Dorm Servant to the Rotc

By Jordan Project

Published on Feb 3, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. It's copyrighted 2020 by The Jordan Project, all rights reserved outside of Nifty. The reader comes first, so I welcome feedback. Please take some time to provide it to What works? What doesn't work?

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When Rick informed Billy that they'd be spending the semester break in California with his father, he wasn't thrilled to miss his first family Christmas. But he had no choice in the matter, and did his best to accept the decision. Besides, he'd never been on an airplane nor had he been to California, so his nervousness was mixed with excitement.

The journey from the Midwest to San Diego would entail a couple of connections, and they'd have to get up early. Before they left, Rick replaced Billy's cage with a plastic version that lacked a tube and would not trigger the Xray scanner at the airport. While it still denied him access to his dick, the plastic model would allow him to become hard.

The main flight from Chicago to L.A. was nearly empty. The chief cabin steward, a former Marine, had invited several military members into the first class section. Rick, dressed in his ROTC uniform, accepted the offer with the condition that he be accompanied by the youngster he was with, and the steward agreed.

Billy hadn't been out of his "real" cage for a few months, and Rick knew he'd get erect. In fact, he'd planned it that way by making sure the temporary plastic version could accommodate it. On his way to the lavatory before the plane took off, he'd buttonholed the steward for a chat.

"This is a big treat for Billy," he told the steward. "It's his first airplane flight ever, and Marines have always been his idols. So maybe if some of these guys could stop and chat on the flight, it would make a kid really happy."

After they reached cruising altitude for the three-and-a-half hour flight, the steward served breakfast.

"Your dad says it's your first plane ride," the steward said as he set Billy's tray on the table that folded out from the armrest. "There's a set of wings for you there."

"Thanks," Billy answered shyly.

Rick ruffled his hair and gently rebuked him.

"Now what did I tell you about what to call adults, Billy?" he said.

"Thank you, sir," he said, chastened.

"Billy's a little nervous," Rick explained, and invented a brief story.

"I'm not his dad, at least not officially," he told the steward as Billy listened. "Our parents split up 10 years ago. Then Billy's step-father passed away a few years after that, so I've kinda taken his place when I can."

"You look old enough to be his dad," the steward replied.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," Rick said, grinning. "But I'm in college. Just 19 years old and in ROTC. Billy's in seventh grade, but hell, he calls me dad half the time too. Half the guys in my dorm do it too, especially when it comes to time buy beer."

"I don't know what I was thinking," the steward replied. "Your little brother's on a kid fare and you're in an ROTC uniform. Of course you're not his father, but you're his substitute dad, then?"

"Yeah, that's right," Rick said. "Works for everyone in the family, especially the little guy here."

While they were eating, the steward returned with orange juice that Rick had ordered for both of them.

"I know you're not 21 years old, but I'm the boss up here," the steward said, handing Rick two nips of vodka along with his juice. He smiled and pinned Billy's wings to the lapel of the blue blazer Billy wore for the flight.

"Now you're a flier, young fella!" he said, warmly. "First of many to come, I'm sure."

After the steward had collected the trays and finished in the galley, he returned to Rick and Billy. They were in the first row of the big plane, with several feet between their seats and the bulkhead. The steward flipped down a jumpseat, and they began to make small talk. He had removed his jacket, revealing a wide chest in a tight white shirt.

"Good looking young fella there," the steward said to Rick. "He'll break a few hearts once he grows up. "What did you say he is, 12?"

He smiled and spoke to Billy, his tone playful.

"Got any girlfriends yet?" he asked.

"Not yet, sir," he replied, softly. "Dad says I'm not ready yet."

"He's got plenty of growing up to do," Rick interjected, with a chuckle. "There'll plenty of time for all that later on."

"Yeah, I'm sure there will be," the steward replied, smiling. "Just wait, 'til you're 18 or 19, Billy. You'll be fightin' 'em off just like I do!"

"Yeah, I didn't have my first girlfriend until I was 16," the steward said. "Anyway, your connection to Diego boards at the gate next to where we land. This flight goes on to Sydney, then Hong Kong, then Tokyo, then to L.A., then back to Chicago. Hard to get a ticket on the Chicago-L.A. hops. They discount the hell out of it, and don't even put it in the timetables."

"Yeah, I only knew about it 'cause our Pops told me," Rick said. "I got round trip for only 75 bucks, and Billy's was even cheaper."

"He must be in the military, then," the steward said, as Billy snuck some looks and began to harden against his plastic cage. "You fellas gonna be staying with him or something?"

"He's a colonel," Rick said. "Knows all the secrets."

"Full bird or light?" the steward asked, referring to the slang distinction between junior-grade lieutenant colonels and senior colonels. "What's he do?"

"Bird," Rick answered. "He rotates between MCRD in San Diego, Pendleton, and Twenty-Nine Palms. Has a big spread out by Fallbrook. We're staying there until I have to get back to college and Billy has to get back to school."

"Nice country out there," the steward said. "If I had stayed in the Marines, that's where I would've wanted to be."

"Well yeah," Rick replied. "Can I ask why you left to be a cabin steward? It's not something you'd expect, from what I've heard about the airlines and all."

It was the steward's turn to laugh.

"That's the most polite way I've ever been asked if I'm a fruit," he replied, chuckling. "I took a lot of shit for it on the way out. It's true about the fruits. Three-quarters of the stewards are queers. Part of my job is to make sure they behave themselves."

"Yeah, I bet," Rick replied, chuckling.

"Most of 'em are fine," the steward said. "Anyway, I always liked the travel. And if you're not a fruit, the stewardesses are all over you. Plenty of fringe bennies, especially on the international runs. I don't know who's more voracious, the faggots or the stewardesses. I'm telling you, the gals wear you out!"

"Never thought of it that way, but you make a good point," Rick said. "Truth be told, I'm in ROTC to pay for college. I don't know what I'll do once my obligation is up."

"Plenty of time to figure that out," the steward said. "If this is Billy's first time out here, "You ought to take him to the zoo and to Sea World. Try him out on a surfboard, maybe, and if you have the time you could drive up to Anaheim and go to Disneyland. They've got an indoor roller coaster. The kids love it."

Rick reached over and ruffled Billy's hair.

"Think you'd like to do all that?" he asked.

"Yes sir!" Billy said, smiling widely. "I love roller coasters!"

"We'll see about it," Rick said, smiling and adding a wink. "Knowing Pops, he'll have plenty of work for you to do, but I won't let him run you too hard. If you behave yourself, maybe we'll go on up there. "

"That's a pretty spiffy set of dress blues," Rick said to the Marine who had wandered over during the flight. "I just started in ROTC, and I don't think we get those until we're commissioned."

The Marine chuckled as he sat down in the jump seat.

"The Corps has always been crazy about the uniforms," he replied. "But being a recruiter takes it to a new level. I have to wear my blues whenever I'm in public, and keep them in perfect condition, which isn't easy. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a damn beauty pageant. Between that and the 80-hour weeks, there are times when I wish I hadn't done it."

"That's funny," Rick said. "They just about begged me to join ROTC. I guess that's part of why."

The Marine certainly fit the description. He was tall and beefy, with a blond crew cut and muscles that bulged against his tight shirt, and legs that filled out his pants when he sat down, his legs spread and showing a substantial bulge where they met.

"It's not all bad being a recruiter," he said. "They told me if I did it for a couple years, I could wind up being an embassy guard and maybe even on the presidential duty. Plus I do like talking to the kids, especially the ones in junior high school like your son there."

Rick repeated the story he'd told to the steward explaining that Billy wasn't his son but his little brother, and that they were on the way to spend their semester breaks with their father, a Marine Corps bird colonel.

"I've got something for you, Billy," he said, smiling as Billy felt himself getting hard again. The Marine pinned an insignia on his jacket consisting of the eagle, globe, and anchor insignia, with a small brass plaque below, reading "Junior Marine," and handed him a pamphlet that showed the uniforms and rank insignia.

"Thanks, sir!" Billy exclaimed. "Wow!"

"Maybe when this little guy grows up, he can be one of us," the smiling Marine said to Rick. "By the way, you're doing a great job with your uniform. The ROTC guys tend to be on the sloppy side that way, but not you. Boots too. Hell of a shine."

Rick chuckled.

"When you're the son of a bird colonel, you make damn sure your uniforms are taken care of," he said. "Job #1, including the boots."

Rick excused himself to use one of the plane's lavs, stopping to hang his coat in a closet on the way there and attaching a cock ring while he was inside. On the way back, he stopped in the aisle to chat with the steward and the Marine recruiter. When he returned, the awestruck look on Billy's face told him he'd achieved the desired effect.

Another Marine was sitting in the jump seat, wearing camouflage fatigues and a tight green T-shirt, his legs spread. He and Billy were chatting when he sat down, and Billy was smiling widely and wearing a camo cover on his head.

"Your little brother just told me the story of his life," the Marine said, chuckling.

"Is that right?" Rick replied, smiling at Billy. "Uh-oh, squirt, what did you get us into now? This kid's usually pretty shy, but if you get him talking, watch out!"

"Nothing big," the Marine said. "Let's see: Your parents split up when Billy was two years old, and she remarried and had another son by his step-father. He died in a car wreck five years ago, and you've been his substitute dad. He gives you high marks. Not to worry!"

"It's good to know that the little squirt approves of me," Rick said, joshing. "I see you guys have been giving him Marine Corps stuff on board. I know he likes that. Billy has always looked up to anyone in uniform, but especially the Marines."

"Thanks for bringing me, dad!" Billy said, brightly. "I sure hope we go to Disneyland!"

Rick chuckled.

"I don't know what he likes more, the Marine Corps or roller coasters," he said to the Marine, before turning to Billy, "If you mind your manners, ya squirt, there's a good chance we'll take you up there."

Billy promised to behave.

"He's going to have to take that cap off before he gets off the plane in San Diego or Pops will bust a seam, but he can wear it later," Rick said to the Marine who'd given it to him.

The Marine laughed.

"Yeah, I bet," he said, withdrawing a pen from his pocket and asking for a napkin to write a name and address. "Go to the Smitty's place in Oceanside, and they've got camos in boy's sizes for Billy. I'm sure the colonel will be okay with that."

After they landed, the steward came over and handed a few things to Billy.

"Here's a few tickets for Disneyland if your dad here takes you up there," he said, smiling. "They'll get you onto the Space Mountain coaster and the monorail. And this other one gets anyone 12 or under into Sea World for free. I'm pretty sure that the zoo allows kids in free with an adult. All those places give 50% off to anyone with a military I.D., so your dad will get a break if he takes you."

"What do you say, Billy?" Rick asked, his tone gently paternalistic.

"Thanks a lot sir!" he said to the steward. "Wow!"

It was the first time Billy had been off campus with Rick, and to be actually seen as a kid by the steward and the Marines on the flight was a gigantic step. That he was actually 18 years old and in college was almost completely beside the point that he wasn't actually a 12-year-old seventh grader. That several strangers thought so made it real in his mind, and the effect was electrifying, like a dream come true.

Rick noticed Billy's enthusiasm and thought back to his request to be regressed to an earlier age, something he'd found a bit amusing when Billy first mentioned it. At the time, he hadn't thought it particularly strange that his charge wanted to call him "dad," given that he'd heard it so often from others before they'd met. He'd figured that the substitute father routine wouldn't be a lot different from what was already going on and agreed to take on the role, yet he'd developed some reservations and spoke to his own father about them.

"Pops" advised him to talk to the professor and colonel who ran the ROTC program, and to tell him the entire story. They'd already discussed Billy, but in their first meeting Rick had left out some details on account of the military regulations against homosexual conduct. His father reassured him that the rules were not designed to forbid what was going on between Billy and the Men on the dorm floor, but were in place to deter rampant queer activity among the troops.

"Your father and I are mustangs," the colonel said on their second meeting, deploying military slang referring to officers who rise from enlisted ranks. "Probably saved each other's lives in Vietnam three or four times. I think we got promotions within a month of each other at each step. He filled me in on what's been going on with your roommate, and your worry about me knowing. Don't worry about any of that. It's not what the regs are about."

They'd already discussed Billy's age regression in their first meeting, and the colonel reminded Rick that it was a desire for the purest form of submission, that of a young son to his father. He had seen adult regression four times in his career, and became interested enough to study the literature. Billy's regression was right out of the textbook, the colonel said: a strict upbringing in a sexually repressed environment, a naturally submissive male pushed to grow up before he was ready.

"Don't worry about the sexual side of it," he said. "Look, Rick, sex runs through everything in life, and it's just as integral to leadership and control as it is to submission. You're seeing the pure thing with Billy, and that makes it important for you to be a calm, consistent leader and responsible substitute father. Using your dick is definitely part of it, as long as it contributes to Billy's training."

Rick replied that he had hesitated not just because of military regulations, but also because he didn't want his charge to fall in love. Licking his balls and swallowing his cum while he screwed Sally didn't seem to count to him, Rick said, but one-on-one sex would be be different.

"I'm okay with stiff-dicking him, but I'm really not a homo," Rick explained. "I haven't done it mostly because I don't want a queer falling for me and then expecting me to be his boyfriend. Girls make enough demands without that."

"This is different," the colonel replied. "Even normal leadership involves obedience and reverence, and there's a lot of underlying sex in that. It's why leaders can order troops into combat, and it's why they'll face death for their leaders. You can call it love if you want, but it's not the same.

"Love's a two-way street. With Billy, not so much. You will need to control not just his actions but get into his head. Sex is a powerful tool for that. But don't worry, because it can never be on his terms. You'll be his Leader, not his boyfriend."

Rick had a quizzical look on his face.

"Remember, Billy's a chronological adult who is sexually attracted to Men including yourself," he said. "You should use it to generate obedience and reverence at a basic level. Be sure to always remember that. It's what leadership is built on."

Rick smiled at the idea, and so did the colonel.

"Look, son, leadership can be pretty hard work, but you'll see that it has its privileges and satisfactions," the colonel said. "But save the lovemaking for the gals. I understand you've got no shortage of that. With Billy, use your tool as a tool. It's going to make you a better leader even with Men who you'd never screw. And for the time being, none of those other guys should be stiffing the fella."

Rick said he'd already told the others to lay off.

"Good," the colonel replied. "I've given you a lot to think about, and before you leave I'll give you three papers that I wrote. They're short, no more than 10 minutes apiece, and you should read them all in one sitting. Don't let them out of your sight, and read them over and over to focus your mind on the nature of leadership.

"By the way, you're going to realize how much you've been doing right so far. Probably the only change will be that you won't worry about the sex angle. One more thing: No matter how submissive Billy is, he's bound to rebel at some point. When that happens, you'll have to discipline him or you will lose credibility. But don't fly off the handle in anger. Don't use your dick as punishment, but only for training. Never forget that this is about leadership, and that leadership rests on obedience and reverence, and you'll be fine."

They switched planes in L.A., and had an hour and a half layover in the airport. Rick had brought the articles that the professor had given him, and took them out of a folder in his carry-on bag. He noticed that the first one was marked "Classified – Top Secret." He found that it mirrored the advice he'd been given in their two meetings.

"For the age-regressed older boy, meaning one who has progressed to chronological adulthood but not to Manhood, reverence and obedience are the stars in his sky. They can be said to be the flip sides of the same coin, to be developed in tandem under patient leadership.

"Reverence is the state of mind that causes a boy to honor, venerate, and deeply respect a Man to the point of worship. It gives rise to obedience, another state of mind. The boy, having accepted (and most often actively sought) his status and his bond to his Leader, reveres him for his Manhood and obeys him as a matter of his personal identity.

"The boy's reverence is rooted in the contrast between himself and the Leader he venerates. Naturally, the sense of contrast is greatly aided if the Leader is exceptionally masculine and physically fit, and is larger, stronger, and taller than he is. Yet the older boy reveres his Leader in dimensions beyond the physical. Leaders carry themselves with an ease and confidence that conveys authority and draws respect from peers. They 'have it together,' and it shows. By contrast, the older boy is full of insecurity and uncertainty. His pursuit of regression opens the way for reverence and obedience to his Leader, bringing order and meaning to his existence.

"In training and beyond, the boy comes to see that his Leader has insight that appears almost superhuman. The Man seems to know what he is thinking, and what infractions of thought and behavior he has committed. He controls his charge with a look, a tone of voice, a smile or frown or smirk, a word or two. Even if the boy wants to keep or conceal a secret, he finds it impossible to do so and quickly gives up trying.

"The older boy's reverence involves feelings of shame, embarrassment, inferiority, and humiliation. These are useful to a Leader when recognized and managed in a firm yet constructive and compassionate manner. He implements a kind of constructive humiliation, mostly in an indirect yet unmistakable way, essential to the creation of both obedience and reverence.

"Integral to 'constructive humiliation' is the Leader's close control over the boy's erections and ejaculations. He is aware of his charge's homosexual orientation – always present in a male's uncoerced regression to the supervision of another adult male – along with the contradiction between the charge's sexual maturity and his overriding urge to retreat to a pre-sexual mental state.

"The Leader forbids demonstrations of sexual interest, and deploys a locked cage-like appliance to suppress his charge's ability to achieve erections. Such devices remind the wearer that he is under the Leader's control and authority, even when the Leader is not physically present.

"Because the charge is physically mature, periodic ejaculations are necessary to preserve genital health. The Leader generates them solely through prostate massage; the regressed boy is never permitted to stimulate himself. Breaking the rule is treated as a matter of selfish disobedience, a serious offense.

"Sexual denial combined with weekly or biweekly prostate massage will heighten the charge's sexual interest, something not acknowledged or mentioned by either party. The combination's power, rooted in the contrast between Leader and charge and the enforced sexual sublimation inherent in age regression, will generate the enthusiastic reverence and obedience that are at the core of the Leader's superiority and the boy's submission to his authority in all matters."

Then he moved on to the second article, also marked top secret.

"Compliance and obedience are often treated as synonyms, but that would be incorrect. Obedience is a state of mind, while compliance is the behavior that arises from obedience. People also comply for other reasons unconnected to obedience, so the two should not be seen as the same.

"A Man who complies with orders, laws, rules, and regulations does so out of self-interest and judgment, making the decision by and for himself. A young boy complies out of obedience to his parents, while an older but regressed boy obeys the substitute parent who is his Leader. He draws satisfaction and meaning from the obedience itself, which honors the superiority and authority of his Leader who functions in the parental role.

"As he did with his father when he was younger, the regressed boy obeys not because he agrees, or because he has independently decided to comply, but because his Leader told him so. Like his father, his Leader is a Man and he is not. As his superior, the Leader decides, and his authority is final. To the extent a regressed boy makes decisions, it is because his Leader allowed him or directed him to do so.

"A young boy might ask why his father made a particular request or instruction, and his father might explain the reasons. But he complies not for those reasons, but from obedience and the desire for approval. In the end, 'I told you so' is enough. A father's authority is absolute, and the boy who disputes that will soon learn a harsh lesson in the practical result of disobedience.

"For an older boy, the matter becomes more complicated. A young boy's disobedience can arise from a slip that occurs on account of mischief or inexperience, but the regressed boy's disobedience is a more serious matter: He is implicitly attempting to assert Manhood and must be corrected immediately. This can be mitigated if the older boy reports his disobedience; if it is inadvertent or trivial, harsh correction might not be necessary. Yet, willful or not, disobedience is never overlooked.

"These methods, and those mentioned elsewhere, combine to reinforce the crucial distinction between the older boy and the Leader who holds parental authority over him. The boy complies out of obedience and desire for approval, not judgment or self-interest. He obeys because he is a boy, just as it was when he was much younger and he obeyed his father. Other virtues: trustworthiness, loyalty, helpfulness, courtesy, cheerfulness, thrift, and cleanliness, emanate from obedience.

"Because the older boy was once intent on becoming a Man or pressured to do so by parents and peer, the recognition that he failed to attain Manhood, or has retreated from it, is typically a source of both satisfaction and permanent humiliation. The methods of training and maintenance, and the explicit recognition that his Leader is superior to him and must be obeyed, reinforce this humiliation in a constructive manner, providing satisfaction.

"The inherent discomfort of humiliation is reinforced yet balanced by the fulfillment the older boy feels at having found a place that suits his nature; by the satisfaction he draws from his obedience and his Leader's approval; and by the stimulation of penetration and those erections and ejaculations that his Leader might arrange and permit. There is a Pavlovian element at work; the older boy quickly finds humiliation itself a source of deep, core satisfaction even without erection or ejaculation.

"This constructive blend thus serves as the glue that keeps an older boy eagerly in his place, any pretense of Manhood long abandoned. He becomes a student of his humiliation, eagerly seeking and welcoming it in all of its forms, as the most critical and deeply fulfilling element in his assigned place. Every day, he is in continual search for reminders that he is not a Man, and that he must obey and revere the Leader who trains and manages him."

Then he read the third paper.

"This discussion focuses on the characteristics of a successful Leader of an age-regressed boy. It will become apparent that the same characteristics are readily transferable to conventional military leadership, albeit with the sexual element implied and sublimated rather than explicitly deployed.

"We start with a formula: Confidence + Control + Clarity + Consistency = Credibility, or 'The Five Cs.'

"The Leader of an age-regressed and therefore extraordinarily submissive boy displays a high degree of both self-confidence and self-control. They are two sides of a coin, just as obedience and reverence are, with the self-control element most impressive and effective when there is a high physical contrast at play. A Man who can crush an ant but who does not is more powerful than the one who does.

"The successful Leader thus does not 'fly off the handle' at disobedience or even rebellion, but handles these and other problems calmly. This is not to counsel indulgence when harshness is called for, but rather to prescribe steadiness and maturity in the face of inevitable difficulties. The skilled Leader's response is proportionate to the nature of the offense, his necessary firmness tempered by an understanding of his charge's struggle to adapt to the 'constructive humiliation' that defines and reinforces his submissive instincts and subordinate position.

"The successful Leader is clear in his statement of rules and requests, and consistent in their application. His rules are simple enough to follow without confusion or hesitation; they are not contradictory; exceptions are rare and minimal. The Leader never seems to act on a whim; he is predictable enough that correction never comes as a surprise, but rather as the fair and deserved consequence of transgression.

"When possible, the Leader informs his charge immediately that he has misbehaved, but administers any corporal punishment at a different time, along with a clear statement of the seriousness of an offense and the charge's need to not only cease the misbehavior but to adjust his attitude that gave rise to the problem. If the misbehavior involves refusal or rebellion, the Leader might explain why he gave an order or made a decision, but should stress his authority to have unilaterally made it. He will remind his subordinate that he is bound to obedience, that 'I said so' is enough.

"On the other hand, if the misbehavior arose not out of rebellion but out of his charge's legitimate confusion about his Leader's rules, perhaps as the result of inconsistency, the Leader is prepared to withhold punishment and take responsibility for his own failure, displaying confidence, control, and clarity as he does so. As uncomfortable as it might be for a Leader to acknowledge a mistake, the display of integrity does not undermine his credibility, but rather enhances it.

"The foregoing is a call for careful and thoughtful responsibility, but not for equivocation, hesitation, or apology. There is a paradox at work. Successful Leaders must show a smooth, unruffled exterior as a matter of projecting confidence, which makes the acknowledging of mistakes problematical. The preferred 'solution' is to not make mistakes to begin with, yet also to resolutely avoid conveying the impression of self-doubt. Thus, the Leader plans in private, and executes in public.

"The Leader does not shrink from the exercise of authority, or from constructive humiliation, on mistaken egalitarian grounds that might cause an inexperienced Leader to believe that he is treating his charge 'unfairly.' The Leader remembers that he is not his charge's equal but rather his superior; that his charge does not simply follow orders, but reveres him for his Manhood and draws his personal identity from his obedience. To the regressed boy, it would be 'unfair' to treat him an an equal.

"The Leader is aware that the process of growing up, for a Man, is the quest for equality with his father, demonstrated by his growing competence, mastery, and physical development. His charge, no matter how capable he might seem, has no interest in equality. He is highly submissive by nature, and by seeking regression is running away from equality, and from Manhood itself.

"He is far more submissive than boys chasing the dream of Manhood. It is difficult to oversupervise a regressed charge; if he had his way, his substitute father would shadow him at all times. He has no desire to rebel, but will be driven to rebellion by the social conditioning he received prior to seeking regression. The Leader understands that his charge, even on occasions of rebellion, does not want to 'get away with it,' or even question his Leader's instructions or intentions, but in fact very much the opposite: He deeply desires to be subject to the credible authority that brings structure and meaning to his life.

"Thus, even though understandable and predictable, unpunished rebellion will only create confusion and distress, and breed disrespect. Left unchecked, it will undermine the Leader's credibility and authority and generate a cycle of misbehavior, cynicism, and disobedience that will threaten to destroy the 'bond of inequality' that leadership and regression depend on.

"The Leader's careful planning, his close, calm, and consistent attention, coupled with honesty and trustworthiness, even when it involves harsh correction, will establish and reinforce the credibility that is essential to an age-regressed boy's development of the obedience and reverence that training and management exist to produce and maintain.

"This series of articles has focused on the Leader's need to exercise great care and responsibility, but would be incomplete without mentioning the rewards and satisfactions of leadership of an age-regressed boy, and their transferability to conventional leadership.

"The Leader possesses a degree of authority and influence over his charge comparable to, and even exceeding that of slave masters in both modern and ancient times. Unlike regressed boys, slaves rarely, if ever, come to revere their masters, and will merely comply with orders rather than display mental obedience. The difference is rooted in the lack of coercion, given that age regression is almost universally voluntary and fact requested rather than imposed by means of birth or conquest.

"The successful Leader of the age-regressed boy is as inherently dominant as his charge is submissive. He exercises a far greater control over his charge, his authority extending to his attitudes and not simply his behavior. The boy becomes an extension of the Leader's will, and his driving desire for submission becomes enthusiasm, gratitude, obedience and reverence not seen in traditional slaves. This, by itself, becomes a source of deep satisfaction for the Leader, whose quiet confidence is greatly enhanced by his successful training and management of his charge.

"As previously mentioned, the sexual element of this form of leadership is integral, emanating from the paradox of the charge's sexual maturity and his psychological immaturity. The Leader uses the conflict in training and management to to enhance the boy's sexual sublimation, built on denial of his charge's autonomy and its channeling to worship and reverence. In doing so, the skilled, steady Leader becomes nearly god-like. He derives pleasure and satisfaction from holding absolute power and his responsible yet complete exercise of that power. These are the legitimate reward for his work. He walks taller, more secure than ever in his superiority and mastery.

"Conventional leadership sublimates but does not eliminate the sexual dynamic. The same '5 Cs' are fundamental, and in some circumstances will produce a level of obedience and worship approaching that felt by the age-regressed boy, and the authority, control, influence, and confidence that go with it. Thus, the successful mastery of the age-regressed boy can serve as a highly useful and effective training ground for Leaders to apply in more conventional settings."

Rick put the articles back into his bag, leaned back in the airport chair, spread his thick legs, folded his arms across his wide chest, and smiled. The articles had pretty much described how he had been dealing with Billy from the start, but to see it in print greatly increased his confidence.

He reviewed the months since he'd roomed with Billy. His revelations and requests had put him in a position of authority and control, and Billy in a place of submission and vulnerability. But there was an artificiality about it at school that was erased by the plane ride and the professor's essays that not only gave him permission to integrate sex with dominance but showed how to do it.

He lost his mixed feelings about stiff-dicking his charge, and especially the prospect of Billy's worship. He realized there would be no danger of his making the kinds of demands that he'd worried about. He would fully embrace Billy's regression while using his sexual urge to keep his charge on edge, with no outlet other than worship. The only thing left was Billy's inevitable rebellion, and Rick began to think of how he would maneuver him into it and then display what his authority really meant.

"Dad, did you have that story about us prepared beforehand?" Billy asked.

"Yep, I sure did," he replied, mentioning the junior high school I.D. card that Bart had made for him before they left. "That's so you could fly on a children's fare and get into those parks for half-price. I'm in an ROTC uniform, so I couldn't exactly tell any of the airline people that I'm your father. Most of the time, there'll be no need for that story. Either way, you'll still get to call me dad. And remember to call any adult 'sir' or 'ma'am' from now on."

"I'm sorry about that, sir," he replied.

"It's okay, squirt," Rick said. "You were still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, but don't do it again."

"I won't, dad," Billy said. "I sure hope we get to go to Disneyland and ride the roller coaster. I love roller coasters!"

Next: Chapter 4

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