Dorm Room Visit

By Fitz Chivalry

Published on Sep 27, 2010


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is the property of the author who does not give permission for it to be reproduced elsewhere. I would love feedback however! Just send me a line to

Based on a True Story

Dorm Room Visit 1

What a crazy night. I had driven an hour to get downtown for a date, only to have her lose her keys and not show up. Great. I made the best of it though to ring some friends and hit up a club, which in the city is far more expensive than I would have liked. Picking up my friends and hauling them around, five bucks for parking, expensive drinks and my friends wanting me to keep buying the drinks all night long-you'd think this college student was made of money tonight! The dancing was fun and the company was nice but with my cancelled date and user friends, I was starting to feel a little annoyed.

After a couple hours of feeling down on myself around a bunch of drunken couples feeling each other up and my friends badgering my good-willed nature to get them "just one more shot," I was ready to get out of there. Back on the expressway I found myself not heading an hour east towards home, but an hour south to see my pal Julian. I'd met Julian a year before through an ex-girlfriend and we got along pretty well. I'd try to go visit once every month or so (as I was the only one with a car), just to hang out and chill, getting away from my busy campus life. I'd called him, telling him what a crappy ass night I'd had and of course, him being my bro, invited me to come chill with him, kick back a few and watch a movie. Why the hell not? I was already halfway there as it was.

Looking around, I saw the road was completely deserted; it was close to 1 am now. I caught my own blue eyes in the mirror and just sighed. I'd been looking forward to tonight, taking the time to make sure I looked exceptionally good: only to have my date not show up because she couldn't find her damn keys and was 2 hours away. Whatever. My blonde hair had managed to keep it feathered look through the action of the club, and while my white button-up and jeans were still sleek, they now reeked of smoke and alcohol. Julian was just going to have to get over that.

Julian, while gay, is still the straightest gay guy I know, often saying the same thing about himself. All around he is a lot of fun to be around. We'd go to concerts on his campus (as I was a big music buff), hang with his friends, spend the days outdoors walking around campus or exploring the town, only to come back and chill to a movie and forget about the cares of college life. I've always liked playing soccer and the great outdoors so weekends spent with my bro were always fun filled and relaxing. He isn't 21 yet so I'd sometimes go grab some beer and sneak it in, having just turned 21 myself, making the nights even better. Last time, however, he had bought a new rug for his single and asked that I take my shoes off before stepping on it. "Looks like you're gay after all!" I'd jested and proceed make a big show of taking off my shoes, getting down on all fours, picking up every grain of dirt out of the carpet and carefully placing it in the trash.

"Jackass," Julian responded before lightly kicking me over and returning to his computer, having us both laughing. He's not usually a clean freak anyway, something else we have in common. So, yeah, a night with my bro would be a perfect remedy to loser friends and a dumbass girl. My earlier sigh turned into a smile.

I finally reached Julian's place around two, making sure I'd stopped for the case of beer I had so well hidden in my sleeping bag. Julian met me at the glass door that led to his hall. "I see your drive went ok, Reyn." Yes, my name's Reyn, blame my parents.

"Shut up, and let me in, it's freezing out here!" To that he smiled, extending his hand before him indicating I enter the hall. "Ladies first, I said with a smile." His grin widened with a shrug as he turned around and led the way. I followed, checking out the crappy dorm rooms on the way, reflected that moving into an apartment off campus was one of the best decisions I ever made. Julian, walking ahead, was already in his gym shorts and tee for the night. He and I were of a height around 6 feet but while he was of a slim build, I had an athletic one-not muscular, but shaped well. Also on the contrary, Julian's hair was lighter brown and usually kept flat. We did share one eye color in common: he has heterochromia, so my two blue eyes met one blue and one brown as Julian stopped before his door.

"My room's kinda a disaster..."

"You know I don't mind, Julz." I said as I stepped in. I stopped. He wasn't kidding. A small dresser had been pulled beside the bed to be used as a nightstand and was loaded with odds and ends. The desk likewise was a cluttered mess with a laptop sitting directly in the middle. The bed was a pile of blankets. Even the new carpet, along with the rest of the floor was littered with piles of clothing, schoolwork and books. "Guess it doesn't matter if I take these off or not," I jested, removing my shoes and throwing down my load.

"I've been meaning to get around to cleaning at some point," he replied, crossing the tiny room to get to the desk. I did my typical survey of the room, as I'm a very curious and observant individual, noticing a new flag hanging on the wall before plopping on the bed beside the desk. What a long ass day.

Julian immediately turned from his seated position, krinkling his nose at me. "Ummm, not to be offensive, but your clothes reek. Could you do something about that before you have my entire bed smelling like a bar?" My response was to have fun ruffling his feathers.

"But your bed is soooo soft and these blankets soooo warm," I said, rolling around on the bed. "Besides, you crave my man scent."

"Crave, my ass. Either you or your clothes get off my bed." Julian responded with a half grimace.

"Oo la la, how suggestive." My battering eyes met his blank stare. Suddenly, the stare wasn't so blank: a fire had lit behind them with such a fierce intenseness I actually stiffened. Before I could get up to change, Julian literally leapt from his chair, pouncing atop me as swiftly as a cat, pinning me to the bed mostly from the shock of the situation. His two mystic eyes locked with mine; the fire had not disappeared. A wide grin slowly crept across his face as he lowered his head toward mine. My eyes widened as he neared me, what the hell was going on!? Right before our noses could touch, Julian veered toward my right ear and gently, so gently whispered, "Are you going to change your clothes like a good boy or am I going to have to rip them off you?"

My mouth was opening and closing for a good five seconds without words while he just stayed in that position. Then just as swiftly as he was atop me, Julian was seated in his desk chair, his back toward me as he went back to messing with his computer as if nothing had happened. I silently got up, grabbed my pack and headed to the hall restroom without saying a word.

It wasn't until I was in front of the mirror, splashing my face with water from the sink below that I was able to think clearly again. Had that really just happened? Was it a big deal? Should I just leave it up to fun roughhousing or was there something more... Whatever the case standing around in here wasn't going to change anything. I tossed off my dress shirt and swapped out my tee for one that did not smell of smoke and booze. Slipping out of my jeans revealed something I did not expect in the least...

Next: Chapter 2

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