Double Shunt

Published on Jun 16, 2022




"DOUBLE SHUNT - STORY OF MAFIA AND SEX" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2018
written on October 7th 1994
Translated by the Author
English text kindly revised by
Dr. Fu Manchu


Fabrizio watches the man put his clothes back on as he, too, dresses. He will take his shower after the client leaves.

"Well, did you enjoy it?" he asks to the man. He sees the other hesitate. "Hey, I just did what I was told. Have you by chance something to complain about?"

"No no... it's OK..." the man hastens to answer, looking at him almost worriedly.

Fabrizio doesn't understand. This is the strangest client he has ever had. Then a doubt hits him: "But you didn't cum... Do you want me to make you cum?"

"No, no, no, it's all right... Thank you."

"As you wish." Fabrizio replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"I can go, now, can't I?" the man hesitantly asks.

"Hey, wait a moment. What about the money?" Fabrizio worriedly asks, thinking that now the man is playing smart.

"The money? Ah, yes... Sorry..." the man says. He rummages in the internal pocket of his jacket and hands him a white envelope: "Here it is. It is all. You can check." the man adds.

Fabrizio glances inside and sees that the sum is more than what was agreed on. He is rather surprised, looks at the man and asks with a hesitant voice: "Did you check it?"

"Yes, sure. But if you want to check again..."

"No, it is fine with me."

"Well, may I leave, now?"

"Yes, sure. See you."

"Eh? Goodbye!" the man says and rushes out of the room.

Fabrizio shakes his head - he must be the kind of client who afterwards is ashamed; there are many this way. He again opens the envelope and counts the money - goodness, exactly double, one million! That man, in spite of his rather cheap clothes, has money to throw away! So much the better.

Fabrizio undresses again and takes a shower. He looks at his watch and consults the timetable for a train to go back. Good. He still has the time to eat lunch, then he can go back home. He has to call Delio, to thank him but he will not tell him that the client paid him double, or he might ask for a part of the money.

Anyway, a really strange client, this one, who is ready to pay such amounts of money without even enjoying it! Bah, his problem, not mine, Fabrizio thinks, while starting to eat. After paying for the hotel room, the lunch and the train, there will still be lot more of the agreed five hundred than he had expected; yes a very generous client. Ah, if he could have many like this one!

Martino looks at the boy. He really deserves the money and his expenses reimbursement. He decides not to be tight-fisted. He pulls out his wallet from his pocket and counts ten notes of one hundred thousand liras - a rounded up figure, he will be happy, right?

He hands him the money: "Here, this is for you."

The boy widens his eyes - evidently the boy wasn't hoping for that amount, Martino thinks, pleased.

"For me?" Rinaldo asks, unbelieving.

"Yes, sure, take it."

"You will let me go, now?"

"Yes..." Martino answers, puzzled by the question, while he starts to dress.

"Can I put on my clothes?" Rinaldo asks, feeling hope resurface in his heart.

"Well, you aren't going out naked, are you?" Martino jokes.

Rinaldo looks at him - how different this man now seems from the pitiless killer who entered the cellar. He has a serene, quiet smile. Rinaldo gets up from the bed, takes his clothes out of the corner and starts to dress. Martino looks at the vest and briefs he cut away and says with a smile: "Well, you can buy new ones with the money I gave you."

"What? Oh yes, sure." Rinaldo says, confused.

After they are dressed again Martino puts his hand on the boy's shoulder: "I liked you very much, boy. You are really skilled. You are the best hustler I ever met," he says with a smile.

Rinaldo looks at him with widened eyes: "A hustler? Me?"

"Well, yes... You aren't offended by this word, are you? Delio told me I would have been pleased with you. You acted in a perfect way."

"I acted?" Rinaldo asks, more and more confused.

"Yes, the part of the slave. Have you played this part many times?" the man amused asks.

Rinaldo doesn't understand. He wonders if the man is mocking him? Is he playing with him like a cat with a mouse? When he least expects it, will he shoot a bullet in his head, or thrust the lancet into his heart? Rinaldo feels really confused. And yet, that smile, is not wicked; it seems true, sincere... Rinaldo trembles.

"Hey, boy! What's up now? You are trembling. It seems almost as if I'm scaring you! So? It was just a game, you saw that, right? I didn't hurt you, right? What happens to you now?" Martino amazed asks.

"You will really let me go... You won't kill me?" Rinaldo asks in confusion.

Martino bursts in laughter: "Hey, I'm not a sex maniac -- even if I like this staging!"


"Yes, the fake pistol..." Martino says laughing, taking it from the table, aiming at the bed and pulling the trigger. A bullet shoots and Martino turns pale: "Oh shit, but this is real! Oh my God!"

Rinaldo looks at him astounded, then asks: "But you... who are you?"

"I? I don't understand..." Martino answers putting down cautiously the pistol on the table, and looking at it with fear.

"But, weren't you sent here by the Mafia to kill me?" Rinaldo asks.

"The Mafia? To kill you? What fucking shit is this?"

Then, Rinaldo tells him about himself...

"Oh, holy God! But then... we both are in danger, now." Martino whispers and sits on the bed all of a sudden.

"Possibly not... they evidently don't know who you are, and if I disappear... They made the mistake. They left you a car, right? Take me to Teramo, please."

"To Teramo? I don't understand..."

"I can take from there a train to Torino and then I can flee to France with my girlfriend. They will not look for me on that line. Moreover, they don't suspect I'm still alive."

"But they will see that you or your body is not here..."

"They will think you did a very good job; that you made my corpse disappear. Hurry up. You too, it's better if you don't go back to the hotel, now. Let's go, hurry up!"

Martino is troubled, but he thinks that the boy could be right. They go upstairs, nobody is around. They leave.

During the journey, suddenly Martino says, feeling guilty: "And I... forced you to do all that... God, I couldn't guess..."

Rinaldo laughs - he has again all his life in face of him: "I would be ready to do all again, just to be free and alive..."

"I was sure you were acting... forgive me..."

"No, I was not acting at all, but... well, it still hurts, but you also made me enjoy it..." Rinaldo says thoughtful.

"You really have to forgive me..."

"Don't worry, I owe you my life. And a good fuck... well... never made anyone die; rather, in my case, it give me back my life."

"I hurt you... and you really were a virgin, there..."

"Yes. But you also made me enjoy it. I never would have thought it possible, do you know? Anyway. I continue to prefer girls... and to be on top, believe me."

The car is powerful. They cross the Apennines in a short time. Martino watches as Rinaldo takes the train for the north, looking until the train pulls out of the station. Then he again takes the car and goes to Rome. He leaves the car unlocked, with the key in it, at the Station's square -- he hopes somebody will steal it. When he gets home, he calls the hotel director asking him to send him back all his belongings. He had to leave suddenly, he explains.

Dionigi is travelling on the train to Messina. Good, he really believes he passed the test. He is longing to be back home - to see his wife - he will take her at once to their bedroom, and he will make undress completely, under the light, to let him look at her and he will take her, to restore the natural balance of things. Yes, he is the male, no fucking bullshit! The experience it was just a test. He didn't even think to take money for the train tickets when he gave the boy the envelope. Well, anyway the hotel was paid. He did lose a little money but now for sure he will be admitted to the "family" and this is the most important thing.

After several hours, Saro still don't see the car in front of the hotel. He asks himself what could have happened. He takes his bike and goes to check the abandoned cottage. All is silent. He cautiously goes downstairs to the cellar. The door is open, the light on. Nobody is there. He checks the pistol - one bullet is missing. He doesn't see the hole on the mattress, and thinks that the killer shot the traitor. He sees the shredded vest and briefs, on the floor and he picks up the pieces and looks at them. What does this mean? Ah, possibly the killer stripped the boy to torture him. He goes back to the table, and inspects the lancet - no traces of blood. He looks one by one at all the other torture tools - who knows which the killer used on the boy? Where did he take the corpse? Bah, how could it be, the killer did a clean job, no traces at all, a very good job, nothing to say!

Yes, when he first saw the man, he felt at once that he had to be a pitiless man - he had on his face, in his eyes, that little smile of one who is going to amuse himself a lot. He felt a shudder of uneasiness, at that smile... Yes, they sent the right man for the job. He has probably made the car disappear, with the corpse inside, probably in the lake, or at sea. He can call Messina and tell them that all is okay, and that the job has been carried out perfectly. Nobody will again hear of Mancuso Rinaldo, the traitor.

Fabrizio, back home, calls Delio: "A strange man, that client, but it seems he was happy with my service. Did he call you?"

"No, not yet. Did it go okay?"

"Yeah, but it was he who wanted to play the slave role. He sucked me and made me fuck his ass, even if really he really didn't seem to enjoy it. A strange type, really."

"Ah yes? Really? I understood it was to be the other way. But, anyway, if he paid you, it means he was satisfied with you."

"Yeah... If you have more clients like him, call me."

"Sure, Fabrizio. You know that you are one of my preferred boys, don't you?"

"Yeah, and I also know that you would like to fuck me."

"Well, don't I deserve that, after all the clients I found for you?"

"You know you are not my type, right? If you pay, perhaps...."

"You are heartless..." Delio giggles at the other end of the phone.

Martino, for a while, recalling that adventure, stays on the alert - he is still afraid that they could discover everything and look for him. But little by little he calms down. He recalls the pimp. He wonders if he still has his telephone number? Yes, here it is. He can ask him to send him a boy; he really needs that. It has been three months since he had a good fuck.

"Delio... I'm the man of Caserta..."

"Ah, doctor, I received the money. Happy with the boy I sent you?"

"Eh? The boy?"

"Yes, if you want him again, I think that the boy will be glad to come to your place..."

"Ah, will he be glad?"

"Yes, sure, if you like a master like him..."

"A master? I... no, I stopped such fantasies. I just want a boy who is young, handsome, taking it in his ass and good at giving head. A skilled boy." Martino says.

"Are you sure you want me to send you a bottom?" Delio asks insinuatingly.

"Sure! I'm certainly not a bottom!"

"Ah, if you say so... good. I have a boy, eighteen years old, an angel-like face, a dream-like little ass. If you want, I can send him to you... Always Caserta?"

"No, at my residence, here in Rome. Tonight, around ten 'o clock. How much?"

"This one asks only for 250, besides the 50 for me, of course."

"Agreed, then. This is my address..."

Dionigi is contemplating his naked wife. At first she didn't want to, but he forced her, and now she too got used to it and she likes doing it with the light on.

"You are handsome." she says pleased. It is the first time she says so, and Dionigi is happy. "And you fuck like a god!" she adds, blushing.

Dionigi is overjoyed. "I have to dress, now, darling. Don Calogero is waiting for me."

"He is happy with you, right?"

"And how!"

"Tell me again what he said to you after the trial?"

"He said 'Dionigi, we are happy with you, you did all in the best way. And above all... the boy doesn't complain!' and he burst into laughter."

"But, which boy? What doesn't he complain about?" his wife asks him.

"You know that I cannot tell, not even to you, my soul..." Dionigi says, shuddering slightly. From that time, he doesn't want any more of his wife pushing her finger into his ass. And now she let the nail of the middle finger of her left hand grow long....

Rinaldo is in France with his Rosaria. They are married. They live in her uncle's house, waiting to be able to find a small apartment all for themselves. Rosaria just said him that she thinks she is pregnant. Rinaldo is happy. He kisses her naked belly.

"Take me, Love..." she whispers spreading her legs in an eloquent invitation.

"But...the baby?"

"For a few months, there are no problems. Take me, Rinaldo..."

"Yes, my love." the boy aroused says, gently wedging inside her. "Put your finger there... You know I like that."

"Yes, sure..." she says pushing a finger in her husband's back hole. She feels him throbbing inside her; she feels it becoming harder and stronger.

Rinaldo is thinking that it would be good if while he takes his wife where Martino was taking him... No, he will never do such a thing, but... at least in his fantasy... Anyway, if the baby will be a boy, he will give him as his name Martino - after all, he owes him his life, even if in exchange he had to give him his ass. Moreover, faggot or not, Martino was likeable, especially when he continued to apologize for having fucked him. He likes it a lot more doing it with his wife, of course, but that finger penetrating him, makes him enjoy twice...

Martino is enjoying the boy that Delio sent him - a handsome eighteen-year-old boy, who is tossing under him, squeaking and moaning with pleasure. Sure, Martino thinks, hammering into the boy with pleasure, he is not Rinaldo... That boy made him enjoy the fuck enormously, even if it had been all a mistake, but what a happy mistake, for both of them!

"Holy shit, how good you are at fucking me..." the boy under him says, pushing his little ass against his groin and rocking it. "Don't come too soon, please, my beautiful hunk, let me enjoy it longer...."

"You like it, eh?"

"To die for. And you, do you like fucking me?"

"Yes, you are very good, and you are still so tight. Have you hustled for long?"

"No, just two months."

"And do you like it?"

"Not always. But I like it with you, you are fantastic, a knockout."

"Do you say so to all your clients?" Martino says, lowering his head to gently bite the boy's nipples.

"Oh no! You really fuck wonderfully. You are a real stallion."

"I can't believe you."

"Next time I'll come with you for free. Do you believe me, now?"

"Just once?" Martino asks pulling his leg. But he really likes that boy. He slips out and lowers to give head to the boy.

"Oooh, god! I... I will give you my telephone number, later... ooohhh... I'll come any time you call me... oohohoh... for free, always..."

"And why?"

"Nobody made me enjoy as you do... Fuck my ass again, please..."

"With pleasure, boy... with real pleasure..."

"Ooooh... yeah..."

All is good what ends well. Just as Delio is asking himself how it comes that his new client wanted to be fucked by Fabrizio, but now asks only for bottom boys... Could possibly Fabrizio lie to him? But what for? No, Fabrizio is not the liar kind, he knows perfectly well his boys.... No, it must be some kind of... conversion, how mysterious and inexplicable!

And Saro, who still is asking himself how that killer managed to make the traitor disappear so well, without any trace... He can't ask questions, and anyway he will possibly never again meet the assassin. He doesn't suspect at all that things went in a rather different way because he, reading the room number on the key, saw it upside down, and that therefore it was not 61 as he was told, but 19...

A not previewed advance in time, a mistaken number, a cigarette packet and a magazine forgotten on a table... little things, of no importance in themselves, allowed Rinaldo to survive...


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

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