Dorm Monitor

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Jan 16, 2022


Dorm monitor 3 cajuncock

If you've gotten this far you know the deal. This is a work of gay fiction the sole property of the author.b If you enjoy the stories on this site please donate to keep it going. It provides our community with a great outlet for expression. Comments: cajunboi868@gmail

I sat on the bed in John's room. He sat in the chair facing me half smiling. He complained about being sore after basketball practice. He blamed the coach for pushing them too hard. I looked up at his spread legs. I could see the jock under the gym shorts. His wet, dark hair was visible sticking out the sides of the pouch. As I stared, his cock hidden in the soft pouch grew to provide me with a clear outline of the hidden treasure. He knew that I often offered to massage the sore muscles of the boys on my floor. I had taken massage training earlier. He smiled at my stare and my now stiffening cock in my shorts. He stretched saying "I could sure use a massage to help with the soreness." It was an open invitation I could not, would never refuse.

He stood stretching as he pulled the tank top off his still sweaty body. He moved to stand right in front of me, hopeful. I reached out to massage the visible thighs. He moaned saying "You're so good to us all the time." I looked up to his smiling, pleading face. He moved his hands to the waist of the shorts hesitating before pushing them down teasing me. I stood and closed the door to the room. He stood there in just his jock strap waiting for me to continue. I turned and knelt at his feet. I could smell the sweat and the hint of his desire. I looked up and he leaned over to kiss me softly. I asked "A massage only for you today?" His hand stroked the side of my face as he said "Well, maybe more."

He fell back on the bed with his legs spread. I looked at his face now less than a foot away from me. I saw the need, the lust. I moved to rub the sore legs working my way up. He reached to me for another, more passionate kiss. I whispered, "We shouldn't." He kissed my neck saying "But no but I need you so badly. I am so sore all over. I need your deep massage." As he spoke he moved to pull on my shorts. Since I was going commando they slipped off easily. My hard cock popped out hitting him and he moaned. I said, "Let's get that massage for your soreness first." I returned to working on the muscles. I worked on his shoulders first. He was tight. I tweaked his nipples causing him to moan loudly. He reached to hold my head at his right nipple. I nipped at it. I pulled away kissing his chest hair. By this point, I could feel his leaking cock rubbing my stomach. There was no turning back now. Whatever was going to happen was out of our control. He was young and full of the vigor of youth. I was his prisoner at this point. He could do whatever he wished with me. My willpower was gone.

I moved down his body massaging his legs as I went to the goal, his stiffness. I licked the wet tip, circling the open, pulsing slit. More and more of his pre poured out onto my tongue. I savored it like the best wine. Each pulse brought me pleasure deep in my soul. Our needs knew no bounds at this point. We tore at each other's bodies. We gave in to our lust after that first night. I was brought into the cabal of mm sex in the dorm. Now we all had no secrets. John pulled me into a pleasurable 69 hungrily sucking. My dignity was shredded anyway. I felt him finger my hole. His scents overtook me. I was horny for for him. Actually, for all my boys and the other monitors in the dorm. We soon found ourselves with me on my knees waiting for his cock.

He was not shy either. His lubed head breached my hole. I screamed at the sudden pain. Within minutes the pain was replaced by intense pleasure. John was a vigorous lover. He soon picked up a steady pace bringing me to the edge and then over the cliff. I screamed as my cock exploded. At that same moment, I felt his cock learch and fill my bowels with his offering. We collapsed in a pile of twisted, exhausted limbs. When my breath returned to normal, I kissed him, thankful for his gift. He reached around pulling me against his body whispering "This will not be the only time for us."

Ten minutes later I was dressed and walking back to my room. I smiled at every one I passed. Many lustful thoughts filled my dreams that night. The dorm manager's hugr cock, the smooth muscles of John's body, Jeb's dark cock standing erect and proud all seemed to beckon me. I woke about 3AM in a sweat. I decided to walk around figuring that everyone else was sleeping at that hour. As I passed the rec room the sounds of heavy breathing attracted my attention. The smell of sex was ripe in the stale air. I peeked in to see our dorm manager laying on his back. There was a young student riding a very erect cock and moaning wildly. The manager was encouraging him saying "That's right Tad, show your daddy how much you need him." The boy responded "OH Carl, I need daddy's cock to fill me, make your boy happy." My cock was stiff on my gym shorts. I knew how the boy felt with that massive piece of meat wedged in his young tunnel. I edged into the room to get a closer look. Carl saw me and nodded then spoke "Oh boy how would you like to be really stuffed? Do you think your boy pussy can take two man cocks?" The boy yelled "Yes, I need more cock to fill my sluty hole. Carl please find another one for me?" Carl motioned for me to step forward. I climbed on the covered pool table as Carl pulled the boy to his chest. I saw the thick cock wedged into the boy's hole. Carl said "What are you waiting for? He said that he needs another man meat. I'll hold him while you slip in on top of my cock. Don't worry he's well lubed with my first load."

J moved in behind the boy leaning to kiss his neck as I lined my cock up. The entry was tight but the boy only moaned "Yes! Please bred me. Make me hurt so good." I was not going to disappoint him. He leaned up forcing my entire length into his overstuffed bowels. I'd never felt anything so tight in my life. I could not imagine a woman submitting to 2 cocks the way the boy did. He seemed to thrive. His body trembled with renewed bursts of lust. I held still as Carl pumped against my cock and the boy's pussy. Both yelled at the feelings of supreme pleasure that they were undergoing. My own mind was transformed by a need to keep this sensation going. I felt Carl's cock throb in the tight tunnel. This sent the boy over to his own explosion. The two of them dragged me along as my balls emptied my own load into the teen's ass. We lay on the table breathless and well satisfied. Carl was the first to recover saying "Guys that was awsome! How'd you like those two cocks Tad?" Tad leaned over kissing me and said "Thanks, I've been thinking about your cock since I saw it this morning in the showers." Carl pulled me from the table asking "So you know how to use a boy pussy. I'm sure Tad will spread the word among the others. You might find that many more of your charges need a bit of night time advice."

Dazed, I returned to my room falling into a deep sleeo. I wondered what the next day would bring?


the next part

Dorm monitor 3 cajuncock If you've gotten this far you know the deal. This is a work of gay fiction the sole property of the author.b If you enjoy the stories on this site please donate to keep it going. It provides our community with a great outlet for expression. Comments: cajunboi868@gmail

I sat on the bed in John's room. He sat in the chair facing me half smiling. He complaind about being sore after basketball practice. He blamed the coach for pushing them too hard. I looked up at his spread legs. I could see the jock under the gym shorts. His wet, dark hair was visible sticking out the sides of the pouch. As I stared, his cock hidden in the soft pouch grew providing me with a clear outline of the hidden treasure. He knew that I often offered to massage the sore muscles of the boys on my floor. I had taken massage training earlier. He smiled at my stare and my now stiffening cock in my shorts. He stretched saying "I could sure use a massage to help with the soreness." It was an open invitation I could not, would never refuse.

He stood stretching as he pulled the tank top off his still sweaty body. He moved to stand right in front of me, hopeful. I reached out to massage the visible thighs. He moaned saying "You're so good to us all the time." I looked up to his smiling, pleading face. He moved his hands to the waist of the shorts hesitating before pushing them down teasing me. I stood and closed the door to the room. He stood there in just his jock strap waiting for me to continue. I turned and knelt at his feet. I could smell the sweat and the hint of his desire. I looked up and he leaned over to kiss me softly. I asked, "A massage only for you today?" His hand stroked the side of my face as he said "Well, maybe more."

He fell back on the bed with his legs spread. I looked at his face now less than a foot away from me. I saw the need, the lust. I moved to rub the sore legs working my way up. He reached out to pulll me into another, more passionate jockstrap kiss. I whispered "We shouldn't." He kissed my neck saying "But no but I need you so badly. I am so sore all over. I need your deep massage." As he spoke he moved to pull on my shorts. Since I was going commando they slipped off easily. My hard cock popped out hitting him and he moaned. I said "Let's get that massage for your soreness first." I returned to working on the muscles. I worked on his shoulders first. He was tight. I tweaked his nipples causing him to moan loudly. He reached to hold my head at his right nipple. I nipped at it. I pulled away kissing his chest hair. By this point I could feel his leaking cock rubbing my stomach. There was no turning back now. Whatever was going to happen was out of our control. He was young and full of the vigor of youth. I was his prisoner at this point. He could do whatever he wished with me. My will power was gone.

I moved down his body massaging his legs as I went to the goal, his stiffness. I licked the wet tip, circling the open, pulsing slit. More and more of his pre poured out onto my tongue. I savored it like the best wine. Each pulse brought me pleasure deep in my soul. Our needs knew no bounds at this point. We tore at each other's bodies. We gave in to our lust after that first night. I was brought into the cabal of mm sex in the dorm. Now we all had no secrets. John pulled me into a pleasurable 69 hungrily sucking. My dignity was shredded anyway. I felt him finger my hole. His scents overtook me. I was horny for him. Actually, for all my boys and the other monitors in the dorm. We soon found ourselves with me on my knees waiting for his cock.

He was not shy either. His lubed head breached my hole. I screamed at the sudden pain. Within minutes the pain was replaced by an intense pleasure. John was a vigorous lover. He soon picked up steady pace bringing me to the edge and then over the cliff. I screamed as my cock exploded. At that same moment I felt his cock learch and fill my bowels with his offering. We collapsed in a pile of twisted,exhausted limbs. When my breath returned to normal, I kissed him thankful for his gift. He reached around pulling me against his body whispering "This will not be the only time for us."

Ten minutes later I was dressed and walking back to my room. I smiled at every one I passed. Many lustful thoughts filled my dreams that night. The dorm manager's hugr cock, the smooth muscles of John's body, Jeb's dark cock standing erect and proud all seemed to beckon me. I woke about 3AM in a sweat. I decided to walk around figuring that everyone else was sleeping at that hour. As I passed the rec room the sounds of heavy breathing attracted my attention. The smell of sex was ripe in the stale air. I peeked in to see our dorm manager laying on his back. There was a young student riding a very erect cock and moaning wildly. The manager was encouraging him saying "That's right Tad, show your daddy how much you need him." The boy responded "OH Carl, I need daddy's cock to fill me, make your boy happy." My cock was stiff on my gym shorts. I knew how the boy felt with that massive piece of meat wedged in his young tunnel. I edged into the room to get a closer look. Carl saw me and nodded then spoke "Oh boy how would you like to be really stuffed? Do you think your boy pussy can take two man cocks?" The boy yelled "Yes, I need more cock to fill my sluty hole. Carl please find another one for me?" Carl motioned for me to step forward. I climbed on the covered pool table as Carl pulled the boy to his chest. I saw the thick cock wedged into the boy's hole. Carl said "What are you waiting for? He said that he needs another man meat. I'll hold him while you slip in on top of my cock. Don't worry he's well lubed with my first load."

J moved in behind the boy leaning to kiss his neck as I lined my cock up. The entry was tight but the boy only moaned "Yes! Please bred me. Make me hurt so good." I was not going to disappoint him. He leaned up forcing my entire length into his overstuffed bowels. I'd never felt anything so tight in my life. I could not imagine a woman submitting to 2 cocks the way the boy did. He seemed to thrive. His body trembled with renewed bursts of lust. I held still as Carl pumped against my cock and the boy's pussy. Both yelled at the feelings of supreme pleasure that they were undergoing. My own mind was transformed by a need to keep this sensation going. I felt Carl's cock throb in the tight tunnel. This sent the boy over to his own explosion. The two of them dragged me along as my balls emptied my own load into the teen's ass. We lay on the table breathless and well satisfied. Carl was the first to recover saying "Guys that was awsome! How'd you like those two cocks Tad?" Tad leaned over kissing me and said "Thanks, I've been thinking about your cock since I saw it this morning in the showers." Carl pulled me from the table asking "So you know how to use a boy pussy. I'm sure Tad will spread the word among the others. You might find that many more of your charges need a bit of night time advice."

Dazed, I returned to my room falling into a deep sleeo. I wondered what the next day would bring?


i'dDorm monitor 3 cajuncock If you've gotten this far you know the deal. This is a work of gay fiction the sole property of the author.b If you enjoy the stories on this site please donate to keep it going. It provides our community with a great outlet for expression. Comments: cajunboi868@gmail

I sat on the bed in John's room. He sat in the chair facing me half smiling. He complaind about being sore after basketball practice. He blamed the coach for pushing them too hard. I looked up at his spread legs. I could see the jock under the gym shorts. His wet, dark hair was visible sticking out the sides of the pouch. As I stared, his cock hidden in the soft pouch grew providing me with a clear outline of the hidden treasure. He knew that I often offered to massage the sore muscles of the boys on my floor. I had taken massage training earlier. He smiled at my stare and my now stiffening cock in my shorts. He stretched saying "I could sure use a massage to help with the soreness." It was an open invitation I could not, would never refuse.

He stood stretching as he pulled the tank top off his still sweaty body. He moved to stand right in front of me, hopeful. I reached out to massage the visible thighs. He moaned saying "You're so good to us all the time." I looked up to his smiling, pleading face. He moved his hands to the waist of the shorts hesitating before pushung them down teasing me. I stood and closed the door to the room. He stood there in just his jock strap waiting for me to continue. I turned and knelt at his feet. I could smell the sweat and the hint of his desire. I looked up and he leaned over to kiss me softly. I asked "A massage only for you today?" His hand stroked the side of my face as he said "Well, maybe more."

He fell back on the bed with his legs spread. I looked at his face now less than a foot away from me. I saw the need, the lust. I moved to rub the sore legs working my way up. He reachrd out to pulll me into another, more passioante kiss. I whispered "We shouldn't." He kissed my neck saying "But no but I need you so badly. I am so sore all over. i need your deep massage." As he spoke he moved to pull on my shorts. Since I was going commando they slipped off easily. My hard cock popped out hitting him and he moaned. I said "Let's get that massage for your soreness first." I returned to working on the muscles. I worked on his shoulders first. He was tight. I twicked his nipples causing him to moan loudly. He reached to hold my head at his right nipple. I nipped at it. I pulled away kissing his chest hair. By this point I could feel his leaking cock rubbing my stomach. There was no turning back now. Whatever was going to happen was out of our control. He was young and full of the vigor of youth. I was his prisoner at this point. He could do whatever he wished with me. My will power was gone.

I moved down his body massaging his legs as I went to the goal, his stiffness. I licked the wet tip, circling the open, pulsing slit. More and more of his pre poured out onto my tongue. I savored it like the best wine. Each pulse brought me pleasure deep in my soul. Our needs knew no bounds at this point. We tore at each other's bodies. We gave in to our lust after that first night. I was brought into the cabal of mm sex in the dorm. Now we all had no secrets. John pulled me into a pleasurable 69 hungrily sucking. My dignity was shredded anyway. I felt him finger my hole. His scents overtook me. I was horny for for him. Actually, for all my boys and the other monitors in the dorm. We soon found ourselves with me on my knees waiting to his cock.

He was not shy either. His lubed head breachd my hole. I screamed at the sudden pain. Within minutes the pain was replaced by an intense pleasure. John was a vigorous lover. He soon picked up steady pace bringing me to the edge and then over the cliff. I screamed as my cock exploded. At that same moment I felt his cock learch and fill my bowels with his offering. We collapsed in a pile of twisted,exhausted limbs. When my breath returned to normal, I kissed him thankful for his gift. He reached around pulling me against his body whispering "This will not be the only time for us."

Ten minutes later I was dressed and walking back to my room. I smiled at every one I passed. Many lustful thoughts filled my dreams that night. The dorm manager's hugr cock, the smooth muscles of John's body, Jeb's dark cock standing erect and proud all seemed to beckon me. I woke about 3AM in a sweat. I decided to walk around figuring that everyone else was sleeping at that hour. As I passed the rec room the sounds of heavy breathing attracted my attention. The smell of sex was ripe in the stale air. I peeked in to see our dorm manager laying on his back. There was a young student riding a very erect cock and moaning wildly. The manager was encouraging him saying "That's right Tad, show your daddy how much you need him." The boy responded "OH Carl, I need daddy's cock to fill me, make your boy happy." My cock was stiff on my gym shorts. I knew how the boy felt with that massive piece of meat wedged in his young tunnel. I edged into the room to get a closer look. Carl saw me and nodded then spoke "Oh boy how would you like to be really stuffed? Do you think your boy pussy can take two man cocks?" The boy yelled "Yes, I need more cock to fill my sluty hole. Carl please find another one for me?" Carl motioned for me to step forward. I climbed on the covered pool table as Carl pulled the boy to his chest. I saw the thick cock wedged into the boy's hole. Carl said "What are you waiting for? He said that he needs another man meat. I'll hold him while you slip in on top of my cock. Don't worry he's well lubed with my first load."

J moved in behind the boy leaning to kiss his neck as I lined my cock up. The entry was tight but the boy only moaned "Yes! Please bred me. Make me hurt so good." I was not going to disappoint him. He leaned up forcing my entire length into his overstuffed bowels. I'd never felt anything so tight in my life. I could not imagine a woman submitting to 2 cocks the way the boy did. He seemed to thrive. His body trembled with renewed bursts of lust. I held still as Carl pumped against my cock and the boy's pussy. Both yelled at the feelings of supreme pleasure that they were undergoing. My own mind was transformed by a need to keep this sensation going. I felt Carl's cock throb in the tight tunnel. This sent the boy over to his own explosion. The two of them dragged me along as my balls emptied my own load into the teen's ass. We lay on the table breathless and well satisfied. Carl was the first to recover saying "Guys that was awsome! How'd you like those two cocks Tad?" Tad leaned over kissing me and said "Thanks, I've been thinking about your cock since I saw it this morning in the showers." Carl pulled me from the table asking "So you know how to use a boy pussy. I'm sure Tad will spread the word among the others. You might find that many more of your charges need a bit of night time advice."

Dazed, I returned to my room falling into a deep sleeo. I wondered what the next day would bring?


Dorm monitor 3 cajuncock If you've gotten this far you know the deal. This is a work of gay fiction the sole property of the author.b If you enjoy the stories on this site please donate to keep it going. It provides our community with a great outlet for expression. Comments: cajunboi868@gmail

I sat on the bed in John's room. He sat in the chair facing me half smiling. He complaind about being sore after basketball practice. He blamed the coach for pushing them too hard. I looked up at his spread legs. I could see the jock under the gym shorts. His wet, dark hair was visible sticking out the sides of the pouch. As I stared, his cock hidden in the soft pouch grew providing me with a clear outline of the hidden treasure. He knew that I often offered to massage the sore muscles of the boys on my floor. I had taken massage training earlier. He smiled at my stare and my now stiffening cock in my shorts. He stretched saying "I could sure use a massage to help with the soreness." It was an open invitation I could not, would never refuse.

He stood stretching as he pulled the tank top off his still sweaty body. He moved to stand right in front of me, hopeful. I reached out to massage the visible thighs. He moaned saying "You're so good to us all the time." I looked up to his smiling, pleading face. He moved his hands to the waist of the shorts hesitating before pushung them down teasing me. I stood and closed the door to the room. He stood there in just his jock strap waiting for me to continue. I turned and knelt at his feet. I could smell the sweat and the hint of his desire. I looked up and he leaned over to kiss me softly. I asked "A massage only for you today?" His hand stroked the side of my face as he said "Well, maybe more."

He fell back on the bed with his legs spread. I looked at his face now less than a foot away from me. I saw the need, the lust. I moved to rub the sore legs working my way up. He reachrd out to pulll me into another, more passioante kiss. I whispered "We shouldn't." He kissed my neck saying "But no but I need you so badly. I am so sore all over. i need your deep massage." As he spoke he moved to pull on my shorts. Since I was going commando they slipped off easily. My hard cock popped out hitting him and he moaned. I said "Let's get that massage for your soreness first." I returned to working on the muscles. I worked on his shoulders first. He was tight. I twicked his nipples causing him to moan loudly. He reached to hold my head at his right nipple. I nipped at it. I pulled away kissing his chest hair. By this point I could feel his leaking cock rubbing my stomach. There was no turning back now. Whatever was going to happen was out of our control. He was young and full of the vigor of youth. I was his prisoner at this point. He could do whatever he wished with me. My will power was gone.

I moved down his body massaging his legs as I went to the goal, his stiffness. I licked the wet tip, circling the open, pulsing slit. More and more of his pre poured out onto my tongue. I savored it like the best wine. Each pulse brought me pleasure deep in my soul. Our needs knew no bounds at this point. We tore at each other's bodies. We gave in to our lust after that first night. I was brought into the cabal of mm sex in the dorm. Now we all had no secrets. John pulled me into a pleasurable 69 hungrily sucking. My dignity was shredded anyway. I felt him finger my hole. His scents overtook me. I was horny for for him. Actually, for all my boys and the other monitors in the dorm. We soon found ourselves with me on my knees waiting to his cock.

He was not shy either. His lubed head breachd my hole. I screamed at the sudden pain. Within minutes the pain was replaced by an intense pleasure. John was a vigorous lover. He soon picked up steady pace bringing me to the edge and then over the cliff. I screamed as my cock exploded. At that same moment I felt his cock learch and fill my bowels with his offering. We collapsed in a pile of twisted,exhausted limbs. When my breath returned to normal, I kissed him thankful for his gift. He reached around pulling me against his body whispering "This will not be the only time for us."

Ten minutes later I was dressed and walking back to my room. I smiled at every one I passed. Many lustful thoughts filled my dreams that night. The dorm manager's hugr cock, the smooth muscles of John's body, Jeb's dark cock standing erect and proud all seemed to beckon me. I woke about 3AM in a sweat. I decided to walk around figuring that everyone else was sleeping at that hour. As I passed the rec room the sounds of heavy breathing attracted my attention. The smell of sex was ripe in the stale air. I peeked in to see our dorm manager laying on his back. There was a young student riding a very erect cock and moaning wildly. The manager was encouraging him saying "That's right Tad, show your daddy how much you need him." The boy responded "OH Carl, I need daddy's cock to fill me, make your boy happy." My cock was stiff on my gym shorts. I knew how the boy felt with that massive piece of meat wedged in his young tunnel. I edged into the room to get a closer look. Carl saw me and nodded then spoke "Oh boy how would you like to be really stuffed? Do you think your boy pussy can take two man cocks?" The boy yelled "Yes, I need more cock to fill my sluty hole. Carl please find another one for me?" Carl motioned for me to step forward. I climbed on the covered pool table as Carl pulled the boy to his chest. I saw the thick cock wedged into the boy's hole. Carl said "What are you waiting for? He said that he needs another man meat. I'll hold him while you slip in on top of my cock. Don't worry he's well lubed with my first load."

J moved in behind the boy leaning to kiss his neck as I lined my cock up. The entry was tight but the boy only moaned "Yes! Please bred me. Make me hurt so good." I was not going to disappoint him. He leaned up forcing my entire length into his overstuffed bowels. I'd never felt anything so tight in my life. I could not imagine a woman submitting to 2 cocks the way the boy did. He seemed to thrive. His body trembled with renewed bursts of lust. I held still as Carl pumped against my cock and the boy's pussy. Both yelled at the feelings of supreme pleasure that they were undergoing. My own mind was transformed by a need to keep this sensation going. I felt Carl's cock throb in the tight tunnel. This sent the boy over to his own explosion. The two of them dragged me along as my balls emptied my own load into the teen's ass. We lay on the table breathless and well satisfied. Carl was the first to recover saying "Guys that was awsome! How'd you like those two cocks Tad?" Tad leaned over kissing me and said "Thanks, I've been thinking about your cock since I saw it this morning in the showers." Carl pulled me from the table asking "So you know how to use a boy pussy. I'm sure Tad will spread the word among the others. You might find that many more of your charges need a bit of night time advice."

Dazed, I returned to my room falling into a deep sleeo. I wondered what the next day would bring?

Next: Chapter 4

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