Double Crossed

By su.krampets@kraM

Published on Oct 24, 2007


Double Crossed, Again

By Matt Ale

Three days later, and Joe still didn't feel right. He had taken Monday off from work but wasn't himself yesterday or today. His mind was wandering. He couldn't concentrate

Part of him knew he had been raped. He had been tied up against his will, forced to drink piss and cum, and fucked up the ass. He had eaten another guy's spit and had his nipples and balls worked over until he screamed. Even now his nipples didn't feel the same. He kept touching them. He looked at them in the mirror and saw how much larger they were. A guy wasn't supposed to have big nipples. But he kept looking at them, and part of him liked the way they looked. He liked the way they felt touching his shirt.

He knew he had been raped. He thought of calling the police. But what would he say? He pulled Jim's phone number out of his wallet, again. "If you want to the find the guy who did it, call this number." "You mean the guy who raped you gave you his phone number?" What could he say? "I know it sounds weird. I know I came while being raped. I know the guy gave me his phone number. I know I can't stop thinking about him. I know -- I think - I want to see him again." No, Joe was not about to call the police.

He looked at the phone number. He had started dialing it several times. He wasn't going to be able to think straight until he had least spoken to Jim again. The days at work were too long. He was home now but still he couldn't relax. Joe unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. He looked in the mirror. Yes, his nipples were still big. If he could only stop touching them all the time maybe they would shrink down again.

He opened his cell. He resisted for a few moments then dialed.


"Um.. Hello. This is Joe."

There was a long pause that made Joe nervous. He almost hung up.

"So, my boy finally found the balls to call. Nice to hear from you."

"I just wanted to say hello. You know."

"Yea, I know. Tell you what. I'll meet you at a party Friday night. 9PM 180 West Street. 9 PM, 180 West Street." Click

Joe still had the phone to his ear. He was sweating. He thought, "So that's it? No way. No way."

He closed the phone. It took a few moments before he realized his cock was now half hard. He reached into his pants to rearrange his thickening shaft, and as soon as he touched it, it became fully hard. He looked in the mirror again. His right hand slowly reached up to gently tweak his left nipple. He lingered. Now he used two fingers to gently pinch the sensitive nub. He watched as it engorged and grew beneath his manipulations. He was no longer looking at himself. All he could see was Jim. He looked at the muscled frame and hairless skin and the dark, dark eyes. He watched the smirking smile looking back at him. He pinched harder and moaned under his breath. "Take it boy. Give me your nips."

He unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor. He pushed down his underwear and looked again in the mirror. The cock standing straight up was Jim's. He stroked it with his hand. He wanted to get down on his knees to smell the cock he was holding. He leaned over to see how close he could get. Just a hint. He couldn't get close enough. He turned his nose to his pits. Yes, that's the smell. That's the smell of a man.

He was stroking harder now. He didn't even realize he was digging his nails deeply into his nipple. The feeling was great. His breathing was getting louder and faster. He loved the way the hard cock felt in his hand. Not his cock - Jim's cock.

He stroked more. The sweat was pouring from his brow. He was moaning with the pleasure. He watched the image in the mirror without blinking. He stroked faster as he got close. "What the fuck?" Beethoven's 5th symphony screaming from his cell phone. "Fuck."


"By the way, boy. I don't want you to cum this week. Here me? If you cum, don't bother showing up at the party. I will know." Click.

Joe stood there in complete astonishment, holding his rock hard cock in his hand. "This can't be happening to me. Why am I listening to him? I've got to cum?"

He looked in the mirror. He couldn't even be sure what he was seeing. "I'd better go to the gym."

Most of the week was a blur. Joe was edgy. When Friday evening finally arrived, Joe realized he didn't even know what kind of party he was going to. What should he wear? He took a long bath. He stood in front of the mirror looking. He decided on jeans and silk T shirt. He checked himself carefully. He looked good. Cologne? No cologne. He gave the address to the cab driver. When he got out, he was almost dazed. He walked up the steps to the townhouse and rang the bell.

He waited. When the door opened, Jim was standing there. He was wearing a leather jock strap and boots.

"That outfit won't do boy. Lose it."

Joe tried to take a step into the door.

"I said lose it. Now!"

"Here? Outside? Can't I come in."

"Every party has a dress code. Lose your outfit or go home. You have to three."

Joe pulled the shirt over his head. He unbuckled his jeans. He bent over to take off his shoes so he could slip the jeans off his legs. He worked as quickly as he could so he could get inside the house. A guy walked by but barely seemed to care about this stud stripping off in public.

"The briefs too. Lose them."

Joe pulled them down. At least he wasn't yet hard. Still, as he put his clothes together, he felt his cock stiffen. Jim was giving him that smile again. "Good boy. Now come in. Drop your clothes over there."

Joe walked into the house completely naked. His cock was still hanging down but thick and dark with blood. Strangely, what he was thinking was that he hoped Jim liked the way he looked.

"You look good." Joe felt warm as the words hit his ears. Jim touched Joe's nipple, and it responded immediately. So did his cock, which swelled even more. "Thank you, sir."

Put this cock ring on before it's too late. He handed Joe a heavy steel ring. Joe spit into his hand and rubbed it on Joe's cock. That should help. Then he kicked Joe hard in the balls. "That should too."

When Joe finally recovered and stood up, Jim was staring at him. Gently, Jim led him down the hall to a doorway. Jim touched his face and slowly ran his hands down to his shoulders. One hand ran across his chest and then down his abs. Shutters went through Joe's body as the hand gently caressed him. He felt paralyzed as he watched Jim lean closer. He felt Jim's lips touch his, and he opened his mouth willingly to let Jim's tongue invade. He closed his lips gently on the probing tongue. His cock was already fully erect again, almost purple in color from the constraining ring now securely fitted around it. He was in a trance. Did the kiss last a minute or an hour? He didn't know. He felt Jim pull away and leaned in to make it last. He nearly fell forward trying to keep Jim's face attached to his own. But it was over. It was over because Jim made it so.

"Here's the deal. For the next minute, not a word, not a sigh, not a moan comes from your lips. I'm going to hurt you bad. You are going to give in to me. If I hear anything except your breathing, I won't touch you again tonight. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. I understand." But Joe didn't understand. He didn't understand anything that was happening to him. He simply knew that he had to.

He stood paralyzed. He looked into the dark eyes boring into his own. He watched as Jim leaned forward and down. He felt Jim's lips gently lick his nipple. Then the lips closed more tightly, and he felt his nipple respond to the vacuum stretching it forward. The pressure quickly became more intense. Pure pleasure was now equal parts pain as he felt teeth gnawing at the sensitive flesh. The pain became deeper, and he felt it throughout his chest. His breathing quickened and became deeper, and his legs became weak. Now searing pain ripping his flesh, twisting, biting, chewing. He was sure blood was running from the nipple or that Joe would rip it off completely. He sucked in air deeply.

It was all he could stand. Joe's mouth opened but no sound came out. But his body was screaming, a scream that began deep in his balls and erupted through his cock like a volcano exploding. He thrust his hips forward to press his cock into Jim as the first blast of cum hit Joe so hard he felt as though he had been punched. Joe felt his nipple being released and Joe's body pressing into his own. His second volley of cum shot up to Joe's chest, now pressed tightly against his own. Joe's arms were wrapped around him pulling him tightly as his body convulsed and his mind exploded.

His lips touched mine, and my mouth opened for him. I pushed my tongue deeply into him and drank his spit. I tasted him and swallowed him down. I gave him my breath and breathed in his. His tongue washed my mouth and filled me deeply. I sucked his tongue with mine and bit his lip to stop from screaming. His teeth dug into my flesh and tears streamed from my eyes. My mind melded with his, and my body turned inside out to let his enter me.

Joe's body continued to convulse as spasm after spasm sapped his strength. Despite the powerful arms holding him, he slipped to the floor onto his knees. He had not made a sound. He had obeyed. He had been rewarded for obeying. Now, on his knees before his god, exhausted, spent, complete.

Jim felt Joe's sweat fall onto him in the breathy silence.

"Thank you sir. Thank you for inviting me to your party."

"My party? No, it's not my party. It's Chris's party. You're just my present to him."

The slap burned like a fire. "Just a present?"

"You boy, are just my possession to take and give as I please. Understand?"

"Yes Sir, I understand." But Joe didn't understand. He thought.. He thought. Now he didn't know what to think.

"Time to go downstairs, boy. My friends are waiting, and they've waited long enough.

Joe somehow got to his feet. He looked at the doorway as Joe opened the door. He saw the sign by the side of the door. It was hard to read: red ink on a grey background:

"Welcome to my house! Enter freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring!"

Joe hesitated just a moment. He knew that if he went down those stairs, he would never be the same. Should he go? Or, should he turn, take his clothes and leave? He read the sign again.

"Welcome to my house! Enter freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring!"

What should he do?

You decide.

Next: Chapter 3

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