Double Trouble

By Rodney Hartfield

Published on Apr 24, 2020


Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction and contains explicit sexual acts between men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, if you are under age, or if such topics offend you, please leave this site.

Copyright 2020, J Rodney Hartfield, all rights reserved. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading it. Maybe ever wank off while reading it. Just, please do not copy without permission of the author.

As with all fiction, there are elements of truth. However, any resemblance to actual people or places are unintentional. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.


Two weeks later, Zack moved in with me.

To all but our closest acquaintances, we were just friends. He was just renting my guest room. They didn't need to know he never slept in his own bed.

Yeah, I took him up to the farm to meet my folks. I went with him to see his mom in Texas and endured the interrogation of his super religious sisters and their obnoxious husbands.

But we never talked about "us". We certainly never said the "L" word. But life was good, and the sex was fantastic. I wouldn't say we were monogamist. A couple of times we brought someone back to the house from Pete's. They were always shown the door before midnight.

Once we each brought home a guy. Before the night was over, the guys were gone, and we were snuggled in bed together.

The only exception was Kyle, a friend of Zack's. Kyle was up from Houston for a short computer gig. He came over for dinner one Saturday night.

Damn him. Kyle was way too cute. Sandy blond hair. Flashing blue eyes, and a smile that never left his face. He was a gym rat. When he wasn't sitting behind a computer screen, he was at the gym. His body was proof of that.

I'm proud of my body. I work hard to keep it in shape. But Kyle...he put me to shame. He was about an inch shorter than my 5/10, but he had a barrel chest, bulging biceps and triceps, and a six pack to die for. Plus, his six-inch dick was as thick as his body. It was all I could manage to swallow it. (Yeah, we did a daisy-chain after dinner on the living room floor). Later, we fucked in tandem with Zack in the middle.

A few weeks later, we invited him over for bar-b-que. It was a perfect fall evening for a cookout on the patio. I was getting the charcoal ready when I heard him pull in the drive.

"Anyone home?" he called over the back fence.

"Gate's open," I replied.

He came around the corner of the house carrying a cake and a bottle. Shit! His shorts were stretched tight over his ample bulge and bubble butt, and his muscle shirt could barely contain his massive chest.

He smiled. "I brought a Black Forest cake from Whole Foods and a bottle of Jack Daniels."

I held open my arms in mock astonishment. "I appreciate the cake and Jack, but I can't take my eyes off the eye candy in front of me. Who in the hell poured you into those shorts and shirt?"

He laughed as he did a model run-way turn. "You like what you see?" He nodded at me. "Besides. Who are you to talk, standing there in no shirt and tight shorts of your own?"

I flexed my pecs at him. "Maybe later, we can peel ourselves out of the shorts and get our bodies together."

Zack stepped out the back door carrying a bottle of wine and a fruit and cheese tray. "Not without me, you won't." He winked at Kyle. "Set the Jack on the side table and the cake in on the counter. Then let's pour a glass of wine and begin with a little fruit and cheese."

After wine with the appetizers, and wine with the salad, and wine with the bacon-wrapped filets and grilled veggies, and wine with the cake, and several drags from the bottle of whiskey, we were feeling no pain and little inhibitions.

The sun slipped below the tops of the trees, turning the sky into brilliant shades of red and orange and purple. Dusk was settling in as Zack began to light the Tiki torches around the exterior of the patio and deck.

Kyle leaned against the deck rail. "I love your back yard. It's so peaceful," he chuckled, "and private."

I joined him. My arm brushed his. There was what seemed like a spark of electricity from my arm to the head of my dick. I wasn't sure if it was the closeness of his presence or the anticipation of what the night might hold.

I sighed as my hand brushed his, then pulled away. "Yeah, this has proven to be a perfect house. It's at the back of a cul-de-sac with woods behind and no close neighbors on either side, and the eight-foot fence keeps it private."

He turned to me. "And privacy can be a good thing." He pulled me into a deep kiss. The taste of whiskey on our dueling tongues was intoxicating. Our hard cocks ground together. He backed me into my chair, stripped off his tight shirt and dropped to his knees between my legs. He began to suck and chew on my hard cock through the stretched nylon of my running shorts.

I looked over at Zack. I didn't want Kyle to stop, but I also needed Zack's approval. He had taken the cushions off the swing and spread them out on the deck floor. He was setting a bowl of condoms and a bottle of lube on the table, along with a bottle of poppers. He grinned, nodded and winked. I leaned back in my chair and savored the moment.

Kyle worked the waistband of my shorts under my butt. He slipped them down my thighs, pulling my rock-hard cock down with them. When the waistband cleared my head, my cock sprang up like a kid's toy on a loaded spring, slapping Kyle in the chin.

He giggled like a school boy, pulled my shorts off my feet and tossed them aside. He then dove in, pulling my balls up so he could lick from my taint, over my balls to the head of my cock. He sucked up the gush of pre-cum from my piss slit, then repeated the path with his tongue.

Each time his tongue made that journey, the tip would get closer to my quivering pucker. On the fourth trip it flicked over my hole. On the fifth, it lingered, circling and flicking my tender portal.

I couldn't help but moan. I spread my cheeks and pushed back. The fucker giggled again and pushed his tongue past my outer muscles.

My ass and thighs were trembling as he once more licked over my balls and the length of my cock. He circled the head. I looked up as he sucked his fingers, then washed the head of my cock with his tongue and mouth.

I watched as he sucked my head between his full lips. The heat of his lips, the incredible suction of his mouth and the circling, circling, circling of his talented tongue was driving me insane.

Then his slimy fingers began to circle my hole in time with his tongue circling my head. Slowly, inch by inch, that suction drew my inflamed rigid rod into his mouth as his fingers...first one, then two, then three...breached my sphincter muscles. Deeper and deeper they were drawn. As my cock slipped past the back of his mouth and entered his throat, his fingers grazed my prostate. My mind and entire body were in over-time ecstasy.

Suddenly, without warning, he pulled off my cock with a pop, at the same time jerking his fingers from my ass. A swift kick to the balls could not have been more of a jolt to my system.

Startled, I glared at him. His eyes were ablaze. He laughed as he pulled a condom from the bowl on the table and ripped it open with his teeth. Even in my state of pent up sexual desires, I started to protest. I was Not ready for him to fuck me. No way. Not yet.

It was as if he read my mind. He smiled as he rolled the condom onto my throbbing cock. He stood, stripped out of his shorts and kicked them aside. He dripped lube onto my sheathed tool, coated it with his fist, then greased his own ass. He went on all fours on the cushions. Looking over his shoulder at me he whispered, "Fuck me." Then each time, a bit louder. "Fuck me. FUCK me. FUCK ME!"

Every part of my being wanted to plow between those beautiful mounds of ass. But I couldn't. Not without Zack's permission. I looked up at him.

A huge grin had spread across his face. He leaned down and whispered loud enough for Kyle to hear, "Fuck him. Fuck him hard, Fuck him long. Just like you fucked me that first night. Fuck him good."

I didn't need any more encouragement. I got on my knees behind Kyle. I slapped each of those tight mounds of ass flesh for good measure. I spread his cheeks, sliding the length of my cock along his crack, then massaging his pucker with the head of my cock.

I considered opening him up with a finger or two, but neither of us was that patient. He gasped as my engorged head broke through his tight sphincter muscle. I pulled out to give him a chance to recover.

He glowered at me over his shoulder. "Stop teasing me, damn it. Just fuck me."

I laughed a sadistic laugh. "I've wanted to fuck this ass from the first time you were here when Zack fucked you while I fucked him. Every time I saw you at the gym, I wanted a piece of this. You want me to fuck you? By all means."

He screamed as I buried my dick balls deep in his hot, tight ass.

As soon as I had done it, I regretted it. My philosophy has always been, `Both parties should consent and enjoy what happens.' It's one thing to dominate. It's something entirely different to rape someone.

I froze in place, buried deep within Kyle's body. "Are you OK?" I asked timidly.

He looked back at me, his blue eyes a bit teary. "Hell yes, man. Your dick buried in me is fucking fantastic. You just took me by surprise."

Relieved, I pulled back until just the head of my cock remained in his hole. Much more gently this time I entered him.

"Yeah, man," he said. "Fill up that hole with your big, fat cock. Jeez, that feels so fucking good."

I looked up. Zack wanted in on the action. He was about to strip down. I held up a hand for him to wait. I reached forward and grabbed a handful of Kyle's hair, pulling his head back so that he was looking straight at Zack.

Zack took the bait. Like a stripper on "Magic Mike", he peeled off his shirt and took his time discarding his shorts. When he was naked, his pole was standing at rigid attention. He stepped forward and slapped it across Kyle's face.

"Open up, mother-fucker. You're about to get spit-roasted."

As Zack fucked Kyle's throat, I began to plow him in earnest. I knew he and I were both way to close. When I felt he was on the verge, I'd slow down or change positions.

Zack was the first to cross the line. "Oh, fuck. I'm gonna cum." With a lunge down Kyle's throat, he let go. Kyle groaned as he shot a thick rope of his spunk across the cushions. The contractions of his inner muscles put me over the edge. I thrust one last time and filled the condom deep within his gut.

Once we had recovered, I pulled my deflating cock out of Kyle. I rolled over on my back and Kyle spread out beside me. Zack retrieved the bottle of Jack and lay on the other side of me.

The warmth of the night, the brilliant stars in the clear sky, and the intoxication from the hot sex and continued drags from the bottle of Jack was incredible.

Both Zack and Kyle leaned in for a three-way make-out session. Hands and legs roamed over bodies, caressing tits and balls and dicks and butts. I kissed my way down the valley between Zack's pecs, over his abs and devoured his once-again rock-hard cock. He tasted of precum and cum and whiskey from Kyles throat.

Kyle pulled my ass cheeks apart and once again began the onslaught of my pucker with his talented tongue.

Zack slipped the open bottle of poppers under my right nostril. Without pulling off his cock, I shook my head. Poppers are not my friend. They make me do things I regret later, but Zack would not take "no" for an answer. He forced my head down on his cock and whispered, "Take a whiff. It'll do you good." I took a drag. He moved the bottle to the left. "Another."

As if on cue, I felt Kyle's middle finger pierce through the opening of my ass. I groaned and shook my head. Zack again forced my head down, filling my throat with his rod. Again, the bottle was forced under my right nostril. "Take another hit." This time it as not a request. It was a command. "And another."

By this time, I was flying high. My brain was screaming, "Stop!" But my throat and ass had already given in. A second, then a third finger entered my channel. Rivulets of cool lube dribbled over my tailbone into my ass crack. Kyle's cock head had replaced his fingers at my pulsing portal.

Zack began to face fuck me, pulling almost all the way out before burying his full length down my throat. I knew it was as much to take my attention from what was happening at my other opening as it was for his pleasure. That did not stop me. I sucked and slurped his marvelous tool with each thrust.

Kyle's head pierced my sphincter. I gasped. He was so fucking thick. Intuitively, Zack buried his rod in my throat. I gasped for air. That's all Kyle needed. He rammed his engorged cock to the hilt, his balls slapping my ass cheeks. They set up a rhythm, a fined tuned choreograph of spit- roasting. And, damn if I wasn't loving it.

Suddenly, they pulled out of both my holes as if on cue. I'm left hanging. I felt like a new-born baby abandoned on a cold night. I looked up into Zack's smiling eyes. I looked over my shoulder. Kyle was on his back, his cock pointed at the sky.

"Get over here," he said with a sneer. "I want to see you fuck yourself on my pole."

I started to protest, but Zack literally picked me up and sat me down on Kyle's cock. It slipped in with little difficulty.

Kyle giggled, then gave a haughty laugh. "Go on. Fuck yourself like the slut you are."

I glared down at him. Slowly I raised off him until just his head remained encased within me. Then I slammed down hard, driving the breath from him. Again and again I slammed down on him. Soon, he was meeting my every thrust. We were riding each other like a rodeo jock on a bucking horse.

After only a few minutes of that, I collapsed on his chest. Both of us were gasping for breath. Out of nowhere, the little brown bottle appeared. Zack whispered, "Take a good breath. You'll need it."

Fuck. What else did they have in mind? I took a drag, and another, and another.

Kyle held me close. We kissed, our tongues dueling, each trying to force our tongue down the other's throat. The fumes hit my brain. My head was spinning.

Kyle pulled his cock half-way out. Zack's greased middle finger played around the edges of my hole, then slipped in beside Kyle's dick. Then his other middle finger joined. He began to spread my already ravaged hole, opening me up even farther.

Suddenly, I realized where this was headed. "No, way," I growled.

Kyle held me down, our sweaty chests pressed together. From somewhere that cursed bottle reappeared. Once more I inhaled. Zack's cock was pressed at my opening. I whimpered as the fumes took effect. Zack breached my outer muscles, joining Kyle inside my hole. I cried out.


Never had I been this stretched. Never had I been this filled. Never had I had such pain in my ass. Never had I wanted more!

In unison, they whispered, "Are you OK?"

"Hell, no. It hurts like hell. How can anything that hurts so bad, feel so fucking good." I pushed back. "Fuck me. Please fuck me.!.

And they did. At first alternating thrusts, then together as one huge cock. One would withdraw completely, then reenter. Then the other. The pain was no longer. There was nothing but pleasure. My prostate was in overdrive as the two cocks massaged it like two fucking jackhammers.

I felt my balls begin to pull up inside me. "I'm gonna cum," I cried.

"Hold it," Zack commanded. He pulled out, then Kyle. They rolled me onto my back. With two jerks of Zack's fist I exploded, cum shooting over my abs and chest. They knelt over me, covering my chest and face with their spunk.

I grabbed each by the hair and forced them face down into the slime on my abs and chest, then kissed them, smearing their faces with the goo on mine. Laughing like little kids we fell back in each other's arms, exhausted.

I moaned awake. My body felt like I had been in an all-night wrestling match. My fingers massaged my ass. I couldn't believe it wasn't a gaping hole. Rather, it felt normal...sore, but normal.

The sun was hovering just below the horizon. Just enough clouds graced the sky to reflect its brilliant glow. Zack's even breathing and Kyle's soft snore blended with the early calls of the birds. Way too peaceful.

I kicked them both. "Wake up, you motherfuckers."

They groaned and rubbed their eyes. I kicked them again.

Kyle groaned again. "What the fuck?"

"On your stomachs, both of you. On your stomachs with your asses in the air."

Zack looked up, puzzled. "Huh?"

"Hey. You motherfuckers double raped my ass last night. Well, pay backs are hell."

Kyle giggled. "Everybody knows that you can't rape a willing soul."

"Whatever. On your stomachs. Now!"

They rolled over on all fours, kissed and stuck their asses in the air. I took the last condom from the bowl and the bottle of lube. I slapped a handful of lube on their upturned asses, sheathed my rod, and alternated ten sets of deep thrusts per ass...ten, twenty, thirty.

"OK. On your knees." They obeyed with puzzled looks. I laughed. "Circle jerk time."

After a few jerks, we were hosing each other with a new coating of spunk to mix with the crusty remnants from the night before.

I shook my head as the last of the cum dribbled from our wasted dicks. "I don't know about anybody else, but I'm ready for a shower and some breakfast."

As we headed for the back door, Zack draped his arm over my shoulder. "So, are you ready for another double?"

I hesitated. "Not until you both have had the pleasure of the experience."

Kyle giggled that stupid giggle of his. He poked Zack in the shoulder. "Hey, at least he didn't say `no'."

I slapped them both on the butt, then rubbed my own sore ass. I thought to myself, "Maybe not today, but..."

Hope you're enjoying my story. I'm working on a final chapter. It should be ready in a couple of weeks.

Until then...stay safe.

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Next: Chapter 3

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