Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on May 13, 2000


This is a Homoerotic story based on celebrities living or dead. If you are under the age of 18 or live in a place where it is illegal to read such materials please leave now. When we say celebrity, we mean a person who is famous in reality. This does no imply anything of the sexuality of the people that we intend to portray.

Authors notes:

Well all thank you for the E-mail. I hope this sounds as cool as one of the readers put it: Welcome back to the DWYB saga.

I enjoyed reading you commentary of the 1-10 that I left you all with last time so at the end of this installment there are ten more. I am going to keep doing it. Look at them as Idea's for e-mail subjects LOL...

Again thank you to those of you who wrote me. I like to get e-mail so let me know what you think of the story and where it is heading.

Comments or questions send to

Don't' Want You Back-Part 7

The Bitch is Back

By Grayson S Vellar

Last Time:

I noticed immediate that we were not alone. Not only had the dancers shown up but also on stage with all of us looking out at them was a young girl. Her blond hair was about the same shade as Brian's. I looked her over with the intent to figure out who she was just as I was trying to look away I got caught. Her eyes met mine showing me nothing but hate. Nick took her hand in his and squeezed gently letting her know he was there. Still nothing changed in her eyes, as her contempt was apparent to me.

"You must be the new guy?" She said approaching me. I grinned at her as Kevin held his hand up to her.

"Not now Mandie," Kevin said.

"So you're Mandy," I said sticking out my right hand to greet her, watching her eyes turn to anger.

"You can pull your hand back I wont be shaking it today or any other day," Mandie said confusing me completely.

"What the hell did I do to you?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest closing off any possibility of her thinking there was a chance in hell I was now going to be nice.

"It's not what you did per say. It's the threat you pose to my Nicky," Mandie said in a condescending tone of voice.

Now on with The Bitch is Back:

"Oh I see so now you think I am here to take your man from you. Let's get something straight little girl," I stopped as I saw Kevin uneasily step up to my side. Fatima shook her head at me to continue.

"I have everything I want in this man right here. What the hell would I need him for? You have a lot of nerve to come into my video shoot and act like a spoiled Bitch. I ought to have you removed from the building. But, since Nick is a friend of mine I will let you stay as long as you don't get in the way," I said taking Kevin's hand in mine.

"Well, I never!" Mandie said as if she was offended by my words.

"And you never will at this rate," Fatima said looking over at Nick who was neither defending her or paying attention.

"Mandie, you can set out in the audience if you wish to stay, but leave me be while you are here," I said turning to Fatima who was grinning at me with a wild look in her eyes.

"Nick are you going to let them talk to me like that?" Mandie shouted.

"Don't look to him to help you. I hate to be the one to remind you Mandie but he is part of the group. They all are to be here today to practice. Now as I said before go sit in the audience," I said flatly turning my back on her.

"Nick?" Mandie pleaded with him.

"You asked for it like you always do. If you trusted me this would not be a problem," Nick said turning to face Kevin and me. He was smiling as his back was now to Mandie.

"I just think you should start looking out for your own career more. If this gets out," Jeff who was not going to stand around all day cut off Mandie.

"Listen here you... If you think this is going to do their career any harm, you are sorely mistaken. People like you go around pointing out their indelicate situation all the time. All you seem to want to do is throw it in our faces. That is what ruins our careers. If you think, I am going to allow you to talk to any of us that way you are sorely mistaken. Nick you are excused, take care of this and we will see you tomorrow. If she agrees to rethink her position she is welcome back otherwise leave her at home," Jeff said heading back stage with a smirk on his face as he walked past Kevin and I.

"Fatima, I think I better be going," Nick said frowning as he walked up to her.

"Go Nick take care of this and call me this afternoon," Kevin said.

"Nick you are going to have to catch up tomorrow," Fatima said opening her notebook not looking up at him. Nick immediately had a look of disappointment on his face as he walked over to Mandie.

"I'm sorry," Mandie whispered to him as he stood facing her.

"You don't owe me the apology so much as you owe it to them," Nick said turning to pass her walking down the steps to exit the theater.

"I'm sorry," Mandie whispered to us as she turned and followed Nick out.

"Okay everyone we need to get started. Boys you are actually going to be working with the media today. I have a suspicion that they won't be held off for long. Steve and the guys are out front already trying to keep them out but I don't really think that is going to be enough," Fatima said looking up at Kevin for interjection.

"Well, my suggestion is give them a taste of what they want. If they push for information in a direction that we are not ready to deal with then we walk away. I mean really what we want to do is control some of the outcome from what ever has floated around as roomers about last night." Kevin said looking at me quickly then stopping.

"Also, there is one other issue we need to discuss," Kevin said squeezing me hand in his.

"It came to our attention that the fire was started last night by Manerva. This may pose some problem in the delicate sense of our." I paused looking around to see very interested faces.

"Relationship, dedication, what ever you want to call it. There are going to be leaks unless we all find a way to work with this," Kevin said as tears began to flow out of Brian's eyes.

"This doesn't mean you need to hid. It does mean you need to make decisions on what you want to be known. We have a very delicate situation due to the fact that Manerva knows." I said being cut off by Glen who was sitting in the front row.

"Michael and I are gay, this is true. But, this should not affect the guys, should it," Glen asked.

"It will," Fatima said now realizing the full extent of the situation.

"We could act like we are still together," Glen said only to be shut down.

"No, if need be I will let them know about me. Worse case scenario I have to leave the group to save it," Kevin shouted, shocking everyone.

"Look none of this has started all we have to do is control the situation. Worse case scenarios are not going to do us any good if we do not get out there and find out what is known," I said heading down the stair towards the main lobby. Kevin, AJ, and Howie were following close behind me as I made my way up the isle.

"Michael, I want to be the one to introduce you first," Kevin said grabbing my hand as we stood at the closed double doors.

"Okay but no heroics on your part either," I said knowing what he was about to do if pushed in the right direction.

"I promise," Kevin said while Howie and AJ nodded their heads in the background. Brian walked up still looking upset at the last events on stage. I grinned at him as he returned it back to me I knew he was going to be okay with it all.

I pushed on the doors to the lobby seeing several flashes of light go off as the crack opened wider. There were a number of voices shouting as Kevin and the guys followed me in the main lobby. We looked out to the circus that had suddenly ensued out of nothing just an hour ago. I was scared I was not sure I should be doing this. If everything went as I was figuring it, I would be thrown to the wolves. Then something changed; the crowd began to shift.

"Ladies and Gentlemen if you will give me a moment I think we can begin," It was Mandie's voice she was holding a press conference.

Kevin and the guys were all standing in silence. I had no idea what to do here. If we step out the shift in attention would be directly on us and there was no way of knowing what would happen. If we let her be then there was a chance things would go in the right direction. Kevin began to walk towards the main doors where two guards stood close by.

"Kevin, just wait a second. She won't do anything to hurt you guys it would ruin Nicks career too," I said. Kevin stopped just short of the door and turned around to face me.

"Have I told you how smart you are," Kevin asked winking and turning back to the main windows to watch Mandie.

"One question at a time please," Mandie said pausing as several hand went into the air. Quickly Mandie choose her first hand.

"Were there any complications with Mr. Litrell's heart after last night fire?" A young man asked from the middle of the crowd.

"No, next question," Mandie said pointing to a woman in the front of the crowd.

"Is it true that Mr. Carter and Mr. Litrell held hands in the observation room last night at the hospital?"

"Yes, they did," There was a low roar from the crowd. I was cringing inside as I thought of the implications.

"But, they have been best friend for years now. Like an family they support one another through hard time," Mandie finished sending a hush through the crowd as she pointed to the next reporter.

"You mean there are no activities going on between them other than business and friendship?" The same woman said ignoring the finger being pointed to the next reporter. Mandie looked over at a guard and pointed to the woman. Quickly she was exited out of the area as Mandie pointed to the next reporter. "Next question," She said firmly letting them know she was in control.

"I understand from a number of sources that Mr. Valery is in fact gay, is he involved with one of the Backstreet Boys as has been stated several times over the last 24 hours," A man shouted from the left of the crowd.

"Yes Mr. Valery is in fact gay as to his involvement with the group. He is in charge of the video as well as dancing for the video. Creative knowledge on your part would have been better being called fiction in your story, if you are trying to make the man out to be more than that," Mandie answered as the next hand went up.

"If Mr. Valery is in fact gay is the label worried that it will affect sales and promotion of this video?" A young man asked as he held his tape recorder high for her answer.

"Not that I am aware of. Since when does another man's preferences determine the preferences of the people he works with or is friends with. I bet I have some information you don't on this matter," Mandie said and I froze in fear of what she was about to do.

"One out of every five people you know lives some sort of alternative lifestyle. Whither it is in thought or in true act it does not matter. We all have crazy lives with crazy schedules and we all live barely holding on at times. I think it is refreshing to see someone live as who they are, not vicariously what they are," Mandie said looking out at the reporters until there was silence.

"Why have the boy's themselves not talked to the press since the fire?" Someone shouted from the back of the crowd.

"Excuse me, first off I never gave you permission to ask the question. But... I will go ahead and answer it since we are on the subject." Mandie paused looking at me through the glass doors of the main auditorium. It was only for a brief second but she did look at me none the less.

"First, the BSB are not boy's as you have stated. They are young men, men with hearts and they choose to go on with their lives when that small amounts of tragedy effect them." Mandie paused looking down at her hands taking in a deep breath.

"Second, they are gearing up for their first production of a vvideo being made by their own Fatboo Productions. They have a lot of work to do. They all do, including Mr. Vallery who is going to be speaking to you next. But, if you do not show him the respect here today as you have shown me I think you may be rudely removed from the premises." As she said it, my heart sank. The doors opened and I was being ushered out the doors followed closely by Kevin, Brian, AJ, and Howie.

"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen." I heard myself say as I spoke to the crowd. The guys were all standing behind me waving to the reporters grinning and making a show of the appearance.

Several hands went into the air at once, as I waited for them to ask me the next wave of questions. A man in the middle of the crowd caught my eye as he waved a red hanky in his hand. No doubt, he was trying to get my attention with it to begin with. So, I figured why not.

"Yes," I said pointing to the man.

"I see that you losing your job at Miliken and Michael's has not hindered your decision to continue on with the video. But, what confuses me is it has been stated you are together with one of the young men you are standing in front of." The reporter stated.

"First, that is a statement not a question. Second, I would suppose someone looking to sell newspapers would come up with a story like that because we are all so close. But then again, if you are stating we are spending a lot of time together, of course, we are. We are making a video. Next, and hopefully this time it will be a question." I said, half-smiling as I pointed to a woman in the front row.

"About the fire last evening. Was anyone hurt in the ordeal?" With that out of her, Brian stepped forwards gently nudging me aside. I was laughing at him as he coughed and acted like he was having a fit.

"He's fine actually. We just had to have him checked out last night. Without Brian, none of us would be here. He ran back into the main portion of the building and grabbed a clothing bar for us to pry the back door open with. The truth is that portion of the building was engulfed in flames at the time," Kevin said stepping into the Microphone. There was a sudden silence as Brian blushed and grinned for the cameras as we were flashed from every angle humanly possible.

"So we have a hero in out presence," a man asked from the middle of the crowd only making matter worse for Brian and his blushing state of being.

"Yes, we do otherwise none of us would be here." I said looking at Brian smiling to make him feeling even more under pressure. I was watching him and I would have never expected his reaction. Brian lunged at me hugging me until I lost my breath joined by Kevin AJ and Howie. I was laughing now as they started to loss their grip. We were all in tears as we pulled away and looked at the cameras as they went off with a thunderous round of flashes.

"We never got to thank him for everything before now.... But as you can see we are all good friends, even family in some ways, and we will always be. After you go through a serious moment in life where you almost die and you spend the fleeting moments with individuals you become close. Now back onto a serious note," I said pausing looking at Kevin.

"We are here today for the set up of the video 'Don't Want You Back'. The company Fatboo is filming this video. Kevin and Fatima's very own newly formed production unit," Several hands went into the air as I finished my statement. Fatima walked out of the building cowboy hat sitting on top of her head as she strode up to the podium.

"Excuse me, but we have a video to start and I need my business partners to return to their work," She said placing her arms around Kevin and my waist. The camera's flashed again as I was now definitely blinded. Brian laughed behind me as I flinched slightly from the bright light. I was stumbled back bumping back into him leaving him the option to taunt me.

"You'll get used to it Michael," Brian said just loud enough for the microphone to pick-up. There was a round of laughter from the crowd as I rubbed my eyes until they adjusted back to being able to see again.

"After this video you wont have a chance to ever see again if... I mean when it turns out like you have written it," the reporters were watching our interaction and taking notes as I just stood there gawking at him trying not to get embarrassed but I was loosing the battle quickly.

"What is the concept behind the video?" I heard a woman shout from the back of the crowd.

"I got this crazy idea to show the guys in their true form. Kind of like who they really are," I said half questioning where I was going with my words. Kevin and Brian immediately glared at me. Of course I had chosen my words right. I had just made them out to be colorless individuals without hearts. I almost laughed as my little joke went over everyone's heads. But the reporters didn't know that.

"Actually, I can't tell you the concept at this time. But I can tell you it is going to actually have a story and you will love it. If I don't say so myself," I said proud and clearing the air between Brian, Kevin and myself. "But, seriously we do have a lot of work to do. I can promise you one thing however. We will let you all see it first hand when it is done," I said proudly as I stepped off the podium and headed for the theater doors to head back inside.

"Actually Michael we will have to show it to the label first," Fatima said, laughing into the microphone. I turned around and smiled at her shaking my head yes. The crowd roared as I began to laugh.

"And that ladies and gentlemen is exactly why we like him so much," Nick said joining the guys at the podium. "You see he makes things so much simpler than they seem to be. This video was a dream for him. He contacted Fatima here and 'viola' it happens. With or without Miliken & Michael's it is happening. And I might add it is happening under the best of circumstances," Nick said hanging his arm around Kevin's shoulders.

"We really do have a lot of work to do and we appreciate everyone for their concern for us. But, it is that time and we have to make it happen. All of you including the fans will see the finished product soon enough," Kevin said as AJ stepped in and looked at the rest of the guys I closed the doors and stood inside the lobby waiting for their return. Glen was grinning from ear to me as he stood there watching the entire exchange. The guys all looked back at the crowd and said thank you in unison.

"Before you guys get back in there. Can we get a preview of the song your making the video for," A woman in the back of the crowd shouted and I began to laugh as Fatima, Kevin and Howie turned and looked at me inside the building. I just shook my head yes at them, but I never expected Howie to carry it a step farther.

"We will, but, only if Michael agrees to come back out here to lead a little of the dance moves for us." Everyone but Kevin and Fatima were smiling as I began to get extremely nervous. One of the reporters pointed to the van behind him as the beginning of the song played. Glen was pushing me towards the doors to head out.

"No, I can't Glen stop!" I shouted at him.

"Why not?" Glen asked.

"If I do then I damage my career and theirs. Kevin and I can not do this together out there," I paused dropping my head as I continued to speak. "I love him, they'll know." Glen continued to push me towards the door as it abruptly opened and Kevin stepped inside.

"Careful but not disrespectful remember," Kevin said taking my hand in his and pulling me out towards the guys and Fatima. They were all lined up with Fatima standing in front of them. I looked at Fatima quickly as I felt Kevin let go of my hand I leaned over to her.

"You sure about this?" I asked her to which she nodded.

"Okay guys if you want to do this lets lead it off one more time from the beginning. Follow Fatima for the main steps. I will lead the solo lines off for you guys. Just follow it like we did it yesterday," I said looking back at them. Fatima was grinning as the flash bulbs went off one more time. I turned back to the crowd smiling. I heard the music begin again from the news van. Mandie was standing nearby watching and smiling along with the reporters.

I suddenly was reliving yesterday as if we were doing all the same again. I stood there and felt AJ following my steps into his lead of heart felt sadness.

'Listen, here is the beginning of the song, you are breaking up with her AJ.' The words rang through my mind.


`You hit me faster like a shark attack.' Throwing the poses hard I meant and felt the words while posing and holding as AJ mirrored my moves. The guys followed Fatima's moves as they all popped and glided along with the beat of the music.

'Backstreet's Back'

I popped into the chest out pose as the line hit. We all were standing there, looking like soldiers going off to war. There was a moment of silence from the crowd as I turned around and looked at Nick who just gazed at me not looking at me but through me. He seemed so serious almost too serious. I looked around at guys and saw a change in them as all slightly nodded their heads telling me to go on.

Nick starting his line, kept moving, and looked hard up at the crowd. There was a giggle coming from Mandie as the sexuality line came through the speakers. He was following directions well as he was extremely over doing the words. We broke off the demonstration and looked at the reporters. I waved at the van and the music stopped.

"That's all you get for now. I just wanted you to see how much different this is from any of their previous videos," I said waving at the crowd and heading back inside the theater to only be stopped by Glen with a huge grin on his face.

"That was better than I would have ever expected... I... I can't begin," I cut him off.

"Then don't," I said noticing the guys coming in now. There was cheering coming from the reporters as the doors closed. I headed for the actual auditorium without saying a word. I noticed Jerry and the dancers huddled around a television set watching the reporters from outside. There apparently was a delay as the dance scene was only now beginning. Kevin wrapped his arms around me, while I stood silently in the darkness of the back of the theater away from everyone else.

"That was great baby," he whispered into my ear sending a shiver down my spine.

"Really, I thought cus I was shaking so bad it was going to make all of us look bad," I said back to him still in shock.

"Yes, and I wanted to let you know one other thing." Kevin said taking my hand in his as he led me to a seat still hidden in the darkness.

"I love you. I know that and I know why. I know it's a lot to take in at once. I just want you to be comfortable with this." He paused pointing at his heart. "and me. I want you to be able to see what you mean to me. I only hope I can mean as much," I cut him off.

"You have given so much to me and have never questioned my intentions Kevin. I love you too. I also know my reasons why and I will be telling you them soon. I was scarred out there that's all nothing more. I have never done anything like this and I have the best person next to me, or rather behind me. But, you... you were there with me and that is the most important thing for me. I got to do what I love and I got to do it with the person." he pressed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss as my senses came to life and my body left this earth. I felt his arms wrap tightly around me as I probed his mouth my tongue. My hands trailed along his chest finding their way to the waist of his pants. He groaned as I squeezed my prize. He felt enormous as his rock hard cock swelled within my grip. Only a think layer of denim lay between our flesh as I heard Brian clearing his throat from our right hand side.

Regrettably, Kevin lifted his weight off of me breaking our kiss to look at Brian. They each grinned at one another long enough for me to make out that there was a certain amount of understanding between them. The dancers down on stage began to cheer along with Jerry who was trying the moves that they had just seen on the television screen. Brian looked down there as Kevin turned his head to watch as well. To his demise, he exposed my favorite part of a man's neck to me. His tender skin along his shoulder and neck were exposed as he craned around to watch. I could not resist as I gently began to kiss and nibble to my hearts content.

"Ohhhhhh," Kevin groaned out as everyone turned their eyes on us I felt a guilty shiver run through me. As Kevin blushed, I could feel the heat of the blood running to his face. He was still smiling as he turned his attention back to me. There was no pause as he leaned forwards looking at my shame filled face and kissed me gently and then without hesitation added a little force to turn our passion up to the next level.

"You two are making me hot and I am not into that shit," I heard a familiar female voice say.

"Mandie your back," Brian said in mock concern.

"Yes, I am. I just wanted to apologize for acting the way I have been acting. I just guess I worry to much." Mandie said reaching out and trying to embrace Brian who pulled back and just looked at her in shock.

"Guys please accept my apology. It's hard for me not to worry," Mandie said reaching out again. Only this time Howie stepped up to her and motioned Glen to step forwards.

"Mandie this is Glen he is my um.. Boyfriend," Howie said blushing as he introduced them to one another. I saw it with my own eyes Mandie flinched. I noticed I was not the only one who saw it as I saw anger flood into AJ's eyes. Nick immediately took Mandie by the hand.

"Guys she is trying. I mean what do you expect her to react like she has always been sheltered from everything," Nick said leading her down towards the main stage area.

Kevin's cell phone began to ring as he leaned back in to kiss me again. With a bit of hesitation and a heavy sigh he reached down and grabbed it from his waistband of his jeans. There was very little conversation from his side as he said hello and immediately was cut off.

"Okay, we'll all be there. Yes, I will see if Mr. Valery is available to be there. As a matter of fact he will be there, I'm sure.." He paused and looked at me as I shook my head yes to him. "Yes, he will be there he is telling me that is fine right now. Of course, he has no idea who I am talking to right now. But anyway I think we should be able to sneak out the back of the building and ride over in Michael's Explorer," I have to admit I was definitely curious now. I mean I was definitely not used to being called for though the guys' phones. But, my assumption at this point was that the label had finally decided to contact us.

To be continued...

Last time:

Comments 1-7 got a lot of votes as yes answers. 8-10 everyone still wants to know...

New statements from the author to ponder.

  1. No eating in this installment which means no restaurants.

(I'm starving them)

  1. Girlfriends can be bad for boy bands. 3. Manerva is still a total bitch. 4. Michael has a brother that is a Bitch at heart. 5. AJ & Fatima? Together? 6. Brian and Jerry got no play this time. 7. Nick and women don't mix period or so it seems... 8. Mandie in not a total Bitch after all? But she is confused (maybe she

would like Brittany Spears)thinking of writing a lesbian affair 9. Is Kevin going to get some soon? 10. Is everyone a bitch at heart in this story..?

5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 still to come.

Oh and my favorite: Sweet (hehehe yeah right)MR. Miliken is returning to the story next installment!

E-Mail me

Next: Chapter 8

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