Dorm Domination

By moc.liamtoh@alyoblias

Published on Mar 18, 2002


Dorm Domination Chapter 11 Mike's Secret by


  • Don't read this if it's illegal to read this where you live. * This is a story about men having (raunchy, cumeating, ass rimming, and very satisfying) sex. If you don't want to read this, go elsewhere. * The characters aren't having safe sex because this is fantasy. Please use condoms when you have sex in the real world. * Post this story freely and widely, but please include my email credit if you do.

From Chapter 10:

He put on his watch, and cursed. "I'm gonna be late," he said, and got dressed in a hurry.

"Where are you going?," I asked.

"I'll tell you," he said. "Sometime soon." He dashed off, leaving me alone for the first time in hours.

I got back to the room and skipped dinner. (Eating all the cum had satisfied my hunger.) I was up late studying, and Mike didn't get back to our room. I fell asleep in our pushed-together beds.

Mike shook me awake a couple of hours later. It was still dark outside, and he looked upset. "I need your help," he said. "Something's happened."

          • Chapter 11 - Mike's Secret

Mike started stripping immediately. He had a strange expression on his face - part anger, part shame, part . . . lust? His face was difficult to read.

"Are you okay, Mike?," I asked him, still groggy from being woken up.

"I'll be fine. You're gonna help me. On your back, bitch. Face up."

I got into the position he requested, and Mike straddled my body. He lowered his ass - that beautiful, masculine hole I had grown to worship - onto my face. His hairs parted, and I could see the hole itself, looking as tasty as ever. Why did Mike want me to rim him right now?

I began to lap at his hole, and something was different. As I licked the opening and began to stick my tongue further up past his sphincter, it didn't taste quite like Mike's ass, and it opened up differently, too. When my tongue was firmly lodged up Mike's ass, I got the first taste that I recognized, and many thoughts bolted through my head. This was CUM. I was eating cum out of Mike's ass. Which meant . . . Mike had been FUCKED. Mike, the alpha male who had controlled every situation I had seen him in, had been fucked by another guy, who had left his seed up Mike's ass. That was why his ass was looser than usual. And I was eating that manseed right now, out of the ass I had come to worship, the ass of this man who I never thought in a million years would let himself get fucked. My cock was instantly hard.

"Have you figured it out yet, whore?," Mike said. "I got fucked tonight. I don't know how you fucking faggots do it. It hurt like someone stuck a hot knife up my ass. I can't believe I let a guy cum up my ass. Don't think you'll ever get that lucky, cocksucker. It was a real man who fucked me, and I don't plan on making it a habit. Enjoy that cum, fagboy. It came from the most masculine man I've ever met - a true alpha male if ever I saw one." I did notice that the cum tasted like no other cum I had eaten, including Mike's. It was still that salty-sweet taste of cum, but it had a stronger aftertaste to it, something which reminded me of sweat and dirty jockstraps and ass. The more I ate, the more I wanted.

"You know I've been going out lately," Mike continued. "I've had to leave early and stay out late. I'm sure you've wondered where I've been going, and you've asked me about it a couple of times. I couldn't tell you, because I was sworn to secrecy. I've been pledging a frat - Alpha Tao Omega."

My breath caught in my throat. Everyone knew about ATO. It was the most elite frat on campus, and the most secretive. It stood at the top of fraternity row, a castle-like house with blackened windows and those three small Greek letters over the doorway. The guys of ATO almost never wore their letters; everyone just seemed to know who they were. The team captains of all the major sports belonged to ATO - soccer, football, baseball, swimming, rugby, lacrosse and, of course, wrestling. Most of the jocks were in other frats while their leaders were in ATO.

Some of my friends had told me that ATO even had something they called Instant Knee status with the sororities on campus. Any time an ATO approached a woman from any sorority, all the ATO would have to do would be to snap his fingers and point to the ground. The sorority chick was obligated by oath to get on her knees instantly and blow the ATO, no matter where they were. My friends had even joked that ATOs could even use their Instant Knee power on other frat guys, but no one had actually seen that in action. After having served Mike now, I knew that it probably was true.

I continued to eat from Mike's ass, and noticed how big the load was that had been shot up there. It couldn't be just one load. It seemed like at least two and maybe even three. I wondered if multiple guys had taken a shot at Mike's ass.

"While we've been pledging, we've each had a challenge," Mike continued. "Every week, the pledgemaster and actives decide what each pledge's critical issue is in life. The brothers think of a way to test the pledge, and to make him overcome that obstacle in life. Tonight was my night. They decided that humility was my obstacle, that I was not humble enough to the other brothers. Fucking pricks. If I didn't like them all so much, I'd hate them. So they had the president of the frat - the guy with the biggest fucking cock of them all - fuck me up the ass to try to teach me humility." Mike's voice was cracking some as he told me the story, a sense of shame entering his voice as he explained. I could tell he was telling it more for himself than for me.

"He had someone lube me up," Mike said. "He didn't rim as well as you do." He patted my cock in acknowledgment and I beamed with pride at the compliment. "But nothing could have prepared me for that monster cock of his. And to have him bust my cherry with that thing. Fuck. I'm surprised he didn't rupture anything up my ass."

I had finished eating the frat president's cum from Mike's ass, and was enjoying the feel of his weight against my face and the smell of his crotch and ass as they overwhelmed my senses. Mike suddenly got up and started getting dressed again.

"I will be the president of ATO one day," Mike said, a look of determination on his face now. "And I am going to bust the cherries of all the pledges. If I had to suffer through this, so shall all those who come after me." He was beginning to look and act again like the Mike I had grown to love - in control, and taking what he knew was his.

"Your day has only just begun," Mike said to me. "Because we have a problem at the house and you are going to be the solution. Get dressed quickly and follow me."

As I dressed, I thought about all I had just learned. Mike was pledging a frat - the most elite frat on campus. He had been fucked for the first time. And I was going to the frat house to help them with something. My mind swam in the flow of new information, and I had to tuck my rock hard cock up into the waist band of my briefs so it wouldn't tent my pants out.

As we left the dorm, the sun was just rising over the hills. No one was out on campus. We walked briskly to reach the ATO house, and Mike spoke to me as we walked.

"This is our program," Mike said. "Our pledge class must meet certain obligations as put forward in the fraternity charter. One of the main bylaws is that each class must represent the full spectrum of manhood - from the alpha to the omega - thus the name of the frat, alpha tao omega. We have no shortage of guys in our pledge class who want to be the alphas. I beat them all." His voice betrayed the pride he took in that honor. "Our problem is that we can't find anyone who wants to be the omega - the lowest on the totem pole, the scut boy, the server of men. We've tried different guys out, but none of them stick. They all get disgusted by their duties. That's why I thought of you. As we both know, you were born to be a lowlife omega. I've talked to the guys, and we want to see if you could be the omega for our group."

We were at the house now, and I tried to make sense of what Mike was telling me. He wanted me to join the frat? As the "omega" male? What did it mean to be the omega male? What would I have to do? As with most things, Mike wasn't giving me a choice. He was telling me I would do it, and I knew that I would do it if he told me to.

The house had a big balcony on the second floor - empty now, though I had walked by enough times to know that this is where the men of the house hung out, shirtless, during the warmer spring and summer months. The first floor had a big front door, and all of the rest of the windows were blacked out. Three Greek letters - Alpha Tao Omega - hung over the door. Mike led me around to the back, and a door that led down to a basement level. I entered the first frat house I had ever been in, my cock harder than I ever remember it being.

I heard the sounds of guys talking and laughing and fooling around as we went down the stairs. We turned the corner, and I saw the basement where I would end up spending countless hours for the first time.

The room had a low ceiling and a sofa in the corner. There were about 10 guys standing around, punching each other, one pair of guys wrestling each other. These were Mike's pledgemates. I recognized three guys instantly - Greg, the RA from our floor who had seen me many times now with cum dripping off my face, Coleman from the ambulance, and Zak. Zak had been pledging Sigma Nu, though. What was he doing here? The other guys were all well built guys with handsome faces. I nearly came right then, thinking about what these guys had done to each other and with each other.

"Guys, I need your attention," Mike said to the room, and they all shut up instantly and gave Mike their attention. It was clear that he was in charge of this group, and they obeyed instantly. The two guys who had been wrestling looked up, one guy still in a head lock, as Mike began to speak.

"This is the pussyboy I was telling you about," Mike said. "He is my bitch, and he knows his place. Don't you, cunt." I bowed my head, blushing. Mike was putting me in my place in front of all of these studs. "Yes, Mike," I said. "I'm your bitch and will do whatever you want." Mike put his hand on the nape of my neck, squeezing proudly.

"This slut will be the best omega male this house has ever seen," Mike said. "If we choose him. We have tried out several of you guys, and you haven't been able to handle the menial nature of the job. So I ask now, do we ask Tom if this bitch can be our omega?"

There was some murmuring as the guys thought about the idea. Zak caught my eye and glared at me, a look of hate in his eyes. I deserved it after having set him up with Mike, and now here he was in Mike's frat. What had happened?

One guy - a taller guy wearing soccer shorts - spoke up first. "We need an omega," he said. "But this doesn't really seem fair, Mike. I mean, all of us have busted our asses through the pledge season and now this fucker thinks he can just waltz in and become a member? It doesn't seem fair." A couple of the pledges agreed.

"I hear what you're saying, Carl," Mike said. "And I don't think you need to worry about that. When I talk to Tom, I can make sure that he makes a special initiation for the bitch here." That seemed to appease some of the guys.

"I've gotta be honest," Zak said. "I don't know if this guy is worthy of being our brother. He betrayed my trust at least once. I don't think he deserves to be one of us." Mike eyes lit up in anger.

"Let's not get this started again, Zak," Mike said. "You know you deserve what you got. You stole from me, and the cunt helped me get back what I deserved."

"Then let's test him," Zak said. "Let's make sure he can handle the omega duties." Several guys said, "Yeah!" in agreement.

"Does the guy even know what he'd have to do?," Carl asked. He looked right at me as he continued. "The omega has to serve the brothers, in every way. He is available 24 hours a day, every day while he's omega to eat the cocks, asses, armpits, feet - whatever - of any brother who asks, and to fuck and get fucked whenever a brother requests it. There are over 30 guys in the house, and you are their slave. And that's just the beginning. Are you sure you want that?"

Silence hung in the air as I considered what he was asking. I knew Mike wanted me to do this, but this was the moment of decision. I could say that I didn't want what he offered. I could say, "I don't want that. That disgusts me. I can't believe you'd even think I'd let a guy do that to me." The images of these guys using me, calling me at 4 in the morning and telling me to come over and blow them because their girlfriend was on the rag and wouldn't put out and they needed to dump a load - these images started going through my head. Images of being used by a group of horny college jocks who would use my ass and then leave me, cum dripping from my spent ass as they went to get beers and meet up with their girlfriends. Images of being part of a drunken orgy of naked men with huge cocks, waiting to blow their loads into the nearest holes. These images flooded my mind, and the choice was obvious.

"Yes," I said to Carl. "I want that, and more." My face burned with shame at admitting that I wanted not only Mike, but all these men here and many more, to use my body for their pleasure.

Carl shook his head. "That's one fucking desperate pussyboy you've got there," Carl said to Mike. "He really does need this job." Mike snorted and looked around.

"I still think that we need to test him out," Zak said. "Make sure that, even if he does pass the initiation, that he'll please the rest of the brothers." More shouts of agreement from his brothers. It seemed odd to me that Zak of all people would want to test me out first. He already knew that I liked to eat as-s and cum and loved getting fucked. It was a show of power for him, I could tell. He wanted to get back at me, and this was one way he could.

"All right," Mike said. "The bitch lives for cum. If you want to test him before we send him upstairs, we can test him." The guys yelling in appreciation and Zak got a smirk on his face as he started to stroke his cock through his jeans.

The guys went around the room, opening doors to closets, and getting the room ready. Carl went and got something made out of black leather and started attaching it to some bolts in the ceiling. I had never seen a sling before, but once it was hooked up, I knew instantly what it was.

Cumming next: Part 12 - Initiation

Administrative Stuff: * I'm really sorry about the delay in posting, and for the brevity of this installment. I was planning on part 11 being a lot longer, but I'm going to break it up into 2 installments. I got a little burned out on writing, but I'm getting inspired again. I'm also going on vacation for a week and won't be able to write. It might take me another 3-4 weeks to write part 12, so be patient. In the mean time - how about some of you guys with your own great stories write something and post on nifty? * If you're curious what I look like, you can view a face picture at . Just click on the picture and the distorsion will go away. * In typical style, if you liked this story, you might also like on the Nifty archive:

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Rim Shots These stories have truly inspired me and caused me to shoot enough cum to fill a bathtub. Thanks to all of the folks who wrote those stories. * Thanks for all the encouragement so far. Fan emails are welcome but not required ( I will continue to write the story even if I don't get emails. If I don't write back for a while, it's only because I'm working on the next part, so please be patient. * About me: I'm 28, love rimming, and like to get dominated by guys 18-35. I currently live in LA, though I may be moving to SF in August. If you're interested in hooking up, email me with a picture and we'll see what we can do.

Next: Chapter 12

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