Dorm Roomate's Gift

Published on Feb 3, 2011



Donnie couldn't decide if he should get out of bed or not. It was still dark outside and he didn't have classes until that afternoon. And it WAS his birthday. He'd spend that night with his roommate and friends eating pizza and drinking beer to celebrate..although that wasn't different then any other night.

Like Anthony was after he returned from his birthday at home, he'd be threatened with public spankings, kissed on the cheek by unknown coeds who heard the birthday song and given a free pitcher of beer by the pizza joint.

But for now he'd sleep ignoring the sounds of Anthony getting up before dawn to do his usual early morning run.

The dorm was quiet, it was chily outside but warm in his bed.

The noises told him Anthony was doing his daily regimine. He opened his eyes a bit, enough to see Anthony's naked body. He slept naked like Donnie did. There would be moments with Anthony would stand stretch, stare out the window, perhaps smoke what was left of the joint from the night before.

His morning push-ups, sit-ups would follow and Donnie tried not to smile or let him know he was watching.

He hadn't told his roomie he was gay yet. Donnie knew that as their friendship get tighter he would find the right time. He'd gladly suck the boy off but that would probably ruin the that would remain a fantasy.

He turned in his bed towards the wall and let his hand play with the erection that Anthony's performance had created.

Dozing , Donnie didn't hear Anthony until he felt him.

"Hey what?" he awoke suddenly. "What are you doing?"

"It's your birthday right?" Anthony was standing there, still naked bending over. His arm was under the blanket and his hand surrounded Donnie's cock.

"I'm gonna give you the same present I get for my birthday, so lay back and enjoy it" He said.

Donnie wondered who at Anthony's hometown gave him birthday handjobs but for the moment his cock was doing the thinking. He lay back and closed his eyes.

Visions of Anthony naked, stretching, showering, pissing...all the sights he had stored went through his brain along with those of other guys on the dorm floor, those he'd seen at the pool, those he remembered from back home, from the Internet from the summers.....

Anthony's words distracted him.

"So I see you like this birthday boy? You like it as much as watching me in the mornings?" he asked.

Despite the sensations and memories, Donnie blushed hearing his watching was known by his roommate.

"It's ok stud, I like showing off for you too" Anthony was smiling. Donnie opened his eyes and Anthony was looking at his cock.

His other hand's fingers were encircling his ball sack as his left hand continued stroking his thumb flicking the tip of his cock.

Donnie closed his eyes...all that was important then and there was the hand job, the sensations that were shooting from his cock through his legs, up his quivering stomach, his tightened chest and up his neck with cold flashes into his brain.

It didn't take long despite Donnie wanting it to..his cock exploded pulsing sperm from his knotted gut through his cock across his stomach and landing on his neck and face.

"Shit you need to jack off more often man that was a hell of a load" Anthony said wiping his hands on Donnie's skin.

"Sorry man....or thanks. What do I say?" Donnie said wondering what the hand-job meant. Was Anthony gay too? Or did he indeed do it just for Donnie's birthday as he said was done for him? Donnie had heard of that practice from some friends..but never thought it was real until that day.

"No problem, what are you gonna do for my birthday? It's next summer so you need to do something before the end of the term." Anthony pulled on his running shorts and shoes.

"Well I could blow that cock of yours or you could fuck me" Donnie said smiling. He was telling Anthony his secret much sooner then he planned. "Sorry I meant to tell you before, just didn't know how you'd react."

He realized that Anthony might have thought he was just joking but not after he admitted the was too late.

"That you like guys? Hell kid I knew that the first week we met. As for my birthday do I get to pick what I want?"

Donnie feeling a sense of relief smiled almost crying "Well it's your birthday so I guess you do get to pick it."

Anthony laughed as he put his class clothes in his gym bag. "Tell you what, you don't have a class till this afternoon right?"

"Yea, thought I'd sleep till then, after I clean off that is" he laughed "who..." he started to ask who back home gave Anthony his birthday hand job.

"OK clean up, go back to bed. I know one or two guys on this floor who will come help you celebrate. Don't worry I won't come back till noon" He put his gym bag on his shoulder.

"You're gonna have a good time" He smiled "see you later roomie"

Donnie lay back as Anthony left, not closing the door nor locking it as usual.

It was going to be a hell of a morning thanks to Anthony, in fact it had been already.

And it was going to be one hell of a year ahead.

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