Double Shunt

Published on Jun 15, 2022




"DOUBLE SHUNT - STORY OF MAFIA AND SEX" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2018
written on October 7th 1994
Translated by the Author
English text kindly revised by
Dr. Fu Manchu


Martino is enjoying the boy's suck. "He really is a skilled hustler!" he thinks, satisfied. "He acts his part with perfection!" And also the scenery is perfect-the cellar, the tools, the boy well tied, the pistol that seems real. "Moreover, nobody ever gave me head so well, he is really putting all his soul in sucking me!"

Just to continue the fiction, Martino says: "Suck harder, slave! Suck... You like this cock in your mouth, don't you? Tell me you like it!" The boy continues to suck without giving sign he understood.

So then, Martino slips it out of his mouth, shining with saliva and shuddering with pleasure: "Well, then? Tell me you like sucking it, slave!"

The boy looks at him with glossy, almost feverish eyes. Isn't he really skilled?

"Tell me you like it" Martino shouts trying to assume a grim and cruel face.

"I like it..." the boy stutters.

"I like it, master! Say it!"

"I like it, master." the prisoner says.

"Beg me to fuck your mouth some more!"

"Please... thrust it all inside my mouth, master... " the boy murmurs, trembling .

"Good. Yes, that way. You learn fast. Yes, I really think that afterwards I'll forgive you and let you go free."

"Please, fuck my mouth, master!" the boy then yells.

"You like it, eh?"

"Yes, master. Very much, master."

"And after...? Where do you want it?"

"Fuck my ass, master!"

"Oh really? You want it up your ass too, eh?"

"Yes, master.... Where do you want it, master..." the boy says with a desperate accent.

Martino is really conquered by the boy's skill, he is performing his part splendidly. He caresses his hair: "Good, this way. You are a good slave, really... Suck it some more then I'll amuse myself with your nice small ass. Tell me; you want to cum too, right?"

"As you like, master!"

"Why not... later.... You have a nice hard cock... It would be a pity not to play a while with it..." Martino says pushing his hand around his back, to feel it. Then he turns again: "Now, open your mouth well, slave! I like fucking your face!"

And he starts again to fuck with gusto the mouth of the boy tied on the bed. "Yes, he is really a good actor, and a skilled whore..." he thinks satisfied, and more and more aroused.

Dionigi is sucking the boy's stake, his eyes closed, almost as if, not looking at it, reality could become different. He, a male from head to toe, kneeling in front of a boy he could break with just two fingers! But that boy must be someone special, possibly even the son of some big boss of the "cupola". And they decided to test him in this way. If his wife, his friends, could just see him now, he would kill himself. To suck the cock to a boy like a pervert, and then, the boy said, even giving him his ass! He could think of any test but that one - the worst they could imagine. Possibly, knowing him as well as they should, they expected him to rebel and so show he was not reliable... But he will show them that they can have complete trust in him; that he is ready to obey any, ANY order. "Yes, I will show them..." he thinks.

"And then," Dionigi thinks, continuing to suck in the best way he can, "I now understand why nobody ever talks about the tests.... Sure nobody talks about this... Yes, of course, now it is clear like the sun; who would ever confess to have sucked a cock and to have been screwed in his ass? I just hope he will use the Vaseline. Happily this boy doesn't have a log big like mine...."

His own hangs inert between his legs. As soon as he will be back home, he will jump on his wife and keep her under him for at least a week, Dionigi thinks, angrily. At that thought he feels that something is moving between his legs, something rising. "Oh my God! And possibly this guy will think I'm getting a hard on because of him! Is not this, perhaps, the real test? See if I get aroused doing those things? Oh God, that will be the limit!"

Dionigi opens again his eyes and looks at that manly body he is servicing, and with his great relief, between his legs, his flag that was already at half pole height, rapidly lowers and softens. Phew, happily!

The boy from time to time abuses him, he possibly hopes to make him react, to make him lose his control. But he is not born yesterday, he doesn't fall in so an evident trap. He plays the dummy, all is right, master, sir! "Yes, the first time he asks me something, I'll call him 'master', so...."

"Anyway the one aroused here is him, not me. And who knows that this boy is really a faggot? But then, why here in Caserta? Moreover, this lad has not at all the aspect of a Sicilian. No, possibly he is not the son of a big boss, possibly they just pay him for this kind of test. Anyway, I don't want to be wrong...; I will play his game. He could also be the grandson of Sicilians, who was born and lived here in the Continent; who knows?"

Dionigi thinks these things and continues to suck, while the boy in a deep voice, gives orders, insults him... "Well, you waste your breath, boy! Dionigi Privitera doesn't fall into your traps!" He smiles inside himself.

Rinaldo waits trembling, his mouth wide open, his tongue pushed out, that this man towering over him starts again to fuck his mouth. He looks at the man's eyes and feels dismayed. He just knows he has to make the man enjoy himself, if he wants to have the final answer - will he really let him free, afterwards, or will he kill him? The man is taking his pleasure with him, this is evident; is savouring his helpless victim. What scares the boy most is the contrast between the harsh, arrogant, merciless words of his taskmaster and his eyes, at times sweet. He confusedly thinks that it seems almost as if the man is acting the part of the tough man...

"Do you want it, slave?" the man asks Rinaldo as his rod brushes over the boy's tongue.

"Yes, master..." the boy murmurs, licking the cock head, and soon feels his mouth filled again by that hot and shuddering pole.

The man starts again to deeply fuck the boy's mouth, with calm but decided moves. And meanwhile the man's hand lowers to the boy's chest and teases his nipples. Rinaldo has a jolt - he feels that the man, besides wanting to get pleasure from him, wants to arouse him and in some odd way, he is succeeding.

To feel pleasure being raped... as, after all, this is what's happening. Rinaldo feels confused. He sucks and is amazed not to be disgusted having his mouth filled by a man's rod, and he starts to ask himself if his excitement is just his normal reaction to fear, or if instead it is the fact of being forced to the sexual act that is arousing him, now. The animal heat of the man is in some ways pleasurable.... Feeling the man's excitement, is in some ways pleasurable.... His arrogance mixed with his odd sweetness, is enticing...and getting to be enjoyable.

The man again parts from him, leaves the bed. He looks at Rinaldo and caresses him all over his body, titillating his turgid genitals. Rinaldo looks at him and trembles with a mixture of fear but also pleasure, he must admit it to himself. The man again rummages between his butt cheeks and teases the boy's hole with a turgid finger.

"Now I'll thrust it all inside here, right, slave?" the man asks.

"Yes master..." Rinaldo mechanically answers.

The man again takes the lancet from the table and cuts the sticking plaster that ties the boy's ankles at the bottom of the bed. Then spreads the boy's legs and goes back on the bed, crouching between them. He caresses the boy's legs, the inner part of his thighs and Rinaldo shudders with pleasure.

"So, slave, are you happy to be screwed in your ass?"

"No, master, but you are the master..."

This answer seems to please the man: "No, huh? You possibly would like to be the one to do the screwing, right? How many boys have you already screwed, slave?"

"No one, never, master."

"Ah no? You are only a bottom?"

"No, master, I never took it in my ass, I swear..."

"Ah, so my little slave pretends to be a virgin!" the man says amused, spreading the boy's thighs and wedging himself between them more firmly. With his finger he again teases the boy's hole, and nearly enters him: "Don't tell me lies, slave, or you will get me angry again. Tell me, with how many men did you have sex, pig?"

"No, I..."

"The truth, or I'll geld you!" the man shouts angrily.

And then Rinaldo invents - he tells the man about all the girls he had, just changing all of them to boys, and pussies to asses. The man listens, continuing to play with his finger in the boy's hole and to massage his turgid genitals.

"So, you screwed all those boys, but no one of them screwed you, right, slave?"

"Yes, master, I swear..."

"But you will now pay for all of them.... I'll split open your little tight ass, until you'll implore me, beg me to stop... Mmmmh... you really have a nice ass..." the man says pushing the boy's legs against his chest, then lowers his face between the boy's buttocks and starts to wet his hole, to push inside it with his strong tongue.

Rinaldo shudders - he didn't know one could feel pleasure being licked there.... The man goes over him, places his rod's tip on the hole, and starts to push.

"Oooh, nooo!" Rinaldo yells, feeling pain.

"No? What no?" the man says increasing the strength of his pushing to penetrate him - he is really, nicely tight!

"Oh, please, master... noooo... it hurts..."

"Sure it hurts! I am punishing you, you have to suffer, slave!"

"Oh no, please... screw again me in my mouth... please...."

"Oh yes! You belong to me, and I use you as I like best! Shit, but you are really tight!"

"I beg you, master... no, please..."

"I'm entering you... Aaaah, it's goood... ooohh..."

"Nooo... nooo, have mercy!"

"Yes, yes! No mercy! Oooh.... your ass is a really hot furnace... So good... aaah, this way... this way..." the man moans at each thrust, slowly sinking in the hot channel, invading it a little by little with each thrust.

"Nooo.... noooo..." Rinaldo moans in answer feeling his tight hole ablaze, while it is unavoidably opening at that implacable invasion.

But Rinaldo, together with the burning pain, is feeling also an intense, weird, incredible pleasure. And when the man starts to hammer inside him, brushing at each thrust his prostate, the boy begs for mercy - for mercy, because he is deeply ashamed to feel such a strong pleasure in being buggered. He would like to be able to cling to his pain, to feel rage, hate for that violence he is undergoing, but he is not able.... He looks at the man triumphing over him, inside him, and sees that the pleasure is transforming him in a kind of avenging angel. And Rinaldo confusedly thinks: "Yes, I screwed so many girls, and now it's my turn to be screwed. When they said 'no' to me, I was even more aroused and pleased to force them to accept me. Now it is my turn."

"Oh, master... punish me... I deserve it..." Rinaldo pants, his body shaken by the strong strokes of the man.

"Thank me, slave! I like you, I decided not to kill you!"

"Thank you, master..."

"And you like being fucked, isn't it?"

"I like it, master... But it hurts..." Rinaldo moans, his voice hoarse, upset for the intense sensations he is feeling.

Fabrizio got tired receiving head from the man. He is not even really skilled. He pulls out and orders: "On the bed, ass up, fast!"

"Yes, sir... I obey..." the man says climbing on the bed.

Fabrizio knells at his back and slaps his buttocks: "You are a real pig, aren't you? A cheap whore!"

"Yes, master..." the man says, his voice choked by the pillow where he sank his face.

"Now I'll break into your hole, and fuck you until you lose your senses." Fabrizio declares faking a cruel voice.

The only one thing that amazes Fabrizio is that the man doesn't seem at all aroused. Why does he pay him so dearly if he doesn't even get a hard on? Could he be an impotent man? Could his enjoyment be just cerebral? Bah, never happened something like that to Fabrizio. Anyway, he is a really handsome man, and if he likes being fucked in his ass, Fabrizio doesn't regret that at all.

"Spread your butt and put spit on your ass hole, pig!" Fabrizio barks.

The man hurriedly complies, without a word. Then Fabrizio lowers on him and thrusts inward. The man resists, but Fabrizio applies all the weight of his body on his hard rod, and feels the tight hole yielding little by little, receiving his tool. The man emits a low groan. Fabrizio pushes with all his might and sinks inside with difficulty but doesn't give up, happy to have found a hole so tight...

"Oh, God!" the man groans.

"Yes, I am your god!" Fabrizio says, amusedly.

"Oh fuck!" the man jolts when at last Fabrizio is completely inside him.

"Yes, I'll fuck you dead! Do you like it?"

"If you like it..." the man murmurs, feeling a cold sweat on all his body.

"Yes, and now I will mount you like a cow! Because you are just a cow! Tell me you are just a cow!"

"Oh yes, and you are a bull!" the man answers with sarcasm, clawing the pillow with his fingers.

Fabrizio starts to mount him with energy. The man emits low groan, his eyes tightly shut, hoping that this pervert boy soon reaches his orgasm and leave him at last in peace. Fabrizio fucks the really tight ass with gusto - he thinks of the half million he is earning with that screw and is happy. Even if the man is not so skilled - he let the boy screw him so passively, Fabrizio can't understand what pleasure the man can feel in that. Bah, it's his fucking business, Fabrizio thinks rocking on top of him with force, having decided to enjoy that tight ass as long as he can. It is not an everyday chance to be able to fuck a male... so manly!

They don't say any more words, Fabrizio engrossed in his pleasure, the man hoping just that the boy will cum soon.

Martino is enjoying the tight little ass of the boy and his facial expression-a mixture of pain and pleasure. "If is he acting, he is really very skilled." Martino thinks, "And he tightens his hole so that he could even pass for a virgin, he is a real professional. And he has a handsome body, virile, firm, but still fresh as I like, hairless besides his light down on his chest and legs, and the thick bush around his member. And his tool erect like a flag-staff. Yes, really a beautiful boy, even if at the limit of the age I like best."

"You like it, eh, slave?" Martino asks, excited.

"Yes, I like it, master."

"I see..." Martino pants, continuing to pump deep inside him with pleasure, then bends on the boy's body and suckles his nipples.

The boy trembles, quivers, moans. Martino is happy - this is no mere simulation, he can feel that. The boy is enjoying the fuck at least as much as he does. To hell with acting slave and master! This is just a sound, good fuck. While continuing to piston inside him, Martino undoes the plasters fixing the boy's wrists at the bed's top, and frees them.

The boy puts his hands on Martino's back and holds him tight. Martino takes the boy's face in his hands and kisses him in his mouth. The boy resists (still the play? Martino asks himself) but then yields and welcomes Martino's tongue in his mouth, sucks it, returns the kiss.

"God, I like you!" Martino murmurs.

"Oh, master..." the boy pants, prey of an incredible excitation.

Martino thinks that, to be just a hustler, the boy is participating with real pleasure. No, this is not just a scene; that boy is really participating, he can feel that. He is different from all the other hustlers he had -that boy-, or he is a born actor, or really is enjoying that fuck. He likes him more and more.

Martino decides that he wants to give to the boy a really strong pleasure. He moves inside him with skill, he caresses him, he kisses him in a crescendo, and feels that the boy is prey of a strong and uncontrollable passion. At times the boy tries again to pretend pain, but now his face is ravaged by pleasure.

"I like you..." Martino murmurs to the boy.

"Yes..." the boy says, closing his eyes, as if to better savour that intimate union....

Martino is happy. Yes, Delio did make a good choice for him. From now on, he will always ask Delio for a boy. And then... a boy twenty years old, and with a so tight an ass hole... a real rarity, a pearl.

Dionigi feels the boy pumping inside him mercilessly. When the boy started to penetrate him, he felt a sensation really like when his wife pushed her finger in his hole at the moment of orgasm. But soon also a dull pain, strong, and his member, pressed between his body and the bed, had hardened, but then at once softened again. To have to undergo in that way this perverted little boy! Him, a real man! But because he feels to be a real man, he knows he has to pass that test they devised for him. He will pass it!

The boy is going on hard - he possibly hopes to hear from him a complaint, to make him ask to stop, to show himself a weakling... But he will not be trapped, the boy can try as hard as he can. His virility is not menaced by what is happening to him, in fact he doesn't even get a hard on! They could for sure not say he is a faggot. Moreover, he has three children and a wife, a beautiful and sexy wife that he knows how to make enjoy, like very few woman can. Because he is a real male!

He fells that the boy is now giving disorderly strokes - at last the fag is near cumming! That torture is near its end, it was time. Dionigi notices almost with longing the boy's reactions-his breath is now heavy, broken, he is moaning incoherent words, he is tensing, he trembles... and finally he lays on him and unloads himself in the man's guts.

Well, it's over, it was time. He allows the boy to relax on top of him. He doesn't want that now the boy could complain about his behaviour. He waits in silence. He knows that the pervert likes playing the master, "let him do" he tells to himself. He feels him barely moving, then slowly slipping out from him, and Dionigi feels a huge relief. The boy stands up, leaves the bed.

Dionigi looks at him: "May I stand up, now? Dress?"

Rinaldo is upset to think that he liked it. He holds that strong body in his arms, enjoys it. When the man started to free his wrists, for a moment he felt the impulse to profit from that to try to escape. But then he thought that so he just risked to make the man mad and to make him decide to kill him. That strange man, that at the beginning had awakened in him so a strong fear, and that now seemed he was making love with him like if he was his most precious thing. He feels that the man is approaching his orgasm. Here... also the moment of truth is approaching... after the man's orgasm he will know if the man will kill him or not. If the punishment consisted only in debasing him fucking him like a woman, or if the man wanted just to amuse himself before killing him.

The man cums inside him almost suddenly, moaning aloud, holds him tight, embraces him, kisses him. At first the kiss from a man seemed weird to Rinaldo, but now almost enjoys it - a mouth is just a mouth. The man relaxes, parts from him, and looks at him almost with... gratitude!

Rinaldo waits, his heart in his mouth.

The man bends on him, caresses the boy's member still hard and approaches it with his lips: "Now I'll make you enjoy as you deserve..." he says, and starts to give him head.

Rinaldo feels like an electric shock - the pleasure is so intense that makes him almost forget the pain he still feels between his buttocks. "He could be a faggot, this man, but he is really skilled..." Rinaldo thinks while moaning prey of pleasure. The man sucks and caresses him with the art of an experienced prostitute...

Rinaldo is forgetting everything - his life hanging by a thread, the rape he underwent, first in his mouth then in his ass, the escape. He just thinks he is near enjoying, he wants to enjoy, and the man is giving him a so strong, incredible pleasure...

And with strong jets he unloads inside the warm mouth that, with his surprise, swallows all his warm liqueur and also his soul. The boy quivers violently, he never had a so intense orgasm, so... animal. He likes it. He relaxes, panting, and sudden his doubt is back - what will now do, that man, of him?


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 5

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