Dot the Is

By Dymondbolt

Published on Nov 7, 2007


Dear readers; I have a Science Fiction story that will be a long one. Lots of characters and lots of sleeping around. There will be Lust and Love . Hot and heavy, and tender and sweet. Some leather, and dominance and reversal of roles and big and small and lots of stuff in between. And Matter Transmission.

I hope you like it. It's gonna take years to get this one finished. Lets keep in touch, OK. Feedback will help guide this story.

Disclaimer : This is a Science Fiction story with Male to Male, Male to Female, Female to Female, Gender changes, Species changes, Transmogrifications and more; Sex and Love Relationships. If you are under eighteen years of age, you should not be here. You have been warned.


Dot the I's... Part 1 by dymondbolt

James was amazed at the level of assistance he was getting now that he was playing ball with the "Powers-That Be". It wasn't NSA and it wasn't Area 51. He just knew he was doing what they told him to do and his ideas were getting a lot of help.

He had been doing the basic research for Matter Transmission. Not the thing on the TV or the Movies. No computer would ever be able to keep track of the conversion of matter to energy, and While preventing it from exploding, record and transmit the sequence/location of each itty bitty piece of matter. It goes beyond mind boggling.

But James had another idea. He was a genius at such an early age when it came to computers and compression of data. He had applied his mind to the idea of compression of matter in another dimension. The Universe was made up of eleven dimensions. The formulas were varied and complex but when applied to the proper level of EM fields and esoteric radiations, they had a direct effect on the universe and the matter in it. James just was the first one to be able to come up with research that gave him devices that responded to those formulas.

He discovered that matter could be twisted and folded out of the normal dimensions for a short period of time without altering its structure when it was untwisted. The systems unfortunately operated in a high state of flux, unless you had all of the devices in rigid control. That was the stumbling block he had run into. His safe little experiments were fine on the orange or grapefruit sized level. Zap it at one end and it flowed into the transmission cable. Unzap it at the other end and it was an Orange again. And All the little micro-organisms were fine and still alive. But the field would not Zap and flow into the cable when it was above a certain mass. It would Zap and immediately un-zap. No fireworks or exotic radiation. Just no transmission.

That's when the men in black( not alien watchers) knocked on his door and persuaded him to be a team player. He was assured he was not in trouble for the little bits of technology he had borrowed from some of the secure sites on the internet. Since he had not tried to do anything but advance the research he had "borrowed" he was not in deep shit. But he had to tell his friends and family he had a new Job in a little town east of Berkley. He followed a script and crafted answers written up by his new boss Terry Hadley. And all his Lab and personal items were boxed up in one day by about twenty people and set up in a lab shared by eight other scientists. And he didn't even have to stay at the research facility. He had his own set of guards that either drove him or followed him to and from home. They were more like dorm mates from college than personal security. The second week he learned the majority of the scientists lived in the same Gated Community

He found out the third week he was there that the reason he was able to have such a beautiful home to go to and not be required to live at the apartments near Research Labs, was that they had been observing him for over two and a half years. Extensively. And they could see that his big breakthroughs were most often far from the lab. So his keepers were also into Camping and Horse back riding.

He had been found out when he had been camping in Big Sur. He had a habit of talking to himself while he was writing down his flashes of insight and one of the campers in the campsite next to him was an administrator for one of the satellite labs working on the elements of Matter Transmission. Terry Hadley (the administrator) had been having some wild sex with his Lead Scientist (Gloria Kent). Gloria was shocked when she heard an outcry of terms and formula, centered around the containment of twisted matter,(her specialty), coming from the tent next door. Terry's specialty, (other than getting Gloria to come four times that night), was Chaos Theory and the Intricacies of Synchronicity. Oh and a shrewd ability to convince people he could come through with the product. It didn't hurt that he also had a reputation for actually coming through with said Product. A regular Openheimer.

So James' online camping pass lead to his location in San Diego and from there the really good watchers were able to keep tabs on James. And even skew the search engines he used to look for other research facilities online. James found out he wasn't such a swift hacker after all. They had guided him to the sites he needed for his next little assist. The watchers and the administrator were very very good. And James was wise enough to take his humbling with grace. It made his relationship with the other scientist work much smoother. It was sort of a deflation of his arrogant head. Each scientist he was working with was responsible for a little push in a certain direction. Sure James was the one to make the break through, but with eight other minds looking on and helping James jump over every stumbling block indirectly, it really wasn't like James could keep thinking he did it by himself

And the really cool thing that changed in James mind and heart, was the idea that these other geniuses didn't tell him at all. Their egos had been left at the door when it came to actually working on the stuff of their dreams. Each one of the eight scientist could have looked to a Nobel peace prize for their individual work. But each shoved that idea aside with the hope of being part of a greater goal. He found out through his security group. They were the watchers. They had to interact with the eight other scientists when gathering data from James little lab. And they were the real minds behind subtly nudging James into taking "advice" from the internet.

He started to do little things for the people who helped twist his dreams into reality. He got the three Graces (the security people) to tell him the little things that lit up the other scientists faces. He got them to finally cave-in, cause he kept on harping on the fact that they were the ones to rub his arrogant nose in the truth about the others team spirit and generosity.

And He said " Why would you put a mirror up to my face to see what a snot I was to those people If you didn't want this kind of reaction. You wanted me to be.. " he had a hard time with the passionate dreamer he hid away from most people because of his secret. He finished with "You wanted me to be a good guy again, and stop being so selfish. Well now's the time to help me be that man. Cause I do need help in that department." He still didn't know if they knew everything about his family and his secret.

He had a twist in his reality. It was inherited. His mother, Uncle and Aunt, and he could Look at somebody. And then really look at them. Exclude everything else in the universe but them in their minds, and they were able to see these series of snapshots. The heartshots or twist points in a persons life. They rarely saw all the way up to a persons death. James was a bit better than his Uncle or Mother, at twelve years old. It was a bit frightening to do it to adults. He didn't know all the things that went on in an adults life. So then he did it to some of his friends. Then he did it to a cousin who he found out was gay. Georgie was a cool kid two years older then James. At fourteen Georgie was introverted and a bit shy. But the heartshots James saw showed Georgie become frustrated, then bullied, then outed by a so-called friend and after two years of feeling alienated, James saw Georgie take his own life. He frightened everyone at the little family get together when he started yelling " NO!" His mother took him into her own bedroom and made him tell her what was wrong. Then James felt like he had to tell her that he was gay, too. She knew that the gift came with a stronger will and ego. But still the doubt that being different brings was a heavy one for a twelve year old. She asked James if he would be willing to tell Georgie all that he saw in the hopes it could save him? And she added " James. Would you be willing to tell him that you're gay, too? It would mean I'd have to tell his parents too. This is an intervention of a future event. The truth has to be told so it will all be believed. He'll need a friend who knows what he's going through and his parents will have to know why he turns to you. The whole family knows the Look doesn't work more than three times. Why else would he be talking to you and not someone else?" James had nodded yes but frowned as he said " You still love me, don't you." She just had to scoop up her son and hug him tight . She said " Oh you silly thing. I'll love my boy till the stars fall from the sky. I still love you James. Being gay, or straight or somewhere in between. I still love you." James had told her yes and they had convinced first Georgie and then convinced Georgie to let James mother talk top Georgie's parents. James kept himself from Looking at Georgie again for at least a month. When he did, he saw Georgie's life becoming a happy one. And Georgie finding a guy to love him. Then he noticed something strange. And it wasn't with Georgie. James Looked at another close relative and saw the same thing. Then he started to Look at a lot of people and got his mother alarmed. Until he came in crying, saying " Mom. Why mom? Why have it only to see all the joy and pain in all my friends and family's lives, but never see myself there. I've seen me at family gatherings. And I really do make a difference in our family. But I'm always alone. It was so beautiful seeing two thirds of Georgie's Postcards go from dark to light. He'll find someone who'll love him. He'll get held at night. Why not me?" James mother didn't have an answer for him right away, as she held him. She had tried to Look at her brother and at James and it never worked. She assumed James had done it to his Uncle and herself, and found the same static. But her brother had fallen in love with a girl like them. Sue had their ability. Davey and Sue had seen each other in all their heartshots. James mother could only hope that that was the case with James. And until James found that someone, he wasn't going to see them in his life. She told him about his Uncle and Aunt and how Davey hadn't seen her in the heartshots until they actually met. She held that hope up for James and it calmed him down. But he still hadn't found that someone when Terry got him working with the other scientists. Then again Terry was the odd one of the group. James Look never worked on Terry. And not like when he tried on his Mother or Uncle or Aunt. Then it was static, like on a TV. With Terry it just didn't work. Terry was a Blank. James never knew that Terry's family was distantly related to James family. Terry knew James secret, just as he knew the secret, three of his cousins had. But they couldn't Look at Terry either. They got static, too. James didn't spend much time worrying about that part of his life. He was with the people who could finally get one of his dreams working and he finally started to treat them all like the wonderful gifts to his life, that they were. Things started to come together. And those stories will be told in the numerous chapters of this collection of journals and private logs that has been brought together by myself and my Uncle Terry and my cousin James. I'm Lee Conner. My story will be in there, too. The next chapter ~ Storage Mass/Plus or Minus The End ~ Part 1 Well I hope this gets you interested. Lots of people to write about. And we'll learn about a lot of them in the next part.

Next: Chapter 2

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