Dorm Shower Wonders


Published on Jul 5, 2011



When I moved into the men's dorm at college, I was pretty sure there would be some stuff going on that I couldn't prepare for, but the amount of nudity and horny guys was definitely the most surprising. I grew up a very sheltered country kid, and had head about open shower stalls, but had never used one before. I was on the third floor, and there was a huge group bathroom on each end of the floor, so on a typical morning about 25 guys would be getting ready for the day at the same time, roughly 7:30 - 8:00 a.m.

The large tiled shower room had three shower heads and one little flimsy shower curtain to separate it from the rest of the washroom. If the curtain was closed, and you heard water running, you'd have to open it to see whether there was space for one more, but of course, you couldn't just peek, because if there was space, the person in there would expect you to come in and start showering. So the morning routine became that after three guys were in showering, anyone waiting would stand there next to the curtained entrance and wait for the next shower unit to open up. There was about 6 feet of wall space for two or three guys to stand waiting out of the way of the rest of the flow of the bathroom. There were sinks for some to wash and shave in, and of course around the corner, three toilet stalls and a few urinals.

The first few times I had to take a shower there were others in there too, of course, and I always got a harden almost instantly. I tried at first to stand so that it wasn't obvious, and just get my business done, but it sure made me uncomfortable. Then I noticed after a few mornings, that the guys who lived directly across the hall from my room would open their door and walk all the way down the long hallway to the showers with their towels casually over their shoulders, and their cocks standing at full mast, morning wood on full proud display -- almost as if to dare anyone to notice! Some guys would applaud, and some would laugh nervously, and it was clear that Ben, the taller, more studly of the two, was proud of his dick, and others were just jealous.

So, soon it became a non-issue to sport wood on the way to, or in the showers. It seemed at the time to be a normal state of affairs, and nothing to be ashamed of.

After a few weeks I received my on campus job assignment, and I discovered I would be reporting to the dining services at 5:30 a.m. to help unload the trucks at the delivery dock and get the cases of food items for the day to the various parts of the huge industrial kitchen. Suddenly my morning routine placed me in the showers all alone for the rest of the semester. I missed the camaraderie and the morning jostling for sinks and shower space, but mostly I was glad to have it all to myself, because I could jerk off every mooring and take as long as I wanted with it, without fear of anyone interrupting me. I could turn on all three showers and plug up the one floor drain with some paper towel, and in no time flat the shower area was a six-inch deep hot pool! I'd soap myself up and slide around from wall to wall for a while, all the time horny and completely hard, and then soap up my dick, stroke a while, then release my load before finally unplugging the drain and drying off as the huge amount of water rushed down the pipes with a loud whoosh.

One morning, I had just started the showers, and was sporting my usual morning boner, when I heard the bathroom door open, and someone walked in, but I could only see their feet under the shower curtain. The person walked towards the toilets, and I heard a door slam, and the toilet seat crash down. I decided to investigate. I left the three shower units running full tilt, so there was a lot of water noise. I walked over to the toilet area, and saw it was Ben, and he hadn't bothered to shut the stall door all the way. He was naked, sitting down, and all I could see was him leaning his elbows on his knees, head down. He didn't even look up at me. Apparently the water flowing sound was so loud he didn't hear me at all, so I sat down at the toilet next to him, still dripping wet and naked, aroused as always, and waited. Soon I peeked under the partition and noticed his right arm was moving rhythmically, and it was clear he was jerking off. Suddenly he stood up, flushed the toilet and left, and I heard the curtain swoosh on the pole as he entered the shower area. So, I followed him back to the shower. he didn't even look up, but stood at the far shower head, all wet, and stroking himself as if he weren't aware I was there. I decided to get soapy again and act as if I was just starting my shower, but this was making me so horny! In a few minutes I was stroking to watch his pace, and soon he was grunting, then with a huge thrust, he jerked back and let loose a long stream of jizz that hit the far wall. My orgasm came right after, but my sperm went up onto my shoulder.

After a few moments, his cock started to deflate, he left, and I suppose he walked back to his room wet, because I didn't see a towel. In retrospect he might have been sleepwalking! I wish it would happen again!


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