Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on May 23, 2000


If you are under the age of 18 or live in a place where it is illegal to read such homosexual materials please leave now. When I say celebrity, I mean a person who is famous in reality. That does no imply anything of the sexuality of the people that I intend to portray.

Authors notes:

Well all thank you for the E-mail. Thank you especially goes out to all the authors who are writing out there right now. I still read a lot of what is posted. I am just as much a fan as I am an author. Keep up the great work and keep on inspiring me to write.

Um I want to let you all know that the next installment will be out in a few days. Mainly cus I promised sex and well it is in the next installment. I had to get through this installment to get there. Not as much mail this time. But, I will continue to write this series. I am having too much fun with it. Yes the plot has gotten way weird as far as drama. But I guarantee the sun will come out soon.

Again thank you to those of you who wrote me. All e-mail on this story is welcome so let me know what you think.

Comments or questions send to

Don't' Want You Back-Part 8

Meeting adjourned!

By Grayson S Vellar

Last Time

"Okay, we'll all be there. Yes, I will see if Mr. Valery is available to be there. As a matter of fact he will be there, I'm sure.." He paused and looked at me as I shook my head yes to him. "Yes, he will be there he is telling me that is fine right now. Of course, he has no idea who I am talking to right now. But anyway, I think we should be able to sneak out the back of the building and ride over in Michael's Explorer," I have to admit I was definitely curious now. I mean I was definitely not used to being called for though the guys' phones. But, my assumption at this point was that the label had finally decided to contact us.


Well, it was as I said Jive trying to get us all together for a meeting. After our little performance, Jive wanted our full attention to speak of the terms of the video. After all the guys were under contract with Jive, it was their right to approve or disapprove the video concept at this point, they had not even been informed by the guys of the situation or the changes to the video. Here was the catch that made it all worse; the news was telling the world. I knew right then that there was going to be a lot of talk about me being a bad influence on their little band and separation was going to be necessary.

I know it all sounds like silly worries. But honestly take it from me I could see it coming. I could not even warn the guy about it. To them they would probably think I was attacking their label and that was the last thing I needed. I mean we all had our hands full enough thinking about Mandie and her actions. We all were being extremely careful not to offend her. I must say though it was hard not to offend her at this point with all of us riding around town in my explorer. Glen and Fatima were the only two not included out of our immediate group and Jerry was going to be busy all day. So we all climbed and got closely aquatinted to one another. Not too comfortable, I hoped as I looked back and saw what looked to me to be a dog pile of people in my back seats.

"Guys it should not take us that much longer to get there just relax and quite bitching," I said as I heard Nick whining about something.

"Michael maybe you could just buy a limousine and solve the problem," AJ joked from the very back of the explorer.

"Nope AJ if I own a limo I am not paying for it. I could never bring myself to spend that kind of money on one of those things. I mean come on normally what would I need one for. I have this car and it seats enough people normally," I heard AJ say something to Brian who in turn began to laugh hard.

"What's so funny Brian," Kevin asked from the front passenger seat.

"Think of it this way Kevin when you mom get here next month she has plenty of room to go shopping," Brian said remembering the last time she went shopping in Florida she nearly had to pay to have it all shipped back home.

"That is true Brian, but..." I was listening as he trailed off.

"Kev are you alright?" I asked to only receive no answer.

"Kevin, what time is her flight getting in on Saturday?" Brian asked.

"8:30 a.m." Kevin answered and then I suddenly had a sinking feeling in my stomach. He had obviously not told his mom about his being gay. I knew exactly what he was thinking about, me and how to handle me being there. I was exactly what he was thinking about.

"Kevin, I know what your thinking about. Don't worry if you choose not to tell her yet I will stay away from you while she is here," I said not taking a chance in looking at him because I was afraid of what emotions I had coming forwards.

"It's not fair to you though. Hiding from the public hiding from my family, it's not fair to you at all. I just have to figure out how much I want her to know about just yet," Kevin said taking my hand in his and squeezing it trying to get me to accept his answer as being the one to take at face value.

"Ohhh, a serious conversation is happening and we all get to watch it," Howie said.

"Were here," I said trying to ignore it all.

As we all headed towards the main entrance to Jive Records, there was a silence among all of us. In just 48 hours, we had all become best friends and we all had become enemies in some way or another. Of course, it was all because of my stupid video and me. It was my entire fault and I felt it I knew it.

The receptionist immediately let us into the elevator and told us to go directly to conference room 5 on the 3rd floor. Kevin grabbed hold of my hand inside the elevator as we headed up. Brian looked at my silent face as I tried to hide my fears. I was trying my best to hide from everything inside me. I had just admitted to myself everything I feared to have happened with this video, even this trip. My dream was truly a nightmare coming true. I had never considered what would come out of all of this. Here I was about to convince the boss that it was all purely legitimate and all I had was myself and my will to contend with. Kevin would help me but he was going to pull away or rather should pull away. I was going to ruin his life; I was convinced of it.

"Gentleman," a young woman said as we stepped off the elevator.

"Michelle I think we can find our way there. This is Michael Valery," Kevin said introducing me to her.

"Hello please to meet you," I said taking her hand into a firm handshake.

"Likewise I am sure," she said leading the way to the conference room.

As we approached the doors Kevin stopped me and motioned the rest of the guys inside. He pulled me to him quickly holding me. My eyes filled with tears as I tried to pull away. I only wanted to get out of here there was no need for me to be here ruining his career his life. His family was what was to come next after his career. It was all going to be me and my stupid idea's of love.

"Shhhh, baby it is going to be alright," Kevin said knowing what I was thinking somehow. "My family will love you, the label will support you. I'm here for you. Stop your worrying. I promise you I will be there every step of the way," Kevin said rubbing my back as tears streamed down my face. I was in shock that he knew me so well. I wondered if my insecurities were so evident to everyone else.

"Michael are you okay," Brian asked stepping back out into the hallway.

"Fine thanks," I answered short and to the point.

"Then you better get in here. You're never going to believe this," Brian said stepping back inside leaving Kevin and I standing there in silence looking at one another in confusion.

"Michael are you okay," Brian asked stepping back out into the hallway.

"Fine thanks," I answered short and to the point.

"Then you better get in here. You're never going to believe this," Brian said stepping back inside leaving Kevin and I standing there in silence looking at one another in confusion.

I was reeling inside trying to decide if this was going to be it. Here I was standing just outside of what I would have consider less than five minutes ago deaths gate. Now all I could do was think maybe just maybe with Kevin's help I could make it. What was going to happen he and I had no idea. But what I did know is that with whatever did happen on the other side of those doors tonight we were still going to be just that..we.

"We," I said annunciating the word. "Need to get in there and make this happen for us. Not for me but for all of us, we all have worked hard on this. It has been hell for two day now and we deserve it." I took his hand in mine and turned towards the doors. My face went blank in a stern stare as I opened the door on the right. Kevin squeezed my hand as I drug him through the door with me only to stop dead in our tracks as I noticed for the first time that.

"Michael my boy you did come. It's so nice to see you.." Mr. Miliken was standing at the head of the table gesturing for us to join him.

"I was just sitting here telling these boys of our plans. I was just telling then thank you for helping me make the money I now deserve," I was completely confused as Kevin let go of my hand.

"I was just going to congratulate you for the wonderful job you have done. I think that your plan to out Kevin was a bit extreme but." He looked away as he now turned his back on us. I was enraged. "It got the job done. I see Glen isn't with you. Did he have another jealousy fit I told him to stay clear while you did your work." He finished just as I was ready to begin.

Instead of getting my chance Kevin turned and looked at me with an expressionless face. I wanted to plead with him not to believe what was being said. I wanted to make it all right. But within his eyes, I could see something new. He was changing before me; he was now making a plan. He turned away from me as AJ quickly stood. I held up my hand to him to show him to let it be. AJ became enraged.

"You did this!" he shouted as Kevin walked to the door. I didn't answer there was nothing I could say Kevin was already leaving me.

"Why?" Brian asked. I looked at him through hurt eyes. 'There would be no reason for you too," Brian said standing and meeting AJ's gaze as they now stood facing off with one another.

"Fuck this! We trusted you and you do this to us! Where do you get off?" Howie shouted as Kevin opened and slammed the conference room door. There was a click as it locked from the inside. I had no idea what was about to happen. I had to speak now or lose him forever.

"Why would I do it?" I asked calmly. "I fell for him, why would I hurt him? I love him!" I shouted as I sat down at the table next to Nick. Tears formed in my eyes as Nick reached over and placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Bravo Michael you are the best actor I could have ever hired," Miliken said in a mincing tone of voice.

"Time for the respect," Kevin said in a guttural voice still facing the door.

"What?" Brian asked. I was dying inside, as I did not move. I was going to lose him.

"I said, time for the respect. I love him. I trust him," Kevin said turning around surprising me. He believed in me.

"To bad there is no respect in lies," Miliken said.

"Why would he set himself up to die," Kevin asked.

"He did not know as I did not know that Manerva was going to set the fire. There for he had no choice in the matter. I would happen to think that this only makes him more believable. But that has nothing to do with why I am here," Miliken said. Kevin held his ground.

"I don't believe you," Kevin said in a calm voice.

"Don't then. Fact of the matter is he used you for my better gain," Miliken said.

"So, this is about money," AJ asked. I sobbed hard as Kevin now took a seat several chairs away from me. Nick tightened his arm around me.

"Yes, I suppose it is," Miliken answered.

"Wait, are you saying you blackmail him or you're going to tell the world his personal business," I asked as I put everything together finally.

"Correction, we are bribing him. You agreed to this from the beginning. Hell you got two of them at once too. With Glen's help no less," Miliken paused. "He owed me a lot until this," Miliken answered deep in thought about Glen no doubt. "You broke up with him just as I made him sleep with whom ever I wanted just because I had found out and was going to tell you in the first place," Miliken said smiling happy with himself.

"Correction I am not bribing anyone! I never agreed to any of this! You are a lying sack of Shit!" I shouted standing up abruptly knocking over the chair I was sitting in. I was going for him I flew across the table only to be stopped by AJ and Nick as they held me down. "Let me go!" I shouted.

I felt his hand touch my arm. I could not look at him. I was angry with him. I was angry with me. I was helpless to the plot being laid out.

"Respect," he whispered into my ear as he brushed his finger to my cheek. His green eyes drilled through me as I saw the love still there. He knew the truth.

His word calmed me echoing out through the farthest reaches of my body as I lay there for another moment. The room was silent they did not hear what he said. Miliken saw a look of anger on Kevin's face alone. He never knew what was actually happening. Kevin had hidden it so well by placing himself between us. Miliken never saw the actual implied trust. I slammed my hands onto the tabletop as I slid my way back down to the floor. He was playing the game with Miliken. He was going to get him.

"Tell them! I don't care! You deserve what you get from the slander case I will throw at you. According to the magazine, I have a girlfriend. Who are they going to believe you or me! I'll just propose to her!" Kevin said, making me doubt his game but only for a second. I reminded myself to trust him.

"They have seen you two together and I bet I could pay enough people to tell the truth," Miliken said not surprising me at all since he was willing to go this far. "Besides with Glen and Michael testifying to the fact." I shoot up from the floor and faced off with the old man.

"If you think you will win by dragging me into your little charade think again!" I shouted at him standing tall at the other end of the table. "Let's face facts guys you know none of this is true. He is trying to place doubt in your minds so there is no support from me to stand against his story!"

"He is convincing though you have to admit that," Brian said while staring at Kevin who was now not participating in the conversation.

"Sure it was and still is my dream to work with you. But do you really think I would have cared half as much about any of you if I was in on this?" I asked all of them, to no avail. We all set in silence for about five minutes until Miliken started to speak again only being cut off by Brian.

"No," he said pausing looking at the other guys. "You would have never come into the office yesterday to see if I was alright otherwise. You would have never been so scared or even proud of the dance we did today. You would have never truly begged Kevin to stay with you last night as a couple. You would have, never stayed to be confronted by Howie in the car yesterday," Brian said pausing only long enough for Nick to step in.

"You would have never worried about the Public displays of affection in the first place if you wanted him out in the open," Nick said sending a groan through the room. There was pounding on the conference doors. I turned and looked at Kevin who shrugged his shoulders at my question of opening it.

"Who is it," I asked, as the rest of the room stayed silent.

"He would have never hesitated about going out to dance with you guys in the first place for the new crews," Glenn shouted through the door. I opened it quickly as the rest of the room tensed. Miliken began to stand.

"And here is your accomplice now," He said as Glen walked right up to him.

"Accomplice to what may I ask," Glen said staring him right in the eyes. Miliken stepped back. "Say it! Say it with me in the room!" Glen shouted at Miliken shattering the facade.

"You know what you have been doing," Miliken said in a questioning tone of voice. I glanced around the room and noticed the conference door still standing open with Fatima and a two policemen standing just on the other side.

"I know what you have been doing actually, the police are looking for you. Did you know that," Glen asked.

"Me? Why?" Miliken asked.

"Tell them the truth Millie. Tell them about you and Manerva!" Glen shouted.

"I can not do that since I had no idea."

"Bullshit!" Glen shouted cutting him off. "You knew because you arranged the whole damn thing. Playing us like pawns against one another. She even played you into thinking it was all your idea. You went along with it!" Glen shouted into the old mans face.

"She never. I mean we never!" Miliken stumbled and screamed.

"You did!" Glen shouted. He was drawing back his fist, as he was ready to strike.

"You saw us getting close to them! You saw us falling for them and it was killing you last night! Admit it! You wanted a piece of the action. Of course, with Manerva screwing things up and nearly killing everyone there was no way to make money from her idea! You had to blackmail them didn't you!" Glen shouted. "You see as of last night, I had her figured out but the puzzle never settled with me! Too much information passed by her. Too much that she would normally not be given. Too much trying to get rid of us in particular." Glen said, while standing there with his fist drawn back still. "I figured it out didn't' I. Just, admit it old man you have been beat. I won this little game of charades."

"You were always too smart," Miliken said shaking as he had been backed into the far corner of the room. The whole while that Glen had been stepping towards him Miliken was walking back until he was trapped. The rest of us sat in silence as neither of the two said another word. Glen let his fist go as Miliken was struck in the lower end of his jaw. Glen continued furiously hitting Miliken as he fell to floor.

"You will never hurt anyone again! You will never try to ruin my life again! I won't let it happen!" Glen shouted.

"Stop!" Kevin shouted as he stood up and tried to take control over the situation. But, it was too late. Miliken now sat hunched up against the wall while the officers and Fatima still stood listening to the conversation.

"Michael, if I have to do this to save us I will. Respect." Kevin said as he walked over to me taking me into his arms. Fatima cleared her throat as she escorted the officers into the room.

"Kevin, we need to move this little situation down to conference room number 2 without Miliken. There is no need for him to be part of the Fatboo Production negotiations with Jive records. If you and our faithful creative director will follow me we should be able to get the video under way," Fatima said allowing the officers access to Miliken.

"So, did you have anything to do with this!" Howie shouted at Glen as he approached him.

"No why would I?" Glen asked.

"I know what you're capable of. Remember we all know," Howie said pointing to me.

"Glen did you?" I asked not looking at him. I never wanted to look at him again if it was true.

"No! I was the one who turned all of this over to Fatima. She actually helped me put all the pieces together. We have been discussing it since you left the theater. We thought we were coming here to fix things, make them right. But, I guess I was wrong," Glen said turning around and walking out of the conference room not saying another word. Howie looked to me as if to try and find the right answers.

"Go Howie," was all I said, as the rest of the guys just stood there starring. He ran out the door and heading after him. I hoped for Glen's sake he would listen to him.

"I can see it now. How Fatboo got started the documentary version," AJ said and chuckled to himself as he leaned back in one of the office chairs. I chuckled along with him only to stop when I saw Glen walk back into the conference room without Howie.

"Where's D," Brian asked.

"I was just going to ask you the same thing," Glen paused looking around the room in a remorseful gaze. "I need to clear all this up with him, where did he go?" Glen asked as he sat down in a chair opposite me at the table. "I need to tell him what has been going on. I need to tell you. I need to tell all of you," Glen said, looking down at the floor.

"Glen, I don't know but." There were footfalls ringing in the hallway as Howie approached the door.

"Look Glen," I said turning my back to him as I stared out the windows. "I know you care for him but do you love him, honestly?" I asked and turned back to see Howie giving me the evil eye.

"Yes, I do. I ran out of here and wanted to leave. But, there was this other part of me that said for me to stay and work it out. I can't go through life running away from my problems. I love him I just have to show him. He has to trust me though. Look, I know I have done some bad things in the past but I am trying to make up for them. All you have to do is let me," Glen pleaded, to which Howie took a step forward I looked at him sharply making him stop dead in his tracks.

"So, you want all of us to trust you after all that has happened?" I asked sharply.

"Please, because if you don't start I am going to lose him. Later when all the meetings are done and over with, I want to sit and tell you everything. But, for now, I want Howie to know I love him. I want him to know I would never hurt him. I am through with hurting people. I just want him to know how I feel," Glen said.

"I already do trust you. I just don't know how much. I think we all trust you. But, we have to ask the hard questions to be honest with each other," I said turning back to the window.

"Yes, we all trust you. I know I for one do." AJ said grinning at Howie.

The rest of the guys sat and stood in silence as we all thought about what was happening here. We were becoming a family in some ways and a driving force in another. Around the room I heard the guys one by one tell Glen how they trusted him. Everything was fine until it came to Kevin and I froze zoning in on his voice.

"Howie and I used to be together.. What he needs is to be able to depend on someone all the time. It's not a bad thing it actually could prove useful for you. I mean I loved him I just couldn't stand all the fawning over me, or the jealousy. I wanted my space, like before we got together. You need him as much as he needs you, I can see that," Kevin said not looking at Howie or Glen.

"I love you too. I trust you, we have to be honest with each other. I know you have a past Glen. I have mine too, and when you're ready to talk about it I will still be here," Howie said as he wrapped his arms around Glen from behind. Kevin made his move on me at the same moment and there were heart felt sighs in the room as the weight of Mr. Miliken's lies were lifted from us. Glen cried as he turned and faced Howie the two took one look at one another and headed for the door.

"Where are they going," Brian asked in shock.

"We, Brian are going to take care of the second meeting down the hall. We need some time alone and the only way we are going to get that is to settle up with the label and getting out of here," Howie said laughing where he stood in the hallway.

We all headed out of the small conference room to the larger one just twenty five feet away. We all could here the raised voice of a man as he shouted in the room on our approach.

"This is a bad situation ready to boil over. We have to make this go away. This could hurt all of us!" Jack Lyons yelled at the layers sitting in front of him.

"We can't Jack. It's just not legally possible. Unless of course, you want to air the little news publicly, and I know you don't want that," A man sitting in front of Jack in a pin stripped suit answered. We were all standing just on the other side of the door ready to enter the conference room. My heart was pounding as I realized they were arguing about me.

"It's about me guys," I said lowly knowing if I stayed there was going to be trouble. Kevin wouldn't let me leave I knew he wouldn't. But, I wanted to convince him.

"Kevin, I think I should..." Kevin cut me off. I knew immediately that I would have to take another approach.

"You should stay right at my side as we walk right out the front door," Kevin said winking at me. He had taken as much as I had for one day it was finally enough.

"Kevin, I will handle them you just go and take care of yourselves. You both have had a busy day. As a matter of fact Michael I think you should take tomorrow off too." Fatima said, knowing I had had enough. It was written all over my face, fatigue, worn nerves, and lack of energy. I was wearing down now. Another outburst was all I wanted to stay away from.

"Where the hell are they," Jack shouted looking at all of us as he abruptly pulled the door open. Kevin took my hand in his as I started to withdraw from the line of sight.

"That is exactly what I feared," Jack said as he looked at our intertwined hands.

"That is exactly why we are leaving," Kevin said.

"No, I think that you should rethink your position on this," Jack said pointing inside the room.

"No, I think you should get the picture of my position as I leave this building," Kevin said, my heart jumped half out of my chest. If he was going to do this, he was willing to risk his career.

"Hold on you two!" I shouted, to which both Kevin and Jack stopped their argument.

"Kevin, I think if I am the problem here maybe I should go. Take care of your business and we will talk about this latter," I tried to turn away from his prying eyes as he stared at me blankly. It hurt him, it hurt me, but I was not going to harm his career.

"Now that is more like the business attitude I need to see here," Jack said smiling.

"Sound more like a selfless act of love to me," Judy Adams said walking up to face all of them, I still stood frozen with my back to her.

"Actually it does," Kevin said turning around and grabbing my hand as I tried to step away.

"Stay out of this Judy, you have no idea what you are getting yourself into," Jack swelled back at her.

"I have plenty of idea's. Even some that you have not planted in this... What do you call it again? Pretty little head of mine," Judy said standing her ground.

"Let's check out our options, let this man rip apart the group or stand together, hmm," AJ said as if deep in thought. He looked up and around the group trying, keep a straight face as he looked at me. "Togetherness is better than being poor and jobless and we definitely need each and every member," AJ said as he walked towards the elevators.

"On that note," Nick said while he and Brian followed him. Within second Kevin, Howie, and I headed to the elevators as well.

We all headed downstairs but had no idea what we were going to do. Here they were pushing away their label and it was all due to Kevin and I. Howie looked over and saw the solemn face I was attempting to hide.

"If it had of been Glen and me we would have handled it the same way," Howie said matter of factly as he headed over to the Explorer.

"Listen baby, we have all worked out standing together along time ago," Kevin said stopping me in the parking area to face him. I was about to burst into tears. Here I stood looking into the eyes of an angel. Here I stood wanting to know why he would put his entire life on hold for me. There he stood not letting me go. There he stood holding me in his gaze as he wanted me to understand that it was all for the best.

"I just don't want to hurt you or your career. I love you Kevin and I know you love me but..." I said trailing off in thought.

"But nothing. Do you doubt my love for you?" He asked as he visibly shocked me.

"No," I said half in tears.

"Then understand that I am never, and I mean never, going to let you go. I love you to much to do that," Kevin said walking with me back to the car.

"Howie remember our plans for tonight they still stand," Kevin said to Howie as they each climbed into my car. I suddenly saw Mandie pulling up on my side of the car at about fifty miles per hour.

"Jesus Mandie! Slow down you are in a parking lot," I said sarcastically laughing at her.

"I know that! I may be blond but give me some credit," she said pulling her red Miata to a stop.

"So, our plans on for tonight," I asked her as she looked at me with a confused look on her face.

"Uh, okay," Mandie said still not quite sure where it was coming from.

"It's a joke," I said as I winked at her.

"Oh a joke to bad I don't get it," Mandie said winking back at me. Now I was confused did she know something I didn't? I shook my head sternly and stepped into the driver's seat trying not to laugh to myself that there was no way I understood that conversation.

"Where too," I asked Kevin.

"We need to head over to Howie's drop him off and then go to the house we have dinner at 8 o'clock tonight," Kevin said.

"Dinner," I asked.

"Reservations, actually I had Howie make them for me earlier," Kevin said. I figured that they were up to something now. I mean why would he need to confirm with Howie with me standing there if it was a surprise. But then again, it had to be on some level because he was smart enough to figure I would be suspicious of all of this. Or maybe.... My thoughts were jumbled trying to figure out my love's intent, so instead of worrying about it I decided to just go with the flow.

Back inside the Conference room.

"Gentlemen there has to be something we can do for damage control in this situation," Jack Lyons said while reclining back in his office chair. He was speaking to the two lawyers and Judy Adams. She normally would take great offense to such an oversight by her husband, but for the moment, they weren't on speaking terms. They by most standards were only on screaming terms. But, since she was an executive with Jive, it was necessary for her to be here.

"Sir," Daniel Hill began. " I don't think any damage has been done yet. Unless of course, you are thinking that the guys are going to give us more problems than we originally foresaw," This statement alone peaked Judy's interest. From what she understood there was no trouble from the boy's point of view. Jack had caused the whole problem.

"Mr. Lyon's I think Mr. Hill may be right in that assumption. I really don't think the boy's wish to leave this label and nor do they disagree with the current contract we plan on standing by. If we push this issue then we will lose control over the situation. However at the moment I would have to say the boy's are indeed not going to allow us to do so," This of course being the advice of Robert Carlyle. The words enraged Jack who until this moment was calm and collected in his thoughts.

"They have no say in this matter!" Jack whaled at the two men slamming his fists into the desktop.

"Jack I am in charge of the contractual disagreement at this point. The issue stands that you have threatened the boy's yourself, not under the best of circumstances I might add." Jack cut Judy off at this point standing trying to tower over her.

"You have no idea what you're saying, remember that. You have absolutely no right to contradict me here!" Jack ragged on.

"Don't you forget who you are dealing with. I am not some outsider who you can threaten. Now sit down before you get yourself fired!" Judy rebutted.

"How dare you!" Jack shouted until the phone on the desk behind him began to ring. He instantly calmed down as he turned to answer it. As he picked up the phone, the room went silent.

"Jackie is that you," A girl asked into his ear. He knew the voice very well it was his new fling his tramp of the month. If there were such a club, he would be the president. In fact, it was one of the reasons he and Judy were breaking up to begin with.

"I can't talk right now I am in a meeting. We will have to catch up on this latter," Jack said into the phone trying not to sound too cold.

"Uh, okay but I really have to tell you something before you hang up," Francine said into the phone trying to prepare the words in her own head. "Jackie we should be so happy, but I know what I am going to tell you is going to make you unhappy," Jack cut her off this time.

"Are you alright," he asked.

"Oh I will be back to normal in nine month I guess. Or actually closer to eight months," Francine said hinting at her current condition.

"I see. Francine I need to call you back latter to talk about this. I really am in a meeting," Jack said with all the color draining from his face.

"Okay, Daddy Jack are you okay with all of this," Francine asked as he dropped the phone back into its cradle.

"Jack are you all right you look like you saw a ghost," Daniel asked.

Kevin was deep in thought on the drive back to the house. I could see him off in another world and wanted to ask. But, going for my best judgment, I decided against asking. I knew he trusted me. But, prying into his deep thoughts was something I felt was not my place yet. If he decided to tell me, I was sure it would come in time. It was not about trust but about accepting me as being able to understand and deal with what ever hurtles his mind was dealing him.

We pulled into the driveway of the house and parked just up near the front door. I was ready to step out when he grabbed my arm and gently rubbed it with his index finger running against the grain of my light hairs.

"I still have not heard from my mother since I told her about me back in December. I really wish she would accept me, but with my family, one never knows where you stand. After my dad passed away she pretty much closed herself off to the outside influences of the world and became a different person than I had ever known. There is so much going on in their lives now it seems pointless to think of her and this distance she has placed between us but," Kevin's eyes filled with tears and it was all I could do to pull him to me.

"Kevin you need to call her and tell her how this makes you feel," I knew it sounded simplistic but there was only one way to make all of this better. He looked up at me in an instant and smiled. I felt suddenly that I had created a monster of sorts and knew he was going to do just that.

Kevin let me go and raced to the front door. As he threw it opened, I caught up to him only to feel fear and regret for urging him to call her. 'What if I'm wrong I thought as he made his way through the house.

To Be Continued...

Comments, Questions, Criticism are all welcome, write to me at

Comments 1-10 from last time went well. I am so surprised at the commentary I do get back on them. If y'all want to send in your own top ten let me know. Kevin is getting some next installment!

  1. Manerva is the one and true Bitch! 2. Here's a story of man named Jackie! 3. Glen must be the butch one...HA! 4. How many boy band members can you fit in an Explorer? 5. "My son will come out tomorrow, put away the cobwebs and the sorrows, he's my son.." Brian joins "Her son will come out tomorrow bet his cute bottom That He'll love you tomorrow,'s only a day away" Anne sigh's as she thinks of the wedding and hugs Brian. 6. Kevin's a top! No wait a Bottom, Then again? Guess you all will have to read the next installment... 7. Next up. Sex 8. Sex? Who? Everyone? Eventually.. 9. Why is everyone in trouble! 10. Yo Mandie where the hell did you get your drivers' license? (she drives like the bride did in My Best Friends Wedding)

My personal favorite of course is # 5 Tomorrow, Tomorrow, He'll love you Tomorrow he's only a stage away...

Okay so I am going off the deep end... Write me

Next: Chapter 9

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