Dorm Angel

By Jon Bennett

Published on Apr 2, 2001


Thanks to all who wrote praising the first part of this story. Sorry it took so long to get the second one out. Between the death of my old computer(bastard committed suicide in the middle of editing), getting a new one and finishing Nick and Jonathan it took a little longer then planned... Keep the comments cumin. =)

Dorm Angel.. Part two

"The Phantom of the Operaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" came crashing out of the speakers of the club. 50,000 watts of energy poured out over the crowd at Avalon. The techno version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's masterpiece energized the crowd. The house DJ had skillfully blended the original opening Overture from the musical to the dance mix to pretty much blow everyone over on the dance floor. The crowd loved it. Michael and Craig were in that crowd. A month had passed since Michael found Craig in the shower room about to kill himself. Over the month the two had become close friends and while neither one wanted to admit it, the feelings were growing. That first morning the breakfast at the Deli Haus had lasted for over 3 hours. While Michael's roommate was away for the holiday, Craig had moved into Michael's room. With the start of the semester, Craig's roommate had not come back, so Michael would spend time down there, since his roommate was straight. Sometimes he would spend the night, ignoring the pointed questions of his roommate as to his whereabouts the previous nigh. They had slept together but not had sex though. Outside of the occasional friendly kiss and mild fooling around they had not expressed to each other their unspoken thoughts.

"Come on man" said Craig pulling him out to the huge hardwood dance floor. "Let's rock."

Michael smiled as he watched Craig start to go through some strange dance movements. While he liked to dance some, he was not in the same league as Craig. Michael was amazed to see the changes in Craig over the month. He had gone from his funk to a happy go lucky guy. Michael kind of hoped he had done some of that. He wanted to take the relationship to the next level but wasn't sure if Craig did. Then there was the problem of being found out again. Granted Boston seemed to be a lot more open about being gay then his old school, but still he had some fears. Sunday nights was "gay night" in Boston and he did see some people he knew in the club, which was straight the rest of the week, but everyone was just here to have a good time. He wasn't sure about his roommate. Peter seemed like a cool guy and hadn't reacted badly when he brought up some thoughts about gay stuff. Time would tell if he would tell Peter.

"Are you gonna dance or what" yelled Craig over the music.

"OK, OK" said Michael coming into the mix of bodies. Craig impulsively pulled Michael's shirt off and threw it into the crowd and then his own before Michael could do anything about it. The two boys danced and merged with the crowds, dancing with each other to the pounding beat of the music. After 20 minutes or so Michael pulled him off the floor and led him off to the bar area.

"Listen dude" said Michael. "It's going on 2 AM bro. I got an 8 AM class. We gotta jet soon"

"Yeah I know, so do I" said Craig. "You planning on walking outside without your shirt?"

"Smart ass" said Michael, reaching for the shirt the Craig had picked up near the dance floor out of a pile of them.

Craig held it behind his back. "You gotta work for it"

"Yeah?" said Michael pulling Craig by his jeans to him. "What do I have to do?"

"Well..." Said Craig "Why don't you give me one of your `famous' massages you keep talking about when we get back to the dorm"

"Maybe" Said Michael. "Unless you give me back my shirt we are never gonna make it to the dorm."

"I'll settle for a kiss now then." said Craig.

Michael looked around briefly. Fuck it he thought. Who cares if the guys he knew saw him. He pulled Craig to him and kissed him, allowing his tongue to slip into the waiting mouth. His hands trailed over Craig's muscular body. His fingers felt the individual ridges of the abs. Craig put his arms around Michael pulling him closer to him, feeling their two bodies come together. Craig slipped his hand into Michael's front pocket and felt the swelling cock there growing. Breaking the kiss they looked at each other. Some silent agreement passed between them

"Wow" said Michael.

"Yeah" said Craig. "You ready to get out of here?"

"And then some" said Michael.

The two threw their shirts on and grabbed a taxi back to their dorm. After getting through security into the dorm, they went back to Craig's room.

"I need to take a shower dude." said Craig. "How about you?"

"Yeah I do" said Michael, feeling the sweaty shirt. "Got a towel I can borrow?"

"Yup" said Craig.

The two undressed and after wrapping towels around themselves went down to the shower room. As it was almost 2:30 in the morning, they didn't expect to find anyone there. Each got under a shower and shared the shampoo and bar of soap, as Michael didn't want to go back to his room to hear his roommate ask questions.

Coming back to the room they both were drying off and chatting. Craig let his towel drop to the floor and crawled into bed.

"You gonna stay here tonight?" he asked.

"Can I?" asked Michael.

"I'd be pretty upset if you didn't." said Craig, holding up the sheet and blanket.

"You're not wearing any underwear to bed tonight?" asked Michael as he looked down. He could see Craig's cock start to swell.

"Nope" said Craig pulling Michael into the bed. "And tonight you don't either"

Michael looked into Craig's eyes. "Yeah?"

"Yeah" came the reply.

Craig snuggled next to Michael and started to kiss him. Michael returned the kiss, allowing Craig's tongue to enter his mouth.

Next: Chapter 3

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