Double Shunt

Published on Jun 13, 2022




"DOUBLE SHUNT - STORY OF MAFIA AND SEX" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2018
written on October 7th 1994
Translated by the Author
English text kindly revised by
Dr. Fu Manchu


Martino, after hanging up the receiver, is amused and annoyed at the same time. What an idea to make himself known using a copy of the 'Espresso' magazine and a pack of Lucky Strike! Things for an espionage novel! He goes to sleep after leaving the morning call; it is late and he doesn't want to wake up late. As he falls asleep he is thinking of the scene he will play.

"Did you really believe you could escape? Eh? Don't you know that you are just a slave? That I have power of life or death over you?" and so on. And a good fuck. Will the boy be any good in playing the role of the scared slave? "I hope so..." he tells himself, falling asleep.

The next morning he goes out to buy the reconnaissance signs. It would be the limit if he didn't find them! It would have been enough to tell the boy to go to the reception and say he was expected by the guest in suite 19, wouldn't it?

He finds both the items. He could have sent out one of the boys of the hotel to buy them but he prefers to do so himself. That receptionist just hired... he likes him a lot, but when he hinted that to the director, the man, with an extremely serious expression, told him not to mix his private life with work. He told him so in a polite and kind way, but this was the gist.

He eats his breakfast at the restaurant then he goes into the reception hall. It is still an hour before the appointment and he has nothing to do, so he sits at a small table well in sight of the entrance, and settles himself in the armchair with his room key near the pack of Lucky Strike (he doesn't smoke). He starts to thumb through the magazine and to read it listlessly. There is an article on the new Government, the usual bullshit, and an article on the new men's fashions, barely decent. An article on the sports preferred by the actual boys... interesting, at least for the good pictures of boys in tight Speedos. Who knows how good the boy got for him by that Delio will be? He could have asked him at least his name, or a description. Well, it is not really important to know his name, but that the boy be good in his job. "Anyway," he thinks, "if I could bring him in a cellar instead of my bedroom, things would be more exciting. But I can't ask the director to use the cellars, he would resign on the spot! I would have to content myself with a fantasy effort..."

A man around forty passes in front of him, looking at him. Martino asks himself what the man has to look at so carefully. He looks at his watch, it is 9:45, and anyway that man is for sure not his boy. The man passes again in front of him, looks at the Lucky Strike packet, then at the magazine. Martino puts it on the table so that the other could read the title, and meanwhile thinks: "If Delio sent me this one, he can forget the money, I'll send him a fax filled with curses!"

The man approaches and greats him: "You are waiting for me, right? Our friend sends me..."

"But... and the boy?" Martino asks, without standing up.

The man looks at him in surprise, then gives him a withering glance: "He's ready, of course. Come with me."


"He's ready for you. Come, I've a car here on the square."

"Is it far?"

"No, close by. Let's go."

"How old is he?"

"Twenty." the man says starting the car.

Just at the upper limit, Martino thinks, but he just says: "Good."

"Do all you need, take your time. And do a neat job. I'll leave you the car in the yard. Afterward, take it back to the hotel and park it there. We will take care of it then."

Martino doesn't understand completely, but he nods. The man stops in a courtyard. They go out. The man points him toward an open door with stairs going down into the house.

"He is down there. You'll find all you can need near the bed. How long do you think it will take?"

"A couple of hours?" Martino answers, thinking that Delio really previewed everything - that seems to be just the cellar he had dreamed of. He just hopes that the boy will be equal to his task.

The man hints at a smile: "Take also three hours if you want, but do what you have in a good way. The boy can also shout and scream. Here nobody will hear or bother you. Have a good time."

"Thank you." Martino merrily answers.

The man throws him a somewhat surprised glance, but nods and goes out from the courtyard gate, closing it at his back. Martino goes downstairs.

Dionigi looks at his watch - it is almost ten 'o clock. If he goes downstairs in the reception hall, he can hear the man asking for his room. He is impatient to meet him, to know what he has to do to earn the full trust of Don Calogero. Anything they could ask him. He is not the man to give in for nothing. But... who knows what kind of test they prepared for him? He has not the faintest idea - also his fellows never talked about the tests they had to pass to be admitted, or of the admission rites either. The only thing he knows is that there are tests and rites. Well, in a short while it will be his turn, he proudly thinks.

He sees on a table the 'Espresso' and a packet of cigarettes. He wants to smoke, but he left his cigarettes in his room. He doesn't feel like going upstairs again. He looks around - there is nobody, besides the two receptionists who are engrossed in their tasks. He sits near the table. He don't know if he ought to take the packet or not. It is still sealed. Could it belong to somebody who just went to the toilet? It will be better to wait some more and if nobody comes sooner, when his man arrives he can take and pocket them. He looks at the magazine cover, than again at his watch. Five minutes to ten. He waits, quietly.

From the elevator a boy comes out and looks around. Then goes towards him. Shit, he must be the owner of the cigarettes, he had no luck...

The boy smiles him: "Good morning, I am here for that business... if you are ready..." he says somewhat hesitant.

But what is this bullshit that they sent a kid to take him? "Our friend sends you?" he asks to be more certain.

"Yes, sure. I had to leave everything to come here... are there problems?"

"No, no, no problems. Were are we going?" Dionigi says standing up and swiftly pocketing the Lucky Strike.

"My place will be all right."

"Good." Dionigi says, trying to seem selfconfident.

They take the elevator. Without showing it, they both study the other. "Fucking shit, he is so young!" Dionigi thinks, "Who knows why they sent me just a lad? Bah, possibly because they think I can undervalue him and make some mistakes. They must be cunning old devils, but I don't let them make a fool of me. I'll treat him as if he was an adult, so they cannot say I did some mistakes…."

The boy opens a door at the fourth floor - a room similar to his own, just a little wider because it is a double.

"Here we are." the boy says, "So, let's start."

The man with the pistol left. Rinaldo is now alone. It is two days he is there, tied, without food. They didn't talk to each other. He is not the type to show fear, and anyway he knows that it is useless to beg. If he has to die, and that's sure, at least he will die like a man. After that man left, possibly two hours, or even less could have passed - it is not easy to be aware of time, down there.

He hears a car engine stop nearby. Then, faintly, muffled, far-away voices. Then he hears the steps of somebody coming downstairs. In the light of the bare lamp, he sees the door open and a young, elegant man enter. The man looks at him and smiles. He looks around and smiles again. Rinaldo shudders - that man is a sadist, he can feel it. He sees the man going at the table near the bed, weighing in his hands some surgeon's tools, a pistol, a rope. He sees him putting them back on the table then approaching to him.

The man looks at him from head to toe, then says: "They caught you, I see?"

Rinaldo keeps silent.

"You knew you have no chance to escape, but you tried all the same, huh?"

Rinaldo looks him straight in his eyes, with a challenging expression, but still keeps silent.

The man brushing lightly his chest, says: "You know that I have power of life and death over you."

"Yes, and so, what?" the boy boldly answers.

"Ha, you play the tough? The silent one? And why, in your condition?"

"If you have to kill me, kill me." Rinaldo says with an impassive air.

The man smiles and raises the boy's T shirt on his chest: "Yes... but first you have to suffer. I'll torture you until you'll beg me for mercy."

"You waste your time..." Rinaldo says, but his heart starts to vacillate - in the man's eyes he can read amusement, pleasure.

He understands that the man is not joking at all - he will make him suffer like hell, before giving him the final blow. The man turns, takes from the table a lancet and slowly nears it to the boy. Rinaldo is unable to repress a short flash of fear.

"Ha, you're scared, aren't you?" the man says with a smile and lowers the lancet with a fast move, raising the T shirt as he cuts it in front. Then he cuts away the sleeves and shoulders and with a sharp gesture, slips the pieces away from the boy. Then he seizes the boy's briefs, cuts those also at the sides and pulls them out. He puts down the lancet and caresses the now naked boy's body, from his chest to his genitals. Meanwhile the man says, "What a pity, a handsome boy like you, with such a fine cock!" he adds seizing and squeezing it.

Rinaldo tries not to tremble, but the perverted light in the man's eyes gives him shudders along the spine. He feels fear worming its way inside him, but he tries to win over it. The man grasps his balls with his other hand. Rinaldo waits, his heart in his mouth, expecting the man to squeeze, twist, or crush them until he is screaming with pain. So he tenses, as he doesn't want to yell. But the man just kneads, caresses them, taking his time. "He knows how to terrorize a man" Rinaldo confusedly thinks.

"I'll give you the punishment you deserve, until you'll ask for mercy. So you'll learn not to try to flee away." the man says and repeats his caressing and rubbing.

Fear... Rinaldo seldom felt it, but it has an odd effect on him as it arouses him. He feels his member growing in the taskmaster's hand.

"You could have had everything, if you didn't escape, but on the contrary, now... you are in my power, slave!" the man says pushing his hand that was caressing the boy's balls under his firm and tight buttocks.

Rinaldo feels the man's fingers rummaging deeply in the fold, searching for his hole. He guesses just an instant before what his taskmaster wants to do him. He lets escape a groan when the finger sinks decidedly in his hole." Oh, god, no, a sexual maniac!" he thinks feeling lost. The man strongly pushes his finger inside him, while with his other hand starts to masturbate the boy. Rinaldo is confused, upset, fear locks his stomach. And makes him even more excited. Suddenly the man leaves him. Rinaldo looks at him, worriedly.

The man starts to undress, slowly, methodically, and one after the other carefully folds his clothes and puts them on the chair. Rinaldo trembles - that man wants to rape him, now he is sure of that, before killing him. The boy looks at the man, scared but fascinated, like the little bird seeing the snake staring at him to devour him. Then he sees the man's member, free from the clothes, erect, hard, throbbing.

"No..." Rinaldo moans trembling, looking at the man who goes near him, stark naked, the pistol in his hand.

"And instead, yes." the man says with a lusty smile, squeezing his nipples.

"Oh god... kill me now, please..." the boy implores.

"No... I decided that perhaps I would spare your life, if you are skilled in giving me pleasure..."

"Pleasure?" Rinaldo asks, trembling.

"Yes, pleasure, slave! Will you make your master enjoy?"

"Master?" Rinaldo asks looking, his eyes wide, the man who sits astride his chest.

"Suck it, go on, slave. Wet it good. Then I'll put it all in your nice ass..." the man says, slowly sliding up on the boy's chest until the hard rod brushes the boy's lips.

"I'll cut it away with a bite!" Rinaldo says, turning his head away.

"You'll have no time... as soon as I feel your teeth, I'll press the trigger, slave! Show you did repent, do a nice mouth job, make me enjoy and later, I'll let you go... put out your tongue, lick it!" the man says putting the pistol's mouth at the boy's temple.

Rinaldo, confusedly, asks himself if the man is sincere. If all goes wrong, anyway he will die... but if all went right? They will content themselves to just debase him? He feels the tip of the man's rod brush against his lips, his cheeks. He feels it's manly smell, slightly sour.

"Go on, open that mouth, slave!" the man says, his voice hoarse for the excitation, "lick it!"

Rinaldo parts slightly his lips, puts out his tongue. The man brushes it on his tongue and pushes.

"Good, so... go on, go on, let me see what you are able to do... do your best... You have to convince me that you really want to remain alive..." the man says while Rinaldo starts to hesitantly lick it. "So... not bad... lick it... kiss it... suck it... Gooood... Yeah... so, go on..." the man pants pushing it all into the boy's throat. Then he starts to fuck his mouth with a set of rhythmic strokes. "So, good... move your tongue... suck... don't let me feel your teeth..."

Rinaldo now sucks with all his means, he doesn't care at all. He clutches at the cock which represents the frail hope dividing life from death. He just thinks that he has to make the man enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. And he asks himself it at the moment of his orgasm, the man will not push the trigger, but he doesn't want to think about that...

Fabrizio takes the man to his room. To be a filthy rich man, he is wearing rather ordinary clothes, but... He sees that the man is hesitant, uncertain. The boy thinks: "I see, he wants to play the slave, and I the master. Let's try." He locks the door.

"Well, undress, now." he says with a tone half way between a request and an order. He is not yet sure one hundred per cent.

He sees the amazed face of the man, who asks in a meek tone, almost afraid: "Undress?"

Fabrizio smiles - yes, the act has started. He wants a more sharp order.

"I told you to undress! Fast!" Fabrizio barks in a hard tone.

"Yes, yes, all right..." the man says with a confused air, and starts to unbutton his jacket.

"I saw rightly." Fabrizio thinks, looking at him. The man pulls out his trousers, his shirt. He now wears just his underpants, vest and socks and looks at the boy uncertain.

"So then? Naked!" Fabrizio barks.

Well, he prefers doing the part of the master. No violence and a good fuck for half a million plus reimbursements... The man pulls off his socks, then his vest - not bad at all, his body, Fabrizio thinks and starts to be aroused. The man hesitates a moment, then, pretending to be ashamed, he pulls off also his underpants. A nice staff hangs between the sinewy thighs, a really good staff even if still at rest, and Fabrizio is happy it is not he who is the one to be fucked. "That's odd, a so virile man who likes being fucked in his ass! In life you really see all kind of things," the boy thinks.

"Yes... and now?" the man asks, with a confused air.

"Why, he really acts nicely his part," Fabrizio thinks. "Now you'll undress me and get me aroused." he says with a gruff manner.

"Eh? What?"

"What? Are you deaf? Obey at once, if you don't want to repent! Careful, I'd not give you a second chance!"

"Yes, yes, sure..." the man says with sudden urgency. He draws near the boy and starts to unbutton his jacket. His fingers seem rather awkward.

"What are you doing? Hurry up, don't make me lose my patience, or I'll make my men punish you!" Fabrizio improvises.

The man seems almost to tremble at these words: "No, no, as you wish, sir." he pants with worried air.

"Oh, he passed to the 'sir' stuff, he is entering in his role..." the boy amusedly thinks.

The man undresses him, but he seems to avoid any contact between his hands and the boy's body. Fabrizio is somewhat astounded; he was expecting more heat, more desire in the man's eyes."Bah, perhaps he just needs to be more ill treated. Delio told me just verbal violence, and perhaps this guy just awaits for it."

"Hey, I told you to arouse me, turd! You are not my waiter, but my servant! You are here just for one thing - making me enjoy! Understand, piece of shit?"

"Yessss..." the man says with uncertain voice, lowering his eyes, but he starts to caress him. He really is awkward, but it is him who pays, Fabrizio thinks, resigned.

"So, then? In this way you would not even arouse somebody always turned on! If I have to fuck your ass, you have to make it hard, prickhead!" Fabrizio barks.

The man seems to rebel: "In the ass? Me? But I'm a man, not a faggot!"

"I don't give a shit! If I want to fuck you, I fuck you, understand? Rather, do you know what I say? First of all you'll give me head."


"Yes, unless you want me to tell our friend you are just a turd, a piece of shit." Fabrizio says, asking himself if he is not overdoing with the curses.

But the man suddenly changes his attitude, he assumes a slavish demeanour. "No, no, sure, I'll do all you want, sir... don't complain... I just thought that... but it's all right... as you say, sir..."

"Ah, why, do you even think, you? That's amusing... a turd with a brain..."

"No, it is that..."

"Shut up, idiot. Kneel down!"

"Yessir..." the man says, rapidly kneeling.

"Suck it, better than the best whore in town, understand?"

"Yessir, sure, sir..." the other says and hurls himself on Fabrizio's rod like a hungry man, and starts to suck it with ardour.


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 4

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