Dorm Life

By NightWatcher

Published on Mar 28, 2000


This is the sixth in a series entitled, Dorm Life.

This story involves sexual situations between consenting mature adults, and is therefore intended for mature audiences. No one under the age of 18 or in an area where such material has been deemed unacceptable should read any further. The persons and places that are mentioned in this story and series are FICTIONAL, at least thus far. This story deals with homosexual relationships, and expressions of love. If this offends you, then again, you should read no further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Series Note: Imagination is one of the most erotic tools we possess in our repertoire. Unfortunately it's a tool seldom used. It is my hope in writing this series to bring back the use of imagination in our erotic experiences along with romance and passion without losing the steam, the heat, and the lustful energy of the story. This series centers on one student, Jay, and his search for love, happiness, and fulfillment, all while dealing with life in and outside a dorm. Some parts will be written in regular story form, but other parts are going to be written as though they were coming from Jay's journal. This allows us a glimpse inside Jay's thoughts.

Author's Note: This will mark the end of Jay's Fall Semester. There will be a millennium story and then the storyline will pick up in the spring semester. I hope you've enjoyed what you've been reading thus far and I hope to continue to bring you more stories in the future. Also there's something special about this story, besides being the longest thus far, that I know you will notice. Let me know if you figure it out. Enjoy.

The Article

Life for Jay began to get hectic following the Thanksgiving break. So much so that as hard as it might seem he hadn't thought about sex for over a month. Things between Jay and Peter, the navy guy, appeared to be all an illusion. Jay had left religion class early the week before Thanksgiving break to try and catch the same bus, but either the guy didn't ride it any that week or Jay got on the wrong one. Jay even skipped class the week after break. This time he waited until all 3 buses had gone through their routes to make sure he wasn't getting on the wrong bus. It just appeared as though his Navy man didn't ride the bus anymore. Jay saw him occasionally on campus and in the computer lab, they'd share brief eye contact and then it was over. It appeared as though either one or the other were always in a hurry. Occasionally he did still have his Matt fantasies. He continued to see Matt almost everyday in the lab and they'd even developed a speaking relationship, but nothing more than that. Jay was glad that had developed.

The football team lost in the final round of the league playoffs, so at least now he had his evenings free again. That was a blessing since it was now the last week of classes and Jay had papers due in almost all of his. If they'd won they would have had to keep practicing for the conference tournament and if they won that, practice for the nationals in the spring. It would've felt good to win, but with all the papers he had due it seemed he spent more time in the computer lab than he did in his room. Apparently he wasn't the only one, as they had to start limiting computer lab time to 3 hours with a sign in/sign out sheet. He'd seen a lot of Matt and Peter that week in the lab, but sex seemed to be everyone's last concern. Luckily it would all be over Wednesday. The university issued a new policy requiring the professor not issue new assignments after last Friday and all assignments must be turned in on Wednesday. That gives the students 2 days plus the weekend to study for exams. That was good news, unfortunately Jay's last exam was on the last day of exams and he would have to be here for 2 more weeks while most of his friends would be finished and going home at the end of next week.

It was Wednesday leaving class that Jay saw the article in the university's newspaper, The Chronicle. In bold print on the first page it read, "Donaldson Hall: More than meets the eye." Jay was intrigued. He always read the campus newspaper, mainly for the sports scores and also because he found out Matt was on staff. He would read his articles first. Today's issue would be the last issue until next spring and Jay wanted to see what the Chronicle's staff would try to leave on everyone's mind before the end of the semester and the millennium. After reading the article Jay was dumbfounded. It was an expose conducted by one of the local student government officials. He has been having an ongoing battle with the gay organization on campus after he spearheaded a failed campaign to cancel its funding. Something well within his power as it is the student government who determines the funding of student organizations through student fees. He felt that he shouldn't be made to support their lifestyle a lifestyle he felt was moral and socially reprehensible. I guess this expose? was his way of proving his point or just getting revenge. Jay recognized this the conflict for what it was, a clash of two extremely different ideological viewpoints. Jay usually tried to not take sides in matters like this, as he really didn't care either way. To him it had been a case where each one try to outdo the other, but the article should be interesting none the least.

Anyway it seems that this leader or one of his supporters found a website that told of the best places to find gay sex on college campuses. It turns out that State College had several listings but according to him and according to the site, the best place was Donaldson Hall's bathrooms. As the website was quoted, "the designer of the building must have been `family,'" by that I'm assuming gay. It then went on to describe the advantages that Donaldson had, a double door set up so that you could hear people coming. As well as full length stall doors so no one just passing through could see what was happening in the stalls. If you were in the stall however, you could see the legs of the persons in the adjoining stalls. Plus the fact that all the men's bathrooms were in the same location on every floor. It even gave the modus operandi of how a person would go about "cruising" without getting caught. Jay was amazed that the article was even published and even more amazed with the detail of the article. It was almost like a "how-to" manual for gay cruising dummies. It seemed to cover everything. If Jay didn't know better he'd think it was more of an advertisement than an expose?. He just had to see who wrote the article and there on the front page in black and white was the name, Matthew Hobgood. Matt wrote it. Immediately Jay wondered did Matt research it as well. Did he like what he saw? Was this his way of letting others know where to go for some fun?

Jay had two classes in Donaldson and he frequently used the bathrooms there, but he never really thought about it. He went in did what he had to do and left like most people or so he thought up until now. His first impulse was to head straight over to Donaldson to see if any of this was real, but after thinking about it some more he decided not to. Afterall, the article was on the first page of the newspaper; everyone had to have seen it. If someone saw him going into the bathroom they might assume that's what he was going in there for and although he was becoming more and more comfortable in accepting his sexual preference he didn't want everyone knowing. That's just the type of person he was. What people did in the privacy of their bedrooms and with whom wasn't any of his concern and neither should what he do be any of theirs. He did know he definitely wouldn't be able to look at Matt the same way. Maybe he did have a chance with him afterall.

Jay thought about the article for the next couple of days until studying for exams became his main focus. He did however get an opportunity to talk to Matt. It seemed the senator provided all of the information, Matt just checked out the website and a few other claims to make sure they were legit. Like Jay, Matt did find it interesting that the senator went into so much detail. He added, "Shoot, it sounded to me like he was advertising. I wasn't going to write it at first, but my editor overruled me. Said he owed the senator a favor. And that besides no one ever paid attention to the newspaper on the last day of class anyway. According to him most students are either concerned about exams or what party they were going to go to." It did make sense, as there was virtually no talk about it around campus. Outside of the gay student's organization, which was highly upset, no one else seemed to take notice or care.

The first week of exams was over and Jay was sure he'd aced them. He was doing well in all the classes so the exams weren't much of a problem. The one exam he had left wasn't until Friday and he had already studied everything the professor said would be on the exam. Of course he would review the information, but he was through "studying." That meant he had 4 days to basically do nothing. Virtually everyone he knew had already finished their exams and headed home. Donavin had left Friday, so in addition to doing nothing he had no one to do nothing with. He spent most of his time either in his room listening to music, watching television, playing video games, and sleeping. That was okay for Monday and Tuesday, but by Wednesday he was going stir crazy. That's when he headed down to the computer lab where he worked on getting his webpage up and running. In the process he cruised the net for possible links he could use. That took up all of Wednesday.

Jay decided to get up and pack early Thursday morning before heading down to the computer lab. This way he could just load up his car and go Friday afternoon after his exam. He was throwing out old papers when he ran across the Chronicle with the article in it about Donaldson Hall. Instead of through it out, he kept the paper. He was going to look up that website to see what it actually said. It wasn't like he had anything better to do. It was a little past 11:30 am when Jay finished packing and straightening up the room. He then heads downstairs, newspaper in hand, to cruise the web. The site was exactly as described in the article. It was amazing at all the different places you could go on college campuses to have anonymous sex. The detail was even greater than that in the article. It said how you determine the difference between the guy just using the bathroom and the guy looking for more and then what you should do to indicate your interest. Jay was amazed and a by now a little curious. Perhaps it was the boredom, plan curiosity, an elevated libido, or a combination.

Whatever it was it ended up getting the best of him. Pretty soon he found himself walking across campus to Donaldson Hall. He figured there wouldn't be any activity since a lot of students were already gone for Winter break. He did decide to take the seldom-used side entrance instead of the front door though. He was glad he brought the paper along and a printout from the website or he wouldn't have known what to do next. According to the printout the first floor was always the one with the most activity, so that's were Jay headed. He entered noticing the double door setup. Also how the doors squeaked so much so that he was sure if anyone was inside they would definitely hear him coming. He walked through and just like the newspaper said the stalls were nearly floor level. You would have to get on the ground to see inside. Jay was amazed it was almost as if he was looking at a national monument or something. In the midst of his euphoria he heard the cough.

According to the printout, the cough was to let a new person coming in know that they were not alone. If they were there to legitimately use the bathroom, they wouldn't pay it any mind but if they were looking it was sort of an acknowledgment. Jay looked at the printout to see what to do next. He then went into the stall adjacent to the one he thought he heard the cough come from. Jay hadn't planned that he would actually go through with anything, but he wasn't sure he wouldn't either. He sat down just as though he planned to use the bathroom and looking under the wall to the next stall as he sat he saw a pair of hairy white legs. He was almost certain he'd seen them before, but he wasn't certain. He didn't look too long for fear the guy really was only using the bathroom.

He had been sitting down for no more than two minutes when he saw the boot of the person in the next stall tap the floor. Looking at the printout, Jay saw that the foot tapping was a way of asking, are you interested? Again, to the casual observer it's just someone tapping there feet while they take a dump. According to the printout, you tapped your foot back to indicate your interest. Before Jay even knew what was happening, he was tapping his foot in response. It appeared as though Jay's body wasn't about to let an opportunity like this pass, because he cock had already inflated to its full size and hardness. The person tapped his foot again. Jay took this to be him double-checking and again Jay tapped his foot. Jay then heard sounds as though the guy was preparing to leave. Jay quickly glanced under the partition and indeed the guy had stood up. Jay was sure he'd just made a move on someone who was just using the bathroom. As soon as the guy left, Jay was out of there and heading back to his room.

He heard the door to the next stall open and expected to hear the outer door open next as the guy left, instead he heard a slight knock on his stall door. Not sure what to do, as this wasn't on the printout or in the newspaper, Jay said motionless. Then he heard the knock again. It was still muffled but you could definitely tell it was a knock. Jay thought it's now or never. He slowly stood up, cock waving, pants around his ankles and slowly unlocked & opened his door. What he saw standing on the other side almost made him drop his load right there. Standing at the door with his shorts up, but with his cock protruding out of the zipper was his navy guy, Peter. This time it wasn't a fantasy but it was definitely reality. Recognition showed on the face of Peter as well.

Jay did appear to have guessed Peter cock size though. The piece of meat he was looking at had to be at least 9 inches and thick as Jay's wrist. Jay wasn't sure if talking was allowed, but Peter answered the question for him.

"I've seen you on the bus before, but I never thought we'd meet like this. I'm glad we did."

"Well, you can thank the campus newspaper," said Jay. "If they hadn't run that article about two weeks ago I never would've known about this place or what goes on in here."

With that Peter reached over and slowly began rubbing his hands up and down Jay's chest. He especially liked rubbing his fingers across Jay's nipples. Jay wasn't sure if it was the fabric or Jay's fingers but his nipples became extremely sensitive and hard. Every time he swiped his hand across one or both of them his cock would jump. It was almost as though they were directly wired to his balls. Jay was getting hot as hell. As he continued to rub Jay's nipples, Peter closed the space between them and planted an earth-shattering kiss on Jay. He attacked Jay's mouth with a passion that rivaled Jay's. It only took a few seconds before Jay gave in to any inhibitions that may have been holding him back. He returned Peter's kiss with the bent up fury of a tornado. Tongues were dueling inside and outside of each other's mouths. Peter closed his mouth around Jay's forming a seal and the suction he was producing nearly dislodged Jay's tongue. Jay enjoyed every minute of it. As their tongues, mouths, and lips were battling, their hands were continuously exploring.

Jay hands were wrapped around Peter's steel hard cock, caressing, massaging, and exploring it. Peter was busy try to get his body and Jay's body closer to each other. He grabbed Jay's ass and began to grind their bodies and cocks together in uncontrolled lust, all of this without breaking the steamy kiss that the two were sharing. It wasn't long before Jay felt Peter's fingers slowly rubbing up and down his asscrack and across his rosebud. This only served to elicit deep moans out of Jay's throat through their kiss.

It was Peter who broke the kiss, while not stopping the grinding motion of their two bodies. I would really prefer not to do this here. How about you following me back to my place? If not we can stay right here, but I think we'd both be more comfortable. Jay knew Peter lived in the apartments near his dorm so that was no problem and he really didn't want his first male/male sexual experience to be in the bathroom of building he took classes in. Plus now that he had a willing partner there were some things he wanted to try that indeed would be more comfortably done in a bed.

"Sure. Lead the way," said Jay.

Peter was like, "Good. My car is outside. Parking is pretty easy to find with almost everyone gone. By the way, my name's Peter."

"I know," said Jay.

With that the two tidied up as best they could but it was almost impossible for Peter to get his 9 inch stick back in his blue jean shorts. He ended up aim it up at his belly and pulling his shirt out to cover it. Luckily it was a short quick walk to the car. The two talked about their previous encounters on the bus and how Peter had gotten nervous after he'd winked at Jay that day. Every sense then he's been walking back to his apartment or catching a ride so that he didn't see Jay. Even the times he'd seen him in the computer lab he tried not to make too much eye contact because he wasn't sure of Jay's reaction. He was almost sure, but coming from the military, it didn't hurt to be careful.

Jay told Peter about the fantasies situations he'd been creating since that day when he winked at him. He also told him about skipping class and leaving class early trying to catch the bus. It didn't take long for them to reach the apartment. Inside the apartment, Peter said, "my roommate should be at work, so we should have the entire place to ourselves. In any event he knows about me, and respects my privacy as I respect his." With that Peter led Jay back to his bedroom and closed the door.

It was Jay who initiated the kiss this time. It wasn't as raw as the previous kiss but it was just as hot and passionate. They alternated between Jay been the aggressor, exploring Peter's mouth with his tongue and Peter being the aggressor, exploring Jay's mouth with his tongue. As they kissed, they were undressing each other. It didn't take long before they both were standing together completely naked with the exception of their socks. It seems they both believed seeing their partner devoid of everything but their socks was unbelievably hot.

Peter broke the kiss. He placed his hands on the bottom of Jay's ass and slowly began to make his way down Jay's body. He started by licking and sucking on Jay's neck. This only served to elicit moans from deep inside Jay's throat. He ground his goatee into the little patch of chest hair at the top of Jay's chest. His next target, one he assaulted unmercifully, was Jay's nipples. He would bath them with his tongue. After they'd been thoroughly washed he would bite and nibble on each one of them until they were rock hard and pointy. Every attack by Peter's mouth, brought moans and groans from deep within Jay's chest. The sensations he was feeling were unbelievable and he with his hands on the back of Peter's head he was helping to create them.

Peter, satisfied that Jay's nipples were sufficiently worked over, began to descend lower down Jay's chest. He followed the slight trail of hair that began at the middle of Jay's chest and descended down to his crotch. He continued to lick and suck, leaving a trail of saliva marking his path. He spent several minutes tongue- fucking Jay's belly button. Jay had never experienced anything like this and it was driving him wild. Pretty soon Peter was face to face with Jay's one-eyed monster and the slow pace he took to get to this point was over. In one quick movement, Peter gobbled Jay's seven and a half inches to the root. Jay's hands immediately landed on the back of Peter's hand to brace himself.

Peter didn't move. He just stayed there with Jay's cock buried deep in his throat. He could tell my Jay's balls, which he was currently cupping, that he was on the verge of losing his load. Peter pulled off Jay's cock and began blowing a small stream of air all around Jay's crotch. It had its desired effect and Peter felt as Jay's balls descended back into his nut sack. Feeling at thought that he could control himself, Jay guided Peter's mouth back onto his cock. Once again Peter took the entire then down in one swallow. Jay was able to control himself and enjoy the feeling. He got a real pleasant surprise when Peter started to use the muscles in his throat to milk Jay's cock. Jay knew that Peter wasn't new to the world of cocksucking. It didn't take long before Peter had developed a nice up and down rhythm to sucking Jay's cock. Every once and a while he would take it completely out of his mouth and blow across the tip. This would send Jay into another world. It didn't take Jay or Peter long to realize that if Peter kept up Jay would lose his load and Jay just wasn't ready to do that yet.

He took Peter by the arms and slowly guided him to an upright position. Looking at Peter, Jay said, "my mother always said do unto others, what others have done unto you." With that he leaned in and kissed Peter passionately momentarily. Then breaking the kiss he began the same slow trail of kisses and licks that Peter had explored on his body. He licked and sucked on Peter's Adam's apple and then continued on to his chest. He rubbed his hands around in the mat of fur covering Peter's chest. The hair on his chest was the same color as the hair on his arms and legs. To Jay it felt as soft as down. It was when his hand grazed Peter's nipple that Jay heard Peter moan for the first time.

He took that as his cue and began to provide them with the same exquisite torture that Peter had given to his nipples. He would alternate between them. Switching from licking them, to sucking them, to biting them and while servicing one he would be pinching and twisting the other. Peter was one continuous stream of ohs and ahs. Jay could tell that like himself, Peter's nipples were directly wired to his cock. The monster was leaking a steady stream of precum onto Jay's leg and it electric to Jay's touch. The feel of Peter's cock in his hand had Jay's mind working in overdrive.

He skipped exploring the trail of hair leading down Peter's chest and instead dropped down so that he was looking directly into Peter's crotch. He still kept his fingers manipulating Peter's nipples. He knew he'd never be able to take the whole thing like Peter had done him, but he sure was willing to take as much as he could. He started by rolling his tongue around the precum forming at the tip of Peter's dick. It had a tangy sweetness that registered directly into Jay's brain. He loved it and wanted more. Speared on by this new taste he opened his mouth as wide as possible and began a slow steady descent down Peter's cock. When he was finished it had almost 7 thick inches of manhood in his mouth and down his throat. Peter locked his hands behind Jay's head and began to slowly fuck Jay's mouth. At first he never went beyond the point that Jay had set when he tried to deep throat the monster, but soon with every thrust he'd go a little deeper. Jay's throat seemed to open more and more to accommodate the intruder. Jay was amazed by how hard and firm yet malleable Peter's cock was. He loved the filling of fullness it was providing to him. He was in cocksucker heaven; even more so, when he felt Peter's pubic hairs touch his nose. Jay had all nine inches in his mouth and throat. Peter couldn't believe that this was Jay's first time sucking cock, but he definitely new it wouldn't be his last.

Peter began to back toward the bed and as he did Jay crawled with him not letting Peter's cock out of his mouth. Somehow Peter and Jay ended up in a hot 69 session. The two were so involved what they were doing that they didn't even hear as the front door was opened, nor when the bedroom door opened. It wasn't until Jay felt a hand on his ass that they realized they weren't alone.

"Peter, I was just coming in here to tell you that I had a friend over and if possible could you try not to disturb us, but I see it is I who's doing the disturbing. Having said that and having just embarrassed myself completely, I'll take my leave now."

By now Peter had released Jay's cock from his mouth. "Mike don't leave I want to introduce you to…" Before he could finish however, Mike answered, "Somehow I don't think this is the time for introductions. You know with your mouth full and all. We can take care of that later. Perhaps then I can introduce you to my friend as well."

With that Mike closed the door shut and was gone. Jay hadn't said much since his arrival. He was a little embarrassed by the entire situation but also a little turn on by it as well. Here he was having sex with Peter when his roommate shows up. Who knows how long he'd been standing there watching before he made his presence known? Peter was the first to speak after Mike had left the room. He tried to apologize, but Jay said that there was no need. As far as he was concerned, Mike didn't have a problem with seeing the two together, so there was no problem. It was about that time that Peter and Jay heard the moaning coming from the room next door.

"It's seems they're taking care of their business, while ours is unfinished business." With that Jay, leaned over and semi-erect cock back into his mouth. Peter quickly followed Jay's lead. Pretty soon, the two were again in the throws of lust, oblivious to anything but the task at hand. It wasn't long before Jay felt Peter's hot tongue tentatively swiping at his rosebud. Peter had been rubbing his fingers across Jay's hole since they had resumed their 69, but now his finger was occasionally being replaced by Peter's tongue. The contrast in sensations was amazing. Peter would alternate between sucking Jay's cock to blowing and licking on Jay's ass. This continue for a little while longer before Peter completely focused all of his attention on the ass that was in front of him.

He loved the way it would clinch tight whenever he blew across it. Watching clinch and release was making him hot as hell. Jay could tell because the meat that was already filling his mouth appeared to become harder and longer. Jay had to relax his throat even more to accommodate it. Jay felt the first finger as it entered his ass. By then however, Peter had relaxed it so much that there was virtually no pain or discomfort. Jay definitely began to think Peter was an old hat at this. Peter had worked a steady in and out rhythm with his finger. The anal attention he was receiving was stimulating him beyond control. Each time Peter's finger touched his prostate he could help but moan and hunch his ass back onto Peter's finger. Jay felt when fingers 2 and 3 were added. He had to sucking Peter's cock each time in order to catch his breath and adjust to the welcomed intruders.

Peter worked Jay's ass with the expertise of a surgeon. Although Jay had felt each of the intruders as they entered his body, no pain or discomfort accompanied any of them. The new pleasurable sensation that was started in his ass spread throughout his entire body. His nipples were even more sensitive and electric. His cock was harder and fuller. His brain had his body working on autopilot and Jay loved every minute of it. Even through his haze, Jay knew where this was leading and he welcomed it, relished it, and wanted it. Jay surprised himself by what he said next.

Coming up off Peter's cock, Jay asked, "Could you fuck me? Could you fuck my ass?"

Peter had hoped that Jay would want to get fucked, but he needed to make sure that's what Jay wanted since Jay had asked so timidly. "Are you sure."

Jay's answer was more confident that the request. It was as though in those brief few seconds someone had struck a match inside Jay and he really became consumed by heat and fire. "Yeah I'm sure. I want to feel that big cock inside my tight virgin black ass. I want to see the look in your ass as you mount me and claim my ass as yours."

Peter couldn't believe his ears. It seemed as though he had a totally different person in bed with him now. This person seemed to know exactly what he wanted and how. The nasty talk coming from Jay's mouth reminded him of several marines he'd done when he was in the navy. Marines always like it rough, nasty, and often. Peter knew however that although Jay wanted it rough, he was still a virgin and didn't quite realize what all he was asking for. Peter knew hot talk was just as effect as actual rough sex and that's what this situation called for.

"Want this navy man to fuck that tight hole. What to feel this big dick claim that hot man pussy?"

The hot talk was having it's affect for Jay had begun to rock back and forth on Peter's fingers seemingly unaware of what he was doing.

"Fuck yeah. I need that big dick. I have to have that big cock. Don't tease me with it. Fuck me man. Take my cherry ass."

By this time Peter was just as hot as Jay and the hot talk was affecting him as well. He leaned into Jay's ass and began to give him the sloppiest and raunchiest ream job imaginable. He knew if Jay was to take his cock he would have to be both slippery and wet. He rolled Jay onto his back and placed Jay's legs on his shoulder. He spit onto his cock and aimed it directly at Jay's hole. He asked one last time, "Are you sure?" Jay could only nod his approval.

With that Peter leaned in and placed one hell of a kiss on Jay's lips. Jay felt the bulbous head of Peter's cock as it attempted to gain entry into his inner regions. The expert ass reaming Peter gave loosen him enough for the head to gain entry, but Jay's sphinter immediately clasped down on the intruder. Peter broke the kiss to tell Jay to relax his ass. Pretend as though he was taking a shit. That seemed to help for immediately he began to feel Peter's cock slide in. Peter once again covered Jay's mouth with his and sled all nine inches in on one stroke. The scream that came from Jay's mouth went directly down Peter's throat. Peter had wanted to take it slow, but knew it would be better if it was done in one continuous motion. The two remained in that position for a while as Peter allowed Jay time to adjust to the nine-inch log buried in his ass. He continued to kiss Jay in an effort to distract him from the pain and discomfort his was feeling.

Jay had wanted this, but now that it had happened he was at all sure. Peter's fingers had felt so wonderful inside his ass, but his cock was a different story. It felt like his insides had been rearranged and someone had shoved a log into his stomach. He swore it felt as though it was all the way inside his stomach. His ass was burning and stinging. Jay was glad that Peter wasn't taking it rough like he'd asked because he wasn't sure he could take it now and could only imagine what it would've been like. Then the most amazing thing happened, the pain and burning sensation resided to be replaced by this amazing feeling of fullness and completeness. Jay couldn't explain it but he felt whole for some reason. Soon this feeling changed to a feeling of need and want.

Up until now he hadn't been returning Peter's kiss but that changed at that instant. Soon he was returning Peter's kiss with just as much, if not more, passion as it was being giving. Another surprise came as his body hunched up to take more of Peter's cock into his ass. Peter sensing that the storm had passed, while not breaking the kiss began to slowly retrieve his cock from the gloved furnace that was Jay's ass. Jay's ass rode with the cock until it couldn't anymore. Peter pulled back until only the head was trapped by Jay's ass ring and with great control he began to descend back into Jay's ass glove. Jay felt Peter's cock as inch after inch slid across his prostate. The moans of joy were muffled as the kiss continued. The slow fucked continued for what felt like hours. Peter would slowly pull out until just the head was inside Jay's ass then just as slowly as he pulled out he would go back it. All the while the two never broke their kiss, that was until Jay felt himself exploded.

He had not touched himself at all since Peter entered his body, but here he was in the throws of an amazing orgasm. The feel of Peter's chest hair rubbing on his dick and the monster cock in his ass created sensations that were too much for him to handle. The orgasm, although earth shattering, didn't come with the usual convulsions. It was as controlled as the fuck he was receiving. After it was over Peter asked if Jay wanted him to withdraw, but Jay said no. The feeling Peter was creating in his ass was unbelievable and even though he had just had a mind numbing orgasm his body was still in sex mode. He did tell Peter that it was okay for him to be speed up his thrust if he wanted.

Peter sat back on his knees gripping Jay's legs with his hands. He started at the same pace as before but from just the slight change in position, he caused new sensations to be felt throughout Jay's body. Without Peter's mouth to block the sounds, Jay's moans reverberated throughout the room and the apartment. He was loving the feeling Peter was creating in his body. Peter's pace began to pick up, faster than before but still a controlled motion. Jay, wanting to provide Peter with just as much pleasure as he was receiving, began to play and pinch Peter's nipples. It didn't take long before Peter's body was a blur in motion. He was pounding Jay's ass with a hunger and an intensity that Jay had never seen in a person before.

Jay began to think about his life and especially since moving into the dorm. The fantasies. His hallmates and classmates. Matt. The guy's walking across campus. Peter and their first encounter. The amazing fuck he was receiving and it was just too much for his brain. His body convulsed his arms and legs shook, his ass claimed down on Peter's dick and Jay's cock exploded. He unloaded as though it was being fired from a cannon. It was in direct contrast to the first orgasm. This one was totally controlled. Shot after shot fired from his cock to land on his face, in his hair, on the wall and the headboard. It was in the midst of this that he felt his ass being flooded. The tight grip his ass locked around Peter's cock when Jay came must have been all that Peter could take, for his eyes were closed and his body mimicked Jay's. His eyes were completely shut.

After it was over Peter released Jay's legs and collapsed on top of him smearing their chest with the remnants of Jay's first and second loads. The pair were totally exhausted. Just then they heard clapping and looked up to see Mike & his familiar guest looking down at the spent two.

Next: Chapter 7

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