Double Trouble

By Rodney Hartfield

Published on May 30, 2020


Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction and contains explicit sexual acts between men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, if you are under age, or if such topics offend you, please leave this site.

As with all fiction, there are elements of truth. However, any resemblance to actual people or places are unintentional. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Copyright 2020, J Rodney Hartfield, all rights reserved. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading it. Maybe ever wank off while reading it. Just, please do not copy without permission of the author.

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Double Trouble. Chapter 4

Tameel's cock hung mere inches above my lips, his meaty thighs straddling my head. To say it was huge might be an exaggeration. No...It was huge.

Visions of that thick anaconda snaking its way into Zack's hole flashed through my memory, his ass lips sucked in with each thrust and wrest with each withdrawal. Pink and puffy. Stretched and drawn.

Yes, I had finally opened my throat enough to manage its passage. But, what of my ass. Could my hole stretch enough to accommodate its length and breadth? It ached and throbbed in anticipation, even as my cock spewed juice at the thought.

Tameel's lips caressing my knob, his silky throat devouring my hard rod brought me back to the moment and the challenge at hand.

I pulled back his foreskin. My talented tongue circled its tight inner realm. The essence of his recent spunk, precum and piss remained, even after our shower. Normally, that smell and taste would be revolting to me. But now, it was like nectar to a hummingbird.

His moans vibrated my shaft deep in his throat as I pulled and massaged and manhandled his nuts. I slathered his nine-inch rod with spit and began the challenge of sucking it passed my lips and tongue and down my throat.

Finally, my throat relaxed enough to let it pass, his balls and pubes smothering me. Slowly, he began to fuck my face and throat, growing in intensity and thrust. I fought the urge to gag. Instead, I concentrated on licking and sucking that marvelous tool with each pull and thrust.

But neither of us wanted it to end there. I pushed him off me. He looked up at me. I laced my fingers behind my head and worked my pecs and biceps. I spread my legs wide, baring my ass to his gaze.

I grinned. "OK, big boi. Let's see what you've learned."

He needed no other invitation. In one grand motion he flipped around and landed on me like a bull moose on a horny cow. Before I could catch my breath, he was giving me mouth to mouth, forcing his tongue down my throat where his cock had just been.

He squeezed each of my his pelvis ground into mine. He stared down at me, almost wild-eyed. "Are you sure you're ready for this," he growled, as he dug his engorged cock between my legs.

I snarled back. "I guess we'll see."

He laughed, then nipped his way down my throat with his teeth bared. He bit each engorged, sensitive nipple.

"Fuck, man. Take it easy with the tits."

"Ah. Tender, are they?" He kissed each one, then bit them again.

I couldn't help myself. My tits are my weakness. I moaned and involuntarily flexed my pecs for more.

"Oh. You like that, do you?" He bit them again, then gave them a twist. "I'll remember that."

Shit. What had I gotten myself into? Was this going to be "rape and plunder" in the first degree. The common sense side of my brain was screaming, "Run like hell." But the other side was shivering in anticipation and wonder of what was going to happen next.

He licked down my abs past my cock to my balls, sucking them both into his mouth. He tore at them like a dog after a rag toy. It felt like he was trying to swallow them whole.

"Shit, man. Don't eat my fucking nuts. Just because you like your nuts mauled, not everybody else does."

He spit them out with a pop. "Pussy," he snarled.

He licked up the underside of my shaft. In one motion, he swallowed it until his nose nestled in my pubes. All the while one hand squeezed and pulled my balls while the other began to finger my hole.

He slid off the end of the bed, pulling me with him, until my ass was at the edge. He lifted my legs, then spit into his hand and worked it into my hole. I tossed him a condom and tube of lube.

He looked at my ass, then up at me. I could tell he was having second thoughts about diving into that valley of good and evil between my butt cheeks.

I nodded at him. "Come on, man. You've eaten pussy before, haven't you?"

"Yeah, but..."

"So, butt's no different. In fact, some of us think a good clean man-butt's better."

With that, he dove in, licking and sucking and biting and chewing like a kid going after grandma's fresh-baked cherry pie. I moaned and groaned in ecstasy, spreading my legs as far as I could to open my ass to him.

He popped the cap on the lube and drizzled a good amount over my balls and into my crack. "You better take a hit from that little brown bottle. You're gonna need it."

I didn't object. As the fumes hit my brain, his middle finger breached my outer muscle. "Shit. That thing's as big as some guy's dick."

He just laughed as he wormed his way into my hole. "Where's that special spot again...that "g" spot?"

"Fuck," I exclaimed as his finger grazed my prostate.

"Oh, yeah. There it is." He played with it with the tip of his finger. He pulled out, only to add a second and then a third finger, fucking my hole with them and driving my prostate wild. He drove them in and twisted them around in my inner space. He smiled a sadistic smile. "I'd add a fourth one, but I don't want you loosened up too much. I want the hole nice and tight."

"Shit, man. You keep that up and I'm gonna cum."

"Well, we can't have that. At least, not yet," he said as he yanked them out, leaving me gasping for air.

He jerked his head. "Turn over on your stomach and hug the bed."

I turned over with my chest and face buried in the sheets, my legs spread wide and my toes digging into the carpet.

He grabbed my dick and balls with his right hand and raised my butt higher as he pushed my chest and face further into the mattress. "Fuck, man. Get that ass up in the air."

I did as I was told, my ass wide open to the world.

I heard the condom packet tear. Shit. Here it comes.

He rubbed each cheek with his calloused hands.

Shit. Please, god, he's not gonna fuck me dry, is he?

His right hand rubbed that cheek again. "You tricked me into letting you fuck me." He said with a snarl. Slap! "Didn't you?" Slap! Just as hard on the left.

The surprise hit me as brutally as the strikes. My butt cheeks were instantly ablaze. I mumbled into the sheets. "But you loved it, didn't you?"

No answer. Only the caress of a rough hand on a burning cheek.

"You tricked me into letting you fuck me." Slap! "Didn't you?" Slap!

I raised my face out of the mattress. "But you loved it, didn't you?"

No answer. Only the caress of a rough hand on a bright hot cheek.

"You tricked me into letting you fuck me!" Slap! "Didn't you?" Slap!

I raised up and looked over my shoulder. "But you fucking loved it, didn't you!' He rubbed my sizzling cheeks. "That's beside the point," he mumbled.

He rubbed down my crack over my pucker. "Reach back and pull your cheeks apart."


"You heard me. Pull those cheeks apart. I want to see that pucker wink at me."

I leaned my head down into the sheets and reached behind me, spreading my cheeks.

Thwap! Shock waves flew from my ass to my brain.

"Shit!" I cried. "Not my hole and my taint."

"Ah, shut up and pull those cheeks apart. There's nothing better than a good, hot hole for a hard, hot rod."

Reluctantly I spread them again. He rubbed a calloused hand over my quivering ass.

Thwap! It felt like a dozen tiny bees had been set loose on my ass. It hurt like hell. But, fuck. My dick was rock hard and leaking like a sieve. "Fuucckk."

"Once more, for good measure."

I bit my lip but bared my ass once more.


My ass, my pucker, my taint were on fire. Yet, my cock was throbbing like my hole. Pre-cum was flowing as if I had had an orgasm. And the brain could not distinguish whether it was pain...or pleasure.

The lube felt like an ice flow over my fevered flesh. He worked it down my crack, first with his finger and then with his dick head. He pressed against my portal. "You tricked me, didn't you?" he whispered.

I tried to relax, waiting for the assault.

He pressed harder. My hole tried to open for him.

"And, yes, I loved it. And I learned a thing or two," He mumbled, almost to himself...almost an admission.

My hole began to stretch even more.

"Now, you better take a couple more drags off that little brown bottle. You're gonna need it."

I didn't wait to be told twice. I took a hit in each nostril.

He waited until the fumes hit my brain, then forced his way in past my sphincter.

"Oh, shit!" It felt like I had just been reamed by a small fist.

"You OK?" He almost sounded concerned.

"Yeah. Just give me a minute to adjust."

"Take another hit."

He pulled out with a pop. I gasped. He lubed up my hole anew, slipped in, pulled out and slipped in again. The pain, the sensations, the...pleasure...was beyond intense. The puddle on the sheet under my throbbing cock continued to spread. The beating my pucker had taken had brought the blood to the surface and set the nerve endings on fire. My brain was in over-drive, not able to distinguish between pain and pleasure.

He pulled out one last time. I cringed, dreading, yet anticipating the brutal thrust. Instead, he inched in until his cock head reached my prostate.

"Oh, fuck." My ass and his cock played a stimulating game of tag, his thick rod massaging my g- spot with every thrust.

He pulled out and slapped me on each cheek. "Get up on the bed on all fours." He worked the room from the new position.

Even though by now he had opened me up, it still felt like a log, or at least a ball bat, was ramming my hole. "Jeez, man, you are so fucking big." He set a steady and out. In and out.


I met his thrust with one of my own and squeezed as hard as I could. "And...I'm lovin' it."

He flipped me on to my back and scrunched a pillow under my ass to raise it up. He pulled my ankles up on his broad, hairy shoulders and started driving his cock deep into me.

"Yes." Thrust. "Yes." Thrust. "Yes." Thrust. I grabbed his pecs and squeezed. "Wait!"

He froze deep inside me. "What?"

I grabbed the base of his cock. I worked to catch my breath. "There's one...last...sin...of a big dick."

He raised up off me into a full push-up pose. Looking down at me, he snarled, "And that would be?"

I clamped my fingers around his base. "It's a sin to waste that last couple of inches."

He rolled his head back in laughter, then shook his head as he looked back down at me. "Most guys can't take it all."

I smiled back. "But, I'm not most guys. Find the back door." He smiled. I knew he knew what I was talking about. He began to work the back of the room. "Oh, fuck. There. Don't try to force it. Just knock, and the door will open."

He began to nudge the portal to my colon. Together, we worked to open it up. Suddenly, his bulbous head broke through that second sphincter. I gasped. The surge to my cock, my prostate, my entire being was far beyond intense. I fought with all my might to keep from cumming.

It was his turn to moan and gasp. "Holy fuck! That is so fucking tight. It feels like my cock is in a silk vise." He slipped in until he was balls deep. Slowly he worked it until it was loosened up.

I slapped each of his pecs. "Now," I snarled. "Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck me deep. Just...Fuck...Me!"

He dropped one of my legs and raised the other so that I was split open, then started truly fucking me. Short stabs. Long thrusts. Pulling out completely and long dicking me. Finally, he bent me double with my knees up at my head and went into a push-up position. Sweat was dripping from his chin. He ground his sweaty chest into mine. He kissed me deeply, then began driving into me, pounding his groin into mine, his balls slapping my ass.

With each ramming thrust, he drove the breath from my lungs. "Yes! Yes! Fuck! Yes!" I couldn't hold it any longer. "Fuck. I gonna cum." Spurt after spurt shot over my chest and into the forest of his soaked chest hair.

That was all it took for Tameel. With two more thrusts, he yelled as he filled the rubber deep inside me. Exhausted, he collapsed on top of me, our sweaty, cum-soaked bodies melding together.

Finally, I rolled his hulking body off me so that I could catch my breath. I kissed him. "Do you want to take another shower...before you get dressed?"

He smiled and winked, realizing he would not be spending the night. "Nah." He rubbed my cum into his chest hair, then licked his fingers. "I'll take this home with me to remind me of this night."

I walked him to the door, got in the shower, and crumpled into an exhausted heap with the hot water washing over me. I laughed to myself, even as I massaged my sore, aching hole.

The warmth of the late afternoon sun felt great on my naked body. I stretched out over the length of the chaise lounge and fingered my sore hole. I couldn't believe it felt normal. I was sure I would be left with a gaping hole after Tameel's on-slaught.

I heard Zack and Kyle clamoring through the house, then whispering at the back door. I played like I was sound asleep. They pounced and laughed like a couple of school boys...except Zack put me into a hard lip-lock and Kyle giggled as he swallowed my cock.

As soon as I could come up for air, I laughed. "I'm assuming the fishing trip was a bust, if the two of you are this horny."

Zack shrugged. "Fishing was good. We brought back plenty of nice bass to fry up for dinner."

Kyle pulled off my cock and sneered, "But the sex sucked. A family with three kids set up camp right next to us." He nodded at Zack. "And Zacky boi was afraid we'd make too much noise."

I pushed them off. "Ok, ok. We'll take care of your "horns" later."

They each grabbed a chair. "What about you?" Zack asked. "Did you get your project done?"

I know I looked sheepish as hell. I bit my thumb. "Yeah, I got my project done...I invited Tameel over for dinner."

They both sat up and in unison exclaimed, "What!" "Tameel?"

"Did he fuck you?"

I shrugged.

Did you fuck him?!?"

I shrugged.

"Man, you've got some explaining to do," Kyle said. "And a story to tell," added Zack.

I put up my hands to quiet them. "OK, OK. Go start frying fish. I'll get some wood for the firepit for tonight. Over dinner, I'll tell you what happened." I mumbled to myself, "With a few edits, here and there. Some things are better left unsaid."

After gorging on fried fish and chips...and many, many questions...we sat staring into the fire, passing the proverbial bottle of whiskey. I added another log and we watched the sparks shower into the cool fall air. "Thanks for dinner. The fish was mighty good." I chuckled. "Even if the sex wasn't."

"Says the man who fucked the giant," taunted Kyle.

We all laughed, then drifted back to our own thoughts.

Kyle took a swig from the bottle and passed it to Zack. The fire popped, sending sparks into the air. A flock of geese honked their way across the evening sky.

Zack sighed and said what we all three were thinking. "This summer's been great." He smiled at me. "The best of my life." His tone turned melancholy. "But fall will soon give way to winter. I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

Suddenly Kyle perked up and broke the mood. "Truth or dare?" He asked.

I raised my hands and looked up at the sky. "Like we could dare any of us to do anything we haven't already done."

"Ok. Then just truth. Question. What's a unrequited sexual fantasy...that you've never shared with anyone before?" He nodded at Zack. "You've got the bottle. You go first."

Zack stared into the fire for a moment, then took a drink. "OK. Don't laugh. I've always wondered what it would be like to be kidnapped...You know grabbed from behind and blindfolded and taken somewhere. Strapped to a cross or fuck bench and fucked. I guess you could call it consensual rape. You know...not knowing who they were or where they had taken me."

I shrugged. "That's not a bad fantasy." Kyle giggled. "Sounds like fun to me."

Zack passed the bottle to me. I got up and passed it on over to Kyle.

"Wait a minute," he said. "You're up next."

I laughed. "I've got to get another log. You go ahead."

"Fucker." He replied. "OK, here goes. A gangbang. A good, old-fashioned, dick-swapping gangbang. You know, I've been at parties with three or four or five, but never more than that."

I dropped the firewood and grabbed the bottle. "And my fantasy is to be part of that gangbang."

We all laughed. Kyle just shook his head. "You fucker."

I turned to Zack. "And now...since the sex part of your fishing trip was a bust, Zack, I dare you to fuck Kyle's ass while I watch."

"Well. If it's a dare, I can't pass that up." He jumped up and grabbed Kyle, bending him over the chaise with his ass in the air. He stripped out of his own shorts and then pulled Kyle's down. He then buried his face in Kyles crack.

I grabbed a couple of condoms and lube off the side table and tossed one of each to him. Then, I straddled the chaise with my cock in Kyle's face. He licked over my balls and up my shaft before devouring it.

"Jeez, man. You've got the sweetest, smoothest mouth," I said.

He pulled off and ran his tongue over my head and piss slit. "And, you've got the sweetest pre- cum of any guy I've ever sucked."

He was about to go down on me again, when Zack slammed into him, forcing my stiff rod down his throat. Soon, Zack and I had a good rhythm going, fucking Kyle from both ends.

Finally, I pulled out of Kyle's throat and went around behind Zack. I rolled on a condom and lubed my rod and his ass. I matched his rhythm and added the weight of my thrusts to his. Damn, I loved this scene of the three of us in a tandem fuck.

I knew this couldn't last much longer, when Zack exclaimed, "I'm about to shoot." We both pulled out together and Kyle rolled over on his back. With two jerks, he shot a wad of cum over his abs and chest. I went next, coating his chest and throat and face. Zack did a great job of covering his face.

Then Zack and I scooped up a mouthful of spunk from Kyle's torso and shared a passionate three-way kiss of creamy dessert.

After a shower and Kyle had headed home, I joined Zack in bed. I was about to turn out the light but could tell something was eating at him. For such a big hulking guy, he was such a little boy at heart. "OK, big guy. What's the problem?"

"Is it that obvious?"

I laughed. "Like an open book."

He sighed. "It's Tameel. He's fucking huge. There's no way I can compete with that big dong of his."

I almost cried. Without a word, I kissed my way down his body and sucked his cock until it was rock hard. I got a condom and rolled it on his pulsing shaft, lubed it and my hole, and impaled myself on it. I leaned forward and kissed him. "There is no competition," I whispered." You are the only one I want or need."

I proceeded to fuck myself on his tool. It felt so fucking good. Like a fine leather glove on a cold winter's night. I rolled over on my back. "Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck me long. Just fuck me," I whispered.

And he did...long and hard

After we had both cum once more, he got up to pee. My phone dinged. It was Kyle, with a simple, short text. "Idea for Zack's fantasy. Call me in the morning."

Zack came back to bed and snuggled into me and turned off the light. Soon, he was softly snoring.

I pulled him even tighter to me. "Welcome home," I whispered.

I gazed into the dark, considering Kyle's text. "Idea for Zack's fantasy." Hmm. Interesting.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my story thus far. I should have chapter five ready in a week or so. We'll see how our fantasies play out.

Until then, Stay Safe.

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Next: Chapter 5

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