Dorm Room

By Neo Nemo

Published on Sep 24, 2015


This story is a translation of the Russian original, with names and vernacular made to sound as American as possible for ease of reading by an international English-speaking audience. However, keep in mind that it's set in Russia, and make allowances accordingly. The Russian original was first published as a series of journal entries on a Russian gay meeting site Please also note that English is not my native or even first foreign language.

P.S. Just to dispel any confusion that may have crept in, this story is pure fiction, even if parts of it may be based on actual events.

P.S.S The previous installment was published on Nifty in May 2011. A lot has happened in Russia since then, none of it positive for the gay community, or the country as a whole, which prevented me from finishing the last chapter of the story at the time. I've been determined, however, to see the story to the end, to reminisce about better times in Russia in the 90's when I was a student and when Russian society WAS becoming more tolerant and accepting before things derailed in the worst possible way; and as a hope that things might change for the better and that this bacchanalia of religious fundamentalism, unrestrained homophobia, and unchecked xenophobia and racism will run its course soon and give Russian society an immunity against it for generations to come

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Now, on with the story.

Dorm Room Part 6 - Finale

Making Amends

Sloooowly, deliberately slowly Dennis bowed his head to mine, holding my chin with one hand, and supporting my back with the other. He froze for a second, exhaling noisily, poking my face with the tip of his nose, tickling my cheeks with his eyelashes, and caressing my chin with his fingertips. Not being able to stand the suspense any longer, I lunged for his lips and touched them with mine. Dennis' reaction was immediate: He moved away from my lips in a flash:

"No, boy, you're mine now, and we'll be doing it my way now!"

I swallowed hard:

"Denny, I am not sure...."

The tip of his index finger touched my lips, and I stopped talking, heeding his wordless command. He picked me up bodily, boots and all, which I hadn't had time to kick off, and headed to his bedroom.

Dennis slowly lowered his precious cargo on his bed - it wasn't your average narrow dorm bed, Art and he had managed to squeeze two almost queen sized beds into their room - all the while eyeing me hungrily:

"You're so cute when you blush, makes me wanna do all kinds of things to you."

"Denny, I...I've never, you know, never...."

"Never been with a man?"


"That makes it even better."

He lowered himself on the bed next to me and caressed my hair:

"Damn you're beautiful!"

His lips found mine again in a passionate - and insistent - kiss. His tongue darted in and out of my mouth, subduing and dominating mine. Dennis sat up astride me, his hand snaking under my tee, rolling it up. Leaving my mouth, his lips lowered to my abs, showering them in small pecks. My mind swam, and I moaned, with my eyes rolling back. His lips, applying some suction, travelled up to my chest. Dennis removed my T-shirt completely in one fluid motion, and zeroed in on my nipples. Nothing in my life had prepared me for the sensation!

Leaving my nipples swollen and erect, he concentrated on my neck, licking it everywhere only to stop here and there for a light nibble. His roving lips and hot breath made my whole body stretch out for him, offering up my neck to his ministrations, whispering his name with every breath. Rising up, he made light work of taking off my boots and socks.

His hand found the fly of my skinny jeans, made uncomfortably tight by my arousal. With enviable adroitness, he unbuttoned the fly and tugged at the legs of the jeans, caressing every inch of my thighs and shins laid bare as he went along. This left me in my good-boy tighty whities, leaving absolutely nothing to imagination considering the amount of precum I'd spewed. Dennis grabbed the waistband, yanking the briefs down and off, revealing my full and unobstructed nakedness to his eye. He took it all in for a second, and then bent down...

And just like that the walls inside me came crushing down and I lost all control, not an unpleasant sensation. His lips enveloped the head of my dick, while the lips massaged and tenderized the G-string below the pee-slit. I bucked forward to meet his lips with abandon, screaming his name, the name of my sweet torturer, without a thought as to what the neighbors might make of it.

Dennis, however, didn't intend for me to cum yet; as experienced as his was, he needed more out of sex. Giving my dick a one last all over lick, he reached to grab lube from the nightstand. That made it abundantly clear what he intended to do. I guess I could have stopped him at this point, if I'd REALLY wanted to, and I think I would have if he'd bent me over in the hallway and tried to fuck me right then and there. But not NOW, not after this preview of things to come; now his will was mine, I'd surrendered myself to him.

Denis squirted a generous dollop of lube on his fingers, and hoisted my legs up on his shoulders:

"Vic, just relax!"

And so I did; I was relaxed as never before, floating on cloud nine and never wanting this to end. Something cold then touched my pucker, his fingers massaging it, after which one digit breached the ring carefully and went inside full length, grazing something on the way in which made my insides implode in fireworks of unknown pleasure. With every rasping breath, I moaned and chanted like mantra the name of my lover, with the added 'yes' and 'more' exclamations here and there thrown in for good measure.

Dennis was doing a very good and thorough job of loosening me up, inserting two fingers now. I wanted desperately to feel him inside, but he was in no hurry. When the tension became too much for me to bear, when pure blinding pleasure overrode my inhibitions and anything else, I had no choice but to whimper:

"Denny, please..."

He stopped the finger fuck and shucked off the sweatpants, revealing a rearing to go big - 8 inches at least - cock with a beautiful mushroom head. It looked downright imposing, but I wasn't scared: It was my Denny's cock, and it was welcome. My stud fumbled around with a rubber some, and the packaging, gleaming in the moonlight, flashed the letters XXL at me, teasing me. He slid a pillow under my butt cheeks, securing my legs on his shoulders again, and glided a LOT of lube over the condom to spread it around.

"You gonna feel some pain at first. Try to relax and push out!"

I felt his hot dick knocking at my entrance, making me arch up in anticipation with the driving need to be his, to feel that pain! Dennis had to restrain my enthusiasm, while pushing in steadily to get inside... And I did feel the pain, not an unbearable pain, but one that made me tense up momentarily. He stopped to let me adjust, and then continued pushing in. The pain was still there unabated, but I WANTED that pain!

Dennis soon bottomed out and began the pull out, then slid into me again. After a few more sensuous long dicking movements, he began to gather momentum, speeding inexorably up. The pain'd gone away, dissolving in the pleasure. I felt every ridge of his body with mine, every flexing muscle, bucking toward him to get more of it. My hands clutched at the bed sheets; a scream of pleasure tore away from my dry lips, only to be drowned out by moans and incoherent whimpers. Dennis' mouth was back on mine, his cock pistoning in and out of my chute. Unable to keep my legs on his shoulders, I let them slide down his back. A wave of emotion then went over my head, leaving me with no control over my body, a body that could only moan in response to the heavenly pleasure it was receiving.

Dennis lifted me up to him, bring his arms around my back, and started to bounce me on his cock. My own dick rubbed against his washboard abs, against his scorching hot skin. We both were drenched in sweat and precum, which'd pooled between his stomach and mine, making a squelching sound with every up-and-down motion.

Dennis sprang to his feet, lifting me up with him, hoisting me up and down on his cock. The feeling was surreal, of being weightless and then ramming back down on his hard rod, making my impending orgasm all but inevitable! I went for his lips, sucking them in, biting them, then threw my head back letting loose a string of moans and whimpers. He pushed me against the wall, ramming his cock all the way in, nailing me to the wall

"Denny, I'm close..."

My leg muscles spasmed, setting off waves of pleasure cascading through my body, causing my assring to contract violently. I felt something pulse inside me. My dick jerked, sending out an arc of thick cum every time Dennis went in. The fountain of energy the orgasm unleashed punched through in a scream, making my hands flail around, tearing off the wallpaper behind me with my fingernails.

As a grand finale, Dennis began gearing up to his orgasm, making him go for mach 3 speed, pushing out more cum out of me with every move. Finally, his eyes rolled back, he roared, punching the drywall with a fist making it buckle, pushed into me all the way, spewing cum in pulsating waves into the rubber, giving me a second orgasm along the way.

Dennis slouched down on the bed, with me collapsing on top of him, right into the puddle of our combined sweat and my cum on his belly, feeling his heaving chest, his hot rasping breaths, seeking the safety of his neck to nozzle into.



"Thank you! I've never had it like this before!.

"Don't forget, it's my second time tonight. I'll rest up for tomorrow and give it to you REAL good!

"Oh my!"

We couldn't move a muscle for another 5 minutes or so, with me listening to his heartbeat in post-coital bliss and our brains unsuccessfully yelling at our reluctant limbs to start moving.

"I think we need a shower in the worst way," Dennis finally managed to croak. "Here, grab a towel, pat yourself down and wrap it around your waist."

Dennis pulled off the rubber from his deflating cock and threw it in the trash can, wiped the cock off with a tissue and started to slide into his trademark sweatpants. Well, he couldn't hide that cock from me, not if I had anything to say about it! I grabbed his still plump cock, and began jacking it off to get to all of it to admire.

"It's SOOO beautiful. You prolly get someone swinging off your cock all the time ?

"Didn't take much to turn you into a cockslut, eh? But yes, often enough.

"Well I guess I have my work cut out for me to give you something you've never had before."

My tongue fluttered over his cock head, tasting his cum, which turned out to be sticky, viscous, salty, and unbelievably good! Denny's cock immediately sprang back to life, expanding in lengths and thickness to better fill my mouth, when...

"Baby, not tonight, alright? Leave your porno fantasies till tomorrow. With everybody gone for the holidays in the afternoon, we'll have the whole suite to ourselves. Let's hit the showers!"

No sooner had we stepped out, raisin g the curtain - as it were - to the outside world, than we met face to face with our appreciative audience. How does the saying go about a silence so complete? Ah yes, you can hear a pin drop. And a buck would get you twenty, every one of us could hear the dam pin drop!

There stood right outside the door all of our roomies - Art, Paul and Mike - frozen in some stiff poses, gawking at us like there was no tomorrow. Dennis was behind me, hugging me close, his cock poking me in the small of my back. I frantically thought of something to say, my mind racing from one thing to the next, but I came up empty. And what could I have possible trotted out as a plausible excuse to explain the tableau of two semi-naked guys half-covered in cum with semi-erect cocks leading the way?

The deafening silence had rung for close to 5 minutes when...

"You bastard, we've been trying to get into his pants for a year with no go, and you did it in one swoop!"

Paul broke the tension with these words, and Mikey doubled up in uncontrollable laughter:

"It's war now, Victor!"

Art allowed a small smile:

"Looks like I'm the only pussy-fucking man left standing, god damn you!"

A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders with that. But there was one question I still urgently needed to ask:

"How long have you been standing here?"

All three broke out in some choicest smirks:

"Long enough to know what a stud fucker Dennis is!"

"You mean you heard? Was I very...?


"Well, that's enough now, - Art tried to bring back some semblance of order. "You two go and shower, you reek of sex and debauchery! And you two hit the sack. I understand Vic will be moving to our room now, so we'll need to move his stuff before we all go home tomorrow. Now, people, on the double!"

While Art issued orders to Paulie and Mikey and oversaw the moving, we went to take a shower, where just the teensiest bit of roughhousing ensued, after which we were all asleep before our heads hit the pillows.

The last thing I remember before sleep overcame us, is Dennis' spooning me from behind and whispering:

"I love you, Vic. You're mine and only mine!"

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