Dorm Life

By NightWatcher

Published on Mar 16, 2000


This is the third in a series entitled, Dorm Life.

This story involves sexual situations between consenting mature adults, and is therefore intended for mature audiences. No one under the age of 18 or in an area where such material has been deemed unacceptable should read any further. The persons and places that are mentioned in this story and series are FICTIONAL, at least thus far. This story deals with homosexual relationships, and expressions of love. If this offends you, then again, you should read no further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Series Note: Imagination is one of the most erotic tools we possess in our repertoire. Unfortunately it's a tool seldom used. It is my hope in writing this series to bring back the use of imagination in our erotic experiences along with romance and passion without losing the steam, the heat, and the lustful energy of the story. This series centers on one student, Jay, and his search for love, happiness, and fulfillment, all while dealing with life in and outside a dorm. Some parts will be written in regular story form, but other parts are going to be written as though they were coming from Jay's journal. This allows us a glimpse inside Jay's thoughts.

The Computer Lab

The computer lab was always a hub of activity, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and today was no different. It was nothing to come to the lab and not be able to find an open computer out of the 60 available. Most were computer engineering/computer science majors working on a project, others were students trying to type a paper, and still others were submitting their homework electronically over the internet. Oh, the endless possibilities of the internet. Jay was one of those students trying to finish a paper.

It was due tomorrow and Jay had completely forgotten about it until he opened the professor's reminder message in his email box. It wasn't hard but it would probably have him in the computer lab for the next couple hours at least.

Jay had developed a love/hate relationship regarding the computer lab. The fact is that it was always crowded, hot, and loud. Plus, it seemed people weren't afraid to discuss almost anything out loud.

With it not being that big a room, voices carry and everyone becomes an unwanted listener to the personal problems of someone else. He fixed that by always bring his CD case and his headphones. Even then there were times he thought he couldn't take it anymore and contemplated bringing his computer from home. It usually was a fleeting thought however. All it took was for him to remember how much trouble bringing his computer would be. After all he would have to go through housing to get a computer terminal hook up in his room. It would cost almost $80. Add that to the fact it took them a week to fix his toilet, somehow he wasn't too confident they'd get his computer hook up done nowhere near as fast. That coupled with the major advantage of the computer lab is why his computer will probably never make it to campus. What the computer lab lacks in comfort it makes up for in "eye candy." There have been very few times, if any, that Jay's been to the lab and not seen someone who would later have a starring role in one of his many fantasies. In the 15 to 20 minutes that it takes to check his email every day there's usually a week's worth of fantasy material coming in and going out of the lab.

The slight tap on his shoulder got his attention. Taking his headphones off he turned to see who had tapped him. He looked up into the blue eyes he's seen several times before in person and in his fantasies. "Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" "Ah, no" said Jay in as calm a voice as possible. "Thanks, I didn't want to be taking someone's seat." "Yeah, space is limited in here." "Well don't let me bother you." With that the guy sat down and began to log into the network. Jay couldn't believe his luck. He'd seen this guy around the dorm as well as almost every day in the lab when Jay was checking his email.

Most times the guy stayed about 10-15 minutes and then he was gone. Jay assumed he was checking his email as well. He was a tall lanky white guy about 6'2" 170lbs short cropped brown hair and about the prettiest blue eyes Jay had ever seen. He always seemed to wear baggy clothes or at least that's what he was wearing the times Jay had seen him. Plus whenever Jay did see him around the dorm he was with several other hip-hop kids, all of them black. Jay assumed he was a "down" white guy. He did learn his name was Matthew but his friends called him Matt.

Usually whenever they were in the lab together, Jay would find himself taking frequent quick looks in his direction until one of them left. There were a few times in the beginning that Jay's gaze lingered a little too long and looking around Matt would see him. Jay would then try and look away quickly. Here lately however when Jay would look up for his `quick peek' Matt would already be looking in his direction and their eye contact would linger for more seconds than necessary. Jay still just passed it off as wishful thinking. Sitting right here next to him, Jay could smell the familiar scent of Joop. Jay could tell the scent anywhere as it was the only cologne that he could wear. The other stuff affected his allergies.

It was about then that Jay's mind snapped him back to reality. "Get over it Jay. You have a paper to write." He hadn't realized he'd been sitting there for the last three minutes just thinking about the previous "Matt" encounters. The CD he was listening to had stopped playing. He took off his headphones and took the CD out and replaced it with another, the soundtrack from "The Best Man." Right as he was about to put the headphones back on and concentrate on getting his paper finished, Matt was asking him something else. Turning he saw that Matt had his headphones on plus MS Word was pulled up on his screen.

Matt said, "Do you mind if I listen to a CD. I grabbed my headphones but forgot my CD's thinking they were in my bookbag. I would go back and get them but I'm afraid I'd lose my spot."

"Sure no problem. This case is mostly R&B, hip-hop though. I don't know if that's what you like listening to" replied Jay.

"Perfect. That's about all I listen to anyway," said Matt. "You wouldn't happen to have DMX would you?"

"Yeah." Jay hands him the CD he was just listening to. "I was just listening to it. I love the song where he goes, `Y'all gon' make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here.'"

Matt agreed, "Yeah, I like that one too. My roommate accidentally stepped on my copy. Or at least I think it was an accident. I know he was beginning to hate it because I listened to it so much."

"I'm not that bad yet," said Jay.

"I'll make sure to give it back before I leave."

"No problem," said Jay "you're free to listen to whatever's in the case."

"Thanks," said Matt.

Matt turned back to writing his paper and Jay did the same but before Jay could focus his mind on the paper, it was already off to fantasy land. Jay finished typing his paper and had sent it to the printer at the front of the computer lab. He figured he'd just pick it up on his way out so he gathered up all of his stuff and shut the computer down. It was about time for the WWF's RAW is WAR to come on. Yeah, that's what he'd do tonight, order pizza and watch wrestling. Donavin had gone home for the weekend and said he probably wouldn't be back until tomorrow. His parents were supposed to buy him a new car today so the room was Jay's for the night. Back in the room he ordered a large pizza with everything on it. It would be his dinner tonight plus his breakfast and lunch for tomorrow. Here lately he just couldn't eat a whole pizza like he could back in high school.

He had just gotten back from meeting the pizza guy in the lobby of the dorm when the "Big Show's" theme song came on. Jay didn't know what it was but he loved himself some Big Show.' He loved him even more the last few weeks, as the Big Show' had to a new outfit of tight, short spandex shorts and a muscle shirt. The shorts left nothing to the imagination and made Jay wonder if the nickname Big Show' came from his height & weight or from his length & girth. Jay hurriedly put the pizza down and changed into his sleep ware, a pair of mesh Nike shorts & a loose Polo t-shirt. Eating pizza and watching the Big Show' what a way to spend the evening, well there was a better way but this would have to do. The Big Show and Test were going at it in the ring. Test was another wrestler that Jay would love to go one on one with. Jay just wanted to run his fingers through his long blonde hair, better yet use it as a pair of reins as he rode him long and hard. Just thinking about what he would like to do with either, the Big Show or Test had created a nice little rising in the mesh shorts. Jay thought since Donavin was gone he'd go ahead and take care of his problem while he still had the object of his immediate fantasies going head to head in the ring.

Unfortunately, someone chose this particular time to come knocking at Jay's door. It was probably the same girl who called a few minutes ago looking for Donavin. She probably didn't believe me when I said he wasn't here. Jay had totally forgotten about his current state of arousal although he still had a noticeable rise in his shorts when he opened the door. Just as he was about to tell the visitor, Donavin's not here he recognized the face, more specifically, he recognized the eyes. Matt. In an instance the frustration was gone and Jay was left speechless.

"I brought your CD back. You left before I did. I tried to catch you downstairs when you picked up your pizza, but by the time I'd packed up and logged out you were already gone. Luckily I have friends at the front desk. They game me your name and room number, so here I am returning them as promised."

"Oh, no problem" said Jay. "You didn't have to go through any trouble. You could've given it to me the next time you saw me."

Matt replied. "I just wanted to make sure you go it back. I like to return what I borrow, personally."

Jay didn't know where it was coming from but he found himself asking if Matt was doing anything and if he wasn't, would he like to come in and watch wrestling & have some pizza. It wasn't until the invitation was out of his mouth that he realized his "situation." Matt's answer shocked Jay for a second.

"Sure. Ordinarily that's what I'd be doing right now, but my roommate has a test tomorrow so he's studying in our room. I was just going to hanging out on the internet in the computer lab for a while but I think I'd prefer doing this."

Jay opened the door wide to let Matt in. As Matt was pulling up the chair from Jay's desk, Jay took a set Indian style on his bed. This position helped to cover the rise in his shorts, hopefully Matt didn't see it as he came into the room.

"The pizza is on the microwave. It's a large with everything on it."


As Matt stood to get a slice, Jay watched his every moment. He noticed the way his jeans hung off Matt's slim waist. Also, he saw the wrinkles on the shirt tale of Matt's Nautica shirt from where he'd been sitting on it. The slight movement at his crotch led Jay to think that Matt was wearing either boxers or going au-naturel. His eyes were fixed on Matt's crotch so much so that he failed to realize that Matt's eyes were on his. Realizing he'd be caught, Jay innocently turned back toward the t.v. and the wrestling match.

Matt sat down without saying anything, but Jay could still feel his eyes on him.

He knew he would have to look in Matt's direction eventually but he waited until he felt Matt's stare was gone. He then realized that he really didn't know much about Matt outside of his name and the fact that he had a crush on him. Hopefully finding out about the real person wouldn't destroy the fantasy man he'd already created in his mind. The main focus of their conversation at first was wrestling, whom they liked, the differences between the two federations, etc. Gradually they began to talk about school, hometowns, family, music, etc. Jay was glad that in reality Matt was proving to be just as exciting and compatible as he was in his fantasies. It was kind of hard for Jay to concentrate at first as Matt was sitting wide legged in the chair and Jay thought he saw a noticeable bulge down the right leg of Matt's baggy jeans. Perhaps Matt wore baggy jeans for another reason besides looking hip. It only took that one thought to rekindle the rise in Jay's shorts that had previously been dormant.

Jay was the first to bring up the subject of girls and dating. He mentioned the fact that he currently wasn't dating anyone and how his main concern was his grades. Matt agreed but then mentioned how he really hadn't dated anyone since he'd been at state. Jay thought that was strange as Matt was nior just as he was. Matt went on to say how he had a lot of `girl' friends and they were always trying to fix him up with someone.

. "I know what you mean. My best friends from high school wives are always trying to fix me up.

I just not interested" said Jay.

Matt replied, "Yeah, it's been hard for me to meet anyone because I'm only attracted to black or Hispanic people. That and most people can't handle my 3rd leg."

Jay, always diligent to a person's choice of wording, thought it interesting Matt said he was attracted to black or Hispanic people instead of girls or women. Maybe, just maybe.

"I can see how that would be difficult. With cultural biases and all." Jay looked Matt right in the eye as he said the next part. "Me personally, I prefer white `people.' I think a person it entitled to like what they like and it's no ones' business but their own."

Jay was hoping Matt picked up on his reference to people.' If Matt was talking about people' referring to men, then he'd see Jay was thinking the same or if not he'd just assuming Jay was talking about girls just like him. Matt's response left nothing to Jay's imagination.

Looking directly into Jay's eyes he said, "Yeah, I usually prefer mine black, about 5'11" 215lbs.

Know anyone that fits that description?" Raising his eyebrow in a questioning manner like the `Rock.' Jay could see that the lump down Matt's leg had gotten bigger and it looked as thought he had a nightstick down his right pant leg. Matt slowly stood from the chair giving Jay a full view of the clearly outlined aforementioned "3rd leg" and from the looks of it that's exactly what it appeared to be. Jay eased off the bed and met Matt half way between his bed and the chair. They stood there facing each other momentarily, Jay 5'11" and Matt 6'2", before the two closed the gap between them with a kiss that could only be described as breathtaking. It began as a tentative touching of their lips but soon progressed to a lust filled frenzy. Matt's tongue was invading Jay's mouth seemingly searching out every hidden crevice, while Matt's mouth was a vacuum trying to suck Jay's tongue down his throat. Without breaking the seal they'd created they switch positions and now it was Matt's tongue doing the invading and Jay's mouth provided the suction.

Their hands were just as busy as their mouths and tongues. Jay's hands started behind Matt's head at the beginning of the kiss but they then traveled down his back, to his ass, back to his back, to his chest, and finally his right hand returning to his neck while the left came to rest exploring the dimension's of Matt's `3rd leg'. Not to be outdone, Matt's hands traveled from Jay's ass, down his inner thighs as he ground Jay's body into his own. From there they preceded under Jay's t-shirt to his nipples where he twisted and turned first the right one, then the left. The kiss finally ended as Matt attempted to remove Jay's t-shirt and Jay was removing Matt's Nautica golf shirt.

Matt was the first to speak. "Damn, that was hot. I've been wanting to do that since that first day I saw you in the computer lab. Then when I would see you staring at me, it made me hot as hell. Most times I'd hurry up and leave because I knew if I stayed this (Matt grabs his dick through his jeans) would wake up. And as you can tell when he's awake it's very noticeable."

"Yeah I can see that" said Jay as he continued to rub his hands up and down the elongated bulge.

"The only reason I didn't was to allow me sometime to cool down. Then this afternoon when you sat down beside me, I almost creamed my pants. How lucky was I that the only open spot was beside me?"

Matt said, "Actually, there were other open spots I could've taken. You see I was standing outside the computer lab waiting for that lady who was sitting beside you to stand up and leave."

Jay was shocked, "And I guess leaving your CD's behind was planned too?"

Matt answered, "Yeah, but I didn't mean to keep it. I just wanted an icebreaker so the next time you and I were in the lab I could strike up a conversation. I'm glad I did keep it now."

With that, the two went back to kissing and undressing not as hurriedly as before but just as passionately. They both had already discarded their shirts and Jay had stepped out of his mesh shorts and boxers with Matt assistance. Matt was about to free himself from his jeans, when Jay said, "No, let me."

With that he broke the newly formed lip-lock and began a slow trail of kisses across Matt's chin and down his neck. Jay licked at Matt's adam's apple which elicited a moan from Matt's lips. Slowly he descended down to Matt's nipples where he alternated providing sweet torture to both. He would lick, nibble and bite one while with the opposite hand he would pinch and rub the other. Then he would change and lick, nibble and bite the other while pinching and rubbing the opposite one. This all had its desired effect as deep throaty moans were coming from Matt's lips and the bulge along his right pants leg was as hard as granite.

Jay continued his slow trek down Matt's chest leaving his fingers to continue to pinch and rub Matt's pointy nipples. Matt didn't have six pack abs., but there wasn't any sign of a beer belly. Instead there was a small trail of hair that began just above his belly button and disappeared into Matt's jeans. Jay followed this trail after momentarily tongue fucking Matt's belly button hole. Matt's head was down and his eyes were following the movement attentively. That is, when his head wasn't thrown back in pleasure and deep moans weren't coming from his mouth.

Jay undid the braided leather belt that was keeping Matt's pants in place. Once the belt was loosened, the jeans fell unassisted to the floor. Jay was glad that Matt's boots were untied and it allowed Matt to step out of both his jeans and boots easily, because now that he could see what made that incredible bulge inside Matt's jeans, he wasn't going any further. Matt was standing there in front of him in only some plaid cotton boxers and the bulge down his right leg was making Jay's mouth water. Gripping the sides of the boxers, Jay slowly lowered them down. First to come into view was the hair of Matt's crotch.

Unable to take the suspense he lowered the boxers in one quick motion. There hanging in front of his eyes had to be the prettiest and biggest cock he'd ever seen, black or white. He could understand Matt's earlier statement about most people not being able to handle his `3rd leg' because that's exactly what it appeared to be, a 3rd leg.

It appeared to be over 12" long and about 6" round, a true beer can thick dick. He was cut and the surgeon did an excellent job as the circumcision scar was totally unnoticeable. Jay was fascinated by the fact that although it was stone hard it still hung and swung freely. Jay lifted the immense organ and began to thoroughly examine the underside. It was then that he saw Matt's balls. Jay had always thought when people said they had bull nuts they were joking but now he was seeing a pair close up. They were surrounded by small hairs the same texture and color of the ones surrounds Matt's crotch. The aroma coming from Matt's cock was like a bottle of poppers. It had Jay seeing stars. Jay's body began to act on auto-pilot. He placed his tongue right on the intersection of Matt's balls & ass, and slowly began to lick that spot in circular motions. Slowly he began to flatten his tongue out and lick upward on Matt's balls.

With each swipe of his tongue across Matt's balls Jay's control was disappearing. Pretty soon he was sucking on Matt's balls with abandon. He could only take one in his mouth at a time, but it was as if he couldn't get enough. Matt was loving the oral stimulation as his head was thrown back, eyes shut, and a prolonged series of moans were coming from his throat. Jay was snapped out of his fantasyland rather abruptly.

"Thanks for letting me borrow the CD's. Name is Matt by the way."

Coming back to reality. Jay said "Sure no problem. Name is Jay."

"Thanks again."

Jay watched as Matt packed up and left. He paid close attention to the Matt's lower half to see if perhaps his fantasy was grounded in reality. Jay stayed in the lab for another 5 minutes to give himself time for his cock to go down. He still had 1 more page to write, but he had a more pressing matter to take care of right now. With that he was on the lab, in the elevator, and taking matters into his own hands in the privacy of his own room.

Next: Chapter 4

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