Dorm Room Diaries

By Luke Right

Published on Nov 1, 2011


Dorm Room Diaries Written by Luke Rights

All usual disclaimers apply. Do not read this if you are underage, if it is illegal where you live, or if you don't wish to read a graphic erotic story about gay sex. This story is property of the author, Copyright 2011, all rights reserved.

All depictions of sex in this story involve consenting adults above the age of 18.

This story is creative non - fiction. Mostly true with some embellishments to spice it up.

It was happening again.

I look over at the red glow coming from my alarm clock. 3:35 AM. Jesus Christ. This has got to stop soon. The dorm room bed that is lofted above mine is vibrating uncontrollably and there is a weird grunting noise coming out of the offender.

Just as I am about to say something or kick the underside of the bed, there is a sigh, a flop, and then silence. That would be all until the next night when it would probably happen again. My roommate manhandled his cock so furiously that I wonder how it was still attached and he never cleaned up after so I imagine that his bed is just covered in his old spunk. Sometimes I'm scared that his bed is so soaked in his seed that it will leak through onto me.

When the morning comes I brush off the events from the night because deep down I get it, I understand the sexual frustration and the need to get off. I did myself in frequently too. I just did in the shower usually. It's also kind of hot to think of him above me going to town on himself.

Hi, my name is Luke. And the guy that sleeps above me is Matt. We just started college at a rather large university in the Midwest. We didn't know each other before coming to school, but when we got our room assignments earlier in the summer we started to talk a little on the phone and even video chatted a couple of times. We hit it off immediately and my fears of the "dreaded freshman roommate" were put to rest.

We lived in a very popular resident hall that consisted of three tall circular buildings, each about 20 floors high. We stayed in the first tower on the 12th floor with about 40 other guys. There were girl floors above and below us. This kept the guys on our floor pretty occupied.

If you didn't realize by now, I'm an 18-year-old gay guy. And no, I haven't told my roommate, Matt, yet. Honestly, I don't know how he would react. I'm not feminine and I don't act outwardly gay so it will probably shock him. I really don't want him to freak out. I enjoy having him as my roommate, but I have to say something soon. I've never been one to hide who I was. And college was definitely not going to be the place where I start.

Over the past month, all of the guys on the floor became pretty close and we would hang out together a lot. There was a large common room on our floor that had a big TV, pool table and even a couple of arcade games. One Thursday night we decided to hang out and play some cards in the common room. Myself, Matt and about 6 other guys: I know what you are thinking, and no! that is not were this story is going.

One of the guy's older brothers was also at the college and we scored a bottle of vodka from him so we could have a couple of drinks tonight. Vodka and Sprite in plastic red cups only taste good in college. But it sure did the job and before long we forgot about the card game and we were telling stories and laughing and just having fun.

After a couple of hours, Matt pushed back from the table and announced he was heading to bed. It was after midnight and we both had early classes, but I wanted to stay and have one more drink. Matt departed looking a little sad but I just shrugged it off to the booze in him. I kicked back and poured myself another drink of the cheapest vodka money could buy.

Slowly everyone started to leave the table and I was left with Ken, the kid whose older brother got us the sauce. Ken was a good looking kid, definitely straight, but still fun to look at. He was about 5'10" brown short hair and a good body from what I could tell. We was a really nice guy though and I felt very comfortable around him, I'm sure the alcohol wasn't hurting.

A more or less blurted out, "I'm gay!"

Ken replied, "I'm straight"

We both laughed and I was immediately embarrassed. I felt like a idiot announcing it like that.

"I just wanted to let ever one know and I thought you were going to be the easiest to tell," I said.

"Its cool, dude. I'm not a `phobe' or anything. Well I'm going to get to bed. If you want to talk about this we can, or not. I'm up for it, if you need me."

I said, "Thanks, that would be great. I'm going to clean this shit up and then get to bed too. I'm wrecked. Thanks for being cool".

I knew that Ken and I were going to become friends and that was nice. I liked the idea of having a straight guy friend that I could talk to get a real guys opinion on things. This encounter with Ken gave me a little bit of courage. I was going to tell Matt that I was gay tonight.

I finished stuffing the now empty bottle of vodka down the garbage shoot and start back to my room to get my stuff to shower and get ready for bed. As I approach the dorm door I start to get really nervous. I have come out to a lot of people before, but never to someone that I lived with that wasn't part of my family.

It was now or never I had to do it. I pushed the door open to find Matt standing in the middle of the room staring right at me.

"I have something to tell you", Matt stated, rather rigidly.

"OK, buddy. What's going on?" I said this calmly, like I was trying to get a guy off the edge of a building.

"I don't want you to hate. And I don't want you to move out and get weird"

This was strange. This is how I was planning on starting my speech to Matt. Now, he is saying the same thing to me. Could he be coming out to me first?

"I'm gay and I'm in love with you, Luke."

Wow. The gay part was shocking, the love part was flooring. I got a little woozy in my head. I stopped myself and looked at him. I never thought about him in that way. I didn't think there was anything there for me to think about. I regained composure and smiled at him to make him feel better.

We were both just standing there a couple of feet away from each other not doing anything else. Then I remembered what I wanted to say something to Matt before this ambush.

"I'm gay too, Matt."

We didn't say anything for the next couple of minutes. We just stared at each other. I never looked at matt this way before. We was remarkable handsome. He was 6' and very tone. He always wore a v-neck t-shirt and a tiny puff of chest hair was always exposed. Thinking about it now really turned me on. I saw him come and go from the shower room to now what is body was like and that turned me on even more. He had a great chest that was covered with just the right amount of hair that came together between his pecs to form a path straight down his flat stomach, over his belly button and then disappeared beneath his towel or underwear (whatever he wore back from the shower).

The space between us vanished in an instant and we were caught up in each other's arm, groping and pawing at every inch of each other. It was amazing. I had hooked up with guys before but it was usually a random guy I found on a hookup site and it was just about getting off. This felt different. The slowly moved by head in a touch his lips with mine. It wasn't enough I needed more. I opened my mouth to push out my tongue into his mouth to find his eager tongue to wrestle with. My hands were pawing at this chest and he was squeezing my ass hard.

I pulled his shirt up over his head and then got mine off as fast as I could and we were back into our tight hold in an instant. I was in heaven. I couldn't believe that this was happening and I couldn't believe that I never thought about Matt this way, even when we was jerking off above me in our beds.

I still wanted more. I reached for his belt buckle and undid it with one hard. He moved his hips back so I could undo his fly and side his jeans to his ankles. He was already barefoot and lifted up one foot to remove the jeans completely and then the other foot. I went back to groping his body and making out hard.

He followed suit a couple of seconds later and pulled my sweatpants down and I kicked them off without breaking our connecting tongues. Our hard cocks were not very well hidden by our boxer briefs that we both had on. I feel his ever-hardening member push into mine. I thought I was going to ripe mine at the seams, I was sure he was going to. His cock felt huge and it was about time I found out. I reached down, following his trail of hair all the way from his chest to his waistband. I made my way over his underwear to cup his cock in my hand. It was huge, fully erect and about 8 inches. His briefs were soaked with pre-cum and I knew that I wanted to taste that.

I pulled back from him face, looked him in the eyes and said, "This is going to be a great night".

He cracked a smile and nodded his head slightly, then bit his lip in anticipation. This is the moment were I realized how very hot Matt is.

"You are going to enjoy this!" I said this as I'm kissing his neck and making my way down to his nipples and hair patch. His body is tense with excitement and I do my best to put him at ease with my hands and mouth. I so eager to get to that hot cock and pre-cum that I make my way down his body in record time. Only stopping to enjoy each nipple for a couple licks and then I kiss him all the way down his hair trail. I can see his cock quiver inside is now very tight briefs as I grab hold of his hips and trace right above his waistline with my tongue.

Finally, I feel that I have tortured him (and myself) enough and I go for gold. I bury my face against the wet soak on the front of this underwear and lap up every drop of the sweet, salty juice. It is even better that I anticipated and he was sure enjoying it. I nuzzle my face against his trapped cock and lick his balls through the soaked fabric. I slide right hand up his leg hole and grasp his huge prick and grab the top of his briefs with my left. In one smooth motion is underwear was at his ankles and his beautiful cock is staring me straight in the face.

"Suck my cock, Luke", Matt said.

I couldn't help but to obey his request. I leaned in and started working his head with my tongue paying close attention to the piss slit. He was moaning a low mumble and his head fell back. I really enjoy pleasuring a guy that much.

I worked the head into my mouth and it already felt pretty full inside on my mouth. I wanted to take all of him in me but I didn't know if it was physically possible. I bobbed up and down on his head making sure to never leave it fully off my lips. I went slow and used a lot of tongue and this made him jerk and writhe with passion.

I picked up the pace and grab hold of his ass checks, one in each hand and then I squeezed. This was his cue to take over. I wanted to please him and he knew that now. I relaxed my jaw and he started to move his hips in the same rhythm that I sucking him before. I squeeze his ass hard and he went a little deeper on the next thrust. Every time I would squeeze his cheek he would go either deeper or faster. I was in ecstasy and so was he.

When he was going at my face hard and fast I removed my hands and starting groping his sac: his balls where huge and perfect. I wanted to drain them badly. He reached a fever pitch and his sac got so tight in my hand. I knew it was time for him to unleash his spunk.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to come. Where do you want it?"

By my lack of moving off his dick, I think he do the idea that I wanted it shot straight into my mouth. After a few more pumps I could feel it starting to happen. First, one glob oozed out onto my tongue and it tasted like the best come ever. I was not quite prepared for what happened next, rope after silky rope of cum shoot into the back of my throat. There must have been at least 6. I swallowed as much as possible, but there was just too much and a lot leaked out around his cock and onto my chest and stomach.

Matt stood above me panting; I lean into his cock and clean all of the left over cum off of it. He says, "I think, I'm numb. That was amazing".

I agree with him and try to collect all of his cum off of my body into my hand. He bends down and starts licking his cum out of my hand. The sight of this drives me wild and then he stood up and pulled me up to meet him and makes out with me hard. He cum swims in our mouths between our tongues and I never want to swallow it. He must already know that I like it because he pushes it all into my mouth with his tongue and I swallow it down. We continue to make out for a while and then he pulls back and looks at me.

He says, "Your turn" and moves me over to my bed and sits me down. He gets down between my legs and starts going after my cock inside my briefs. Now I am not nearly as big as Matt, but I stand tall at about 6 !/2 inches. He pushed me back so I reclined across my bed with my feet still on the floor and he slowly lowers by underwear and takes them off. Matt is so horny, and frankly I am too, that he just goes straight for my cock and swallows it all in one try. It felt great. He was going to town on my cock and then all of the sudden he stopped and looked up at me.

"Got any lube?"

I say, "Yea. Top draw of my computer desk."

I'm so excited when he goes to grab that I sit up to fast in my bed and crack my head off the bottom side of his bed above me.

Matt said, "Easy cowboy, don't knock yourself out before you fuck my ass!"

We both laughed and then it got serious again. Obviously, there wasn't enough room on the bed to fuck on it and the top was too unstable (I knew that more that Matt did). So we slid to the floor onto a big shag rug that my mother got me for my dorm room. It is really coming in handy now.

I lay flat on my back with my cock standing straight up in the air. Matt goes to start lubing up my cock. He does it with long slow strokes that drive me crazy. He goes to put lube on his hole but I stop him and tell him, "I want to taste it before you put that shit on it"

He straddles my chest with his ass towards my face and leans forward to play with my rock hard cock. I'm left with his ass, checks spread and the most perfect hole staring at me. I slowly raise my head and lick just between his balls and hole. He lets out a moan of delight. I lick the ring around his hole and then dive straight in. I push my tongue as far and hard into his hole as I can. I can feel him pushing back to fill his hunger hole with my tongue.

We continue this for a couple of minutes and I am some place else, maybe paradise. I am brought back to reality when he pulls his ass off my face and turns around on me.

"Well, I guess we don't need anymore lube, your spit should be just fine"

Matt lines his hole over my rock hard cock and started to lower it down.

"Wait, shouldn't we get a condom," I asked.

"I want to feel you inside of me. I'm clean. I never fucked a guy with out a condom before."

"Me neither."

My head craved to go deep inside of him and wanted in now. I thrust my hips up and broke past the force of the sphincter trying to expel it. I hurt Matt. I didn't want to do that, he screamed a little and fell on top of me panting. Unable to catch his breathe.

"I'm sorry. So sorry. I couldn't help myself you got me so hot. We can stop if you want to. If I hurt you. I didn't want to do that."

Matt got his breath and just stared at me. He was riding my cock up and down very slowly. It felt amazing for both of us. We started to make out and we both knew this was going to take long.

He sat up straight and started to bounce on my cock hard and fast. He was also jerking off his own huge dick. It was a beautiful sight.

"Fuck! I'm close," I screamed.

"Me too. Lets cum together!"

"Where do you want me to come?"

"Right where you are."

That was it. That was enough to push me over the limit. My sac got tight around my balls and I blasted Matt's ass full of my seed. I couldn't fell anything anymore except bliss. Matt was still riding my cock to milk every last drop off and I felt his ass clamp my cock and I knew what was coming. He unleashed another monster load. This time I got to see it and it covered my chest and stomach again.

My cum was dripping down my cock out of Matt's ass as he rolled over next to me. We laid like that for a good ten minutes before we came back down.

"We should probably get cleaned up", Matt said.

"Why you never clean up after any of your late night jerk off sessions. And I know how much you cum," I just jokingly punching him in the arm.

"That's because I always lick it all up."

He was serious and that made me hot.

Since we stayed on the floor so long covered in his spunk it was too late for him to lick this up. It was all dry and cold.

We decided we should shower but we wanted to do it together. We looked at the clock and it was after 3 already so we should have been safe. Still we decided to leave the room a couple seconds apart incase there was someone who got up for a late night piss.

"See you in a minute, stud," Matt said as he wrapped a towel around his waist and left the room.

I waited about 30 seconds and then opened the door to follow after him, but was met by Ken. He was just walking down the hallway with a smug look on his face. I really didn't know how to take it.

"Hey Ken, just heading for the shower so I can sleep in tomorrow."

"Cool. So did you tell Matt about you secret?"

"Yea. We just got done, uh, talking."

"Did he take it well?"

"Yea. He was cool with it. No issue."

"I bet now," Ken said the last line coolly and started to continue to walk past me.

For some reason I turned to check behind me after a couple steps and there was Ken staring at me. He smiled and then gave me the slightly wink, for some reason I winked back before turning around to go and meet Matt in the shower.

To be continued...

This is my first go at this so please provide me with your feedback:

Next: Chapter 2

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