Published on Apr 21, 2017



Jerome moved about in the darkness, hoping for another silhouette to be nearby. If so, he'd move deep in the bushes alongside the buildings and wait. Hands would unbutton his fly or rest on his shoulders signaling him to kneel.

He had learned the signals early in his freshman year after one late night walk back to his dorm. Seeing others moving about in the darkness he sat on a nearby bench. Someone had whispered to meet them in the bushes behind the gym. That first experience became more as nearly night after night he sought more, learned more and got the relief and education he sought.

It was one of those nights he didn't see any of the familiar shadows. There was the basement door left open beneath the old gym of course. He had been told about that by one of the shadows he had shared orgasms with.

And that night the dark hallways enveloped him into an uncontrolled orgy of activities including holding him against the wall while an unknown penis hardened by the feeling of his butt cheeks, entered him.

But he didn't feel like gambling that night. So few of those mystery erections were covered in plastic. Each time he feared the worse and thankfully didn't realize them.

So he moved through the night air, his backpack full of notes of library research. There were few lights in the windows of his dorm.

By then Jerome knew which window was the dorm room he shared with Alexander. It too was dark. The night clerk, a sophomore student, looked up as he entered the building. Jerome flashed his id and the clerk nodded, looking both bored and interrupted from whatever he was doing.

Jerome climbed the six flights to the top floor. He and Alexander were lucky to be assigned to the top floor. The noise level was better on the top floor.

And the now, legendary showers were on that floor.

Part of his sexual education was learning about the activities that sometimes took place at 3am in the dark showers on the third floor.

Jerome had ventured there on very few occasions fearing being identified and publically known as the gay slut he had become. He listened as he walked down the hallway. The showers weren't on.

The long hallway was empty. The blue night lights cast an earie glow. He saw one or two dorm doorknobs decorated in a neck tie or cap..The signal that whoever lived there was busy enough not to be interrupted.

He had seen one on his door now and then as Alexander enjoyed whatever and whoever he was being active with. He was a tall, broad shouldered, easy going guy. Jerome didn't know him before they took occupancy.

Jerome never asked him where he was going or where he had been. They joked, curse, talked and became friendly as their time as dorm-mates proceeded.

Alexander didn't seem to be too modest, stripping naked to go to the showers while Jerome was in the room, or just changing clothes. And Jerome, usually modest became comfortable enough to do the same.

They'd play grab ass now and then like two friends, even laugh at each other's apparent erections in the process.

If they needed time alone, they'd put a tie on the door knob until their internet or other inspiration allowed them time to finish their activity.

There was no tie on the door knob. Jerome, believing Alexander was sleeping, turned the knob slowly and moved inside their room. It was mostly dark though some light from the lit walkways streamed in. It wasn't enough to warrant closing the blinds or distracting them from sleep.

Jerome moved to his bed and put his backpack down as quietly as possible. He stripped naked. He had begun to sleep naked in college....something he dared not do at home since he shared a bedroom with his two younger brothers.

His move to college gave him a freedom not known before. Jerome never asked Alexander if it bothered him, even though he saw his roommate usually wear boxer shorts to sleep in.

Jerome looked forward to the feeling of the sheets against his skin, providing some skin stimulation that would help him do what he planned.

Jerking off in bed had become an art form over the years. He had learned to do it quietly and near silently relieving him of the built up sperm. That habit continued in the dorm room especially after hearing Alexander do the same thing upon occasion.

He wondered if he would be brave enough to mention it hoping Alex would suggest they masturbate together. But thus far Jerome hadn't pursued that fantasy.

Hearing a groan, Jerome turned to look toward Alex's bed. Despite the darkness, he could see the other boy on his bed without covers. His legs were bare. His arms too seemed to be moving.

Jerome moved closer and his eyes adapted to the darkness to see Alex was naked. His hand was slowly massaging his own erection. His eyes were closed but his lips seemed to be moving.

"You ok?" Jerome spoke quietly.

"Oh shit" Alexander awoke "I uh didn't know you were back" he blurted out moving both his hands to his cock, not covering it but holding it instead.

"Yea was quiet in case you were sleeping, but I uh see you're busy doing something else" Jerome joked.

"Sorry, just had to" Alexander said

"Yea I see. Me too."

Then to Jerome's amazement he heard the same words he wished for long ago. "Maybe we should both jack off, or did you go to the bushes again?"

Jerome realized his secret wasn't a secret, at least not to his roommate. "He knows I'm gay" Jerome thought to himself. "But he's straight"

"I have a better idea" he said moving towards the bed and stepping up on it.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Alexander said looking up at Jerome as he began to lower himself.

"I got a way to get you off the way you like and me the way I like at the same time" Jerome reached for and found Alex's cock to guide it into his opening asslips.

"Oh shit" Alex said

Jerome felt the stiff cock move inside him with ease. If stretched him open as other cocks had done before, filling his anal cavity up.

"God that's good" Jerome rocked his ass.

"Shit man you're tight" Alex said. Jerome could feel his roommate move his hips up and down now.

Jerome held his own erection jacking it and rocking.

"You ok?" he asked but Alex didn't answer. Instead he felt his dorm-mate's hand move to push his hand away and encircled his cock.

"Just fuck my fist while I fuck your ass" Alex hissed nearly angrily.

The fucking took them both away from any concerns of revelation, modesty or fears.

Jerome rocked on the cock slowly then quicker. He clenched to hold back his own body from exploding despite the hands that now strokes, milked and massaged his cock and balls.

He wondered if this would just be a one-time thing or something else..but his mind went back to concentrating on his body sensations and desires.

Jerome exploded again and again. His body wouldn't hold back. The tip of his penis began to burn as more and more streams spilled then drooled out.

"Fuck yea" Alex blurted out as his hips jammed upwards into Jerome.

They both stopped moving silently. Jerome didn't want to move away from the cock that was inside him. It felt natural there, a part of him now, something he needed inside him.

Alex's hands moved from Jerome's sperm covered cock to his head and pulled it towards him.

Jerome thought he was about to be forced to lick up his spilled cum from Alex's bare chest. Instead he felt the lips that kissed back and the tongue that moved inside his mouth.

They kissed and kissed; their bodies moving against each other. Alex cock slipped out of Jerome ass. Jerome's body slid around Alex, his sperm providing a slippery lubricant.

"So I guess this makes us fuck buddies now" Alexander said

"Want to get a shower?" Jerome asked.

"Was there an hour ago, only made me hornier" Alex said and chuckled.

"I'm glad" Jerome said resting his head on Alex bare chest. He lapped some of his own cum from Alex's nipples.

"Keep doing that and I'm gonna have to fuck you again" Alex responded.

Jerome kept licking.

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