Double Take

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Aug 13, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know BSB or anyone connected to them in anyway. I don't know their sexual preferences, this is just a story. I made it all up in my own little twisted world. Well, it's not that twisted but that's not the point.

Warning: I don't know where this is going, or what will happen. I've had this story on my mind for the past couple of months. There may be sex, but if there is it won't be in the first chapter. So if that's what you're looking for you might want to look in another place. Now I'm going to try and not use any super natural beings. I may fail but hell trust me when I say I can't help it.

Authors Note: Well I'm back and on my BSB kick, and I've left for other bands alone. Now that most likely won't last for long so don't get your hopes up. If you have time and like this story check out some of my other stories. I'll leave a small list at the end of this chapter. I don't have an editor anymore, so most likely there will be a few mistakes. I would also like to add that if you have the time to please e-mail me. I love feed back and in some ways it helps get the next chapter out. Ok I'm going to explain my symbols and my way of writing. I write in the first person point of view, so to tell the story better I switch characters. I use these *** to do that and I also use those symbols to start off the chapter. I will put the name of the characters name in between the symbols when I start a chapter. When I change the character in the middle of the chapter or any part of the chapter the name will be at the end of the symbols. As of right now those are the only symbols I use. If I add more symbols I will explain, now on with the story I hope you enjoy it.


When her eyes finally opened she looked highly confused. "It's ok baby, nothing to worry about, calm down." She sat up really quickly and looked at Nick, she started the double take movements again. "Ash you never told me you had a twin, I thought you were adopted. That means you can't have a twin, would someone care to explain what the hell's going on?" I explained everything to her, then told her what my new job would be and how it would help my fashion career. During that time the guys had started to take all of my bags out. I had managed to pack every single piece of clothing I had made and all my material for making clothing. "I'm sorry this happened so quickly, but that's life. Nick gave me a chance to see the world, and help me, so I took it." Jade smiled slowly and nodded, but I could tell she was close to tears. "I know and I'm happy for you, but I'm going to miss you so much. Who will I talk to when I have a really bad break up? Who will you talk to when you have a really bad break up? I mean the last guy broke your heart into a million pieces. Plus there is that little fact that I've gotten use to bitching you out. You know I shouldn't have let you off last night, then you wouldn't be leaving." She was pouting like I had never seen her do before, I was starting to regret leaving.

I really cared about Jade, she had been my rock since I had left my home. She gave me a job when I was fourteen and let me live with her. It wasn't my parents fault, they loved me I knew that. I just didn't feel like I was apart of their family, it wasn't my family. I had always felt apart from them, like I didn't belong, like I had never belonged. When I had decided to leave it had been my own choice. They didn't fight me on it, just tried to talk me out of it. Then Jade had taken me in, that was when I felt apart of things, and worth something. I didn't have to hide anything from anyone, and no matter what Jade would love me. She was seven years older than I was but that only made it cooler, she understood me. "Ok I'll let you go under one condition, you have to call at least once a week. I don't care if it's collect, and please don't let yourself get hurt." I knew what she meant by that last comment. We had made a pact a long time ago, so far it hadn't worked out to well. We had both fallen for guys that we shouldn't have, some were violent while others were just cruel. We had made a pact to never fall in love again, maybe this time it would work. "I promise I'll do everything in my power not to, and it shouldn't be that hard." I watched as Nick walked back through the door and just smiled at us.

Thirty minutes later I was stepping onto a bus full of people I didn't know. Jade had gone home, she didn't want to see the bus pull away. I had gotten dressed and now I was looking at five guys. "So you like older women, interesting, very interesting." I just laughed, that wasn't a subject I was going to touch just yet. "Well, there are a few things we have to go over if you don't mind." I looked at Kevin and shrugged my shoulders slightly. He took me to a small table and pulled a bunch of papers out, then a pen. "Read all of these and tell me if you have a problem, or can't sign one." I nodded and started reading the first couple of pages I didn't have a problem with. As I reached the last two pages I was forced to slow down and reread them. I had thought I was mistaken but I wasn't, it was asking me to never reveal anything I would see. It was also asking that I never reveal anything that may happen to me or anyone else on the road. I waved Kevin over, and it looked like he had been excepting this. "Ok I'm having a small problem with this line right here. I can't reveal anything that happens to me, as in myself. Now what would happen to me that I couldn't reveal it?" Kevin was smiling lightly then he looked toward the others on the bus. When he looked back at me his smile had fallen slightly.

He took a few deep breaths, then decided to try and drop a bomb. "Well, if one of us were to start up a relationship with you, not like it would happen you couldn't reveal it. Something along those lines, but don't worry it's just something our management put in." I nodded and signed the paper then looked over the last paper and signed it. All in all it wasn't that bad, and I understood their need for secrecy. "You don't have a problem with that, wow that's a little shocking." I gave him my, why would I have a problem with that look. He picked up the papers and looked everything over, then he smiled really wide and walked away. I was starting to wonder what I had just gotten myself into, these people could be nuts. "Ok let's break it down for Ash shall we?" Now I was really worried so I stood up and got ready to fight. I don't know why but those words and the way he said it sent chill's up my spine. "You might want to sit down, this is some ground breaking information." I looked at Kevin and took a seat, but I didn't leave myself unprepared. I was ready to run if I had, I wasn't much of a fighter, but I was really good when it came to running. "Ok what the pubic world knows about us is mostly false, there a few things that could destroy us if it were to ever get out." I stopped him and decided to get a little more relaxed.

It didn't looked like I was going to need to run any time soon. "So that's why you had me sign all those papers, so you could be honest with me." Kevin nodded slowly, I looked at the rest of the guys. "You see, well some of the members of the group are gay, who I'm not going to say. That's for them to decide if they want to tell you, it's not my call." I was highly shocked, but I played it off by smiling a lot and just nodding slightly. "So that's the big deal, so some of you are gay, I don't see how that would affect me. I mean yes it's a little shocking, but not something that's going to make me run the other way. Plus I don't believe anyone should out someone else, it's just wrong to do that. I would never share that information with anyone unless I had permission to begin with. I mean it's like I wouldn't want someone to do that to me, it would hurt to much." I guess I had gained a little ground with the group since they looked relieved and happy. "Well, I have a question, if you don't mind me asking that is. You don't have to answer, but are you gay?" I looked at Nick and smiled slightly, then back toward Kevin and the others. "Well, if you're not telling I don't see why I should tell you my business." I smiled again and leaned back closing my eyes.

I liked this game, it could get very interesting, and very quickly. "When do you think I could use a phone I should call Jade to tell her we didn't have any trouble." I had to throw that in, it would throw them off a little. "You could use my cell if you want, or you could wait until we got to the hotel." I held my hand out and smiled sweetly as Nick handed me his phone. I dialed Jade's number and waited until she picked up, her voice was thick and raspy. "Hello sun shine, just wanted you to know that everything is going smoothly." We talked for a few minutes then I hung up and handed the phone back to Nick. "Thank you, I really need to be sure that she was ok, she holds a very important place in my heart." Nick nodded and sat down, he looked to the others and smiled lightly. "You know, there is a way we could get the truth out of you." I looked at Nick and smiled lightly, then to the others. "Yes, but if you were to try and tickle me you wouldn't have much luck." I raised my arms upward and smiled, I wasn't ticklish in anyway. "How did you know I was thinking about tickling you?" I didn't really know it was just a guess, so I just shrugged my shoulders. I took a seat beside Nick and smiled lightly, we really did look like twins. Same hair, same eyes, same everything, it was kind of creepy.

Kevin decided to see if I was ticklish, normally I wouldn't have cared. There was only one small problem, one of my ribs were bruised slightly. So when he went for them I doubled over in pain, he looked scared for a second. "Sorry, I was in an accident a while back, not your fault." Kevin looked a little concerned, then he looked a little guilty since he had hurt me. "I'm really sorry, if I had known I would have never have made that mistake. What happened, car wreck, something along those lines?" I looked up, he could say it was like a car wreck. The doctor had thought it was a car wreck when I was brought into the emergency room. My last boy friend hadn't liked the idea of me dancing on the dance floor without him. So he took a bat and tried to make sure I wouldn't make the same mistake again. He had thought it would teach me a lesson, well it had taught me how to press charges. I put his ass in jail so quickly he didn't see what hit him, and how hard. When he had called telling me how sorry he was I had given him a piece of my mind. When he threatened me I had only gotten more upset and taped his sorry ass. I played the tape at the next court hearing which got him more time in the slammer. "Let's just say I had a few words with a baseball player, he got upset and showed me his bat up close." Kevin looked a little more upset, but that didn't stop him asking more questions.

I refused to say anymore, I wasn't giving any kind of information until they came clean. I had signed their papers, so they knew I couldn't talk, and they should have known I wouldn't talk. "You know you have to be the most stubborn person I've ever met." I just smiled lightly and leaned back, blinking my eyes. "I'm not stubborn, I just don't like to be the only one sharing information. If all of you come clean then I'll come clean, and answer any question you ask, as long as you return the favor." I smiled sweetly and looked at each of them. "He's as bad as Nick, I can't believe it, he's just like Nick." I looked at Nick and raised one eye brow. He looked at me with the same expression on his face. It was like looking into a mirror, only he was alive, and if I reached out I could touch him. I shook myself out of my daze and watched Nick do the same, it was like we were mirroring each other. I had this strange feeling wash over me, like I had done this before. "I guess it would be ok if we all came clean with him, after all he's apart of the family now." I looked at Brian and smiled lightly, he was standing up to start. "Does everyone agree that we come clean?" Everyone nodded at the same time and then looked at me.

I sat back and looked at each of them, then I waited for a few seconds. "Kevin is married and is straight, Howie is bi, I'm gay, Nick is gay, and AJ is bi, my marriage is fake. I think that covers the main topic now it's your turn, so what is it?" I smiled and wiggled slightly, I was now in a really good mood. "I'm gay, so I guess me and Nick really have a lot in common." Their was a collective sigh, then the laughter started first lightly then heavily. "So was this baseball player an ex, or just some jerk?" I should have know that was coming, it must have been the most tempting question. "He was my boyfriend for close to a year. We hit a club one night and I went dancing without him, he didn't like the idea. So he introduced me to his bat, after that I introduced him to jail and a few other things." I was trying to think of a good question, no way was this going to be one sided. "So who's single and who's not, and were not counting fake couplings." It got them laughing, so it lightened the mood slightly. "Well, Howie has a girlfriend in New York, and AJ has a boy friend in LA, while Nick and myself are single." I looked at them oddly, why on earth hadn't they dated one another? It wasn't my business, so I didn't ask, it was one thing to ask if they were single it was another to ask why.

Soon after that the questions ended and I was pulled into the picture. I was shown the layout for everything that happened in every concert. On top of that I was given information on my pay and job. I don't know I could ever get an easier job, or have better companions. I couldn't really be seen with the group, but I could be seen with just Nick. I didn't mind hanging out with him, we had way to much in common. I had only seen the ocean a few times in my whole life, but I loved just staring at it. I knew that I could spend hours just looking at the endless amount of water. While Nick on the other hand had spent a great deal of time looking at the water. I was going to start working in the next city, Nick wanted to hit the mall's. I didn't have any problems with that in any way, I loved to shop and having someone along was just an added bonus. "Ok one dead give away is your credit card. You have to use cash when you're going to buy something, other wise all of this is going straight to hell." I pulled my wallet out and handed it to him, he looked slightly confused. "If push comes to shove use my ID, it should be ok until I can get you a fake one. That should only take about a week or two, well that's after I make the request from Jade." He had this look of shock, I found it funny and continued telling him my plans.

When you lived in my area as long as I had you learned a few things. Fake ID's were easy to come by and didn't cost all that much if you knew the right people. I didn't need a picture of Nick, I asked Jade to just use one of mine. We had a ton of pictures together and apart, and I realized I was starting to miss her. When we walked into the mall Nick looked scared beyond belief. I draped my arm over his shoulder and pulled him along, no one came near us. "Nick, they see two of us, not one, so as far as they know were twins. There's nothing to worry about, get over it man." He seemed to relax a little as we walked into a store, they had some nice clothing. Nick got a few things and bought them without a problem, something that must have been a little odd to him. He smiled and continued to go from store to store, never one single problem. He got happier with every single item he got, it was funny to watch him. I had only picked up some candles and few books that I had been looking at for a while. I checked my watch and noted we had been here for close to three hours. I shook my head and let Nick do his thing, after all I was getting paid to do this. After three more hours passed I was ready to pass out, my legs were killing me. Nick was still shopping, I didn't know where the guy got the energy to shop so much. It was like he was some kind of robot that had an endless battery, he reminded me of a certain pink bunny.

When we finally left the mall I was ready to sleep for the next two days. I was starting to think I would lose my love for shopping. Nick was talking a mile a minute about how he could spend the rest of his life in a mall. For a very short amount of time I almost believed he could do just that. I just hoped that if he did he had to know I didn't plan on joining him there. When we got back to the hotel it was back to hiding and sneaking around. I didn't mind, in fact I found that it was kind of fun to play around with this idea. I went in through the back of the building while Nick faced the fans. It was the only way I could get in without being mistaken. That and if I made one screw up the whole game would be over. When I finally reached my room I found that some of my stuff had been moved there. I got my sketch pad out and started drawing a new design that I had been thinking about. It was a simple design, but it would take a while to make it, a few days in fact. I decided that I would make it for Kevin since he had been so nice to me on my first day. I left my room and knocked on Kevin's door, a second later he opened the door. He smiled and invited me in, I took a seat on the bed and looked at him closely. "Would you mind if I took your sizes, I was thinking about making you an outfit?" He had this really strange smile on his face.

He agreed and I took out my measuring tape and took his sizes. It took a few minutes I wanted to be sure I had everything right. Once I was done I stood up and moved toward the door. "Thanks Kev, it means a lot to me, really." I left his room and walked back to my own. I started looking through my fabrics, I wanted something tight, but it had to be soft. There were a few more problems, like it besides being soft and tight it had to be cool. I gave up and laid back on my bed and looked at the ceiling, I was a little to tired to work. I pulled my shirt over my head and slipped out of my pants, then I got under the covers. I know that I had only been in the bed for about thirty minutes when Nick ran into my room. He slammed the door and pressed his body up against it with all his weight. I jumped out of my bed scared out of my mind and grabbed my scissors holding them up like a knife. "It's just me, and wow you must have been having a nice dream." I looked down and then jumped back into my bed wrapping my sheet around my body. I got back up and moved toward the door without my scissors. I moved Nick and stood in front of the door until it opened. Brian looked at me and then dumped a bucket of ice cold water on me. I stood there for about three seconds before I jumped on him.

I took him to the ground and pinned his arms over his head. I had forgotten that I only had a sheet wrapped around my body. I had lost most of it when I had jumped on him, he looked a little shocked. "First Nick ruins my nap, then you dump a bucket of water on me. You know I should really do something mean to you, and I think I will, but not now. I'm going to wait until you're not looking, then I'm going to get you so good. So watch your back Bri, cause now you have me on your tail." I slowly stood and walked back into my room no longer caring about the sheet. I went straight into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I heard some talking going on in my bed room but I ignored it without to much trouble. After my nice hot shower I found a towel and dried off, then wrapped it around my waist and walked out into my room. Brian was waiting for me on the bed, he looked a little tired. "Look I'm really sorry I thought you were Nick, even without the clothes. I thought that Nick had enough time to strip down and trade places with you. If I had known it was you I would have never thrown any water on you." I looked at him and smiled lightly, then moved to the bed. I took a seat on the edge of the bed and really looked at him. He did look sorry, and so very sad, there was something in his eyes. I was having a really hard time thinking about revenge at that moment, still it was on the edge of my mind.

I took a deep breath and laid back on the bed, my head wasn't far from Brian's waist. "So you're telling me that your sorry in hopes that I won't launch a revenge campaign against you?" I turned over on my stomach knowing my towel would give way slightly as I faced him. I pulled up slightly giving Brian a nice view of the small of my back and leading on downward. I noticed his eyes were traveling down my body and not looking into my eyes. He looked back into my eyes, and I saw that he was starting to sweat lightly. He was swallowing nonstop as I moved closer letting more of the towel fall away. "Brian are you going to answer my question, it's not that hard." I could feel my smile getting bigger as he tried to form words. There was a large lump forming in his pants as he shook his head. "No, I'm just really sorry that I did that to you, I'd do anything if you would forgive me." He was trying his best to keep his eyes on mine as I lifted my body up slightly. The towel was history as I sat up and tilted my head sideways, giving him my best puppy dog face. "It's really nice of you to offer, but I think I'll just forgive you, you look so serious. So I know you really are sorry, but that doesn't mean I won't do something in the future. I'm not going to make any promises, but I do forgive you." I stood up and walked over to my dresser looking for some of my clothes.

Brian hadn't moved an inch as I walked around the room collecting my things. I got dressed not even looking at him once while I did so. The clothing I had picked out was as sheer as it could be without being illegal. Every part of my body that had to be clothed was, nothing more. I couldn't really wear it anywhere, but I could at least wear in my room. I was starting to ask myself if this was really worth it, was this job really worth my staying out of site. It was starting to get to me, and in some ways I felt like I was in a prison. "Ash, are you ok man, cause you just totally zoned out right then." I looked over at Brian like it was the first time I had ever seen him. I shook my head a few times and smiled slowly. "I was just thinking about something, I need to get out of this place for a while. I think I may have come up with an idea on how to do just that." Brian looked a little confused but I didn't have time to explain to him. "Do you have any stage make up that I could use, or one of your people maybe?" Brian looked up and slowly nodded then stood up leave. "You know you could just wear a hat and glasses, it works really well. Plus you don't have any of Nick's tattoo's so it would be a little easier to move around in that outfit. Just leave through the back, I'll tell Nick that you're leaving so he won't worry." I nodded slowly and felt a great amount of relief, as he tossed me his hat and glasses.


I watched as Ash snuck out through the back door of the hotel. I had to ask myself if he would come back to us once he fingered out what he had given up. He was living our life now, weather he knew it or not. Ash was starting to get a taste of what we felt, only he had a choice. He had chosen to come without really thinking about it, it had just been a way out for him. A way for him to try and get his own career in fashion started, so his mind was slightly clouded. Now he had the chance to see what he was missing on the outside world. I had known for a little while now that he really didn't need our help in his career. His clothing was simply amazing, and I hadn't seen a zipper on any of the clothing. Now that was a big plus for one huge reason, and I think only guys could really understand it. All he had ever really needed was a better place to show his clothing line off. Still I didn't tell him, since I feared losing him for more than one reason. He was like a clone of Nick in the way he looked, but he himself could never be Nick. Their minds were too different, even if you couldn't see it right away. They looked alike and sometimes ever acted like one another. There was only one difference in all this madness, Ash wasn't always like that. Nick never changed and he was himself as much as he could be.

While Ash on the other hand had layers to his mind, and walls I couldn't forget that. Nick had his own wall's but they were far more different from Ash's. Nick's walls were needed so he could maintain his fame. While Ash's walls were needed so he could maintain his sanity. I walked to Nick's room and softly knocked on the door, he opened it without saying anything. He was on the phone with someone, most likely one of his family members. "What do you mean you have to meet him, he's only working for us Mom, no big deal?" That was another thing about Nick, he could be really cold to people when he thought it was in his best interest. Not that he was a bad guy or anything, it was just who he was. "No, I don't plan on trying to date him, for some reason it just feel's wrong. I think that in time we could become good friends, but I doubt it. You see I have this feeling that we're going to get busted soon. When that happens he'll most likely go back to his home town and all that." I was starting to get highly annoyed with the way Nick was talking about Ash. "Yes, I'm going to keep my word and help him as much as I can. You know I always keep my word, come hell or high water, I'll keep my word." Nick was rolling his eyes while he looked at me and smiled lightly. "Fine meet us in the next city and you can meet him, why is it so important to you?" Nick sighed deeply and finally hung the phone up.

He tossed his phone onto the bed and looked at me again. "Ash went for a walk, I told him it would be ok since he had a hat and glasses on." Nick jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, most likely heading toward Ash's room to stop him. "He's gone Nick, I made sure of that before I came here, we need to talk." Nick looked anger than I had ever seen him before. "You had no right telling him he could leave, you could ruin everything. I'm not done with this yet Brian, I still need him for some stuff." That was the last straw, and I let him know it by pushing him to the ground. "You know he goes around thinking you're a really nice guy. You are nothing but a stuck up snob, and I can't believe I didn't see it sooner. You know I should tell him what's he getting himself into and still help him get his career going. I can't believe you're such a prick man, I use to think you were a really cool guy." Nick looked highly confused, and beyond that hurt beyond words. "Brian, why do you even care, I mean think about it he's just doing a job. It's not like he's doing it for free, and he is going to get something out of this. Yeah he's a nice guy, and he is helping me out, but it's not like I need him. I'm not out to hurt him or anything, I'm just doing what comes natural. I'm giving myself a break and a chance to feel normal for once." I shook my head and stormed out of the room, he just didn't understand.

Nick was following me down the hall trying to stop me from walking away. "Don't you get it Nick, he is normal, he's lived a more normal life. We haven't, and that's ok we chose this after thinking about it. Ash on the other hand didn't have time to think about this. You talked him into this, now he has to stay behind closed doors until you decide you need him." I think Nick was starting to understand my point of view, he was leaning against a wall. "You treat him like he's no one, and he is someone, who's trying to help you. No matter how you look at it he's still helping you and your not even treating him with respect. If you're going to treat him like this, then stop pretending that you even like him." Nick looked shocked as he slid down the wall and shook his head slowly. "Brian, I do like him, but something keep's telling me to keep my distance. I don't really understand it, but I'm following my gut on this one and keeping my distance. If that feeling changes maybe I can get a little closer to him." I couldn't really be mad at him so I just let it go and walked away. After the concert I found that I couldn't really sleep all that well. So I walked back to Ash's room hoping he had returned, so I knocked for a few minutes. I guessed that he hadn't come back so I used one of the spare keys to open the door. After taking a seat on the bed I waited for Ash to get back, soon after I sat down I fell to sleep.

To Be Continued

Other stories that I've written: Falling, The Sryin, The Lost, Broken, It's A Wonderful Life, Gemini, Ghost, Where You Are, Libra, Simple Twist Of Fate, Angelic, and The Last Kiss Good Night

Next: Chapter 3

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