Dorm Room Visit

By Fitz Chivalry

Published on Jun 9, 2012


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is the property of the author who does not give permission for it to be reproduced elsewhere. I would love feedback however! Just send me a line to

Sorry, it's been so long! I'll add more this summer, Fans!

Based on a True Story

Dorm Room Visit 2

I was dumbfounded, absolutely and utterly. I stood, leaning on the sink, face dripping with moisture, returning the blank stare of the image in the mirror. I'd slipped off my jeans to change only to release a huge tension that and seemingly been growing there. Quickly I had pulled on my basketball shorts, ran water over my face once more and found myself in the current position over the sink. What in the world had happened? Why was I reacting this way? It was just harmless fun...right? Looking down, my tool was still ready to be used. I'm pretty well equipped so walking down the hall and back to Julian's room with any kind of dignity was clearly out of the realm of possibilities.

Reaching down, I did the best I could to make an adjustment so I wasn't too obvious. Not wanting to tarry any longer, I quickly made my way down the hall, pausing only briefly before entering Julz's room. He was still in his chair, prattling away at his keyboard, face expressionless as he glared at the screen. Not wanting to seem awkward, I made for the bed behind him and grabbed a pillow to lay lightly across my lap as I leaned on it lightly.

What was he thinking? Did it really matter to me what he was thinking? Guys roughhoused all the time, it was just so unlike him. No, it was all just harmless fun. I found myself smiling when Julian slowly turned his head to the right to gaze back at me over his shoulder. His blue eye narrowed as he near whispered, "Much better," a crooked smile sneaking across his face.

Looking down at my clean tee and basketball shorts, free of smoke and other bar smells, I replied. "The clothes, you mean?"

"Yeah, the clothes." He suddenly drifted his gaze downward to look at the pillow before he slowly turned his attention back to the computer. Did his smile get larger as he did so or was I imagining things?

Before I let my mind wonder more, agile as a cat, Julian lept out of the chair and onto the bed, two beers in hand. He handed me one as he settled next to me (but not too close) with his back against the wall, turning his attention to the computer on the desk across from us. I must have looked like an idiot as I stared at his goofy smile a few seconds more before I even noticed there was a movie running on his computer.

Action-packed, the movie quickly drew my attention away from my earlier thoughts and insecurities. I was swift at downing my first beer while Julian nursed his. I rose to gather another (making sure first my cock had tempered down) as he called after me. "I have an idea," he said jovially. "Any time a gun fires, let's take a drink."

The movie was action and we had a whole case so I nodded to him as I took my old position next to him, returning my attention to the movie. Minutes went by without action and my beer was getting warm. Damn. I was soon rewarded with a robbery-gone-bad scene and was soon drinking along side my bro. I was soon up getting another drink. "You low?" I asked.

"No, I've got a bit more left." Julz responded, nice eyes smiling. A bit more? Wasn't he still on his first one? I shrugged and returned next to him.

The characters in the movie soon turned on one another in a double-cross and I and he had to drain the rest of our beers. "I've got to take a leak," I muttered to Julian as I slid off the bed and headed for this door. He nearly smiled at me and got up to pause the movie as I headed down the hall. By now I was beginning to feel the alcohol: drinking fast with little to eat. I stepped up to the stall and relieved myself as I closed my eyes.

Julian pouncing on me.

My eyes shot open as that image flushed into my mindÑhis whispering so softly in my ear. I quickly finished and went to zip up...with one issue. I was hard.

How the hell was I hard? This didn't make any sense! He was just kidding. It had to the alcohol talking. Damn, there was no way I was going to be able to hid this from him!

I shuffled back to his room and relaxed my hand in front of my crotch as I entered. He had his shirt off...

"It was getting a bit hot," he responded to my quizzical look with a shrug. This was true, it was hot. He had two beers in his hand. I closed the door and reached for the new beer...with my free hand, crap! He instantly looked down at my tent, handed off my beer and turned around to his computer.

Had he noticed? He had to of noticed there was no missing it! I quickly got on the bed and reclaimed the pillow and turned to face the screen. He and turned the movie back on and was hopping up on the bed next too me. Was he closer than before? No. I don't think so...

We were back to watching the movie for a long while with out gun fire. I did take a sip every now and then out of habit. In the middle of a draught, a drive by occurred and soon I was taking big gulps as the scene played.

Lightning quick, Julian grabbed the pillow and placed it behind his head, causing me to start and nearly spit out my beer in exclamation. Julz merely giggled stating, "just getting a little more comfortable. His gaze met mine for an instant, before roaming down to my still very obvious shorts. His eyes lingered there and I saw a flash in his multi-colored gaze before he returned to the movie.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! What was I going to do! I quickly crossed my legs that were still spread straight in front of me and kept my eyes on the movie. Just focus on the movie. Don't worry about it, it happens, he won't care, just watch the movie. It'll be fine.

Or Not.

"You know," Juilian started, slowing turning his head toward mine, waiting for our eyes to lock before he would continue. There was fire in his stared. He lifted his free hand and slowly placed it on my lap, gently grabbing my shorts , "It seems, with all that tension down there, you may be more comfortable without these..."

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