Double Trouble

By Rodney Hartfield

Published on Apr 17, 2020


Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction and contains explicit sexual acts between men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, if you are under age, or if such topics offend you, please leave this site.

Copyright 2020, J Rodney Hartfield, all rights reserved. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading it. Maybe even wank off while reading it. Just, please do not copy without permission of the author.

As with all fiction, there are elements of truth. However, any resemblance to actual people or places are unintentional. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.


I was stupid. Never pick someone up at a bar when you're super horny and half drunk.

It had been typical summer Friday night at Phil's Watering Hole. The corner of Grand and Tenth streets simmered in the ninety-degree heat and ninety-five percent Missouri humidity. It wasn't any cooler inside the crowded bar.

Sweaty half-naked twinks gyrated to some unknown song with a pounding beat. I hated this I hated myself in this scene. Another night of looking for a quicky, one-night stand...a quick fuck, then I'd push him out the door. I threw back another whiskey shot, followed by a quick gulp of Guinness. I needed the booze to steel myself for the "game".

It had been a year since my last boyfriend. I laughed to myself. And that lasted all of two weeks. Shit.

I glanced back at Sam and Tommy, making out like two horny rabbits in heat. "Hey, guys. Get a room."

Tommy looked up and rubbed his crotch. "We've got one. We just like to make a scene to make you jealous." Little did he know that he was right.

They joined me on the step of our little alcove. "See anything interesting?" Sam asked.

I stretched my five-foot, ten-inch frame to look over the crowd. "Nothing that floats my boat," I replied.

Tommy grabbed my crotch. "Or stirs the snake?"

I batted his had away. "Pervert."

He laughed. "Yeah, and you love it."

Sam leaned into me on the other side. "You know, you could always come back to our place. Maybe a little three-way action?"

I sighed and took another swig of Guinness. Sam and Tommy were always fun when nothing else was available. Actually, they were probably my best friends. I shrugged and smiled. "Maybe."

"Oo," Tommy cooed.

I caught them giving each other the thumbs up behind my back. "Oh, stop, y'all."

I looked over the crowd once more. Lots of nice eye candy on the dance floor keeping time to the beat, a gaggle of suits around a table in the corner, a four-some of college dudes playing pool. I sighed again. Nothing that interested me.

"Oh shit!" Tommy exclaimed. "Nice, fresh meat.". He nudged me and nodded toward the front door.

I slapped him on the back of the head. "How crude." But my dick jumped a bit in my pants when I saw who he was talking about.

Standing next to Brady the bouncer, I figured him to be about six foot. Dark hair pulled back into a man bun. A good five o'clock shadow. Dark skin. Maybe Italian or Greek. Tight T-shirt that accented his chest and biceps. Even tighter jeans that stretched to hold in his bulge and butt. Rugged. Not a gym rat. More like construction.

"Jeeze," I mumbled.

Sam snickered. "Oh, yeah. Nice." He poked me in the ribs.

I shook my head. "He looks lost. Probably in the wrong bar. Or worse, a cop wanting a bust." Yet, I couldn't help but watch him as he moved to the bar.

Instantly a couple of twinks nudged in beside him. "Shit," I mumbled to myself. He ordered a beer, then turned, leaning back against the bar. He looked over at me. I smiled. He smiled. I put my hands behind my head as if to stretch, flexing my biceps. He grinned, putting his elbows on the bar, rippling his pecs against the taut fabric of his shirt. Damn. Nice.

I turned to Tommy then to Sam. "Let's dance."

Tommy shrugged. "But you don't like to dance."

Sam laughed and nodded across to the hunk at the bar. "Ah, but let the games begin."

I stripped my shirt over my head and stuck it in the back of my jeans. Just looking at him, and thinking about what could be, had the snake in my pants pushing hard on my zipper. "Shut the fuck up and come on."

We pushed our way onto the crowded dance floor. The heat from all those testosterone-filled bodies was an instant sauna. I could feel my back and chest glisten with sweat. I purposely kept my back to the bar, hoping he had followed my lead, yet afraid he would.

Finally, I turned. He was dancing with his new-found twink friends. His shirt clung to the cleft between his pecs and down over his abs like someone had poured a drink down his front. I ran my fingers over my slick chest and followed the hairy line down past my navel to the top of my jeans. He smiled and lifted an eyebrow. I smile and shrugged.

I turned to my friends. "I gotta take a piss."

Tommy nodded to the stranger across the room. "You sure that's all you've got to do."

I shrugged. "Who knows. Maybe I'll get lucky."

I could see the look of disappointment cross Sam's face. I gave him a quick kiss and whispered in his ear. "There's always another night for a three-way."

He smiled and nodded. "We'll take you up on that. Good luck."

The men's room was hotter than the bar, if that was possible. The stench of piss and sweat and man sex swept into my lungs like a cloud of smoke. The slap, slap, slap of flesh against flesh in the first stall left nothing to the imagination. At the open piss trough two older dudes eyed the college kid between them, a healthy stream shooting from a healthy cock.

I stopped at the doorway of the second stall, watching the outer door. I wasn't disappointed. The dark stranger stepped through and smiled. In seconds, he had joined me in the empty stall.

I'm not sure what I expected, but what I got was a surprise. Without a word he dropped to his knees on the dirty, sticky floor. Deftly he undid my belt, unzipped my jeans and freed my swollen cock.

He licked up over my balls and up the length of my tool. The second time he circled my head with the tip of his tongue. The third time he devoured my entire seven inches in one fluid motion. I moaned in pure pleasure. His mouth was incredible, sucking up the length of my cock, then deep throating me again and again. My balls ached. If I didn't stop him, it would all be over way too soon.

The slap, slap, slapping in the next stall stopped. A loud groan followed by a "Oh, fuck" resonated off the walls.

I helped him stand as I pulled up my jeans. "What do you say we get out of here?"

He nodded. "Sounds good to me."

I led him through the crowded bar, waving good-bye to my friends across the room. They smiled and saluted.

We stepped into the night air, a welcome relief from the heat and the noise. I stuck out my hand. "Name's Rod."

He shook my hand. "Zack."

Jeez, I thought. Just like a business transaction. "Your place or mine?"

He shook his head. "Mine's a shit hole."

"I'm up north of the river. Is that OK?"

He nodded. "That's fine. I'm over on the west side. I'll follow you in my pickup."

I slipped behind the wheel of my Mustang. "You stupid mother fucker," I muttered to myself. "What are you thinking? You never take a stranger back to the house the first time. Stupid, Fuck." I pulled out into the street. A beat-up older F150 pulled up behind me. I rubbed my still hard cock, thinking about that silky mouth and throat. "Please, god, don't let me get mugged or killed tonight."

We headed across the bridge into the north suburbs.

The door clicked shut. I slammed Zack against the hallway wall. Our tongues were dueling. Shit, he kissed as good as he sucked cock. I couldn't remember when I had been more hot, horny, and hungry for sex.

Our hands roamed over the other's body, stripping clothes in a path as I led him to my bedroom. I pushed him back on my bed, tearing his boxer/briefs down his hairy legs, his last defense. His uncut rod sprang to attention.

I stepped out of my own briefs and climbed aboard. I forced his legs apart, grinding my engorged cock into his. I licked his lower lip, then forced my tongue down his throat. Our tongues dueled. Damn he was a good kisser.

I did a pushup with my arms, our groins still grinding into each other. The light from the lamp on the bedside table gave me my first good look at my latest conquest. Shit, he was better looking lying there under me than I remembered from the bar. Dark brown eyes that seemed to laugh, along with those full lips curled into an evil smile. His man-bun had come loose and dark waves framed his five o'clock shadow and dimpled chin. His shaved chest gave an unencumbered view of his marvelous pecs and full, quarter-sized nipples.

I shook my head and snarled. "You are one fucking, good-looking Greek god."

He laughed, drew me back into a long, throat-stabbing kiss, then pushed me back up. "And you, I hope, are one gorgeous hunk of a Viking fucking warrior who's going to fuck my brains out."

I ran the tip of my tongue over my upper lip. With a wink, I replied, "Not until you beg for it."

I leaned down, circling his right tit with the tip of my tongue. He sighed and whimpered. I nipped the engorged tip with my teeth. His groan encouraged me to squeeze his right pec and nibble his right tit.

"Oh, fuck." He pushed my face into his chest.

I bit and licked and nibbled each tit to more groans and expletives. I slapped each one hard, then kissed my way over his six-pack abs to his navel, where a line of dark hair led to a trimmed growth of black pubic hair, rock hard cock and shaved balls.

I fisted our engorged cocks together, not just because it's a hot thing to do, but to see how we compared. His was a bit longer than mine, but I had him on girth. Neither of us would be disappointed, not that I intended to give him the chance.

I scooted down so that I could get him really hot and bothered. I licked up the under side of his cock, pulled back his foreskin and circled his bulbous head. Usually the smell of a covered head bothered me, but the tangy sweat and copious precum was nectar to my taste buds.

I licked his veiny shaft until it was well coated, then slowly worked the entire length down my throat. He groaned as his head slipped past my larynx. "Oh, fuck. That feels so fucking good. I can't believe you swallowed the whole thing."

I pulled off and smiled up at him. "I've yet to meet a cock I can't swallow." I rubbed my dick against his hole. "Later, we'll see if you can say the same."

He groaned again as my lips ground into his base. He began to face fuck me as I worked his balls with my right hand and fingered his hole with my left.

I pulled back on my knees, tongue fucking his piss slit and sucking the precum, letting his bulging head slip through my lips with a pop.

I licked the sweat from his balls, sucked each one and then both into my mouth, washing them with my tongue.

I leaned back and spread his cheeks. His pucker winked at me. I buried my face in the cleft between his cheeks. He smelled deliciously of sweat, healthy man-scent and soap (which I appreciated). He groaned as I circled his pucker with the tip of my tongue. He gasped as my tongue pierced through the tight opening.


I loved it.

I stretched my right hand up to his face as I continued to fuck his hole with my tongue. He knew the drill. I was sure he had done the same with plenty of other guys in his present position. He sucked one, then two, then three fingers deep into his mouth, getting then good and slimy.

I slithered back on my stomach, nibbling the tender folds of his opening. I spread his cheeks and spit onto his quivering portal, then worked the spit into his hole with my slimy fingers. I once again devoured his throbbing cock while I worked one, then two fingers, and finally all three fingers into his ass, spreading him open for the coming onslaught.

When I thought he was ready, I backed off on my knees. He almost whined. I smiled. I knew how empty he felt.

I climbed onto his chest, wiping my dripping precum over his lips. "Put those pretty, full, cock- hungry lips to good use. Show me how much you want this big fat cock in your ass."

His eyes were wild. He devoured me like a hungry wolf.

I reached over and pulled out some lube and a condom from the nightstand. I ripped open the packet with my teeth and handed him the condom. He smiled. I knew he knew that I knew that he had many times forced his bottom to sheath his own cock. It's just another unspoken way to dominate your bottom.

I stretched out on him, kissing him one last time hard. I worked some lube over my pulsing cock. He shivered as I dribbled the cold lube over his fevered hole. I spread the lube with my cockhead, teasing his hole.

I gave him my wickedest smile. "Are you ready? Are you ready for the fuck of your life? Tell me what you want."

He looked up at me with just as wicked a smile. Through gritted teeth he snarled, "Fuck me. I want you to fuck me. Fuck me hard, fuck me long. Just fuck..."

"Ahhh!" he screamed as I pierced through his sphincter muscles with my engorged head. "Oh, fuck, you're so fucking big."

I pulled out.

"No, damn it. Fuck me!"

I jabbed back in, burying an additional inch.

"Yes. Fill up my hole. Bury that rod of yours deep into my ass."

I pulled out, then buried another inch into his ass.

"Oh, god, yes. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."

Jeez. I was so turned on. I love it when a bottom wants it so badly. I pulled out and drove another inch into him. Then he surprised me as he bucked back against me, driving me balls deep into his guts.

"Yes, yes, yes. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He was almost shouting by this time. I was glad the windows were closed and the air conditioner running.

I pulled almost out of him, then slammed back into him. Over and over. We were both way too horny and turned on. Way too close, and I wanted this to last. I changed directions. I slowly worked his prostate, then slammed into it. Finally, I knew we were both close.

I lifted his legs up onto my shoulders, then grabbed a handful of his pecs in each hand and went into a push-up position. Each thrust drove the air from his lungs as my balls slapped his ass cheeks.

"I'm gonna cum," he yelled. Spurt after spurt of his spunk shot over his abs and chest.

The muscles deep inside his gut clamped down on my fevered cock. My balls pulled up. With one last hard thrust I drove into him, filling the condom with shot after shot of my own cum. I hovered over him as we caught our breath. As I slipped out of him, I licked up the cum from his abs and chest. I stretched out on him. We kissed, savoring the taste between us.

He reached over and turned out the light on the nightstand.

I chuckled. "I don't usually let anyone spend the night. I normally fuck them, then show them the door."

He kissed me. "I'm not just anybody."

I kissed him back. "That's true. You're not."

I awoke with the morning sun streaming through the window. It took me a moment to remember why there was this big hunk of man snuggled into me, his bulbous ass engulfing my morning woody.

He stirred. "Good morning," he whispered. He snuggled his strong back even more into my chest.

"Good morning," I answered as I thrust my hard cock further into his ass cleavage.

With no further conversation, he reached into the nightstand. He tore open a condom, handing it to me along with a packet of lube. He caught his breath, then sighed as I entered him.

There was not the intensity and fury of the night before. This was a gentle morning fuck.

He rolled me onto my back and straddled, facing me. For a big guy, he was agile, for he managed all that with my dick never losing contact with his ass.

He leaned into me. "I hope you don't mind morning breath."

I pulled him into me. Our tongues dueled. There was still a hint of whiskey and cum. "The taste of cum is nice, even the morning after."

He laughed, then began to fuck himself on my rigid pole.

"There's nothing like watching a muscle stud fucking himself above you, you slut," I growled.

He grabbed a handful of my tits in each hand and squeezed hard. "Oh, yeah. And there's nothing like a muscle stud slut fucking himself on a hard cock early on the morning after." He slammed his ass hard into my groin, forcing the air from my lungs. Then his inner muscles clamped down. My cock felt like it was in a vise. I had never experienced such a sensation. I thrust hard into his gut. "How did you do that?" I exclaimed.

He laughed. "Lots of practice." He pulled himself almost out of me, slammed back down and clamped onto me.

I yelped. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. That is fucking awesome!"

He continued to fuck himself and work my now swollen and tender tits. I spit into my hand and fisted his throbbing cock.

All too soon, I felt the rumbling in my balls. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum." I thrust into him hard and exploded into the condom deep within his insides. "Oh, Ffuucckk," I cried.

I jerked his cock a couple more times.

"Oh, shit," he yelled as he fucked my fist, sending rope after rope of his spunk over my abs and chest.

We held our positions, panting, our eyes closed, savoring the moment. I smile up at him and winked. "Good morning."

He laughed and nodded. "Good fucking morning to you."

He pulled himself off my deflating rod. Then, as I had done the night before, he licked his cum from my chest and fed me the first protein for the day.

After a quick shower, I scrambled some eggs and he made toast. We sat naked across the breakfast table. The sunlight through the east windows illuminated his easy smile. His eyes had a mischievous glint to them.

His bare toes touched mine. I took the bait and worked my bare foot up his leg and thigh. My toes played with his sagging nuts and hardening cock.

I broke the silence. "So, how long have you been in Kansas City?"

Suddenly, his smile was gone. He shifted in his chair. He played with the last bite of egg on his plate before he answered. "I've been here a couple of weeks now. Up from Houston." He ate the last bit of his egg.

I waited. What? Was he a serial killer? Wanted by the Texas Rangers? Shit.

He stirred his coffee, then took a drink. He looked at me over the top of his cup. The swagger and confidence were gone. There was sadness in his eyes. "I met him at a older a sex party." He shrugged his shoulders and set his cup down. "I guess he liked the way I fucked him."

He folded his fingers together and bit his thumb, then continued. "I was young and stupid. I moved in with him. I thought he liked me. Like I said, I was young and stupid. All he liked was my young body."

He sighed and took another drink of coffee. "One day, after a couple of years of taking care of his house and his sexual needs..." he looked out the window and shook his head, "and the needs of most of his friends and colleagues, he tells me he's taking a young kid named Travis to Mexico with him. They would be gone for a week. When they got back, he would need my room for Travis."

Zack looked down at his hands. "He told me it had been good while it lasted, but surely I knew it wasn't a real relationship. After all, relationships are for losers."

I thought about the several lost relationships I had had. "Shit, man, I'm sorry."

He shrugged. "So I moved into a sleazy little apartment and went back to one night stands. Then I had the chance for a construction job here in Kansas City."

"Well, fuck, man. What took you so long to check out Phil's place?" We both laughed. I was glad to see the life back in his eyes.

He shrugged and grinned. "I didn't know you would be there."

He smiled and began to gather up the dishes from the table. "Hey, you made breakfast. The least I can do is clean up." He turned his back to me and started the water in the sink. "Then I'll be on my way."

Shit, shit, shit. Fuck, fuck, fuck. The sunlight reflecting off his raven-black hair, that cascaded onto his broad shoulders, that tapered down to his narrow waist, that accented that gorgeous bubble butt. There was no way I could keep my dick under control. It was painfully standing at attention.

I fought with my inner thoughts. Number one, I never let a first-night fuck spend the night. Number two, I Never fix them breakfast the next morning. Number three. Shit. There is no number three!

But as usual in a situation like this, I let my cock head think for me. I slipped out of my chair. I trapped Zack against the sink with my cock wedged into his ass crack. He leaned back against me. I reached into a drawer and retrieved a condom. I always wondered why I kept spare condoms in every room. Now I knew.

I sheathed my throbbing rod while he greased his hole with dish soap. He grabbed the back of the sink, and I plowed into him full bore. We fucked like there was no tomorrow.

Exhausted, I leaned back against the kitchen table. "You might stay one more night."

He turned. There was that devilish smile again. "Maybe one more day...and night."

We spent the day at the neighborhood pool. That night I let him fuck me and he sucked me dry. Sunday, we never left the house. We fucked and sucked in every room. We fucked in the shower. I fucked him again bent ever the kitchen sink. He fucked my on the kitchen table. We 69ed on the dining room rug. He fucked me on the coffee table in the living room and I bent him over the arm of the sofa. He sat on my rigid cock while I sat in my office chair. I blew him on the end of the guest bed. And he handcuffed me to the headboard of my bed and plowed me unmercifully.

Two weeks later, he moved in with me.

I hope you enjoyed reading Chapter 1. The next chapter will be cumming in the next few days.

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Next: Chapter 2

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