Dorm Daze

Published on Apr 1, 1997



The following story is a work of fiction containing explicit descriptions of sexual activity between young male adults. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of gay sex, or if you are underage, do NOT continue. The characters are based loosely on real-life celebrities (see if you can guess which ones) ... but the story itself is entirely a work of fiction, a product of the authors' imaginations. (Yes, there are two of us.) This story may be distributed freely as long as this disclaimer and header remain intact. Comments and criticism encouraged. Ideas for future characters/story lines welcomed. Flames ignored. Reply in confidence to:

Dorm Daze (An All-Male Celebrity Fantasy with Light B/D) by Fub and Bg

John lowered a hand to his crotch and adjusted his basket. He was wearing a jock under his trademark tattered jeans, but the touch of his hand still excited him. Without thinking, he hooked his fingers under his hidden balls and began to stroke the meaty outline of his cock with the crook of his thumb. His cut six-inch dick grew nicely, its shape clearly defined as it stiffened beneath his jeans.

Getting into it, John closed his eyes and let his thumb do its magic. A few more strokes and his cock was fully erect, its fat, crimson head oozing a continuous rope of pre-cum into his jock. His nipples stiffened reflexively as his pleasure quickly mounted. He was rubbing away, within a few well-placed strokes of cumming, when he abruptly stopped and opened his eyes. Any other day he would've dropped his jeans and finished himself off. But not today. Today was check-in day at the dorm, the day he'd be entrusted with the care of fifty horny college freshmen.

John had some definite plans. And as a resident advisor, he was in a perfect position to carry them out. He'd already been on campus a week, attending boring orientation meetings during the day, with nothing but his hand to keep him company at night. But all that was about to change. Smiling to himself, John kept his grip on his crotch and moved quietly across the room. It was a typical dorm room, with two of everything, from beds and desks to bookshelves and built-in closets. There were even two identical full-length mirrors, one of which he'd cleverly angled so that he had a great view of every corner of the room from the comfort of his bed. All the other RAs had opted for larger rooms, ones with private baths, but not John. With all those tanned and buffed California boys running around half-naked, who wanted a private bath? The only thing John hadn't worked out was how he'd keep from throwing a boner in the communal shower at the end of the hall!

A sexy smile creased John's lips as he paused in front of the full-length mirror. The image staring back was just the one he wanted--casual, but very sexy. His trademark 501 Levi's were stylishly tattered and faded, but John was no slave to fashion. He didn't much care for the over-sized, baggy look of Marky-Mark wannabes. His jeans fit snug, even tight, and clung to every bulge and curve of his muscular body like a glove.

In front, the taut fist-sized mound of his cock and balls left no doubt as to his gender, while from the rear, the soft denim clung to his boyish bubble-butt like a second skin. Top it all off with an equally snug basic-white T-shirt and boots, and there you had it -- a look that turned many a head wherever John went, plenty of them male. Of course his baby-faced good looks and thin, sensual lips didn't hurt either.

Satisfied with his appearance, John tried to forget the dull ache between his legs as he moved across the room and sat down at his desk. His dick was still semi-hard, awash in a sea of pre-cum. Some of the shiny juice had soaked through his jock and glistened on the front of his button-flys. Without thinking, John scooped it up with his thumb and licked it away. His cock stirred anew as the familiar sweet taste exploded on his tongue. But once again he resisted the urge to jerk-off and turned his attention instead to his surroundings.

Each room on his floor was heated and cooled by the same centrally-located unit. As John had hoped, the vents up near the ceiling of his room were separated from the other rooms by cheap aluminum ductwork. Just a few discreet punches with a sharpened screwdriver, and John had opened a series of pencil-thick holes through which he'd be able to see and hear anything that went on in the adjoining rooms. It was awkward...he still had to climb up on a desk and stand on tiptoe. But since there was two of everything in the room, he merely positioned each desk to give the best viewing angle. It seemed a small price to pay for spying on his hunky neighbors.

Even better, since he was RA on his floor, John had complete control over who got which room. And that's where being RA in the hottest dorm at the most prestigious school in southern California had its rewards. In the room to his right, he'd placed Corey and Jonathan. With the two of them in one room, John figured he'd know the score before the first night was over. And in the room to his left, John had assigned a kid he'd never met, a guy named Scott. Scott, so far at least, didn't have a roommate. But John wasn't naive enough to think that a stud like Scott would lack for willing bedmates... of either sex. Little did John know.

Finally, in his nocturnal rambles around the dorm, John had stumbled across a couple of t-rooms, complete with glory-holes, in a quiet, darkened men's room in a little used corner of the basement. If he ever tired of the guys on his floor, he might try his luck there. So, for John at least, the new term was shaping up to be the best ever. Contented, he was staring absent-mindedly out the window, his hand busy again at his bulging crotch, when the screech of tires in the parking lot eight floors below brought him back to reality.

John glanced down just in time to catch a fleeting glimpse of a shiny black Porsche convertible as it squealed its way out-of-sight into the parking decks. It was an expensive car, probably cost over a hundred thousand new, but in southern California it wouldn't raise an eyebrow. John certainly didn't give it a second thought until, minutes later, he heard some scuffling and muted laughter in the hallway outside. That still didn't get his attention, until he suddenly realized that the noise had moved into the room on his right. Corey and Jonathan!

John rolled to his feet and checked his appearance in the mirror. A close inspection of his fly would reveal the shapely outline of his semi-erect cock, and a closer inspection, the tell-tale splotches of pre-cum left over from the morning's extended crotch-play. But John figured anyone cruising his basket that thoroughly was welcome to see both! As the noise next door continued, John headed for his door. He knew Corey only vaguely, and Jonathan he'd never met, so he was anxious to introduce himself. But as he reached for the doorknob, something made him stop. The loud giggles and conversation from next door had given way to hushed, almost frantic, whispers and an occasional muted groan. Curious, John retraced his steps across the room. In a scene he'd practiced in his mind many times, he quickly climbed atop his desk and peered silently through the vent.

His heart pounding, John raised up on his tiptoes and peered into private world of his hunky new neighbors. At first he was blinded. The shades and curtains in the next room were open wide so the sunlight poured in unobstructed. But his hearing wasn't impaired, and the sounds he heard made his cock stiffen even further.

"That's it, whore-boy!" a voice hissed. "That's it exactly."

"Nnmmppphhh!" came the muted reply, then, "Oh, God!"

Without thinking, John lowered a hand to the now painful bulge in his jeans as his vision slowly came into focus. Seated in a desk chair, squarely in front of the window, was a clearly excited Corey. And why not? His socked feet and ankles were draped casually over the shoulders of a kneeling Jonathan, a Jonathan with his face pressed hard against the massive spit-streaked bulge in his roommate's spandex bicycle shorts!

"Yeah, lick it, whore," Corey demanded disdainfully, his fingers entangled in Jonathan's surprisingly long blond hair.

"Lick it good!"

John leaned away from the vent to catch his breath. It was hot, hotter than he'd imagined in his wildest dream! Fumbling to unbutton his fly, he leaned back to the action just as the sound of a slamming door to his left announced the arrival of Scott.

John silently scrambled off one desk and climbed up onto the opposite, peering quietly into his other neighbor's room. Scott stood about 5'8" and John pegged him at about 160 pounds. John hadn't been able to get a good look at the kid's face, but John was happy with what he saw when Scott bent over to place a cardboard box on the floor. John watched as the stud looked over his room. Scott seemed to be pleased. As he turned and exited his room, John heard him close the door behind him.

John climbed off the desk and checked himself over in the mirror before moving across the room to his door. He had every intention of bumping into Scott when he returned from unloading his car. John cracked his door and listened for the sound of the elevator. Before long, he heard the familiar 'ding' and sliding doors. John casually exited his room, and as he turned to close his door, caught a glimpse of Scott carrying a high stack of boxes. John pretended to fumble with his lock as the hunky stranger approached.

Scott began to lose his balance. The too-high pile of boxes threatened to spill to the floor. As he neared John, he over-corrected his balance and the backpack he carried over his shoulder slipped down his arm. This upset the entire load and the boxes went tumbling to the floor at John's feet.

John watched it all happen. As the last box fell from Scott's hands, their eyes locked and held for instant. Scott's eyes broke away long enough to look John up and down. Their eyes met again. John was awe-struck. Scott had short dark brown hair that seemed to hang casually on his forehead. His gray-blue eyes sparkled. Then Scott smiled. John melted when he noticed the irresistible dimples on either side of his face.

"Need some help?", John asked.

"Sure," replied Scott, breaking his stare long enough to stoop and collect the various boxes.

John noticed Scott was dressed rather nicely for the activities of the day. Scott was wearing a standard pair of 501s. He also wore a light blue button-down oxford and a dark sports coat. His cordovan loafers had been recently polished and his dark socks showed when he knelt.

The two began gathering boxes and each was wondering when the other was going to break the ice or at least try the water.

"My name's John," stated the resident advisor.

"Hi," replied Scott as he stood and pulled his room key from his pocket. "My name is Scott," he continued as he unlocked and opened his door.

Scott backed into the hallway and allowed John to pass with the first load of boxes. Scott gathered the two remaining boxes and entered his room. Scott stared hard as John bent over to put the boxes down. Scott set his boxes on one of the desks.

"Thanks," he said to John.

"No problem," replied John. "That's what I'm here for. I'm your resident advisor. I live right next door."

"No loud parties - right?", quizzed Scott with a twinkle in his eye.

"Only if I'm not invited," replied John with a tease.

"I'm sure we can work something out," tempted Scott.

Each was trying to feel each other out, it seemed. Two strangers, facing each other throwing out bits and pieces to see if the other will be the first to take the bait and run with it. A silence fell momentarily over the two. It was broken by the sound of a closing door and a couple of people headed that way.

Scott and John turned to see two guys passing in the hallway. They passed, and immediately backed up and stuck their heads in the door.

"I'm Jonathan and this is Corey," said the taller of the two.

"I'm John, the RA."

"I'm Scott."

After introductions and handshales all around, Corey contined. "We're off to grab some grub. You guys wanna join us?"

"No - thanks," said Scott. "I've still got a lot of unpacking to do."

"I'll pass, too," stated John. "I ate a short while ago."

"OK, dudes," replied Jonathan.

"Catch ya later, then," said Corey as the two continued their trek to the elevator.

"Freshmen," laughed John out loud.

Scott looked back at him. "It's a good thing I'm a Junior, then."

"So you're a transfer?", asked John rhetorically. "Where from?"

"Sacramento," replied Scott.

An awkward silence fell over the two. A familiar 'ding' was heard in the background.

"Well, hey," said John, finally breaking the silence. "I'd better get outta your way so you can settle in." He moved slowly toward the door. "If you need anything, just let me know. I'm at your service."

"Really?" asked Scott, cocking an eyebrow..

"Really," replied John in his most suggestive voice.

"So you take that 'at your service' stuff seriously?", mused Scott.

"Sure," said John, "It's my job."

"Well, there is something you can do," led Scott sheepishly.

"Name it - anything," obliged John.

"Well," said Scott as he pulled a chair out from in front of a desk and turned it to face John. "It was a very long drive from up state." he sat in the chair " and my shoes are killing my feet."

"What can I do," prompted John.

"How about a foot rub?", queried Scott.

John fell silent for a moment, then moved to the open door. Scott was thinking he had blown it and that John just had on tight jeans. He was also worried John would be offended and hold it against him. A smile crossed Scott's face as John closed the door and turned to Scott.

John sat cross-legged in front of Scott. Scott leaned back as John took Scott's left foot, lifted it and slowly removed the loafer


As John pulled Scott's shoe off, he admired the black, cotton-blend dress sock. John could tell they went all the way to this stud's knee. John was also impressed that Scott's feet didn't seem to sweat or stink.

"Your feet don't smell," observed John out loud.

"They never have," replied Scott.

John put his hands to Scott's exposed foot and began massaging the bottom. John seemed to expertly work of ball of Scott's foot. Scott was obviously enjoying this as he closed his eyes and got more comfortable. John dragged a solitary finger from Scott's heel to his toes along the bottom of his foot.

Scott sat straight up and yanked his foot out of John's grasp. "I want a rub down not tickle torture, dude," said Scott laughingly.

"Sorry," said John as he took Scott's foot back into his hands. "I didn't realize you were so ticklish."

"I'm very ticklish," stated Scott as he relaxed into John's grip again.

Scott leaned back and, at the same time, drug his right heel across the carpet. The friction allowed Scott to pull his other foot out his shoe. The loafer fell to the side with a soft plop'. Scott then moved his appendage into John's lap.

"You're gonna make me hard," teased John as he felt the warmth of Scott's foot moving closer to his crotch.

"Is that so bad?", explored Scott. He moved his toes to John's crotch and began wiggling them.

"Not at all," replied John as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation.

"Have you ever tied anyone up before?", asked Scott softly, yet out of the blue.

"Yeah, a few times. Why?", asked John.

"It's just I like being tied up and tying other guys up too. I'm into rope and I have a severe foot and sock fetish. Does that scare you off?", asked Scott tentatively.

"No," replied John. "So are you, like, into whips andchains and all that leather stuff?"

"Nah, I just get off on tying some cute guy up or getting tied up by him. I'm only into rope. I don't like handcuffs, but I do like different gags and different positions. I really get off on being tied up so I can't get loose and being left alone for varying amounts of time, then I liked to get sucked off."

By now, Scott's right foot was really working John's crotch. John was responding as Scott hoped he would.

"So where's all this rope and stuff," John asked.

"In the boxes," replied Scott. "I've got a ton of rope -"

"Shhhhhh," John said.

Scott fell silent and John could be seen straining hard to hear. There it was again - a faint knocking. John got up leaving Scott's feet to drop to the floor. John turned to the door and opened it and peered into the hallway. He looked toward his room and saw a non-descript fellow standing there. He was holding several boxes and waiting for someone to answer the door.

"Can I help you?", called John from Scott's doorway.

"Are you the RA?", asked the delivery guy.

"Yeah," replied John. "What's up?"

"These are school uniforms that need to be delivered to the guys in the room next door. Can you get these to them, ask them to try them on right away and report any problems to you?"

"Sure, just give me the boxes," stated John.

The delivery man walked the boxes to John and left.John entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"What's that?", asked Scott.

"Uniforms for Corey and Jonathan, it appears," John replied.

"Cool. What kind of outfits?", asked Scott.

John set the boxes on the floor and removed their lids. In one box appeared a soccer jersey numbered 21, a pair of black shorts, a set of shin guards and two pair of yellow soccer socks and two pair of green soccer socks.

"Primary and secondary pairs for home and away games," observed Scott of the socks. He reached into the box and withdrew a pair of each color. "I've always wanted some soccer socks and they'll never be missed."

The other box contained a green and yellow baseball cap, jersey, undershirt, black pants, and two pair of knee-high yellow socks and green ribbon stirrups. John helped himself to a pair of the yellow socks and replaced the lid.

"The next time we see each other, we'll be wearing these," said John of the socks.

"Are you taking off?", asked Scott.

"For now," stated John. "Go ahead and unpack. I'll be around and I can continue that foot massage and maybe you can show me how we might puts the ropes to these freshmen."

"Count on it," smiled Scott.

The rest of the day passed quickly for John. While his new neighbors ran themselves ragged moving in and gettin settled, John considered the implications of what he'd seen so far. The situation between Corey and Jonathan was obvious enough -- Jonathan was Corey's boy-toy, and a willing one at that. The scene John had witnessed that morning -- Jonathan on his knees, his handsome, boyish face buried eagerly in Corey's crotch -- was enough to confirm that. And who could blame the kid? John usually preferred the dominant role when it came to sex, but he could imagine a lot worse things than playing sex-slave for a stud like Corey. And as for Scott, well, the way he'd played footsie with John's crotch during their impromptu massage, John felt confident that Scott was ripe for the taking. After all, Scott had practically invited John to tie him up and have his way with him ... anytime he wanted.

And John wanted. And intended to have. What he really wanted, though, was all three hunky studs at once! And the thing that had John so excited was the fact that it suddenly seemed possible. The events of the morning had confirmed his suspicions about sexual preferences, now all he had to do was concentrate on "how, when, and where."

By mid-afternoon, John knew what he needed to do. Tossing a clean jock and the newly-acquired yellow socks atop a folded towel, he grabbed his shaving kit and headed for the communal showerroom at the end of the hall. On the way, he made a carefully planned detour by Scott's room. Scott's door was slightly ajar, and on impulse, John leaned quietly through theopening. Scott was still unpacking, but he'd made major progress. The smallish room looked less like a jail cell and more like a dorm. Posters adorned the walls, the bed was neatly made, and a compact stereo played softly from the corner. And if the room looked better, so did Scott. He'd shed his shirt and worked up a light sweat since John had last seen him.

John's eyes took a leisurely tour of Scott's body. Scott appeared to be taking a break. He was leaning against a desk, his tight, denim-covered buns pressed provocatively against the edge. He was in profile to John, and the fading sunlight from the window afforded John a perfect view. John felt his cock begin to stiffen as his eyes took in Scott's tight, muscular pecs and flat, rippling belly. Scott's nipples were small and colored a delicate pink, their flesh drawn taut by the muscle beneath, their sensitive tips slightly puckered and pointing vaguely downward. John licked his lips, giving each nub an imaginary suck, as his eyes drifted lower. Scott's torso was smooth, his skin bronzed and flawless. Except for the fuzzy brown treasure trail that began at his navel and disappeared suggestively into his jeans, he was also completely hairless.

John's cock stiffened shamelessly in his jock and jeans. He'd been staring for a full minute, and could've stared for five or ten more, when the "ping" of the elevator brought him back to his senses. He recovered and turned, subconsciously shielding the tell-tale bulge in his jeans with the folded towel, as Jonathan and Corey emerged from an elevator at the far end of the hall. Wasting no time, John quietly extricated himself from Scott's door and made a bee-line for the sexy pair. He caught up just as Corey slipped the key into the lock.

"Hi, guys!" John greeted them warmly, extending both arms in a mock embrace. "Welcome home..."

Jonathan answered with a shy smile and a nod. Corey shot John a surprised look, his handsome face breaking into a wide grin as his eyes focused pointedly on John's crotch. In his haste, John had forgotten his arousal. His six-plus inch dick was pegged to his jeans, visible in exquisite detail.

"Hi, yourself," Corey teased, unlocking the door and ushering them all into the room. "So, is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just glad to see us?"

"What?" John stammered, caught off guard. He instinctively started to cover his crotch, but thought better of it. The cat was out of the bag, so to speak, why not see what happened?

Corey closed the door, then draped an affectionate arm around Jonathan's shoulders and led him over to John. "I would ask what's up?" Corey said to John, clearly enjoying himself. "But that's pretty obvious." His eyes returned to John's ample bulge.

John waited till Corey looked up, then caught his gaze and looked deep in his eyes. "They say it never hurts to advertise," John chuckled, reaching down to adjust his crotch for emphasis. His cock stirred anew, its bulbous head clearly outlined as it snaked its way down his pants leg.

Corey's eyes never wavered from John's, but Jonathan's were now glued to the stiff bulge in John's jeans. As John's cock continued to grow, an involuntary gasp escaped Jonathan's lips. The unexpected sound made Corey and John break eye contact.

"Still think he's cute?" Corey teased Jonathan, leaning over to flick Jonathan's ear with the tip of his tongue.

Jonathan blushed a deep, violent red. He didn't say anything, but his eyes never left John's bulging basket.

Corey laughed and mussed Jonathan's hair as if he were a child. "He told me this morning that he thought you were hot," Corey explained to John, moving across the room to flop across a bed. "He said he'd like to suck your dick..."

Jonathan blushed even more, but his eyes never wavered from John's denim-covered hard-on. John shot Corey a quizzical look. Corey was sprawled across the bed, his legs spread, a hand cupped suggestively at his crotch.

"Hell, let him blow ya'," Corey advised John, his fingers establishing a rhythm against the spandex. "He's a great cocksucker, believe me..."

John looked at Jonathan to gauge his reaction. The crazy kid was just staring at John's crotch. Then, there it was, the "universal" sign of cocksucking. The tip of Jonathan's tongue played suggestively around his lips. A quick examination of Jonathan's basket confirmed for John that the kid was not only receptive to the idea, but excited by it. The fly of Jonathan's jeans stood out at a crazy angle, the force of the kid's erection exposing every button.

John smiled. Yeah, the kid wanted it, all right. And so did John, but not here. not now. "So." John asked, turning his gaze back to Corey, "What about you?"

"What about me?" Corey shot back, moving his hand to expose the massive bulge in his bicycle pants, clearly for John's benefit.

John gave it an appreciative cruise. Despite being in his twenties, Corey was still quite boyish in appearance. But there was nothing boyish about the bulge between his legs. Now it was John's turn to lick his lips. As he did, he made sure Corey noticed.

John looked back Jonathan. The kid met his eyes for the first time. It was obvious to John that the kid was both willing and eager to please. Almost as eager as John was to let him.

On impulse, John reached out and stroked Jonathan's face. His skin was soft and silken smooth, unmarred by blemish or even facial hair. As John stroked his face, Jonathan opened his mouth and drew John's thumb suggestively between his lips. As he clamped down firmly around its base, his tongue began to swirl and his cheeks drew in tight as he applied a dizzying amount of suction.

John's knees began to quiver. Fantastic, he thought. And all with no hint of teeth. After nearly a full minute, John retrieved his thumb. There was a resounding wet slurp as he pried it from the vacuum-like grip of Jonathan's lips.

John took a step back and glanced at his watch. "Eight o'clock," he gasped, his voice nearly cracking from the excitement, "My room. Can you make it?"

Jonathan suppressed a smile and focused on the floor. In true boy-toy fashion, he was leaving it up to Corey, though the straining bulge in his jeans continued to give him away.

For his part, Corey leapt to his feet and rushed across the room to plant a wet, sucking kiss square on John's lips. "Bet your ass," he chuckled, cupping John's denim-covered buns for emphasis.

John opened his mouth and lost himself in the kiss. As Corey's tongue invaded his mouth, John could feel their hard-ons grind between them, separated by nothing but a few flimsy layers of spandex and denim. Meanwhile, for his part, Jonathan had dropped to his knees and was busy nuzzling and sucking their swollen baskets. John was forced to break away as the kid's hungry, sucking lips somehow latched onto the swollen, leaking tip of his dick. John could feel the suction, even through his jock and jeans.

"Whoa, boy!" John gasped, mussing Jonathan's hair as Corey had done. "That's enough.. for now."

"Yeah," Corey chimed in, grabbing Jonathan by his hair and roughly forcing him to his crotch. "If you wanna suck dick, what's wrong with mine?"

Jonathan answered by burying his face between Corey's legs. John flashed back to that morning when he'd seen the exact same sight through his peep hole.

John looked at Corey and winked. "Well, since you have a

slave, mind if I bring one? Later, to my room, I mean."

Corey grinned, shamelessly grinding his swollen, spit-wet crotch into Jonathan's face. "Hell, no. The more the merrier, I always say."

"Excellent!" John replied, headed for the door. "See you at eight o'clock, then."

"Count on it," Corey assured him.

And with that, John was gone.

John streaked back down the hall and flew into Scott's room. Before Scott could react, John had him pinned to the wall, a hand cupped at his crotch as he planted a hot, wet kiss square on his lips. Startled and confused, Scott resisted at first. But within a few seconds, his tongue was deep in John's mouth, his cock stiffening under John's fingers, as the frenching continued.

"My room. Eight o'clock," John explained between kisses.

"Corey and Jonathan. You and me."

"Mmmmmm..." Scott gurgled, catching John's tongue between his lips and sucking it deep in his mouth.

After all the intense foreplay with Corey and Jonathan, it was almost too much for John. As the cum boiled up in his balls, he broke off the kiss and ran for the door. "Eight o'clock," he called back over his shoulder, "And bring some of those ropes you showed me..."

Breathless, Scott nodded and massaged the stiff lump in his jeans as he watched John go. Ropes, huh? Oh, yeah. It was going to be quite a night...

After making arrangements for a 8 o'clock rendezvous with his three neighbors, John and his hard-on made their way into the communal shower. John wanted to be clean and fresh when the party began. John pushed the bathroom door open and stepped onto the chilly tile floor. He took another opportunity to check himself out in front of the bank of mirrors that lined the wall above a row of five sinks. John pulled his T-shirt over his head and admired his tanned pecs in the mirror. Looking at himself like that and thinking about the evening's impending events, John felt a familiar stiffening in his jeans. Within a minute, John had stepped out of his jeans and jock. He stood for a moment in front of the sink, as naked as the day he was born. John placed his clothing on a sink and stepped into the shower stall. John picked one of the middle shower heads so if anyone else came in, he couldn't be too far away from John. John turned on the water and adjusted the temperature to his liking.

Scott also had a raging boner. The kiss John had left him with was still very much on his mind and lips. Scott looked down at his bare chest and noticed his nipples were as erect as his dick. Scott lifted his hand to his chest to rub his nipples. From time to time he would squeeze the meaty tip of his teat between his fingers. Scott winced slightly due to the twinge his foreplay sent to his brain. As his cock stiffened further, Scott moved his free hand to make his basket more comfortable in his Levi's. After a few moments of feeling himself up, Scott turned his attention to a box in the bottom of his closet.

Meanwhile, two doors down, Jonathan was again on his knees in front of Corey. Corey certainly seemed to have his blonde boy-toy trained very well. Corey's spandex shorts were dangling around his knees and Jonathan could be heard slurping and sucking away at his master's stiff prick. One the year and a half Corey and Jonathan had been together, Jonathan could not remember a time Corey had sucked his dick. Jonathan was quite content to be the focus of Corey's attention and rough play. The only thing Jonathan had gotten from Corey was an occasional reach around when Corey was butt fucking his younger friend. Jonathan didn't seem to mind the arrangement and seemed content to serve Corey as Corey demanded. Corey was usually pretty easy going with Jonathan and that made Jonathan feel completely safe as long as Corey was nearby. The only time Jonathan had not felt safe was a year ago when he forgot he and Corey had a date. Jonathan completely spaced the arrangement and had even failed to call Corey. Corey had waited at a restaurant for a full hour and was quite pissed when he finally did catch up with Jonathan. In order to get even with his slave for fucking up, Corey loaned Jonathan to a buddy of his for an entire weekend. That weekend, Jonathan was kept locked in a small cage when he was not being fucked by four different people. Corey wasn't around for the whole time and Jonathan was quite scared by the entire ordeal.

Corey's friend did not let Jonathan use the bathroom, shower or eat for a full 50 hours. Corey made his point that weekend and Jonathan had never fucked up as badly since.

Corey grunted and pulled his dick from Jonathan's mouth just in time to spray his man-juice on Jonathan's face and hair. Corey, being relieved, pushed Jonathan away.

"Go get yourself cleaned up for the party tonight", ordered Corey.

Jonathan did not reply. Instead, he stood up, moved to his closet and pulled out a clean towel, a bottle of shampoo and a plastic box containing soap. Jonathan then moved to the closed door and stood there silently.

"Dismissed," was all Corey said. It was Jonathan's clue that he now had permission to actually leave Corey's sight.

Jonathan opened the door, stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind him. Jonathan could hear someone else taking a shower as he proceeded to push open the bathroom door. As Jonathan entered the bathroom, he noticed a pile of clothes on the sink and could make out faint singing coming from the shower. Jonathan quickly and quietly stripped his clothes. His dick dangled freely and he took several steps across the tile floor to relieve himself in a urinal. Once his piss was complete, Jonathan turned and gathered his shampoo and soap. He then quietly entered the shower stall and scanned John up and down as he turned on the water.

"Hey," said John, rinsing the shampoo from his hair.

"Hi," replied Jonathan quietly and he fumbled with the water temperature.

"I'm really looking forward to tonight," continued John.

John watched Jonathan briefly. John could see that Jonathan was excited to be naked in the shower with him. Jonathan's seven inches was at full attention.

"And from what I can tell, you're looking forward to it as well," teased John.

"Yeah," replied Jonathan.

"Tell you what," prompted John, "why don't you stop by my room at about six o'clock."

"What do you have in mind," queried Jonathan shyly.

John turned off the water over his head. "Why don't you just show up and find out?" John stepped out of the shower and began drying himself.

Jonathan continued to clean himself. John finished drying and wrapped the towel around his waist. "Catch you in a bit," he said as he opened the bathroom door and stepped into the hallway.

John entered his room and looked at his clock radio he had set up near his bed. It would be another three hours or so before the others showed up. John opened his closet and grabbed and neatly hung pair of button fly Levi's. He also grabbed a dress shirt and put it on leaving it unbuttoned for the time being. He left his feet bare. John then moved to his favorite perch in the room - in front of the mirror. He eyed himself as he ran his fingers through his wet hair to put it in place. Satisfied that he was looking good, John opened the door and stepped into the hallway. He padded down the carpeting to Scott's room.

John knocked softly on Scott's door.

"Come in," prompted Scott from behind the door.

John turned the knob, pushed the door open and stepped in. As John entered Scott's room, both cruised each other up and down. John was pleased with what Scott had done with himself. Scott had put on a shirt similar to what John was wearing. Scott had buttoned his shirt about halfway up. Although Scott did not have shoes on, he was wearing a pair of black, white and gray argyle socks.

"What's up, dude?", asked Scott of his visitor.

"I wanted to learn the ropes so to speak before our gathering tonight," replied John.


"Well, what do you want to know?", asked the teacher of his pupil.

"The basics to get me started," stated John.

Scott moved to his closet and pulled out a cardboard box. His pulled back the four flaps to expose the contents. John looked in the box and saw bunches of white cord of varying thickness. He also noticed several bandannas, scarves, and several pieces of equipment made of what appeared to be leather and metal. Scott began rummaging through the box tossing some of it's contents onto the floor in the middle of the room.

"OK," said Scott as he stood upright. "There are a few things always to remember when playing with ropes. First, the goal is to secure someone without hurting them or cutting off circulation. It doesn't mean they can't be uncomfortable. As a rule, I never use anything on a person's neck. It's just too dangerous. Secondly, make sure you're victim can always breathe and never, Never, NEVER leave someone bound and gagged and alone for more than about two minutes. Too many things can go wrong. The last thing we want is for our play to turn someone into a corpse."

"I never imagined it would be this complicated," said John.

"Just remember to use common sense. It's also a good thing to establish a safe word."

"A safe word?", asked John.

"Yeah," replied Scott. "It's a code word that both parties agree on before the ropes come out. If I tied you up and you got too uncomfortable, you would say the safe word and I would immediately free you - no questions asked and no delay on my part."

"What if you use a gag?", asked John.

"Then the person mumbles until the captor takes the gag out. Continuous mumbling is a way to get me to take the gag out so you can really say what's on your mind," explained Scott.

"Bailey," said John.

"Bailey?", asked Scott.

"My safe word," replied John. "As in Bailey's Irish Cream."

"Cool," agreed Scott. "My word will be energy'."

"OK," prompted John. "What's next?"

"Ropes," stated Scott. "There are different sizes for different tasks." Scott lifted a bundle of white cord from the floor. "There are also various lengths. These shoestrings," said Scott as he lifted one for John to see, "are used for such things as tying toes together or wrapping someone's balls. The thicker ropes are for hands, feet, knees, elbows, and so on. In a minute I'll show how to effectively secure someone without cutting off their circulation."

"What else?", asked John.

"Well there are all sorts of things," continued the teacher. "I've got bandannas and scarves that you can use as gags and blindfolds. There are also some more sophisticated and dedicated items in here."

"Like what?", asked John excitedly. "Show me!"

Scott reached into the box and pulled out a chain about 12 inches long. It was a rather thin chain and there appeared to be a type of alligator clip attached to each end of the chain. "Tit clamps," stated Scott as he showed the device to John.

"How does that work?", asked the pupil.

"Well", said Scott as he approached John, "Like this." Scott brought one hand up to John's chest and pushed his open shirt away. He then squeezed one of the alligator clips between his fingers and, with his other hand, pinched together a hunk of flesh around John's left nipple. Scott then expertly guided the clip around the bunched up skin and slowly loosened his grip on the clip to allow it to close on John's tit. John felt the pressure being applied and gasped in discomfort as Scott let go of the clip. It was now hanging on to John's tit like a pit bull would a cat. Seeing that John was willing to try the device, Scott applied the opposite clip to John's other tit.

"That's not too bad," observed John.

Scott took the length of chain between the two clips into his hand and began pulling it away from John's chest. The clips continued to cling to John's tits and as Scott applied more force, John began to feel the discomfort that tit clamps could offer. "And that's a mild taste of what I like to call tit torture," said Scott. Scott dropped the chain. The metal fell against John's chest. It was cool and reminded John of those damn stethoscopes that he could swear the doctor's keep in a freezer until they get ready to use it. Neither Scott not John made any immediate attempts to remove the device from John's chest.

Jonathan rinsed his hair and turned off the water. He dried himself and slipped back into his jeans for his trek down the hall to his room. Corey was laying on the his bed with his eyes closed when Jonathan entered the room. Corey said nothing and opened his eyes to watch his boy-toy go through his post shower routine.

Jonathan stepped in front of the mirror in the room and grabbed a bottle of hair gel. He ran his fingers through his damp and now somewhat sticky hair to put it in place. Jonathan then moved to his closet and slid open the door. He stood there for a moment examining the contents of his closet, trying to determine what to wear.

"Put on your pink shirt and red socks," came a command from behind him.

Jonathan did not turn and grabbed the hanger holding his pink oxford. Jonathan removed it from the hanger and put the short on. He replaced the now empty hanger and moved to his sock drawer. Jonathan fumbled through several pair of folded socks until he found the pair his master had referenced. Jonathan closed the closet door and moved to a chair to put his socks on. After pulling up his socks, Jonathan buttoned his shirt and tucked it into his jeans.

"Now," said the commanding voice again, "put on your party going accessories while I shower."

With that said, Corey stood up, grabbed a clean towel and the shampoo and headed out the door. Jonathan knew what Corey wanted. Jonathan opened one of the drawers in his desk and pulled out two devices and a length of thin rope. Jonathan then grabbed and jar of Vaseline and coated a plastic butt-plug with the lubricant.

Jonathan then dropped his drawers, bent over and guided the butt plug up his ass. Once the plug was inserted, Jonathan formed a harness between his legs with the piece of rope. Jonathan finished tying the harness so the butt-plug could not be removed until the rope was removed. Next, Jonathan placed a light weight device on his stiffened pecker. It was actually what is called a cock cage. The device was comprised of leather straps that held decreasing diameters of metal rings. Jonathan guided his dick through the metal rings and connected a fastener around the base of his cock and balls. Next, Jonathan slid a small padlock through a metal ring on the buckle and closed the lock. Corey had the only key and this device could not be removed until Corey unlocked the padlock. Jonathan then pulled his pants back up and tucked in his shirt.

Now he was ready for a party. Jonathan looked at his watch. He still had some time before he was to be in John's room.

"And that's pretty much what you need to know to get started, John," said Scott to his pupil.

"Cool," replied John.

"Here," volunteered Scott, "Tie me up for some practice."

John liked the invitation. Scott turned around and placed his hands behind his back. John went to work and, within two minutes, had Scott's hands snugly restrained behind him. Next, John led Scott to the bunk beds in his room and turned Scott so his back was to one of the corners of the beds. John then secured Scott's hands to the bed. John then grabbed another piece of rope and trussed Scott's stocking ankles as he had been instructed to. John then took his time and added another piece of rope to Scott's chest and another to his knees and a third to his crotch.

"How's that?", asked John as he finished tying the final knot.

Scott gave the ropes an obligatory tug and replied, "This will keep me busy a little while."

Without saying a word, John leaned into to his hostage and planted and deep kiss on his lips. The kiss was intense and lasted for more than a minute. As John drew away, he quickly placed a wadded up handkerchief in Scott's mouth. A second handkerchief was tied around Scott's head to keep the first in. Scott offered no resistance.

"I'm going to leave you here to see if you can get loose," stated John. "If you're not in my room a eight, I'll come and get you."

Before John moved to leave the room, he grabbed the tit clamps and placed them on Scott in the same manner Scott had placed them on him earlier. Remaining silent, John grabbed a bunch or rope and some of the other toys and left the room and locked the door behind him. John could always get back in since he had a master key for all the rooms on his floor.

Scott tested his bonds, looking for a loose spot to begin his escape. Fortunately, John was not very experienced at this stuff and Scott was sure he would be loose within the hour.

John entered his room and looked at the clock. Jonathan should be showing up shortly.

At precisely six o'clock, there was a faint knock at John's door. Suppressing a smile, John stood up and adjusted his ample crotch as he checked his reflection in the mirror. Satisfied, he moistened his lips with his tongue and faced the door. "It's open," he called softly.

Jonathan slipped into the room and quietly closed the door behind him. "Hi!" he whispered, an eager smile creasing his boyish face as his eyes focused boldly on the bulge in John's snug-fitting Levi's.

John's cock, already semi-erect, quickly surged to full erection. Within seconds it was visible in exquisite detail, its impressive length and girth capped by an even fatter, more bulbous head. As it stiffened, a rope of pre-cum oozed from John's piss-slit and stained his jock. John had forgotten just how sexy the younger man looked.

Jonathan could've easily passed for a school boy. His skin was smooth and soft, completely free of blemishes, the sort of skin that begged to be caressed and kissed and licked. John intended to do all that, but for now he was content to look over his prey. Jonathan's lanky, youthful body was perfectly proportioned, filling his pink oxford cloth shirt and stone-washed button-fly jeans to perfection. But as boyish as Jonathan looked, there was nothing boyish about the man-sized bulge between his legs. His basket was positively obscene!

John felt a sudden pang of jealousy as he imagined what fun Corey must have with a cock like that. Little did he know.

"Glad you could make it," John finally offered, prying his eyes from Jonathan's crotch.

"Thanks for inviting me," Jonathan replied with a shy grin. "Sir."

"Relax," John chuckled. "And drop the 'sir' crap until I tell you different."

Jonathan blushed. "Yes, sir. I mean, okay..."

All the while, Jonathan's eyes never wavered from John's crotch, a fact not lost on John. And while he usually preferred the dominant role, John thought it might be fun to let Jonathan set the pace. The way Corey treated him, John didn't imagine the poor kid got that many chances to act out HIS fantasies.

"So.what are you into?" John asked, moving across the room to a dorm-sized fridge. "Want a drink?"

"Yeah. A coke, please sir."

John peeled a coke from the plastic six-pack holder and tossed it to Jonathan. "Well." he prompted, opening a drink for himself.

"Well, what?" Jonathan stammered.

"What are you into?" John replied evenly. "You know, sex. What do you like?"

Jonathan seemed to relax a bit. "Oh, whatever you like. Whatever you tell me, I mean."

John sipped his coke and shook his head. "Uh-huh. I'm interested in what YOU like. Get it?"

This time Jonathan shook his head. "Not really..." he stammered, blushing a deep red.

"Hey, relax," John chuckled, hoping to put the kid at ease. "I didn't ask you over to make you nervous, you know."

To demonstrate, and hopefully get things going, John leapt across the room and planted a wet, sloppy kiss square on Jonathan's lips. The kid tasted sweet from the coke he'd been sipping, and before he could react, John had latched onto his tongue and sucked it deep into his mouth. Jonathan was clearly startled at first, but after a few seconds he lost himself in the kiss, as little by little, John let him take control. Within a minute it was Jonathan who was sucking John's tongue, drawing it deep in his mouth with hard, wet, slurping sucks. It was Jonathan who was grinding his stiff crotch bulge against John's, getting-off as the thin layers of denim darkened with the pre-cum that oozed from their stiff, engorged dicks.

It was a very hot kiss, one that surprised even Jonathan. "God!" he stammered, breaking for air. "Sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"Didn't mean to?" John teased, kissing each of his eyes. "You're incredible, you know that? Why don't you dump Corey and come live with me." John was only joking, but Jonathan's response was dead serious.

"Sometimes I think it'd serve him right," Jonathan snarled, leaning in for another kiss.

John closed his eyes and followed Jonathan's lead. The tiny room seemed twenty degrees warmer as it echoed with the sounds of their heavy-breathing and hard, slurping kisses.

"He treats me like shit, you know," Jonathan added between sucks, his tongue lashing hard at John's. "He fucks me and makes me suck him off, and he never does me..."

John grabbed the coke can from Jonathan's hand and nearly spilled it as he hastily slammed it to the desk. Looking deep into Jonathan's eyes, John said, "You're kidding, right?" as he guided Jonathan's hands down to his denim-covered buns.

"Uh-uh," Jonathan sighed, taking the cue. His hands cupped John's tight buns and began a firm massage, his muscular fingers digging deep in the sexy crease between.

"Aw, man," John sighed. "That's nice. But back to Corey. I mean, he blows you now and then, right?"


"Okay. So he lets you fuck him once a while..."

"No way."

Intrigued with the turn of conversation, John moved a hand to Jonathan's crotch and copped an exploratory feel. "God, a dick like this and he doesn't let you use it?"

Jonathan traced his tongue around John's lips. "He gives me a reach around. sometimes. If I'm extra good."

John fluttered his tongue against Jonathan's. John was getting some definite ideas, mostly involving Corey. "Have you ever fucked him?"

"Not once."

"Has he blown you?"


John giggled, his fingers busy at the button on Jonathan's jeans. "Would you like him." John's fingers slipped into Jonathan's fly and encountered the hard metal of the cock-cage. "Jesus! What's that?"

Jonathan dropped his jeans and jockeys. His dick was fully erect, its tender flesh trapped in the leather and metal cage. "Corey makes me wear it," he explained.

John looked at the contraption, paying special attention to the small padlock. He'd heard of such things, but never seen one. "But why...?"

"Well," Jonathan sighed, hoisting his jockeys then his jeans, "It lets him control me even when he's not around. I mean, I can't exactly get blown or fuck anybody in this contraption, now can I?"

"You mean he's THAT jealous?" John chuckled, shaking his head.

"Yeah," Jonathan sighed. "And I didn't even show you the butt-plug."

John whistled. "I had no idea." John stared at the boyish young man standing in front of him. The vague plan that had been building in his head suddenly became crystal clear. It was time to find Scott and clue him in.

Scott heard John's door open and close and had just enough time to leap back onto the bed and position himself before his own door swung open. Scott had freed himself from John's rather amateurish bonds minutes after John left, but Scott wanted John to think he'd been waiting that way for some time. The tit clamps tugged as his erect nipples as the heavy chain swung from his exertions. The chain stopped moving just as John and Jonathan burst into the room.

"Jesus!" Jonathan gulped, staring at the bound and gagged figure.

"Shit!" gasped John, racing across to untie his new friend. "I thought you'd get loose, man. I didn't tie 'em that tight, I swear."

Scott, having enjoyed his little joke, worked his left hand free before John released his right. "Relax," Scott chuckled, "You're a sexy guy, John, but you're piss-poor with rope."

Everybody had a good laugh, even Jonathan, when he figured out what had happened. And as Jonathan and Scott introduced themselves, John took a moment to explain his plan. Basically, while Corey watched, Scott and Jonathan would act as John's slaves, doing each and everything he told them. And it would be quite a show. While one sucked his cock, the other would suck his ass. Then they'd each suck a nipple as they jerked him off, short of cumming, of course. Or maybe both suck his cock at once, their swirling tongues dueling with his rigid rod in between. The whole idea, of course, was that in addition to being a lot of fun for them all, it would make Corey hot beyond all belief. Especially when he thought he was next in line.

But Corey would be wrong. At the last moment John and Jonathan would hold him while Scott expertly bound his hands and feet. Then they'd stretch him across John's weight bench and do to him all the things he'd been doing to Jonathan. For starters, John and Scott would watch while Jonathan butt-fucked his reluctant pal and then swapped ends for a blow. Then they'd all join the act and drive Corey crazy with three cocks at once!

"Good plan," Scott chuckled, smiling his sexiest smile.

"Yeah," Jonathan agreed, "But there's just one problem..."

"What's that?" John asked.

"This." Jonathan unbuttoned his jeans and dropped his jockeys. His stiff cock sprang forward, trapped tight in its cage.

Scott whistled and dropped to his knees for a closer look. "I think I can help," he concluded. After looking at Jonathan's hard-on for longer than was strictly necessary, he rolled to his feet and went to rummage in his closet. He was back in a moment with a ring of tiny keys. "One of these ought to work," he explained, gingerly grasping Jonathan's balls. And the third key did...

"All right!" Jonathan sighed, unlacing the restrictive leather and metal. "Wow."

"Aw, poor baby," Scott teased.

And the next thing Jonathan knew, Scott's lips were sliding over the engorged crown of his dick!

John watched appreciatively as Scott proceeded to give a classic blowjob. Lots of sucking and licking on the oozing glans, especially the sensitive underside, then a slow descent on the shaft till Scott's nose was buried firmly in wispy blond pubes. For his part, John remembered the butt-plug and leapt into action himself, unlashing the straps and working the tapered rubber head in and out, in and out, of Jonathan's ass in time to Scott's powerful sucks. The whole scene had developed so quickly and spontaneously that John was tempted to let it go to climax. Jonathan was close... really close. But no. The next time Jonathan came, John wanted it to be in Corey's face, Corey's mouth, Corey's ass. And John intended to be watching.

"Okay, that's enough, boys" John shrieked, snatching the butt-plug from Jonathan's ass with one hand as he forced Scott's sucking mouth from his dick with the other. "We have bigger plans than this. Now, let's get over to my room and get set...."


The three left the room and headed for John's. Scott had packed his ropes and other toys in a knapsack. It was not unlike those other students used to carry their books back and forth to class. As they stepped into the hall, the threesome noticed Corey backing out of his room. Corey acknowledged the three by flashing them a smile. Corey was wearing blue jeans, cowboy style boots and a white T-shirt covered partly by a plain black vest. His hair was still damp from his shower. The threesome smiled back at Corey in unison then turned to each other and smiled deviously. Corey didn't seem to notice their second grin. Corey joined the three and entered John's room. Other guys were wandering about the hall or from room to room. No one paid any attention to the four entering the RA's room.

John closed and locked the door behind him. Corey, Jonathan and Scott made themselves comfortable and sat around the room on various pieces of furniture. John moved to his stereo system and popped open the glass front. He turned on the power and set his multi-disk CD player into motion. He closed the door on the front of the stereo and grabbed its remote control. John adjusted the volume as he turned to the three lads.

"The music will help, but everyone has to keep their voices down," warned John. John, setting the plan in motion, looked directly at Scott. "Boy.", ordered John, "Get off your ass and offer our guests a drink and prepare my usual."

Scott took his cue. He asked both Corey and Jonathan what they wanted to drink.

"Gin and tonic with a twist of lime," ordered Corey.

Scott then looked at Jonathan.

"I'll just have a cola," stated Jonathan.

Scott acknowledged their orders and stepped across the room to a surprisingly well-stocked bar. John was of legal drinking age and could pick up anything at the liquor store. Scott found everything he needed to fulfill the requests. John always drank Jack and Coke. Scott prepared John's drink with a bit more JD than usual. Scott grabbed the same for himself. Scott then presented John's drink to him. John had taken up residence in the only recliner in the room. It was the throne and John was king in this room. "I don't remember saying you could drink, boy", said John when he noticed Scott taking a drink.

"You didn't," apologized Scott. "I'm sorry, sir."

Corey and Jonathan, sitting next to each other on a love seat, remained quiet and watched with interest.

"Put the drink down and come here," commanded John softly, yet with menace.

Scott obliged and approached John. Scott kept his eyes focused on the floor.

"Kneel," stated John.

Scott did, without hesitation. Scott's knees were now at John's feet.

"Take my shoes off," came the next order.

Scott did as he was told. Scott pulled John's loafers off and placed them neatly beside John's chair. John grabbed a handle on the side of the recliner and pulled it. The foot rest came out and, with one swift motion, Scott was now staring directly at John's bare, size 10 feet.

"Massage my feet."

Scott scooped up John's right foot and began grinding his fingers and closed fist into the sole of John's foot. John took a sip from his drink, closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

"That feels good, boy," he commented.

The massage continued for about two minutes. Corey and Jonathan were still watching silently. From time to time they would glance at each other, then shift their eyes back to the master and his slave. Both studs had become hard just watching the episode. Jonathan thought to himself to hide his boner since he didn't want Corey to realize he had been freed from the cock cage. Jonathan nonchalantly crossed his leg as to obstruct Corey's view of his privates. Suddenly, John opened his eyes and stared directly at Jonathan.

"What are you doing way over there, boy? Get to work on my other foot!"

Jonathan immediately got up, crossed the room and kneeled at John's other foot. He too, scooped it up and began rubbing the sole of John's foot.

"What are you doing?", asked Corey. "That's my property you're ordering around."

John stared directly at Corey. "This is my room and everyone is slave to me. Just chill for a few - you're next in line. Think about that and shut up for now!"

John closed his eyes and leaned his head back. He was certainly enjoying his massage and listening to the music. No one noticed Corey shift his prick from side to side in his jeans as he anticipated his turn with the boys.

John let the boys work on his feet for about five more minutes. He then slowly extended his hand to Scott. Scott accepted and John pulled Scott to his crotch. The junior began nibbling at the tight denim stretched across John's crotch. Jonathan continued working on John's left foot. John began to gasp in extreme pleasure.

"Jonathan," said John, softly, "my chest needs a rubbing."

Silently, Jonathan put John's foot down and stood to move to John's chest. John took another swig from his drink. Jonathan had to wait until John put his drink down so John's arm would be out of his way. John did so promptly and Jonathan moved to begin to unbutton John's shirt. Jonathan moved purposefully and slowly unfastening the buttons one at a time and taking time to drag his fingers down John's smooth, chiseled chest.

Jonathan continued until his hand was being tickled by Scott's hair. Scott's face was still planted in John's crotch. Jonathan tugged on John's shirt to pull it from his pants. As he did, Scott noticed the denim around John's crotch give a bit. Jonathan continued to unbutton the shirt.

When he was done he leaned into John and pushed the shirt away from John's chest. Jonathan gazed for a moment at John's strong chest. His pecs were firm and well defined. His nipples stood erect, the dark flesh perfectly centered on its corresponding pec. Jonathan didn't noticed the bit of drool that fell from his mouth onto his chin.

Remaining ever so quiet, Jonathan leaned in and placed his warm, moist lips over John's left nipple. John threw his head back and gasped as Jonathan drew the meaty part of his nipple into his mouth and began teasing it with his tongue. John let out a low, soft moan of pleasure.

"Open up those jeans," ordered John of Scott.

Scott immediately brought his hands up and began digging into the denim that covered John's crotch. Slowly, Scott unfastened John's belt. A few moments later, the top button had been unhooked. John grew harder and harder as Scott unfastened the remaining buttons. Scott pushed aside the denim to reveal John's white jockeys. They were stained, here and there, with little puddles of pre-cum. Scott quickly popped John's prick through the fly of his underwear. A moment later, John felt that familiar warm, moist, gentle tugging on his pecker. Scott had the thing down his throat and was trying hard to empty it.

After a few moments, John began to gently thrust his hips back and forth to augment Scott's activity. Jonathan had turned his attention to John's other nipple. Corey was watching intently. His right hand had moved into his crotch. Corey sat there, watching the action, playing with his own tool through his jeans.

John's breathing was getting harder and Scott realized it would moments before John started spewing spunk. Without removing his mouth from John's pecker, Scott brought a hand up and pushed Jonathan away lightly. Jonathan took the hint and moved away from John. John's eyes were closed as he was enjoying Scott's blow job. Suddenly, Scott removed his mouth from John's pecker. In the next second, Scott grabbed John's balls and pulled on them hard.

John's eyes opened quickly with surprise and discomfort.

As Scott let go, John realized his urge to cum had quickly passed. John was not mad - he realized it was Corey's turn. After all, that's what they were all here for. John gasped for his breath and tried to regain his composure.

"Why don't you lay on the floor and I'll these let these two massage your back," suggested John to Corey.

Corey didn't need a second invitation. No sooner than John had finished his sentence, Corey was making himself comfortable face down on the carpet two feet away from John.

Without another word, Scott seated himself on Corey's buttocks and began expertly relaxing the stud's neck and shoulders through massage. Corey groaned in pleasure. As Scott continued his work, Corey felt Jonathan beginning a similar massage of his legs. Corey could feel any tension melting away and he was becoming very relaxed. So far, everything was going according to plan.

The knapsack Scott had brought with him had been placed on the far side of the recliner that John occupied. As Jonathan and Scott kept Corey busy, John quietly emptied the contents of the knapsack on the floor. Everything was still out of Corey's sight. Out of the bundle, John silently untangled two long pieces of white cord and a strange looking device Scott had specifically requested John to have ready. Once John had all the equipment in placed, he secretly passed the OK sign to Scott. Their plan was ready to be put into action.

Corey's arms were above him, surrounding his head. Scott paused for a moment and pulled both of Corey's hands behind his back. Corey's fingers did not take long to start toying with Scott's crotch.

"This will help me isolate other muscles in your shoulders," commented Scott calmly.

"It feels great," replied Corey, completely unconcerned with his current position. Throughout the motion and limited conversation, Corey never moved his head and Scott could notice his eyes had remained closed the whole time. Corey was very relaxed.

Scott got John's attention. As they were looking at each

other, Scott mouthed the words "On three."

John held up his hands and once Jonathan was also paying attention, he silently raised one finger on his right hand and mouthed "One." A second finger came up and the word on John's silent lips was "Two." John held up a third finger, mouthed "Three" then nodded.

Jonathan let his weight fall across Corey's legs, effectively pinning them under him. John immediately gave Scott the rope and John silently and quickly got out of the chair and laid long ways across Corey's upper back. With the same movement, John also clasped his left hand tightly over Corey's mouth.

Corey realized something was amiss. However the three already had him pinned to the floor. Jonathan was sitting on his legs just above his knees. John was laying across his back, pinning Corey's arms behind him. Scott was sitting on Corey's ass and was beginning to tie Corey's pinned wrists together. Corey's lower arms were protruding from underneath John.

As Corey felt Scott begin to wrap rope around his hands, he started trying to wiggle to shift the weight from him. It was no use fighting against three people also his size. He tried to yell but only managed to mumble into John's hand. John could feel Corey's breath as it passed through Corey's nose and over John's hand. John could sense Corey's breathing getting faster. Scott could sense the relaxed muscles had tensed again.

Scott finished using the entire length of the rope and made several secure knots in the ends well out of reach of Corey's fingers. Corey's hands were now tightly secured behind his back. Corey made a sincere effort to wiggle out of the rope. It would prove to be no use. Scott knew exactly what he was doing.

Jonathan was sitting above Corey's knees facing the action. Corey took the opportunity to vent his frustration at this betrayal and began bending his knees. What Corey managed to do was kick Jonathan in the back of his head with the heel of his boot.

"Dammit!", said Jonathan out of surprise at the pain in his head. He quickly turned 180 degrees and grabbed one of Corey's ankles, and brought his foot back to him. "That will be enough of that shit," said Jonathan as he pulled Corey's boot off his foot. Jonathan let the white socked appendage drop as he grabbed Corey's other booted foot. Jonathan gave that foot the same treatment. A moment later Scott handed him a long piece of cord as he grabbed another for himself.

Jonathan took his cue and slid farther down Corey's legs. This prevented Corey from bending his knees and resisting Jonathan further. Jonathan began wrapping the rope tightly around Corey's ankles and made several tight knots, trying to mimic Scott's technique.

Meanwhile, Scott began adding rope to Corey's elbows. John had shifted his weight to give Scott access and soon Corey's elbows were also cinched together behind his back. After the final knot was tied on Corey's elbows, Scott grabbed another piece of rope, turned around and began tying Corey's thighs together. The rope was being wrapped around Corey just behind were Jonathan was still sitting to keep Corey's bound legs trapped.

Within three minutes, Scott finished tying Corey's thighs together. He got off Corey while Jonathan stayed put. John had moved off Corey, but was still keeping a hand firmly pressed against Corey's mouth. Scott grabbed the device John pulled out for him.

The device was weird looking. It had straps that met a buckle in the back and the front looked like two large, rubber cockrings somehow linked together. Scott forced the first cockring into Corey's mouth behind his teeth after John removed his hand. The second cockring was outside of Corey's mouth surrounding his lips. The two rings were strapped together with three short leather straps; the straps that buckle behind Corey's head were attached to the outer ring. Once Scott had the device secured in Corey's mouth and tightly buckled behind his head, Corey's mouth was forced so wide open that is was difficult to swallow. Immediately, spittle started drooling from Corey's mouth onto the carpet. Corey realized during his struggle that no matter how ard he tried, he could not bite down.

Jonathan got off of Corey's legs. No one was holding him down anymore. As soon as he noticed, he rolled over onto his side and stared at his three captors. He tried to move but realized he couldn't move much. He tried to speak to demand his freedom. The special gag keeping his mouth open prevented him from articulating any word. When he tried to speak, more spit fell from his mouth. The guys could certainly tell he wasn't exactly happy.

Scott grabbed one more piece of rope. Against Corey's protests, Scott rolled Corey back onto his stomach and attached one end of the rope to the cord cinching Corey's elbows together. The free end of the rope was passed between and around Corey's white stocking feet. Scott then pulled and forced Corey to bend his knees. Once Corey's hands were touching his own feet, Scott made the rope secure. Corey, for the time being, was hog-tied and practically immobile.

Scott, Jonathan and John stood and looked down at their captive. All three were quite pleased with themselves.

"That went off without a hitch," commented John. The gang high-fived each other.

"Jonathan, he yours for now," offered Scott.

Jonathan turned to stare Corey in the eye. He pulled the cock cage from his back pocket and held it for Corey to see. Corey's eye's widened when he realized what it was. Corey was puzzled - he had the only key for the lock, so how did Jonathan get it off? Jonathan next produced the butt plug.

"Now you're going to feel like my slave, asshole," menaced Jonathan.

Corey's eyes widened and Jonathan could tell Corey was begging not to be enslaved. Too late. Jonathan kicked Corey lightly to force him to his side. Jonathan knelt and unfastened Corey's belt. Jonathan next unfastened the button and slowly unzipped the zipper on Corey's jeans.

Corey was desperately shaking his head "No." Jonathan paid no attention to him and snatched Corey's pants down. Jonathan was not surprised to see Corey was wearing no underwear. As Scott held Corey firmly on his side, Jonathan entrapped Corey's growing cock in the cock cage. Corey's heart sank when he heard the lock snap shut.

"By the way," teased Jonathan. "That's not your lock, so your key won't work. That will come off your prick when I say so."

"Put him on his belly," said Jonathan to Scott. Scott pushed Corey's bound body back onto his belly. Jonathan immediately went to work guiding the butt plug up Corey's sphincter. Corey groaned and tried to struggle as he was being filled. Jonathan held the plug firmly in place while Scott wrapped a smaller cord around Corey's waist and crotch to hold the device securely up Corey's anus. Jonathan made a half hearted attempt to pull Corey's jeans back up.

Corey now realized he was helpless to the whims of two studs and his former slave. Corey watched, his eyes wide with fright. If he had been able to speak, he would be screaming his head off. But as things were, all he could do was watch. Still, scared as he was, Corey was more than a little aroused. For one thing, it was good to see Jonathan finally take some initiative. Corey had guessed that the kid would turn the tables on him one day, but he hadn't counted on it being so soon. Secondly, despite his very real fear, Corey figured there were worse things in the world than being bound and gagged, held at the sexual mercy of three such incredibly sexy studs. Problem was, Scott and John were practically strangers. How far were they willing to go?

His mind reeling, Corey struggled onto his side and looked up at his captors. As he moved, the butt-plug squirmed even deeper in his ass, its blunt, bulbous tip massaging his prostate. Corey gasped, drool oozing from his wide-open mouth, as he struggled to regain his composure. The last thing he needed was freak to out. But just as he was finally getting his breathing under control, the butt-plug burrowed deeper still, sending waves of electric pleasure to his already painfully stiff cock. The trapped, swollen glans strained at the cock-cage, its crease-like slit weeping a constant stream of shiny pre-cum.

John saw the slippery juice and smiled. "Like that?" he jeered, moving a bare foot to Corey's cock-caged dick. John manipulated the entrapped flesh with his foot, covering his toes with Corey's copious pre-cum.

"Nmmpphh!" Corey gurgled, rolling his big, doe-like eyes up at John. What he really wanted was for John to drop to his knees, take off the fucking cock-cage, and give him a proper blow. But somehow Corey didn't see that happening.

And John, as if reading his mind, smiled and moved closer, positioning his gleaming toes inches from Corey's wide-open mouth. Corey sputtered in protest, but John silenced him by jamming his toes firmly into his mouth.

"Lick," John demanded.

Corey blinked and flexed his tongue. With the contraption in his mouth, he was surprised he could still move it, but he could. So while John flexed his toes, Corey flicked his tongue across and around the invading appendage. The taste of pre-cum was faint, but unmistakable. It was a taste that Corey found incredibly arousing, and always had, since way back at the age of thirteen when he'd sucked his first dick. Contrary to what Jonathan might think, Corey had sucked plenty of cock in his time.

"That's pretty good tongue action," John chuckled, breaking Corey's concentration. "Hmmmmm..."

Corey stopped licking and looked up at John. John's big brown eyes swept appraisingly around the room, lingering briefly on Scott and Jonathan before settling on a couple of weight benches off in a corner.

"Bring me those, guys," John instructed the younger men.

"Our friend here looks uncomfortable on the floor."

Corey exhaled deeply. It was the closest he could come to "thank you." But little did he know what John had in mind.

"Over here, over here," John directed the others. There were some bumping sounds and the clanging of metal on metal as the benches were hastily moved into position and adjusted. Then John again, "Okay, get him up on top."

Next thing Corey knew he was being lifted and placed, still on his side, atop the two weight benches. The benches apparently had been shoved together to form a sort of makeshift table about eighteen inches above the floor. Whatever, Corey was grateful. The padded seats were softer than the floor. Hell, if he could loosen his bonds, he'd be almost comfortable.

"Comfy?" John teased from behind.

Corey managed a nod, then shuddered as an unseen hand dove down the back of his unfastened jeans and began to twist the butt-plug around in his ass.

"Like that?" John sneered out of nowhere, his breath suddenly hot in Corey's ear.

Corey shuddered again, his cock straining painfully at the restrictive cage as his tender glans disgorged a fresh stream of pre-cum.

"Hey, I think he likes this, boys," John announced. His free hand darted to scoop up Corey's slippery juice, while the other continued to tug at the butt-plug buried firmly in his ass. John looked at Scott and Jonathan. "So what say you two strip down and give him a little show?"

Corey watched the two younger guys step into his field of view. Scott, still in his T-shirt and jeans, with a tell-tale bulge under his fly, his boyish, handsome face flushed with excitement; Jonathan, in his pink oxford cloth shirt and extra snug 501s, an equally impressive bulge straining beneath his fly. A smirk tugged at the corners of Jonathan's lips as he glanced down at Corey.

"Or better yet," John continued, eyeing the sexy duo, "Strip each other..."


Scott looked at John and smiled, his dimples making him look even younger than his eighteen years. John smiled back. He knew the kid would do anything he told him... anything to please his new master. It was a powerful feeling to have such complete control over another human being, especially one as sexy as Scott. John was beginning to understand more about the complexities of Corey's relationship with Jonathan, but it was too late to change the plan now.

"Come on, guys," John sighed impatiently. "Get a move on. Make each other nice and hot. Then you can work on ME."

Sharing his new master's sense of urgency, Scott swung into action. After turning to make sure Corey had an unobstructed view, he tugged Jonathan's shirt from his jeans, unbuttoned it, and hastily peeled it off. Before the shirt hit floor, Scott was on his knees, his strong, nimble fingers busy at Jonathan's fly.

The button on the waistband gave him trouble at first, but once it was open, Scott popped the rest with one deft jerk. Jonathan did what he could, jumping from foot to foot as Scott grabbed his cuffs and peeled his jeans down, then off. In fifteen seconds flat, Jonathan was stripped as naked as the day he was born, his proud young cock swaying before him.

Scott, still on his knees, was on it in a heartbeat. He quickly formed his lips into a perfect "O" and slipped them around Jonathan's fat helmet-shaped glans, then slowly but steadily lower, down Jonathan's silky shaft. Scott didn't stop till his nose was buried firmly in Jonathan's bushy blond pubic hair. Jonathan groaned and steadied himself on Scott's shoulders. His entire six-inch dick was buried in Scott's mouth and throat. Scott paused to relax his gag reflex, then started to piston his head up and down, up and down, harder... faster.. on Jonathan's throbbing dick. Jonathan shut his eyes and shuddered, his knees going weak as Scott pulled back to concentrate exclusively on his leaky glans.

Scott sucked hard, his cheeks drawn in visibly as the powerful vacuum he applied pulled the shiny juice from deep in Jonathan's slit. Then, while his lips tugged at the flared ridge of Jonathan's glans, Scott probed the sensitive slit with his tongue, coaxing out even more pre-cum as he bathed his soft lips with saliva. Jonathan cooed appreciatively, his hands aimlessly stroking Scott's hair, content to allow the hunky stud to set the pace.

John and Corey watched, too, so engrossed in the textbook blow-job that neither would've objected if Scott had finished Jonathan off on the spot. But Scott knew better. When Jonathan's glans started to engorge, Scott backed off just as quickly as he'd started. A startled, gasping Jonathan watched in frustration as Scott rolled to his feet and smiled, his lips glistening with spit and pre-cum.

"Nice," Scott beamed, reaching down to thump Jonathan's wavering, spit-wet boner. "Now do me."

Jonathan returned Scott's smile. "Okay then."

John took the opportunity to give the plug in Corey's ass a few good pumps, smiling to himself as a fresh load of pre-cum oozed from Corey's slit. Without thinking, John raised his sticky fingers to his lips and licked them clean, his own cock throbbing in his jeans as the familiar, salty-sweet taste exploded on his tongue. Inspired, John milked a fresh load onto his fingers and buried them in Corey's mouth.

Meantime, Jonathan had stripped Scott's T-shirt up and over his head and was busy rolling Scott's meaty nipples between his fingers and thumbs. If the bulge in Scott's jeans was any indication, he was enjoying the nipple-play almost too much.

"Oh, yeah!" Scott sighed, "Twist those tits! Twist 'em hard."

Jonathan obliged, firmly grasping the meaty tips and tugging them from Scott's slab-like pecs, playfully at first, then harder. John watched appreciatively, alternating shiny loads of Corey's fresh-squeezed pre-cum between his own mouth and Corey's. In the process, John leaned closer, forcing his swollen crotch bulge firmly against Corey's bound hands. Corey used what little movement he had in his fingers to explore the stiff lump, marveling at what felt to be a very impressive dick. From habit John began to pump his hips, grinding his denim-covered hard-on against Corey's exploring fingers. He was well on his way to a messy climax in his jockeys when he caught himself and eased off.

"Geez!" John gasped, shooting a look at Scott. "Hurry it up, dudes. We don't have all night..."

Jonathan shrugged and shot forward to give each of Scott's throbbing nipples a long, soothing suck before, rather reluctantly, dropping to his knees. Not that Jonathan wasn't hot to suck Scott's cock, it's just that he could've sucked Scott's nipples all night. Hurrying, Jonathan yanked Scott's jeans and jockeys down, then off, with amazing speed.

"You're fast," Scott chuckled, turning to dangle his perfect seven-incher in Jonathan's face.

"I bet you tell that to all the boys," Jonathan shot back, his eyes glued to the magnificent column of flesh inches from his lips. Truth was, when you spent as much time as Jonathan in public parks and men's rooms, you HAD to be fast. But those days were over, or so Jonathan hoped. But at the moment he was much more interested in Scott's flawless dick.

While Jonathan checked it out, up close and personal, Scott's cock continued to stiffen. It didn't lengthen much beyond its already generous seven-inches, but it did stand-up. and up and up.. till it was almost touching Scott's cute, inward-turned belly button. As Jonathan pried the gleaming pink tip down to lip level, he cupped his fingers around Scott's smooth, taut balls and hefted them in his palm. As he'd hoped, they felt heavy and full, no doubt eager to spurt their thick, creamy manseed into any available orifice.

Jonathan was only too happy to oblige. After glancing at Corey to make sure he was watching, Jonathan ran his tongue around his lips to moisten them, then planted a wet, sucking kiss on the fat, plum-shaped head of Scott's dick. Scott closed his eyes and groaned. Jonathan suckled noisily for a few minutes, ever so slowly driving Scott toward the brink of climax, but never quite delivering. Then, as he finally leaned in for some deep-throat action, Jonathan nearly drove Scott over the edge by reaching up and clamping onto his spit wet nipples.

"Jesus!" Scott groaned, pumping his hips. "Oh, Jesus, suck me!"

"Easy!" John barked at Jonathan, rolling to his feet and kicking off his jeans. "If you make him cum before I say so, I'll untie your boyfriend here and we'll both fuck your tight little ass till you can't stand up. Got it?"

Jonathan somehow managed a nod, Scott's turgid dick still buried in his throat. Scott was oblivious to it all.. and who could blame him! But John was ready to assert control.

Stripped to nothing but his jockeys, John moved across the room and peered directly into Scott's eyes. "That means you, too, stud," John reminded him.

Scott, his breath coming in gasps, met John's gaze and gave him a dimple-faced smile. "Okay, man," he panted. "Just a little longer."

"No way, you horn-dog!" John chuckled, grabbing Jonathan's hair and yanking him back forcefully. Scott's spit-streaked hard-on popped from Jonathan's sucking lips with a loud, wet slurp. Jonathan leaned forward to take it again.

John stopped him. "Uh-uh. Get up."

Jonathan rolled to his feet, his hard-on waving before him like a wand. A long string of pre-cum glistened from the slit, hanging half-way to the floor. Apparently, Jonathan enjoyed sucking cock.

John admired the two young studs standing before him and got an idea. Smiling, he took a stiff a cock in each hand. "Follow me," he whispered.

Corey watched the trio approach. He wasn't sure what was coming, but he figured it was going to be hot. His cock spasmed anew in the cock-cage, straining for release. John noticed and signaled Scott for the key. "Unlock him," he sighed. "And bring me a leather strap."

Scott was off to his backpack and back in a flash. A minute later, Corey's cock had been freed from the cage, but his balls and cock had been expertly bound by John. The leather strap, about the shape and size of a boot lace, made a perfect custom-made cockring, assuring Corey wouldn't be cumming till John gave the word. As for the strange contraption strapped into Corey's mouth, well, it hadn't served it's purpose quite yet, so it stayed. John did relent on some of the other bonds, though. In the end, Corey's ankles and wrists were still bound behind him, and the butt-plug and dental device were still in place, as well as the newly fashioned cockring, but to Corey it was still a vast improvement.

John liked the changes, too. In fact, he found them inspiring. After consulting Scott and Jonathan, they all agreed and set to work with some heavy lengths of rope and leather that Scott produced from his pack. The operation was much more complex this time, involving one of the weight benches and some heavy steel eyelets John had previously mounted in the ceiling beams. Finally, the desired result was attained. The weight bench had been converted from a free-standing table to a hanging, free-swinging sling.

The guys moved Corey to one of the beds while they worked, and he watched the entire operation with a growing sense of foreboding. What were they up to? It was impossible for Corey to speak, of course, and before he could devise another plan to get their attention, he found himself lifted back onto the swinging contraption. Then the guys were busy again, with more rope and leather, and this time, Corey's arms and legs. Somewhere along the line, Corey's clothes were stripped away. When the guys had finished, Corey found himself naked and face-up atop the sling, each ankle and wrist bound to its respective support. For all intents and purposes, Corey was spread-eagle atop a narrow, swinging bench.

"Perfect," John sighed, standing back to admire their handiwork. "Excellent, boys."

Scott and Jonathan nodded their agreement. And Corey, his head hanging back over the edge of the board, could see them clearly, if upside down.

John took the opportunity to tease Corey a little more. "Okay, boys," he said to younger guys, "Do your stuff. Make me all hot and wet so I can fuck our cute little friend here."

On cue, Scott and Jonathan positioned themselves in front of John and began to work him over. While one engaged him in a wet, tongue-sucking kiss, the other worked his nipples, sucking one, pinching the other. This went on for several minutes, then the two traded places. Corey watched the action, upside down, from atop the bench. John appeared to be in heaven, and who could blame him? He was being serviced by two of the cutest, hottest young studs around, guys who obviously wanted nothing more than to please his every whim. Corey's cock blossomed back to full erection as he watched with envy. The normally pinkish flesh of his swollen shaft turned an angry red against the makeshift cockring.

The french kissing and nipple play went on and on, but after the third or fourth trade-off, John laid a hand on each young man's shoulder and pressed gently downward. Scott and Jonathan were on their knees in an instant, each wanting to be the first to get a taste of John's jockey-covered rod.

But when they reached up to peel down John's briefs, he stopped them. "Uh-uh. No hands."

Scott shrugged and buried his face in John's jockeys, his hungry mouth open wide as he traced the hidden outline of John's dick to the fatter, rounder bulge of his glans. Not to be left out, Jonathan dove lower and assaulted John's balls, losing himself in the masculine, musky smell as he strained to suck one of the perfect orbs into his mouth, jockeys and all.

John, meanwhile, glanced at Corey and blew him a silent kiss, as if to say, get ready big boy. And fact was, John was almost ready for Corey. Almost, but not quite. "Get 'em DOWN," he sighed impatiently to Scott and Jonathan.

Jonathan sat back on his heels, his stiff, leaking dick pegged to his heaving belly. He was clearly eager to please, though he didn't have a clue. Scott, however, was on top of things. Leaving his face buried in John's jockeys, he began to work his way up and to the side, going for the waistband. With his free hand he grabbed the back of Jonathan's head and guided him into a similar position on John's other side.

"On the count of three," Scott gasped, his nose pressed tight against the silky skin of John's lower belly. "Use your teeth..."

Jonathan nodded. On the second attempt, he was able to work his tongue under the waistband of John's jockeys and grasp the elastic in his mouth.

Scott watched, and nodded. "One," he hissed through clenched teeth.



In a move that looked like they'd practiced it all day, the

duo deftly uncovered their prize. John's jockeys were soon peeled down and away, left to hang useless and forgotten around his knees. John's erection snagged momentarily in the waistband as the briefs were lowered, but now it bounced proudly before him, unrestricted and free. And it was a beauty...perfectly shaped and proportioned, a fat, six-plus inches of exquisite male meat. The deep crease of the slit winked seductively in the light, promising a shiny, sweet treat to whoever got there first.

Unfortunately, Scott and Jonathan noticed the sticky drop at the same instant. As they swooped forward to claim the juicy prize, their heads banged together with an audible "thud."

"Sluts," John teased, rubbing their heads.

This brought a laugh from Corey, who'd watched the whole thing from his swinging bench. And if the state of his erection was any indication, he found the sight of John's cock just as exciting as the other two.

"Wait here, boys," John told the kneeling duo, playfully patting their heads as he stepped across to Corey. "Well, fella," he whispered to Corey, "Let's see if we got the engineering right."

Corey's eyes grew wide as he tried to figure out what was coming. In the end, it wasn't as bad as he feared. John dropped to his knees and moved closer, aiming the tip of his swollen dick at the outer loop on the contraption attached to Corey's mouth. Corey watched and exhaled in resignation. No big deal. He'd already worked out what the device was probably for, and now John was about to confirm it.

While Corey watched, John spat on his hand and pumped his dick a few times, working rope after rope of pre-cum from his oozing slit. "That ought to do for starters," John teased. Leaning closer, he pressed his drooling dickhead through the ring and into Corey's mouth. But just as Corey was getting his first taste of John's sweet juice, John abruptly withdrew.

"Hey, Cor," John whispered, "Jon tells me you don't suck cock, that right?"

Corey shook his head.

"Then how come you don't suck him?"

Corey shrugged weakly.

John smiled. "Well, what if I told you that after tonight, you're gonna suck Jon's cock whenever and wherever he wants. Would you have a problem with that?"

Corey shook his head again. "No," he mouthed around his gag.

"Good," John sighed, leaning forward again. "Because I'm sure you're good at it."

As if to prove his point, John worked the tip of his dick back into the outer loop just as before. Only this time, instead of leaning forward slowly, he grabbed the swing and jerked it back hard, driving his six-plus inch cock into Corey's mouth and throat in one savage thrust. Corey's gag reflex kicked in as the thick piece of meat withdrew, then slammed home again, and again, and again. In reality, John was merely shoving the swing back and forth, rather effortlessly at that. And thanks to the laws of motion, John was able to pound in with a speed and force he could never attain by pumping his hips. All in all it was pretty hot stuff. Of course, all Corey knew was that John was giving his mouth one helluva fuck!

John, of course, only wanted to humiliate Corey, not injure him. After several brutal strokes, John slowed the pace and settled into a more gentle rhythm. A grateful Corey responded by swinging his tongue into action. It swirled and bathed the oozing tip of John's glans on each out stroke, then tickled the thick length of shaft as it plunged home. And on each inward thrust, John's taut ball sac pressed tight against Corey's nose. John very easily could have gotten his rocks off that way, and fast, but he had bigger plans for Corey.

"Okay, guys," John called to the others, "Who wants to go next?"

"I'll do it!" Jonathan volunteered.

"Me, too." chimed in Scott.

John laughed. "Okay, you can both try it. But get your asses over here and finish what you started with me first."

The boys were on John in a flash. John stood, and they dropped to their knees. This time Scott dove for and latched firmly onto John's cock, so John turned his back to Jonathan and spread his cheeks, offering his puckered ring. John wasn't sure that Jonathan would know what he wanted, much less do it. But as Scott started to apply some serious suction to his dick, John felt Jonathan's hot breath, then his tongue, flutter hungrily at his rim. John sighed contentedly and closed his eyes, moving a hand up to tease his nipples as the two hunky studs proceeded to pleasure him but good! As before, the boys swapped off after a few minutes, but this time John stopped them after they'd each sampled him once, front and rear. By that point John was so hot he knew he'd never last another round without popping his load. And tempting as that was, he had other plans.

This time it had been Corey's turn to watch the action, and his hard-on betrayed his approval. Despite the cockring, pre-cum poured from his piss-slit like water. On impulse, John leaned down and sucked it away, causing his own hard-on to spasm anew as the familiar, taste exploded on his tongue. Time to get on with it.

"You," John snapped to Scott, "Feed this faggot some dick." Then to Jonathan, "You, move around there and take the utt-plug out. Now!"

The boys leapt into action. Scott dropped to his knees, and in perfect imitation of what John had done earlier, proceeded to assault Corey's mouth with his dick. John nodded approvingly, and watched Corey's face, what little he could see of it below Scott's heavy, swinging balls, as he tried in vain to judge Corey's reaction. And while Scott pounded away at Corey's mouth, Jonathan untied the butt-plug and none-too-gently snatched it from Corey's ass. John heard a muffled grunt and saw Corey's dick, amazingly, start to spasm like it was cumming. If not for the cockring, John knew that Corey would be splattering them all with a handless orgasm! It was almost enough to push John over the edge!

"Guys, guys!" he gasped, "Do exactly what I say. FAST!"

Scott and Jonathan, sensing John's excitement, rolled obediently to their feet, awaiting further instruction.

"You,"John blurted at Jonathan, "Fuck his mouth till you cum! And you," this directed at Scott, "Help me untie his feet."

And as Jonathan sank to his knees and buried his dick in Corey's throat, John dropped to his knees at the opposite end. With help from Scott, John untied Corey's ankles and hoisted his legs up and over John's shoulders.

"Help me in," John hissed to Scott, his dick quivering at Corey's nicely stretched chute.

Scott grabbed John's dick and guided it in without comment, the intensity of the whole scene leaving him speechless.

"Okay, babe, great!" John assured him, throwing back his head as he buried his cock to the hilt.

Scott moved meekly aside, his hard-on leading the way, as he watched Jonathan and John struggle to co-ordinate their strokes. After a few bone-jarring, badly mistimed thrusts, they fell into a hard pounding rhythm, Jonathan's out stroke matching John's inward one, the swing doing much of the work. As it shot forward, it would drive Jonathan's dick deep into Corey's throat, while at the opposite end, John's cock would pull almost free of Corey's ass. On the reverse swing, John's dick would burrow deep while Jonathan's pulled back to weep its sticky juice square on Corey's tongue. It was hot. For everyone but Scott.

But John hadn't forgotten his new friend. "Ease up, ease

up," he hissed at Jonathan, gesturing Scott over. "You interested in a butt-fuck and a blow?"

"Ss... sure," Scott stammered, "Where?"

"Turn around," John instructed. "Straddle him with your legs."

It took a second for Scott to work it out, but after a few seconds he was standing astride Corey's stomach, his magnificent ass inches from John's face.

John leaned around Scott's broad back and gave Jonathan a wink. "Excuse me a second."

And with that, John parted Scott's ass cheeks and extended his tongue, diving straight for Scott's puckered rim! Scott felt the swirling tip of John's tongue connect and almost lost it on the spot.

"Jesus!" he grunted. "Oh, Jesus!"

John kept eating out Scott's ass. Little by little the tightness in his sphincter began to ease, but not fast enough. John went to plan B. "Hold it," he barked, giving Scott's ass a parting suck as he reached around and groped between Corey's legs for his dick. Corey was still hard as steel, his dick positively dripping with pre-cum.

"Okay, here," John hissed up at Scott, "Sit down on him.


If Scott had any reservations, he kept them to himself. Thirty seconds later, Scott was sitting astride Corey's lower belly, Corey's throbbing cock jammed deep in his ass. John wasn't sure the swing would take the added load, but there was only one way to find out. With a nod to Jonathan, they started up again, this time with Scott impaled on Corey's dick, and in for the ride of his life!

"Okay, boys," John gasped, "Time to GET OFF!"

With that, John started to slam home like a pile driver, thrusting his hips for all he was worth, adding what he could to the swing's already powerful punch. John knew that someone was going to have a very sore ass the next day, but that wasn't his problem. Scott, meanwhile, had come to life, too, and was bouncing wildly on Corey's dick, lifting up till it was almost free, then sitting down hard. As fucks go, John figured it wasn't all that hot for Scott, but he could make it up to him later. At the moment all his attention was focused on Corey's ass!

As the cum boiled up in his balls, John leaned forward and began to suckle Scott's neck. He couldn't fuck the kid, but he could give him a love bite. And as Jonathan began to make noises on the other end, John slowed the pace for a few beats and reached around Scott, feeling for his dick. His hands weren't doing anything, he might as well give the kid a reach-around. But as Jonathan gurgled contentedly and picked up the pace again, John's groping hand encountered, not a stiff dick, but the back of Jonathan's head!

Straining, John managed a quick peek around Scott's broad shoulders. He almost fell over at what he saw. Jonathan, the little cock hound, had crawled atop the swing on all fours, and while he pile drived his rigid rod into Corey's mouth, he was also crouched forward sucking off Scott.

"In-fucking-credible!" John bellowed, suddenly intent on nothing but getting-off.

With Jonathan now riding the swing with Corey and Scott, it made the situation rather difficult. When John thrust forward, there was nothing at the opposite end to meet his thrust and send the swing back. But John was too far gone to let a detail like that slow him down. He simply planted his feet firmly and snatched the swing back with all his might, grinding his hips and thrusting hard as his cock reached new depths in Corey's tortured ass. As he approached the point of no return, he resumed sucking Scott's neck, getting off on the oral stimulation of Scott's silky smooth skin.

A few more good pumps and John came. Cum shot from his cock like bottle rockets, splattering the walls of Corey's ass, and providing a bit of instant lube that allowed John to thrust, and cum, even harder! Waves of pleasure washed over his body as his cock twitched in time to each ejaculation, the sheer volume of cum, finally, filling Corey's ass to capacity! Then Scott began to shudder and cum, and John held him close, enjoying the feel of his new friend's climax as best he could. And just as the first thick blast of Scott's boyjuice peppered Jonathan's swirling tongue, Jonathan slammed deep into Corey's throat and cut loose, too! Waves of untasted jism spurted straight into Corey's stomach.

The fucking and thrusting and sucking and cumming went on for several minutes, until all the guys were spent and drenched with sweat. The heady smell of mansex and semen filled the tiny room. Exhausted but satisfied, John withdrew first, picking up Scott and pulling him away from the swing as well. Then Jonathan rolled sheepishly to his feet. Corey's face was smeared with spit and pre-cum. A streak of Scott's shiny cum glistened on Jonathan's right cheek. John promptly licked it away. Then all three of them pressed together for an impromptu dick-grinding, tongue-sucking session. John almost came again as he tasted Scott's cum in Jonathan's mouth. Scott tasted his own jism as well, then lost himself in a timeless kiss with John.

They'd pretty much forgotten Corey, but not for long. He couldn't speak, of course, but his feet were untied, so he began to stomp the floor.

"Chill, chill," John chuckled, stepping back to the swing. "Pretty hot fuck I just gave ya', huh?"

Corey rolled his eyes, clearly no longer amused by, nor willing to tolerate, his bonds.

John, always in a good mood after good sex, called the

others over. "Time to untie him, boys," he said. And a minute later, a somewhat rumpled but otherwise perfectly fine Corey was seated in John's recliner, picking gingerly at the makeshift cockring that John had fashioned around his cock and balls. The evening had gone well for everyone but Corey, who was used and abused more than he might have liked. Still, it was nothing he didn't deserve, and certainly nothing he wouldn't recover from in a day or two.

But on this night, the first of many the four would spend together, it was Corey who would have the last laugh. While the others set about reassembling the room, Corey finally managed to free himself from John's cockring.

"Jesus, guys, look at this!" Corey bellowed, bringing the others running. "My dick, look at my poor fucking dick!"

Three faces peered intently at Corey's dick as he gingerly worked the tender flesh just below the glans. And before anyone realized what Corey was up to, he applied a few well-placed strokes and brought himself off, sending ropes of pent-up cum spurting up across three startled faces! The force of his ejaculation startled them all! One blast caught Scott in the eye, another thick one splattered Jonathan's nose, and yet another John's chin. It was a perfect end to the evening.. an evening that might've gone better for Corey, but there were plenty of evenings yet to cum...


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