Dorm Life

By NightWatcher

Published on Mar 31, 2000


This is the seventh in a series entitled, Dorm Life.

This story involves sexual situations between consenting mature adults, and is therefore intended for mature audiences. No one under the age of 18 or in an area where such material has been deemed unacceptable should read any further. The persons and places that are mentioned in this story and series are FICTIONAL, at least thus far. This story deals with homosexual relationships, and expressions of love. If this offends you, then again, you should read no further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Series Note: Imagination is one of the most erotic tools we possess in our repertoire. Unfortunately it's a tool seldom used. It is my hope in writing this series to bring back the use of imagination in our erotic experiences along with romance and passion without losing the steam, the heat, and the lustful energy of the story. This series centers on one student, Jay, and his search for love, happiness, and fulfillment, all while dealing with life in and outside a dorm. Some parts will be written in regular story form, but other parts are going to be written as though they were coming from Jay's journal. This allows us a glimpse inside Jay's thoughts.

Writer's Note: I couldn't end the fall semester without writing a millennium story. It will also help wrap up the fall semester storyline and possibly answer some questions left unanswered, like what happened next? Who was Mike's guest? I had intended it to be short, but after writing it, I realize it will be at least two parts. Hopefully part two will be out soon.

Millennium man

It had been over two weeks since the encounter at Peter's. Jay ended up spending the night at Peter's place. Peter showed he was a man of many talents as he cooked dinner for the foursome, herb garlic chicken pasta. It was delicious. It also made Jay remember how much he loved to cook, but how it had become virtually impossible since moving on campus. He even mentioned this to the group, Mike showing himself to be the joker he was, said, "you're welcome to come cook for us anytime. You can clean too if you want?" They all had a good laugh off of that. It was at dinner that Jay found out that Mike and Peter were a couple. They'd meet back in the Navy and have been together ever since then. They had what they called a progressive relationship. They were free to have sex outside the relationship but with the prior approval of the other and as long as sex is all it was.

Peter explained that after that first day when he winked at Jay he came home and told Mike all about it. Mike wanted to see what you looked like and Peter had pointed Jay out one day when the two were walking across campus. Mike said he'd gotten a better look at Jay the several times that Jay rode the bus that he was driving. He gave Peter permission but he also told Peter it would probably never happen. That's when Jay asked how Mike knew Paul. This wasn't the fraternity guy Paul, but instead the teaching assistant for his math class. Without Paul, Jay would have never been able to make it out of existential calculus. The professor, although a nice guy, couldn't teach worth a damn. Paul would have weekly review sessions, usually filled to capacity, where he explained everything from the previous week where the students could understand it.

Jay was curious, as he was certain that someone had told him that Paul was engaged to be married the following summer. Did he hear wrong? Mike was in a math class that Paul was TA in last semester and Mike had asked for some extra tutoring. Mike dropped by Paul's office and instead of information about derivatives going into Mike's head it was Paul's cock, specifically Mike's mouth followed by his ass. It seems that Paul is engaged to be married, but his girlfriend comes from a very strict religious family, absolutely no sex before marriage and as a young man Paul has certain needs. So when Mike said he'd do anything to repay Paul for his him, Paul took him up on his offer. At first it was basically a one way relationship but here lately Paul has been opening himself up to new and different experiences. The relationship works well for them since neither is looking for anything else.

Jay sat listening completely amazed. He did know that that couldn't be him. He wanted more and he would have to tell Peter that later. Hopefully they could still be friends, but he didn't see them being more than that again. He did have the memory of his first experience to cherish though. They all watched movies for the rest of the night. Afterwards Jay and Peter talked while Paul and Mike when back into the bedroom. Peter understood completely. What works well for them doesn't necessarily work for everyone. He too didn't want this to wreck a potential friendship. Jay was glad because he didn't have too many gay friends and Peter, Mike and Paul were the kinda gay guys he liked. They were regular guys who just happened to like guys.

He had talked to them several times since coming home for the holidays. They had invited him to their New Year's Eve/Millennium Party, but he wasn't sure if he was going to go. He'd heard that one of the guys from his high school class was going to through a mini-reunion. It had only been 6 years since they'd graduated but from what Jay had heard a lot of the people in his class had changed drastically since then. He hadn't been out much since coming back. He spent most of his time at home or visiting relatives. It had only seen two of his high school friends during the entire two-week period. He seen his one of his high school friends at the car wash where they talked for a while and where he told Jay about the "mini-reunion." The other was a girl named April; he had dated her briefly his junior year. She was at the grocery store with two little ones close behind. She tried to catch him up on who got married, who was pregnant, who graduated, who came out, etc. She pretty much decided it for Jay. He was definitely going to the reunion. He had to see if some of what she said was really true.

The reunion was being held at the home of Adam Pope's parents and started at 10. Jay got there a little before 10. Adam greeted him at the door. Jay was the first guest to arrive, but Adam said others should be arriving shortly. Jay had played football with Adam. Adam came from one of the wealthier families in town, but he was just as down to earth as anyone. He had the reputation of being a jokester, the class-clown, and a ladies man. In high school he stood about 6'2", 160 pounds, brown curly hair, and gray eyes. Also, up until recently he had the biggest white cock Jay had ever seen and from the stories it was in constant use. Looking at him Jay could see that he hadn't changed much. He just looked older, but other than that he was the same old Adam and Jay could see why he was such a ladies man. The two spent the next few minutes catching up.

Pretty soon other guest started arriving. The student body president, who Jay hated in high school, showed up with his wife, Amy, the class gold-digger. Jay thought what a perfect couple. Next was a few guys from the football, basketball, and baseball team all with their wives in tow. When Dustin showed up Jay almost spilled his drink. It wasn't because of Dustin but the individual that was draped all over him, William the class pretty boy. Jay suspected William and Dustin even back in high school. William was just too pretty and Dustin was too attentive to everything that Dustin did. 'Well one that's one thing April said that's true he thought'.

"Told you. You know they went off to school together. I heard that they came out their freshman year. It seems that William strips now in a gay club from what I hear." April just seemed to appear beside him. She must have seen him watching the duo as they entered and come over to confirm what his mind was thinking. He hadn't even seen her come in.

Jay spent the rest of the night reacquainting himself with old friends and enemies alike. Every so often April would pull him aside to fill him in on any interesting tidbits she might have run across. Overall it was a fun evening. Everyone gathered into the family room to count down to the new millennium. Some people left soon after, usually the ones who had to get back to their kids. Others who had previous engagements but didn't want to pass up the opportunity to see what everyone else had been up to in the last six years replaced them.

Jay and Adam had been talking for most of the latter part of the evening. Adam was following in his father's footsteps and decided to go to law school. His father had pulled some strings and he'd been accepted to NYU. Pretty soon Jay realized that he needed to lye down. Normally he didn't drink, but he'd been drinking virtually non-stop since he arrived and he was feeling a little woozy. He began to catch himself saying things out loud that he thought he was only thinking. Adam decided to let him lay down upstairs in one of the bedrooms. As Adam was pulling back the covers for Jay, Jay thought to himself "Damn, you're hot and nice. Someone will be lucky to get you. Wish it were me?" With that he was out like a light.

The ray of light shining through the window woke him up. The throbbing inside his head is what kept him from going right back to sleep. He'd heard of hangovers, but he'd never experienced one until now. He began to sit up in the bed when he realized that he wasn't alone. He thought at first it was some hangover-induced hallucination, but the arm across his chest was real. That wasn't all. Looking under the covers he could see that he was totally naked. Immediately he sent his brain on a seek-and-recover mission. He needed to know everything that happened last night and fast. What had he done and with who? His fear of something like this happening was one of the main reasons he didn't drink.

Just then the body next to him moved. He figured this was as good a time as any to see whom he'd just spent the night with. Rolling over he was greeted with a smile. There with his gray eyes focused on him was Adam. If the bottom was like the top, then Adam was naked as well. That was confirmed when he felt the warmth of Adam's skin against his. Before he had the chance to ask what the hell was going on, Adam said, "You know when you get drunk so say the most interesting things." Jay couldn't believe it. At that moment his mind brought back his exact thought from last night before he passed out, 'Damn, you're hot and nice. Someone will be lucky to get you. Wish it were me?' It wasn't a thought after all, he'd actually said it and Adam had heard him.

Looking directly into Jay's eyes, Adam said, "Wish granted."

Jay didn't know what to do. He just lay there totally awestruck. His didn't have time to worry about a headache; it was working a mile a minute to try and process what happened last night and what was happening now. He liked where this was leading but he really wanted to know how it got to this point in the first place. Seeing the questions in his eyes, Adam began to explain.

"I went back to the party after putting you in bed. I was a little floored by the revelation you made. Luckily, the party was already winding down. It was my intention to let everyone that had had too much to drink to stay over, but after hearing what you said I decided to call cabs for them. After the last guest was safely in a cab I locked up and came up here. I spent the next few minutes sitting in that chair debating whether or not to pass off what you said as the alcohol or to take a chance that it wasn't. I decided on the latter. I figured that if it wasn't the alcohol that I'd be leaving for New York in a week anyway and you'd be back in school so what did I have to lose. So I undressed you. I got undressed and I got in bed with you. Then I cuddled up to you and went to sleep. I've been up just holding you; watching you and listening to you sleep for the last 10 minutes. I figured you'd be getting up soon and I'd have my answer as to was it worth the chance I took. So was it?"

Adam was looking at Jay now less sure of himself as he was before. Jay still wasn't sure of how all this came about, but he was sure that he was glad it had. He realized that he'd always had a crush on Adam since high school, but was afraid to do anything about it. Things were different now. He had accepted his sexuality and this great guy was lying next to him wanting him. Jay answered Adam by leaning over and planting a gentle kiss on his lips. It turned from a gentle unsure kiss to a passionate lip lock in a matter of seconds. Adam broke free.

"You don't know how much I've wanted to do that since high school. I'd see you, Steven & Eric together and wonder what it would be like to hangout with you. But we traveled in two different circles. I was hoping that you came. And then when this opportunity presented itself I knew I couldn't pass up it up."

"You know you talk to much." With that Jay once again planted a kiss on Adam.

Breaking the kiss, Adam said, "Think about it though Jay. What if I'd said something back in high school? Think of all the things we could've done and the time that we could've had."

"Adam, I wasn't ready to admit who I was back then. I knew, but I just wasn't ready to admit it. Now I have."

This time it was Adam who leaned in and stopped the conversation with a kiss. The kiss seemed to last forever and the intensity grew with each passing second. Each not wanting to let the other go for fear it was all a dream, but it wasn't. Jay couldn't believe that Adam was gay for one thing and that he had secretly lusted after Jay since high school. Steven and Eric he could understand, but not him. Although to the outside world Jay appeared self confident, intelligent, and determined, he wasn't always the first one. Jay was always self-conscience about his looks. That was the one thing that Jay seemed to question himself on, but with his acceptance of his sexuality also came a true acceptance of him, looks and all. It just surprised Jay that Adam had noticed him out of all the other guys in high school and I'm sure there were others in college as well.

Adam was thinking how lucky could you get? The one guy who always made his heart flutter was right here in his bed after six years. Jay wasn't the best looking guy Adam had ever seen, although Jay was handsome, but he had the best personality of anyone he'd met before. He treated everyone the same and that's what attracted Adam to him. They'd been in the same classes since elementary school. Adam thought about how they came from two different worlds. Adam was a product of an affluent two-parent family. He and his older brother were afforded every opportunity. Adam knew Jay wasn't so fortunate. Adam knew almost everything about Jay, well almost everything. Adam remembered in 7th grade how Jay missed school for a week because his parents separated. Adam knew that Jay's mom had a difficult time raising her six kids for the first few years after the separation and divorce. He noticed how it just seemed to make them closer. Adam wanted that kind of closeness, but his parents always had obligations and meetings. He didn't doubt that his family loved him, but he knew they'd never be as close as Jay's family.

Adam and Jay spent the rest of the morning in bed talking, snuggling and every so often one would stop the conversation by placing a tender kiss on the others lips. They talked about everything and anything that came to mind. Neither had ever felt this comfortable with anyone and they knew that whatever this was it had the potential to be something very special. It was nearly two o'clock when Adam suggested that they take a shower and go out and enjoy the rest of the day.

"Thanks mom," said Jay. Adam asked, "What was that for?"

Jay explained that originally his intentions were to pop into the party and pop out, but his mom suggested before he left that he take a change of clothes just in case. Jay could hear her words now; "you never know what can happen. Besides I don't want you drinking and driving, and with all the crazy people that will be on the road tonight, it might be better if you stayed over anyway."

"Its amazing how intuitive mother's are, but I doubt she'd ever have guessed this?"

"I would really like to meet your mother," answered Adam. "She sounds like an amazing woman."

"So, are you going to go out and get your clothes?"

Lifting up the covers, Jay said, "If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly dressed for it. I would hate to give your neighbors something to talk about."

Adam answered, "Where's the keys and where are your clothes I'll do it if you're afraid."

Jay lifted up the covers again and confirmed what he had earlier thought. "You're not exactly dressed for it either."

Adam's reply was "And?"

Not believing he would actually do it, Jay said, "My keys were in my pants from last night. I'm not sure where you put them and my clothes are on the back seat of the Montero Sport."

Jay watched as Adam throw back the covers and stood up beside the bed. Adam looked back and met Jay's gaze with a smile. Jay could remember seeing Adam naked after football practice, but seeing him naked now was something totally different. He was a man now. He'd put on about 20 pounds of muscle. His chest was still as smooth as a baby's bottom and his butt must have been what the person who coined the term bubble butt envisioned. Jay still couldn't believe that he was here with him.

Jay snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Adam grip the door handle leading out of the bedroom. Quickly getting out of the bed he followed as Adam bounded down the steps 2 at a time with Jay on his heels. At the front door Adam stopped suddenly causing Jay to run into the back of him. As Jay attempted to pull away, Adam turned and placed one hell of a kiss on his lips. Then with a wink he turned and was out the front door.

Since Jay had been the first guest he had parked his Sport at the end of the circular driveway that leads up to the house. The house was done in the colonial southern style with big columns, a big porch, and an iron fence around the yard. Adam's parents had bought the place for next to nothing and had it totally remodeled inside and out. It was even in the Southern Showcase of Homes before. Jay thought for sure Adam would run to the truck and run back, but no, he appeared to be taking a leisurely stroll. Under normal circumstances he would have loved the view from behind he was getting, but these weren't exactly normal circumstances.

"You are still as crazy as you were in high school," Jay remarked after Adam was back inside the house.

"Only for you," was Adam's reply. "I believe these belong to you."

Jay knew that this wouldn't be a normal relationship at all. With that the two headed back up stairs to what Jay realized was Adam's room. Once inside, Jay helped Adam decide on what he was going to where today. They decided on a burgundy long sleeve Nautica dress shirt with matching khaki shorts.

"Ready to hit the shower?" asked Adam.

Jay had just assumed that the two would shower separately, but the tone in Adam's voice made it seem as though that wasn't his intention at all.

"Sure, lead the way."

Adam led Jay into the private bathroom that adjoined his room. This bathroom wasn't in the original blueprint of the house, but Adam and his brother insisted on their own bathroom. So what was a bedroom was now converted into a bathroom. The first thing Jay noticed after entering besides the size, was the large Jacuzzi tub located in the center of the room. In addition to the tub, there was an antique tub on the far wall and a glass shower stall. The fixture and ornaments provided the room with an antique feel.

"Wow" was all that Jay could say.

"Yeah, my mom decorated this room. She wanted it to be in keeping with the theme of the house. I said sure as long as I got the Jacuzzi tub. The times when I'm home and need to relax I come in here. Turn the radio on and just soak. I come out looking like a dry raisin but feeling refreshed."

"Radio?" Jay asked.

Adam showed him the wall mounted stereo system. The speakers were located in the ceiling and in the walls. Taking Jay's hand, Adam led him over to the shower stall. Sliding back the door, Jay could see that it looked big from the outside, but it appeared cavernous when looking at the inside. Adam set the temperature controls and a steady stream of water began to flow from the nozzle. He climbed in and taking Jay's hand helped him climb into the shower. The two spent the next 20 minutes washing each other. They washed each other's hair, explored every inch of each other's body with the soap. This eventually led to some heavy petting and deep kissing, but they stopped before letting it get too far. After climbing out of the shower, they again dried each other off. As Jay was going back into the bedroom, Adam took that opportunity to snap Jay's ass with the towel.

"So what's on tap for today?" Jay asked as he was getting dressed.

"Well," said Adam. "I was thinking. Since it is already so late, I thought we'd go grocery shopping, stop by the movie place and pick up some movies, and then come back here. I thought we'd cook dinner and then just sit around the house and enjoy each other's company. That is if that's okay with you?"

"Sure sounds perfect to me," said Jay. "I really don't feel doing much of anything anyway."

"Also," Adam continued. "I was thinking we'd stop by your mom's and get you enough clothes for the rest of the week."

Adam's eyes were focused on Jay. Adam knew what he wanted and that was to wake up with Jay next to him every morning for the next week, but he wasn't sure if that's what Jay had in mind also. Telling Jay's mom he would be staying with Adam for the rest of the week would be nothing short of an admission of his sexuality to Jay's mom. He didn't know if Jay was ready for that. Immediately Adam regretted asking. Sure it was easy for him because his parents were out of town for the next 2 weeks. He didn't have to worry about them finding out, but here he was asking Jay to come out to his parents.

"You know what the weather will be like for the rest of the week?" asked Jay. "I need to know what to bring. I have a tendency to over pack."

Jay would never lie to his mother. He would simply tell here that he was staying with Adam for the rest of the week. If she wanted to know more, he'd tell her more, but somehow in his heart of hearts he already knew that his mom knew. She always said that she wanted for him was to be truly happy and he knew he had a shot at that with Adam. The smile that was radiating across Adam's face was proof of that.

So after getting dressed the two loaded up in Jay's Sport and headed out to the movie place first. There they found that they both were hopeless romantics, as they both agreed the one movie they had to get was 'Runaway Bride' with Julia Roberts & Richard Gere. They ended up with about ten movies in all. Adam said just in case we don't feel like doing anything tomorrow as well. From there they headed over to the grocery store. Since Adam was doing the dinner, Jay agreed to handle the dessert. He'd just gotten his Grandmother's Apple pie recipe and the thought he try it out. Growing up 1 of 6 kids of a single mother, he learned how to cook early and was actually quite good at it. It surprised him that Adam could cook though. They left the store and the next destination was Jay's mom's house.

The mood in the truck began to shift about middle way through the drive. While they still talked, it was no longer the carefree conversations of before. Several times during the conversation Jay seemed distracted. Adam didn't push for he could only imagine what was going through Jay's mind.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want," said Adam. "You can always go home and come back in the mornings."

"No, that would look even more suspicious. I'm just going to tell her I'll be spending the rest of my vacation with you. If she has any more questions I'll tell her the truth, but somehow I get the feeling that that won't be necessary."

It was about that time that they pulled up in the driveway of Jay's mom's house. The sun had already set and the lights in the den were on.

"Should I stay here?" asked Adam.

"No. You said you always wanted to meet my mom, this is your opportunity."

The pair got out. Adam followed Jay as the entered the house. It didn't appear to be anyone home so Jay yelled out, "anyone here?" Going down the hall towards his room Jay was greeted by his mom.

"Where have you been. It's nearly 6 o'clock and you didn't even call. You know you had me worried."

"Sorry mom. I ended up staying over like you suggested and then we were out running around all day. I just didn't think about it," explained Jay.

"I figured you were alright, but next time call and let me know something. So are you in for the night?"

"Nope, actually I just came to pick up my clothes. I'm going to be staying at Adam's for the rest of the week."

Jay's mom looked at him for about a minute before answering. She'd suspected her son for a while now, but she never really knew for sure. She knew now. She loved her son and his happiness was all that she cared about. Sure it would be nice to have grandchildren by him, but she had 5 other children who could handle that. Looking at his mom he saw the thoughts that were running through her head. He also saw as she reached a conclusion.

"Just be careful. Leave me the number so that I can reach you if I have to. Is it okay with Adam's parent's that you'll be staying there?"

Jay recognized this as her way of asking, 'did they know as well?' "They're on vacation right now, but Adam said that he's sure there would be no problem with it. You can ask him if you want he's in the den."

With that Jay placed a kiss on the top of his mother's forehead and headed into his room to gather his clothes. His mom walked into the den and he could hear here as she introduced herself and began talking to Adam. He couldn't hear the bulk of the conversation as he was concentrating on finding and packing his clothes. Ten minutes later he stood at the door of the den with his overnight bag in his hand and some shirts and pants draped over his shoulder.

"Ready," was all he said.

Standing up Adam hugged Jay's mom and then went over to Jay and took the clothes that had previously been draped over Jay's shoulder.

"Now you behave, both of you. Don't go missing up anything while Adam's parents aren't home. You know I taught you better than that."

"Okay, mom. I promise. I'll be in and out the rest of the week and I'll call back with the number. Besides I'll have my cell phone with me anyway."

"Don't worry. Adam already gave me the number there. Love you son."

"Love you too mom." With that Jay gave her a hug and the turning Jay and Adam headed out the door to the truck. Jay's mother stood in the doorway as the two drove off. Looking over at Adam, Jay could see that he had tears in his eyes.

"What's that for?" he asked.

"Nothing," answered Adam. "You know your mother made me promise to take care of you. She although you were grown you were still her baby and she would always love you no matter what. I promised her and now I'm promising you. I will always be there for you."

It was now Jay's turn to cry. The flow of tears had stopped by the time they reached Adam's house. They unloaded the truck and went into the house. Jay took his clothes up to the bedroom while Adam dropped the movies down in the family room and began to carry the food to the kitchen. When Jay came back down the stairs, Adam had already started cooking. The smells where wonderful. Jay gathered the ingredients for the pie and the two set about cooking and talking. To the outsider observer it would seem this was a nightly ritual they'd been doing forever. It didn't take long for dinner to cook. Jay put the pie in the oven and went in the family room to set up the movie. Jay was surprised at how good everything was and he mentioned that to Adam. Adam explained that while his parents didn't cook much his grandmother cooked all the time, so he'd go over there and she'd have him helping out in the kitchen. Apparently he picked up a thing or two along the way.

After dinner they retired to the family room. Adam began the movie. Jay came in carrying a tray. It had two slices of the apple pie with two scoops of vanilla bean ice cream. The laid on the floor snuggled together watching Runaway Bride. That's how the began of their evening began.

Next: Chapter 8

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