Dorm Life

By NightWatcher

Published on Mar 16, 2000


This is the first in a series entitled, Dorm Life.

This story involves sexual situations between consenting mature adults, and is therefore intended for mature audiences. No one under the age of 18 or in an area where such material has been deemed unacceptable should read any further. The persons and places that are mentioned in this story and series are FICTIONAL, at least thus far. This story deals with homosexual relationships, and expressions of love. If this offends you, then again, you should read no further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Series Note: Imagination is one of the most erotic tools we possess in our repertoire. Unfortunately it's a tool seldom used. It is my hope in writing this series to bring back the use of imagination in our erotic experiences along with romance and passion without losing the steam, the heat, and the lustful energy of the story. This series centers on one student, Jay, and his search for love, happiness, and fulfillment, all while dealing with life in and outside a dorm. Some parts will be written in regular story form, but other parts are going to be written as though they were coming from Jay's journal. This allows us a glimpse inside Jay's thoughts. The first chapter, Fall Semester, will for the most part be an introduction. It will introduce you to some of the characters, the setting, and set the tone for what to expect in subsequent chapters. Comments, questions, and all positive email gladly accepted.

Fall Semester: Introduction

It would be his junior year at State College and his first time having to live in a dorm. It was all because his 2 roommates/bestfriends, Steven and Eric. The 3 had been friends since middle school and so when college time rolled around the 3 all decided to forego living on campus, pool their money and rent an off-campus apartment. The fact that freshmen weren't allowed to have cars on campus factored into the decision making process as well.

Steven and Eric had been dating twin sisters since their 10th grade year of high school. The 5, sometimes 6 depending if Jay was dating someone at the time, were always together. Lisa and Leslie, or the ebony princesses as they sometimes called themselves, were also at State College and were at the guys apartment more often than their dorm room. The love between them was obvious to everyone. So it wasn't a shock when both Eric and Steven popped the question to their high school sweethearts January of their sophomore year. What was a shock was that they were planning June weddings. In the end they settled on a double wedding the 2nd week of June. This way they could have a nice wedding, keep the cost down, and have money leftover to start their new lives together.

It wasn't until the day of the bachelor party when the apartment's lease renewal form came in the mail, that Jay really thought about the fact that he would have to find new roommates or either move on campus next semester. He knew before hand but with all the classes, spring break, Easter break, and wedding planning he'd completely forgot that he would need new roommates for the fall. It would've been no problem to find 2 roommates to replace Eric and Steven before classes ended, but now it would be virtually impossible. After all he'd moved back home, over an hour from school, and plus all of his friends either had roommates or found roommates for next semester before classes ended. His only option was the dorm. He'd heard stories about dorm life and up until January he thought he'd never have to experience it for himself. However, first thing in the morning he'd have to call campus housing and see if they had a room available for next fall.

Another reason he did want to live in a dorm was because he was starting to realize he might be gay. He'd always had these feelings since high school. He was a star athlete on both the football and basketball team and in the showers he would always notice the bodies of the other guys, but he just assumed it was a nature thing. "Checking out the competition" so to speak. He dated girls all through high school never staying with the same girl for very long. It gave everyone the perception that he was a ladies man. He'd "love em and leave em," but true be told he'd never gone all the way with a girl. Sure he'd kiss them, feel them up, and a couple he let blow him, but he'd never gone all the way with one. It wasn't that they didn't want to or he didn't want to, it's just that he didn't have the desire to. This didn't stop him from telling the other guys he did. He did this all through high school and thus far in college. Although, he's not dating as much in college as he was in high school and that was because he was double majoring in engineering and education so studying was his first priority.

Living in an apartment with your best friends were you have your own room with a door you can close and lock was different than living in the same room with someone. Your privacy was virtually gone.

Plus, what if his roommate was attractive and those feelings began to surface, things might get a little difficult. It was different with Steven and Eric. It's true they were by most everyone's standards a couple of hotties, especially the girls. Steven and Eric both played on the football and basketball team in high school too and their bodies were proof of that. Steven stood 6'2", 185lbs and was the white quarterback/shooting guard. Eric, 6'3" 190, the black wide receiver/swing forward and then there was Jay with his stocky build the starting fullback/point guard at 5'11" 215. For whatever reason, Jay just never looked at his "boys" in any other way than as his best friends. He was also realizing something else.

Although he was black he wasn't attracted to a lot of black guys. His only hope was that his roommate wouldn't be white, or if he was his personality and body would be a total turn off.

Luckily he was so busy working over the summer he didn't have an opportunity to think about it too much, that was until he got his housing letter and lease along with his roommates information and preferences. Todd Peterson, a Jr. in Chemistry, non-smoking, non-drinker, no preference on must everything else. It did give his address, phone number and email address so Jay thought he'd drop him a line to introduce himself and etc. But just like most of the summer, Jay's life continued its hectic pace and he misplaced the letter. He would have to wait until August before he would get to meet his new roommate.

Jay arrived an hour after check and from the looks of it, Todd had already moved in and set up shop. It wasn't until 2 hours later that he heard voices outside the room and the door opened. In walked 2 older black women, an older black man and a young black guy of about 21/22. Jay introduced himself and Donavin introduced himself, his mother & father and his aunt. Jay was a little unsure of what was going on because he'd been expecting a guy name Todd, something he told Donavin and his family. About that time his RA came by to introduce herself and they asked to make sure there wasn't a mix up in rooms and this Todd Peterson might be showing up later ready to move his stuff in an already occupied room. It seems Todd opted to live off campus at the last minute and the housing department didn't have enough time to send out the letter telling Jay of the switch.

Jay was relived because although Donavin was attractive he didn't find those feelings stirring up in him so he knew things should be okay along that front. The two spent the rest of the afternoon talking and getting to know each other. Seems Donavin's on the football team so he wouldn't be in the room much during fall semester because of classes, practice, and mandatory tutoring sessions. This was okay with Jay as he was hoping to devote most of his time to studying and improving his grades.

The rest of the semester was pretty much uneventful. Jay spent most of his time studying and hanging out with some of his old friends. True to his word Donavin was hardly ever in the room before midnight. Donavin did however manage to meet and make friends with several of the guys on the floor.

Jay would've but most of his time was spent hanging with his other friends. Surprisingly he didn't hang with Steven and Eric as much as before. He wanted to give the newly weds time to adjust to married life without interference. He did manage to find the time to participate in the dorms flag football team.

Otherwise, he was either in his room or the computer lab.

The one thing that remained constant and seemed to grow more over this time was those feelings that he kept trying to avoid experiencing. It didn't help that his dorm handled the overflow for student athletes that couldn't fit into the athlete's dorm. So he had guys from the school's football, soccer, tennis, basketball, and baseball team all over the place. It only helped to cause his feelings to always be on the alert. He'd catch himself noticing the different guys in his classes, the guys in the dorm, the guys in the downstairs computer lab, guys on the bus, or just walking to and from class. Sooner or later something would have to give.

This is the end of the introduction. The next few stories will be journal entries made during the fall semester, but the bulk of the series will deal with the spring semester. I hope you will enjoy. Again comments, questions, and all positive email gladly accepted.

Next: Chapter 2

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