Dorm Healthcare

Published on Feb 3, 1998



Dormitory Healthcare - My First Time by S. White

I am a freshman at a large university and live in one of the dorms. It is the first time away from home and the small town I come from and it took awhile for me to get used to my new environment. Everyone on the floor was different and had different skills. Some of the guys fixed computers, others tutored, some cut hair, some were drunks while others were "brains". One guy in particular was the son of a doctor and was definitely heading to medical school himself. He did not socialize much because he spent most of his time in his room studying. He told everyone that he used to help his father while he was in high school and some of the guys would go to him with their assorted aches, pains and hangovers. He had a medical kit and usually could make someone feel better - one way or another.

One night I had a pain in my stomach that would not go away. I did not think that I was sick, but as the pain got worse, I started to worry. By eleven o'clock that night I decided that I needed some help and knocked on the "docs" door. Jason was from Florida, twenty two, and a senior at the university. He was about six feet tall, lean, blonde and very smart. He greeted me dressed in seat pants and a tee shirt and I told him that I had a problem. He said that there was probably nothing that he could do and that I should go to student health. It was late and I figured that it was probably staffed by student nurses so I pleaded with him to see what he could do. He agreed and invited me into his room.

I told him that I had not been feeling well for about four days, and that I had a constant stomach ache and no appetite. He asked me to take off my tee shirt so that he could check me. I am nineteen, small for my age and have very little body hair. In fact, I need to shave about twice a month. I sat on his chair and took off my shirt. With a light device he looked in my ears, eyes, and up my nose. With a stethescope, he listened to my heart and lungs. It all seemed very official as he grunted and made comments to himself. He told me to lie down on his bed and felt around my neck, under my arms and chest. It kind of tickled as his hands gently pushed into my stomach. He opened my belt, unzipped my jeans and opened them wide to expose the lower part of my belly. I was wearing large boxers, and they covered me enough to hide my erection. After pushng and probing different spots for while, he pulled my jeans entirely off so that he could check my joints. I was starting to get a little nervous, but he assured me that he thought that he could help me feel better soon. I never had a complete examination from a doctor and was a virgin. I was definitely not used to being almost naked with someone touching me. I am sure that he could sense that I was uneasy. With a lot of care and gentleness he turned and twisted my feet, ankles, knees and hips - which felt real good. With this done, he told me to get up on my elbows and knees so that he could check my spine. I did so and with both of his hands he explored every part of my back. I started to relax as he probed and massaged muscles. With a single motion, he pushed my lose fitting boxers down to my knees, totally exposing me. He separated my ass cheeks and I gasped when I felt his finger probing for my hole. He told me to relax and that it would not hurt as he entered me. I felt like pissing, shitting and cumming all at once. I could feel him pushing in and out and probing up and down. With his other hand, he reached around me and rolled my wet penis between his fingers. He laughed as my cum filled his hand. He pulled his hand out of my butt and he while he was washing them, he told me that I was "impacted". I did not know what impacted meant, and he said that I was "full of shit" and needed and enema. Naked, I followed him into his bathroom where he prepared warm water in a red enema bag. He took off his own sweat pants because he did not want them soiled if things got messy. He asked me to kie down over his bare legs. I t hurt when he pushed the hose into me but felt good as he manipulated the hose and squeezed the bag from time to time to increase pressure. I could also feel my cock harden as I rubbed back and forth on his bare legs. I cam again in his lap, but he did not say anything. Finally, when I could take no more, I emptied the rest of myself into the toilet. I really did feel a lot better. He told me that it was good that I felt better, but that I would need nightly treatments for awhile or I would be sick again. He offered to take care of it for me.

I am still getting treatments and I am sure that when Jason becomes a doctor, he will not be a gynecologist.

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