Double Take

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Oct 22, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know BSB or anyone connected to them in anyway. I don't know their sexual preferences, this is just a story. I made it all up in my own little twisted world. Well, it's not that twisted but that's not the point.

Warning: I don't know where this is going, or what will happen. I've had this story on my mind for the past couple of months. There may be sex, but if there is it won't be in the first chapter. So if that's what you're looking for you might want to look in another place. Now I'm going to try and not use any super natural beings. I may fail but hell trust me when I say I can't help it.

Authors Note: Well I'm back and my BSB kick, and I've left for other bands alone. Now that most likely won't last for long so don't get your hopes up. If you have time and like this story check out some of my other stories. I'll leave a small list at the end of this chapter. I don't have an editor anymore, so most likely there will be a few mistakes. I would also like to add that if you have the time to please e-mail me. I love feed back and in some ways it helps get the next chapter out. Ok I'm going to explain my symbols and my way of writing. I write in the first person point of view, so to tell the story better I switch characters. I use these *** to do that and I also use those symbols to start off the chapter. I will put the name of the characters name in between the symbols when I start a chapter. When I change the character in the middle of the chapter or any part of the chapter the name will be at the end of the symbols. As of right now those are the only symbols I use. If I add more symbols I will explain, now on with the story I hope you enjoy it.

Extra Note: I would like to explain why it took so long to get this chapter out. First off I lost friends in the world trade center attack, which has done many things to my mind. In some ways it has made writing a lot harder, and has left me at a loss for words to write. Secondly I don't know how to really deal with the attacks and my stories since I try to maintain some kind of reality in my stories, even if the stories thenselves are a little out there to begin with. Reguardless of what I write I try to keep the present world involved in my stories. Now with everything that has happened I find myself lost and not knowing how to continue to write the way I write. One way of handling this is to involve it and take five times longer to write because of the tears that continue to fall when I think about the attacks. The other is to try not to think about it while I'm writing and just not bring up anything about the attacks. In other words, ignore it in my stories until I can deal with it enough to write while it's on my mind. I would like to thank those that I've spoken with and that have tried to help me through this. In addition I would like to thank everyone that understands why this is taking so long to write, so thank you all.

Alex ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


It was like something went through Ash making his face soften.

"I guess the guys should have warned you a little before bringing you here. My name is Ash, I'm Nick's twin as you can see, welcome to our birthday party." Jerry nodded then looked to me as in asking why, his face was pretty pale.

"I'll get everyone some drinks since it look's like you missed your appointment Brian." I looked to Jane seeing that she had seen through my lie. After Jane left the room other people started arriving, first AJ and Howie, then Kevin and Kristen. Jade showed up a little later with her new guy, who seemed to be a little shy. When David showed up Ash was there to meet him at the door, Brenda and Jeff couldn't make it due to an appointment. It didn't really seem to phase Ash at all, something I had expected. Still I was in a place where nothing made sense, it looked as if I were the only one in pain. It was like Ash had moved on as if nothing had ever happened between us. Only he wasn't pulling his cold act, it was like everything was normal and always would be. I was only someone that had once meant something to him. Now I was just something of the past that would most likely remain that way for the rest of time. It hurt to know that I had really lost him and there would never be another time where I would lay by his side. In some ways it was what had kept me going for so long, was just a thought really. That someday when he was better we would be together again and everything would be perfect. I guess those days weren't going to come now, maybe they had never really been apart of fates plan. Now life seemed so empty and anything that had been getting filled by Jerry suddenly faded.

There was nothing in the world that could fill the void in my heart, nothing to ease the pain. I wasn't complete, not anymore, not since the day Ash and I had gone our separate ways.

"Are you ok Brian?" I looked to Ash, his voice sent my world moving and spining out of control.

"I'll be fine, how have you been lately?" He smiled again and I found myself fighting tears that threatened to fall.

"I'm getting better everyday, are you happy with Jerry?" The question had been unexpected to say the least, but it still made a difference.

"Yeah, we get along great, is there anyone in your life now, someone special?" He laughed lightly and shook his head slowly.

"For me, there was only you, but I'm sure that in time I'll meet someone. I want to wish you all the happiness in the world Brian." I couldn't speak as he moved away and back to his party. My hands moved without thought as I reached out toward him missing his chair by inches. I pulled my hands back empty and just looked at them, it was destiny that this would happen again. To be only inches from what I craved most, only to see it slip away again. Tears fell and I turned away to see Jerry looking at me and then to Ash who was talking with Nick. Jerry closed his eyes as if finally seeing the truth for the very first time. When he moved toward me I thought he was about to attack in someway, only he just stood there.

"You love him don't you?" I didn't know how to asnwer his question, if I told the truth it could destroy what I had now.

"I love him, I have always loved him and I always will, but that doesn't change anything, and it never will." Jerry had tears falling from his eyes as he looked toward Ash and shook his head.

"If you love him then you need to be with him, it's as simple as that." I shook my head that part of my life had ended because I had gotten cold feet.

"Brian, you love him and I can see from the way he looks at you that he still loves you. If you can't see that then you're blind, he loves you, go to him before that love is pushed away." Never in all my life had I thought I would meet someone with the same kind of heart that Ash had. I could only nod and walk toward Ash when the lights went out, I froze not knowing what to do. A dim light could be seen moving from the kitchen, and as it neared Ash I could see his smile. After the cake was set down the most amazing thing in the world happened. Ash stood up from his chair, everyone in the room stopped moving, breathing, and just looked at him. Nick walked up beside him and together they walked to the cake. It was a moment of pause, as the world stopped and my heart started beating again. I don't know how long it had been since my heart has last beat with real meaning. Ash and Nick bent over and blew the candels out togther, then looked up at everyone and smiled. Jane was hugging Ash seconds later then she was hugging Nick.

"How long have you been walking? Why didn't you tell anyone, did you know about this Nick?" Both of them were looking back and forth from one another then smiled again, I didn't know how to react to everthing.

"Well, I've been walking for a few weeks, but I'm no where near ready to live on my own yet. It took just about everything to walk to the table with Nick's help, and standing still isn't the easiest thing. That and Nick did know, but he was the only one besides my doctors and others at the hospital. I made all of them swear not to tell anyone, including Nick, so don't be mad at him. My reason for not telling is simple, I wanted to surprise everyone and give us all a reason to party today." Ash slowly shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't know what else to say. I was about to walk up to him when AJ ran up and hugged Ash lifting him off the ground.

"I knew you could do it man, it was just a matter of time, hell yes." I watched as AJ kissed Ash on his cheek before sitting him back down. Ash was blushing lightly as he looked at AJ, I just froze. This could be it as Ash made his way back to his chair with AJ and Nick's help. Everyone was in high sprits with the news that Ash was recovering slowly. Even with these new thoughts flowing through my mind I couldn't help but smile as he looked around at everyone. As I looked at how AJ looked at Ash I knew he was starting to have feelings for him. Then my eyes moved to Ash again and I watched him look at AJ with what looked like hope. It hit me that maybe Ash had just started moving on, leaving me where I was. I walked back to Jerry and just looked at him, I could try to make this work. He was a great guy, and he had always tried to give me a reason to smile. His kindness and friendliness was what had drawn me to him, even now he proved to be a great person.

"I may love him, but I do care a great deal for you, and I'm sure that in time I will love you. I know you love me, and I really want to try to make this work, and move on if we can, togther." He smiled slowly and nodded, we kissed then and for the first time I felt something for him that was real. It wasn't like what I felt for Ash, but for now it would have to do. Given time I was sure that my heart would love him just as much as it loved Ash, not the same kind of love, but something close.


After seeing Brian and Jerry togther my resolve was clear it was time to move on. After AJ's innocent kiss I had a few feelings run through my mind and body. We didn't know each other all that well, but I planned on getting to know him a lot better. He was a great guy, I already knew that much from his past actions. Given time I was sure that I could move on and leave my past behind me. Not that I could ever stop loving Brian, I knew that was something that could never happen. He was apart of my heart, my very soul longed for his touch again. Only I knew that wasn't going to happen now, he had moved and he was happy with Jerry, he had said so himself. Now it was my turn to move on and see if I could allow another into my heart. If there was any guy my heart would even consider it would have to be AJ. I guess I had been thinking about him for some time now, since I had heard Brian had found someone else. The truth was I just hadn't been ready to admit it just yet, now I had no choice. Their had been apart of me that had been hoping that Nick had been right and Brian wasn't happy. Then there would have been a chance that he and I could have gotten back togther at some point. Now that hope was gone as I looked to Brian and Jerry, they were kissing in a corner. He was happy and that was all I could want for him, at least in my mind. My heart was screaming other things as I turned away from the past.

I guess there wasn't anything that I could do but move on, and that was ok now. Still I couldn't stop myself from looking back at Brian, his back was to me. I guess in someway it was the final goodbye to that love, it hurt but it was needed. Now all hope had been killed, and all love abandoned, it was time to let it go. As I looked toward AJ I found him looking back with a smile on his face that seemed to hide a great sadness. It made me wonder how long it had been since he had really been happy. I also wanted to be the person that made him smile in the mornings and all day long. Even if it was only being his friend and nothing more, I could deal with that. Maybe it was the way I really wanted to deal with everything. No matter how many times I told myself to just let go, I couldn't simply walk away from Brian. One of the reasons being I was in a wheel chair the other being my heart was still his. I wanted to be with AJ and try to move on, but in my heart I knew it wouldn't be that easy. In some ways I feared being with AJ, I didn't want to hurt him more than he was already hurting. If we did end up being a couple I wondered if I could truly be with him without thinking of Brian every single moment that passed. Then reality set in, I knew that Brian would always be on my mind and in my heart. For so long he was all that I had thought about and even now I couldn't get him out of my mind for longer than a few seconds.

When I had first regained control of my body Brian was the first person I saw. He was sleeping beside me with his head resting on my chest, he had looked so innocent. Brian was like an angel that I had prayed for, and there he was waiting for me to awaken from my slumber. When I had woken him up he had started crying and holding onto me, the thought alone sent me back to that place where I had wanted to say so much. At that time I had been so weak and the person that had come to mind was Nick. He shouldn't have been the person I was thinking about at that time, I should have been focusing on Brian. My first words had been for Nick, telling Brian that I could live for myself and I loved him. What I should have said was that I loved Brian, that I loved him for everything he had done for me. For all the time he had spent by my side knowing that I could remain that way for the rest of time. Still he had remained by my side never giving up hope that someday I would wake up. All his words had touched my heart, everything he had done I could remember. In all that time I had never given him anything, so it confused me at that time. Now I knew the reasons he had for always being there for me, he had loved me. Those feelings he had for me were now focused on another, and from what I could tell he wasn't a bad guy. He loved Brian, he loved him more than I had ever allowed myself reveal.

I knew now that I had made a huge mistake in never letting Brian know how much he meant to me. Then I made an even bigger mistake by pushing him away when he had only wanted to stand by my side. Now all I could really do was wait until Brian's new interest screwed up and gave me a chance. I didn't know when that time would come but I knew that I would do anything to get him back when it did. My only hope was that it wouldn't take to long, I feared that my feelings for AJ would grow. I knew that Brian would always have my heart but that didn't mean my heart wouldn't heal in time. Knowing that only made me worry a little more because I knew that I didn't want to give Brian up. Now as I watched him talk and kiss his boyfriend my heart twisted into knots and my vision blurred lightly. I turned away and wiped my eyes before anyone could get a good enough look to know what was happening. It was like daggers digging their way to my heart and constantly stabbing me. There was no way I could continue to watch Brian, so I looked at Nick and smiled. Only he didn't return my smile, he knew what I was feeling, how I wasn't for sure but he knew. He tilted his head toward AJ who was looking at Brian as well with what looked like hatred. I guess everyone wasn't as blind as I had hoped they were.

Kevin was standing in a corner with Leigh, both of them were looking at Brian. Kristen was standing with my mother talking about something, but both of them were looking toward Brian. Jerry, Brian's boyfriend looked at me with what looked like a sad smile, but I couldn't blame him. He had Brian and he had won him fair and square, no tricks or cheating involved. Now as I looked at him I found myself wanting to rip him to shreds so I could once again have Brian. The longer the thought was in my mind the more it made sense to fight for this. Brian and I belonged together, only I didn't know how to get him back without doing something low down and dirty. I didn't want to sank to that level, in fact I refused to go that low. Now I just had to think of a way to win him back without destroying Jerry in the process, eventhough he was now the enemy. The first thing I would have to do would be getting back on my feet so I had a fighting chance. There were things I knew how to do that I hadn't even thought of doing in years, but now it was needed. Of course my legs would be needed along with less clothing, or more revealing clothing that I didn't normally wear. Now that I had somewhat of a plan I was going to need help from Nick and a few other people. A few names came to mind along with my other brother David.

Four more months had passed and I was now walking short distances without any trouble. My doctors said I would be out of the hospital in a few more weeks if I kept my progress up. It was all thanks to Nick and AJ, neither of them had left my side since the party. Well, they left to go home and sleep but the next morning they were there helping me. The sadest part was both of them knew what I was up to and still agreed to help, for AJ it had to be killing him. Only I didn't know any other way, and I knew now that he did have feelings for me. He told me how he felt, but that he understood how I felt about Brian and that he would do anything to help me, so he could see me happy again. I hadn't known how to react, and I still didn't so I didn't say anything at all. I just kissed AJ on his cheek then we placed our foreheads together. It was one of those moments where I wanted to give him everything he wanted, only I knew my heart wouldn't be in it. So I could only give him what I had which was friendship, at least until I knew that there would never be a Brian and I again. When that happened maybe my heart would finally allow some of these flames to die. It was burning my heart and soul and all I could really focus on was getting Brian back. So for now AJ was way out of the picture, but I was happy that he was willing to help me. Nick on the other had was doing everything he could to set up my fashion show which I had been working on when I wasn't working out.

The outfits I had made were more revealing than anything I had ever drawn before. The models didn't mind since most of them were like me and didn't like wearing much clothing to begin with. So revealing themselves wasn't really a problem, and I would be joining them on the stage. It would be the first time any of them would meet me or know that I was the designer. There was also the possablility that the reporters would finally know about my connection to Nick and all hell could break loose. I had asked mom and everyone else before I had asked Nick to start planning that part of my plan. She had agreed under one condition, that I would finally take their last name. I had agreed since I had been planning on it anyway, just a little later than it had happened. My last name had become my middle name, so I was now Ash Lee Carter. I thought it sounded pretty nice myself, and Mom had been so happy about it. It had felt really good to see her smile and jump around like a little kid. Now with everything almost ready it was time for the last three steps to be taken. First Brian would have to be at the show in a front roll seat, then he would have to go to the after party. Everything was pretty much riding on one night, well not everything even if this didn't work out I wasn't going to give up. Well, not until I no longer had a choice in the matter.

The day was finally here and Brian and Jerry were front roll for what they thought was my return show. Everyone else knew that I had made my return after my birthday party in secret. Since then I had been sending drawings in and taking my business back making a ton of money in the process.

"Hey, don't I know you from somewhere, I know I've seen your face somewhere. That doesn't matter right now, do you know where the designer is, I was told that we would finally get to meet this guy." I looked at the model and smiled, he looked a little hyper, which made me a little happier.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Ash Lee, the designer, is there something I can help you with?" The guy looked confused since I was wearing my own clothing and was about to take the runway.

"There's no way, you're way to young to be doing this, and these clothes, no way man quit pulling my leg, you're a model just like us." I laughed and walked to a table picking my walet up and showing him my old ID. His eyes got huge then he told me how sorry he was for ever doubting me.

"This is so cool man, I mean it's like one of us finally made it in this world on something besides our looks. Have you seen some of the other deisgners, there're as ulgy as dogs man, but I wouldn't mind sleeping with you to get a job for one second." That was the last thing he said before he walked out on the walkway leaving me a little confused. I shook my head and followed him letting my bangs cover most of my face. The only people that would know who I was were the people I had sitting front roll. I stopped at the edge and looked down at Brian, he looked a little confused, I could only smile. Something told me I had a really good chance of getting him back since Jerry had been pulling his arm the whole time I had been standing on the edge. He hadn't even looked at Jerry as I walked away making sure to shake my ass a little. If little Jerry wanted to keep Brian he was going to have to fight with everything he had. After the show was over I took the stage once again pulling my hair out of my eyes.

"I would like thank all of you for coming out and watching my show tonight, I hope you give me some positive reveiws. This is the first time I've allowed my face to been seen at one of my shows, considering my age. Yet as you can see I make wonderful clothing for men mostly, as you've seen I've only made three outfits for women. I hope that I can help male modeling and open some doorways to prove that we can model more than just suits. Thank you all for your time, and I hope you all have a nice night, and an even better morning." I walked off the stage before I could be asked any questions since I could hear the reporters already whispering. Once I was back stage I got a lot of pats on the back by the models who promised to help whenever they could. I knew that their words were only as good as the next few hours. If the reviews were good then I could count on them for my next show, if it all went south then they would pretend they had never met me. I didn't hold it against them, it was the world we all lived in and I understood them. If one of the models had messed up I would have been forced to never hire that model again fearing that he or she would do it again. This business was about perfection, and if you weren't at least a mask of perfection then it was a little hard to get anywhere. It didn't mean you had to be perfect it just meant that you had to look perfect or it didn't work to well.

I knew that my clothing was as perfect as I could make them but that wasn't always what mattered. So I still had a lot to worry about, and this time I had gone further than I had ever done before. The only part of the body that I had covered was the penis, and I'm sure that sometimes even that was seen. I know that what I had been wearing the one time I took the runway showed everything and only made it look like I had something on. Once you got close enough you could see that there was nothing left to the minds imagination. Now the clothing was meant to be worn with under clothing but at the time it didn't really suit my needs. I needed to show Brian a few things that I had to offer, while tonight at the party I was going to show him some dancing skills that AJ had been teaching me. If that didn't work then I didn't know what I was going to do, but it wasn't going to stop me. When the party started I found myself very nervous and not wanting to hit the dance floor or face Brian. This wasn't me and I was just starting to realize that when Nick walked in and pulled me out of my hiding place.

"Come on, if this is going to work you have to be out there." I nodded and followed him to the dance floor where Jerry and Brian were dancing. So I started dancing by myself having Nick and AJ keep other people from joining me. Kevin made sure that Brian got to see me by asking him a few questions while his back was to me. So Brian had to have looked over Kevin's shoulder to see me at least once. I couldn't look at him since I knew what Kevin was upto, I just had to hope he would walk over.

"You put on a really nice show tonight, I was a little surprised to see you on catwalk." I looked over at Brian and nodded slowly thanking him afterwards.

"I thought I would try something new, I just hope I didn't embarrass myself." Brian started shaking his head really quickly and smiling like a little kid.

"I don't think you could do that if you wanted to, could we talk for a minute?" I nodded and followed Brian back to his table where Jerry was waiting. He didn't look to happy to see me at the moment, which was understandable.

"Hi Jerry, what did you think of the show, plan on buying any of the clothing?" I smiled as sweetly as I could and batted my eyes lightly.

"Well, I'm thinking about getting the outfit you have on, Brian really seems to like it, and just like you I have nothing to be ashamed of." He returned my smile and tilted his head lightly before looking to Brian. I could have ripped his lips off his face without a second thought at that moment.

"I'm so happy you liked it, maybe I could get your sizes and have one made for you for free. After all any friend of Brian's is a friend of mine, what's your pants size, maybe a thirty eight would do." His face changed lightly, I knew very well that pants at that size would just fall off him.

"Just kidding, are you a thirty two, or smaller cause you look smaller." I could tell that he was starting to get really mad so I only smiled a little wider as I took a seat beside Brian.

"It seems you like to joke around alot, I guess you and Nick have that in commin." I laughed lightly placing my hand on Brian's leg acting like I was trying to calm myself.

"Well, you know how it goes with God being in a joking mood, he ends up making a person with a good sense of humor, or two in my case." The smile hadn't left my lips and my hand was still on Brian's leg as if I had forgotten it there. Jerry looked at me with this smile but his eyes had kill all over them. When he looked at my hand it instantly became overkill.

"I should get back to the dance floor, I hope you two have a great night." I stood and walked back to the dance floor and started dancing to some weird music that had a really wild beat to it. It helped me out a lot since it was allowing me to shake my body in all the right places. I could only hope that Brian was watching and that Jerry's temper would get the best of him.


All I could do was watch him from a distance and hope that he got what he wanted. It was all I wanted right now, just to see him smile again and know it wasn't fake. To know that he really was happy, and I knew that Brian was the only one that could give that to him. So I watched him, he looked good, better than any other guy I had met, but that wasn't what had attracted me to him. To be honest I didn't really know what attracted me to him, he was just a great guy. His smile could light up a room and draw all the attention to him without any trouble. When he spoke with someone you could tell that his attention was really focused on that person. He didn't just nod he would add imput and ideas, some times just something that helped or his own opinion. I couldn't help but to look toward Brian, he had been a fool to ever let Ash slip out of his life. Eventhough Ash had asked for it Brian should have waited, I would have waited until the end of time. Something told me that even now I was waiting for him, just for a chance with him would be enough. Only I knew in my mind that his heart belonged to Brian, and most likely would always belong to Brian. My heart on the other hand couldn't accept this fact so I kept waiting, and praying that someday he would be mine.

I also knew that I wanted this to go bad, so then there was a chance Ash would give up on Brian. If that happened it would give me a chance with him, a very small chance but still a chance. I know that given the time I could make him smile again, and be there for him whenever he needed someone. He was there when I needed him, well not really but he had sent me a card. At the time he hadn't really known me but the words he had put in that card had touched my heart. He had been so kind and made the card by hand and not just gone out and baught it. That had meant so much to me, then when I start to think that I'd like to get to know him he gets hurt really badly. I was in shock when Nick had told us what had happened, and then when I saw him. He had looked so bad and the doctors didn't think he would make it. Still he pulled through and proved all the doctors wrong. Then time after time he would do it again and show the world, or at least his friends that he truly was a miracle. The night I had held Nick I had been thinking it was the only thing I could do for Ash. He would have wanted someone there for his brother so I stepped upto the bat. At some point I had fallen for him, and I still didn't know why. I guess it didn't really matter, all that mattered was seeing him smile again, and if Brian could do that then it's all I could ever ask for.

To Be Continued ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other stories that I've written Falling, The Sryin, The Lost, Broken, It's A Wonderful Life, Gemini, Ghost, Where You Are, Libra, Simple Twist Of Fate, Angelic, and The Last Kiss Good Night

Next: Chapter 11

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