugged. "Kinda weird...but kind of nice at the same time."

"Hmm." I pointed down the street. "Shit. They're taking him!"

The scene unfolding before us was like something out of a B-grade movie. While the one guy in black was asking Zack about something on a sheet of paper, the other one came up behind him. He grabbed Zack around the throat with one arm, while he held a cloth over his mouth and nose with the other hand.

Within seconds, Zack's knees buckled. The two men in black picked him up between them and carried him to their car.

Kyle chuckled. "That didn't take long."

"Fuck." I bit my lower lip. "I hope he's OK."

"Stop worrying. He'll be fine. Damon's a doctor...of some kind." Kyle started the engine and took off up the road. "Phase one...check. Now on to the real show."

The old barn down a deserted quarter-mile lane had been converted into an event center. Tonight, the event was a make-shift fuck party. And Zack was the center of attention.

Sam met us at the door. Kyle headed in to make sure all was ready as I surveyed the room. Although the main area was quite large, we would only be using the center portion. It was not like there would be a large party. Eight, counting Zack.

The concrete floor was swept clean. Two ten by ten wooden pillars held up the center of the roof, about six feet apart. Leather restraints hung from each. To one side was a doctor's examination couch, complete with stirrups.

Sam and Tommy had stripped and were airing up a queen-sized mattress. Tameel, in nothing but a dirty pair of boxers was arranging all kinds of sex toys on a rolling cart, including several sizes of dildos and butt plugs, a leather flogger, and tit clamps.

Tameel looked up from what he was doing. "Hey, man. Welcome to the party." He came over and gave me a big hug, then surprised me with a sloppy, tongue-thrusting kiss. It took me by surprise, but my hard cock welcomed his. What the hell. I pulled him to me and returned the kiss, our tongues dueling.

"Fuck, guys. Save it for later," Kyle said, as he put a bowl heaped with condoms and a huge bottle of lube on the cart. He nodded toward a cooler. "Rod. Get those clothes off, grab a beer and then everybody gather around."

When he had our attention, he went over the agenda and the "rules".

"In a few minutes, Damen and Daryl will deliver the guest of honor. Tonight, it's all about Zack...his pleasure and..." He shrugged, which didn't do my fears any good.

Kyle continued. "He'll be naked, except for a blindfold. He may or may not be conscious when they get here, but the drugs will wear off quickly. We certainly want him to remember his fantasy." We all laughed at that.

"He'll start out-stretched and cuffed to the center posts, hooded and blindfolded." He turned to Tameel. "Speaking of hooded, ya got those boxers ready?"

Tameel pulled his boxers down, stepped out of them, then held them to his nose. "Hoo-ee. Damn they're rank. I've worn them all week. Worked in them. Slept in them. Sweat in them. Pissed in them. Even cum a couple of times, for good measure."

The stench made us all turn our heads. Kyle took them, holding them by his thumb and forefinger. "Damn. These would gag a maggot." He stuck two fingers through the fly. "You'll need to stick your dick through the fly if and when you want to use his mouth."

He tossed them aside and continued. "Damon and Daryl will kind of lead the way at first. Daryl is supposed to be really good with a flogger. Damon likes dildoes and such."

He looked at his watch. "They should be here pretty soon. A couple of things. Number one, no talking. We don't want him to have any idea who's doing any of this. Number two, remember that we are edging him for at least the first half hour or so." He giggled. "After that, we're gonna drain his balls until they are gonna ache for a week. Oh, and by all means, do whatever turns you on. Have fun."

The sound of a car door brought us to attention. We scattered to the dark recesses of the room. Tameel put his arm around my shoulder. "You gonna be OK?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. I just hope he'll be OK."

He chuckled. "He'll be fine. He'll enjoy it...after the fact. Definitely, it will be a fantasy and a night he won't soon forget."

I didn't have a chance to comment, as the door was flung open and the two men in black dragged a limp, naked Zack to the middle of the room and cuffed his wrists and ankles. Limp, that is, except for his cock, which was standing at full attention.

Tameel chuckled, then whispered. "Not sure what they put in their elixir besides a double dose of Viagra. They used it on me once. I had a hard-on for a week."

Damon put a bottle under Zack's nose. He stirred awake.

Zack shook his head, as if to clear the cobwebs from his mind. He pulled against his restraints. "What the fuck? What's going on? Where am I?"

Daryl laughed an evil laugh. He slapped Zack's stiff cock to the right, then the left. "Welcome to your fantasy."

"Oh, fuck," Zack moaned.

Daryl laughed again. "Oh, yeah, buddy. You're fucked."

Damon leaned in. "A safe word?"


"A safe word. Give me your safe word."

Zack thought for a minute. "Red."

Damon nodded. "Red it is." He hesitated, then asked, "And a `go ahead' word?"

"Green," Zack answered.

Damon lifted the blindfold off long enough for Daryl to slip Tameel's rancid boxers over Zack's head. Zack sputtered and coughed. They adjusted the fly over his mouth, then replaced the blindfold. They nodded to us as if to say, "Let the game begin."

Kyle flipped a switch and the room came alive with light. I stepped in front of Zack. He truly was a beautiful specimen of Greek god. He had let the hair on his chest grow out. Dark curls shadowed his broad chest and hard pecs, then led the way over rocky abs to his trimmed pubes and shaved cock and balls.

I felt guilty that I didn't feel guilty, only excited and turned on. My hard cock was ready evidence of that. I kept reminding myself that this is what Zack wanted. And that there was a safe word if things went too far.

I brushed his nipples with the back of my fingers. He shivered against the touch, pulling against the restraints. I traced the valley between his pecs and over his navel with just the tips of my fingers. Kyle did the same down his spine. I touched the tip of his cock with my tongue. Kyle did the same to his pucker. He jolted and moaned.

Sam and Tommy took our place, retracing the same path, except Tommy lingered to suck his cock. Tameel slapped each pec, then applied a clip to each nipple. Zack screamed from the shock as much as the pain.

I traded places with Tommy, flicking Zack's taint, over his balls, and up the under side of his cock with the tip of my tongue. I circled his bulbous nob and popped it between my lips, just as Daryl flicked his ass with the flogger. Thwap.

Zack yelled in surprise. His jolting reaction drove his cock down my throat. I gagged and sputtered, to the rest of the guy's muffled glee. Zack's yell changed to a moan. Daryl and I set up a rhythm. Thwap, suck, moan. Thwap, suck, moan.

I nibbled and sucked his nob while Tameel tormented his tits. Damon greased up his hole and began to tease it with one of the smaller dildoes. The rubber toy slipped in. I deep-throated him. I could tell the shaft had hit his g-spot. His cock lurched and expanded in my throat.

"I'm gonna cum," he exclaimed.

"No you're not," I thought, as I pulled off and grabbed his cock, hard. Damon yanked the dildo free. We waited until the urge had passed.

Over and over we took turns working his cock and tits and balls. The ends of the leather strips teased and stung his ass and back and chest and thighs with their pain/pleasure. Each time he would come close, all activity would cease, only to begin again with a new and larger dildo.

Zack whimpered, "Please let me cum," his throbbing cock humping the air. "Oh, please let me cum."

His pleas were ignored.

Over and over we teased him, taking him to the edge, but always stopping just in time.

I wanted to hug him, to console him. I knew I couldn't.

Finally, we backed off. He hung there, exhausted, dripping with sweat. "Are you OK?" Damon asked.

He hesitated, then nodded. "Green," he replied.

Damon smiled at us and shrugged. Tameel wrapped his thick arms around Zack's glistening chest, lifting him up. We loosened the restrains and carried him to the exam couch. Damon and Daryl deftly strapped his arms to the sides and his legs to the stirrups.

He lay there, stretched out on his back, his chest heaving in anticipation of what was coming next, his legs pulled wide, his ass open to the world, and his throbbing cock reaching for the ceiling.

Again, he shivered as my fingertips caressed his torso.

Tommy and Sam dribbled oil over his body. Seven pairs of hands massaged it in from neck to toe. He moaned as the warming ointment resynthesized the tender spots left by the thongs of the flogger.

Kyle jumped onto the table. His thick muscular thighs straddled Zack's chest. He was the first to open the crusty fly of Tameel's rank briefs. Zack gasped for fresh air. Kyle slapped his hard cock on Zack's lips which opened like a young bird begging for a worm. Kyle fed him his snake.

I could resist his beautiful engorged cock no longer. I grabbed his balls with my left hand, the base of his cock with my right, and devoured his succulent rod. Tameel winked at me as he knelt between Zack's parted legs and spread open his ass cheeks. I nodded and winked back, my mouth and throat full of cock.

Zack moaned as Tameel dove between his cheeks, licking and chewing that tender pucker. He groaned as one, two, and finally three fat fingers entered his hole, stretched and slimy from the multiple dildoes. He bucked as those fingers massaged his prostate and a thumb dug into the base of his cock.

Zack whimpered. "Please let me cum."

We looked to Damon for approval. He nodded. Tameel continued to fuck Zack's hole and prostate with three fingers, while I worked his balls with my hand and his begging cock with my throat and mouth. He screamed around Kyle's cock. With a heaving thrust, he unloaded spurt after pent-up spurt of spunk down my throat. I savored the taste and sucked him dry.

After that, we set up a cock fucking his throat, one mouth on his ever-hard cock (thanks to the Viagra potion), and one cock using his ass. Soon, he was begging us to stop, his aching balls and tender cock continuing to orgasm.

Again, his pleas were ignored.

Tommy went first. I knew from experience of his talents. He truly was a first-class cock sucker, and his excellent rim jobs easily made up for his smaller five-inch cock. The first fuck of the night.

Sam followed quickly. He could be gentle, but not tonight. He slammed into Zack's quivering pucker full tilt with no hesitation or apologies.

Kyle went next with long, slow full thrusts, pulling out until just his head remained incased, then driving balls deep. Zack moaned in pain/pleasure with each thrust.

I did my best to make love to his hole. I teased it with my head, then breached his sphincter over and over before sliding past his prostate.

Damon's tool was long and slender. He had to work at it to get the full length in. Once the inner muscles had been breached, he went full bore, his nuts slapping Zack's ass with each thrust.

Daryl's fat cock was a sight to behold. What he lacked in length to his brother, he definitely made up for in width. Zack gasped as the monster forced its way inside his portal, stretched beyond anything it had seen so far.

Lastly, Tameel stepped up to the plate. He teased Sack's sore, puffy pucker with his massive nob. I had my dick at Zack's lips. Kyle hovered over his red and swollen cock. We smiled and nodded to each other, then went to work, entering inch by inch, pulling out, then going a bit deeper each time.

Then, on cue, we pulled off. He moaned. We all knew that empty, unfulfilled yearning. He took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. "No," he softly mumbled. "How can I want more?" He got louder as he continued. "How can I want more? But...please. Don't stop. Fuck me. Please fuck me. Green. Green! Please fuck me. Fuck me. FUCK ME!

Together Tameel and I went balls deep, spit roasting him while Kyle deep-throated his cock. Thrust after deep thrust. His body shuddered. His groin clenched. With a shout, one last volume erupted from his aching balls, even yet shooting spunk over his abs.

We backed away to give him a moment of rest before the finale.

Kyle lay back on the mattress. Sam worked his cock to ensure he was good and hard. I leaned against one of the pillars. Tommy went to his knees to service my cock.

Zack groaned as Daryl and Damon freed him from his restraints. "No more," he moaned. "I don't think I can take any more."

"One more surprise?" Damon asked.

He sighed. "One more? Ok. One more. Go for Green." He sighed again. "One more."

"That's a good boi." They helped him stand. Then, slowly they lowered him onto Kyles throbbing cock. After the beating that it had taken, his ass gave little resistance. They helped him fuck himself on Kyle's rod. Up, down. Up, down.

With help, they sat him in Kyle's lap in a cowboy position, leaning him forward, partially on his knees. I got behind him and forced lube around Kyle's rod and spread him open with the middle fingers of both hands.

Suddenly, Zack realized what was coming. "No. Shit no. Not two. Not a double. Fuck!" He cried.

I lubed up my dick and placed it at his entrance above Kyle. "Green?" Damon asked.

Through gritted teeth, Zack whispered, "Green."

Kyle pulled part way out and together we forced our way in.

"Shit! Fuck! So tight!" Zack cried.

"Shit! Fuck! So tight!" My brain screamed in my head. The incredible sensation of Kyle's hard rod beneath mine. The iron grasp of the white-hot walls of his ass. The rush of adrenalin, knowing we were both inside of him, was beyond description.

Kyle slid out as I thrust in. Then the reverse. Like well-oiled pistons in a fine-tuned crank shaft we worked his ass. Each thrust sent new sensations through all three of our bodies.

"So tight! So stretched! So full!" he moaned.

We began to thrust together as one huge, thick cock. He gasped. "Fuck!" But then he began to fuck himself, meeting us thrust for thrust. "Fuck! Fuck! FUUCCKK!"

I knew I couldn't last much longer. I pulled out. They lifted Zack from Kyle and stretched him out on his back.

Seven men stood around his prone body. Seven hands worked seven cocks. Seven cocks erupted, covering him literally from head to feet with spunk. Seven smiles all around.

Damon and Daryl helped Zack to his feet. On shaky legs, they took him out the door to the car.

I sat down on the end of the mattress, exhausted. Kyle came and sat beside me. "What do you think?" he asked.

I let out a huge sigh. "My mind's in over-drive. I don't know what to think."

Tameel stood over me. "You OK?

I shrugged. "I think so. Guess we'll find out when Zack gets home."

As tired as I was, I couldn't stop staring at Tameel's flaccid cock hanging between his legs in front of me. Zack's words rang in my ears. "How can I want more?" I mumbled.

"What did you just say?" asked Kyle.

I went to my knees. Louder this time I repeated those words. "How can I want more?"

I raised Tameel's thick, dark, heavy, magnificent specimen to my lips. It sprang to life as I sucked it between my lips. Within seconds, the stiff rod was entering my throat. I looked into Tameel's eyes. "I don't know how I can want more. But...fuck me?"

He smiled and shrugged. "Are you sure?"

Kyle handed me a condom. In answer to his question, I rolled the condom down the length of his pulsing tool. I laid back on the mattress and opened my legs. Kyle lubed my hole and Tameel's cock.

Tameel hovered over me, our gaze locked. I gasped but said nothing as he entered me. Slowly, carefully he inched his way in...grazing my prostate, reaching my depth, then working his way past my second sphincter.

"Fuck me." I whispered.

He eased out, then all the way back in. Out and in. Slowly picking up speed. I looked beside us. Kyle was between Tommy's legs, driving his cock home while sucking Sam's ever-ready cock.

Tameel picked up speed and depth and force. I met him thrust for thrust. I couldn't hold out any longer. With a yell, my cock erupted, spewing spunk over my abs. He lunged once more. I felt his cock expand even more, filling the rubber deep within me.

He collapsed on top of me. Once we had caught our breath, I rolled us over. I sat back on his groin, his deflating cock still deep within me. I looked down at him. "Thank you for tonight."

I grinned. "And...maybe this is not a good time, but..." I looked away then back into his eyes. "...But, I'd like to get to know you." I squeezed his softening cock still inside me. He gave me a puzzled look.

I chuckled. "No. I know your cock plenty well. I'd like to get to know You. Would you come to dinner sometime...not for sex...just for dinner?"

A tear formed in the corner of his eye and ran down his cheek. Self-conscientiously, he brushed it away with the back of his hand. He bit his lower lip, then nodded. "I'd like that."

I pulled off him, stood and helped him up. "Good." I pulled his face to mine and kissed him hard, then pushed away. "But right now, Kyle and I have got to get back to the house before Zack gets there."

I grabbed my clothes from Kyle as we headed for the door. "Shit. I hope he's happy...and not pissed as hell."

I hope you've enjoyed reading my story thus far. I should have chapter Six ready in a week or so. Kyle's Gang-bang fantasy coming next.

Until then, Stay Safe.

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Next: Chapter 6

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