Dorm Angel

By Jon Bennett

Published on Dec 23, 2000


It's always nice to have someone watching out for you over the holidays. This may turn into a series if I get enough replies. Check my other stories on my site. Stonewolf

Michael was in a really down mood. Here it was Christmas Eve and he was stuck in the fucking dorms. At first it seemed like a really good move transferring to Boston University for his Junior year. It had been a two fold reason. First being the programs there were better for his major. The second reason had to do with an incident the previous semester at his old university in Washington State. In a lapse of judgment he had gone out to a club and somehow had picked up another guy from the college across town. He rarely allowed himself sex on campus, since he was still in the closet. The big mistake was coming back to the dorms; thinking his roommate was going to be away the whole weekend. The mistake was compounded by his roommate showing up while Michael was being fucked by his date. Michael's roommate was a complete homophobe and in no time at all it seemed, it was all over the dorm that he was a queer bastard who took it up the ass. Not even his standing on the lacrosse and swim teams seemed to matter any more. After a very long and trying six weeks, the semester ended and he got off campus as quickly as possible. His GPA had dropped about nine tenths of a point because of the stress and it reflected on his finals. He had convinced his parents over the Summer to let him transfer to Boston University without them finding out about his sexuality. The only point they had made was that since it was so far away and so expensive, that if he wanted to come home for the holidays he had to fly himself. He had flown home a month before for Thanksgiving, because he had felt the need, but realized he should have waited for Christmas. Being the only one in his dorm and damn near the only person on campus sucked. Looking at the clock he noted it was almost midnight.

"Fuck" he yelled throwing the pillow across the room. Maybe a shower would make him feel better. If nothing else he could jerk off having the whole gang shower room to himself. Stripping down to his Polo briefs he grabbed his shower kit and a towel. He walked down the hall and into the bathroom. Stopping to take a piss he pulled down and off his briefs. Standing naked in the bathroom gave him a weird feeling, almost sexual and good. Sort of like being naked in public. His cock started to swell a little as he finished pissing. He gave it a couple of strokes and watched himself in the mirror as his uncut cock swelled it its full seven inches. Michael pulled the foreskin back and watched as a drop of precum leaked out of the head. Reaching down with his finger he wiped it off the head and licked his finger clean. Maybe being the only person here wouldn't be so bad after all. His record for jerking off and holding back a load was 25 minutes. That had been an awesome load too he recalled. Maybe he could break that record in the shower room.

He went back and hung his towel up on a peg. Taking the soap out of his kit he walked into the shower room and got the shock of his life. There at the far end of the room was one of his dormmates, Craig. He lived at the other end of the hallway. Craig was sitting there on the floor naked under a shower head with straight razor in one hand looking like he was going to cut his wrist. Without thinking Michael yelled and threw his bar of soap at Craig. The bar of soap hit him in the head, causing him to drop the razor and grab his head in pain. Michael rushed over to him and kicked the razor across the shower floor.

"What the fuck are you doing man" Michael yelled.

"Leave me alone you bastard" said Craig, trying to scramble across the floor to get the razor.

Michael jumped on top of Craig to stop him from moving. It was obvious that Craig was drunk as hell from his awkward movements across the floor. At 6'1" and 170 pounds, Michael outweighed Craig by a good 30 pounds he figured.

"Stop it man" said Michael close to Craig's head. "Nothing is worth that"

"Fuck you" slurred Craig managing to turn over on his back. "What the fuck do you know"

Michael pinned Craig down on the wet floor, holding his arms apart so he couldn't move. "I know you aren't gonna kill yourself while I'm around here"

"That's what you know" said Craig. "If I can't do it quicker, I'll just let the pills do it"

"What pills man" said Michael, shaking Craig.

"The ones I took before I came in here" he half slurred. "Washed down with the finest Kentucky Bourbon"

"No way man" said Michael getting up and pulling Craig up with him. "You're puking them up"

"Make me man" Craig said as he swayed in the shower room; barely able to hold himself up. "I'll take you with me if you try or bit your fucking finger off you try to stick it my throat"

Michael backed off a minute. Then came back at him. "Sorry bud, I'll apologize later when you are sober"

Without warning Michael punched Craig in the stomach with all the energy he could muster. Craig toppled down like a ton of bricks, spewing his stomach contents all over the floor and legs of Michael. As Craig barfed his guts out of all bourbon and God knows what else, Michael could see the pills mixed in with the stomach contents.

"Stupid bastard" Michael muttered as he held Craig under his stomach and his head. Finally Craig stopped throwing up and collapsed crying, half unconscious as Michael let him down to the floor.

"Why man" sobbed Craig. "Why can't you just let me die man"

"Because I can't" said Michael softly. As the water from the shower head washed away the fluids and puke, Michael could see the 12 or so pills that had barely dissolved in the contents. Michael pulled Craig back to the water and washed him off, taking the time to soap his body and wash him clean. He propped Craig up against the wall where he could keep an eye on him. Washing the puke off his own legs he turned off the water and walked across to grab his towel. He dried himself quickly and walked back to Craig.

"Come on man" he said "Let's get you outta here"

Mumbled words were the only reply. Michael picked him up and held him under the arms. Half pulling and half carrying him, Michael managed to get him back to his room. Putting him on his roommates bed, Michael quickly got Craig dried off. Pausing for the first time, he noted that Craig was smooth and beautiful. He was probably about 5'7" or 5'8" and maybe 140 pounds. Being blond, he pubes were the same color as the very light blond on his head and seemed almost transparent. Being damp and unconscious Craig looked so vulnerable. What could be so bad as to take your own life on Christmas Eve he wondered. Looking around, quickly threw on a pair of sweat pants and then pulled a pair of his own briefs out of a drawer and put them on Craig. They were a little bigger, then Craig's 30" waist but at least he was covered. Remembering his training as an EMT when we worked on his Volunteer Ambulance Corps at home, he checked Craig's pulse and then pulled his field kit out from under his bed. Checking Craig's blood pressure and respiration, he felt that it was OK for the moment to just let him sleep.

Michael checked the pulse and blood pressure every 15 minutes along with this respirations. Michael decided that he was just passed out from being drunk and not the pills, whatever they were never got into his system. All through the night Michael stayed in a chair next to the bed. At some point in the night or early morning, he had turned his Mr. Coffee on and made a large pot of Earl Grey Tea. Not how he was planning on spending the night Michael thought to himself.

As the early light of morning came across campus, he heard the bells from the campus tower ringing seven. Once more he looked at Craig and saw him starting to move around.

Michael got up and got a second mug of tea and brought it back and set it next to the bed.

"Hey man" Michael said softly. "Welcome back"

"Where am I" asked Craig his voice weak and shaking

"You're in my room dude" said Michael. "Here, try to get some of this in you"

Reaching down, he pulled the blankets back and got his arm under Craig's back and lifted him into a sitting position. Craig didn't seem to be able to co-operate. Michael pulled him up again and after moving him around got him propped up against the wall. Sitting next to him in the bed, he brought the mug of tea to Craig's lips.

"Drink man, just a little" said Michael.

After a couple of attempts, Craig got some of the tea down without spilling too much down his chest. Michael put the mug down and reached for a towel to wipe the tea off Craig's chest. Putting the towel down he noted Craig had slipped off to sleep. Michael continued to hold him, pulling the blankets up around them both. After being up for almost 20 hours, the warmth of the body next to him and the blankets caused Michael to fall asleep himself.

Michael woke up about two hours later as he felt motion. Craig was awake and starting to get out of the bed. Michael pulled him back.

"Not so fast man" said Michael keeping his arm around Craig's waist. "Its cool"

"God I fucked up didn't I' said Craig

"You just needed a friend man" said Michael, Without conscious thought his hand had moved from Craig's waist and was moving slowly up and down his abs to his chest. "I just happened to be there"

"How did I get here" asked Craig, leaning back against Michael. He sensed that Michael was here to help him somehow

"After I got you cleaned up, I brought you back here and kept and eye on you until I knew you were all right." Michael said. "It was either that or the Campus Police, and I got the feeling you had enough shit to deal with at the time."

Craig started to cry again, pulling himself against Michael. His body shook, racked with violent sobs. Michael held him, rubbing his shoulders and his back while keeping him next to him. After ten or so minutes, the sobs subsided. He was aware of Craig's face next to his, cheek to cheek. Craig moved a little and without warning kissed him full on the lips. Too shocked Michael just stayed there until Craig pulled back with a scared look on his face.

"Fuck I'm sorry man" said Craig. "I didn't know what I was doing"

"It's OK man" said Michael. "I didn't mind"

He pulled Craig back into his arms and pulled him down flat on the bed under the covers. "You just relax, I'm gonna make sure you're OK. Can you tell me what that was all about last night?"

"I dunno man" said Craig looking at Michael. "I guess I just reached the end of my rope. I remember just sitting my room, thinking I'm the only person on the fucking campus, I can't go home, I have no one and drinking more and more. My roommate had a bottle of Nytol and I just took them. Next thing I remember is being here."

"I found you in the shower dude" said Michael. "You were about to cut your wrists"

Craig was very quiet and didn't make any noise. He continued to shake in Michael's arms.

"You stopped me?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah I did" said Michael. "I uhm kinda punched you to get you to puke after that and brought you back here"

"Is that why I'm wearing briefs" he asked. "I never wear them"

"Only thing I had around" said Michael. "I don't wear boxers"

"Thanks man" said Craig. "I'm fucking such a shit"

"Relax bud" said Michael. "You want to talk about it"

"No" said Craig, starting to get up again "You'd prolly throw me out on my shit ass"

Michael let him get up. "No I won't" he said. "You want a sweatshirt or something?"

"I just want to go back to my room" said Craig.

"How about staying here man" said Michael. "I'm here stuck on campus too. I could use the company."

"You don't mind hanging around a fag who just kissed you" Craig asked.

Michael took a deep breath. "Not if you don't mind being in a room with a fag you just kissed"

Craig looked at him. "You're gay?"

"Yeah, but no one knows" said Michael. "What about you?"

"Everyone at home" said Craig. "That's why I can't go home. We made a deal. My parents are ashamed of me. They said they would continue to put me through school, but I can't come home I'm so fucking alone"

Michael made a decision. He got up and walked over to where Craig was standing looking out the dorm window. He turned him around and put a hand on his waist, pulling him to him. Gently at first then with a little more pressure, he kissed Craig. Craig melted into his arms, needing to be held up. He allowed Michael to pull his own tongue into his mouth. Breaking the kiss after 30 seconds or so, Michael looked at Craig.

"You're not alone man" he said. "Neither am I now. You're gonna spend Christmas with me here."

Craig looked at him briefly before wrapping his arms around Michael crying again. The two stood there in the morning sunshine coming through the window. Finally Craig managed to get it together.

"Fuck I'm such a woose" he said.

"Naw, just someone who needs a friend" said Michael, rubbing his hand over Craig's muscular back. "I got an idea. How about going down to the Deli Haus for breakfast? My Christmas present to you"

"Yeah, I'd like that" said Craig. "Guess I should get something else on though huh"

Looking down Michael had forgotten that Craig was dressed only in his briefs. A thick hard on was more then obvious in them.

"Better do something about that too" said Michael breaking into his best smile and rubbing a finger over the hard cloth covered cock.

Craig turned a couple of shades of red. "Sorry man. I can't help it. I hold onto a guy and I pop wood. Do that again and I won't have to worry about it. It's been so long, I almost just shot."

"I'll take that as a compliment" said Michael. Once more he ran first one then two fingers over the swollen cock applying more pressure.

Craig let out a low moan and began shooting his wad into the briefs, soaking the fabric. He looked down as the last of his load seeped through the material. "Sorry man, I couldn't hold it back"

"Don't sweat it" said Michael smiling and giving him a quick kiss "Let me get dressed and I'll go with you to your room"

Throwing off his sweats he went to his drawers and pulled a pair of briefs out and slipped them on.

"Wow' said Craig. "I've never seen an uncut cock before"

"Maybe I'll let ya see more later" said Michael.

Michael finished dressing and together with Craig walked down the deserted hallway to Craig's room.

Next: Chapter 2

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