Double Trouble

By Rodney Hartfield

Published on May 11, 2020


Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction and contains explicit sexual acts between men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, if you are under age, or if such topics offend you, please leave this site.

Copyright 2020, J Rodney Hartfield, all rights reserved. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading it. Maybe ever wank off while reading it. Just, please do not copy without permission of the author.

As with all fiction, there are elements of truth. However, any resemblance to actual people or places are unintentional. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Double Trouble – Chapter 3

After that weekend, Kyle became a regular part of our team. He and I would work out together at the gym a couple of times a week. I liked the way he would challenge me to do more than I thought I could. And the workouts came with perks. I'd suck his cock on Tuesdays and he'd suck mine on Thursdays after our workout.

The first time it happened, I felt super guilty. I confessed to Zack that night after I let him fuck me. He laughed until I thought he would cry. All he said was, "You can suck him all you want, as long as I get to fuck you afterward. That became our schedule, and everyone was happy.

Kyle's tiny studio apartment did well to accommodate him, so he spent most weekends at our house. We would still go to Pete's periodically, but only once did we bring anyone home. The sex was mediocre, at best. Sex with Zack just kept getting better, and Kyle added that much more spice to our sex life.

Then one night, when Zack got home from work, I knew something was wrong. He was all sheepish and wouldn't look me in the eye. Finally, about halfway through a way too quiet dinner, I kicked him in the crotch under the table. "OK, fucker. What's up?"

He played with his porkchop, then cut the bite-sized piece even smaller before he answered. He hung his head and looked up at me through those long, dark eyelashes. "I'm sorry, Rod. I fucked up."

Oh, shit. What's he done?

This time, I massaged his balls with my toes. "Hey, man. It's OK. Just spill it. It can't be that bad."

He took a drink of wine. "OK. You know the big guy that's started working with me on this last construction job."

"Yeah. The big black dude?"

"Yeah. Tameer. He's not really black. Arab or Egyptian or something. Definitely big."

"You've mentioned him. Always talking about all the women he's fucking and how much they like his big dick."

"That's the one, alright. Well, today he comes right out and asks me if I'm gay."


"So I told him yes."


"And he's a really nice guy...until he gets a hard-on. Then, he's a Dick."


"I ended up giving him a blowjob."


"And, He's fucking huge...and rough."

I nudged his balls with my toes to make him look at me. When he did, I just smiled and shrugged. "And?" I asked with a laugh.

He bit his lip. "And I had been telling him that I like to cook, and how good my spaghetti and meatballs are..." He hesitated, then blurted out, "And he's coming to dinner Saturday night."

I laughed as I worked my foot up the leg of his shorts until my toes reached his ball. "Fuck, man. You had me worried. I was afraid you had fucked some fifteen-year-old kid and gotten busted, or some shit.

"But, wait. Did you promise him a fuck along with the spaghetti? If so, I get sloppy seconds, thirds and fourths."

He came around the table, pushed my chair back, and straddled my lap. After a deep, tongue- thrusting kiss, he whispered, "You will always get firsts...and then maybe thirds, fourths, and fifths.

I fucked him right there on the kitchen floor.

Zack had not exaggerated about Tameer's size. I wouldn't say he was a giant, but well over six foot and built like a linebacker. Broad shoulders, a bit of a beer gut but not fat by any means, hands like hams, and at least size fifteen feet, with a really nice butt and a really, really nice bulge.

He was a nice enough guy. A little loud and more than a little domineering, but nice enough. Kyle was doing a great job of keeping him company while I helped Zack finish putting the last touches to the meal. I couldn't remember a time that Zack was more nervous.

I pulled him to me and gave him a kiss. "It'll be fine. Stop worrying." I gave his butt a quick squeeze. "And, remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"Yeah, I know," he said. "It's just that I have to work with the guy...after the other day and now after whatever happens tonight."

Dinner went well. Good conversation. Plenty of laughter and job-related stories. Sex was never mentioned.

As was our understanding between Zack and me, whoever cooked, the other one cleaned up. I finished loading the dishwasher and put the pots on the counter to dry.

The scene when I stepped through the door to the living room jolted me. Tameer's shorts and boxers were thrown to one side. He was sitting/laying back on the couch, with his legs spread wide. Kyle and Zack were both naked on their knees, faces buried in his crotch, slurping on his cock and balls.

"Damn, guys. Thanks for waiting for me."

Kyle motioned to me. "Come on over and join the party."

Now, I love cock. I love to suck cock. I love to fuck. I love to be fucked. I'm not usually aggressive and seldom domineering. However, there was something about Tameer and something about the scene before me that threw an Alpha switch in me.

I got Tameer's attention. I started to strip...but not in a slutty/I want you to fuck me strip. Rather, I sneered at him, trying for the `you want this, whether you want this or not' glare. The look in his eyes let me know I had made my point.

Once I was naked, I climbed on the couch and pulled his shirt over his head. Fucking massive, hairy chest with quarter sized nipples, with nips that stuck out begging to be sucked. So I did.

Kyle and Zack were still slobbering and slurping all over his balls and cock. So I licked my way up his neck and bit his ear. I swung my leg over his gut and straddled his torso. We went into a wild, tongue-dueling, throat stabbing kiss.

By that time, my cock was rock hard in anticipation. I stood up and waved it in front of him. He hesitated. I stopped him with the back of my hand, then slapped him on each cheek with my cock. "Open up, big boy."

He started to protest, but when he opened his mouth, I slipped in. Before long he was sucking like a pro. He gagged once when I hit the back of his throat but recovered and took me all the way to my balls.

But this was a battle of two Alphas, and we both knew it. In exchange for deep throating my cock, he spread my cheeks and started fingering my hole.

The four of us spent the next couple of hours in every conceivable combination. We slurped and sucked cocks and toes and fingers and tongues. In a circle suck, we changed cocks at the end of every Garth Brooks song. When I got to Tameer, I was truly amazed. He really was hung like a horse. I figured nine very thick inches. I pride myself on being able to deep throat any cock that comes my way. I couldn't quite take him. That pissed me off at myself

Then I watched Zack devour him all the way to his balls. I just shook my head and winked at him. "You really are one slutty cock sucker, aren't you?"

He pulled off long enough to reply. "Yeah. And you're just jealous."

Later in the evening, after several six-packs of beer and lots of playing, Kyle had his ass in the air with my tongue buried in it. I looked over beside us. Likewise, Zack had his ass in the air. Tameer spit in his hand and was working it over his shaft, then spit into Zack's crack.

I reached into the drawer of the lamp table. I tossed a condom and lube to him. "Cover that thing. We don't bareback here. And for god's sake open up his hole before you ram that log in."

He laughed a wicked laugh but rolled the condom on and worked a couple of his fat fingers into Zack's tight hole, while I did the same to my cock and Kyle's hole.

I shivered in anticipation. Part of me couldn't wait to see that thick, dark sausage disappear into Zack's quivering hole. Another part of me wanted to save my friend from the savage onslaught that was to come.

Zack took a hit from the bottle of poppers and passed it to Kyle. He looked at me. His eyes were filled with excitement and fear and anticipation and dread. I winked. He smiled, lowered his head and raised his ass.

Tameel nodded to me. I nodded back. Together, we pressed against their tight openings. Together, we breached that outer ring. Together, both Bottoms gasped.

Slowly, inch by inch, we worked our length into the grasping holes. I was mesmerized to watch Tameel's anaconda slowly disappear. Zack's hole was stretched wider than I had ever seen it. Fucking amazing to watch

I started to work Kyle's hole, thrusting past his prostate, pulling out and teasing his hole before thrusting back in.

Then I heard Zack scream. Tameel was long-dicking him with that monster, pulling all the way out and slamming back in. Time after time.

I started to pull out of Kyle, but he stopped me. Zack looked at me and shook his head. I was ashamed how fucking turned on I was, watching that thick monster pull Zack's ass lips out, only to be slammed back in. They were already bright pink and puffy, and we all knew Tameel was just getting started.

Out of frustration, I slapped Kyle hard on each butt cheek. I started pounding Kyle just like Tameel was Zack. Both bottoms were moaning and yelling while Tameel and I grunted and pounded.

I flipped Kyle onto his back, with his ankles on my shoulders. I began to work his prostate from that new position. Tameel stopped long enough to squirt more lube on his cock, then resumed the onslaught, driving the breath from Zack with each thrust.

I pushed Kyle's legs up to his chest and went into a pushup position, thrusting as deep and hard and fast as I could.

Zack was the first to shoot as Tameel buried his monster deep and groaned. I pulled out of Kyle, stripped off the condom, and we shot together over his abs and chest.

It didn't take long for Tameel to grab his clothes, thank us for the evening and head out. Kyle left close on his heels. There wasn't much doubt where he was going and what he was hoping would happen.

I helped Zack to the shower. "Are you OK? I asked.

"Yeah. Just gonna be a little sore tomorrow." He rubbed his swollen pucker. "He's just so fucking big."

"And fucking rough."

"Yeah. That too."

He looked at me sheepishly. "I'm not sure I'm up to sloppy thirds."

I laughed and kissed him. "Not a problem. I took my frustrations out on poor Kyle's ass."

We got into bed, naked as always, Zack's firm ass cheeks snuggled into my crotch. Shit. I really did want to fuck his ass, but there was no way I could ask him to do that after what he had been through.

Soon he was snoring softly. I'd swear I heard him moan, "You're so fucking big."

I lay there, staring into the dark. A plan began to form.

The three of us were supposed to go fishing the next weekend. I begged off, saying I needed to finish a big project.

As soon as Zack and Kyle we on the road, I gave Tameel a call.

"Hey. Y'all back here?"

"Yeah. Come on back. Gate's open."

My cock pulsed and my heart skipped a beat when I saw his hulking body come around the corner of the house. I had to wonder about my sanity and intentions. Could I pull this off? What was I thinking?'

"Oh, fuck you," I mumbled to myself. "Either you make it work, or you end up with a gaping hole and maybe a black eye."

I continued to turn the ribs on the grill and slather them with sauce. I nodded to the corner of the patio. "Beer's in the cooler. Grab one and have a seat. Ribs should be ready in about ten."

He popped open the beer and looked around as he sat down across the table from me. "Where's Z...and Kyle?"

I looked at the grill rather than at him. "They headed out yesterday for a fishing trip." I looked over at him and shrugged. "I thought it might just the two of us tonight."

"No shit?" He stood up and grabbed his crotch. "Right on, man," and headed my way.

Conceited Motherfucker.

I continued to work the ribs as he pushed his crotch into the crack of my butt. He was rank with the stench of working man's sweat. It fucking turned me on, no matter how I tried to ignore it.

I pushed him away. "Jeez, man you stink." Then I laughed. "Like a fucking construction worker."

He raised his arm and took a whiff, then came at me with the open, hairy armpit.

I pointed the tongs at him like a sword. "No way, man," I said with a grimace.

He backed off. "Sorry, man. I had to work today. Came straight from the job site. Can you believe it, having to work a concrete job in this heat?"

Damn, I wanted to bury my face in the smelly tangle of hair and lick that pit clean. But that wasn't in the plan for tonight. Instead, I pointed at the back door. "Wash up in the laundry room. Then get back out here. The ribs are just about ready."

We devoured a mountain of ribs, potato salad and cold slaw. And I made sure he had a fresh beer in hand. Conversation was easy. The more beer he drank, the more he talked. The more he talked, the more beer he drank. By the time we finished the pieces of cherry pie, he had gone through two six packs. I just hoped he was a mellow drunk, not a mean one.

After I cleared the table, I came back with a bottle of Jack and poured us each a shot. "To tonight, whatever it may bring."

He smiled a big smile. "Yeah. I'll definitely drink to that."

" much as I like my men to be manly, I gotta say, you stink. Let's go take a shower."

He shrugged and nodded.

I held the door open for him. As he climbed the steps in front of me, I commented, "Nice ass!"

He shrugged. "Thanks, man," and swaggered on up the steps.

I smiled to myself.

I was glad I had taken out the jacuzzi tub in the master bath and put in the double shower. He would have filled a normal shower by himself. We lathered up and spent a lot of time working our cocks. I finally went down on him. Jeez, he had one fine piece of meat.

I pushed back his foreskin and sucked that nice mushroom head between my lips. Damn, he tasted good. Just enough sweat and piss and precum. Delectable. Delightful.

He leaned back against the wall. "Yeah. Take that cock. You know you've wanted it since the other night. Suck that dude."

Yeah, I wanted to suck his cock. But that was not what this night was about. While I sucked his head, I lathered up his balls and ass as much as I dared. I wanted his ass as clean as possible for what I had planned for later.

When I entered the bedroom, he was already sprawled out on the bed, his hands behind his head, his semi hard cock lying on his balls. He had that look of, "OK, come and get it."

I took my time. Got a bottle of lube and opened a condom and laid them where I could reach them. I turned down the lights and crawled into a 69 position. I peeled back his foreskin and circled his corona with the tip of my tongue. I looked up. He was just staring down at me with a smug grin on his face.

OK, I thought. Let the fun begin. Let's see what happens.

I looked up at him and snarled. "Hey, Motherfucker. My cock needs serviced just as much as yours. Get at it."

"Hey, man. I don't suck..."

"The hell you don't. You sucked three cocks the other night. And you had that cock all the way down your throat." I swung my leg over his head, with my cock dangling over his face. He started to say something and I slipped it passed his lips. "And don't you dare graze me with your teeth."

I went back to polishing his head with my tongue and lips while I worked his balls. He moaned and began to suck. Soon, he had me down his throat and all the way to my balls.


I started to face fuck him, at the same time trying to work his monster down my throat. I couldn't concentrate on both, so I pulled out of his mouth and swung around between his legs.

Jeez. His balls were big like the rest of him. I licked each one, then up the length of his shaft. After the fourth trip, I looked up at him, staring down at me. I nodded to the bedside table. "Little brown bottle. Take a whiff."

He picked up the bottle. "Poppers are for Bottoms. I don't do poppers."

I squeezed his balls. Hard. "Take a whiff."

He hesitated. This was the turning point. Whichever way he went, this was the point of no return.

I waited, glaring up at him, one hand wrapped around his balls, the other around the base of his cock. I could see the dilemma in his eyes. Slowly he unscrewed the cap and took a snort in each nostril.

About the time the fumes hit his brain, I squeezed his balls and snarled, "Take another."

He looked down at me, more than a bit confused. I could tell, no one had ever taken him down this path before. I knew that look. I'd been there. There's a fine line between dominance and submission, just like there's a fine line between pain and pleasure.

I repeated myself, louder this time. "Take another hit."

He unscrewed the cap and took another drag.

I immediately went to work on his cock, knowing I had just won a major battle, but was far from winning the war. I wanted to keep him confused. To control him and the situation without him realizing it.

"Shit, man. This fucking thing is huge. No wonder you can't keep it in your pants." He just grinned.

I was determined to get that fucking log down my throat. I licked over his balls and slobbered up his shaft. Slowly, ever so slowly, I began to devour his rock-hard cock. I was getting close when I felt his hand pushing down on the top of my head.

I pulled off with a jerk and slapped his cock hard. "Sit back and enjoy the ride, Motherfucker," I demanded.

He lay back down. "OK. OK."

I started over. This time, that big head finally slipped past and down my throat. He moaned and I did all I could to keep from gagging.

After that, it was a piece of cake. I fucked his tool with my mouth and throat. I pulled and sucked and chewed his balls to ever louder moans and groans. Between groans, he mumbled, "Oh, fuck, yeah. Work those balls. Work `em hard. Chew on those mother-fuckers."

Good to know. I did just that. To the point that my balls hurt just thinking about what I was doing to him. Yet, he was lovin' it.

Slowly I worked my way down...past his balls to his taint...then back to his head. Each time I'd work a little lower. Finally I brushed his pucker.

"Hey, man. Watch the ass."

I mimicked him, "Hey, man. Watch the ass." I glared up at him. "I told you to lay back and enjoy the ride. Oh, and take a couple more hits from the little bottle." He opened the bottle and took a deep breath without hesitation.

Since I knew he liked his balls stretched and worked hard, I pulled them down as far as I dared. And I wanted him to feel as many different sources of pleasure as possible, so gave another instruction. "Your tits. Work your tits. Hard." And then I circled his pucker with the tip of my tongue.

Now, it's been said that I have a serpent's tongue...long and pointed. I flicked his tight opening with the tip of my tongue as I squeezed his balls. I circled it again, then flicked it.

"What the Fuck?"

"Don't tell me, you've never had a rim job?" I flicked it again.

"No." He almost wimpered. "But, jeez that feels good.

"And, damn, you've got a great ass. Almost as good as your dick." And he really did have a great ass. Two big, firm, hairy mounds protecting the prettiest tight, pink pucker winking at me, begging for attention.

I flicked it a couple more times, then drove my tongue as deep as I could in his hole.


By this time, he was flying high from the poppers and the new-found pleasures I was giving him. His legs were spread wide and his ass was wide open for me.

I continued to tongue-fuck his hole while I popped the cap and lubed up my fingers. Time for the next step.

Again, I squeezed his balls, then quickly replaced my tongue with a finger. I don't think he even noticed. I teased his hole, then slipped in another finger. Suddenly, when I added the third, he came to life.

"What the fuckkkkkk..."

I found his prostate. He literally fucked himself on my fingers to get them in deeper.

"What the fuck is that? Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

His prostate was big just like his balls and his dick. I massaged and rubbed and pinched that tender G-spot for all it was his moans and groans and expletives.

Now, I've never been very good at rolling on a condom, much less one handed. But I managed to sheath my tool and get it greased up. As carefully as I could, I traded fucking his hole with three fingers to fucking his hole with my cock...aiming at his prostate.

It took a minute for him to realize the trade. "You Fucker! You've got your dick in my ass. You're Fucking Me!"

I worked the room, sliding over and over that tender spot. "Yeah, and you're lovin' it, aren't you? Say it. Say you want me to fuck you."

I pulled out with a pop. He gasped. Every Bottom knows that feeling...that feeling of emptiness. I teased his hole.

"Go on. Say it. Tell me you want me to fuck you."

I think he almost cried. "Fuck me. Please fuck me."

I wanted badly to drive into him balls deep, like he had Zack. But there was one more lesson I wanted him to learn.

I worked his prostate with my cock and jacked him as I talked. "There's two unforgivable sins of a guy with a huge cock. One is having a big cock that doesn't get hard enough to get it in the hole."

I pulled out, with the head gently knocking at the door. "Do you know what the other sin is?"

I slammed into him, balls deep. He literally screamed. I pulled all the way out and slammed in again.

"The other sin is to think there's nothing more to fucking than in...and out...and in...and out."

I paused, and then we started fucking. I changed positions. I long-dicked him. I short thrusted. I used every angle and position that I loved used on me. At one point, he had those long, thick, hairy legs up on my shoulders. Such a beautiful dick disappearing time after thrusting time into that gorgeous ass.

But always I tried to work the tender G-spot. I didn't want him to ever forget this night. Soon, he was thrusting to meet my thrust. I was getting close and so was he.

Suddenly, he yelled. "Shit. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum and I'm not even touching myself."

I gave him a series of jack rabbit stabs. He groaned and shot wad after wad of spunk over his abs and chest. I buried my cock and did the same into the condom deep inside him.

I held that thrust as I looked in his eyes. "And that, Mother fucker, is what fucking is all about."

Exhausted, we lay beside each other. I helped him up and we took another shower, then came back to bed, in a 69 position. But this time, I didn't have to tell him what to do while his cock slipped down my throat.

I looked up at him. "Now, let's see what you've have learned?"

I lay back and spread my legs wide.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my story thus far. I should have chapter four ready in a week or so. We'll see how much Tameel has learned...and how well Rod can accommodate that big dick.

Until then, Stay Safe.

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Next: Chapter 4

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